Inorganic substance, aluminum alkali, formula Al(OH) 3. Occurs naturally and is part of bauxite.


It exists in four crystalline modifications and in the form of a colloidal solution, a gel-like substance. The reagent is almost insoluble in water. Does not burn, does not explode, is not poisonous.

In solid form, it is a fine-crystalline loose powder, white or transparent, sometimes with a slight gray or pink tint. The hydroxide gel is also white.

The chemical properties of the solid and gel modifications are different. The solid substance is quite inert, does not react with acids, alkalis, or other elements, but can form meta-aluminates as a result of fusion with solid alkalis or carbonates.

The gel-like substance exhibits amphoteric properties, that is, it reacts with both acids and alkalis. In reactions with acids, aluminum salts of the corresponding acid are formed, with alkalis - salts of another type, aluminates. Does not react with ammonia solution.

When heated, the hydroxide decomposes into oxide and water.

Precautionary measures

The reagent belongs to the fourth hazard class, is considered fireproof and practically safe for humans and the environment. Caution should be exercised only with aerosol particles in the air: dust has an irritating effect on the respiratory system, skin, and mucous membranes.

Therefore, in workplaces where large amounts of aluminum hydroxide dust may be generated, employees should wear respiratory, eye and skin protection. It is necessary to establish control of the content of harmful substances in the air of the working area according to the methodology approved by GOST.

The room must be equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation, and, if necessary, with local aspiration suction.

Store solid aluminum hydroxide in multilayer paper bags or other containers for bulk products.


In industry, the reagent is used to obtain pure aluminum and aluminum derivatives, for example, aluminum oxide, aluminum sulfate and aluminum fluoride.
- Aluminum oxide obtained from hydroxide is used to produce artificial rubies for the needs of laser technology, corundum - for air drying, purification of mineral oils, and for the production of emery.
- In medicine, it is used as an enveloping agent and long-acting antacid to normalize the acid-base balance of the human gastrointestinal tract, for the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers, gastroesophageal reflux and some other diseases.
- In pharmacology, it is part of vaccines to enhance the body’s immune response to the effects of an introduced infection.
- In water treatment - as an adsorbent that helps remove various contaminants from water. The hydroxide actively reacts with substances that need to be removed, forming insoluble compounds.
- In the chemical industry it is used as an environmentally friendly fire retardant for polymers, silicones, rubbers, paints and varnishes - to worsen their flammability, ability to ignite, and suppress the release of smoke and toxic gases.
- In the production of toothpaste, mineral fertilizers, paper, dyes, cryolite.

Aluminum hydroxide, characteristics, properties and preparation, chemical reactions.

Aluminum hydroxide is an inorganic substance with the chemical formula Al(OH) 3.

Brief characteristics of aluminum hydroxide:

Aluminum hydroxide– a white inorganic substance.

Chemical formula of aluminum hydroxide Al(OH)3.

Poorly soluble in water.

Has the ability to adsorb various substances.

Aluminum hydroxide modifications:

There are 4 known crystalline modifications of aluminum hydroxide: gibbsite, bayerite, doyleite and norstrandite.

Gibbsite is designated by the γ-form of aluminum hydroxide, and bayerite by the α-form of aluminum hydroxide.

Gibbsite is the most chemically stable form of aluminum hydroxide.

Physical properties of aluminum hydroxide:

Parameter name: Meaning:
Chemical formula Al(OH) 3
Synonyms and foreign language names for α-form aluminum hydroxide potassium hydroxide

aluminum hydroxide α-form

bayerite (Russian)

Synonyms and foreign language names for γ-form aluminum hydroxide potassium hydroxide

aluminum hydroxide

aluminum hydroxide


gibbsite (Russian)

hydrargillite (Russian)

Type of substance inorganic
Appearance of α-form aluminum hydroxide colorless monoclinic crystals
Appearance of γ-form aluminum hydroxide white monoclinic crystals
Color white, colorless
Taste —*
Physical state (at 20 °C and atmospheric pressure 1 atm.) solid
Density of γ-form aluminum hydroxide (state of matter – solid, at 20 °C), kg/m3 2420
Density of γ-form aluminum hydroxide (state of matter – solid, at 20 °C), g/cm3 2,42
Decomposition temperature of α-form aluminum hydroxide, °C 150
Decomposition temperature of γ-form aluminum hydroxide, °C 180
Molar mass, g/mol 78,004


- no data.

