In a world where there is a constant stream of information about and global terrorism, I really want to find a reliable support that supports the desire for good in anyone normal person. The Athonite elders give such hope to many. These spiritual fathers dedicated their lives to saving humanity from the filth of current civilization. Sometimes they make predictions for the future. Moreover, some of them have already come true. For example, the predictions of the Athonite elders about the collapse of the USSR, made long before the tragic event, aroused surprise and distrust.

However, this cup did not pass over the peoples of the powerful superpower. She sank into oblivion. Let's see what the noble fathers said about the fate of the world in the near future.

Preliminary Note

It is necessary to note the incredible interest of the current public in all kinds of prophecies and forecasts based on clairvoyance. The Athonite elders attract the attention of many people. Their words are listened to with awe and hope. Especially in Lately. After all, the political crisis, aggravated by economic problems, is already visible to the naked eye. And not only in countries former USSR. There is a serious decline in the standard of living of the population throughout the planet. Everyone feels it in their wallet, so to speak. Unfortunately, some specialized services take advantage of this keen interest in the prophecies of Holy Men for their own interests. They cover up their own, deeply politicized information dumps with the name of the Athonite elders.

This is done in order to influence relatively ongoing events. IN this work against their will, other authors of materials are included who want to attract the public to their resources. Therefore, it is quite difficult to separate the chaff from the grains of propaganda. It is recommended to read such materials with your soul, trying to understand their content from the point of view of a person who loves all of humanity. But the Athonite elders, deeply religious people, cannot reason differently. Their worldview does not allow it.

Predictions about humanity and morality

The elders’ reasoning about where the peoples of the world are going under the leadership of current leaders is interesting. Paisius the Svyatogorets said long ago that true faith is drying up. Her priests, who have sold out, are being turned into a tool. They profit from parishioners, and do not bring the word of God to the suffering. The times will come when man will not be able to find refuge from the horrors of reality in the Holy Temple. There, under the guise of the teachings of Christ, they will instill in him devilish plans in order to throw the unfortunate man into the fiery crucible of profit and war. Morality will disappear as such. Every sin is accepted as normal.

You and I see that this is already happening. After all, they are trying to show sodomy (Paisiy Svyatogorets put it this way) as an acceptable activity for people. And it’s not just the secular authorities of some countries who do this. They are indulged by priests and religious leaders. The Athonite elders in their speeches pay a lot of attention to the thirst for profit, cultivated in modern society. These, in their opinion, are attempts to lead people away from God. After all, in an effort to constantly receive more and more without working, peoples betray their holy covenants. People are supposed to pray earnestly so that the Lord will protect them from temptations. There is no happiness in material enrichment. This idea is instilled in people in order to turn them into cattle. Let them forget about morality and conscience. Then it will be easy to control the crowd. Hang a carrot in front of the donkey, he will go where the shepherd points.

About the end of times and Armageddon

The decline of morals, departure from God, deception and love of money are only the forerunner of more terrible catastrophes. They talked a lot and with great pain about the upcoming Armageddon. Government will weaken in countries. They will plunge into chaos. There will be no one to stop criminals, punish thieves and murderers. And people will stop growing grain and producing food, because they will turn away from God. Many nations will die of hunger. There will be nothing to eat, nowhere to get bread. But they won’t remember what the Lord commanded to work. New devilish trends will strike the church. People will begin to listen to priests speaking on behalf of the Antichrist.

The prophecies of the Athonite elders also concerned military actions. They even pointed out signs that would be visible to everyone, foreshadowing Armageddon. So, Paisiy Athos told his students what would happen in the Middle East big war, in which the forces of light and darkness will begin to fight. There is an old prophecy that China will send an army of two hundred million to the Middle East. She will cross the Euphrates. But before that, the river will “dry up.” Elder Paisios taught that one should not take literally what was written several hundred years ago. As soon as the Turks block the Euphrates, it will “dry up.” That is, there will be much less water downstream. This is a harbinger of Armageddon. Many people will die in that war. There will be nowhere to hide. Only the true will become protection from the angry flame of this catastrophe.

Athonite elders about Russia

In a world where power will pass to the Antichrist and his army, a believer will have only one hope. The Athonite elders saw her in Russia. It is in this country that the Lord will not be forgotten. False prophets and clergy who have sold themselves to the Antichrist will not be able to shake the true faith of this people. It is from here that salvation will come for all humanity. Only people should pray diligently and support each other. This is the difference between Russians and other peoples. They will never forget that the truth lies in compassion. Numerous tempters will not be able to force the Russian people to abandon their brothers and plunge into selfish love of money. The time will come when the spirit of the people will rise, outraged by the deeds of the Antichrist throughout the world. Rus' will rise. And it will be headed by the Orthodox Tsar.

Many elders, worried about the fate of people, considered it their duty to help believers. After all, their hearts and souls suffer from seeing the terrible events happening everywhere in the world. Thus, Elder Pansophius of Athonite compiled a special prayer book. It contains texts with which one should turn to the Lord for protection from evil and temptations. Only by the prayer of the true Orthodox Rus' will stand, the elders said. And with her the whole world will be saved. But efforts will be required from each person. Together we need to care about blessings for Rus'. This country was appointed by the Lord for a most important mission. But she won’t be able to cope with it without believers.

Conflicting Predictions About Putin

Reading the words that are attributed to the holy men about the President of the Russian Federation, one should understand the significance of his personality for the modern political process. After all, this man has been occupying the minds of ordinary citizens in all countries for many years. He is reviled by governments and the media, but admired by ordinary people (and vice versa). It was as if the whole world was focused on this man. The Athonite elders also talked about Putin. All known information can be divided exactly along the line of opposition, clearly visible in public opinion. Thus, the Athonite elder Afanasy, as follows from the media, anathematized the president. He considered him a usurper acting to the detriment of Russia. Allegedly, it was V.V. Putin who instigated a war in which brothers kill each other.

It should be noted that the anathema of the Athonite elders is not a completely real thing. Think for yourself, would a Christian, sincerely and with all his soul devoted to the Lord, begin to release aggression into the world? Isn't he thereby helping the Antichrist gain power? Such materials should be treated with caution. Moreover, there are others that are different in content. Thus, Elder Gabriel of Athos said that V.V. Putin took upon himself a huge and heavy cross. Even if he has some mistakes or sins, the Lord will forgive everything. Putin is a sincere person who cares for Rus' and the people. And simple people should help him with passionate prayer. Athonite Elder Afanasy, despite the obvious condemnation of the decisions of the President of the Russian Federation, agrees with the role ordinary person in saving Russia. He said that he placed all his hopes on the people. The Orthodox Russian people will not lie, they will not go against their conscience.

Athonite elders about Ukraine

Elder Parthenius warned against the insincerity of the European Union. In his opinion, if Ukraine joins it, it will be much worse in this country than in Greece. Wars and lawlessness are happening everywhere in the world. But the main thing is that the sins of Sodom are welcomed by rulers and states. Is it on the path of the Orthodox with people who welcome such things? A lot of efforts fell to the lot of the Ukrainian people. He is kind and sincere, and does not wish harm to anyone. That’s why the elders see great power in him. Ukraine will cope with its problems and emerge victorious. People will begin to honor God in their souls. The elders also said that the Slavic people should be together. However, demonic forces separated them for a long time. Everyone should strive to unite the Orthodox. This is their only strength. Whoever among the Ukrainians goes against this will become a servant of the Antichrist, the elders said. And so there is a lot of evil in the world. It is possible to overcome it, survive, and protect the world only together. And Ukrainians are the same Slavic people, like Russians with Belarusians. They need to join hands and unite against sin.

Even Elder Parfeniy warned Ukraine against the debt trap. He gave the example of Cyprus, where Mount Athos is located. Until it joined the European Union, it was a prosperous, strong country. They ruined Cyprus and plunged its people into poverty. There is nothing good about debt. Today you have everything, but tomorrow you will have to give away more than what you received.

