April is a great month both for family holidays and for those who decide to travel alone. Why this month? There are at least three reasons to go on vacation.

So, the reasons:

  1. Because of weather! In most countries, April is a very comfortable time: spring, sunny and joyful nature, but without exhausting heat and heat.
  2. Due to the accessibility of attractions! In April it is much easier and more comfortable to visit many excursion tours: there is no rush of tourists in the summer, you can see everything in peace and quiet, without rushing anywhere. By the way, nightlife is much calmer in spring than in summer - this is a significant plus for those who like to get enough sleep on vacation.
  3. Just because it's fun! In spring, numerous festivals, street celebrations, and mass celebrations are held, which are of interest to both tourists and local residents.

Let's look at specific options for where to go on vacation inexpensively in April, focusing mainly on a beach holiday.


April in Egypt- the beginning of the season. The air is +27°C, the sea is already warm: from +23°C to +25°C. A huge range of entertainment services is offered to tourists. All hotels have cheerful animators. Varied diet, which can be received throughout the day. The offered excursions will not tire you out in the heat at this time. It's good to relax in Egypt in April, the weather is quite comfortable for them.

Unfortunately, Egypt is going through a difficult period of popular unrest. The difficult political situation in Egypt forces you to closely monitor the news before deciding to go on vacation to this country.


Thailand- the most popular destination among our fellow citizens. You can travel to this country all year round, as the air temperature remains stable at +33°C and the water is always +28°C. Only tropical downpours can ruin a holiday, but in April they are short-lived, no more than an hour, and in Pattaya, Phuket, Krabi, Phi Phi you may not catch a single drop of rain during your two-week vacation.

Sandy beaches, clear seas, exotic cuisine, the opportunity to combine a beach holiday with interesting excursions - all this attracts people to the mysterious Thailand of different ages and prosperity. Having been here once, travelers fall in love with the amazing country and its friendly people and strive to come here again and again.

Hainan Island (China)

Of course, there are alternatives to the popular destinations listed above. For example, in April the temperature on the islands and coast of the South China Sea is very comfortable. The mysterious and beautiful island is ready to receive tourists - Hainan. The water temperature of +28°C and air temperature of +29°C in April is comfortable for swimming; the beaches of Hainan Island are even called “Hawaii in the East”, since the climate here is very mild and gentle, similar to the climate of the Hawaiian Islands.

You can add a little exotic to the usual beach program in Hainan, and with benefit own health. Now on this island tourists are offered various programs for healing the body, based on the recipes of ancient Chinese medicine.

Ancient Chinese techniques and medicines for treating and cleansing the body, combined with leisurely mountain walks (for example, tourists, accompanied by an experienced guide, can climb the Ma An volcano, take a walk in the Botanical Garden, which is in the active flowering stage in April ) will help you fully relax and recover.

Fans of excursion walks will not be dissatisfied either: excursions to the historical and ethnographic center are offered especially for them Nanshan, where you can learn in detail about the history, culture and religion of the local inhabitants of the island. It is also interesting to visit other museums - for example, the Pearl Museum.


Becoming increasingly popular Vietnam- a mysterious land full of Asian exoticism. Holidays in Vietnam in April will delight you, first of all, with beautiful weather. Air temperature +33°, gentle clear sea, snow-white and golden beaches, interesting national cuisine, friendly Vietnamese, the opportunity to get wellness treatments, as well as elephant rides, snake farms, boat trips, fishing, parachute jumping - it seems that there are enough arguments in favor of a holiday in this country.

And prices for holidays in Vietnam are much lower than in other Southeast Asian countries.

India (GOA)

On Goa you can go almost any time of the year. The beaches stretching from north to south are conventionally called North Goa and South Goa. North Goa It is popular with hippie youth; there are incendiary parties, nightlife, noise and fun here. Hotels are mostly 2-3*, inexpensive and fun. Lots of Russian restaurants. The resort is very democratic.

Southern Goa is considered a more respectable resort area, there are 4-5* hotels here, prices for tours are higher. But in April the sea is warm everywhere +27°C, the air temperature is +32°C, holidays in South Goa are conducive to peace, regularity, abstraction, Ayurvedic procedures and inner contemplation.

Sri Lanka

Relax in April on an amazing island Sri Lanka and you won't regret it! The ocean waters are transparent turquoise, sandy beaches, the absence of crowds of vacationers, cozy lagoons where you can swim and swim to your heart's content in the salty ocean water. And if you want to ride the waves, then Sri Lanka is the best place for windsurfing. Professional instructors will teach you how to stand on the board and catch your wave. You will not only remember your vacation, you will want to come back here again.

The newlyweds can spend wedding ceremony according to Sri Lankan traditions.


Tropical islands are most in demand by tourists who are looking for a place to relax at sea in April. In the Seychelles, April is the beginning of the “wet” season, so the air temperature is about 30 degrees Celsius, so you should count on your strength.

All standard beach activities are available to tourists, warm ocean, which provides many opportunities for underwater trips and excursions. Seychelles, for sure, will not disappoint lovers of snorkeling: coral reefs with their fantastic inhabitants leave a lasting impression! The local cuisine is also impressive: an original combination of meat and vegetables seasoned with unusual spices.


Bahamas are known for their impeccable luxury resorts for VIP tourists, but you can also find quite affordable options.

