Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

“Kindergarten No. 5 “Dolphin” combined type”


by order

Head of MBDOU No. 5 "Dolphin"

from "____" "_________" 20__



Dima S.

2015 – 2016 academic year





Diagnosis by the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission

General speech underdevelopment (II). Dysarthria. Knowledge, skills and abilities are formed below the age norm - (thus, Dmitry Sergeevich Smirnov is a child with disabilities in accordance with Article 2, paragraph 16 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273 Federal Law “On Education of the Russian Federation”)

Continue education and upbringing according to an adapted general education program for children with severe speech impairments. Psychological and pedagogical support in preschool settings. Observation by a neurologist. Classes with a speech therapist and educational psychologist


FULL NAME.____________________________________


teacher speech therapist

FULL NAME._____________________________________ - teacher - psychologist


The child has obvious problems in mastering the preschool educational program. General speech underdevelopment

( II) level with a dysarthric component. He understands the spoken speech.

Sound pronunciation disorders (whistling, hissing, sonorant sounds), syllabic

word structure (rearrangement, omission of syllables). Lexicon poor

Agrammatisms are present. Errors in inflection and word formation. Messenger

speech is poorly formed. Experiences difficulties in composing descriptive stories, stories based on a series of plot pictures. Can't post pictures that make sense. Composes a 2- or 3-sentence story based on leading questions

Phonemic functions are not formed. Confuses the concepts of sound and syllable. Cannot determine the sequence of sounds in a word.

Low cognitive interest in the surrounding world.Knowledge, skills and abilities are not sufficiently developed. There is a lag in the development of gross and fine motor skills. Does not regulate the pressure on the pencil, making it difficult to use scissors. Self-service skills have been developed. Reduced interest in the game.Uncommunicative, does not know how to negotiate and independently resolve conflicts with peers.Dima is in poor health and has a reduced level of physical development.

Target: create conditions for the child to successfully master the adapted basic educational program Preschool education and successful adaptation in society.

Tasks: 1. Development of all components of the speech system

2. Development and formation of cognitive processes

3. Development of emotional volitional sphere.

4.Development of general fine motor skills.

Contents of the individual educational route

Educational component:

- The form of training is full-time, group.

Work in general mode.

Individual approach during educational process.

The use of motor, visual and speech physical education during classes.

Joint games for the development of the emotional-volitional sphere.

Individual curriculum:

Strengthening educational areas: “Speech development”,

and “Socio-communicative development”.

The educational area “Social and communicative development” is strengthened in:

Development of gaming skills;

Maintaining children's interest in the activities of their peers, promoting

dialogical communication in joint games and activities;

Appropriation of norms and values ​​accepted in society, including moral and

moral values;

Forming the ability to recognize the emotions of others, development

social and emotional intelligence, emotional responsiveness,


The formation of independence, focus and self-regulation of one’s own


In the afternoon, individual lessons on completing assignments


Physical Culture


on the street

2 / 40 min.

1 / 20 min.

Educational field "Speech development"

Speech development

2 / 40 min. (teacher speech therapist)

Reading fiction


Educational field "Artistic and aesthetic development"


1 / 20 min.


0.5 / 10 min


0.5 / 10 min.

Applied creativity

1/20 min.


2 / 40 min.

Social and communicative development of children is carried out in educational

activities during routine moments, in joint and independent play

activities, in the family.


Individual sessions

Teacher - psychologist

2/15 min.

Teacher speech therapist

3/15 min.


2/ 15 min.

Musical director

Physics instructor culture

Speech therapy support

    Correctional educational technologies, programs:

Program of correctional and developmental work in the speech therapy group of a kindergarten for children with special needs development” edited by N.V. Nishcheva.

Working programm teacher-speech therapist for the correction of general speech underdevelopment in

senior speech therapy group is compiled on the basis of an approximate adapted program of correctional and developmental work in a speech therapy group for children with

System of correctional work in a speech therapy group for children with special needs, edited by N.V. Nishcheva

Non-traditional methods of work on the development of articulatory motor skills V.V. Konovalenko, S.V. Konovalenko

ICT, TRIZ elements, modeling method, socio-game methods and techniques, problem-based teaching method

Fairytale therapy, sand therapy, theatrical and play activities, techniques


    Health-saving technologies:

Dynamic pauses

Finger warm-up

Eye exercises

Breathing exercises,

Relaxation breaks,


Music therapy,

Finger massage.

    Forms of monitoring and recording the child’s achievements:

Comprehensive examination at the beginning of the school year, intermediate diagnostics, comprehensive examination at the end of the school year.

Corrective component:

Psychological and pedagogical support

(individual curriculum)


Support specialist

Main directions

Mode and forms of work

Development dynamics indicators

Performance Evaluation Forms

Forms of work with parents

Teacher speech therapist

1. Phonetic side of speech. Articulation gymnastics. Production of disturbed sounds. Automation of delivered sounds in syllables (direct, reverse, confluences); words; collocation; proposed., tongue twisters; poetic texts; spontaneous speech. Differentiation with sounds that are similar in acoustic and articulatory characteristics. 2. Vocabulary. Clarification, expansion and enrichment of the dictionary by topic. plan. Work on the formation of generic and specific generalizing concepts. Enriching the vocabulary relates, possesses. adjunct, antonym words. Expansion of the predicative dictionary, dictionary of features. 3.Grammatical structure of speech. Work on education plural. h. noun in I. and R. cases. Education will reduce-caress. noun and attached. Education is attractive. attached Work on the coordination of nouns. with appendix in gender, number, case. Working on correct noun agreement. with verbs, nouns with numerals. Education relates. attached Work on understanding and used. simple prepositions. The composition of simple ones is common, complex. proposals. Analysis of primes is proposed. 4. Phonematic Formir's side of speech. ability to highlight verbs and acc. sounds from a number of sounds, syllables, words, select words for a given sound, determine the place of the sound in a word. Develop the skill of analysis and synthesis of syllables, words. Reinforce the conceptsound, syllable, sentence, vowel, consonant sounds. Familiarization with letters. 5. Coherent speech. Compiling a descriptive story according to a plan, a plot picture, a series of plot pictures. Retelling fairy tales and simple texts. Memorizing poems, tongue twisters, riddles. 6.Work on the development of fine motor skills. 7. Prevention of dysgraphia. 8.Improving auditory, visual and kinesthetic control. 9. Drug treatment from a neurologist.

Individual classes:Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday

in phonemic awareness. Continue to develop grammatical structure and coherent speech.Positive dynamics in sound pronunciation. Whistling and hissing sounds are set and automated. Sound production [l] Speech rate is slow. Poor fine motor skills.

Level survey speech development

Consultations, conversations, master classes, workshops, GCD viewings

surveys, holding parent meetings, making

leaflets, stands, brochures,

page design on the preschool educational institution website

Educational psychologist

Development cognitive activity and interest in the surrounding world, through

games, exercises and activities.

Development of socially significant skills.

Development of communication skills.

Development of general intellectual skills

child: techniques of analysis, synthesis,

comparisons, generalizations, grouping and classification skills, exceptions,


Development of voluntary functions of control and planning of one’s actions.

Development of orientation in space, relative to one’s body, to form

idea of ​​interaction

external objects and bodies.

Development of fine motor skills of a child's hands.

Individual lessons:Monday Thursday

Slight positive dynamics . Continue to develop: temporal and spatial concepts; perception; memory; attention; speech; thinking (difficulty in isolating unnecessary objects and generalizing), motor skills.

Note: slow pace of activity, increased level of interest. He goes to classes with pleasure.

Examination of the level of mental cognitive processes

Consultations, trainings, workshops, conversations, attending classes,

survey, production

Design of a page on the preschool educational institution website.