Note that there are other predictions of the Athonite elders about Ukraine. They talk about victory over Russia. However, even politicians now admit that there is no war between the fraternal countries. So is it worth reading propaganda materials? People are perspicacious at heart. How can they believe that their relatives have taken up arms against them? After all, many families are separated by a border for more than twenty years, but hearts cannot be torn apart so easily. Will those who love begin to kill?

About Russia and Ukraine

You know, all the elders talk about the same thing. The world is gradually approaching the border where people will have to choose which side to take. This is not about the conflict that struck Ukraine. They talked about souls and faith. Today the planet is engulfed in global processes. They affect every person and occur on many levels: in the economy, politics, and the spiritual sphere. The last one is the most subtle and dangerous. Therefore, everyone considered it their duty to warn people about the Antichrist. He will come to earth in human form. Dad will support him. He will point the believers to him as the messiah. The Antichrist will plunge humanity into chaos and sin, and will push it towards vices and a decline in spirituality. We see all this with our own eyes. And this war is not going on on the battlefields, but in souls. Whom to support, consider as righteous and messenger of the Lord? This is something everyone decides for themselves, judging according to their conscience.

The elders talk about this, that you need to strengthen your faith. It is necessary to firmly know that the Lord will not abandon someone who has not bent his soul and has not been tempted either by gold or by demonic pleasures. You may ask, what does Russia’s relationship with Ukraine have to do with it? Thus, the peoples of these countries found themselves on the first line of the front between light and darkness. As they say, everyone will be rewarded according to their deeds. Nothing else. Therefore, the elders insist on sincere prayer, so that the Lord will show the right path. Is it possible for a brother to go against his brother? But this is precisely what the servants of the Antichrist are pushing people to do. Everything will become clear in time. The repentance of those who made a mistake and succumbed to sin will be cruel. One should strive for peace, believe in Jesus, and support Orthodoxy. It will save you in a world storm.

About America and other “partners”

There are prophecies of the elders regarding the consequences of Armageddon. It is said that two thirds of humanity will die in a bloodbath. The Antichrist will not want to give up his power. He will raise an army against Rus', which will have to fight almost alone for the Lord. By the way, everyone is confident that the Orthodox people will survive and save others. And at the end of this war, America and Japan will go under water. Elder Vladislav (Shumov) told about this. And Australia will sink to the bottom of the sea. After all, it is in these lands that the Antichrist will find many supporters. The cataclysm will also affect Chinese lands. Some of them will be flooded. Then China will want to fight with Russia for territory. And on the other side Germany will attack. But Rus' will survive. People who now live outside the borders of the state will help her. Everyone in the world who considers themselves Russian will unite to restore the greatness of the Motherland.

About Greece and Turkey

Paisiy of Athos spoke about big war in the Middle East. In his opinion, Turkey faces big problems. After all, Serbia was divided to please this state. Muslims were allowed to create their own country, separate from the Orthodox. The same fate will befall Turkey. The European Union will point out to her the need to allocate land for non-Muslims. will go to Greece, but will lose. The elder claimed that the Orthodox would win this battle. And Constantinople will be given to Greece. Not because her army will be powerful. No, it will be beneficial for everyone. The Russians will take the city, but will lose it to the Greeks. Because this will be useful for the whole world for political reasons. The Turks will have to flee. They will go to Mesopotamia. Orthodoxy will eventually become the faith and hope of the majority of peoples. Even the Chinese will join him.

About World War III

We have already talked about Armageddon and we will repeat it again. The fact is that any listener who listens to the prophecies of the elders understands them through the prism of his own worldview. Therefore, it is recommended to listen and read their words several times, trying to penetrate the deeper meaning. By the way, some residents of Ukraine perceived the idea of ​​​​the victory of the people as a harbinger of the collapse of Russia. Is it so? Do the elders talk about this? Everyone never tires of repeating that it is necessary to seek the truth in the soul and strengthen the Orthodox faith. Joseph of Athos went further in his advice. The elder told people to study themselves. They looked not at events, but at their own role in them. Are you acting according to your conscience?

Everything in this world is done by people. Without the support of the people, no ruler will retain power. What's inside a person? How can he deal with the devil? The elder speaks about this in detail in his research. Humility comes to those who have achieved enlightenment. And it lies in self-knowledge! If people follow this road, no Antichrist will be able to deal with them. Third World War happens in everyone's soul. Some have previously won, others are still fighting, and others have given up. And there are no allies in this war except the true faith. A Orthodox people invincible. For they never truly abandoned faith in the Lord. You ask, when will this battle come? Isn’t she already walking in our hearts? Look at the news today. Tell yourself, whose side are you on? Were you able to win the first fight? Congratulations!

Mine professional holiday- International Doctors Day is celebrated by doctors around the world on October 2. We have collected sayings of the saints and elders of Athos on how to maintain health and overcome diseases.

1. “At the time when we surrender to Christ, then our spiritual body comes into a peaceful state, as a result of which all organs and glands begin to function naturally. They all depend on our structure. Then we recover, we stop suffering... This also happens in the case of cancer: if we place our care on God and our soul calms down, then Divine grace, coupled with this peace, can act in such a way that both the cancer and everything else go away. If you don't know, for example, a stomach ulcer occurs due to neurosis. Since the sympathetic nervous system experiences pressure, contracts, suffers, then an ulcer forms. One, two, three, compression, compression, again, again, stress one, stress - stress - stress, and - pop... - Ulcer! Thus, either an ulcer or a cancer occurs, both of them depend on the nerves. When there is confusion in our soul, it affects the body and health is undermined.”

2. “When we are sick with something, we had better give ourselves entirely to Christ.
We need to think that our soul has a much greater need for patience and praise during pain than for a “steel” body, with the help of which we can perform great bodily feats.”

3. “One nun wrote to me that she was suffering and if she did not have an operation, she would die. I write saying exactly the opposite. She again writes that the doctor told her: if she does not perform the operation, in a few days there will be a perforation and finally death. I repeat: “Have faith, cast everything on God, prefer death.” She sends me a reply that the disease has reversed. Do you see? Thousands of times I have experienced this. When you put death in front of you and expect it every moment, it runs far away from you. When you are afraid of death, it constantly haunts you.”

(Reverend Joseph the Hesychast)

4. “Medicine, my child, means poison. Don't think that medications always only bring benefits. They also do harm. Why do we take medicine? Because we are sick. Why do we get sick? Because we're nervous. Why are we nervous? Because we sin. But if we allow Christ to dwell in our soul, then sin runs away, nervousness runs away, illness runs away and we throw away medicines...”

(Reverend Porfiry Kavsokalivit)

5. “In what era were there so many sick people? People weren't like that in the old days. And now, no matter what letter I open that they send me, I am sure to encounter either cancer, or mental illness, or a stroke, or broken families. Cancer used to be rare. After all, life was natural. We are not talking now about what God allowed. The man ate natural food and was in excellent health. Everything was clean: fruits, onions, tomatoes. And now even natural food cripples a person. Those who eat only fruits and vegetables suffer even more more harm because everything is polluted. If it had been like this before, then I would have died at a young age, because as a monk I ate what the garden provided: leeks, marulas, ordinary onions, cabbage and the like, and I felt great. And now they fertilize, spray... Just think - what do today's people eat!.. Mental unrest, food substitutes - all this brings illness to a person. By applying science without reasoning, people destroy themselves."

(Reverend Paisiy Svyatogorets)

6. “If you take more care of spiritual health, you will experience fewer physical illnesses. Don’t love to be treated, but love to study health.”

(Monk Simeon of Athos)

7. “Do not ask God to ease your suffering from various illnesses; do not force Him to do this in your prayers. But endure your illnesses with constant fortitude and patience - and you will see what benefits you will receive from it.”

(Reverend Porfiry Kavsokalivit)

8. “Seeing that a person can endure a serious illness, Christ gives him this illness, so that for a little suffering in life, an earthly person will receive a great reward in heaven.” eternal life. He suffers here, but will receive a reward there, in another life, because there is Paradise, and there is reward [for sorrows].”

