Regulatory and legal framework for the activities of the class teacher

1. Basic definitions

2. Federal the legislative framework

3. Regulatory acts of the OS

Basic definitions

Cool guide - professional activity of a teacher aimed at raising a child in a classroom student group, creating conditions for self-development and self-realization of the student’s personality, his successful socialization in society.

The activities of the class teacher are regulated by regulatory documents adopted by legislative and executive authorities at various levels. These documents include not only laws, orders, regulations, rules, instructions regulating the organization of the specialist’s activities, but also concepts, target programs and plans for their implementation, which determine the content of the class teacher’s activities and the main directions of its implementation in working with the children’s team.

Federal legislative framework. Documents defining the normative and legal basis of the activities of the class teacher

  • Convention on the Rights of the Child (adopted by the 44th session of the UN General Assembly, ratified by the Resolution of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated June 13, 1990),
  • Constitution of the Russian Federation (adopted by popular vote on December 12, 1993),
  • Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”,
  • Law of the Russian Federation “On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation”,
  • Law of the Russian Federation “On state support of youth and children's public associations”,
  • Law of the Russian Federation “On the fundamentals of the system for preventing neglect and juvenile delinquency”,
  • National educational initiative “Our New School” 01/21/2010.
  • Federal Education Development Program,
  • The concept of spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a Russian citizen
  • Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation until 2020.
  • State program “Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for the period until 2015”,
  • Model regulations on a general education institution,
  • Message from the President Federal Assembly November 30, 2010
  • Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia “On approval of methodological recommendations on the implementation of the functions of a class teacher by teaching staff of state educational institutions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipal educational institutions” dated 02/03/2006 No. 21,
  • Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 02/03/2006 No. 21 “On approval of methodological recommendations on the implementation of the functions of a class teacher by teaching staff of state educational institutions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipal educational institutions”,
  • Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated December 15, 2002 No. 30-51-914/16 “Methodological recommendations on the implementation of the State Standard on the minimum volume of social services for raising children in general education institutions,”
  • Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated June 21, 2001 No. 480/30-16 “Methodological recommendations for organizing the activities of the class teacher in educational institutions,”
  • Letter of the Department of Education and Additional Education of Children and Youth of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated June 11, 2002 No. 30-51-433/16 “Methodological recommendations for the development of additional education of children in general educational institutions”,
  • Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated April 2, 2002 No. 13-51-28/13 “On increasing educational potential educational process in educational institutions",
  • Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated February 11, 2000 No. 101/28-16 “On expanding the activities of children’s and youth associations in educational institutions”,
  • Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated July 22, 2002 No. 30-51-547/16 “On the organization of parental comprehensive education in educational institutions”,
  • Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated October 15, 2003 No. 24-51-218/13-28-51-793/16 “Methodological recommendations for certification and accreditation assessment of educational activities of educational institutions implementing general education programs of various levels and orientations”
  • Tariff and qualification reference book for education workers 2010.

According to federal regulations, determining the responsibilities of the class teacher falls directly within the competence of the educational institution, in which the orders of the director approve Regulations on class management And Functional responsibilities of the class teacher.

Chudinov Valery Alekseevich

born in 1942, professor of the Department of Cultural Studies and Management in State University Management, Doctor of Philosophy, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics. Sci. In 1967 he graduated from physics. Faculty of Moscow State University, speaks German and English languages. Has more than 120 publications. Scientific interests: Slavic mythology and paleography. Since 2002 - Chairman of the Commission on the History of Culture Ancient Rus' Council for the History of Culture under the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Latest printed monographs: Sacred stones and pagan temples of the ancient Slavs. 2004, 619 pp. Runitsa and the secrets of the archeology of Rus'. 2003, 425 pp. Mysteries of Slavic writing. 2002, 527 pp.

Main achievements: Deciphered the Slavic pre-Cyrillic syllabary - runica, stress on the first syllable and read more than 2,000 inscriptions to date. He proved the existence of three types of writing of his own. Slavic peoples- Cyrillic, Glagolitic and Runic alphabet. The presence of three of their own types of writing among the Slavic peoples is an unprecedented phenomenon in the history of culture and shows that the Slavs had the highest spiritual culture in ancient times....

Municipal budgetary educational institution

city ​​of Novosibirsk

"Secondary school No. 20"

Methodological event

"Regulatory framework
organization of activities
class teacher. Documentary
providing educational
activities at the educational institution"


teacher primary classes

Kilina Ekaterina Sergeevna

“Government authorities and local authorities

self-government, their officials obliged to provide

everyone has the opportunity to familiarize themselves with documents and

materials directly affecting him

rights and freedoms, unless otherwise provided by law"

Constitution of the Russian Federation, Article 15, paragraph 3

Regulatory and legal framework for the activities of the class teacher

Cool guide - professional activity of a teacher aimed at raising a child in a classroom student group, creating conditions for self-development and self-realization of the student’s personality, his successful socialization in society.

The activities of the class teacher are regulated by regulatory documents adopted by legislative and executive authorities at various levels. These documents include not only laws, orders, regulations, rules, instructions regulating the organization of the specialist’s activities, but also concepts, target programs and plans for their implementation, which determine the content of the class teacher’s activities and the main directions of its implementation in working with the children’s team.