Educational component:

Consultations for parents:

Social and personal development through plot - role-playing games(“Mothers and Daughters”, “Shop”, “Hospital”, “Barbershop”, “Bus”, “Library”, “Builders”), theatrical games (dramatization of fairy tales, nursery rhymes), didactic games (“Fold the pattern”, “ Logical pairs”, “All about time”, “Collect a picture”, “Good and bad”, “What comes first, what comes next”, “The fourth odd one”, “Logic train”).

Develop friendly relationships with peers through

joint games: “Choose a partner”, “Compliments”, “Gardeners and Flowers”, “Kind Animal”, “Waves”. "Good Elves" and others.

Develop tolerance among children in the group through mutual assistance and conversations with children.

Develop the desire to express one’s attitude towards the environment through various speech means.

Final section

Parents' expectations: formation of readiness to learn for school.

Expected Result: the child is adapted to society; the child’s mastery of the adapted basic educational program of the preschool educational institution; children's mastery of independent, coherent, grammatical correct speech and communication skills, the phonetic system of the Russian language, elements of literacy, which forms psychological readiness to schooling and ensures continuity with the next level of the education system.

Exemplary individual-oriented educational route, developed by specialists from a preschool educational institution for a child with special needs development (III level of speech development, senior group, 1 year of study). Reflects the specifics and content of the complex work of preschool education specialists.



Individual educational route for a child with disabilities

for the 2017-2018 academic year

F.I. child: __________________________

Date of Birth: ___________

Age at the time of preparation of the program: _________

Group : GBOU School ____, building “_____”, group _______

Reasons: conclusion of the Center for Medical and Clinical Practice, Moscow No. ________ dated ________

Individual educational route in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education, in accordance with clause 6, part 1, article 6 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273 - Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation, 2012, No. 53, Art. 7598; 2013. No. 19, art. 2326, No. 30, Art. 4036, subclause 5.2.41 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 3, 2013. No. 446 (Collections of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, No. 23, Art. 2923; No. 33, Art. 4386; No. 37, Art. 4702), paragraph 7 of the Rules for the development, approval of federal state educational standards and amendments to them, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation Federation, 2013, No. 33, Art. 4377)

The IOM takes into account:

  1. the individual needs of the child related to his life situation and health status, which determine special educational needs;
  2. Cooperation between the Organization and the family;

IOM goal:

  1. Providing a system of means and conditions for eliminating speech deficiencies in children with speech impairment (severe speech impairments) and implementing timely and complete personal development, ensuring emotional well-being through the integration of educational content and organizing interaction between subjects of the educational process. Prevention of possible difficulties in mastering the mass school curriculum caused by the underdevelopment of the speech system of older preschoolers.
  2. Providing psychological and pedagogical support for the family and increasing the competence of parents (legal representatives) in matters of development, upbringing, education, protection and promotion of the child’s health

The main tasks of correctional education

1. Elimination of defects in sound pronunciation (education of articulatory skills, sound pronunciation, syllabic structure) and development of phonemic hearing (the ability to carry out operations of discrimination and recognition of phonemes that make up the sound shell of a word).

2.Development of sound analysis skills (special mental actions to differentiate phonemes and establish the sound structure of a word)

3. Clarification, expansion and enrichment of the vocabulary of older preschoolers with STD.

4.Formation of the grammatical structure of speech.

5. Development of coherent speech in older preschoolers.

6.Development of communication skills, success in communication.

IOM implementation period- 1 year.

Child's kindergarten attendance schedule:The child attends general education senior group No. 11. Monday - Friday - 7.00 - 19.00 with meals provided.

The program sets targets and the main content of the preschool level of education, ensuring the versatile and holistic formation of physical, intellectual and personal qualities child. It presents the basic principles of organizing the life and activities of children in a preschool organization, the content of the educational process, development indicators and basic characteristics of the child’s personality, and the necessary conditions for the implementation of the program.

Distribution of responsibilities of teachers and specialists

During the implementation of the child’s individual educational route


Group teachers

Implement Approximate general developmental, basic development program for a preschool child"Origins". - T.I. Aliyeva, T.V. Antonova, E.P. Arnautova in the following educational areas:





Artistic design

Paper construction

Fiction and folklore


Plans to work with children with disabilities health:

  • Continuous improvement of articulatory, fine and gross motor skills.
  • Consolidating the pronunciation of sounds given by a speech therapist.
  • Enrichment, clarification and activation of practiced vocabulary in accordance with lexical topics programs.
  • Exercise in the correct use of formed grammatical categories.
  • Development of attention, memory, logical thinking in games and exercises using defect-free speech material.
  • Formation of coherent speech.
  • Consolidating the emerging skills of sound-syllable analysis and synthesis (consolidating reading and writing skills).

Teacher speech therapist

Diagnostic work includes:

Timely identification of children with disabilities;

Comprehensive collection of information about the child based on diagnostic information from specialists in various fields;

Determining the level of current and zone of proximal development of a pupil with special needs development, identifying his reserve capabilities;

Studying the development of the emotional-volitional sphere and personal characteristics of pupils;

Study of the social situation of development and conditions of family education of children with disabilities;

Studying the adaptive capabilities and level of socialization of a child with disabilities;

Systematic, comprehensive monitoring of specialists over the level and dynamics of child development;

Analysis of the success of correctional and developmental work.

Corrective and developmental work includes:

- selection of correctional programs/methods and teaching methods that are optimal for the development of a child with disabilities in accordance with his special needs;

Organization and conduct by specialists of individual and group correctional and developmental classes necessary to overcome developmental disorders and learning difficulties;

Correction and development of higher mental functions;

Development of the emotional-volitional sphere and personal spheres of the child and psychocorrection of his behavior;

Social protection of the child in cases unfavorable conditions living under traumatic circumstances.

Advisory work includes:

- development of joint, substantiated recommendations on the main areas of work with children with special needs; uniform for all participants in the educational process;

Consulting by specialists to teachers on the choice of individually-oriented methods and techniques for working with students with special needs;

Advisory assistance to families in matters of choosing a parenting strategy and methods of corrective education for a child with special needs development disorder.

Information and educational work includes:

- various forms of educational activities (lectures, individual conversations, counseling, surveys, individual workshops, information stands, printed materials, media, presentations, open events). Aimed at explaining to participants in the educational process - children with special needs, their parents (legal representatives), teaching staff - issues related to the features of the educational process and support.

Direction of work:

Development of understanding of addressed speech and formation of communicative functions of language

Formation of productive interaction with adults.

Stimulation of speech activity.

Formation of verbal and non-verbal methods of communication.

correction of speech disorders in combination with stimulationdevelopment of all its aspects (vocabulary, grammar, phonetics), sensory and mental functions;

normalization of the prosodic speech system;

formation of articulatory praxis at the stage of production, automation and differentiation of speech sounds;

development of phonemic perception and sound analysis;

development of functional capabilities of hands and fingers;

normalization of lexical and grammatical skills;

Satisfying the need to communicate with others;

Development of cognitive activity.

Educational psychologist

  • organizes interaction between teachers;
  • provides methodological assistance to teachers in the development of correctional programs for the individual development of the child;
  • conducts psychoprophylactic and psychodiagnostic work with children;
  • organizes special correctional work with children at risk;
  • increases the level of psychological competence of kindergarten teachers;
  • conducts consultative work with parents.

Areas of work

Diagnostic work:

Diagnosis of the level of psychophysical development and individual characteristics child (examination of the affective-emotional and social-personal sphere, the formation of communication and play skills, the level of cognitive activity and motor development);

Repeated examinations of the child throughout the year (January, May);

Correction individual program work with the child based on the results of diagnostic examinations.

Corrective and developmental work:

Conducting correctional and developmental game classes (subgroup, group and individual);

Solving problems of interaction in the parent-child dyad, training the parent effective techniques interactions with the child.

