On chessboard In a box measuring 8 by 8 cells, you can play not only chess and checkers. There are many more games that will help you spend free time fun and useful.

One of them is the game Corners. Children can play it starting from 3-4 years old.

Players line up checkers in the left corner (each on their own side) of the chessboard. This place is called HOUSE.

You can play with 9 checkers, lining them up in a three-by-three square.

You can use not 9, but 10 checkers, building triangles from them.

You can use more checkers by building the original HOUSE into a three by four or four by three rectangle. Or even a four by four square. But a large number of checkers creates “pandemonium” and the game drags on for a long time.

Purpose of the game

The goal of the game is to rearrange the checkers in such a way as to quickly occupy all the cells of his HOME with your checkers.

Basic rules of the game.

You can only move one checker in one move.

You can only move horizontally or vertically (right, left, up, down) one cell.

You can also jump over your own and other people's checkers.

The number of jumps can be any. The main rule is that each jump is made only through one checker. You cannot jump over two adjacent checkers. Here is a picture of a cage jump c1 in a cage g7 can be done in one step.

The "compulsory move" rule. If one of the players has removed all his checkers from his HOME, the second is obliged to make moves only with those checkers that he has not yet removed from his HOME. This rule prevents the deliberate blockade of enemy checkers.

The “forbidden strategy” is copying all of your opponent’s moves. Naturally, in this case the game ends in a draw.

The winner is the one who was the first to occupy all the squares of the opponent's HOUSE with his checkers.

In this picture, Black won with a clear advantage!

As in any gambling game, in the corners there is an opportunity to play not only for wins and losses, but also for the score. When playing for a score (prizes, bonuses), the losing player ends the game by making moves and counting them. How many moves are needed to move all the checkers into the house, the number of points he lost.

The opportunity to play any free games, volcano, slot machines, and even corners can be found in online casinos or on many other gaming sites on the Internet.

Have you ever played any games other than chess on a chessboard? There are more than 1000 educational games on the black and white board. These games can be considered either a separate sport, such as checkers, or a game for having a good time and relaxing.

Studying for a long time chess, the player may become tired and need a few minutes to rest or switch. Easy and fun games on the chessboard will not only improve the performance of a chess player, but will also improve his mood. Moreover, chess is a complex logical game with many rules. Very young students may find it difficult to begin learning the game in the traditional way, where the rules of the game and combinations are explained. For the development of memory and intelligence in the early stages, more simple games. Thus, there will be a movement from simple to complex, which will make the study of chess more accessible.

However, do not forget that games on the chessboard can also brighten up your leisure time and entertain you and your guests.

Today we will get acquainted with the most popular educational games on a black and white board.

Pawn fight. This type of chessboard games often serves as the basis for studying chess. The rules are quite simple. A chess game is played only with pawns standing on the 2nd and 7th ranks. The goal of the game is to advance the pawn to the first/last row. You can practice your chess skills daily by playing this game.

Checkers. They are a game for two opponents. The point of the game is to move checker pieces in a certain way across the cells of the checkers board in such a way as to deprive the enemy of all pieces. This game develops mental abilities and has a positive effect on memory development. There are a large number of varieties of checkers. Checkers, as a separate sport, receives a lot of attention. Checkers lovers come up with different conditions games, starting with street checkers and ending with underwater checkers.

Corners. For this game you will need checkers or pawns. It is necessary to place the figures in the corners opposite each other to form a 3 by 3 square (called a city or house). Also, 3 by 4 and triangular arrangements are possible. The goal of the game is to move all your checkers/pawns to the place where your opponent's checkers were originally located, faster than the other player. This fun game will allow you to have fun and develop your logic.

Wolf and sheep. Game for two players. One of the opponents has only one black checker (wolf), the other has four white checkers (sheep). The wolf's goal is to reach the opposite edge of the board. The sheep aim to prevent the wolf from doing this (to surround him or push him to the edge). Movement of checkers is only possible along dark squares diagonally, sheep only move forward, wolves move forward and backward. The wolf and sheep are placed on the edges of the board opposite each other, the wolf starts the game.

Thus, having a chessboard, you can play a large number of games and have an interesting time with relatives, friends and guests. And if you don’t have checkers for any games, you can use pawns, because Usually the shape of the figure does not affect the course of the game. Games on the chess board not only allow you to have a good time, but also develop logical skills and memory, and can also be preparation for chess.

The main interest here is not game process, but finding a clear algorithm that guarantees a win or a draw. It is clear that if an algorithm is found, then the game already loses its creative character.

Pieces in the shape of a circle, a triangle and a rectangle move on a 16 x 8 board. They have numbers written on them, the combinations of which determine the move. The game required too complex calculations.

Chess- the undisputed leader among intellectual and board games, they represent at the same time a sport, a science, and an art. But don't forget to learn how to play ancient game called "checkmate". This kingdom cannot be found on any geographical map, but it has stood unshakable for fifteen hundred years.