(Reverend Paisiy Svyatogorets)

9. “Temptations, sorrows, sorrows, coming either from the devil, or from people, or excited by the world that we carry within us - all these are medicines, all this is sent by God’s Providence so that the mental health we have lost will return to us. The health of the soul and heart is dispassion, sinlessness, this is real holiness, which will pass with us into another world.”

(Elder Ephraim of Philotheia)

10. “When the body is tested, the soul is sanctified. The body, our adobe house, suffers from illness, but the owner of this house - our soul - will forever rejoice in that heavenly palace that Christ is preparing for us. According to this spiritual logic, which is illogical for the people of this world, I also rejoice and boast about the bodily illnesses and defects that I have. The only thing I don’t think about is that I have to receive heavenly reward.”

(Reverend Paisiy Svyatogorets)

11. “Bodily infirmities serve the many and varied purposes of the ineffable love of God. Here it is appropriate to recall the primitive popular opinion that illness is God’s punishment for sins, and health is a reward for virtues. But in reality it may be quite the opposite. Thus, very many saints are burdened with many bodily ailments, and many people living in sin and far from repentance never get sick. Of course, no one denies that a soul broken by sinful passions is fertile soil for the development of many bodily ailments, and vice versa; a peaceful soul filled with divine tenderness creates the necessary prerequisites both for its own healing and for bodily health. Nevertheless, the health of each person, which, like a sea wave, comes and goes, serves the pedagogical purposes of God, hidden from us, but revealed to His saints.”

(Reverend Porfiry Kavsokalivit)

12. “One day a man came to us, who had spent many years in monasticism and lived in Switzerland. Since he had three serious and terrible and, moreover, incurable diseases. And he spent a fortune on medicine.<…>So, I told him that he would get well right away if he only believed that God could heal him.<…>...he didn’t leave me or go away, but he didn’t want to believe it either. Until God helped and until he clearly heard a voice: “Why don’t you want to obey in order to get well?” And so he was freed. Because I asked him to eat the opposite - what he said he would die if he ate it - and put all his hope in God and, leaving knowledge, followed faith. And instead of ten times a day, as he ate, he ate once. God only needed three days to test him. And I prayed earnestly for him.”

(Reverend Joseph the Hesychast)

Prepared by Daria Malashina-Mazur

These speeches by two famous and authoritative Athonite elders were heard on television on the Spas TV channel during a telethon organized by the Tsargrad TV channel and dedicated to the visit of Russian President V.V. Putin and His Holiness Patriarch Moscow and All Rus' Kirill to Holy Mount Athos.

May God's grace be with the Russian leadership and the Russian people!

In my humble opinion, the Russian people are worthy of admiration. They are an outstanding and wonderful people, brilliant, beautiful, gifted and blessed by God. These are God's people, the new people of Israel, upon whom the grace of God is. The Russian people among all the peoples of the earth are the most blessed by God. God has marked the Russian people with many graces and gifts. The eternal joy of the Russian people is the countless armies of saints, saints and martyrs.

In my humble opinion, in comparison with other peoples now living on earth, the Russian people are the most perfect and most outstanding, since they are endowed with love and all sorts of virtues, greatness and good behavior. At the same time, they are the most humble and modest people, marked by piety, love and dedication to God and neighbor. The Russian people are incomparably more worthy of admiration and imitation than any other people living on earth. The Russian people are incomparable, unsurpassed, one and only in the whole earth.

The Russian leadership must carefully ensure that no laws are passed that are contrary to the Law of God. So that prostitution, adultery, abortion, free cohabitation cannot be legalized, civil marriage, cremation, same-sex unions, since all this leads to decay and deprivation of the Grace of God.
The spiritual revival of Russia will follow when the Russian people go to church, confess, pray, fast, study Holy Bible and give alms. Then the Lord will always be with the Russian people and will always help them. And if, as we said before, the Russian leadership legalizes prostitution, adultery, abortion, free cohabitation, civil marriage, same-sex unions, and if we move closer to the Pope and move towards unification, then God will not give his blessing and the movement towards destruction will begin. I wish the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' that he follows the word of truth and does not make friends with the Pope. We can't unite. The Pope is the enemy of Christ and the Virgin Mary.

Eighth Ecumenical Council illegitimate. We don't have to agree with what they convince us of. Russian bishops are not sufficiently informed. You need to tell them everything. The main thing is that we should not unite with the Pope. We must not have fellowship with heretics. We can't pray together. We allow papal supporters into our churches and pray with them. The forty-fifth apostolic canon says that “A bishop, or presbyter, or deacon, who prayed only with heretics, shall be excommunicated. If he allows them to act in any way, like the servants of the Church: let him be deposed.”

Appeal to the Russian people

I pray with all my heart that God's blessing may be with you and your families. I also pray that our Lord, the one and only true God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, always protected Russia and the entire Russian people throughout the entire earth.

I pray that God will give peace and repentance to all humanity and, at the Second Coming, place all people at His right hand, so that we hear his longed-for voice: “Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you.”

I pray that the Lord, even in modern times, will strengthen the holy and immaculate faith of Orthodox Christians together with His Holy Church, as He did for centuries during the lives of our holy fathers.

The Russian people are worthy of all admiration. He recovered, having gone through many trials, in which he heroically maintained his faith, without succumbing to the atheism of communism for more than 70 years. On the contrary, he revealed many saints, including the family of the last Tsar Nicholas II, in in full force honored with martyrdom - the tsar himself, his wife Alexandra and their children Olga, Tatyana, Maria, Anastasia and young Alexei.

The Russian and Greek peoples are connected by close spiritual ties. In Russia, many Greeks are canonized as saints, such as St. Maxim the Greek, whose relics rest in perhaps the most significant of Russian monasteries, the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. Or the Monk Aristoclius, rector of the Moscow metochion of the Svyatogorsk Russian monastery of St. Panteleimon. Likewise, many Russian saints are venerated in Greece, such as St. Seraphim of Sarov and St. Luke of Crimea.

A very special connection exists between the Holy Mountain and Russia. That is why we rejoice when pilgrims from Russia visit us. And in last years The political leadership of Russia, especially President Vladimir Putin, also extends this honor to us.

This connection between us was further strengthened by Paisiy Svyatogorets, whom in Russia, as we know, is treated with special reverence. I pray that the Lord will grant other fathers to follow this tradition laid down by Paisius the Holy Mountain.

Hegumen Cyprian (Yashchenko): Brothers, sisters, fathers, hermits - I greet you all. I present to you Father Anastasius, a monk of the Kutlumush monastery on Holy Mount Athos, he is coming to Moscow for the third time. Father Anastasy was next to Father Paisius for 20 years and knew him firsthand.

Father Anastasy lives as a hermit on Mount Athos in a separate ancient, 17th-century cell, actually within the borders of Kareya. It’s difficult to get to him, even if you know where he lives. He is a real man of prayer, and in addition he has a parish near Ouranoupoli and in the town of Riso, where he also serves liturgy on Sundays. He is an artist, paints both icons and paintings. He writes books, two of them received recognition as “Best Book of the Year” in Greece, and he illustrates them himself. Father also sings in the choir and instead of the choir.

Father Anastasy came to Moscow for the opening of the exhibition “Athos. Holy Mountain" in the New Jerusalem Monastery. This exhibition will be there until August 7, then it will move to the Academy in Moscow.

And today we are most united by our love for Father Paisius the Holy Mountain, a new saint who was glorified by the Patriarch last year, and he is now on our calendar, his memorial day is July 12. At the end of our meeting we will show the seventh episode of the film about Elder Paisius; these films contain almost his entire life.

Many years ago, when the Athonite elders suggested that I make a film about Paisia, I, of course, was at a loss. But then, by God’s providence, there was such a coincidence of circumstances that I realized that it was really necessary to make a film about Father Paisiya. Working off these obligations, we did the first episode out of fear, and then we did six episodes.

By the way, that old man, a student of Father Paisius, Father Efimy, when we were clarifying how many episodes to film, he thought and thought and said: “Film as much as you want.” I say: “Well, still, no more than what number?” And he says, “Well, no more than a hundred.” I realized that this was a joke, but we have now filmed seven episodes, and yesterday, literally stepping on our own hands, we approved another 13 episodes.