Advisory work:

Conducting individual consultations with parents on issues of child development and upbringing; optimizing interaction with the child in the family, the child with other children and adults; organizing a developmental environment for the child at home;

Conducting consultations at the request of parents, incl. on issues of personal psychological difficulties of parents;

Ensuring parent participation in group consultations, workshops, and trainings.

Psychoprophylactic work:

Providing assistance to the child and family during the period of adaptation to the conditions of stay in kindergarten;

Studying the child’s medical documentation;

Creating an adequate understanding of parents about the diagnosis, the child’s capabilities and possible ways to correct disorders;

Musical director

In the classes, mainly traditional tasks are implemented. The child learns to listen to music, perform musical-rhythmic movements, sing, learn musical-didactic games and play musical instruments.

The educational content is adapted on the basis of diagnostic data and enriched with correctional and developmental tasks aimed at developing auditory perception, spatial orientation, sense of rhythm, motor qualities (smoothness of movements, their coordination, etc.)

Forms of organization of correctional and developmental activities:

  • diagnostics of the current level of development of the child;
  • education and child development in preschool education programs:
  • Conducting educational activities in individual classes;
  • Conducting educational activities in small subgroups;
  • parent counseling;

Swimming instructor

Formation and development of full-fledged physical, including motor, development, as well as targeted healing effects and the formation of the foundations healthy image life.

Plans to work with children with disabilities. Draws up plans for children's health, plans for monitoring to strengthen and protect children's health.

Organizes health improvement and conditioning for children, teaches swimming.

Develops the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Forms and maintains correct posture.

Develops physical qualities

Cultivate a sense of self-confidence.

Consults teachers and families of pupils on issues of working with children with disabilities

Physical education teacher

I. Working with children

II. Interaction with preschool teachers

III. Interaction with parents

IV. Interaction with society

V. Creation of a subject-development environment

Within each of the areas, various forms of work are used.

The main task of the educational field is to physical culture- stimulate positive changes in the body, forming the necessary motor skills, physical qualities and abilities aimed at life support, development and improvement of the body.

In the process of physical education, along with educational and health-improving tasks, special correctional ones are solved:
- development of speech through movement;
- formation of spatial and temporal concepts in the process of physical education;
- studying in the process of subject activity various properties of materials, as well as the purpose of objects;
- formation in the process of motor activity various types cognitive activity;
- management of the child’s emotional sphere, development of moral and volitional qualities of the individual, formed in the process of special motor games-activities, games, relay races.
- improvement of the functions of the developing organism, development of motor skills, fine manual motor skills, visual-spatial coordination.

Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the child

Emotional-volitional sphere:

Varya's facial expressions are inactive, she does not understand humor well, and distinguishes between the emotional states of others (sad, cheerful, etc.). Self-empathizes with others. The general emotional background is smooth and positive. Reacts adequately to the ban. Varya basically follows generally accepted rules of behavior. Does not always follow the teacher’s verbal instructions in completing tasks; clarification and/or repetition is required. Efficiency is average, interest is unstable, the gaming motive predominates. There is no criticality towards the results of one's work.

Social and communicative sphere:

Varya is a little tense when communicating with adults and maintains several cycles of communication. Maintains his own order and simple rules in joint games, to fulfill more complex rules, the guiding assistance of a teacher is necessary. IN general games She is active with other children and shows initiative. When communicating with her peers, Varya has little conflict, does not always share toys, and has strong friendships. State of the art play activity the girl is within the age norm. The variability of the game is small, the plots are poorly developed, and there is a tendency to reproduce familiar game “routes.” Understands and accepts simple roles in the game, more complex ones social roles understands poorly and does not retain it until the end of the game. With the help of the teacher, he acts in an imaginary game situation, uses little substitute objects in the game, and uses game paraphernalia. Able to agree on the distribution of roles in the game.

Cognitive development:

Varya's level of general awareness and orientation in the phenomena of the surrounding world is below the age norm. Little support for communication on personal topics, on topics not presented in the immediate situation, discusses various events; the answers are monosyllabic, confusing, not always on topic, speech is unclear. Confused about answers to certain questions about himself and his family, etc. The girl has insufficiently formed figurative and spatial-temporal ideas. The level of development of perception and the volume of voluntary memorization are reduced. The level of development of visual-figurative thinking also does not correspond to the age norm. Varya’s ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships is not sufficiently developed. The level of development of voluntary attention is within the age norm.

Speech development:

Vocabulary is significantly below the age norm. Inflectional skills and abilities at the stage of formation (adult explanations, demonstration, example). Word-formation skills and abilities at the stage of formation (adult explanations, demonstration, example).

Syntactic skills and abilities at the stage of formation (adult explanations, demonstration, example). Level of formation of phonetic-phonological competence: in the formation stage. Phonemic hearing is significantly reduced.

Sound analysis and synthesis skills are in their development stage. The syllabic structure of words is disrupted (omission and rearrangement of syllables);

Sound pronunciation: L, R, R.

Coherent speech: The phrase is simple, ungrammatical. He understands the text he listens to partially, remembers it in fragments, and retells it briefly and in monosyllables. It is difficult to independently compose a story based on a series of plot paintings. Lays out pictures with the help of an adult; verbal and logical thinking is not sufficiently formed; visual and figurative thinking predominates. The mobility of the muscles of the articulatory apparatus is normal. The volume of movement of the lips and tongue - all movements are available, the pace and switchability are somewhat slow. The voice is normal, the volume of speech breathing is insufficient.

The child's passive vocabulary is more developed than the active one. The leading hand is the right. Varya has level III OHP.

Proposed forms and conditions of working with a child(route sheet)

Area of ​​work (specialist)

Number of hours per week

Time spending

Programs and technologies used

Form of conducting classes



Psychological assistance (teacher-psychologist)


50 minutes


25 minutes


25 min –

subgroups class

25 minutes – accompaniment of NOD physical education


25 minutes – subgroup lesson

  1. Work program of educational psychologist Pshechenko O.V. for the 2017-2018 academic year.
  2. Exemplary general education program for preschool education “Origins”. T.I. Alieva, T.V. Antonova, E.P. Arnautova and others. Center “Preschool Childhood” named after A.V. Zaporozhets - M.: Sfera shopping center, 2013.
  3. Program for the intellectual, emotional and volitional development of children “Tsvetik-Semitsvetik”. /N.Yu.Kurazheva, N.V.Varyaeva and others - St. Petersburg: Speech; M.: Sfera, 2012.

Subgroup classes

Accompaniment of classes

Pshechenko Oksana Vladimirovna

Speech therapy assistance (teacher – speech therapist)

2 hours 5 minutes


subgroup lesson


subgroup lesson


subgroup lesson


Individual lesson


Subgroup lesson

Approximate development program for a preschool child “Origins”. - T.I.Alieva, T.V.Antonova, E.P. Arnautova and others. Center “Preschool Childhood” named after A.V. Zaporozhets - M.: Karapuz, 1997

“Variable approximate adapted basic educational program for children with severe speech impairments ( general underdevelopment speech) from 3 to 7 years.” Third edition, revised and expanded in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education. The author is a teacher-speech therapist of higher education qualification category, excellent student public education N. V. Nishcheva


Individual lessons

Subgroup classes

Khalapova Anna Konstantinovna

General developmental training in a group


3 hours 20 minutes

View group schedule

“Origins” Basic program for the development of a preschool child. Sets the standard for the preschool level of education, ensuring the complete and holistic development of the child’s personality. T.I.Alieva, T.V. Antonov, E.P. Arnautov and others. Center “Preschool Childhood” named after. A.V. Zaporozhets, M.: Karapuz, 1997.

Frontal, subgroup classes

Group teachers


swimming (physical education instructor)

View group schedule

Osokin "Teaching children to swim in kindergarten."

Protchenko, Semenov “Simultaneous method of teaching swimming”

Subgroup lesson




Games in English

Pedagogical work program. additional education Volokhova T.VS English language based on the program of Meshcheryakova V.N. "I love English." The program is designed for children aged 5-7 years.

