I regret that I learned very late that the bread sold in stores contains more harm than good.

Thermophilic yeasts or Saccharomycetes are especially dangerous.

The technology for their preparation is monstrous and anti-natural. The production of baker's yeast is based on its propagation in liquid nutrient media.

Molasses is diluted with water, treated with bleach, acidified with sulfuric acid, etc.

This “pressed baker’s yeast” does not die even at a temperature of 300 degrees. Thermophilic yeast multiply in the body exponentially and allow pathogenic microflora to actively live and multiply, inhibiting normal microflora, thanks to which they can be produced in the intestines proper nutrition and B vitamins and essential amino acids.

The activity of all digestive organs is grossly disrupted: stomach, pancreas, gall bladder, liver, intestines.

Vitamins are not adequately absorbed and synthesized, micro- and macroelements are not properly absorbed, and the most important of them is calcium.

Bread, yeast, cancer

Does thermophilic yeast affect health? Opinion of nutritionist Kovalkov

To restore the health of the nation, we need to return to baking bread with the help of yeast that exists in nature itself, in hops and malt.

Hop sourdough bread contains all the essential amino acids, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins Bl, B7, PP; minerals: salts of sodium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, calcium, as well as trace elements: gold, cobalt, copper, which are involved in the formation of unique enzymes.

My recipe for yeast-free bread.


Don't be scared! The starter is prepared only once. This is a living substance.

And if you regularly feed it with dough, it will live for years. In the old days, sourdough bread was considered the main gift for newlyweds. In this way it was passed down from generation to generation.

Take 1 cup of hop cones (sold in pharmacies), add 2 cups of water and cook for 20-30 minutes. Leave until cool and strain.
Add a tablespoon of honey and flour (a mixture of rye and wheat in a ratio of 1:2) to the broth in such an amount to make a dough similar to the thickness of sour cream.
Cover the saucepan with a lid and place in warm place for 5-8 hours.
It should be remembered that the starter will increase in volume by almost 4 times.
The finished starter is stored in the refrigerator. Can be in a plastic container, under a loose lid.

Homemade baking: fireweed sourdough for bread - in 24 hours!

A quick sourdough starter of excellent quality for bread. We make it with Koporye tea and dry apples http://zdravo.ucoz.ru/
A step-by-step recipe for making two types of sourdough for homemade bread.
Which one is better is up to you to decide!


To do this, pour 3 glasses of warm water (+40 degrees) into a saucepan.

Water, if you prefer, can be replaced with chaga infusion or Koporye tea room temperature(secondary brewing is possible), add 3 tablespoons of sourdough (after adding any component, always mix the contents thoroughly), 2 tablespoons of jam (from plums, chokeberries, currants, apples...), 1 cup bran and about 4 cups flour ( a mixture of rye and wheat of the coarsest grind in a ratio of 1:1).

You can add oatmeal, corn or buckwheat to wheat flour. Or a mixture of them.

There are many options! The ratio of mixtures to rye flour is the same - 1:1.

Place the dough in a warm place under the lid, wrapped in a towel. After 8 - 12 hours (depending on the temperature) it will be ready, foamy and risen.

Don’t forget to take 3 tablespoons from it and add them to the remaining starter. We do this every time. Our starter will never run out now!


To prepare the dough, add the following:

1 tablespoon sugar,
1.5 teaspoons table or sea ​​salt, a tablespoon of coriander.

To choose from:

chopped dry orange or tangerine zest (a tablespoon),
one crushed banana
pumpkin, flax or regular sunflower seeds.

You can use any chopped nuts. For bronchopulmonary diseases, reduced immunity and problems with the thyroid gland, be sure to add 1 tablespoon of dry crushed cetraria to the dough.

If these components are not present, we do not add anything.

The bread will still be tasty and healthy due to the bran. Mix everything and add 3 - 4 tablespoons of unrefined sunflower or linseed oil. Mix again.