The Bahamas in April are ideal for those who do not like to lie on the beach, but prefer an active holiday on the waves!

In spring, it is usually a quiet time here: there are no storms or showers, and the air temperature is +27°C and water temperature +26°C is very comfortable. Therefore, in April the Bahamas attract lovers of water skiing, sailing, and windsurfing. It's also a great place to learn to snorkel. In addition to entertainment on the water, there is something to do on land: tourists are offered walks along abandoned beaches, unexplored islands and mysterious caves!

South Africa

Where to go on vacation at sea in April if you want to relax in an unusual way? Of course, to Africa! IN South Africa At this time, the rainy season is just ending and all nature seems to come to life - so there is simply no better time for a safari. In addition, it is at this time that a migration flow of marine life passes off the coast of South Africa: sharks, dolphins and whales - a rare and interesting sight. All this goes well with a vacation at coastal resorts and an excursion program. At the same time, the quality of tourism services in South Africa deserves special praise.


Great idea to spend your April holidays in Jordan. A holiday on the Dead Sea will give strength and health for the whole year to both children and adults, and there is a wide range of exciting excursion programs here for any group of tourists.

For those interested in Christian culture, a pilgrimage to the holy city will be interesting Jerusalem, and also, if Easter falls in April, there will be a unique opportunity to see the Easter celebrations, which are very beautiful here.


If you want something exotic, go to Nepal! The fact is that on April 13, Nepal celebrates the New Year; the celebration ceremony is very bright, beautiful and completely unusual for Europeans.

Those who are physically fit can climb higher and travel through the shrines Tibet. And for those who are planning to conquer Everest, there is no better time and place; this month there are very good weather conditions for traveling along the southern and northern slopes, and in addition, starting the journey from here is cheaper than from neighboring countries.

Where to go in Western Europe?


For those who are indifferent to beach holidays, you can find an interesting option for spending a vacation in Europe. So, for example, in Holland Just in April, the time for tulips, daffodils, and lilies to bloom begins. Entire fields of flowers are visible everywhere, fragrant with various aromas, with petals of the most unusual colors. The Netherlands is known as the country of tulips, so the tulip is given a special place and is given great honor here. Once upon a time, just a tulip bulb cost a lot of money! Today, tulips are publicly available, and tourists have the opportunity to admire entire fields of tulips - for example, the “flower park” called “Keukenhof” located in the city is widely known Lisse.

Flower park "Kuykenhof" in Lisse (Holland)

Excursion tours in Europe

The blooming and fragrant month of spring is perfect for excursions around Europe. There are so many destinations that you will have to try very hard to choose a tour to your liking. But you definitely can’t go wrong if you spend your holiday in April in Germany, Spain or Italy. These countries, according to Rosstat, are among the ten most popular among Russians.

  • "In the footsteps of the Habbsburgs"— excursion program to Austria and Hungary.
  • "The Way of the Pilgrims"- program for Spain.
  • "Portuguese Holidays" and “Iberian Mosaic” tours with excursions to Portugal.
  • "Czech Symphony"— excursion tour around the Czech Republic.
  • "Paris + Disneyland"— tour for parents with children.

This list of thematic excursions can be continued endlessly. And there are also gastronomic tours, beer gardens in Prague and wine tours in Spain, Portugal, Hungary, Italy. Tours "in the footsteps of Odysseus" in Greece. Choose!

April is a great season for vacation. The frosts have already receded, and the summer heat is not yet a concern. Therefore, many are eager to spend this month somewhere on vacation or at least have a short weekend. In the article we will tell you where it is better to go on vacation in April and where the weather is good in April.

Where to go for a weekend in April

The most popular places to spend an April weekend are Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, and Georgia. To admire the oriental beauties, you can go to Kazan or Armenia. The weather during this period is already quite warm and sunny.

Visiting arboretums, enjoying the beauty of park areas, conquering mountain peaks will make your weekend unforgettable, giving you new strength and energy. You can also spend a good weekend in nature near your city. Pleasant company and delicious barbecue will ensure a good mood. A warm weather It will also allow you to organize recreation in tents.

Excursion tours in April

April is great for planning a sightseeing tour. Majority ski resorts are already closing, and it’s still too early for a beach holiday. Therefore, the choice of countries for such resorts is quite small. But for interesting and beautiful places in Europe, excursions to museums and ancient castles, now is the time. It is already quite warm in European countries this month. However, when planning a tour in early April, it is better to take a jacket or warm suit with you.

If you decide to relax in Europe and are wondering where to go, April is the best month to travel to Spain, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Holland, the Czech Republic, and Portugal. These countries will pleasantly surprise you with their color, interesting architectural monuments, ancient castles and world-famous museums. Just look at the Louvre in Paris, the Prado and the El Escorial Palace in Madrid, the Uffizi Gallery in Italy, etc. If you want to stroll through the ancient streets and see the architecture of the Old World, it is better to go to Vienna, Hungary, Cologne. Vienna is traditionally considered the city of waltzes and the keeper of ancient architectural monuments. You can also choose a tour that covers visits to several European cities.

If you are thinking about where to relax in early April, visit Holland. Here, during this period, flowers begin to bloom. In Keukenhof Park, near Amsterdam, about six million different plants bloom, and the whole country celebrates the appearance of the first tulips with festivals.