Subgroup classes

Glazova Yulia Sergeevna

Fine art studio

Program “Color Carousel” The program was developed by additional teacher. Education Nikolaeva N.Yu.



Nikolaeva Natalya Yurievna

clause 12.15. The scope of medical and health work and correctional assistance for children (classes with a speech therapist, a psychologist, and others) is regulated individually in accordance with medical and pedagogical recommendations.One integrated lesson is held once a week. Organized activities during the day alternate with free activities or rest for children.

Direct educational activities

V senior group №11.

Days of the week

Educational area

Type of children's activity

GCD type





Nature and child.


Physical development

Motor activity

Physical training


Artistic and aesthetic development

Visual activities

Art studio




Physical development

Motor activity




Artistic and aesthetic





Cognitive, research and productive (constructive) activities





Cognitive and research

Mathematics in kindergarten


Cognitive Artistic and aesthetic development

Cognitive and research Visual activity

Getting to know your surroundings/drawing

(integrated lesson)


Physical development

Motor activity

Physical training



Artistic and aesthetic

Musical and artistic activities



Speech development

Communication activities

Speech development/beginning gr.


Physical development

Motor activity

Recreational swimming by subgroups



Cognitive development

Communication, play, activity.

Games in English

(by subgroups)



Physical development

Motor activity

Physical training

On the street

Artistic and aesthetic

Visual activities

Modeling / applique


The organization of direct educational activities is regulated by paragraphs. 11.10 – 11.13;12.5;12.7 SanPiN

One integrated lesson is held weekly.

Organized activities during the day alternate with free activities or rest for children.

A certain part of educational activity is carried out in the process of routine moments, for example, observing objects and phenomena of the surrounding world while walking, developing basic work skills, etc. Every day, time is allocated in the daily routine for reading fiction.

Correctional and developmental classes of a speech therapist and educational psychologist (individual correctional work in the morning and evening) are not included in the curriculum, because a small correctional group is formed on the basis of monitoring, recommendations and conclusions of the Center for Medical Education and Training, PMPK and upon requests from educators. The number of classes and composition of groups is determined according to need. Classes are conducted in small subgroups or individually and are outside the curriculum. Correctional work in a preschool educational institution is built as an integral system that provides a comprehensive, differentiated, regulated process of managing the course of psychophysical development of preschool children. Correctional classes conducted by speech therapists are variable in relation to communication classes in the general education process (for children with speech pathology). This variability ensures that the maximum permissible load on a child is not exceeded.

Corrective and developmental work carried out by an educational psychologist

Areas of work

Expected results

Social-communicative sphere

Gaming Skills

Development of role-playing games:

Develop the ability to connect several actions in a game in their logical sequence, carry out role-playing games according to a preliminary plan;

Teach preliminary planning for the upcoming game, highlighting certain rules games;

Learn to enter a role and maintain it until the end of the game in accordance with the content of the role and the plot of the game;

Learn to accompany your game actions with speech (record what is being done, plan the upcoming action).

Able to connect several actions in a game in their logical sequence, and conduct role-playing games according to a preliminary plan.

Knows how to plan the upcoming game.

Able to enter into a role and maintain it until the end of the game in accordance with the content of the role and the plot of the game.

Able to highlight the rules of joint play.

Accompanies the game with speech that is regulating and planning in nature.

Communication activities

Activate the child's communicative speech. Develop the ability to take into account emotional condition and listen to the other person when communicating. Develop the ability to choose a role in a group game.

Confidently expresses his basic needs and desires in speech when addressing an adult.

Able to take into account the emotional state and listen to another person when communicating.

Able to choose a role in a group game.

Emotional-personal and volitional sphere

Emotional development

Teach to distinguish a person’s mood by facial expressions (sad, cheerful, calm, angry, scared), convey the mood using expressive means. Development of facial expression. Helping the child understand his feelings. Work on increasing the child’s self-esteem through play therapy and sand therapy.

Distinguishes several human moods by facial expressions, in pictures/photos, and is able to give a basic analysis life situation on the picture.

Recognizes the emotional state of fairy tale characters.

With the help of expressive movements, he conveys the emotional state of the characters.

Expresses his emotional state in various ways.

Development of voluntary regulation of behavior

Learn to follow the rules in games: active and sedentary games with several rules, when performing written tasks, as well as when performing tasks with rules that apply sequentially. Teach work using auditory and visual instructions. Training in self-regulation techniques. Developing the ability to control your breathing.

Follows the rules in outdoor and sedentary games with 2-3 rules.

Follows the rules when performing written tasks with 1-2 rules, as well as when performing tasks with 3 rules operating sequentially (maintains the algorithm for performing actions).

Cognitive and intellectual spheres

Stimulating research activity

Stimulating the child's research activity. Creating problem situations in games specially organized by the teacher. Develop the ability to use aids to solve practical problems. Formation of search methods of orientation when performing game tasks.

Development of spatial concepts

To contribute to the enrichment of sensory experience by isolating and distinguishing spatial representations and relationships between objects:

Consolidating the distinction and naming of spatial relationships; orientation in the body diagram;

Formation of active spatial orientation in the process of performing purposeful actions with objects;

Play games that promote the development of visual and auditory attention, reaction speed, and movement accuracy.

Distinguishes and names spatial relationships: in, on, under, next to, about, between, here, there, in the middle, in front, behind, left, right, words, on the right, above, below.

Correctly oriented in the body diagram.

Performs movements with objects in given directions

Interaction between a teacher-psychologist and the child’s parents:

Obtaining anamnestic data about the child;

Providing parents with information about the content and effectiveness of the ongoing correctional and developmental work with the child;

Conducting individual consultations with parents on the following issues: development and upbringing of the child; optimizing interaction with the child in the family, the child with other children and adults; organizing a developmental environment for the child at home;

Conducting individual consultations at the request of parents, incl. on issues of personal psychological difficulties of parents;

Ensuring parent participation in group consultations, workshops, and trainings;

Creating an adequate understanding of parents about the child’s capabilities and possible ways to correct existing disorders;

Selection of literature on problems of child development and upbringing at the request of the parent and as necessary.

Corrective and developmental work carried out by a speech therapist teacher

Speech therapy classes are divided into:



The following types of classes (subgroups) are conducted:

  • on the accumulation of formation of lexical and grammatical categories - 1 lesson per week;
  • on the development of coherent speech – 1 lesson per week
  • on the formation of phonetic-phonemic categories - 2 lessons per week;
  • The lesson lasts 25 minutes.

Direction of work



To develop understanding of speech, use visual situations of routine and game moments, using the words “show”, “put”, “bring”, “take”.

Expand phrases of address: “Show me where the red pencil is,” “Come if you’ve tied a scarf.”

Learn to distinguish:

Words that sound similar (carries - lucky);

Actions similar to the situation (knitting - sewing);

Actions and signs that are opposite in meaning (open - close);

Actions expressed by personal and reflexive verbs(bathes - bathes).

Distinguish using paired pictures:

Actions expressed by verbs (singular and plural numbers – float-float)

M. and f. genus past vr. units numbers (Valya sang - Valya sang);

Case forms (where the baby puts on a fur coat - where the baby puts on a fur coat)

Spatial relations of objects expressed by prepositions in, on, under.


  • To clarify and expand the stock of ideas based on observation and comprehension of objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality, to create a sufficient stock of vocabulary images.
  • To ensure a transition from accumulated ideas and passive speech reserve to the active use of speech means.
  • Expand the scope of correctly pronounced nouns - names of objects, objects, their parts on all lexical topics being studied.
  • Learn to group objects based on their correlation and, on this basis, develop an understanding of the general meaning of words, form accessible generic and specific general concepts.
  • Expand the verbal dictionary based on work on mastering the understanding of actions expressed by prefixed verbs; work on mastering the understanding of actions expressed by personal and reflexive verbs.
  • Learn to compare objects and phenomena and, on this basis, ensure the understanding and use of synonymous and antonymous words in speech.
  • Expand your understanding of the meaning of simple prepositions and intensify their use in speech.
  • Ensure the assimilation of possessive pronouns, attributive pronouns, demonstrative adverbs, cardinal and ordinal numbers and their use in expressive speech. Reinforce the concept word and the ability to operate with it.