The warriors, knowing no fear, fight incessantly, the kingdom prospers and becomes richer. This game expands knowledge and gives food for imagination. By learning to play chess, we make friends for life.

Card game, according to I. Zhitetsky, the Kalmyks borrowed from the Russians, since the names of the suits were changed only phonetically. Nowhere else is such excitement observed among Kalmyks than when playing cards. The Kalmyks play with great passion. Currently, Kalmyks have retained the names of the suits and cards: “Crossie” - “Sartg”, “Spades” - “Ishtk”, Hearts” - “Kezl”, “Bubi” - “Buumn”, “Ace” - “Tus”, and digital designations - “ten” - “arvn”, “nine” - “yisn”, etc.

Playing cards for the majority of the population was a simple pastime and fun.

A sharp mind, exceptional resourcefulness, natural talent and knowledge of life are found among people from the common people in a fairy tale "Seventy-two Tales" (“Daln khoir hudl”) and “Kemyalgen” (“Yas kemal”).

Essentially, this is a dialogue that takes place around the 25th (last) vertebra of a ram, which supposedly accidentally fell into the hands of those talking. This vertebra has 12 curves and projections, the allegorical meaning of each of which is explained poetically. Everyone had to list 12 signs of wisdom of this vertebra. This mutton bone, located behind the 24th vertebra, in front of the terminal bone called the coccyx, has 99 features, 9 processes, or peaks, and is called the Erdeni fortress.

Any Kalmyk knew well even the smallest details of this bone, since they all served as a kind of mnemonic device. Usually Kalmyks learned kemyalgen from childhood from the words of their parents: children asked each other questions and answered them. This is a kind of exam on knowledge of the history of one’s people, its customs and traditions, a test of a person’s wit, intelligence, and resourcefulness - qualities that were highly valued among the people. Excellent performance of the kemyalgen was considered not only as a brilliant defense of one’s own dignity, but also as support for the honor of the family, clan and even the aimag or ulus.

The most important element Kalmyk historical code are numbers.

Having introduced the child to the numbers 1,2,3, we already teach him how to create problems, direct and inverse. Instead of one simple problem, solve a “triad of interrelated problems” with the same set of numbers at once:

3 + 2 = 5 5 – 2 = 3 5 – 3 = 2

Similar to the reciprocal problem, the “triad...” leads to such a concept as logical imprinting. Triads of tasks form a cyclical completeness of knowledge, integrity, ensuring the strength of memorization.

Also interesting are number riddles that require quick wits. Number riddles stand out, first of all, for their construction, sequentially indicating the numbers of the first ten.

One. An object, once seen, is known.

Two. An object held with both hands will not be missed.

Three. A horse with its feet hobbled will not go anywhere, etc.

In their spare time, Kalmyks held triad verbal competitions. They were a particularly interesting shape. Triad riddle built on the commonality of three objects, just like numerical ones, expressed in narrative or interrogative form:

Three of what is white.

The teeth of the one who lives in the world are white,

White are the locks of the one who is drooping from worries,

White are the bones of the one who has passed away.

What three things in the world are always red?

The steppe tulip is red,

The setting sun has a red base,

Our blood is red.

The Kalmyk “bible” - the heroic epic “Dzhangr” is overloaded with a wide variety of numerical symbols, calculations, digital symbols, we tend to see in this text of “esoteric mathematics” an encrypted manual on ancient magic. The numerical dimension of the “Kalmyk code” left a significant imprint on Oirat education and way of thinking.

Kalmyks are born livestock breeders. Raising four types of livestock, the Kalmyks perfectly studied the anatomy of animals, knew well the structure of their skeletons, and the purpose of each bone.

The Kalmyks knew especially well both the purpose and the characteristics of all sheep bones: 8 supporting, 2 shoulder blades, 26 dorsal and 6 cervical vertebrae, chest and pelvic bones. Everyone should have known the special features of the shoulder blade.

Anyone who could not, flashing his intellect, tell about the special features of the shoulder blade, was given a task. First, one hole is drilled on the ridge (top) of the shoulder blade, and 3 holes are drilled on the edge of the palm of the shoulder blade. A strong thread is threaded through all the holes, one end of which is tightly tied into a loop, and the other end is held. Anyone who has made a mistake with the signs is asked to free the shoulder blade from the harsh thread. Solving this difficult task, which requires ingenuity and calculation, is considered a great art among the Kalmyks.

There are many good mathematicians among the Kalmyks, "number consciousness" and a penchant for logical thinking are noticeable among the descendants of the Oirats. Apparently, here, in this peculiar “Oirat Pythagoreanism,” we should look for the reasons for the popularity chess game among the Kalmyks.

Sangadzhiev Yakov Kharaevich, graduate of Yashkulskaya high school. At his native school he worked for many years as a physics and mathematics teacher. Chess, according to Yakov Kharaevich, has its own names: pawns are “wolves”, king is “lion”, queen is “bear”, rook is “camel”, bishop is “bishop”, knight is “knight”.