Public Policy and legal regulation relations in the field of education are based on the following principles:

1) recognition of the priority of education;

2) ensuring the right of every person to education, non-discrimination in the field of education;

3) the humanistic nature of education, the priority of human life and health, personal rights and freedoms, free development of personality, education of mutual respect, hard work, citizenship, patriotism, responsibility, legal culture, careful attitude to nature and the environment, environmental management;

4) the unity of the educational space on the territory of the Russian Federation, the protection and development of ethnocultural characteristics and traditions of the peoples of the Russian Federation in the conditions multinational state;

5) creation of favorable conditions for the integration of the education system of the Russian Federation with the education systems of other states on an equal and mutually beneficial basis;

6) the secular nature of education in state and municipal organizations carrying out educational activities;

7) freedom of choice to receive education according to the inclinations and needs of a person, creating conditions for the self-realization of each person, the free development of his abilities, including the right to choose forms of education, forms of training, organizations carrying out educational activities, the direction of education within the limits provided by the education system, as well as providing teaching staff with freedom to choose forms of teaching, methods of teaching and education;

8) ensuring the right to education throughout life in accordance with the needs of the individual, the adaptability of the education system to the level of training, developmental characteristics, abilities and interests of the person;

9) autonomy of educational organizations, academic rights and freedoms of teaching staff and students provided for by this Federal Law, information openness and public reporting of educational organizations;

10) the democratic nature of education management, ensuring the rights of teaching staff, students, parents (legal representatives) of minor students to participate in the management of educational organizations;

11) inadmissibility of restricting or eliminating competition in the field of education;

12) a combination of state and contractual regulation of relations in the field of education.

For the purposes of this Federal Law, the basic concepts in Article 2“Basic concepts used in this Federal Law " Let's look at some of them:

Point 2:upbringing - activities aimed at personal development, creating conditions for self-determination and socialization of the student on the basis of sociocultural, spiritual and moral values ​​and socially accepted rules and norms of behavior in the interests of the individual, family, society and the state;

Point 15:student - individual, mastering educational program;

Point 17:educational activities - activities for the implementation of educational programs;

Point 18:educational organization - a non-profit organization that carries out educational activities on the basis of a license as the main type of activity in accordance with the goals for which such an organization was created;

Point 21:teaching worker - an individual who is in a labor or service relationship with an organization engaged in educational activities and performs responsibilities for training, education of students and (or) the organization educational activities;

Article 28. Competence, rights, duties and responsibilities of an educational organization

1. An educational organization has autonomy, which means independence in the implementation of educational, scientific, administrative, financial and economic activities, development and adoption of local regulations in accordance with this Federal Law, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the charter of the educational organization.

3. The competence of an educational organization in the established field of activity includes:

1) development and adoption of rules internal regulations students, internal rules labor regulations, other local regulations;

6) development and approval of educational programs of an educational organization;

7) development and approval, in agreement with the founder, of a development program for an educational organization, unless otherwise established by this Federal Law;

10) carrying out ongoing monitoring of academic performance and intermediate certification of students, establishing their forms, frequency and procedure;

11) individual recording of the results of students’ mastery of educational programs, as well as storage in archives of information about these results on paper and (or) electronic media;

12) use and improvement of teaching and educational methods, educational technologies, e-learning;

15) creation of the necessary conditions for protecting and promoting health, organizing nutrition for students and employees of an educational organization;

16) creating conditions for students to engage in physical education and sports;

18) establishing requirements for students’ clothing, unless otherwise established by this Federal Law or the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

19) assistance in the activities of public associations of students, parents (legal representatives) of minor students, carried out in an educational organization and not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

20) organization of scientific and methodological work, including organization and holding of scientific and methodological conferences, seminars;

21) ensuring the creation and maintenance of the official website of the educational organization on the Internet;

22) other issues in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

5. An educational organization has the right to conduct consulting, educational activities, activities in the field of protecting the health of citizens and other activities that do not contradict the goals of creating an educational organization, including organizing recreation and health improvement for students during the holidays (with round-the-clock or daytime stay).

6. An educational organization is obliged to carry out its activities in accordance with the legislation on education, including:

1) ensure the full implementation of educational programs, compliance of the quality of training of students with established requirements, compliance of the forms, means, methods of training and education used with the age, psychophysical characteristics, inclinations, abilities, interests and needs of students;

2) create safe conditions for training, education of students, supervision and care of students, their maintenance in accordance with established standards that ensure the life and health of students and employees of the educational organization;

3) respect the rights and freedoms of students, parents (legal representatives) of minor students, and employees of an educational organization.

7. An educational organization is responsible in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for failure to perform or improper performance of functions within its competence, for the implementation of educational programs not in full in accordance with the curriculum, the quality of education of its graduates, as well as for the life and health of students , employees of an educational organization. For violation or illegal restriction of the right to education and the rights and freedoms of students, parents (legal representatives) of minor students provided for by the legislation on education, violation of the requirements for the organization and implementation of educational activities, the educational organization and its officials bear administrative responsibility in accordance with the Code of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses.

Article 37. Catering for students

1. The organization of meals for students is the responsibility of organizations carrying out educational activities.

2. The class schedule must include a break of sufficient duration for students to eat.

Article 41. Health protection of students

1. Protecting the health of students includes:

1) provision of primary health care in the manner established by legislation in the field of health care;

2) organizing meals for students;

3) determination of the optimal academic and extracurricular load, study schedule and duration of vacations;

4) promotion and training in healthy lifestyle skills and occupational safety requirements;

5) organization and creation of conditions for the prevention of diseases and health improvement of students, for them to engage in physical education and sports;

6) students undergo periodic medical examinations and medical examinations in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

7) prevention and prohibition of smoking, consumption of alcoholic, low-alcohol drinks, beer, narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, their precursors and analogues and other intoxicating substances;

8) ensuring the safety of students during their stay in an organization carrying out educational activities;

9) prevention of accidents with students during their stay in an organization carrying out educational activities;

10) carrying out sanitary, anti-epidemic and preventive measures.

