Every year, with the arrival of February, all Russian men prepare for the most important and significant holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day. According to established tradition, on this wonderful day all representatives of the stronger sex “expect” congratulations and gifts, from boys in kindergarten and school and to male colleagues at work. For future and present defenders of the Fatherland, festive events are held, corporate parties at work, children's matinees for students of different classes - with fun games, funny humorous competitions, sports competitions. As a rule, competitions for February 23 are selected in a variety of ways, taking into account the “audience”, free space for entertainment, as well as the available “working” props. Of course everything organizational issues you need to think about it in advance - then the event will run smoothly and you won’t have to hastily resolve various “unscheduled” issues. We bring to your attention the most cool ideas for competitions on February 23, with which you can arrange fun party boys and men, giving them the opportunity to compete physically or intellectually. So, let's dilute the atmosphere of the main men's holiday with notes of fun and enthusiasm!

Fun competitions for February 23rd for boys in grades 5–7 at school, ideas and videos

Defender of the Fatherland Day at school is always interesting and fun. So, on February 23, the girl “half” of the class congratulates the boys on their holiday, addressing everyone with the warmest and most sincere congratulations. As an option, on the eve of the holiday, a wall newspaper is prepared with photographs of all the boys or friendly cartoons (if there is a skilled “artist” in the class). In addition to presenting gifts and organizing a “sweet” table, you can arrange entertainment program with fun competitions - we have collected interesting ideas with video for boys in grades 5 - 7. However, all schoolchildren will be happy to take part in such cool entertainment. Such fun competitions on February 23 involve determining the winners - they will receive prizes selected taking into account the military theme of the holiday (cars, puzzles, key chains, embossed notebooks).

Competition “We are a team!”

To participate in this competition, all participants are divided into pairs. Then, in each pair, one player needs to be blindfolded and place pins around them at a certain distance from each other. The presenter marks the time and gives a signal. The blindfolded participant carefully moves forward, guided by the “partner’s” prompts. The task can be complicated if the arrangement of pins is changed for each new pair - after the participant is blindfolded. The team that knocks down the fewest pins wins. With the help of this cool competition for February 23, children learn to cooperate and work as a team. And it's just fun and cool!

Competition "Secret Agents"

Boys often imagine themselves as super agents or intelligence officers carrying out an important task behind enemy lines. We offer an interesting competition idea for Defender of the Fatherland Day - to declare the guys secret agents and entrust them with transmitting a secret encrypted message. All boy participants are divided into two teams, and a captain is selected for each. According to the terms of the competition, the captain receives a task: to perform a series of movements in a certain sequence. For example, raise your arms up, clap your hands three times, sit down five times, touch your right ear with your left hand, and move your right hand to the side. The captain's task is to exactly repeat the movements of the next player. He, in turn, conveys the “secret message” to the third participant, and so on until the end. The winner is the team that conveys the “encrypted message” to the last “secret agent” more accurately and quickly.

Cool fun competitions for February 23rd for men in the office, ideas with video

For many people, work takes up a large part Everyday life, and we sometimes see our colleagues more often than some relatives. The tradition of celebrating holidays with family is extremely tenacious - so on February 23, the female half of the office prepares to solemnly congratulate men on Defender of the Fatherland Day. How to surprise your male colleagues on February 23? During table breaks you can arrange cool competitions and games that will lift the spirits of the entire team and set them in a carefree, festive mood. We offer several ideas with video organization fun competitions by February 23 for the male part of the team.

Competition "Photo shoot in a gas mask"

Such a cool competition will require preliminary preparation - you need to stock up on a pair of gas masks. All male participants are divided into two teams, which are located on both sides of the table. The presenter and assistant stand at a distance of about 10 meters from the participants - they have cameras in their hands. At the leader’s signal, the first player of each team puts on one of the gas masks lying on the table, and in this form runs up to the “photographer” for a photo. Then the participant in the “photo shoot” returns to his team and passes the gas mask to the next player. The point of this cool competition is to complete a fun “photo shoot” wearing gas masks as quickly as possible. From the resulting photos you can later make a collage and the whole team can admire the result.

Competition "Kitchen duty"

Such “culinary” competitions on February 23 will remind many men of the “charms” of military service. Thus, women can present their male colleagues with a “surprise” - a “high-speed” potato peeling competition. Participants in the competition are given knives and a large tuber - it is assumed that they will have to peel potatoes at speed. However, unexpectedly, the presenter suggests organizing a competition on knowledge of dishes made from this popular vegetable. The men take turns naming potato dishes, trying to remember as many as possible. The most erudite “cook” is declared the winner and receives a cool prize - here the imagination is unlimited!