Festivals and holidays in April

In April, many bright and exciting festivals, holidays, and concerts are held in different European cities. They are mainly associated with celebrations of the end of winter, the blooming of the first spring flowers, and the celebration of folk traditions.

If you want to enjoy the beauty of an abundance of bright, mesmerizing flowers, best countries for travel – Istanbul, the Netherlands, Holland. On April 1, the famous tulip festival begins in Istanbul. It lasts almost the entire month. Thousands of tulips are planted throughout the city. Exhibitions of paintings made from fresh flowers, flower fairs and shows are organized.

For flower lovers, the question of where is the best place to vacation at the end of April can be answered with confidence - in the Netherlands. There you can see a magnificent Flower Parade. It starts at nine in the morning in the city of Noordwijk. For forty kilometers stretches an amazing column of cars decorated with various flowers, floral paintings and installations. The procession is accompanied by costume and musical shows, dances, and songs.

  • Netherlands – the National Museum Weekend is held for several days in early April;
  • Cambridge - mid-April.

Free visits to museums last only one or several days, so the date of events should be checked with the travel agency.

In Italy, the biggest Easter celebrations take place in April. These days you can watch festive processions, watch an interesting traditional ritual of exorcism, and taste delicious Easter cakes. Vibrant Easter celebrations can also be enjoyed in Spain.

In France, in Pas-de-Calais, in April you can witness one of the most spectacular festivals in the world - the kite festival. The Irish National Dance Championships take place in Belfast in April. And in Germany you can join in the celebration of the spring festival. The UK Whiskey Festival takes place on April 27th. On this day you can visit the factories where the drink is produced and taste various types of whiskey, including rare and well-aged ones.

Connoisseurs of medieval culture should visit Malta, where the famous knightly parade is held in April, or Belarus, where the White Castle festival dedicated to medieval culture and music is held on April 18.

Ski holidays in April

In April there are not many places where you can go to a ski resort. In most cities it is already coming to an end. However, lovers of skis and snowboards should not be upset, and during this season you can find places where there are still good conditions for a ski holiday.

At the beginning of April, you can relax well in the following cities in Austria:

  • Sölden;
  • Pitztal;
  • Stubai.

In France, excellent snow cover remains in:

  • Tina;
  • Les Deux Alpes;
  • Bonneval-sur-Arque;
  • Val Thorens.

Until May you can ride in such Swiss cities as Engelberg, Saas-Fee, Zermatt. Until mid-April you can also visit Davos and Les Diablerets.

In Italy, Passo Tonale and Val Senales are good options for a ski resort. An excellent place for a snow holiday in April is also the resort of Voss in Norway.

Beach holiday in April

After a cold winter, many people want to quickly open the beach season. Therefore, let’s look at where it is warm at sea in April.
Early April the least suitable time for a beach holiday. However, if you really want to go to the sea, the climate in Jordan, Israel, China, Indonesia and the Maldives is most suitable.

In Jordan and Israel, the Dead Sea will welcome you. In addition, these are destinations where you can relax at sea in April cheaply. The average daytime air temperature fluctuates within +25 degrees. There is little rain this month, so you can sunbathe well, swim, and also go on many interesting excursions.

In China, the most comfortable temperature for a beach holiday is in Hainan. The air temperature here warms up to +25 °C, there are many thermal springs, stunning natural parks with their beauty. In Indonesia and the Maldives, the water temperature in April is about +25 degrees.

By the end of the month, you can expand the list of beach resorts with Tunisia, Egypt, Thailand, and Morocco. It is best to go to Tunisia at sea in April with a child. There, by the end of the month, the sea is already well warmed up, and in addition, the doors of many water parks and entertainment centers for kids are open for you and your children. In Thailand, the best place to relax during this period is the island of Phuket, where the weather more or less remains without rain or storms. April in Thailand is “rich” in heavy rains. The Canary island of Tenerife rightfully boasts a chic beach resort in April. Snow-white beaches, tropical forests, volcanic mountains will be a wonderful addition to the warm sea.

For a seaside holiday without a visa, you can go to the Dominican Republic and Indonesia in April. In Egypt, Thailand, Tunisia, a visa is issued upon entry.

In Morocco, Agadir is considered the warmest April resort. By the middle of the month, daytime air temperature reaches +25 degrees, and sea temperature +20.

We are planning a family holiday with children in April

Family holidays in April can be varied: opening beach season or a holiday in the mountains or an exciting excursion. In any case, when traveling with children, you should choose which countries are warm in April, have the least rainfall, as well as cities where you can find entertainment centers for children, visit interesting short excursions.

It is best to give preference to visiting park reserves and arboretums, beautiful natural monuments. Children will enjoy observing such beauties much more than visiting museums and architectural masterpieces. A great solution would also be to go with your children to a colorful costume festival. Your child will definitely enjoy visiting Athens in April, where this period is marked by bright, colorful carnivals. A visit to Disneyland in France will delight any child.

When planning a vacation with children, be sure to take warm clothes with you. Since April is mostly warm, cool rains and cold snaps at night are possible.

For shopping lovers in April

If you want to stock up on trendy designer clothes, Milan is the best place to go. Dozens of glamorous showcases with the most famous brands will not leave any tourist indifferent. To shop economically, it is better to go to Rome; in Italy, you can inexpensively go shopping near the Termini central train station.