Preparation of aluminum hydroxide:

Aluminum hydroxide is obtained as a result of the following chemical reactions:

  1. 1. as a result of the interaction of aluminum chloride and sodium hydroxide :

AlCl 3 + 3NaOH → Al(OH) 3 + 3NaCl.

Aluminum hydroxide is also obtained by reacting aluminum salts with aqueous solutions of alkali, avoiding their excess.

  1. 2. as a result of the interaction of aluminum chloride, sodium carbonate and water:

2AlCl 3 + 3Na 2 CO 3 + 3H 2 O → 2Al(OH) 3 + 3CO 2 + 6NaCl.

In this case, aluminum hydroxide precipitates in the form of a white gelatinous precipitate.

Aluminum hydroxide is also obtained by the interaction of water-soluble salts aluminum with alkali metal carbonates.

Chemical properties of aluminum hydroxide. Chemical reactions of aluminum hydroxide:

Aluminum hydroxide is amphoteric, meaning it has both basic and acidic properties.

The chemical properties of aluminum hydroxide are similar to those of hydroxides of other amphoteric metals. Therefore, it is characterized by the following chemical reactions:

1.reaction of aluminum hydroxide with sodium hydroxide:

Al(OH) 3 + NaOH → NaAlO 2 + 2H 2 O (t = 1000 °C),

Al(OH) 3 + 3NaOH → Na 3,

Al(OH) 3 + NaOH → Na.

As a result of the reaction, in the first case, sodium aluminate and water are formed, in the second, sodium hexahydroxoaluminate, and in the third, sodium tetrahydroxoaluminate. In the third case, as sodium hydroxide

2. reaction of aluminum hydroxide with potassium hydroxide:

Al(OH) 3 + KOH → KAlO 2 + 2H 2 O (t = 1000 °C),

Al(OH) 3 + KOH → K.

As a result of the reaction, in the first case, potassium aluminate and water are formed, in the second, potassium tetrahydroxyaluminate. In the second case, as potassium hydroxide a concentrated solution is used.

3. reaction of aluminum hydroxide with nitric acid:

Al(OH) 3 + 3HNO 3 → Al(NO 3) 3 + 3H 2 O.

As a result of the reaction, aluminum nitrate and water.

The reactions of aluminum hydroxide with other acids proceed similarly.

4. reaction of aluminum hydroxide with hydrogen fluoride:

Al(OH) 3 + 3HF → AlF 3 + 3H 2 O,

6HF + Al(OH) 3 → H 3 + 3H 2 O.

As a result of the reaction, in the first case, aluminum fluoride and water are formed, in the second, hydrogen hexafluoroaluminate and water. In this case, hydrogen fluoride in the first case is used as a starting material in the form of a solution.

5. reaction of aluminum hydroxide with hydrogen bromide:

Al(OH) 3 + 3HBr → AlBr 3 + 3H 2 O.

The reaction produces aluminum bromide and water.

6. reaction of aluminum hydroxide with hydrogen iodide:

Al(OH) 3 + 3HI → AlI 3 + 3H 2 O.

The reaction produces aluminum iodide and water.

7. thermal decomposition reaction of aluminum hydroxide:

Al(OH) 3 → AlO(OH) + H 2 O (t = 200 °C),

2Al(OH) 3 → Al 2 O 3 + 3H 2 O (t = 575 °C).