Table competitions and games for corporate parties on February 23, funny with video

In honor of Defender of the Fatherland Day, the management of companies and firms presents their employees with a pleasant “surprise” - a festive corporate party in the banquet hall of a restaurant or cafe, outdoors. Each of these options has its own advantages, but many prefer to gather within their own “working” walls. After all, at such an entertaining event, colleagues can have fun in an informal atmosphere, get to know each other better and even make friends with each other. In the corporate party scenario, you can include cool competitions for February 23 with a light “touch” of humor. Of course, on Defender of the Fatherland Day, men will rightfully be the center of attention - however, all employees can take part in some competitions. Here you will find interesting ideas with videos for corporate competitions for February 23 - creative inspiration for you!

Competition "Charming Pilots"

By February 23, the main participants in this cool competition will be three lively, funny men - there will be such people in every team. Before the “flight,” the presenter gives a parting speech about the pilots’ responsibility to the crew and passengers, the ability to inspire confidence in oneself, as well as the professionalism of real “masters of the sky.” According to the terms of the competition, the task of the “pilots” is to lure on board as many more women from the hall. How to do this? With the help of charm and masculine charms, brave “pilots” “recruit” the crew and passengers from among the female employees. The “pilot” who attracts the most female colleagues to his side wins – everyone chooses the method and means of “attracting” himself.

Competition "Guess who drinks vodka"

To conduct such a drawing competition, you can attract any number of players, and the details you will need are transparent glasses with straws - according to the number of participants. 150 grams of liquid is poured into each glass. At the beginning of the competition, the presenter announces that only one of the glasses contains vodka, and the rest contain pure water. Then the participants begin to drink through a straw, trying not to show what they are drinking. The rest of those present at this time are trying to guess by appearance players who have alcohol in their glass. When the glasses are empty, the presenter “reveals the cards” - it turns out that there was vodka in all the glasses!

Funny competitions for February 23 in kindergarten with dads, ideas, videos

On the holiday of February 23, kindergartens hold matinees with the invitation of parents - mothers and fathers of children. It is impossible to imagine such entertaining events without fun funny competitions and games in which boys and their dads can take part. We have selected interesting video ideas for competitions for Defender of the Fatherland Day that both children and parents will enjoy.

Competition "Fishermen"

Boys and fathers can take part in this cool competition - fishing lovers will especially enjoy the entertainment. Each participant wears a belt with a thread tied to it, to which a pencil (“fishing rod”) is attached. Since it’s winter, the “fishermen” go for winter fishing - the hole in this case is represented in the form of a neck empty bottle. The winner of the competition is the one who gets the fishing rod into the hole first.

Competition "Best Sniper"

For the competition you will need three liter jar filled with water into which a glass is placed. Then the presenter invites children and dads - their task is to hit a glass with a coin from a distance of several steps. At first glance, everything is simple, but one difficulty is that the trajectory of the coin is constantly changing due to the liquid in the jar. The most accurate sniper is declared the winner of the competition and receives a prize - coins found inside the jar.

Ideas for cool competitions for guys on February 23

Defender of the Fatherland Day is a significant and important holiday for any guy or man. For this significant date, you can organize an entertaining event with cool competitions that will “dilute” traditional dinner gatherings. For our courageous defenders - best ideas competitions on February 23!

Competition "Protect the Orange"

The presenter selects two participants from among boys and men. Everyone is given a spoon - it needs to be held in their teeth, and an orange or an egg placed on top. According to the terms of the competition, players must try to throw off the opponent's orange while keeping the fruit on their spoon. It is prohibited to “use” your hands during the game.

Competition "Accuracy Test"

At the end of the party in honor of February 23, a lot of empty beer cans are collected - it's time to organize a competition for accuracy. The cans are placed in one line, and the participants shoot at the “target” with bullets from a children’s Chinese pistol. Whoever knocked down the most cans won.

Funny competitions on February 23 are a great opportunity to have fun, as well as test the dexterity, courage and strength of men and boys. On our pages you will find interesting ideas for competitions for February 23 - for boys in school and kindergarten, men in the office, corporate events at work. Such cool competitions on February 23 will add a “touch” of humor and fun to the strict atmosphere of the holiday. Happy holiday to you!

Cheerful and funny competitions, relay races and competitions on February 23 will help create a festive atmosphere. Quizzes, themed riddles and games will entertain men and amuse women. Comic competitions will lift your spirits and make the celebration memorable for everyone present. Original tasks on the theme of Defender of the Fatherland Day will add courage, excitement and fun to the holiday.