2. The organization of health protection for students (with the exception of the provision of primary health care, periodic medical examinations and medical examinations) in organizations carrying out educational activities is carried out by these organizations.

3. The organization of provision of primary health care to students is carried out by executive authorities in the field of health care. An educational organization is obliged to provide premises with appropriate conditions for the work of medical workers.

4. Organizations carrying out educational activities, when implementing educational programs, create conditions for protecting the health of students, including ensuring:

1) ongoing monitoring of the health status of students;

2) carrying out sanitary and hygienic, preventive and health measures, training and education in the field of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation;

3) compliance with state sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations;

4) investigation and recording of accidents with students during their stay in an organization carrying out educational activities, in the manner established by the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education, in agreement with the federal executive body , carrying out the functions of developing public policy and legal regulation in the field of healthcare.

5. For students mastering basic general education programs and in need of long-term treatment, educational organizations are being created, including sanatoriums, in which the necessary medical, rehabilitation and health measures are carried out for such students. Education of such children, as well as disabled children who, for health reasons, cannot attend educational organizations, can also be organized by educational organizations at home or in medical organizations. The basis for organizing training at home or in a medical organization is the conclusion of the medical organization and a written request from parents (legal representatives).

6. The procedure for regulating and formalizing relations between state and municipal educational organizations and parents (legal representatives) of students in need of long-term treatment, as well as disabled children in terms of organizing training in basic general education programs at home or in medical organizations is determined by a regulatory legal act of the authorized body state power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

In article 44 the rights, duties and responsibilities in the field of education of parents (legal representatives) of minor students are outlined

Article 47. Legal status of teaching staff. Rights and freedoms of teaching staff, guarantees of their implementation

6. B work time pedagogical workers, depending on their position, include educational (teaching), educational work, individual work with students, scientific, creative and research, as well as other pedagogical work provided for by labor (job) responsibilities and (or) individual plan - methodological, preparatory, organizational, diagnostic, monitoring work, work provided for by plans for educational, physical education, sports, creative and other events conducted with students. Specific labor (job) responsibilities of teaching staff are determined employment contracts(service contracts) and job descriptions. The ratio of educational (teaching) and other pedagogical work within the working week or academic year is determined by the relevant local regulatory act of the organization carrying out educational activities, taking into account the number of hours according to the curriculum, specialty and qualifications of the employee.

Article 48. Duties and responsibilities of teaching staff

1. Teaching staff are obliged to:

1) carry out their activities at a high professional level, ensure the full implementation of the taught educational subject, course, discipline (module) in accordance with the approved work program;

2) comply with legal, moral and ethical standards, follow the requirements professional ethics;

3) respect the honor and dignity of students and other participants in educational relations;

4) develop students’ cognitive activity, independence, initiative, creativity, form a civic position, ability to work and live in conditions modern world, to form a culture of healthy and safe lifestyle among students;

5) apply pedagogically sound forms, methods of teaching and education that ensure high quality of education;

6) take into account the characteristics of the psychophysical development of students and their state of health, observe special conditions necessary for obtaining education by persons with disabilities health, interact if necessary with medical organizations;

7) systematically improve your professional level;

8) undergo certification for compliance with the position held in the manner established by the legislation on education;

9) undergo, in accordance with labor legislation, preliminary upon employment and periodic medical examinations, as well as extraordinary medical examinations upon the direction of the employer;

10) undergo training and testing of knowledge and skills in the field of labor protection in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

11) comply with the charter of the educational organization, the regulations on the specialized structural educational unit of the organization providing training, and internal labor regulations.

Article 66. Primary general, basic general and secondary general education

1. Primary general education is aimed at shaping the student’s personality, developing his individual abilities, positive motivation and skills in educational activities(mastery of reading, writing, counting, basic skills of educational activities, elements of theoretical thinking, simple self-control skills, culture of behavior and speech, the basics of personal hygiene and a healthy lifestyle).

2. Basic general education is aimed at the formation and formation of the student’s personality (formation of moral beliefs, aesthetic taste and healthy lifestyle, high culture of interpersonal and interethnic communication, mastery of the basics of science, state language Russian Federation, mental and physical labor skills, development of inclinations, interests, ability for social self-determination).

3. Secondary general education is aimed at further formation and formation of the student’s personality, development of interest in knowledge and creativity student, the formation of skills in independent educational activities based on individualization and professional orientation of the content of secondary general education, preparing the student for life in society, independent life choice, continuing education and starting professional activity.

4. The organization of educational activities according to the educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education can be based on differentiation of content, taking into account the educational needs and interests of students, ensuring in-depth study of individual academic subjects, subject areas relevant educational program (specialized training).

5. Primary general education, basic general education, secondary general education are compulsory levels of education. Students who have not mastered the basic educational program of primary general and (or) basic general education are not allowed to study at the following levels of general education. The requirement of compulsory secondary general education in relation to a specific student remains in force until he reaches the age of eighteen, if the corresponding education has not been received by the student earlier.

6. With the consent of the parents (legal representatives) of a minor student, the commission on affairs of minors and the protection of their rights and the local government body that manages the field of education, a student who has reached the age of fifteen years may leave the general education organization until receiving basic general education. The Commission on Minors' Affairs and the Protection of Their Rights, together with the parents (legal representatives) of a minor who left a general education organization before receiving basic general education, and the local government body that manages the field of education, no later than month period takes measures to continue the development of the minor’s educational program of basic general education in another form of education and with his consent for employment.

According to federal regulations, determining the responsibilities of the class teacher falls directly within the competence of the educational institution, in which the orders of the director approveRegulations on class management AndFunctional responsibilities of the class teacher.



On approval of legal acts regulating the activities of class teachers of municipal educational institutions

Document with changes made:
Resolution of the City Mayor of Kaluga dated October 17, 2007 N 192-P.