Now pour flour into the dough (mixture different types, about 3 cups) and knead a fairly stiff dough. As they used to say in the old days, you need to stir for a long time, until your pants are wet...

I bake bread in silicone molds. In order for future bread to be easily removed from the mold, it should be lightly sprinkled with flour. Divide the dough into molds by 1/2 volume and level the surface with a spoon moistened with warm water.

You can sprinkle the future loaf with cumin, sesame or coriander seeds.

Now place the forms with the dough on the wire rack and let the dough rise (30 - 40 minutes). During this time, preheat the oven to 200 degrees, with two red bricks or ceramic tiles placed on the bottom. When heated, they will give the effect of a Russian oven.

The bread will be ready in 1 - 1.5 hours from the start of baking.

For beginners, we recommend starting a starter for rye bread first. There are many ways to prepare it. Below is a simple and effective method how to make rye sourdough. The only thing you need is rye flour, water and time (but don't worry - rye flour starter is too much of a hassle; making it is not a labor-intensive process).

What are the benefits of sourdough bread?

With this type of baking, fermentation of yeast and lactic acid bacteria develops in the dough. During this process we're talking about about the anaerobic decomposition of flour organic substances into simpler compounds with the participation of bacteria that metabolize sugars and disaccharides into lactic acid and other products. There are effects of acidification of the dough, proliferation of lactic acid bacteria, aeration, as well as the production of carbon dioxide with the help of enzymes. During the fermentation process, the dough receives a large number of lactic acid. Everyone knows what additional lactic acid bacteria provide?

  • Lactic acid bacteria are present naturally in the intestines of a healthy person.
  • Lactic acid inhibits the growth of pathogenic microflora, including the activity of staphylococci.
  • Lactic acid prevents the spread of unwanted bacterial flora, inhibits diarrhea, constipation and indigestion.
  • Lactic acid bacteria in our bodies are destroyed by antibiotics, alcohol and processed foods. This causes abnormal processes of digestion and absorption of food.
  • Lactic acid is found in fermented vegetables such as cabbage, cucumbers, apples, beans, bread and fermented drinks.
  • Lactic acid bacteria present in bread starters will effectively help eliminate nitrates, nitrites and other carcinogenic compounds.
  • They stimulate immune system and affect the functioning of the entire body.
  • Such products will help restore beneficial bacterial flora in the human gastrointestinal tract.
  • Such products can maintain freshness longer, even up to 10 days.

Rye sourdough recipe

Preparing rye sourdough will take about 5-6 days. Some bakers bake already on the third day, but it is better not to rush and let it mature well, it will be very different. Usually on day 6 you can already bake.

How to make rye sourdough – day by day

Day I

You will need:

  • 50 g (about 5-6 tablespoons) water,
  • 1 liter jar (the jar must first be thoroughly rinsed and scalded with boiling water).

How to make rye sourdough for bread?

The proportions of flour and water are approximate, they do not need to be measured precisely, this is not so important. The ratio of flour to water should be approximately 1:1 - that is, one serving of flour to approximately the same amount of water. Mix flour and water in a jar. The consistency should be quite dense. Cover the jar with cloth or gauze (so that air can pass through it) and let it stand in a warm place for 24 hours. The temperature at which we store it should be between 24 to 27 degrees Celsius. Rye sourdough for bread without yeast will increase the volume and bubbles will appear.

Day II

  • rye sourdough from the previous day - separate half, the rest should be thrown away,
  • 50 g (about 5 tablespoons) rye flour,
  • 50 g (about 5-6 tablespoons) water.

On the second day you will need half of the previous day's starter, some flour and water. And, as before, mix the ingredients and let sit in a warm place for 24 hours, covering the jar with a cloth or gauze. Our rye sourdough without store-bought yeast will gradually grow and ferment.

Rye dough starter – days III, IV, V, VI

Repeat the procedure every next day using the same proportions of flour and water. Before adding a new batch of flour, you need to select half of the previous portion and add flour and water in the same quantities as before.