    Game "Balloon"

    Selected to participate in the game strong men. To carry it out you will need balloons (according to the number of participants). It is better to purchase durable balls - this will extend the gaming moment.

    The participants' task is to inflate the balloon until it bursts. In this case, it is prohibited to use sharp objects, nails and other things that can speed up the game.

    The facilitator monitors each participant. If the balloon is inflated incorrectly, it can remove a man from the game. The winner is the participant who inflates and bursts the balloon faster than the rest.

    The task can be complicated by adding another smaller ball to each player. It needs to be inflated in the middle of a large ball.

    Game "Mom"

    The game involves 5 men. The presenter begins to approach each of them in turn and say the phrase “Mom is...”. The players' task is to come up with a compliment for mom within 5 seconds. You cannot repeat the words of other participants. The man who could not continue the phrase within the allotted time is eliminated from the game. The winner is the player who comes up with greatest number compliments to mom.

    Examples of words: best, beloved, sweet, dear, charming, beautiful, mysterious, sweet, gentle, beautiful, charming.

    3 women are participating in the competition. The presenter blindfolds each of them in turn and gives her a good spin. The remaining guests line up in a wide circle. A blindfolded woman needs to find men in a circle and kiss them on the cheek. In order to confuse the contestant, ladies who are not participating in the competition may wear men's jackets.

    After the competition starts, the stopwatch starts. Time stops after all the men have received their kiss. After the first woman passes the competition, the second takes the baton, then the third. At the end, the presenter announces the time of each participant. The woman with the shortest time wins.

    4 boys are participating in the competition. To carry it out you will need 4 chairs and clothes that are too small and large sizes(same number of items for each participant).

    A chair with clothes is placed in front of each guy. The task of each participant is to pull on as many things as possible in 45 seconds. When the time is up, the guys move away from their chairs. Items that remain in the hands of the participants (not worn) are not counted. Each contestant takes turns taking off one stretched item at a time. The one who managed to put on the most clothes receives the title of “real soldier.”

    2 guys are participating in the competition. To carry it out you will need 2 chairs and 2 identical jackets with buttons.

    Chairs are placed at a certain distance from each other. The jacket is hung inside out on the back of each of them. The guys stand near their opponent's chair.

    On the command “start” they must run to their chair, quickly take off and turn out their jacket. Then they need to maximum speed put it on yourself and fasten all the buttons. After this, they must run around their opponent's chair, return to theirs and sit on it.

    The participant who completes the task faster wins.

    3 boys are participating in the competition. They are given a felt-tip pen and a sheet of paper.

The presenter prepares in advance and completely unwinds ordinary gauze medical bandages purchased at the pharmacy. The task of the participant in the competition is to wind the bandage back into the roll as quickly as possible. The most dexterous and efficient “nurse” or “nurse” wins.

News from the front

Participants are divided into teams, each of them receives a piece of paper. The first one writes the phrase at the top: “Hello, Mom!”, wraps the sheet so that the phrase is not visible, and passes it on to the next one. He writes any complete phrase below - whatever comes to mind. Wraps it in the same way and passes it on. At the end, the sheets are unfolded and read. The team that writes the funniest news from the front wins.

Talent of memory and art

This competition involves men who served in the army. The task of each participant is to draw the coat of arms of his troops, in which the participant carried out his duty of service. The most talented and correct drawing is awarded a prize.

Rub until shiny

A simple competition to remember the fun years of service. Each participant takes a pair of his shoes, everyone is given shoe polish, and at the command “start” everyone begins to polish their shoes (boots). Whoever completes the task the fastest and polishes his shoes the best will win a prize.

A purely man's game

For the competition, men are divided into 2-3 teams. In front of each team, at a certain distance, there is a target where there are glasses with vodka (juice). The first team members at the start run to the goal, take the “push-up” position and drink one glass, run back, passing the baton to the next participant. Whose team completes the task faster and empties their glasses wins a prize.


For each participant you need to prepare construction sets or cubes in the same quantity (to complicate the competition, you can take matches). At the command of the leader, each participant must build his own fortress, that is, 4 walls, the main thing is that all the cubes (matches) are placed. Whoever builds the fortress first will receive a prize.

Army porridge

Men are divided into teams with the same number of people. Each team stands in a row. At the same distance from each team there is a chair with three plates, and in each plate there is the same number of identical cereals (for example, rice, buckwheat and barley). Each participant has a spoon, preferably a small one. At the “start” command, the first participants run to their chair and eat one spoon of each porridge, then run back and pass the baton to the second participants. The second ones also run to the chair and eat one spoon of each porridge, then pass the baton back. And the team of heroes who will be the first to empty the plates will win, because all the strength of the hero is in the porridge.