For optimization purposes educational work in municipal educational institutions, regulation of the organizational and legal status of class teachers of municipal educational institutions, their duties, rights and responsibilities and ensuring conditions for their effective work in institutions, guided by the Law of the Russian Federation of April 10, 1992 N 3266-1 “On Education”, approved Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 19, 2001 N 196, in accordance with Articles 34, 37, 43 of the Charter of the municipal formation "City of Kaluga"
* There appears to be a typo in the official text of the document: Law of the Russian Federation N 3266-1 “On Education” was adopted on July 10, 1992, and not on April 10, 1992. - Note "CODE".

I decree:

1. Approve the approximate Regulations on class management in municipal educational institutions (Appendix 1).

2. Approve the approximate instructions of the class teacher of the municipal educational institution (Appendix 2).

3. Department of Education of the city of Kaluga (Anikeev A.S.):

3.1. Bring this Resolution to the attention of municipal educational institutions.

3.2. Ensure control over the legal and regulatory support of the activities of class teachers in municipal educational institutions.

4. This Resolution comes into force after its official publication.

5. Entrust control over the implementation of this Resolution to the Deputy City Mayor for Social Development Yu.N. Logvinov.

City Mayor
M.A. Akimov

Annex 1
to the Resolution
City Mayor
urban district
"City of Kaluga"
dated April 12, 2007 N 68-P

about class management in municipal
educational institutions

1. General Provisions

1.1. Approximate regulations on classroom management in municipal educational institutions (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) were developed in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", Model Regulations on a General Educational Institution, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 19, 2001 N 196, regulatory and instructional documents Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on the organization of educational work and the activities of the class teacher in municipal educational institutions.

1.2. This Regulation defines the organizational and methodological basis for teaching staff to carry out the functions of a class teacher in municipal educational institutions (hereinafter referred to as general educational institutions).

1.3. Classroom management is pedagogical activity, providing effective organization education within the classroom student team, implemented both in individual and group forms of work with students. Classroom management is the leading form of organizing the educational process in educational institutions.

1.4. The functions of the class teacher in organizing and coordinating educational work with students in the classroom are assigned to the teaching staff of a general education institution with his consent by order of the general education institution.

Class - a group of students, usually of the same age, mastering one basic educational program in accordance with the curriculum of a municipal educational institution.

1.5. In his activities, the class teacher is guided by the norms of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Constitution of the Russian Federation, legislative acts of the Russian Federation on the rights of the child and their guarantees, the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", normative legal acts of educational authorities of all levels on issues of education and upbringing of students, regulations city ​​target Program "Education of young Kaluga residents", the Charter of the educational institution and these Regulations.

1.6. The activities of the class teacher are built in accordance with the principles of democracy, humanism, the priority of universal human values, the life and health of children, conformity with nature, citizenship, free development of the individual, consistency and collegiality.

1.7. For performing the functions of a class teacher, the following is established for the teacher:

- remuneration, the amount and payment procedure of which is determined by current legislation;

- additional payment, the amount and payment procedure of which is determined by the local regulatory act of the educational institution.

(paragraph excluded based on Resolution of the City Mayor of Kaluga dated October 17, 2007 N 192-P)

1.8. The class teacher carries out his activities in close contact with the administration of the educational institution, self-government bodies of the institution, parents (legal representatives) of students, social teacher, psychologist, teacher-organizer, teachers of additional education.

2. The purpose and objectives of the class teacher’s activities, his functions

2.1. The purpose of the class teacher’s activities is to create conditions for self-development and self-realization of the student’s personality, his successful socialization in society.

2.2. Tasks of the class teacher:

- formation and development of the class team as an educational environment that ensures the development of each child;

- creation of favorable psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of personality, self-affirmation of each student, preservation of uniqueness and disclosure of his potential abilities;

- formation of a healthy lifestyle;

- organization of a system of relations through various forms educational activities of the class team;

- protection of the rights and interests of students;

- organization of systematic work with students in the classroom;

- humanization of relations between students, between students and teaching staff;

- formation of students’ moral foundations of personality and spiritual guidelines;

- organization of socially significant, creative activities of students in the classroom community through the development of student self-government.

2.3.1. Analytical and prognostic:

- protection of students’ rights;

2.3.3. Communicative:

2.3.4. Test:

3. Organization of the activities of the class teacher

3.1. The activity of the class teacher is a purposeful, systematic, planned process, built on the basis of the education program of a general education institution, analysis of previous activities, positive and negative trends in social life, based on a person-oriented approach, taking into account the current tasks facing the teaching staff of a general education institution, and the situation in cool team.

In his activities, the class teacher takes into account the level of education of students, the social and material conditions of their life, and the specifics of family circumstances.

3.2. The specifics of the organization of classroom management are determined by the type of educational institution, the educational system that has developed in it, traditions, as well as the contingent of students and teaching staff.

3.3. The current management of the activities of the class teacher is carried out by the deputy director of the educational institution, who supervises the organization of the educational process.

3.4. The main forms of work of the class teacher with students are:

3.4.1. Individual - conversation, consultation, exchange of opinions, fulfillment of a joint assignment, provision of individual assistance, joint search for a solution to a problem, etc.

3.4.2. Group - councils, creative groups, clubs, self-government bodies, etc.

3.4.3. Collective - collective activities, competitions, performances, concerts, hikes, rallies, competitions, etc.

3.4.4. Class hour as a special form of organizing the process of direct communication between the teacher and students, during which important moral and moral problems can be raised and resolved.