Names of loved ones, friends, dolls, consisting of 2 syllables, with emphasis on the first syllable (Valya, Vova);

Monosyllabic words like: soup, juice;

Two-syllable words with stress on the first syllable (paw, sleigh);

Three-syllable words with stress on the first syllable (cubes, berries).

Add the same syllable to a part of a word (frog-ka, katush-ka).

Mastering initial word formation skills (first by ear):

Words with a diminutive meaning (house, spout).

Learn to choose names:

  • Subjects to the names of actions (goes (who?) - …….),
  • Actions to the names of subjects (machine (what does it do?) - …….)
  • Signs to the name of the object (ball (what?) - ......)

Learn to master the skills of conveying word connections using productive endings:

  • Coordinate ch. and noun in number and person,
  • Compare different forms of the word (fell - fell),
  • Form case forms of nouns. units and many more Numbers (table-tables)
  • Compose simple sentences by model: Who? What is he doing?



Development of the prosodic side of speech

  • Form the right speech breathing and long oral exhalation.
  • Strengthen the skill of soft voice speaking.
  • Cultivate a moderate rate of speech by imitation of the teacher and in exercises for coordinating speech with movement.
  • Develop the rhythm of speech, its intonation expressiveness, and voice modulation.

Correction of the pronunciation aspect of speech

  • To consolidate the correct pronunciation of existing sounds in play and free speech activities.
  • Activate the movements of the speech apparatus, prepare it for the formation of sounds of all groups.
  • To form the correct patterns of hissing, affricates, iotated and sonorant sounds, to automate the given sounds in free speech and play activities.

Work on the syllable structure and sound content of words

  • Improve the ability to distinguish by ear long and short words. Learn to remember and reproduce chains of syllables with changes in stress and intonation, chains of syllables with different consonants and the same vowels; chains of syllables with a consonant cluster.
  • To ensure further assimilation and use in speech of words of different sound-syllable structures.

Improving phonemic perception, sound and syllabic analysis and synthesis skills

  • Improve the ability to distinguish vowel sounds by ear.
  • To consolidate ideas about vowels and consonants and their distinctive features.
  • Practice distinguishing vowel and consonant sounds by ear, and selecting words based on given vowel and consonant sounds.
  • To develop the ability to distinguish by ear consonant sounds that are similar in articulatory characteristics in a number of sounds, syllables, words, in sentences, free play and speech activities.
  • To consolidate the skill of isolating given sounds from a number of sounds, vowels from the beginning of a word, consonants from the end and beginning of a word.
  • To develop the skill of distinguishing consonant sounds according to the following characteristics: dull-voiced, hard-soft.


  • General : creating conditions for improving the switchability of movements and self-control when performing motor exercises.
  • Small : creating conditions for improving static and dynamic coordination of movements.
  • Articulatory: to develop full-fledged movements and certain positions of the organs of the articulatory apparatus (precision of movement, smoothness and lightness (without twitching, trembling), stability of the final result, smooth switching from one movement to another
  • Breathing development: form a strong, smooth oral exhalation.


Teaching the correct pronunciation of sounds of early and middle ontogenesis: evocation of missing sounds, their automation and differentiation.

1.Articulation gymnastics.

Goal: formation and development of articulatory motor skills to the level of minimal sufficiency for sound production.

for those whistling : “Smile”, “Fence”, “Shovel”, “Groove”, “Brush”, “Football”, “Focus”;

for hissing ones: "Tube", " Delicious jam", "Cup", "Mushroom", "Let's warm our hands";

for P,P`: “Chatterer”, “Painter”, “Turkey”, “Horse”, “Mushroom”, “Drummer”, “Accordion”, “Machine Gun”;

for L: “Smile”, “Shovel”, “Let’s punish the tongue”.

2. Breathing exercises.

Goal: normalization of respiratory muscle tone, strengthening the skill of proper breathing.

Exercises: “Focus”, “Football”, “Blow out the candle”, “Smell the flower”, “Storm in a glass”, etc.

3. Finger gymnastics.

Goal: activation of the speech zone by influencing the child’s fingers using methods finger gymnastics and Su-jok massage.

4.Development of auditory attention, phonemic perception.

Goal: development of the ability to distinguish sounds in pronunciation that are similar in articulation or sound.

It is carried out in parallel with the correction of sound pronunciation using material worked out in pronunciation.

5.Sound production.

Purpose: Causing missing sound or correcting distorted sound.

Staging soundsin this sequence:

Shch, Ch;

L; R, R

Sound production work is carried out only individually.

When working with children who have a speech therapy diagnosis of dysarthria, an erased form of dysarthria, the sequence of sounds is not observed.

The method of production is mixed.

6. Automation of the supplied sound.

Goal: to consolidate correct sound pronunciation in children’s independent speech.

  • in syllables
  • in words
  • in sentences

7. Differentiation of sounds.

Goal: developing the ability to distinguish sounds that are similar in articulation and sound.



  • Cultivate active voluntary attention to speech, improve the ability to listen attentively to spoken speech, understand its content, and hear mistakes in someone else’s and one’s own speech.
  • Improve the ability to answer questions briefly and completely, ask questions, conduct a dialogue, listen to each other to the end.
  • Learn to compose descriptive stories, and then riddles-descriptions about objects and objects according to the model proposed by the plan; talk coherently about the content of a series of plot pictures and a plot picture according to the plan proposed by the teacher or a collectively drawn up plan.
  • Improve the skill of retelling well-known fairy tales and short texts.
  • Improve the ability to “speak” a game situation and, on this basis, develop the communicative function of speech.


  • Improve the ability to examine objects in different ways.
  • Develop your eye in special exercises and games.
  • Learn to perceive objects and their properties; compare objects; select a group of objects based on a given characteristic.
  • Develop color perception and color discrimination, the ability to distinguish colors by saturation; learn to name shades of colors. Form an idea of ​​the arrangement of colors in a rainbow.
  • Continue to introduce geometric shapes and figures; learn to use planar and three-dimensional figures as standards when comparing objects.


  • Develop auditory attention and memory when perceiving non-speech sounds. Learn to distinguish the sounds of several toys or children's toys musical instruments, substitute items; loud and quiet, high and low sounds.
  • Develop visual attention and memory by working with cut-out pictures (4-8 parts, all types of cuts) and puzzles on all lexical topics being studied.
  • Continue to develop thinking in exercises for grouping and classifying objects according to one or more characteristics (color, shape, size, material). Develop imagination and on this basis form creative abilities.


The child’s passive vocabulary corresponds to the age norm.

The child understands various forms of inflection and does not make mistakes when performing test tasks; understands prepositional-case constructions with simple prepositions, diminutive suffixes of nouns, differentiates singular and plural verbs, verbs with prefixes.

The child understands the meaning of separate sentences and understands coherent speech well.

The child differentiates without errors both oppositional sounds that are not mixed in pronunciation and those that are mixed in pronunciation.

The level of development of expressive vocabulary corresponds to age.

The child accurately names the proposed objects, parts of the body and objects from the pictures; summarizes the items and objects shown in the picture. The child does not make mistakes when naming the actions shown in the pictures. The child names primary and shade colors, names the shape of these objects.

The level of development of the grammatical structure of speech corresponds to the age norm.

The child correctly uses nouns in the singular and plural nominative cases, and nouns in the oblique cases; plural nouns in the genitive case; agrees adjectives with singular nouns; uses prepositional case constructions without errors; agrees the numerals 2 and 5 with nouns. The child forms nouns with diminutive suffixes and names of baby animals.