As a result of the reaction, in the first case, aluminum metahydroxide and water are formed, in the second, aluminum oxide and water.

8. reaction of aluminum hydroxide and sodium carbonate:

2Al(OH) 3 + Na 2 CO 3 → 2NaAlO 2 + CO 2 + 3H 2 O.

The reaction produces sodium aluminate, carbon monoxide (IV) and water.

10. reaction of aluminum hydroxide and calcium hydroxide:

Ca(OH) 2 + 2Al(OH) 3 → Ca 2.

The reaction produces calcium tetrahydroxoaluminate.

Application and Use of Aluminum Hydroxide:

Aluminum hydroxide is used in water purification (as an adsorbent), in medicine, as a filler in toothpaste (as an abrasive), and in plastics (as a fire retardant).

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Aluminum oxide Al 2 O 3 (alumina) is the most important aluminum compound. In its pure form, it is a white, very refractory substance; it has several modifications, of which the most stable are crystalline - Al 2 O 3 and amorphous y - Al 2 O 3. It occurs in nature in the form of various rocks and minerals.

Among the important properties of Al 2 O 3 the following should be noted:

1) a very hard substance (second only to diamond and some boron compounds);

2) amorphous Al 2 O 3 has high surface activity and water-absorbing properties - an effective adsorbent;

3) has high catalytic activity, especially widely used in organic synthesis;

4) used as a carrier for catalysts - nickel, platinum, etc.

In terms of chemical properties, Al 2 O 3 is a typical amphoteric oxide.

It does not dissolve in water and does not interact with it.

I. Dissolves in acids and alkalis:

1) Al 2 O 3 + 6HCl = 2AlCl 3 + ZN 2 O

Al 2 O 3 + 6Н + = 2Al 3+ + ЗН 2 O

2) Al 2 O 3 + 2NaOH + ZH 2 O = 2Na

Al 2 O 3 + 20H - + ZH 2 O = 2[Al(OH) 4 ] -

II. Fuses with solid alkalis and metal oxides, forming anhydrous metaaluminates:

A 2 O 3 + 2KOH = 2KAlO 2 + H 2 O

A 2 O 3 + MgO = Mg(AlO) 2

Methods for producing Al 2 O 3

1. Extraction from natural bauxite.

2. Combustion of Al powder in a flow of oxygen.

3. Thermal decomposition of Al(OH) 3.

4. Thermal decomposition of some salts.

4Al(NO 3) 3 = 2Al 2 O 3 + 12NO 2 + 3O 2

5. Aluminothermy, for example: Fe 2 O 3 + 2Al = Al 2 O 3 + 2Fe

Aluminum hydroxide Al(OH) 3 is a solid, colorless substance, insoluble in water. When heated, it decomposes:

2Al(OH) 3 = Al 2 O 3 + ZN 2 O

The Al 2 O 3 obtained in this way is called aluminogel.

According to its chemical properties, it is a typical amphoteric hydroxide, soluble in both acids and alkalis:

Al(OH) 3 + 3HCl = AlCl 3 + ZN 2 P

Al(OH) 3 + NaOH = Na sodium tetrahydroxoalumicate

When Al(OH) 3 is fused with solid alkalis, metaaluminates are formed - salts of metahydroxide AlO(OH), which can be considered as salts of metaaluminum acid HAlO 2:

Al(OH) 3 + NaOH = NaAlO 2 + 2H 2 O

Aluminum salts

Due to the amphoteric nature of aluminum hydroxide and the possibility of its existence in ortho- and metaforms, there are different types of salts. Since Al(OH) 3 exhibits very weak acidic and very weak basic properties, all types of salts in aqueous solutions are highly susceptible to hydrolysis, which ultimately results in the formation of insoluble Al(OH) 3. The presence of one or another type of aluminum salt in an aqueous solution is determined by the pH value of the solution.