For exquisite perfumes, cosmetics, jewelry, and clothing, it is best to go to Paris. Inexpensive clothing can also be purchased in Germany. Present in the UK greatest number exclusive extravagant clothing. In addition, large shopping centers also offer accommodation.

From the first of April to mid-May is the spring sales season in the Czech Republic. You can buy branded and exclusive clothing with a real discount of 30 to 70%.

Exotic destination in April

South Africa, Nepal and the Philippines are the most suitable for exotic holidays. An unforgettable experience is guaranteed when visiting the Kruger Nature Reserve in South Africa. On the vast territory of the reserve in conditions natural environment Lions, cheetahs, elephants, antelopes, and buffalos live here. Unique vegetable world will not leave anyone indifferent. About 200 km from Cape Town you can swim with six-meter white sharks.

April is an excellent period for climbing Everest and visiting sacred Tibet. This month, cherry blossoms bloom in Japan, a sight you will definitely remember for many years. On the Chinese island of Hainan, a visit to the Butterfly Gorge and Monkey Island will make your vacation exotic.

Where can you vacation without visas in April?

Many people are probably wondering where to holiday in April without a visa. . There are quite a lot of such countries. For a visa-free holiday in April you can go to:

  • Dominican Republic;
  • Turkey;
  • Macedonia;
  • Indonesia;
  • Hong Kong;
  • Georgia;
  • Belarus.

There are some passport requirements to visit these countries. The number of days of possible visa-free stay varies. When planning a trip, it is necessary to clarify these points.

You can also visit countries that require a visa on arrival. The most popular holiday destinations in April are:

  • Egypt;
  • Madagascar;
  • Maldives;
  • Thailand;
  • Tunisia.

Where not to go in April

The answer to the question of where it is better not to go in April depends on the purpose of the trip. Popular Bulgaria and Turkey are not suitable for a beach holiday, as the water there is still cold. The first half of April in Thailand is mostly rainy and stormy. For a ski resort, pistes located at a low level are not suitable; to be one hundred percent sure, choose pistes at a higher level.

April is mid-spring, during this period most ski resorts lose their relevance and close because the snow melts and there is no opportunity to appreciate all the benefits of skiing. European beach resorts They are just getting ready to welcome tourists. What is good about April in terms of beach holidays? First of all, budget savings - since the off-season month, prices for accommodation, food and entertainment have not yet had time to soar to peak levels. The second feature is the absence of a large influx of tourists on the beaches, however, it should be taken into account that by the end of the month, before the May holidays, the number of vacationers will certainly increase.

If you plan to relax on the shore and swim in the sea, consider only two tourist destinations - Southeast Asia and the Caribbean. In Europe in April it is impossible to find a warm sea, while on Asian and Atlantic beaches people swim with might and main. Where to go to the sea in April, what is remarkable about the resorts and how much accommodation and food cost in different parts of the world.

Top 8 places where you can go to the sea in April

We have selected best resorts for a beach holiday, taking into account weather conditions and the cost of accommodation and food. When forming the rating, the price of the flight was not taken into account, since it depends on many factors:

  • weather;
  • aircraft technical characteristics;
  • shipping company;
  • Availability of promotions and discounts.

Where to go on a seaside vacation in April is a purely personal matter; choose a resort based on your preferences and budget.

Many tourists, when deciding where to relax at sea in April, choose the Maldives. In April, the climatic seasons change here, so the weather during this period is quite changeable - short-term rains are possible, the wind increases, but in general you can relax quite comfortably.

Good to know! In April, the low season begins in the Maldives, thus, prices for housing and food are reduced.

The amount of precipitation is impressive, but it falls mainly at night or early in the morning. The daytime temperature is high - +32 °C, so the sand and water warm up. At night the air cools to +27 °C. Humidity remains at 78%. The sea is rough, which only makes surfers happy. Local residents recommend going on vacation to the Maldives between April 7 and April 22.

Some tourists call the Maldives the jewel in Mother Nature's crown. It has everything you need for absolute relaxation and leisurely rest - clean water, fine sand, beautiful scenery. This is one of the best romantic places in the world, but those who like to relax actively will also find entertainment to their liking and will not get bored - tourists are offered water skiing, yachting, paragliding or diving.

Interesting fact! Be sure to visit the restaurant, built at a depth of 5 meters - here you can eat and enjoy sea views.

It is not surprising that the Maldives are often chosen as a romantic trip - a wedding on the ocean and relaxation in a bungalow is a great start to life together. The newlyweds will be offered joint spa treatments and signature massages.

Good to know! The islands are small, so The best way transportation - bicycle.

Visa regime

Beauty Maldives can be enjoyed without a visa for 30 days. To enter, you only need a foreign passport, valid from the date of crossing the border for at least three months.

There is no shortage of accommodation options in the Maldives; here you can relax in a guest house, the cost is $50-60; if you book early (3-4 months in advance), you can get a good discount. Hotel prices vary greatly, room costs depend on many factors. On the islands where locals live, a room with air conditioning, a bathroom and toilet will cost an average of $40 per night. But for a bungalow you will have to pay from $400 per day.

As for food, food here is expensive, but only in tourist places - at hotels and famous resorts. You can eat in local cafes for a very reasonable price. A cup of coffee – $1.5, a full meal – from $5 to $10.

Good to know! In hotels and guesthouses, as a rule, breakfast is included in the room rate, so you can save on food.