The level of development of coherent speech corresponds to the age norm.

The child, without the help of an adult, retells a short text based on pictures.

The child does not violate the sound filling and syllabic structure of words.

The state of sound pronunciation corresponds to the age norm.

Social and communicative developmentchildren is carried out in educationalactivities during routine moments, in joint and independent play activities, in the family.

Calendar and thematic planning in the senior group with TNR (ONR) children


A week

Lexical topic

Phonetic-phonemic side of speech

Grammatical structure of speech


Examination of children of older groups No. 6, 9, 11


Autumn. Adult labor.

Sound U

Animate and inanimate nouns


Sound A

Education noun with diminutive suffixes -chik, -ochk, -echk.


Sounds A-U

Nominative plurals of nouns

Garden Garden

Sound I

3rd person singular and plural present tense verbs

Garden Garden

Sound N

Nouns with diminutive meaning


Forest, mushrooms, berries, trees

Sound P

Possessive pronouns MY, MY


new birds

T sound

Singular past tense verbs


Sound K

Accusative singular case of nouns.

Shoes, hats

Sound K-T

Genitive singular case of nouns without preposition and with preposition У



P-T sounds

Prefix verbs

Winter. Winter fun

Sounds P-T-K

Preposition ON

Furniture. Furniture parts

Sound X

Prepositions NA, S

New Year's celebration


Sounds K-H

Compiling the story “Winter” using reference words and pictures


Wintering birds

Sound O

Prepositions OVER, UNDER

Animals in winter.

Sound XH

Genus. plural case numbers.



Sound Пь

Retelling of the fairy tale “The Three Bears” based on a series of pictures with elements of dramatization



A retelling of an excerpt from the fairy tale “The Tale of the Goldfish” based on seri. pictures


Sound Kb

Gender of nouns

Our defenders. Maslenitsa.

Sound Y

The concept of "SIGN"


Spring. Spring birthday

Sounds E-Y

Retelling of Russian folk tale“The Snow Maiden” based on a series of plot pictures


Sound L

Possessive adjectives with the suffix –in-


Sounds L-Y

Compiling a narrative story “Birdhouse”

Our food

Sound B

Compiling a descriptive story “Spring is Coming” using simple plot pictures.


Where did the bread come from?

Sound F

Relative adjectives


FH sound

Relative adjectives

My house

Sound and letter S

Possessive adjectives with the suffix –й-

Pets and their babies

S sounds.

Letter C

Comparative degree of qualitative adjectives


Our country.

My native land.

Sound and letter Sh.

Memorizing a poem by A.K. Tolstoy "Bells".


Sounds S-Sh

Education adj. from n.

(flag, anthem, coat of arms of Russia). Coordination of words in a sentence.


Sound XH

Formation of singular verbs numbers in plural number. Will give birth. plural case numbers.


Sound Z

Use of adjectives in comparative degree. The formation of verbs is past. time.

PMPk participant

Educational psychologist

PMPk participant

Swimming instructor

Leading Specialist

Teacher speech therapist

Parent (full name, signature)

Individual map of child speech development by Varvara A.

(methodology for determining the level of speech development by O.A. Bezrukova)


Maximum points

Beginning of the year


of the year

Ideas about the world around us

Lexical consistency (volume of vocabulary and variety of connections).

Task 1-9



Inflectional and word-formation skills and abilities.

Tasks 10-18



Phonemic processes, skills of sound analysis and synthesis, phonetic design of speech.

Tasks 19-25



Understanding and independent production/reproduction of text. Tasks 26-29



Savchenko Lyubov Evgenievna

Artemyeva Galina Nikolaevna

MADO "Kindergarten Alyonushka" No. 40

Veliky Novgorod

Methodological development

“Individual educational route for a child with disabilities - OHP”

Annotation: VThis methodological manual has developed a plan for writing an individual educational route for a child with disabilities, explains the reason for compiling the IOM, goals and objectives, describes the content of the IOM, and recommendations for working with parents. It is intended for educators working with children with special needs in preschool educational institutions.

Keywords: IOM-individual educational route;

correctional work.

Preschool childhood is a period of intense mental development, the formation of the most important personality traits of a child, the initial formation of those qualities that a person needs throughout his entire subsequent life. The need to support the individuality of each child is one of the main tasks of preschool education. Only on its basis can the full development of a preschooler’s personality be achieved, his characteristics and unique abilities revealed. Today, in relation to children with developmental disabilities, scientists widely use the term “individual educational needs” of a child, which refers to the characteristics of the motivational sphere of a preschooler, which have special specifics due to the nature of development, socio-psychological factors, and the satisfaction of which requires special conditions.

The introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard allows us to talk today about the formation new system preschool education, where one of the key points is the need to use all pedagogical resources for the effective development of the child. A priority direction in the organizational and educational process preschool institutions There should be an individual approach to the child. Importance individual approach is emphasized in the Federal State Educational Standard for Education (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) dated October 17, 2013 N 1155 Moscow “On approval of the federal state educational standard for preschool education”). Support for individuality is recognized as one of the fundamental aspects of preschool education: only on its basis can the full development of a preschooler’s personality be carried out, his characteristics and unique abilities revealed.

This poses a challenge for teachers of preschool educational institutions to create optimal conditions for the realization of the potential capabilities of each pupil. One of the solutions in this situation is the preparation and implementation of an individual educational route (IOM). Individualization of training, education and correction is aimed, first of all, at overcoming the discrepancy between the level set by educational programs and real opportunities every pupil.

The IOM is developed for children with developmental problems and represents a description of the educational units mastered by the child in accordance with the individual and age-related abilities of his development.

The main goal of creating an individual educational route (IOM for a child with disabilities-OHD): creation in kindergarten of conditions conducive to the positive socialization of preschool children, their social and personal development, which is inextricably linked with the general processes of intellectual, emotional, aesthetic, physical and other types of development of the child’s personality.

The educational route includes the main directions:

Organization of the movement (development of general and fine motor skills);

Skill development (cultural-hygienic and communicative-social);

Formation of activities (manipulative, sensory-perceptual, objective-practical, playful, productive types - modeling, appliqué, drawing);

Speech development (formation of the sensory basis of speech, sensorimotor mechanism, speech functions);

Formation of ideas about the environment (objective world and social relations);

Formation of ideas about space, time and quantity.

Monitoring of the educational process - assessment of a child’s degree in mastering the basic educational program, is based on an analysis of children’s achievement of intermediate results in educational areas. Date of primary monitoring: the first two weeks of September, and the final monitoring - the last two weeks of May.

The following methods are used in monitoring: observation; conversation, problem situations; analysis of children's activity products; subject tests (widely used to study the level of children's mastery of an educational field "Cognition"; diagnostic game situations.

Individual educational routes are developed:

For children who do not master the basic general education program of preschool education;

For children with disabilities, disabled children.

For children with high intellectual development.

When developing an individual route, we rely on the following principles:

The principle of relying on the child’s learning ability,

The principle of correlating the level of actual development and the zone of proximal development.

The principle of respecting the interests of the child. Another name for it is “on the child’s side.” Those educators must treat the child and his problems objectively! Always be on the child's side!

The principle of close interaction and coordination of the work of a “team” of specialists in the course of studying the level of development of a child (phenomenon, situation);

The principle of continuity, when the child is guaranteed continuous support at all stages of assistance in solving the problem.

An individual plan for working with a child is drawn up based on the obtained data from a detailed study of the anamnesis with the obligatory involvement of the mother, since at home she must communicate, play with the child, continuing the development process even in simple, everyday situations. She must learn this by attending speech therapist classes if the child attends a consultative and practical group. If the mother resists, it is advisable to invite her to classes in a gentle manner, constantly emphasizing the successes of her child. In order to choose the most optimal way to accompany a child, it is necessary to reliably study the child’s capabilities at a given time period, offering program material in those portions and in a manner that will be accepted by a child with speech pathology without tension, with good returns and positive motivation. To do this, a detailed diagnosis is carried out on all parameters of the child’s psychophysical, speech, and emotional development. The data obtained during the collection of anamnesis is entered into a speech card and a psychological support card.