There is much more to this topic. This is a unique personality of our times. On the holy Mount Athos, many elders said: “People like Paisios come once every thousand years or once every 700 years.” One Athonite elder said: “If you gather all the monks on Athos and squeeze them out like they squeeze juice out of oranges, then Paisius will still not work.”

This is truly a prophet of our time, who made three hundred prophecies, and half have already come true. This is a man who really seems to have, as he said, a black and white TV inside. He could pray and the whole life of a person would be revealed to him. Paisius even saw nations; events were revealed to him until the end of the century. In our film we touch on this very carefully, because if we talk about the many miracles that Paisius performed, no one will believe it at all, it will not even be good. In the film we show only those things that the layman's eye can perceive.

And, of course, Paisius the Svyatogorets is a completely unique personality who created a completely new theology. Not book theology. This is a man who had two classes of education, who abandoned all terminology and simple examples who told the deepest truths that theologians cannot understand.

I saw at the University of Athens, at the Faculty of Theology, renowned professors who knew a dozen languages, who had written many books - and they went to Paisios to get a blessing to write a book, on how to reveal a theological concept. How can an academician come to a person who has two years of education? He truly had great spiritual vision and gave very precise instructions.

And, of course, he performed miracles, thousands of people came to him. He greeted everyone, saying the name of the person who came, and then immediately answered the question that was on the person’s mind. People came from different countries and asked for different languages, and he, not knowing these languages, immediately answered the question in Greek. Surprisingly, people understood what he was talking about.

The life of a monk on Mount Athos is hidden. As he called himself, “radio operator of God.” Paisius created a theological language that very simply explains important spiritual phenomena. He said: “The car, if you don’t fill it up, it won’t run. Right? Running out of gas. It’s the same with a person: if grace does not come to him, then he will not do anything good, his life will be graceless and his works will be graceless.” Therefore, he said: “We need to go to church, pray, to fill up with good gasoline - to receive grace.”

He also said: “What is our prayer? It’s like taking a cell phone and connecting to another person using a certain frequency. It’s the same with God – on the same frequency. And this frequency is called “humility.” Until we humble ourselves, if we are proud, we will not get to God. And if we are not cleansed, dirty, the Lord will not save us either.”

He was able to explain the most important concepts with such analogies from our everyday, technological, I would even say, civilized life. Father Anastasy is a lucky man, he lives and follows the instructions of Father Paisius.

Father Anastasy: Sometimes Divine grace helps us to be worthy, to meet, to fellowship, and to look into the faces of our fellow men. Now I see people’s faces, I don’t know all of you. Maybe I will repeat what I have already told, but I want to tell the essential story about Father Paisiya.

Three monks decided to travel to Egypt every year to meet with Anthony the Great. When they reached Saint Anthony, the first asked a lot of questions, the second asked fewer questions. The last one, the smallest of them, did not ask anything, and they left.

A year later, everything happened again. And in the third year, when absolutely the same thing happened, leaving, Anthony the Great asked the youngest of them: “My hero, my monk, you have been coming to me and leaving for three years. Is there anything you would like to ask me?” And he replied: “The only thing that’s enough for me is that I see you, and that’s how all my troubles pass, disappear. I don't want to think about anything anymore. Your face brings me joy."

The same, in my opinion, was Father Paisiy. When someone approached Father Paisius, everything passed. Everything that was in my head went away, and it was enough just to contemplate the saint.

Elder Cyprian said that love for Saint Paisius unites us. Janis, an artist from Thessaloniki, once decided to commit suicide, tied a stone to himself and threw himself into the sea in order to drown. And suddenly he found himself on the shore, out of the sea. Elder Paisios approached him, tapped him on the back and said: “Yanis, why are you doing this?”

In fact, Elder Paisios was on Mount Athos at that moment, but somehow he ended up near Thessaloniki and said this phrase to Yanis. After that, Janis came to the elder several times a year and approached him with some questions. And every time the elder, meeting him, already said what was in Janis’s head.

Elder Cyprian also has a monk in his cell. He asked Janis: “Did you manage to ask what you wanted?” Janis said: “Next time he will definitely not be able to answer.” He decided the next time he met the elder not to think about anything. To realize this, he created a complex geometric figure in his head. Think about some complex figure at least once - and immediately all temptations disappear.

Janis thought that the elder would not guess. He approached Elder Paisius, who was standing with a stick and picking at the ground. And he begins to draw on the ground. What did he draw? He drew a geometric figure that was in this artist's head. Such was Elder Paisios, who could reach you drowning in the sea and raise you to Heaven, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

This is probably the greatest thing that the saints can provide us - to grab us by the hand and lead us along the road along which they passed.

Two years ago, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew visited Mount Athos. One of the young fathers, although this is not befitting a monk in obedience, came up and said: “Your Holiness, what do you think about Elder Paisius?” The older fathers said: “How can he do this, how does he dare?” And the Patriarch answered him: “Trust the Church.”

Less than six months had passed when Elder Paisios was canonized. It was a very quick decision, a great gesture on the part of the Patriarchate. People say he was recognized as a saint so quickly! They lived with him, and they knew him. That is, it was necessary for some time to pass.

You see, I am from Athos, I have now arrived in Moscow, and we are talking about Elder Paisius. At this moment, somewhere in Greece they can meet and talk about Saint Seraphim of Sarov. They can also talk about St. John the Russian. I am 67 years old, and I have gone to venerate St. John the Russian 67 times, since he is our relative. I am Greek, he was Russian. Like this? This is the blessed Kingdom of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, which raises us from corruption and from death and brings us to life. This is what we constantly sing: “Christ is Risen”!

One of the neighbors of Elder Paisius was Father Gregory. He first came to Athos at the age of 11; they both came from the same village near Thessaloniki. Having arrived on Athos, he lived there for another 75 years, and he died when he was 98. Never after he arrived did he leave Athos. Elder Paisius loved him very much. We also loved to go to the elders when we were children, take blessings, and receive advice.

Students came to Father Gregory, to whom he said: “Since I visited Athos, I have never left it.” They, of course, were well-mannered, educated, but instead of remaining silent, they asked him: “Older, do you remember women?” He says: “Yes, I remember.” And they didn’t stop there, they asked again: “What do they look like, women?” They waited for him to answer something from what they already had in their heads. The answer that Father Gregory gave them: “I remember women. When I look at the Mother of God, I remember my mother.” He knew two women - his mother and the Virgin Mary. And all the women in the world were like his mother and the Mother of God to him.

Questions from the audience

– Greek Orthodoxy includes bright ascetics and preachers of Orthodoxy. There are many examples of this in the history of Russia and other countries of the world. Don’t you think that for the monks of Athos there is a lot of work outside of it, and in order to save the laity it is necessary to alternate more often seclusion on the Holy Mountain with preaching work among the laity?

Father Anastasy: There is no Greek Orthodoxy. There are Greek fathers, Russian fathers, but Orthodoxy is one. Orthodoxy is correct knowledge of what our Church believes. Elder Paisios said: “When we do what the Church tells us, we never make mistakes. When we start saying: “I think this and that, I think this is right, I think this is wrong,” then heresy begins.”

Famous fathers of the Russian Church, Georgian, Greek, Serbian were Orthodox, they obeyed the Church. You all know perfectly well what you must do, knowing what the Church advises you, having spiritual fathers as an example. Accordingly, although a lot of preaching and catechism is not needed, sometimes they are needed to bring us closer to this joy of communication and beauty.

Talking about two terms - physical beauty and spiritual beauty - Elder Paisios said that physical beauty will disappear, it will go to the grave, and spiritual beauty will ascend and go to heaven, it will be the one that will decorate the world. So that we remember Dostoevsky, who said that beauty will save the world.

– Father Anastasy, please tell me how to live in faith, not with the mind, but with the heart?

Father Anastasy: Find an elder - a confessor.

– Is it possible for a woman to combine family and work? If possible, then how to do it correctly for the glory of God?