1. Al 3+ salts with strong acid anions (AlCl 3, Al 2 (SO 4) 3, Al(NO 3) 3, AlBr 3) exist in acidified solutions. In a neutral environment, metaaluminates containing aluminum as part of the AlO 2 anion exist in the solid state. Distributed in nature. When dissolved in water they turn into hydroxoaluminates.

2. Hydroxoaluminates containing aluminum as part of the - anion exist in alkaline solutions. In a neutral environment they are highly hydrolyzed.

3. Metaaluminates containing aluminum as part of the AlO 2 anion. They exist in a solid state. Distributed in nature. When dissolved in water they turn into hydroxoaluminates.

Interconversions of aluminum salts are described by the following scheme:

Methods for precipitation (obtaining) Al(OH) 3 from solutions of its salts

I. Precipitation from solutions containing Al 3+ salts:

Al 3+ + ZON - = Al(OH) 3 ↓

a) the effect of strong alkalis added without excess

AlCl 3 + 3NaOH = Al(OH) 3 ↓ + ZH 2 O

b) the effect of aqueous solutions of ammonia (weak base)

AlCl 3 + 3NH 3 + ZH 2 O = Al(OH) 3 ↓ + 3NH 4 Cl

c) the effect of salts of very weak acids, solutions of which, due to hydrolysis, have an alkaline environment (excess OH -)

2AlCl 3 + 3Na 2 CO 3 + 3H 2 O = Al(OH) 3 ↓ + 3CO 2 + 6NaCl

Al 2 (SO 4) 3 + 3K 2 S + 6H 2 O = 2Al (OH) 3 ↓ + 3K 2 SO 4 + 3H 2 S

II. Precipitation from solutions containing hydroxoaluminates:

[Al(OH) 4 ] - + H + = Al(OH) 3 ↓+ H 2 O

a) the effect of strong acids added without excess

Na[Al(OH) 4 ] + HCl = Al(OH) 3 ↓ + NaCl + H 2 O

2[Al(OH) 4 ] + H 2 SO 4 = 2Al(OH) 3 ↓ + Na 2 SO 4 + 2H 2 O

b) the action of weak acids, for example, the passage of CO 2

Na[Al(OH) 4 ] + CO 2 = Al(OH) 3 ↓ + NaHCO 3

III. Precipitation as a result of reversible or irreversible hydrolysis of Al 3+ salts (intensifies when the solution is diluted with water and when heated)

a) reversible hydrolysis

Al 3+ + H 2 O = Al(OH) 2+ + H +

Al 3+ + 2H 2 O = Al(OH) 2 + + 2H +

Al 3+ + 3H 2 O = Al(OH) 3 + + 3H +

b) irreversible hydrolysis

Al 2 S 3 + 6H 2 O = 2Al(OH) 3 ↓ + 3H 2 S

The appearance of the substance aluminum hydroxide is as follows. As a rule, this substance is white, gelatinous in appearance, although there are variants of its presence in a crystalline or amorphous state. For example, when dried, it crystallizes into white crystals that do not dissolve in either acids or alkalis.

Aluminum hydroxide can also be presented as a fine-crystalline white powder. The presence of pink and gray shades is acceptable.

The chemical formula of the compound is Al(OH)3. The compound and water form a hydroxide which is also determined largely by the elements included in its composition. This compound is obtained by reacting an aluminum salt and a dilute alkali, but an excess of them should be avoided. The aluminum hydroxide precipitate obtained during this reaction can then react with acids.

Aluminum hydroxide reacts with an aqueous solution of rubidium hydroxide, an alloy of this substance, cesium hydroxide, and cesium carbonate. In all cases, water is released.

Aluminum hydroxide has a value of 78.00 and is practically insoluble in water. The density of the substance is 3.97 grams/cm3. Being an amphoteric substance, aluminum hydroxide reacts with acids, and as a result of the reactions, medium salts are obtained and water is released. When reacting with alkalis, complex salts appear - hydroxoaluminates, for example, K. Metaaluminates are formed if aluminum hydroxide is fused with anhydrous alkalis.