While the match is burning

Everyone knows that in the army they often peel potatoes while on duty. So, while the match is burning, each participant must quickly peel a large potato. If no one succeeds in completely peeling the vegetable, the winner is chosen according to the method larger territory potatoes, peeled.


Each participant is provided with a shoe and laces. Blindfolded, the participant must lace up his shoe and tie his shoelaces faster than others. Whoever can do this efficiently and quickly receives a prize.

Log between your legs

Two teams of guys of 4-7 people are formed.
The guys clamp a pre-prepared thin log or pole between their knees. You cannot hold the log with your hands!
On command, they run to the opposite wall of the hall, turn around and return to the start.
Who will come first?
(In the author’s practice, the guys ran around two floors of the Palace of Culture with a log, going down and up the stairs. But this is dangerous - it’s easy to fall and get hurt.)

Shoulder straps

Two teams.
The DJ-animator puts shoulder straps on the first person's shoulders.
The task is to run the distance without dropping the shoulder straps and put them on the shoulders of the next relay participant.
You cannot hold the shoulder straps with your hands.
If the shoulder strap falls (at any stage, even in reverse), the player returns to the start, the shoulder straps are placed on his shoulders again, and he again runs his distance.

King's Musketeers

Two chess pieces are placed on the edge of the table.
In the hands of two players are swords or rapiers (possibly fake ones).
The task is to lunge (step forward) at the animator’s signal and hit the figure with a thrust.

Running around the perimeter

A bit like rugby.
A group of guys (at least the whole class) is running around the perimeter of the hall.
Girls are waiting for them in the corners: they catch the guys. (You can’t pull out too hard.)
Those who have crossed the next cordon run further.
The last one not caught wins.

Girls run, and boys catch.

Iron face

Task for two participants: in 60 seconds. attach as many clothespins to your face as possible.

The most agile

The animator invites guys to participate.
Everyone gets a bunch of rubber bands of a certain color.
Task: while the song is playing, each participant “rings” as many girls as possible, putting a rubber band on their ankle.

Thick-cheeked lip slap

We need a supply of barberry-type sucking candies.
Two people compete.
They take turns putting candy in their mouths and, looking at their opponent, say loudly and clearly into the microphone:
- "Thick-cheeked lip slap."
You can't swallow sweets.
The winner is the one who puts the most candies in his mouth and at the same time clearly pronounces the cherished phrase.


Two teams. Each person receives a handful of coins.
At a distance of 4-5 meters from the “airfield”-start, the animator sets two “goals” - a can or a hat.
Players "fly" to their "goals" holding coins between their knees.
Then they “bomb” them - they try to get coins into the jar.
The team with the fewest coins scattered on the floor wins.

Broom on forehead

Who can balance the broom on their forehead the longest?

Pull up your chair

Exercises strong people with chair:

  1. Grasp the bottom of the back leg of the chair with one hand. Raise it so that the seat remains horizontal.
  2. Same thing when holding a chair by the front leg (it's heavier).
  3. Grab the chair with both hands by the top of the back. Raise it above you with outstretched arms and lower it down (without placing it on the floor). Who will do this exercise the most times?

Magnet Man

The animator hands the game participants cards with letters.
Participants must attach the cards to the body parts whose names begin with the indicated letter and hold them.
The winner is the one who manages to place it on himself - and not drop it! - more cards.

William Tell

Men are playing.
An apple hangs from their belts on a string.
In front of each person there is a board with a nail on the floor.
The task is to prick the apple onto the nail as quickly as possible (“hit the apple with an arrow”).

Come in from the side! Jump higher!

Two guys are playing. Task: be the first to read what is written on your opponent’s back and not allow him to read the inscription on his own back.
You can jump and dodge, but you can’t use your hands.
The assistants attach the inscription COME IN FROM THE SIDE TO the back of one of them.
The inscription JUMP HIGHER is attached to the other's back.
The audience encourages the players with exclamations: “Come in from the side!” “Jump higher!”, but they don’t realize that these are the inscriptions.
In the author’s practice over all the years, the audience has never “split” or suggested the answer to the players!

Press in fist

Who will be the first to crumple the newspaper with one hand and gather it all into his fist? Starting position: the player holding a newspaper sheet by the tip with two fingers.

Bend figuratively

Animator addressing the guys:
- Who can bend a nail with their hands? Not just bend, but bend figuratively? The author of the most interesting nail figure will receive a prize. Bend only with bare hands!
The nails should not be too thick. :-)


- Who will sit down and straighten up on one leg, holding a full mug of water in his hand, stretching the other leg forward and without touching the floor, without leaning on anything with his free hand? Do not spill water!
It's not that simple. The prize must be good.