Father Anastasy: Remember the words: “When I look at the Virgin Mary, I think about my mother.” They say in Greece that a mother should raise children, that she should not work, that her husband should do this. About 50 years ago I was told that children are raised by grandmothers. And in the village where Father Cyprian serves, where Elder Paisios also served, children are raised by grandmothers. Her mother teaches at school, her father runs a pastry shop, and she was raised by her grandmother.

A mother who does not work, does she raise children? On the one hand, she has a child, she sits, talks with her neighbor, smokes and drinks coffee. My husband returns from work and asks: “Natalya, what do we have to eat?” She replies: “I charged the washing machine today, I’m very tired today.” Laziness is the beginning of every evil.

– When visiting the temple in Karei, Putin was seated in a chair where he was ordained emperor. Is there a spiritual meaning to this? What does it mean?

Father Anastasy: I came here and you placed me on the highest throne. This year we celebrated the millennium of the presence of Russian monks on Mount Athos. For a thousand years, monks from all over the world have been present on Mount Athos. The Russian monastery of St. Panteleimon had the greatest celebrations. I think that this will probably be a big provocation to more people visited Athos in order to understand and learn Orthodoxy.

How difficult it is for the Lord to make an ordinary stone his child, to turn a petrified heart into a warm heart that would burn, love and hurt, which would be a beautiful heart. You see, John the Baptist, the Forerunner, he is in the Jordan and baptizes. The Pharisees come to him and ask: “What are you doing here?” - “Go and get baptized.” They answer him: “Do you know who our father is? Our father is Abraham.” And John answers: “The stones are the children of Abraham, but you are the children of the serpents. How can things change in life?

– A Muslim child who has come to baptism, and whose parents are Muslims, how much more difficult is it for him to become a real Christian than for our Orthodox person?

Father Anastasy: This question is not my area... The Lord changes everything, Divine grace does everything as the Lord pleases. The Holy Spirit goes where it wants to go. A sinful woman, a woman who, in principle, does not come from anywhere, like the others - and asks Him, wonders: “You, a Jew, how can you talk to me?” And they answer her: “Woman, a time will come when the Lord will not be with the Jews and not with the Samaritans.”

Christ sees that all the fields are ready for the harvest: “I am sending you to gather the harvest where you neither grew nor planted seeds.” They got it all ready. And now they imagine themselves as teachers. Others were tired, Saint Paisius was tired. They have not yet reached his efforts. Maybe if we take a small piece of grain, it may be special and that will be enough to survive. We must continue to live by planting this grain, and for this grain to bear fruit. Out of nothing, out of the grave, life is born, death is trampled down by death, and its fruits exist, and the grass lives.

– Are monks allowed to use the Internet by the statutes of Mount Athos? How does Father Anastasy feel about the Internet?

Father Anastasy: I don’t take this professionally, I only know that when a car breaks down, the driver gets down, lifts the hood and looks inside. I only understand at this level. In the Kutlumush monastery, there are probably monks who can use the Internet through their phones. Perhaps they have more strength to resist temptation and endure it. I think there are a lot of temptations on the Internet.

What I know for sure is that every day at two o’clock in the morning, everywhere on Mount Athos, starting from the largest monastery and ending with the smallest cell, three thousand monks wake up and begin to pray for peace on earth, for human salvation. Even though we want to sleep, we try not to fall asleep. I am not talking about natural sleep, but about vigil, that is, about being awakened spiritually.

People today often have problems sleeping. They resort to medication, but cannot sleep. Why don’t they resort to prayer, at least by itself? a little prayer?! Father Paisiy said that the best medicine for sleep is the prayer “Rejoice to the Virgin Mary.” This is the best medicine that comes with the blessing of the Mother of God.

– How do you feel about the idea “where our flock is, we, the clergy, should be there too”?

Father Anastasy: A clergyman must always be with his flock, because there are many wolves around. Only in one case can he be absent: when he loses one, he leaves 99 and tries to find the lost one.

– What did Elder Paisios tell you about his spiritual father, Elder Tikhon?

Father Anastasy: There is one very beautiful letter. Then Father Paisios lived in Keros, this is an area on Mount Athos, where Father Tikhon sent a letter to Elder Paisios. And he writes Greek beautifully with all his mistakes. He writes: “My son Paisius, I ask you, come and live with me, so that we can ascend to heaven together.”

Father Tikhon was strange man. Holiness is strangeness. Human eyes are not used to distinguishing it. He served for endless hours. Divine Liturgy lasted 5-6 hours. He mentioned a huge number of names. He no longer knew whether these people were alive or not, but he constantly remembered thousands of names, while serving every day. This was his strangeness.

Elder Paisios came to him and became a novice. And once, while Father Tikhon was serving, Elder Paisius sang and read prayers. During the Cherubic Prayer, Father Tikhon passed by with incense, suddenly stopped and asked: “Which way is Paris?” He shows from the other side. These are the saints! The world saints who serve here with incense are in Paris.

Usually the tree is known by the fruit, and the fruit by the tree. A tree like Tikhon gave birth to a very good fruit - Elder Paisius.

– How to deal with despondency? How to learn not to accept thoughts from the devil?

Father Anastasy: Every morning you come to your spiritual father, and he will give you medicine - one tablet each time. This is called "ignore it." This is not about indifference, but simply not paying attention. The despondency will thus pass, because the Holy Spirit will be there. And only when a person sees that there is a pill, let him take another half. Not medicine from a pharmacy, but medicine from your spiritual father.

– Do you miss Elder Paisius, or have you become even closer now after his death?

Father Anastasy: He is in our hearts. He raised us, he supports us, and he holds us. Sometimes missing someone is also joy, missing someone. As the Lord told His disciples: “If I don’t leave here, you won’t have the Holy Spirit. Then there will be your joy." And when our mentors, our confessors, all our saints move away from us, we feel that we are becoming stronger, our roots are strengthening. Do you know what it's like to have a saint next to you? It is impossible to have any bad thought in this moment. He immediately comes and grabs your ear.

– U Orthodox, that is, people with an Orthodox worldview, in my opinion, if you look at history, the most creative thinking. This is reflected in art too. Is this directly related to images, because Muslims do not have icons and Jews do not? Apparently this is some kind of direct impact.

Host: The Ecumenical Council has already spoken about this, that is, everything was decided there. It's needed. 787

Father Anastasy: I was born in Constantinople, on a small island in the sea. It's called Burgaz. I still have a grandmother who lives there. She feels free. We were sinners and the last Emperor Constantine said: “Why, Lord, do you allow all this to happen? Because of my sins or because of my people?” You see, every time the mental hope for both the Greeks and the Russians makes the Mother of God cry and says to her: “Farewell, Madam Mother of God, don’t cry.” Always over time, in a year, it will become ours. And this freedom and life always exist. It just happens that people live in foreign lands.

I worry about this, about the area where I come from. This is the place where my umbilical cord was cut, so I was separated from this place. I once asked a Turk: “You had a bridge over the Bosphorus. You have made the second bridge. You have made a third bridge. For what?". Because one day our prediction says about the Turks that those who once fled or left their lands will not be able to return. The day will come when there will be so many of them that they will not fit on the same bridges in time to return. This is one of the prophecies.

Elder Paisios said that we would return to Constantinople. Mind, spirit. Money is good wealthy people buy something in Constantinople. Especially now, after terrorism, after earthquakes, everything is cheap there. A house on the island of Halki is currently for sale. It is put up for sale from the bank, auction from the bank. One hundred thousand euros for two thousand square meters.

Leading: Father Anastasius asked to read the following: is there any news about the search for the relics of Saint Anastasia, stolen from Thessaloniki? Unfortunately no. Boxes were found, a reliquary was found, but without relics.

And about dreams. What Elder Zosima says about dreams, whoever has good thoughts sees good dreams. Not living, not dead, but just good dreams.

Video: Victor Aromstam
Photo: Efim Erichman

The organizers of the meeting are the leaders of the “Support-Creation” project, whose main goal is to support creative entrepreneurship based on traditional Russian spiritual values, as well as the revival and popularization of the best practices of pre-revolutionary philanthropists and patrons of the arts.