A short and useful overview of the beach on Thoddoo Island in the Maldives.


Where to go to the sea in April inexpensively? Many experienced tourists will recommend Thailand. If we talk about resorts in Asia, the Kingdom of Thailand is on the list best places for a beach holiday. Koh Samui and Koh Phangan are resorts where you can relax comfortably on the beach, as well as get acquainted with the ancient traditions of the country and visit many attractions. The weather in April is conducive to relaxation - the air temperature practically never drops below +33 °C, the sea water is warm - +30 °C, and there are no waves. There are slight rains, but they bring freshness and do not spoil the holiday experience at all.

Good to know! In April, most hotels and restaurants offer discounts to tourists.

Koh Phangan and Koh Samui - travel information

What you need to know Koh Phangan Samui
Sea and coastline The best beaches are in the south and east of Koh Phangan, the sand is soft, the shore is well-groomed and clean. Entry into the water is safe for children. There are rental points for sun loungers, umbrellas and water sports equipment. The best vacation spots are located in the eastern part of Samui; sun loungers and umbrellas are available for rent. The descent into the water is soft and gentle. At Crystal Bay Beach there are rocks in the water, so you need to keep an eye on children.
Island About 12 thousand people live. Most of the territory is covered with mangrove forests. Noisy parties take place here, during which it becomes crowded. Population approximately 45 thousand people. It is always crowded here, since Koh Samui is considered the sunniest island in Thailand.
Sights, entertainment The main attraction is the natural beauty.

There are few bars and nightclubs, but tourists come to Koh Phangan to take part in the events.

You can visit Buddhist temples, national park and take a boat trip.

The best bars are located on Chaweng Beach.

Visa regime

If you plan to go on vacation to Thailand for a maximum of 30 days (for Ukrainians - 15), a visa can be issued upon arrival in the country. This can be done directly at the airport in Thailand. To stay in the country for three months, you must obtain a single-entry visa in advance from the Royal Thai Consulate.

Cost of accommodation and food

Thailand has a wide selection of accommodation, but it is better to book in advance. A guesthouse or hostel will cost from 7 euros, and for a double room in a 3-star hotel you will have to pay from 11 euros per night.

Many restaurants operate right on the beach, when choosing dishes Special attention focus on Thai and seafood dishes. When choosing a dish, be sure to check how spicy it is. If you don't like too spicy food, order traditional European dishes. The cheapest food is in street cafes - you can have lunch for two for only 250 baht (one dish costs about 60 baht on average). A traditional drink - fresh coconut costs 45 baht, and for a cup of coffee you will have to pay 35 baht.

More detailed information about the island of Koh Phangan is collected on.

You will find more details about holidays on Koh Samui in Thailand.

Sri Lanka

Where to go to the sea in early April? One of the most attractive tourist destinations is. April is the last month before the rainy season, so there are fewer tourists and prices go down. The best place to go on vacation is in the southwestern part of the island. The optimal time for the trip is the first half of April. In mid-spring, the resorts of Sri Lanka are still quite hot - the air warms up to +32 °C, and the water - up to +30 °C. Waves and light storms are possible at sea - excellent weather for rafting and surfing.

Visa regime

You can apply for a visa at the airport upon arrival in Sri Lanka for $40 or pre-issue an Electronic Permit to Stay in the Country online for $35. According to the document, you can rest for 30 days. For children under 12 years of age, visa application is free. Information about children under 16 years of age can be entered in the parents' passports; photographs are also required. For children over 16 years old, a separate document is issued.

Helpful information! An entry permit can be issued in advance - this will significantly speed up the process of passing passport control.

Cost of accommodation and food

Babar Point

The choice of accommodation on the island is huge. Inexpensive guesthouses and hostels cost from $11 per night. A room in a 3-star hotel will cost $30-60 per night, and a room in a 5-star hotel costs from $125 per night.

You can eat in Sri Lanka either in a local restaurant or in a traditional European establishment. At a street cafe, lunch will cost only $1.80; at a mid-level restaurant, lunch costs approximately $10.70. There are also fast food restaurants on the island; on average, lunch will cost $4.50 per person. very sharp, this fact must be taken into account.

You can choose a resort for your holiday in Sri Lanka and get acquainted with the beaches and infrastructure in more detail.


Where is the best place to relax at sea in April and improve your health at the same time? India is a popular tourist destination; this country attracts millions of travelers with its special flavor, magical atmosphere and picturesque landscapes. In April, it is best to go on vacation to the states of Goa and Kerala.

Goa is a small state located on the coast of the Arabian Sea. Goa has 120 km of beaches, an abundance of vegetation, birds, numerous rice plantations, and Buddhist temples. In the evenings, fire shows are held here, and creative people gather on the beaches. In a word, in Goa you can appreciate the whole spectrum of Indian color and diversity.

In April average temperature The air temperature is +30 degrees, the sea is calm, the water warms up to +27 degrees - such climatic conditions make the resort one of the most popular tourist destinations. If you are planning to go on holiday to Goa in April, choose the first half of the month, since the rains begin in the second half of the month.

Good to know! If you like loud parties, book a hotel room in North Goa. For lovers of silence and relaxation, it makes sense to choose a hotel in the southern part of the state.