Who will pour sprite from a jar into a glass faster?
The glass is on the floor, and the player is holding the can,... holding it with his knees.
Don't help with your hands.
Any number of players.

February 23 is a special holiday for both women and men. On this day, we congratulate the present and future defenders who protect the state and people. Even schoolchildren from a very young age should understand and realize the importance of the celebrated event.


The competition can be used both for a team competition and for a game, where each participant has his own individual right to win. The presenter reads to the boys excerpts from works that they have been learning throughout school year, and the children must name the author of the lines they heard.


This competition is based on the rules of arm wrestling. It can be included in a team competition, for example, as a competition for captains, or it can be held in the form of a competition for individual participants.


The competition is perfect for individual competition. The boys are given sheets of paper from which they must make airplanes for themselves as quickly as possible. The competition begins at the command of the leader. The winner is the boy(s) whose airplane turns out to be the most perfect and of the highest quality.

There is also the opportunity to hold a whole range of competitions with airplanes. For example, in the first, ask the boys to make them, in the second, to decorate them, in the third, to let them fly, in the fourth, to go through obstacles with the airplane, etc.


Competition for team game. Two boys are invited to participate; their task is to take turns naming the car brands they know. The one who has better knowledge in this area wins.

"Mini basketball"

The competition is suitable for both individual and team competition. To conduct it, all team members are asked to stand in a column. Each participant, when it is his turn, is given two nuts. There is a bucket two meters opposite the first participant. The first participant starts the game, everyone’s task is to get their nuts into the bucket. After the first team has completed its attempts, the second team is invited to the competition. As a result, for each hit the team receives 1 point.


For the competition, teams or individual participants are provided with small puzzles (large or small, and their number depends on age). Who completed the puzzle correctly in more than a short time, he won the competition.

Using the methodology of this game, you can hold competitions similar to this. For example, take ballpoint pens apart and ask the boys to put them together at speed. Also in the competition you can use a construction set or other objects that can be quickly laid out and then folded. It will be good if music plays during execution.

There are different competitions for February 23rd. They may have a cheerful, funny character, require intellectual knowledge or demonstrate the valiant skills of schoolchildren. Many children especially like funny competitions on February 23rd.

"Nature Lover"

Each boy pulls out an envelope in which he finds a card with the name of the animal. The task is to name what kind of animal it is, its main characteristics and place of residence. The most complete and thorough answer receives first place.


Every gentleman should be able to give compliments. Two girls and two boys are invited to the competition. Little men should take turns saying beautiful compliments to their ladies. The more gallant and eloquent gentleman wins.

"Tug of War"

The competition requires a long and thick rope. A red ribbon is tied in the middle. A line is drawn between the two teams, as well as another line at a distance of 1 meter from the main one on each side. Participants stand on their sides and take the rope in their hands. The teams' task is to pull the middle of the rope to their side so that the opponent crosses the center line.

"Plan map"

Team assignment. Participants must find the item using maps and clues. Schoolchildren receive the first clue card from the presenter, all subsequent ones are obtained thanks to their own intelligence and ingenuity. Tasks can be in the form of riddles, area plans, where the next clue or hidden object will be marked with a circle or cross.


Boys are provided with pencils and sheets of paper. Each of them must draw one of their classmates on the sheets of paper. After completing the task, all the portraits are placed along the board and the audience must guess who exactly is depicted in each of the drawings.

"Bag Jumping"

If the competition is held for individual participants, each of them is given a bag in which, after the start signal, he must gallop to the specified line as quickly as possible. If the game is a team game, each player is given one bag.

The first participants, at a signal, jump into the bag and jump to the indicated line and back (you can go around the ball), passing the baton to the next player. The team that covers the distance first wins.

Cheerful tankers

Team competition. In front of each team there is a stand with whatman paper. The task of the participants is alternately with eyes closed draw a tank on whatman paper. Each person can only complete one element. Participants are blindfolded immediately before leaving. Whoever has the most accurate drawing wins the competition.

"Eat an apple"

Two participants are invited for the competition. The girls stand on a chair and hold apples at arm's length, suspended from a stick on a string. The boys' task is to quickly eat the hanging apple.

Cool competitions for February 23rd can be suggested to the children themselves, as creative work. As a result, you can mark the most interesting options and include them in competitive program school competitions for the men's holiday.

When organizing a competition program, it is necessary to take into account all age characteristics of children. Children love competitions and games, so by choosing competitions for schoolchildren with different themes, you can be sure that children will enjoy the event.