Elder Ephraim of Katunak I is one of the most revered confessors on the Holy Mountain. Several books have been published about him. Two of them have been translated into Russian. Both books reveal the elder’s feat, namely as a teacher of obedience. Indeed, we can find the word “obedience” and the expression “blind obedience” on almost every page. However, those who tried to put “blind obedience” into practice were surprised to discover that these things “didn’t work.”
Ephraim Katunaksky and Ephraim Philotheus
It is interesting to note that Elder Ephraim of Katunak never taught about “blind” obedience. Moreover, if he heard this expression, “blind obedience,” he would most likely be extremely surprised. If the Elder had known that his teachings would be translated into Russian like this, undoubtedly, he would not have used the word “obedience” at all, even in everyday life.
Let's turn to the best book: “Elder Ephraim of Katunak” by Elder Joseph of Katunak, his favorite student. We ourselves spoke with the author on this topic, and now we just want to give a few quotes for illustration:
There is no doubt that the Russian translation of the entire text of the book is completely inadequate. For example, in r.p. The appeal “Eh, stupid” is immediately adapted to the Russian tradition: “Oh, you are stupid!” This is of course clearer to Russians, but there is nothing like this in the original source. Yes, this is impossible for the Greeks. Of course, we won’t even compare and analyze such a translation.
Therefore, let's immediately turn to the Greek test... First, let's look at the word “blind” itself - “slippers”:
“Once the nuns asked Father Gerasim:

What is meant by the word “blind” when they talk about blind obedience?

“I’ll tell you what,” he replied. - Imagine that the abbess came in and said:

“- Ephraxia, bring water! - You give her water.

Now pour it out! - You're pouring it out.

Eh, stupid, why did you pour it out?!

- So, baby, “blind” means that you are not making excuses. You don’t mind, although it seems to you that you are right, nevertheless, you don’t say: “But you yourself asked to pour it out!” - You cut off your thoughts, you don’t enter into bargaining. It's clear? ... Moreover, blindness is when you not only do not set conditions for the elder, but also for your brother...” (p. 156)
So “blind” does not mean stupid submission, but sincere respect and trust. This obedience is not out of fear, but out of love. You do not set conditions, but accept the relationship as a living Mystery. And suddenly - she opens up to you. In this sense, blindness is the opposite of mutual bargaining, as most often happens in human friendship.
Trust is the secret of friendship, it is something living and bypasses reason. Where did the translation “blind” come from? The mind is protected from spiritual truth. After all, love is impossible to understand with the mind, and even more so, how can one understand love for one’s spiritual father with one’s mind? After all, even about carnal love they say: “Love is blind.” - It turns off the mind, changes a person’s perception. Even here the mind cuts its horizons in fear of the unknown. But what can we say about spiritual friendship? It's a secret.
Elder Ephraim of Katunak very often uses the word “blind,” but it is more correct to translate it into Russian - “sincere, true.” After all, already in ancient Greek the word “tuflos” expressed the invisible, hidden, secret and mysterious. This word indicates the secret of “a sincere, true attitude towards the elder”, sincere respect, and not to sycophancy, martineting and humiliation (“Oh, you are stupid!”). There is no “durra” here, just as Climacus does not have it. And it can't be. After all, if there is humiliation, then what can be the true relationship between two individuals?
Elder Ephraim of Katunak himself explains what the secret is here:
“Explore for yourself - what is the secret of obedience? - In Christ! The Lord says: “I came down to do not My will, but his who sent Me” (John 6:38) This is the mystery of two personalities - obedience begins in it. Is it really easy to imitate Christ?!”
(from 155)
Did Christ fear the Father? - this is the secret of friendship between two individuals: John 15:14 “You are My friends...” ... Until some conditions are set in friendship, this is a real living relationship. As soon as the secret of friendship is introduced into the rules, conditions or boundaries are set, living things are killed, because they cannot live without freedom. Therefore, the secret of true obedience and any true relationship is in Freedom. But not in the surrogate of freedom that the mind offers us. It's about about true freedom:
John 8:36 So if the Son

If he sets you free, you will be truly free...
After all, “You are My friends...” means that you are free, you have entered and been accepted into this Mystery of Friendship and Love. She has revealed herself to you! In this sense, who we are: friends, or children, or lovers, does not matter. The secret of freedom has been revealed - we have come to life. In this respect, human friendship can approach Divine friendship.

Ephraim of Katunaksky and in other places write a lot about blind obedience; this is correct in the sense that you need to renounce your efforts and cut off your thoughts - not set conditions. It is regrettable that they translate “blindly”... This spoils everything and discourages people from even thinking in the right direction. This hurts a person because his pride is hurt. The translators, hammered and concreted into their stereotypes, did not find another term other than “blind”. But in fact, this is true obedience. People understand “blind” as supposedly obedience in which their ability to choose is destroyed. But that's not true. But as? This is impossible for the mind to understand...

“The secret of obedience is that one mind and another mind, they come into contact of trust... Where the weaker mind receives from the mind that has found the source of life, the transfer of such information - but not verbally expressed, but some kind of spiritual transmission - an impulse. Maybe, it turns out, a loving soul can absorb from another soul a certain imprint of life. Once - and it was imprinted! How does this happen? It's a secret. But that's the point. You become like your elder, and you are surprised by his vision... And suddenly it is imprinted on you and suddenly you see it in yourself!”

(Simeon of Athos. Spiritual teachings)

Elder Panaret, Relics in the cleft of the Athos rock

For Athos, such events are everyday life, in fact, this is true life, so such cases do not surprise anyone here. - Holy Mount Athos
In the area between Lavra and Kafsokalyvia, many years ago there lived an old man named Panaret. One day the idea came to his mind to plant a small garden in front of his kaliva for the sake of physical achievement, as well as for some consolation from its fruits in the harsh desert.
After many days of labor and feats of plowing the rocky soil, he felt that his pick hit some kind of slab. With great difficulty the elder lifts this slab, and so what? In front of him is a tomb with relics dressed in priestly robes untouched by decay, as if the burial had taken place the day before. A wondrous, indescribable fragrance emanated from the relics.
Having labored in this place for a good half century, Father Panaret had not heard that the great hermit who was lying in the tomb of the saint once lived here.
After the first stunning impression, he began to pray with tears: “Saint of God, reveal to me who you are, how many years have you lived here in this desert? Thank you for making me, unworthy, worthy of the manifestation of your holiness.”
The elder stayed in prayer all night and was about to report his great find in Lavra. However, falling asleep in the morning, he sees in a dream this unknown saint, who tells him sternly:
- What are you planning to do, Abba?
“Saint of God, I had the idea to inform the Lavra so that they would come and take you, because here you are forgotten and neglected,” he answered with trepidation.
- We did not struggle with them! And how do you want to manage my relics and move them? Here I labored for fifty years or more. I ask you, put me in my original place, cover the coffin with a slab, and while you live, don’t tell anyone anything.
Waking up, Elder Panaret closed the coffin with a slab and continued his solitary life, always praying to the nameless saint. Having grown old, he went to live in Kavsokalyvia. Shortly before his death, the elder told the fathers about this event, without revealing the burial place and other details.

Pope Alexander Lavriotis (1905-1976), The Devil in our time has become a contractor (ergolavs)

Pope Alexander Lavriotis, an old monk who became blind at the end of his life, said:
The devil has now become a contractor (ergolavs is an engineer, builder, managing contracts for the site - Holy Mount Athos). He managed to distract modern monks from prayer, their only and main occupation, in order to force them to work in various jobs - construction sites and burden them with everyday worries.
Why do we have few saints today? - Because we have lost prayer and silence and are busy with contracts!
What did you come to see on the Holy Mountain? Curtains and drapes? Furniture and marble? Luxury and various amenities? - Then you made a mistake.
Here you will see tin cans and tin roofs, shabby and darned clothes, barefoot ascetics with dirty feet, unkempt hair, striving for the inner life and fragrant with virtues...
This is how this ascetic talked with some pilgrims who, having come here from the world of comfort and prosperity, listened to him with their mouths open... Now the monks open their mouths at the sight of a new, more convenient stove, kettle, telephone...