On the third day, rye sourdough at home will clearly increase in volume, will have a lot of bubbles, its color will change and the smell will become more sour. Sometimes you can even smell acetone, but this is not a sign of failure. On the third day, by and large, you can already bake. However, it is better to wait until 6 or 7 days.

Every day the yeast-free rye sourdough matures more and more. After a few days, our product of symbiosis of yeast and bacteria will change color from gray to yellow-brown.

On the sixth day we have a fairly stable product suitable for baking. Homemade rye bread starter has a pleasantly sour smell. You can compare it to the smell of balsamic vinegar. Be careful, if mold appears on the surface, do not hesitate to throw everything away; this product cannot be used.


On the seventh day, you can easily bake homemade rye bread with sourdough that is already mature enough and working correctly. When starting to experiment with baking, it is recommended to bake simple bread from rye flour.

Sourdough storage

The finished product is diluted in accordance with the proportions specified in the recipe. As a rule, this is not a large amount and there is quite a lot of starter left in the jar. How to store bread starter? If you want to use it for the next baking, you should store it in the refrigerator. There are several basic rules to follow when storing so that it does not spoil:

  • The less starter in the jar, the better. It should be stored in the refrigerator in small quantities. Ideally, there should only be a few tablespoons left in the jar. With the rest you need to bake something or just throw it away, or give it to someone who is interested in this topic.
  • Provide air access. The vessel or jar just needs to be covered with a lid, but loosely. Even in the refrigerator, air must flow to it.
  • Activation before baking. Before using the starter, it must be fed again. You should remove it from the refrigerator and add about 100g of flour and about the same amount of water and stir. After about ten hours it will be ready for use. You should also remember that if you need more starter, it is better to add more flour and water just for feeding, you do not need to store a large amount of starter in the refrigerator.
  • Long-term storage. The starter can be stored and used regularly for quite a long time. Of course, provided that it does not sit in the refrigerator for several months without feeding, that is, without adding flour and water.

This is a delicious bread made from wholemeal rye flour. It is especially suitable for those who are just starting their adventure with yeast-free baking. It does not require kneading, just mix all the ingredients with a spoon. In addition, it can be modified in many ways, depending on the taste, various additives can be used, for example:

  • sunflower seeds,
  • pumpkin seeds,
  • caraway,
  • sesame,
  • flax-seed,
  • etc.

Sourdough rye bread recipe


  • – 4-5 large spoons,
  • 300 grams of rye flour,
  • 300 grams of wheat flour,
  • 500-600 ml warm water,
  • 1 large tablespoon of salt,
  • 10 grams of sunflower seeds.

Sourdough rye bread in the oven - preparation

Mix two types of flour (it is better to sift), add water, salt and leaven. Add most of the seeds, reserving a little to sprinkle on the top. Knead everything thoroughly to make a smooth dough. Knead the semi-finished product with a spoon until it is quite sticky. If necessary, add more water or flour if the dough is too thick or too thin.

Place the dough in a 35 x 12 cm tin lined with baking paper and wrap tightly plastic film and leave to rise for 4-6 hours (or until the dough has clearly risen almost to the edges of the pan. The dough can also be placed in the refrigerator in the evening and overnight to allow it to rise. At a lower temperature, it will rise more slowly and longer.

Before baking, spray the top with a spray bottle and sprinkle with sunflower seeds.

How to bake sourdough rye bread in the oven

Heat the oven to a temperature of 240 °C. Place the pan in the oven and bake first for 10 minutes at 240 degrees Celsius, then lower the temperature to 200 degrees and bake for about 1-1.5 hours. The bread is ready when you tap the bottom and hear a dull thud.