Playing as entertainment is one of the most useful activities, as it ensures health and longevity; helps to establish good relationships between people; relieves mental overload; teaches you to relax and have fun; provides a joyful feeling.

Playing as a means of spending leisure time is one of the most useful activities, as it ensures health and longevity; helps to establish good relationships between people; relieves mental overload; teaches you to relax and have fun; provides a joyful feeling, etc. The revival of gaming traditions is a kind of return to some games at later stages life path associated with the upbringing of a new generation, the transmission of gaming traditions “by inheritance”. Folk gaming culture developed over centuries of historical practice in extremely diverse natural and geographical conditions, reflecting all aspects folk life from ancient times to today, met the urgent needs of people in terms of leisure.

The game practiced natural ingenuity, resourcefulness, speed of thinking, orientation in a situation close to real life when it was necessary to make a quick and correct decision.

The main content of the games of many peoples of Russia was economic activity, transformed by a person’s fantasy, his imagination.

To summarize, it should be said that play is the only activity that takes a person beyond the boundaries of his everyday life, expanding the horizons of his capabilities, which turn into talent, and the progressive development of intelligence.


1. Kalmyk epic “Dzhangr”. Elista. – KKI.1979

2. " Entertaining games and entertainment." E. Gik - M., 2001

3. “Golden Spring” by K. Erendzhenov. Elista. – KKI.1980

4. " Card games among the Kalmyks." B. Shantaev E., 2001

5. Kalmyk desk calendar. Elista. – KKI.1998

6. “Oirats and Kalmyks” by V. Bembeev Elista. 2007

7. “Springs” folk wisdom» B. Okonov. Elista. – KKI.1997

8. Monograph “Seven Stars”. D. Basayev. Elista. - CCI. 2004

9. “Secrets of the Kalmyk code.” - “Nezavisimaya Gazeta” - M. 2014.

10. Magazine "Bair". Elista.1998

11. Newspaper “Khalmg Unn”. Elista. 2012

Related information.

Would you like to have a wonderful exercise for your mind? Then start playing the popular one intellectual game“Chess on the boards” and you will find an excellent use of your intelligence, ingenuity and logical thinking. Mathematical calculations, geometric combinations and phenomenal memory - all this will be useful to you in a real battle between two armies of white and black leaders, which broke out on a small chess field.

The rules and essence of this fun are well known to everyone. At your disposal are various figures that move in their own way. Here are the king and queen, knights, officers, rooks and of course pawns. The task of your brave army is to protect your ruler from enemy attacks and conquer enemy territories. In the game of Chess on Boards, the pawns are the first to enter the battle.

They only move forward two squares if they are in their own half of the field, and one if they are in the opponent’s half. They can hit diagonally. The horse walks in a “g” shape and also destroys enemies. The rook moves in all directions in a straight line, and the officer moves along diagonals. By clicking on the piece you want to move, the computer will give you a hint by highlighting the corresponding areas of the field where you can move in green.

To successfully play “Chess on the boards” you need to carefully consider your moves, weigh every choice, and be able to sacrifice less significant characters in order to save more important ones. You can also set up cunning traps for your opponent to get rid of his warriors who are dangerous to you. Good luck and bright impressions!

Board games have been around for many years and occupy an important place in the life of almost every person, including children. On this moment exists significant amount games that are significantly different from each other. Chess occupies a special place among them. It's very exciting board game, promoting training logical thinking, tactics, the ability to think many moves ahead. Playing games on a chessboard is a pleasure that is difficult to compare with anything else.

What is the versatility of a chessboard?

It is played on the corresponding board. This is a playing field, which is a square surface divided into cells using alphabetic and numerical symbols. Due to its versatility, it can be played in various games possible without the need to add any additional elements to the playing field.

Due to its compactness, the chessboard is perfect for taking with you on the road. It can be used almost anywhere - at home, on the street, in the entrance, even in the middle of the wild.

What games are there on the chessboard?

  • Chess

The game for which this board was created. Figures of various ranks participate in it. The goal is to take all the opponent's pieces or neutralize his king (checkmate). You can also force your opponent to surrender by making his resistance useless.

  • Checkers

A very popular board game played using flat and round game pieces. At its core, checkers is significantly different from chess, but the goal is quite similar - eliminating all the opponent’s pieces or forcing him to surrender.

  • In Chapaeva

When answering the question what games exist on the chessboard, one cannot help but mention this fairly simple one, but that doesn’t make it any less exciting game, as in Chapaeva. In many ways it is similar to billiards. There are no restrictions in terms of the movement of game elements. They are simply pushed by the fingers of the players in order to knock out the enemy “soldiers” from playing field.

  • Corners

A game that uses checker pieces. In many ways, the corners resemble. The key to victory is to move all your checkers to the opponent's "house", and you need to do this faster than the other player.

Chessboard - a universal tool for board games

Only the most are listed here popular games, which are available precisely thanks to the chessboard. With the help of this playing field, you can spend your free time as excitingly as possible and gain certain benefits.