Like all amphoteric substances, aluminum hydroxide simultaneously exhibits acidic and basic properties when interacting with and also with alkalis. In these reactions, when the hydroxide is dissolved in acids, the ions of the hydroxide itself are eliminated, and when interacting with an alkali, a hydrogen ion is eliminated. To see this, you can, for example, carry out a reaction that involves aluminum hydroxide. To carry it out, you need to pour some aluminum sawdust into a test tube and fill it with a small amount of sodium hydroxide, no more than 3 milliliters. The test tube should be tightly capped and slowly heated. After this, having secured the test tube on a stand, you need to collect the released hydrogen into another test tube, having first placed it on a capillary device. After about a minute, the test tube should be removed from the capillary and brought to the flame. If pure hydrogen is collected in a test tube, combustion will occur quietly, but if air gets into it, a bang will occur.

Aluminum hydroxide is obtained in laboratories in several ways:

By reaction between aluminum salts and alkaline solutions;

The method of decomposition of aluminum nitride under the influence of water;

By passing carbon through a special hydrocomplex containing Al(OH)4;

The effect of ammonia hydrate on aluminum salts.

Industrial production is associated with the processing of bauxite. Technologies of exposure of aluminate solutions to carbonates are also used.

Aluminum hydroxide is used in the production of mineral fertilizers, cryolite, and various medical and pharmacological preparations. In chemical production, the substance is used to produce aluminum fluoride and aluminum sulphide. An indispensable compound in the production of paper, plastics, paints and much more.

Medical use is due to the positive effect of drugs containing this element in the treatment of gastric disorders, increased acidity of the body, and peptic ulcers.

When handling the substance, you should be careful not to inhale its vapors, as they cause severe lung damage. Being a weak laxative, it is dangerous in large doses. When corroded, it causes aluminosis.

The substance itself is quite safe, as it does not react with oxidizing agents.

One of the most widely used substances in industry is aluminum hydroxide. This article will talk about it.

What is hydroxide?

This is a chemical compound that is formed when an oxide reacts with water. There are three types of them: acidic, basic and amphoteric. The first and second are divided into groups depending on their chemical activity, properties and formula.

What are amphoteric substances?

Oxides and hydroxides can be amphoteric. These are substances that tend to exhibit both acidic and basic properties, depending on the reaction conditions, reagents used, etc. Amphoteric oxides include two types of iron oxide, oxide of manganese, lead, beryllium, zinc, and aluminum . The latter, by the way, is most often obtained from its hydroxide. Amphoteric hydroxides include beryllium hydroxide, iron hydroxide, and aluminum hydroxide, which we will consider today in our article.

Physical properties of aluminum hydroxide

This chemical compound is a white solid. It does not dissolve in water.

Aluminum hydroxide - chemical properties

As mentioned above, this is the most striking representative of the group of amphoteric hydroxides. Depending on the reaction conditions, it can exhibit both basic and acidic properties. This substance can dissolve in acids, resulting in the formation of salt and water.