Useful tips for baking sourdough rye bread:

  • This recipe for sourdough rye bread in the oven calls for a viscous dough that can be stirred with a spoon, it should be thick and sticky. It should not be too thick, otherwise the product will crack during baking and will crumble after baking.
  • When placing the dough into the mold, press it down well using a spoon or wet hands to avoid empty air pockets inside.
  • Such a large loaf should be baked for 1.5 hours, but not less than an hour. It should also be noted that these proportions are presented for a mold with dimensions of 35 cm x 12 cm. If you are using smaller molds, it is important to reduce the proportions.
  • The proofing times given in the recipe are only approximate and depend mainly on the temperature at which the dough rises. The dough grows faster in summer, slower in autumn and winter.
  • If rye yeast-free bread the sourdough doesn't want to grow because it's too cold, you can help it a little. The oven should be heated to a temperature of 50 degrees and immediately turned off. Place the pan in the oven, wrapping it in cling film, and let rise. After about two hours, the oven can be reheated to 50 degrees and turned off.
  • The problem of baking paper sticking can be avoided by removing the paper from under the bread after about 1 hour of baking. Remove the product from the mold and remove the paper, provided that it is so baked that this will be possible. When you remove the paper, place the loaf in the oven again, but without the pan.
  • Baking on rye sourdough can be prepared without baking paper, no matter in what form it is baked. To do this, the mold can be well greased with oil or lard and sprinkled with something, for example, bran.
  • The loaf should not be cut until it has completely cooled; it is preferable to cut it better the next day after baking. Freshly baked bread is moist and sticky in the middle.

These products can also be baked in a bread machine. In addition, sourdough rye bread also turns out great in a slow cooker. The choice of modes depends on the model of the bread machine and multicooker. In a multicooker, proofing can be carried out using the “yogurt” mode, if your model has it, or by turning on the heating briefly, but be careful, the starter will die at high temperatures.

Sourdough rye bread in a bread machine recipes

Using a homemade bread maker, you can easily prepare yeast-free bread. It is very convenient to proof the dough in a bread machine using the programs provided by the manufacturer; the machine itself will take care of the required temperature conditions, and you will not need to constantly monitor the temperature, as happens in the oven.

Yeast-free rye bread with sourdough recipe


  • 400 g of sourdough;
  • 400 g of rye flour, you can also use a mixture of wheat flour and rye flour, then the bread will look much better, since 100% rye bread is quite heavy and the taste is not for everyone;
  • 160 ml warm water;
  • a teaspoon of salt;
  • a spoonful of sugar (you can use honey);
  • tablespoon rast. oils

Sourdough rye bread in a bread machine - preparation

Rye bread is baked in a sourdough bread machine, just like regular bread with yeast. We put all the ingredients in the bread machine bucket in the order provided by the manufacturer. At the end, rye sourdough is added to the bread machine. To bake bread, you can use the “gluten-free” program or the program for rye bread. The program should last approximately 4 hours.

You can also bake wheat bread with rye sourdough.

Whole grain wheat bread with rye sourdough in a bread machine


  • 300 ml warm water,
  • about 200 g of sourdough,
  • 470 g whole grain wheat flour,
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil,
  • 1 tablespoon sugar,
  • a pinch of salt.

We put all the ingredients in a bucket and set the program to “whole bread”, size M or medium. The mixing, rising and baking time should be about 4 hours, depending on the bread machine you need to select the appropriate program.

Thus, if you have already mastered rye bread without sourdough using yeast, you should try baking rye or rye-wheat sourdough bread. This is not a labor-intensive task at all; growing and feeding will not take you too much time.

Fragrant and porous rye sourdough bread is a real homemade product that you can easily prepare in your kitchen. It turns out so tasty that you will forget about store-bought bread options, creating this every day bakery product, fortunately, you will always have the starter at hand. Cooked rye bread does not go stale within 2-3 days; it can be used not only as an independent snack, but also as a base for sandwiches, and you can take it with you on a trip or on a picnic. Remember that sourdough bread is not very airy, so don’t expect an extraordinary “rise” from the dough.