The efforts of preschool educational institutions specialists within the given framework of a preschool educational institution are aimed at solving the following tasks:

Determining the level of capabilities of preschoolers with disabilities;

Identification of existing needs and formation of a system of social needs;

Creating an adequate environment to meet the needs, to ensure optimal living conditions for all children attending a preschool educational institution.

Stage I - Preparatory.

Collection of primary information, identification of the problem, determination of ways and means of solving it. Studying the request of parents (legal representatives); data on the child's development, brief information from the anamnesis; information about the conditions of development and upbringing of the child; analysis of the child’s social environment; specific manifestations of developmental characteristics, age characteristics; identifying real difficulties.

Stage II - Complex diagnostics

Identification of the characteristics of the physical, mental development, personal and cognitive sphere of the child: diagnosis of mental development, identification of individual psychological characteristics; diagnostics of speech development; pedagogical diagnostics, identification of learning difficulties; determining the level of current development; recording the nature of developmental deviations; identification of personal resources, determination of the zone of proximal development.

Stage III - Development of an individual educational route

According to the conclusions, as a result of an in-depth diagnosis of a “team” of specialists at a meeting of the psychological, medical and pedagogical council, an individual educational route is drawn up and approved, and a plan of specific activities is developed aimed at solving the identified problems.

Stage IV - Correctional, developmental and educational work to implement an individual educational route

Individual and group lessons with a speech therapist and teacher. Maximum disclosure of the child’s personal resources and inclusion of him in the educational space of the preschool educational institution.

Stage V - Interim diagnostics

Identification of dynamics in development. Analysis of the results of changes in the studied characteristics after corrective and developmental measures. Evaluating the effectiveness of selected methods of correctional and developmental work. If necessary, make adjustments to the individual correctional and developmental program.

Stage VI - Correctional, developmental and educational work to implement an individual educational route

The dynamics in the child’s development are taken into account. Consolidation of acquired knowledge, skills and abilities.

Stage VII - Final diagnosis.

Monitoring the effectiveness of the implementation of an individual correctional and development program. Making a prognosis regarding the further development of the child. At all stages of correctional work, develop psychological processes: attention, thinking, memory, self-control, perseverance, achieve a complete understanding of addressed speech and communication speech.

Planning of correction work by periods:

I period (September, October, November).

Lexical topics: our body, vegetables and fruits, toys, family, clothes.

Articulatory gymnastics and “Window”, “Fence”, “Tube”, “Shovel”, “Needle”, “Fence-tube”, “Let’s brush our teeth”.

Breathing exercises"Blowing cold wind", "Blowing through a straw" (blowing bubbles), "The balloon burst."

Finger gymnastics“Fingers say hello”, “Fingers bow”, “Fingers-fists”, “Basket of vegetables”, “Big feet”, “Playing the drums”.

Sound culture of speech Development of auditory attention on the material of non-speech sounds (2-3 sounding toys). Work on the strength of your voice (quiet, loud).

Grammatical structure of speech: formation of words using diminutive suffixes; formation of the plural of nouns; agreement of adjectives with nouns in number, gender; education relative adjectives; formation of onomatopoeic verbs; finishing sentences based on the picture (Girl feeding a sparrow); composing phrases with the prepositions “U”, “C”, “NA”.

Coherent speech: answers to simple questions; composing phrases based on a plot picture; composing phrases based on two reference pictures; retellings based on the picture; memorizing poems and nursery rhymes.

II period (December, January, February)

Lexical topics: Dishes; New Year; Furniture;Wild animals; Pets and birds.

Articulation gymnastics

“Spatula”, “Tube Fence”, “Let’s Brush Your Teeth”, “Cat Lapping Milk”, “Horses”.

Breathing exercises“The ball has burst”, “The baby is crying - A-A-A”, “The boy is playing - E-E-E”, “Let’s warm our hands”, “Blow away the snowflake”. Puff out and suck in your cheeks - “Fat people - thin people.”

Finger gymnastics“House, open”, “Flag”, “Glasses”, “Fingers-fists”, “Fish-crabs”, “Snowball fight”, “Table”, “Chair”, “Goat”, “Goose”.

Sound culture of speech Differentiation by ear of three sounding toys. Determining the direction of the sound of the toy.

Grammatical structure of speech: formation of the plural of nouns; agreement of adjectives with nouns in number, gender, case; agreement of personal pronouns MY, YOURS with nouns; construction of a construction: verb + noun with a preposition; construction of a phrase with the prepositions “U”, “C” (The cow has calves. The cow has calves).

Connected speech retelling a simple text of 2-3 phrases based on a picture.

III period (March, April, May)

Lexical topics: Birds; Spring; Transport; Forest. Articulation gymnastics“Sweet jam”, “Cup”, “Cat arched its back”, “Horse”, “Turkey”, “Swing”.

Breathing exercises“The wind is blowing”, “The steamer is humming - O-U-U”, “Football”.

Finger gymnastics“Bunny”, “Birds pecking grains”, “Sun”, “Boat”.

Sound culture of speech Voice modulation (high-low).

Grammatical structure of speech: formation of the plural of nouns; agreement of the numerals 1, 2, 5 with nouns; formation of two-component phrases: noun + verb in the past tense (Mom did. Uncle did. Children did); constructing the phrase “This is...”.

Coherent speech: answering questions in complete sentences; phrase construction: subject, predicate, direct object; retellings based on the picture; memorizing poems and nursery rhymes.

Expected results of speech development:

· use non-verbal forms of communication;

  • · use the hand to solve communication problems;
  • · show interest in the environment (people, actions with toys and objects) and talk about the environment;

· listen and show interest in the speech statements of adults, stories, poems, nursery rhymes, songs;

  • · reproduce familiar onomatopoeias, babbling words and truncated phrases;
  • · follow simple verbal instructions, answer simple questions about yourself and your immediate environment.

Working with parents.

A special feature of this route is the active involvement of parents in the work, which helps to increase their psychological and pedagogical competence. Training parents (or mother) gives maximum effect when carrying out corrective measures. The content of correctional work involves the active use of the following forms of work with parents:

1. Advisory and recommendation. 2. Lecture and educational. 3. Organization of round tables, children's matinees, holidays. 4. Individual lessons with parents and their child. 5. Conducting practical training sessions on correcting child-parent relationships (based on the results of diagnostics of child-parent relationships). Due to frequent absences of a child, it may be necessary to adjust the individual educational program.


Thus, by building an individual educational route for children with disabilities, we provide our students with equal starting opportunities when entering school.


1. FSES DO (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) dated October 17, 2013 N 1155 Moscow "On approval of the federal state educational standard for preschool education"

2. Mironova S. A. “Development of speech of preschoolers in speech therapy classes", M.: "Enlightenment", 1996.

3. Nishcheva N. V. “The system of correctional work in a speech therapy group for children with general speech underdevelopment.” St. Petersburg: Detstvo-Press, 2004.

4. Tkachenko T. A. “A system for correcting general speech underdevelopment in children of the 6th year of life”, M.: “Gnome and D”, 1996.

5. Filicheva T.B. Chirkina G.V. "Program and guidelines correctional education and training of 5-year-old children with general speech underdevelopment.” M.: “Enlightenment”, 1991.

6. Filicheva, T.V. Tumanova T.B. “Program and methodological recommendations for the correctional education and training of 6-year-old children with general speech underdevelopment.” M.: “Enlightenment”, 2000.

7. Filicheva, T.V. Tumanova T.B. “Children with general speech underdevelopment. Education and training." Educational - Toolkit. M.: "Gnome and D", 2000.