Price overview:

  • lunch in a street cafe – $2.5;
  • lunch in a more expensive restaurant – $10.5;
  • lunch at a McDonald's restaurant – $8;
  • accommodation in a hostel – $38.5;
  • room in a 3-star hotel – $65;
  • accommodation in a 5-star hotel – $221.5.

In mid-spring, the number of tourists at the resort decreases significantly, because the height of the tourist season occurs in the winter months. In April, prices for accommodation and food are reduced. The weather remains hot - during the day the air warms up to +34 degrees, in the evening it becomes colder by +10 degrees, the water temperature is +28 degrees.

Good to know! Kerala in April is a great place for recovery and medical procedures. Vacationers are offered anti-aging, restorative programs.

Most hotels in the state are located on the oceanfront, these are modern 4 and 5 star hotels, but you can find budget accommodation. Hostel costs from 5 euros. Hotel accommodation costs from 17 euros.

India is a country street food, many tourists and locals prefer to eat in such establishments. Prices here are several times lower than in cafes and restaurants. At the restaurant, a hearty lunch will cost approximately $15, and breakfast – $5. The famous Thali (lots of food on one plate) costs an average of 100 rupees.

Visa regime

Electronic permission to enter India must be issued in advance online for $100. The document gives the right to holiday in India for 60 days. A visa can only be obtained at airports.

Indonesia, Bali island

Where to go to the sea at the end of April to avoid getting wet in the rain? In this case, you need to consider resorts in equatorial zone, for example, Bali. In this part of the world, the seasons change in April - the wet period is replaced by a dry one. However, there is no sudden change in weather conditions. If there are still showers in the first half of the month, then in the second half there is less rain and it falls mainly at night. It is almost impossible to get sick during such a downpour, because the water is warm and more like a refreshing shower.

Healthy! Even in cloudy weather in Bali it is easy to get sunburned.

The air temperature varies from +31 to +34 degrees. At night the air cools down to +23 degrees. The water temperature is about +29 degrees.

Where is the best place to go on holiday in Bali:

  • absolute relaxation and the best conditions for swimming and sunbathing are offered by Jimbaran beach;
  • Sanur or Nusa Dua are suitable for a family trip with children - there is a calm sea and easy access to the water;
  • Sanur is also great for learning diving - there are Russian-speaking instructors, you can rent diving equipment;
  • if you want to learn the basics of surfing, stop at Seminyak or Legian beaches.

Good to know! When choosing excursion routes, consider hot weather, best to visit forested areas, mangroves, coffee plantations or rice plantations. You can escape the heat in the WaterBom water park.

Visa regime

To go on holiday to Indonesia, you do not need a visa, provided that the period of stay in the country does not exceed one month (30 days). The stamp of arrival in the country is placed directly at the airport; the document cannot be extended. If you plan to spend more than 30 days in Indonesia, you must apply for a visa in advance at the consulate.

Dominican Republic

To the question - where is the warm sea in April? – experienced tourists will recommend the Dominican Republic, which is rightfully considered a tourist paradise located in the Caribbean Sea. This is the birthplace of elite cigars, comfortable, picturesque beaches and fun music. The tourist season in the Dominican Republic is at the end of winter and the beginning of spring; in April, the flow of tourists decreases and prices decrease.

Weather conditions in mid-spring remain mild, there are no showers, and the daytime temperature is +30 degrees. The only nuance that can complicate your vacation is high humidity - combined with heat, it is quite difficult to bear. The sea warms up to +27 degrees, waves, if there are any, are insignificant.

Interesting fact! The tourist center is the capital of the Dominican Republic; people come here to admire the architecture preserved from the time of Christopher Columbus. For a family trip, Punta Cuna is more suitable; for water sports, it is better to visit the Boca Chica Lagoon.

Visa regime

When entering the territory of the Dominican Republic, tourists buy a special card, which gives the right to stay in the country for 30 or 60 days. Additionally, you must pay the tourist tax twice - upon entry and exit from the Dominican Republic. A tourist card can be renewed; to do this, you need to contact the police department; if you do not renew the document in a timely manner, you will have to pay a fine.

Where to relax at sea abroad in April and plunge into comfort and luxury? Mid-spring is the time to go on vacation to Dubai. At this time, the tourist season is coming to an end, prices are falling and the weather is becoming milder. Of course, it is hot during the day, but the temperature does not compare with the sweltering summer heat. April weather in Dubai is characterized by changeability - in the first half of the month, daytime temperatures do not exceed +32 degrees. At first glance, the weather conditions are conducive to relaxing on the beach, but in conditions of high humidity, not everyone can tolerate such a climate. In the evening there is a refreshing coolness, but in the second half of April the situation changes and the weather can no longer be called comfortable.

Good to know! At the end of April, the amount of ultraviolet radiation sharply increases, so staying in the open sun for a long time is strictly prohibited; you can only go outside after treating your skin with a cream with a high sun protection factor. Be sure to take drinking water with you.

Visa regime

There is no need to obtain a visa for a holiday in the UAE in advance; upon arrival in the country at any airport, tourists are given a stamp in their passport allowing them to stay in the country for 30 days.

See more articles and details about holidays in Dubai.

Netherlands Antilles - Curacao and Aruba islands

Already in winter, thematic forums are discussing the question: where to go on vacation at sea in April for diving? Curacao is considered one of the best dive destinations in the Caribbean. The beaches are located mainly in secluded coves. In addition to the famous liqueur blue color The island is famous for its beaches, natural attractions, and interesting excursions - on foot, horseback and by air.