For example, if you mix it with perchloric acid in equal quantities, you will get aluminum chloride with water also in equal proportions. Also, another substance that aluminum hydroxide reacts with is sodium hydroxide. This is a typical basic hydroxide. If you mix the substance in question and a solution of sodium hydroxide in equal quantities, you get a compound called sodium tetrahydroxyaluminate. Its chemical structure contains a sodium atom, an aluminum atom, four atoms of oxygen and hydrogen. However, when these substances are fused, the reaction proceeds somewhat differently, and it is no longer this compound that is formed. As a result of this process, it is possible to obtain sodium metaaluminate (its formula includes one atom of sodium and aluminum and two atoms of oxygen) with water in equal proportions, provided that the same amount of dry sodium and aluminum hydroxides is mixed and exposed to high temperature. If you mix it with sodium hydroxide in other proportions, you can get sodium hexahydroxyaluminate, which contains three sodium atoms, one aluminum atom and six each of oxygen and hydrogen. In order for this substance to be formed, you need to mix the substance in question and a solution of sodium hydroxide in proportions of 1:3, respectively. Using the principle described above, compounds called potassium tetrahydroxoaluminate and potassium hexahydroxoaluminate can be obtained. Also, the substance in question is susceptible to decomposition when exposed to very high temperatures. As a result of this kind of chemical reaction, aluminum oxide, which is also amphoteric, and water are formed. If you take 200 g of hydroxide and heat it, you get 50 g of oxide and 150 g of water. In addition to the peculiar chemical properties, this substance also exhibits properties common to all hydroxides. It interacts with metal salts, which have lower chemical activity than aluminum. For example, we can consider the reaction between it and copper chloride, for which you need to take them in a ratio of 2:3. In this case, water-soluble aluminum chloride and a precipitate in the form of cuprum hydroxide will be released in proportions of 2:3. The substance in question also reacts with oxides of similar metals; for example, we can take a compound of the same copper. To carry out the reaction, you will need aluminum hydroxide and cuprum oxide in a ratio of 2:3, resulting in aluminum oxide and copper hydroxide. Other amphoteric hydroxides, such as iron or beryllium hydroxide, also have the properties described above.

What is sodium hydroxide?

As can be seen above, there are many variations in the chemical reactions of aluminum hydroxide with sodium hydroxide. What kind of substance is this? It is a typical basic hydroxide, that is, a reactive, water-soluble base. It has all the chemical properties that are characteristic of basic hydroxides.

That is, it can dissolve in acids, for example, when mixing sodium hydroxide with perchloric acid in equal quantities, you can get table salt (sodium chloride) and water in a 1:1 ratio. This hydroxide also reacts with metal salts, which have lower chemical activity than sodium, and their oxides. In the first case, a standard exchange reaction occurs. When, for example, silver chloride is added to it, sodium chloride and silver hydroxide are formed, which precipitate (the exchange reaction is feasible only if one of the substances resulting from it is a precipitate, gas or water). When adding, for example, zinc oxide to sodium hydroxide, we obtain the latter's hydroxide and water. However, much more specific are the reactions of this hydroxide AlOH, which were described above.

Preparation of AlOH

Now that we have already looked at its basic chemical properties, we can talk about how it is mined. The main way to obtain this substance is to carry out a chemical reaction between an aluminum salt and sodium hydroxide (potassium hydroxide can also be used).

With this kind of reaction, AlOH itself is formed, which precipitates into a white precipitate, as well as a new salt. For example, if you take aluminum chloride and add three times more potassium hydroxide to it, the resulting substances will be the chemical compound discussed in the article and three times more potassium chloride. There is also a method for producing AlOH, which involves carrying out a chemical reaction between a solution of an aluminum salt and a carbonate of the base metal; let’s take sodium as an example. To obtain aluminum hydroxide, kitchen salt and carbon dioxide in a ratio of 2:6:3, you need to mix aluminum chloride, sodium carbonate (soda) and water in a ratio of 2:3:3.

Where is aluminum hydroxide used?

Aluminum hydroxide finds its use in medicine.

Due to its ability to neutralize acids, preparations containing it are recommended for heartburn. It is also prescribed for ulcers, acute and chronic inflammatory processes of the intestines. In addition, aluminum hydroxide is used in the manufacture of elastomers. It is also widely used in the chemical industry for the synthesis of aluminum oxide and sodium aluminates - these processes were discussed above. In addition, it is often used when purifying water from contaminants. This substance is also widely used in the manufacture of cosmetics.

Where are the substances that can be obtained with its help used?

Aluminum oxide, which can be obtained due to the thermal decomposition of hydroxide, is used in the manufacture of ceramics and is used as a catalyst for carrying out various chemical reactions. Sodium tetrahydroxyaluminate finds its use in fabric dyeing technology.