  • 100 ml starter
  • 150 ml warm water
  • 1.5 tbsp. rye flour
  • 1.5 tbsp. wheat flour
  • 0.5 tsp. salt
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil

How to bake sourdough rye bread

1. We will create the sourdough from rye flour 3-5 days in advance and store it in the refrigerator. It is created very simply: mix 100 ml of warm water and 100 g of rye flour every day, leaving it at room temperature. Every day, supplement the starter with a new portion of dough from flour and water, stirring. Day after day, the starter will ferment more and more and emit a sour aroma - this means that the yeast in its composition has become more active.

After 3 or 4 days, the starter should be poured into a container and stored in the refrigerator, using if necessary and feeding from time to time.

Pour the starter, warm water into a deep container, add salt and add 4 tbsp. l. rye and wheat flour. Wheat flour must be used, since rye flour is very heavy and the dough will not rise only on its basis.

Mix everything with a whisk or fork, turning it into a viscous mass. Leave for 2-3 hours at room temperature, but not less than 23 C. The lower the temperature, the longer the dough will rise.

2. As soon as the bubbles fall on the surface of the dough, pour vegetable oil into the dough, add the remaining flour and knead a loose dough - it should be sticky and viscous, but not dense!

3. Grease the bread pan vegetable oil and pour the dough we created into it. Leave in a warm place to proof for about 4-5 hours - sourdough dough does not rise as quickly as yeast dough!

4. After the specified time, we will see that the dough has filled the entire mold - preheat the oven to 220 C and place the mold in it for 40-50 minutes. After 20 minutes, reduce the heat to 180-200 C.

Are you still afraid to bake homemade sourdough bread? I hope with this recipe I will inspire you and eliminate your doubts! My first rye sourdough bread is my pride. It may have turned out unsightly, but for me it’s just perfection.

To start, I chose wheat-rye bread with rye sourdough, but more on that. First of all, as a beginner in this business (working with sourdough), I spent more than one day searching suitable recipes and tips for preparing such baked goods.

According to many bakers, the first time you need to put the dough on sourdough with the addition of yeast. This is due to the fact that our leaven is still too weak due to its youth and immaturity. But I believed in my sourdough and its power, so I made bread without yeast.

Just think about it: our wheat-rye bread contains only 3 ingredients - 2 types of flour, water and salt. All! But the taste and aroma of this baking is indescribable. The crumb is tender, porous, elastic, slightly moist, and the crust... It's so crispy! In my opinion, this is exactly what homemade bread in a Russian oven produces.

The bread does not taste sour, it is pleasant, moderately salty - in general, completely balanced for me. The aroma during the baking process and after you take the bread out of the oven will turn your head. And the feeling of pride will overwhelm you!


Cooking the dish step by step with photos:

Experienced bakers write that the amount of starter should correspond to the amount of flour used in making bread. I have 600 grams of sourdough and the same amount of flour. Pour the starter into a large bowl (we have it at room temperature, ready to use).

Add 340 grams of warm water - I don’t measure the temperature, I just test it with my finger. It should be pleasantly warm, the water should never be hot. Mix everything.

Knead the dough for a short time - you want the flour to be moistened and there are no lumps of flour. The dough turns out sticky - this is normal for rye. The consistency is not very tight - I deliberately did this so that the bread would not be too dense. It is most convenient to knead the dough by slightly moistening your hands with water.

Tighten the bowl cling film, in which we make many punctures with a toothpick (this way the dough will breathe, but will not dry out). The dough should be allowed to rest in a warm place for half an hour. Now I’ll tell you how I create heat: I turn the oven on to maximum for literally a couple of minutes, then turn it off. Place the dough in a bowl on a wooden cutting board and place it in the oven. At first it’s quite warm, so I keep the door open, then close it when my hand feels pleasantly warm. The dough rises in 30 minutes. The photo may not clearly show how well the dough has risen, so look further.

We transfer the dough to the work surface - here you can clearly see how bubbly and porous it is. Now you need to knead it thoroughly. The dough is very sticky, but I don’t use additional flour to avoid clogging it. A scraper will help a lot here (I forgot to take a photo, but I think you know what it looks like). The kneading lasts approximately 5-7 minutes.