3.5. The work of the class teacher with the class and its individual students is structured in accordance with this cyclogram:

3.5.1. Class teacher daily:

a) organizes various forms of individual and group work with students;

b) controls:

- attendance of training sessions by students;

- student performance;

- organizing meals for students;

- compliance with established requirements for appearance students;

c) organizes and controls duty in the classroom.

3.5.2. Class teacher weekly:

- checks students’ diaries with markings;

- analyzes the state of progress in the class;

- spends an hour with the class teacher ( Classroom hour) in accordance with the educational work plan and schedule (which is recorded in the class journal);

- organizes work with parents (legal representatives) according to the situation;

- carries out work with subject teachers working in the classroom, depending on the situation.

3.5.3. Class teacher monthly:

- conducts consultations with a psychologist, social educator and individual teachers;

- organizes the work of the class asset;

- solves economic issues in the classroom;

- helps student self-government bodies organize summing up the life activities of the class team;

- organizes a meeting of the class parent committee.

3.5.4. Class teacher during the school term:

- participates in the work of the methodological association of class teachers, pedagogical councils and consultations, seminars, administrative meetings, etc.;

- analyzes the implementation and correction of the educational work plan;

- fills out the class magazine and student portfolio;

- conducts a class parent meeting;

- submits to the educational part of the institution a report on the progress of students in the class for the quarter.

3.5.5. Class teacher annually:

- draws up personal files of students;

- analyzes the state of educational work in the classroom and the level of education of students during the year;

- draws up a class education program or a plan for educational work with the class (class teacher’s plan), adjusts the model of the class’s educational system;

- collects and submits to the school administration statistical reporting(academic performance, materials for the report on form OSH-1, employment of graduates, etc.).

3.5.6. During the holidays:

- organizes work with the class according to an additional plan;

- organizes and controls the employment of students at risk.

3.6. The rights and responsibilities of the class teacher are determined by the educational institution independently and are enshrined in the instructions of the class teacher.

3.7. The work schedule of the class teacher is determined by the educational institution independently and is recorded in the charter of the educational institution, internal labor regulations, schedules, action plans and other local regulations.

3.8. The class teacher's working hours include:

- organization and conduct of class hours;

- checking student diaries;

- filling out the log and other documentation;

- individual work with parents (legal representatives);

- individual work with students;

- organizational work.

4. Class teacher documentation

Documentation required to be maintained by the class teacher includes:

4.1. A plan for educational work with the class for the academic year, including characteristics of the team, analysis of educational activities and the state of the level of education of students.

4.2. Notebook for the class teacher, reflecting individual work with “at-risk” students, their parents, and subject teachers.

4.3. Cool magazine.

4.4. Minutes of meetings of the parent committee and parent meetings.

4.5. Plans (scenarios) of educational activities for the class.

4.6. Personal files of class students.

5. Criteria for assessing the performance of the functions of a class teacher

5.1. The effectiveness of the functions of a class teacher is assessed on the basis of two groups of criteria: effectiveness and efficiency.

The effectiveness of the class teacher's activities is considered the higher, the higher the indicators for assessing his activities both according to the criterion of effectiveness and the criterion of performance efficiency.

5.2. Performance criteria allow us to assess how effectively target and socio-psychological functions are implemented and reflect the level that students achieve in their social development:

- level of education, general culture and discipline of class students;

- level of social adaptation of students, their civic maturity;

- level of formation of the class team;

- level of development of student self-government in the classroom;

- degree of satisfaction of students with the activities of the class team;

- the degree of satisfaction of parents (legal representatives) with the organization of life activities of the class team.

5.3. Performance criteria evaluate the implementation of the managerial functions of the class teacher (organization of educational work with students; interaction with teaching staff working with students in a given class, and other participants in the educational process, as well as educational support staff of a general education institution, parents (legal representatives) of students and public education, training and creative development students).

In this case, the activities of the class teacher are assessed according to the following main indicators:

- level of training of students in the class;

- health status of students;

- level of legal culture of students;

- coverage of students by the system of additional education;

- class rating at school;

- class participation in regional and city shows, competitions, competitions.

Appendix 2
to the Resolution
City Mayor
urban district
"City of Kaluga"
dated April 12, 2007 N 68-P

Sample instructions
class teacher of the municipal
educational institution

1. General Provisions

1.1. This Instruction for the class teacher of a municipal educational institution (hereinafter referred to as the Instructions) was developed with the aim of establishing the organizational, methodological and legal basis for the implementation of the functions of a class teacher in municipal educational institutions (hereinafter referred to as the general education institution), regulating their duties, rights and responsibilities, as well as developing uniform criteria assessment of the performance of the functions of a class teacher.

1.2. This Instruction was developed on the basis of Methodological recommendations for organizing the activities of a class teacher in general educational institutions (letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated June 21, 2001 N 480/30-16), Methodological recommendations on the implementation of the functions of a class teacher by teaching staff of state educational institutions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipal general education institutions approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 02/03/2006 N 21.

1.3. The functions of the class teacher in organizing and coordinating educational work with students in the classroom are assigned to the teaching staff of a general education institution with his consent by order of the general education institution.

1.4. The activities of the class teacher are monitored by the Deputy Director for Educational Work.

1.5. In his activities, the class teacher is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the laws of the Russian Federation, decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation and educational authorities of all levels, rules and regulations of labor protection, safety precautions, fire protection, as well as the charter of the educational institution and other local regulations, complies with the Convention on the Rights child.

2. Functions of the class teacher

2.3. The main functions of the class teacher:

2.3.1 Analytical and forecasting:

- study of individual characteristics of students and the dynamics of their development;

- study and analysis of the state and prospects for the development of the classroom team;

- analysis of the state of family education of each child;

- assessment of the level of education of students and the entire class staff;

- study of the influence of the school environment and small society;

- analysis of the educational capabilities of the teaching staff;

- analysis and forecasting of the results of educational activities.