Kostas is a holy fool for Christ's sake

He always had his eyes downcast and was constantly muttering something, who knows what? It seemed that it was unceasing prayer. He lived on Kapsala (first photo), in the skete of the Apostle Andrew (second photo) and in general in any vestibule of the temple... Maybe he was one of the last Athonite Siromakhs?

Elder Gabriel, Kutlumush Monastery

Kutlumush Monastery is located in Karei. In the gorge not far from it there is one extraordinary place - a secluded dwelling a perspicacious old man Gabriel, located near this monastery.
Imagine a road going downhill between old olive trees and vineyards. The hermit's house is overshadowed by a spreading oak tree. The elder meets us in a cassock that has lost its black color over time and barefoot. He leads us to the house church and carries out what is lying in his arms. miraculous icon, all filled with peace protruding from the holy image.
The deep eyes of Father Gabriel are illuminated by an inner unearthly light. He proclaims to us “irini” - “peace”, gives his blessing - “eulogia” and fills us with spiritual love.

Elder Bartholomew the Romanian, About the damned condemnation

Elder Bartholomew the Romanian lived in Stavronikita from 1968 to 1990, and then lived in Iviron until 2005. - Holy Mount Athos
Elder Bartholomew the Romanian was a spiritual confessor, and when someone came to him for confession and began to talk about other people's affairs and condemn his brethren, he drove him away until he came to his senses and changed his behavior.
Elder Bartholomew, distinguished by his extraordinary simplicity, spoke to his visitors about the dangers of condemnation:
- Look, don’t say in confession that this one does this, but this one does that. Because this way you will lose the grace of Christ. Even if you see someone acting like a donkey, do not ridicule him. Love your neighbor as yourself. Matt. 19.19.
This is what Christ says...
Once he said to a novice who had a bad character:
- If you don’t have good thoughts, then why do you need the elder?
One young visitor was tempted when he saw the confessor Pope Bartholomew caressing his cat with the back of his hand, and condemned the elder.
However, circumstances were such that the convict ended up in Turkey and came to ask the consul for work.
- I don’t have a job for you, but I need a person who would feed my dog, and feed myself from the remains of his food.
Then the young man, who did not even have bread, agreed and looked after the dog, giving him food. Realizing the pitiful situation he was in, the young man regarded this as punishment for condemning his confessor.
When a favorable opportunity presented itself, he went with a Russian ship to the Holy Mountain and came to the monastery of Little Anna, where he bowed to his confessor and asked him for forgiveness. Then the elder said to him:
- I saw, my child, that you condemned me, and the enemy of our souls drove you away, and I asked Panagia to bring you back, and she did it. But be careful in future. Do not blame monks, because they want to hide their virtue and many pretend to be mad so that people do not praise them.

Athos, Avvakum Lavriotis (1894-1978). Moving away from confession with your confessor, you will end up going to confession with a psychiatrist

Elder Avvakum Lavriotis is one of the representatives of the old monasticism. It is precisely such people that should be used to correctly determine the guidelines. - Holy Mount Athos
Habakkuk Lavriotis the elder monk said:
- People moved away from their confessors and were flooded with thoughts and various passions, and it all ends with a confession to psychiatrists. To forget the problem that torments them, they take pills. When after some time the problem comes up again, they do the same thing again.
So they suffer, but if a person understands his inner world, then he sleeps like a lamb, and he does not need any pills or other similar means...
In order for a person to receive help, he must have a heart receiver configured in order to receive a message from another. For those whose heart receiver is turned off, we must first pray to God to turn on this receiver for them, and then convey His Divine words.
Approach people as much as you can simply, humbly and with true love. Make comments only in serious cases, and otherwise pretend not to notice. Because the people have fatigue and confusion in their souls and are not able to constantly hear comments, no matter how correct they may be.
You must turn your boldness in dealing with people into good boldness in prayer. And turn your chatter into constant conversations with God. The soul does not get tired talking with God, because prayer is rest.
It happens that we pray for some sick person, and others also pray. Eventually he dies and some begin to wonder why God did not hear our prayers.
They know that God heard prayers, but He knew something more than what we know. We don't know what would have happened if He had let him live. Let us praise God.
- How do you live in these rocks, Geronda?!
- For monks, rocks are luxurious chambers, and caves are royal palaces. Their cover is the sky, their bed is the earth; their food is hazelnuts and wild herbs, their neighbors are wild animals.
“Is monastic life hard, Geronda?” we asked him.
- No, it’s not heavy. The time comes when you forget yourself and see that this is the lightest burden...
The desert will not save me if in the desert I myself am not deserted in relation to passions. And again, I’m not in the desert if I adapt it to myself, and not adapt to it myself....,” was his answer.

Elder Nektariy Karamanlis (18.3.2011)

A glass of dessert wine “spolokani”
The pious elder Nektarios Karamanlis gained fame as a virtuous husband on Mount Athos. He lived in Karei in the cell of the Karamanlids.
About him amazing life we were told by the ever-memorable Abbot Gabriel and Father Lazar.
Once on the day of the holiday, in the year when Elder Nektarios was the monk, the monks, his peers, wanted to treat him in the pantry to a glass of dessert wine, called “spolokani” on Athos, but he refused. They insisted
- You are proud, father, humble yourself and drink - for a blessing!
But he said that he could ruin the glass:
- Forgive me, brothers, a monk is a warrior of God, guarding his heart, and should not drink wine. I'll only ruin it...
- You are proud, father!!!
On the right is Elder Nektariy Karamanlis
Finally, this simple but faithful old man, wanting to show that their insistence comes from the evil one, takes the glass left hand, and with his right hand he places on him the sign of the Honorable Cross of the Lord...
Immediately the glass splits into four parts, and the entire contents spill out in front of everyone!
Moreover, Elder Nektarios later said that while he was being persuaded to break his rule and drink, he saw a crafty demon shamelessly joking, and realized that this was the action of a hater of all good, hidden under the imaginary brotherly love of his brothers.

Pope Matthew from the Monastery of Caracalla

Pope Matthew from the Caracal monastery was a true bearer of the Athonite spirit, recognizing the benefits of a harsh life and asceticism, and never drowned either in the church or in his cell, even in the coldest time of the year. To his disciple the hero Theophylact, whom we often met in the New Skete and who told us about his chosen spiritual father, the ever-memorable one said:
― Father Theophylact, how the fathers endured, laboring on the pillars, enduring all the vicissitudes weather conditions? Weren't they freezing? And we are freezing in our houses, wrapped in clothes! Alas for us!

Elder Kalinnik of Katunak (died in 1884). Obedience and logic

The wild mountain slope became a real garden, a fruitful olive grove thanks to the hard work of Elder Kallinikos, a practitioner of prayerful sobriety. With a hatchet in his belt and gardening tools in his knapsack, he jealously rushed to eradicate these thickets. He grafted all the wild olives and made them fruitful.
With his zeal and zeal for mental prayer, Elder Kallinikos left a memory in history; it should also be noted that hard work was always combined “with blessed humility and great mercy.”
He said:
“When I was in the world, everyone shouted: “Monk, monk.” Then I said to myself: if you are a monk, then why are you still hesitating, remaining in the world?
— The beginning of spiritual life for a monk is removal from everything visible and invisible, except God alone.
- At first the novice listens with reverence and without reasoning. Over time, he mixes in logic, which destroys obedience. He already looks at everything through the eyes of logic.
The hermit Elder Christodoulus, who was a disciple of the great worker of prayer sobriety, Elder Callinicus, often, when we visited his hospitable kaliva, told us:
- In our time, the feat of patience is especially necessary. The ancient saints performed great feats that are beyond our power. But we must have patience and humility in obedience...

Archim. Arseny, Kelya Belozerka, Who constantly makes excuses, has as his elder demona.