Next we send the dough for proofing - decide for yourself how and in what way. In this case, I decided to bake the hearth bread on a baking sheet, so my dough rested in a proofing basket, which I lined with a natural towel and generously sprinkled with wheat flour. No basket - use a suitable bowl or pan. If you do not sprinkle both the towel and the dough, it will stick tightly to the fabric. Cover the top of the dough with a towel. If you bake bread in a pan, simply grease it with butter. Leave the dough in a warm place until the dough has doubled in size.

This is what the dough looked like after 2.5 hours - it had risen perfectly. And without a gram of yeast! Use a brush to shake off excess flour.

We transfer the future bread (if you bake with a hearth, like me) onto parchment paper. From the proofing pan, this is done by simply but gently turning. I also removed the excess flour with a brush, as it turned out to be a rather thick layer. Half an hour before baking the bread, turn on the oven (250 degrees) with a baking sheet to warm up, placing a deep bowl with boiling water at the very bottom. This is a steam bath that will help us rise the bread for the first 15 minutes.

The bread turns out simply gorgeous!!! People have forgotten the taste of real bread. What we eat from stores is just ugly and has no taste, incredible taste when bread can be eaten simply by itself, without adding it to soup or porridge.

In this recipe, I show the process of baking sourdough wheat bread in full and with all the stages. It may seem long and laborious. Not really! If you have a bread machine, this is 10 minutes maximum of your personal time. This wasted time consists of two processes:

  1. add 3 ingredients to the starter;
  2. After 1-1.5 hours, put the products into the bread maker.

But there will be a lot of photos so that a beginner can bake delicious bread the first time.

And of course one more thing: of course you should already have sourdough!!!

Stage No. 1 – revitalizing the sourdough

Since the starter is stored in the refrigerator, it needs to be revived before baking bread. To do this, take the starter from the refrigerator. I got the leaven from a friend who got it from the monastery. She's real drunk.

sourdough from the refrigerator

Pour it into a non-metallic container and add:

  • 1 dessert spoon of honey.

You can add a spoonful of sugar, but honey has excellent fermentation properties, and this is what we need. BUT you will succeed with sugar too.

add a dessert spoon of honey

Add 5-6 spoons RYE flour. You won't succeed with wheat flour. You will add wheat flour to the bread and it will be white, but you only need to add rye flour to the sourdough.

add rye flour

And lastly, pour 1 glass of warm water. The water should be warm, not hot.

pour a glass of warm water

Mix everything well with a wooden spoon. Why wooden? This is what was written in the recipe from the monastery and this is what I do. Apparently so as not to damage the bacteria...

Now the starter should stand for 1-1.5 hours in a warm place. There is no need to place it specifically near the oven, just in a cool place. During this time it will ferment and rise a little. This is what it looks like after 1.5 hours. It may not be very visible in the photo, but it is so foamy.

ready-made starter

Stage No. 2 - placing products in the bread machine

Now that the starter is ready, put the ingredients in the bread machine.

For our bread you need:

  1. sourdough – 1 cup (250 grams),
  2. wheat flour – 4 cups (610 grams),
  3. warm water – 1 glass,
  4. deodorized sunflower oil – 2 tablespoons,
  5. salt – 1 teaspoon,
  6. sugar – 1 tablespoon.

Pour/pour all this into the bread machine and turn on the “bread baking” mode. I didn’t take a photo of the bookmark because it’s all simple and not very visible at the bottom of the bread pan.

After 3.5 hours we have ready bread. You see a hole at the bottom of the bread - this is from the bread machine knife. The weight of the finished bread is 750 grams. If you want a looser bread, add a little more starter – 1 cup + 1/4 cup….

The bread in the photo is not quite snow-white. This is because I added 3 cups of wheat flour and 1 cup of rye flour. I like this better. The bread fits perfectly, soft, fluffy and very tasty!!!

If you have any questions, write in the comments and I will definitely answer.

hop sourdough bread recipe