2.3.2. Organizational and pedagogical:

- organization in the classroom of an educational process that is optimal for the development of the positive potential of students’ personalities, within the framework of the activities of the staff of a general education institution;

- formation of a class team and a model of education in the classroom in accordance with the educational system of the educational institution as a whole;

- interaction with each student and the class team as a whole;

Organization and stimulation different types the activities of students, including their receipt of additional education in a general education institution and outside it;

Providing assistance and organizing cooperation in planning socially significant activities of students, in organizing the activities of student government bodies;

Interaction with subject teachers working in the classroom and other specialists of a general education institution;

- ensuring communication between educational institutions and students’ families;

- organizing interaction between the class team and support service specialists and extracurricular organizations;

- protection of students’ rights;

- maintaining documentation (class journal, personal files of students, work plan of the class teacher, etc.).

2.3.3. Communicative:

- development and regulation interpersonal relationships between students;

- establishing subject-subject relationships between the teacher and students;

- providing assistance to each student in adapting to the team;

- promoting the creation of a favorable climate in the team as a whole and for each individual student;

- assisting students in developing communicative skills.

2.3.4. Test:

- monitoring the progress of each student;

- monitoring student attendance at training sessions.

3. Responsibilities of the class teacher

In the process of carrying out his activities, the class teacher is obliged to:

3.1. Study the class team and each student, the characteristics of their characters, their interests and inclinations.

3.2. Carry out the formation, organization and education of a class team, determine the prospects for its development.

3.3. Create a favorable microenvironment and moral and psychological climate for the stay of each student in the classroom or educational institution.

3.4. Create conditions and prerequisites for the successful solution of educational tasks.

3.5. Coordinate the activities of teachers, ensure close cooperation of subject teachers working in his class, achieve unity of requirements and pedagogical influences.

3.6. Show constant concern for improving the quality of knowledge and the development of students’ cognitive activity, promote the formation and development of students’ spiritual and moral values ​​as the basis of their worldview, form in children a conscious attitude towards educational responsibilities, exercise control over educational activities, discipline, participation in the public life of the class and school generally.

3.7. Involve students in extracurricular educational work, conduct it together with children's organizations with the active participation of teachers, parents (legal representatives) and members of the public.

3.8. To educate students in the spirit of conscious discipline, teaching them to follow the rules of life in a team and in society. Provide assistance to students in resolving their life problems and situations.

3.9. Regularly inform parents (legal representatives) of students about their successes or problems, convene scheduled and unscheduled parent meetings, and direct the activities of the class parent committee.

3.10. Comply with safety requirements, bear responsibility for the life and health of children during extracurricular and extracurricular activities, promptly notify the administration of a general education institution about each accident, and take measures to provide first aid.

3.11. Together with student self-government bodies, actively promote a healthy lifestyle, conduct physical education, sports and other events that promote the health of students.

3.12. Respect the rights and freedoms of students. Promote their social, psychological and legal protection, ensure the unity of the educational influence of the family and the educational institution, and, if necessary, involve the competent authorities to protect the rights of the child.

3.13. Plan your activities in class management in accordance with the requirements for planning educational work adopted in a general education institution.

3.14. Maintain class documentation in the prescribed manner (personal files of students, class journal), as well as educational work (plan of educational work, reports, individual cards for studying the personality of students, characteristics, development of educational activities, etc.), control the filling out of diaries by students and grading them.

3.15. Systematically improve your professional qualifications and participate in the activities of methodological associations.

3.16. Comply with ethical standards of behavior in educational institutions, in everyday life, in in public places, corresponding to the social position of the teacher. Demonstrate a model of moral behavior for students by personal example, be an example in private and public life.

4. Rights of the class teacher

The class teacher has the right, within his competence:

4.1. Receive regular information about children's mental and physical health.

4.2. Monitor the progress of each student and their attendance at training sessions.

4.3. Attend classes and activities for students in your class.

4.4. Coordinate and direct the work of subject teachers, as well as psychologists and social educators working with students in this class.

4.5. Independently plan educational work with the class team (taking into account the basic principles of school-wide planning), develop individual programs with children and their parents (legal representatives), determine the forms of organizing the activities of the class team and conducting class events. Create your own educational systems and programs, creatively apply new methods, forms and techniques of education, guided by the principle of humanism and promoting personal development.

4.6. Submit proposals and initiatives for consideration by the administration of a general education institution, pedagogical council, school self-government bodies, parent committees, both on behalf of the class staff and on one’s own behalf, including on encouraging students and their parents (legal representatives).

4.7. Invite parents (legal representatives) of students to a general education institution to resolve issues related to their education and upbringing.

4.8. In agreement with the administration of the educational institution, contact the commission on affairs of minors and the protection of their rights, the city psychological-medical-pedagogical commission.

4.9. Determine an individual mode of working with children based on the specific situation.

4.10. Conduct experimental work on various problems of methodological and educational activities.

4.11. For an increase to the official salary, bonus and other measures of material and moral incentives.

4.12. For your participation and the participation of your students in competitions, festivals and other events.

4.13. For logistics and methodological support educational process organized by him.

4.14. Receive timely methodological, organizational and pedagogical assistance from the administration of a general education institution, as well as self-government bodies of a general education institution.

4.15. To improve qualifications and professional skills.

4.16. The class teacher has the right to protect his own honor, dignity and professional reputation in case of disagreement with the assessments of his activities by the administration of the educational institution, parents (legal representatives), students, and other teachers.

5. Responsibility

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the class teacher is responsible for:

5.1. For the life and health of class students during events held by them, as well as for violation of their rights and freedoms.