8. Chetverushkina N. S. “Syllabic structure of a word. System of corrective exercises for children 5-7 years old.” Practical guide. M.: “Gnome and D”, 2001

Municipal educational institution IRMO "Mamonovskaya secondary school"

“Development of an individual route for accompanying a child with disabilities”

Teacher-psychologist: Tuymanova T.V.

IOM– this is institutional document regulating and defining content of correctional and developmental activities with a child with problems in mental and/or physical development, and family raising such a child.

An individual educational route is developed for the following categories of students:

1) Children with disabilities studying in full-time education as part of the implementation of inclusive practices;

2) Children with disabilities receiving education in the form of individual education at home, including disabled children;

3) Children with disabilities receiving education through distance learning, including disabled children;

4) Children with disabilities who have chosen a professional education profile

Individual educational route (IER) as a mechanism for implementing an adapted educational program

IOM includes:

Curriculum and related work programs;

Directions and programs of correctional and developmental work;

Directions and activities aimed at raising and socializing a child with disabilities.

IOM design algorithm:

1. Identification and analysis of developmental problems of a child with disabilities by support specialists ( diagnostics, conclusions main teacher and support specialists).

2. Discussion of planned actions at a meeting of the school council, approval.

3. Determining the possibility of inclusion of a particular child (from the conclusion of the PMPC).

4. Organization of the educational process (drawing up an adapted educational program).

5. Organization of psychological and pedagogical assistance to a child with disabilities. development of correction programs depending on the level of knowledge, capabilities and abilities of the child.

6. Implementation of IEM (systematic support of the educational process in conditions of inclusion). Possible adjustments to the IOM.

7. Monitoring the implementation of IOM (tracking the dynamics of the child’s development, assessing the results of learning and socialization). At the end of the period, the child’s achievements are assessed - the dynamics of his development, mastering the educational program, adaptation to the peer group, school team. It is also expected to analyze the dynamics and effectiveness of the work of teachers and psychological and pedagogical support specialists.

Workshop: development of an individual educational route for a student 2 classes


Full name of the institution


I approve___________

I approve___________


Director of the educational institution signature

Agreed _______________________

FULL NAME. parent (legal representative)


date and number of the PMPk protocol





Implementation period

Individual educational route

  • Child's full name
  • Date of Birth _____________________________________________________________________________________________
  • Mother's last name, middle name, age, education, place of work __________________________________________________
  • Last name, first name, father's middle name, age, education, place of work __________________________________________________
  • Date of registration of IOM _______________________________________________________________________
  • Reason for registration __(giftedness, behavior problems, persistent failure to master general educational skills, disabilities, etc.) _________
  • Request: _________
  • Class, age at the beginning of correctional and developmental work: ______________________________________________________
  • Date of examination :
  • teacher(if the r-k is in the middle and high school, That classroom teacher) _____
  • Educational psychologist ____________________________________________________________________________________________
  • Teacher speech therapist ________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • Honey. worker Target: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • IOM calculated :____________________________________________________________________________________________
  • Lesson frequency: teacher -_______________________________________________________________________________________ teacher - psychologist _____________________________________________________________________________________________
  • teacher speech therapist ______________________________________________________________________________________________
  • other specialists _____________________________________________________________________________________________
  • Forms of conducting : individual work, lesson, extracurricular activities, leisure activities, conversations, observations, research, experimental work, trainings, etc.
  • Expected Result :__________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • Forms of work with parents : consultations, workshop, interview, exchange of experience, Parent meeting, conference, film training, etc._________________________________________________________________ __________________________________.
  • Parent ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • Educational psychologist ____________________________________________________________________________________________
  • Teacher speech therapist ________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • Honey. worker __________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • Curator: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • Physical development of the student
  • Somatic development student
  • ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • Speech development student
  • ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • Features of the development of the learner’s cognitive processes (“-“ and “+”!)
  • Memory _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • Attention ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  • Perception _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • Thinking ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Mastering an adapted educational program

Information about the curriculum (UMK):

Invariant part

Academic subjects Number of hours





Correction block

Directions of correctional work of teachers and support specialists:



Compulsory classes of the student's choice (as part of extracurricular

activities indicating the full name. teacher)





Schedule of lessons, activities







Information about programs (including psychological)

Item ( educational field) and the name of the work program

On what basis was the work program developed?

Approval data (date and protocol number)

Socialization General socialization activities


Extracurricular activities

FULL NAME. teacher (specialist)

the date of the

Areas of work

Achievement criterion

Additional education

Achievement assessment

Festivals, holidays, competitions


  • General schedule of a student’s educational load(all specialists) in the form of a schedule, taking into account SanPin
  • Responsibility matrix of specialists accompanying the student’s IOM
  • Parents (informed): ___________________________________

Corrective development course


Correction and development program

Class teacher (tutor, curator)


Educational psychologist

Number of classes

201_-201_ academic year

Teacher speech therapist

201_-201_ academic year


201_-201_ academic year

Subject teacher 1

201_-201_ academic year

Subject teacher 2

201_-201_ academic year

Subject teacher 3

201_-201_ academic year

Subject teacher 4

201_-201_ academic year

Subject teacher 5, etc.

201_-201_ academic year

Other specialists (social educator, teacher-organizer, librarian, etc.)

201_-201_ academic year

Additional education teacher 1

Additional education teacher 2, etc.

201_-201_ academic year

201_-201_ academic year

Stages of IOM implementation Pedagogical component (for example, the world around you)



Observation phase

Stage result


Observation of the state of the educational process in the subject " The world» · identification of a group of children with increased motivation for the subject · identification of a “gifted” student

Notes· high level of knowledge in the subject “The World Around us” · high activity in lessons about the world around us · increased interest in the field of knowledge · use of additional sources when preparing homework

Shows· high level of knowledge in the subject “The World Around us” · increased interest in the field of knowledge · use of additional sources when preparing homework

Revealed the problem of creating conditions for the development of personal achievements of the student through in-depth study of the subject “The World around us”

Diagnostic component

Identification of the initial level of personal achievements of the student a) diagnostics of attention: · “Corrective test” technique, · “Schulte Table” technique; b) memory diagnostics: · “Learning 10 words” technique, · “Pictogram” technique; c) diagnostics of thinking: · methodology “General orientation of children in the world around them and the supply of household knowledge", · “The fourth odd one” technique, · “Simple analogies” technique. e) diagnostics of motivation · questionnaire to assess the level of school motivation (N.G. Luskanova)

Explores · results of current, intermediate and final control in the subject; · finished products of student’s independent activity (projects, abstracts, messages) · interview with the student · diagnostic results · results of interviewing parents Conducts · selection of methods, techniques and means

Defines · range of interests · makes assumptions about his possible advancement on the ladder of achievements · about the ways and means of achieving achievements Fills in · motivation identification questionnaire · questionnaire to assess the level of school motivation (N.G. Luskanova)

The initial level of personal achievements has been established · high level of competent knowledge in the subject · high level of motivation · high level of development of cognitive processes (memory, thinking) · above average level of attention

Construction stage

Development of a clear program (algorithm) of actions aimed at achieving personally significant goals Building an individual educational route for a student based on identified difficulties and identifying their causes. Difficulties · personal · educational Causes · impossibility of personal self-realization within the lesson · discrepancy between the personal needs of the student and the depth of the content material, Problem · impossibility of developing personal achievements within the lesson

Provides assistance to a student · in specifying the difficulties experienced by the student and the reasons for their occurrence · formulating a general idea, a plan for an individual route Offers means and tactics I'm developing · individual educational route Offers means and tactics Creates · conditions for the student’s advancement along the route

Concretizes Problems that I would like to solve Clarifies · desired result Actively cooperates · in developing and prescribing the route Adaptable · in created pedagogical conditions

Developed · a program of specific actions for the implementation of IOM by the student