Archim. Arseny is a famous elder, confessor of the Greek cell of Belozerka. We are publishing one of his teachings to pilgrims. - Holy Mount Athos
It is very important for a person to be aware of his weakness and to be sincere in his relationship with God. For example, say to God: “Lord, forgive me, I find it boring and difficult to pray.” The Lord really loves the sincerity, conscientiousness, and responsibility of a person. But very often we go to God not as we are, but by putting on a lot of expensive clothes out of our justifications.
As we know, Adam and Eve lost Paradise not because they sinned, but because they began to make excuses.

Some saints said something completely different: “The world is bad because I am bad. When I become good, the world will improve.” The good God expects from each of us not what we cannot do, but what we are able to do. The Lord will not demand from us what He did not sow. He will not ask a lame man why he did not become a sprinter, or an illiterate man why he did not become a writer.
The beginning of spiritual life is self-correction, it is “creating a factory of good thoughts,” as Elder Paisios said...
He who comes to the Holy Mountain for holiness finds holiness, and who comes to see nature finds beautiful views. Everyone who comes to the Holy Mountain finds what they were looking for...
If I come to Moscow, I ask where the monasteries and churches are, and
another asks where are the entertainment centers, discos, and so on. A person is looking for something that is close to him. If we put on black glasses, we will see everything in black, green glasses in green, red glasses in red. If I am a crafty person, then I will see everyone as crafty, if I am kind, I will see everyone as kind, if I am a suspicious person, then I will suspect everyone.

Monk Moses Agiorite. If Christ comes now and says that heaven is full and there are no more places, what will we answer?

Monk Moses Agiorite is very famous on Mount Athos. He lives in Karei in a cell. His menacing appearance is deceiving. In fact, he kindest soul man... He speaks a lot, writes articles. Finally, we decided to sanctify his work in Russian! His teachings are published on our portal and in RuNet for the first time. This teaching shows the elder’s views on many issues. - Holy Mount Athos
It is very important for a person to be aware of his weakness and to be sincere in his relationship with God. For example, say to God: “Lord, forgive me, I find it boring and difficult to pray.”
The Lord really loves the sincerity, conscientiousness, and responsibility of a person. But very often we go to God not as we are, but by putting on a lot of expensive clothes out of our justifications. As we know, Adam and Eve lost Paradise not because they sinned, but because they began to make excuses.
Elder Paisios says terrible words: he who constantly makes excuses has a demon as his elder.
When we turn to God with these words: “Lord, it’s hard for me to pray because my wife is not behaving like this, because my colleague cheated on me, because the children don’t listen to me, and so on,” we are placing responsibility on anyone. , but not on ourselves.
Some saints said something completely different: “The world is bad because I am bad. When I become good, the world will improve.”
The good God expects from each of us not what we cannot do, but what we are able to do. The Lord will not demand from us what He did not sow. He will not ask a lame man why he did not become a sprinter, or an illiterate man why he did not become a writer.
The beginning of spiritual life is self-correction, it is “creating a factory of good thoughts,” as Elder Paisnn said.
He who comes to the Holy Mountain for holiness finds holiness, and who comes to see nature finds beautiful views. Everyone who comes to the Holy Mountain finds what they were looking for.
If I come to Moscow, I ask where the monasteries and churches are, and another asks where are the entertainment centers, discos, and so on. A person is looking for something that is close to him. If we put on black glasses, we will see everything in black, green glasses in green, red glasses in red. If I am a crafty person, then I will see everyone as crafty, if I am kind, I will see everyone as kind, if I am a suspicious person, then I will suspect everyone.
We must ask God to reveal our faith, our abilities. With His help we can develop them and do what we can.
One day, pilgrims came to Elder Paisius and said that they were reading the “Lives of the Saints” and Christians were falling into despair, step by step
Elder Pansius said: if Christ comes now and says that paradise is full and there are no more places, what will we answer? “Okay, no, no, let’s live a sinful life”? The saints would not say that - they did good deeds not for the sake of heaven, but for the sake of goodness itself....

The legend of the Athonite monastery of St. Anna. If you don’t get me water, then I won’t get you out of here either.
In the kaliva of St. Nicholas of Iveron monastery lived a virtuous and very simple Elder Nikifor(former Spiritual Father of the Patriarch of Constantinople, Holy Martyr Gregory V). He had several disciples, and among them was the Venerable Martyr Euthymius.
After the martyrdom of Euthymius, his relics were transported in a wooden barrel from Constantinople to the elder’s kaliva. When the holy relics arrived, the elder turned with hot tears to his holy disciple Euthymius and ordered him to stand up to kiss him, which was done!
The deceased stood up, they kissed each other, and then he rested again...
One more incident should be told, no less amazing. Elder Nikifor decided to dig a well under the floor of the kaliva tree. The workers dug to a depth of 5-6 meters and reached solid granite rock without finding any signs of nearby moisture.
Then this simple and faith-filled elder, saddened, took the icon of his disciples-martyrs (Euphemius, Ignatius, Akakios and Procopius), lowered it into the well and said:
- If you don’t bring me water, then I won’t get you out of here either.
And the result of this was the following miracle: the next day the well was full of water, and the icon of the saints floated on the surface. A crack is still visible at the stone bottom of this well today, and the water has a very pleasant taste, a real agiasma.

Afanasy Grigoriatsky
(In the world Andrei Protoeropoulos; 1874, Pyrgos, Elis - 12/28/1953), elder of the Athos monastery, St. Gregory. Genus. in pious large family. From my youth I aspired to monastic life and together with 3 friends in July 1891 secretly left home, going to Mount Athos. He was accepted into the monastery of Gregoriates and assigned as a novice to Elder Simeon, in 1893 he was tonsured according to Athos custom into the schema with the name Athanasius and received obedience at the monastery courtyard in Kareya. Together with Elder Jacob, the representative of the monastery in the Athonite Protata, A.G. labored in the courtyard approx. 11 years. Elder Jacob raised him with extreme severity. He taught humility, deliberately ridiculed the shortcomings of the novice in front of strangers, and never once in 11 years called his novice by name, but only gave him humiliating nicknames.
In 1904 A.G. returned to the Gregoriate Monastery, where he was ordained a hierodeacon, and in 1908 a hieromonk. After 6 years, A.G. was offered to become abbot, but he asked to be given a deferment for 10 years. The brethren granted his request, and after 10 years A.G. was elevated to the rank of abbot. In the first years of A.G.'s abbess, there was an acute question about the transition of the Athonite monasteries to a new calendar style. A.G. opposed the innovation and for this reason in 1927 refused to accept the state. official who visited the monastery from the official visit. As punishment, by the decision of Kinot A.G. was removed from the abbess, he was threatened with exile, but after several. days he was restored to the rank of abbot.
For his ascetic life, A.G. received from God the gift of delivering people from despondency and despair. Simple and modest in everyday life, the elder confessed in the same epitrachelion, which after the death of A.G. is kept in the monastery and, when placed on the head of the sufferer, restores his peace of mind. Mn. people came to the monastery to meet the elder. A.G. visited George II, cor. Greece, and Archbishop. Chrysostomos I of Athens corresponded with him.
A.G. especially loved and revered the Most Rev. The Mother of God, the patroness of Athos, had an akathist read to her every day and did not allow novices to take monastic vows if they did not know it by heart. As a wise shepherd, he valued patience and peacefulness above all else in monastic life. Characteristics A.G. had non-covetousness, abstinence in everything and a kind attitude not only towards people, but also towards animals. There are cases when he saved wild animals from hunters. IN free time A.G. studied Russian. language, many Russians labored on Mount Athos at that time. monks with whom he developed close relationships.
A.G. had the gift of insight. Before his death, he revealed to his closest disciple that he had been awarded the grace-filled appearances of the Most Holy One. Theotokos and the saintly saint, especially revered by him. Anastasia. In 1937, A.G.’s position of authority began to weigh on him and he retired. Out of modesty and love of solitude, in the last years of his life he advised pilgrims who sought his teachings or wanted to confess to him to turn to other fathers of the Holy Mountain.