5.2. For non-fulfillment or improper execution of the charter, internal labor regulations of a general education institution, local regulations, job responsibilities established by the job description, within the limits determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.3. For the use, including one-time use, of educational methods associated with physical and (or) mental violence against the student’s personality, as well as the commission of another immoral offense.

5.4. For culpable infliction of damage or harm to a general educational institution or participants in the educational process in connection with the performance (non-performance) of their official duties, the class teacher bears financial responsibility in the manner and within the limits established by law.

6. Relationships. Relationships by position

6.1. Interacts with subject teachers, represents the interests of his students at pedagogical council, promotes children’s participation in extracurricular activities: subject clubs, electives, Olympiads, theme evenings and other events.

6.2. Together with a teacher-psychologist, she studies the individual characteristics of students, the process of adaptation and integration in micro- and macro-society, coordinates communication between the psychologist and parents (legal representatives), and helps determine the choice of profession based on psychological and pedagogical research.

6.3. Collaborates with teachers of additional education, promotes the inclusion of students in various creative associations of interests (circles, sections, clubs), operating both in general education institutions and in institutions of additional education.

6.4. Interacts with social teachers of general education institutions to provide social support to students.

6.5. Promotes the inclusion of children in the activities of children's public organizations, collaborating with senior counselors, organizing information about existing children's and youth public organizations and associations.

6.6. Collaborates with librarians of educational institutions to expand the student’s reading range.

6.7. Organizes work to improve the pedagogical and psychological culture of parents (legal representatives) through parent meetings and joint activities.

6.8. Constantly takes care of the health of his students, using information received from medical professionals.

"___" ____________________
I have read the instructions _______________________

In their professional activities, class teachers follow the provisions of the job description, Federal State Educational Standards, school charter and other regulations of federal and local significance, which determine the scope of the responsibilities and functions of a specialist, including. The class teacher is responsible for:

  • organization of the educational process in the student body entrusted to him;
  • interaction with the parent community, subject teachers and administration;
  • organization of extracurricular and extracurricular activities for children, student self-government, comprehensive development student's personality;
  • ensuring paperwork of established documentation.

Documents regulating the activities of the class teacher

Classroom management is a form of organizing the educational process in classes secondary schools, responsibility for which falls on the subject teacher appointed to this position by the school director. As a result, the class teacher plays the role of a mentor, a spiritual mediator, helping children master the basics of universal human culture, build harmonious relationships with peers and adults, create a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team, an optimal educational and developmental environment for the comprehensive development and socialization of the individual. Based on regulatory documents of the class teacher according to the Federal State Educational Standard, it performs its functions in accordance with four basic principles:

  • humanism - the student’s personality is placed at the center of the teacher’s attention and is accepted as the highest value;
  • collegiality - not only teachers and parents, but also students take part in the implementation of educational activities;
  • systematic - all participants in the educational process interact with each other to achieve maximum results;
  • expediency - forms of activity are selected in accordance with the individual and age characteristics of students, their goal and value orientations.

The professional activities of a class teacher are subject to current legislation, and therefore are regulated by regulations adopted by authorities at different levels. Yes, to the number documents regulating the activities of the class teacher, include not only laws, instructions, rules and orders that are directly related to the activities of the teacher, but also target programs, educational concepts and plans for their implementation, which determine the content of the work of the classroom teacher in a particular educational institution.

Consequently, in his direct activities, the teacher appointed as the class teacher relies on the following legal framework:

  1. Convention on the Rights of the Child, adopted by the 44th session of the UN General Assembly. It provides for four aspects of children's rights: the mandatory right to life (survival), to education, freedom of expression, religion, freedom of conscience, recreation and entertainment (development), to protection in all possible situations, including from one’s own parents. , as well as the right to ensure active participation in public life.
  2. Art. 43 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which regulates the implementation of the right to education for all citizens of the Russian Federation, regardless of their place of residence, age, social class, religion and nationality.
  3. Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” dated December 29, 2012
  4. Art. 130 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
  5. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 6, 2009 No. 373 “On approval and implementation of the federal state standard for primary general education.”
  6. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated February 3, 2006 No. 21 “On approval of Methodological Recommendations on the implementation of the functions of a class teacher by teaching staff.”
  7. Federal State Standard for Primary General Education (Appendix to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 6, 2009 No. 373).
  8. Federal Law “On the Basics of the System for the Prevention of Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency” dated June 24, 1999. No. 120-FZ.
  9. Federal Law “On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation” dated July 24, 1998. No. 124-FZ.
  10. Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020 (Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 17, 2008 No. 1662-r).
  11. The concept of spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a citizen of Russia (project 2009).

Keep this for yourself so you don't lose it:

You can learn more about the educational and organizational functions of the class teacher from the articles in the electronic journal “Handbook of a Deputy School Principal”

- New instructions for working with deviant teenagers are ready (legislation review)
- Check whether class teachers and educational psychologists help students prepare for the Unified State Exam (programs and plans)

According to the current legislation, educational institutions, guided by the Functional Responsibilities of the Class Teacher and the Regulations on Class Teachers, have the right to independently determine the terms of reference of the class teacher. However, he will be able to successfully cope with his tasks only if he studies regulatory documents of the class teacher. Mandatory aspects of the regulatory competence of a class teacher include:

  • knowledge of legislation regulating the field of education and legal support for one’s professional activities;
  • the ability to apply existing legal knowledge to protect childhood, determine the goals and content of the educational process.

Thus, he will have special knowledge in areas that determine the quality of the educational process, as well as systematically engage in self-education in order to follow the demands of modern realities.