Bed & Bike Curacao

Despite the fact that Curacao cannot be called a popular tourist destination among the Russian-speaking population, there are no problems with choosing accommodation here. A hostel will cost 40 euros, a room in a 3-star hotel can be booked for 80 euros, and for a room in a premium hotel you will have to pay more than 220 euros.

Prices for food depend on the establishment where you plan to eat. Lunch in an inexpensive cafe costs 8 euros, a meal for two people in a restaurant will cost 37 euros, and prices at McDonald's start from 7 euros. Detailed information about the island is collected in.

Find out PRICES or book any accommodation using this form

Rates for accommodation and food in Aruba

Where to relax by the sea in April, inexpensively and fun? Many people associate Aruba with entertainment, dancing and great beaches. Most of the island has preserved untouched nature, but there is also a place for luxury hotels. A water park has been built here - a favorite vacation spot for children.

The climate on the island is characterized by high humidity - 80%, daytime air temperature - +29 °C, water warms up to +27 °C. It rains, but rarely and does not spoil the holiday experience at all.

You will find detailed information about beaches and recreation on Flamingo Island.

Visa regime

To holiday in Aruba and Curacao, you need to apply for a tourist visa, since they are part of the Netherlands. The document is issued at the Dutch embassy.

Regardless of where you plan to spend your vacation, the question of where to go to the sea in April needs to be addressed in advance. It is better to rent housing in February; it makes sense to think about options for moving around the resort.

All prices on the page are for the 2019 season.

Related posts:

In April it is difficult to decide on a resort for a beach holiday. Vacations may be far from your imagination. The resorts of the Mediterranean and Black Seas (Cyprus, Turkey, Greek Rhodes and Crete) are not yet suitable for a beach holiday. And in exotic countries, the tourist season is almost over: the weather becomes unstable and unpredictable.

The most comfortable beach resorts in April

  • Egypt in April cannot boast of good weather conditions: windy, sandstorms occur. Only at the end of the month does the weather become more stable and comfortable.
  • In Thailand this month the air is still quite dry and even at night the heat does not give way to coolness, which for many becomes almost unbearable.
  • In India, the hot season begins at this time. Not everyone can bear it high temperature air, and even in combination with high humidity. The sea is no longer pleasing with its calmness; there are small storms.
  • The Canaries are warm all year round, but in the spring the water in the ocean is cool, although this does not stop tourists.
  • April in the UAE perfect month for relaxing on the beach. The sea has already warmed up to a comfortable temperature and the winds are becoming warm and there is no heat yet.
  • In the Dominican Republic, this is the last month before the rainy season and the weather is still quite pleasant. You can swim, go on excursions, and go diving.
  • All resorts in Vietnam have pleasant weather in April: almost no rain, warm, calm sea. Here you can swim and dive, and even get treatment in the clinic with mud and mineral waters. Vietnam is famous for its clean, well-kept beaches.

Weather in April at popular exotic resorts

If you decide to relax in April, then you should familiarize yourself with the weather conditions of the area and prices. The weather is based on aggregated data from previous years.


Cuba is a vibrant country with dozens of resorts. But the most important point for Russian tourists is that all resorts except Varadero will need to be flown by local airlines. Therefore, plan your holiday in April so that the first and last day is in Havana.

Where to go to the beach: Varadero, Havana, Cayo Santa Maria and Cayo Coco.

Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka in April is a real paradise: sand, warm sea. However, tourists need to remember a few very important points:

  1. From May to September there is a monsoon (rainy season).
  2. Sri Lanka is divided into two tourist zones (west and east coast) and only you can choose where to go.

Where to go to the beach: Unawatuna (the calmest beach without strong waves).


Tunisia is a country in which tourism is very well developed. Here you can find any type of holiday in April and is suitable even for the most fastidious tourists: a relaxing holiday, an active holiday, for couples with children.

Where to go to the beach: Djerba, Port el Kantaoui.


The UAE (United Arab Emirates) is a small country in Persian Gulf, but very famous, interesting and popular among all tourists from all over the world and among Russians as well. Today, the UAE is associated with mosques, beaches and shopping centers. The UAE is divided into 11 emirates, each of which is unique in its own way and will be of interest to tourists. 7 of them make it possible to satisfy the needs of even the most demanding travelers in the month of April.

Where to go to the beach: Fujairah, Sharjah, Ras Al Khaimah, Dubai, Abu Dhabi.


Thailand in April is a country of bright sun, incredible drive and gentle sea. Exotic vegetation, spacious beaches, Russian tourists have excellent memories of traveling to Thailand. In most cases, young people relax here.

Where to go to the beach: Samui, Phuket, Pattaya, Koh Phangan, Krabi, Rawai, Phi Phi.


China is one of the most amazing countries in the world. Despite the fact that the state occupies a leading position in the world in terms of population. It is an amazing and mysterious country in the world. The birthplace of printing and paper, compass and gunpowder, silk and many other inventions, it attracts the attention of researchers, historians, tourists and travelers in April.

Where to go to Hainan Beach: Yalongwan, Dadonghai, Sanyawan bays.


Cyprus is one of the largest islands Mediterranean Sea. Cyprus offers clean beaches, hotels with a high level of service and various excursions. Among other things, you can highlight mini-cruises, thalassotherapy and delicious Greek cuisine.