Documents of the class teacher according to the Federal State Educational Standard

The class teacher’s documentation, which he maintains, is determined by the list of educational and organizational tasks of the teacher. Since the job description does not define their list, teachers do not always know what documents does the class teacher keep?. According to established standards, class teachers, in the process of working with the student body, create a folder with documentation, which includes:

  1. Data about students - a list of students in the class with their contact details, a class register, information about the health status of children (filled out together with medical worker educational institution), employment in electives, clubs and sections, recording the progress and achievements of students, personal files of students.
  2. Information used to determine the vector of implementation of educational work with the class - psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the class, social passport for the current academic year, annual cyclogram of educational work, analysis of educational work for the previous period, work on organizing a children's team, individual social passport of students and their families.
  3. Work planning - topic, goals and objectives of the class teacher’s educational activities for the year, a grid plan for educational work, the class teacher’s cyclogram compiled by quarters, protecting the lives of students (work plan for the year)..
  4. Information about the work of student self-government in the class - the asset of the class and the distribution of assignments between it.
  5. Organization and conduct of vacations - work plan during the vacations, data on students' vacations, analytical notes.
  6. Information about working with the parent community - a list of members of the parent committee, minutes and sheets of attendance at parent meetings, characteristics of families, information about individual work with parents, calendar-thematic plan for parent meetings.
  7. Reports - on educational work by quarter, on working with difficult children, inspection results, monitoring of good manners and data on individual work with schoolchildren.
  8. Safety precautions - briefings and logs of registration of briefings on safety precautions and traffic rules.
  9. Methodological literature - notes on the work of the class teacher, methodical piggy bank(development of extracurricular and extracurricular activities, scenarios, plans for class hours, conversations and parent-teacher meetings).
  10. Presentation portfolio - cool photography, Short story class, page of the first teacher and class teacher, pages of subject teachers, the most interesting events in photographs, copies of certificates and awards.
  11. Additional documents - educational schedule, nutrition sheets, attendance and diary checks, rules for organizing the educational process.

According to the Federal State Educational Standard, in class teacher's document folder contains papers that serve as the basis for fulfilling the job responsibilities of a teacher and organizing professional activities.

Basic documents of the class teacher

IN list of class teacher documents includes papers that the teacher maintains and those that he draws up personally. Among the entire list of papers contained in the class teacher’s folder, the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the class, which are directly used to draw up a plan for educational work, as well as the minutes of parent meetings, reflecting the degree of interaction with the parent community and its inclusion, are of fundamental importance for planning, organizing and improving educational work. into the school-wide educational process.

Plan of educational work of the class teacher

When drawing up a plan of educational work, take into account its approximate structure:

  1. Information and analytical part - class list and general information about students, a list of class assets, social passports of families and the composition of the parent committee; the analytical block includes an analysis of educational work over the past year (with students and their parents), psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the class.
  2. Explanatory note
  3. The content of work with students is the goals and objectives of educational work, work on patriotic, economic, aesthetic, sexual, labor, environmental, legal, spiritual, moral, hygienic education, crime prevention and deviant behavior.
  4. Contents of work with parents

Contents of the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the class

When compiling characteristics of students in the class, the class teacher carries out large-scale diagnostic and analytical work so that this normative document of the class teacher corresponded to the approximate structure:

  1. General information about the class - the number of students and their ages, the number of boys and girls, whether they arrived from other educational institutions, social characteristic families of students.
  2. Directions of student activity - what motives and goals motivate students, what place the class occupies in the school.
  3. The content of educational activities - characteristics of academic performance, the state of discipline in the class, absences from lessons.
  4. Extracurricular life of the class - participation in school-wide events, interest in excursions, clubs and sections, performing socially useful work.
  5. Self-government - class leaders, activities of class activists, participation in school-wide events, the presence of outcasts and informal leaders, psychological characteristics students, positively or negatively influenced, analysis of the results of a sociometric study of the structure of relationships in the classroom.
  6. Relationships in a team - the degree of cohesion, the presence of separate microgroups (principles of division into groups and relationships between them), the specifics of interaction between the sexes, the most common conflicts in a team, rituals and traditions, values ​​that exist in the classroom, manifestations of mutual assistance, sensitivity, the degree of emotional well-being children.
  7. Psychological climate - experiences, worries and moods that prevail in the class, the nature of relationships between classmates and teachers, the presence of a consensus in the class on the most important issues, the degree of development of criticism and self-criticism in the team, sociability and success in solving group problems, the nature of the intellectual atmosphere in class.
  8. Conclusions - an obligatory element of the characteristics are general psychological and pedagogical conclusions, emphasizing the degree of discipline and development of the team, the nature of the psychological climate in the team, the peculiarities of the manifestation of the psychological specificity of age, the reasons that provoke difficulties in behavior. definition of positive and negative traits in organizing the life of the team.

Minutes of parent meetings

By recording the progress of parent meetings and filing these documents in a folder, the class teacher records the decisions made by the students’ parents and the nature of the discussions, which makes it possible to analyze the effectiveness of working with family members of the students. The protocol sequentially indicates:

  • Date, number and agenda of the meeting, chairman and secretary, number of those present, including invited representatives of the administration or the public.
  • Speeches by each participant in order of priority on each issue, as well as decisions taken in this regard. Since decisions are made by open vote, the secretary records the number of those agreeing, dissenting and abstaining.
  • The minutes are signed by the secretary of the meeting and the chairman of the parent committee. With him in mandatory introduce all parents, including those who were not present at the meeting.

Minutes of parent meetings are mandatory documents of the primary class teacher, middle and senior schools, which are kept in a separate notebook from the moment the class is formed until it leaves school. Numbered and stitched protocols are kept by the class teacher.