Where to go to the beach: Makronissos, Nissi Beach, Governor's Beach, Fig Tree Bay and Coral Bay.


Türkiye in April is one of the most favorite destinations of Russian tourists. A high level of service, a large number of resorts, a very affordable price, many attractions and a long history - you can see all this for yourself.

Where to go to the beach: Belek, Kemer, Alanya, Side, Antalya, Marmaris.

air during the day
Istanbul +17.4°C +11.6°C
Kemer +21°C +18.5°C
Alanya +22.2°C +18.7°C
Belek +22°C +18.5°C
Bodrum +20.8°C +17.6°C
Marmaris +21.3°C +17.9°C
Side +21.2°C +18.5°C
Kusadasi +21.6°C +17.2°C
Fethiye +20.7°C +18.1°C
Antalya +21.6°C +18.5°C
Palandoken, Sarakamysh and Uludag +11.3°C -0.5°C

India (Goa)

India in April is an excellent holiday on the beaches of Kerala and Goa, colorful Delhi and the soaring Himalayas, the ancient secrets of Ayurveda, the treasures of the Golden Triangle, rave discos and yoga tours. India is quite a fascinating country in all respects.

Where to go to the beach: Candolim, Arambol, Agonda, Anjuna, Palolem.

Spain (Tenerife)

Spain is a beautiful and vibrant country. Here you can look at the most beautiful places in the south and north of Spain. Elite and budget hotels, ski and youth resorts. The choice is huge - it's up to you to choose. It is preferable to choose a holiday in Tenerife (Canary Islands) in April.

Where to go to the beach: Santa Cruz de La Palma, Santa Cruz de Tenerife and Los Llanos de Aridane.

air during the day
Majorca +20°C +16°C
Ibiza +19.2°C +16°C
Alicante +22.8°C +16°C
Costa Brava +18.8°C +14.3°C
Salou +20.8°C +15.2°C
Madrid +19.8°C +9.2°C
Barcelona +18.5°C +14.8°C
Sierra Nevada +16.2°C +16.2°C
Benidorm +20.8°C +15.9°C
Calella +19.8°C +14.6°C
Tenerife +20.8°C +19.4°C

Dominican Republic

The Dominican Republic is an excellent choice for a beach holiday in April. Elite resorts are located here and received this status thanks to luxurious hotels, clean beaches and secluded relaxation. In the Dominican Republic, you can go windsurfing, diving, or completely dedicate your time to passive relaxation on the beach.

Where to go to the beach: Punta Cana, Boca Chica, La Romana, Juan Dolio, Puerto Plata.

air during the day
Punta Cana +29.5°C +26.9°C
Cap Cana +29.5°C +26.9°C
La Romana 31.3°C 27.3°C
Boca Chica +31.4°C +27.3°C
Juan Dolio +31.8°C +27.2°C
Puerto Plata +30.8°C +26.8°C
Cabarete +29.5°C +27.1°C
Sosua +29.5°C +27.1°C
Samana +29.5°C +27.1°C


Vietnam is a great option for a holiday in April: unusual and exciting excursions and a sandy beach with all kinds of adventures. Here you can choose a hotel for any budget, from premium to economy class, and be satisfied with your vacation.

Where to go to the beach: Phan Thiet and Mui Ne, Nha Trang, Phu Quoc Island, Halong, Danang.

air during the day
Nha Trang +33°C +27.6°C
Phan Thiet +34.5°C +29°C
Mui Ne +34.5°C +29°C
Phu Quoc +33°C +30.5°C
Vung Tau +36.2°C +29.5°C
Con Dao +32.2°C +29.5°C
Dalat +26.8°C +18.8°C
Danang and Hoi An +32.5°C +24.6°C
Ha Long +28.6°C +23.1°C
Hanoi +31.5°C +24°C
Sapa +30.8°C +22.5°C
Ho Chi Minh City +36.4°C +29.6°C


Greece – wonderful holiday in April, in which tourists can combine a beach holiday with viewing ancient sights. There is everything for passive and active recreation: different kinds water sports, archaeological sites, shopping tours, beautiful scenery and wonderful beach holidays.

Where to go to the beach: Chania and Heraklion.

air during the day
Athens +20.8°C +16.2°C
Rhodes +20.8°C +18.1°C
Athens Riviera +20.8°C +16.2°C
Corfa +18.8°C +16.5°C
Santorini +21.2°C +17.2°C
Skiathos +18°C +15.3°C
Crete +21.3°C +17.2°C
Halkidiki +16.8°C +15.1°C
Peloponnese +20.8°C +16.2°C


Bali Island is a tropical island located in the Malay Archipelago. This true paradise on earth is known for its beaches, beautiful nature and climate. This region of Indonesia is visited every year by a huge number of tourists from different parts of the world. You can easily get to any place in Bali in a couple of hours.

Where to go to the beach: Seminyak, Kuta Beach, Nusa Dua, Blue Lagoon

Air temperature during the day Water temperature
Bali +26°C +29°C
Benoa +28°C +30°C
Denpasar +28°C +30°C
Jimbaran +28°C +30°C
Kuta +28°C +29°C
Legian +28°C +29°C
Lovina +28°C +28°C
Nusa Lembongan +29°C +30°C
Nusa Penida +29°C +30°C
Nusa Ceningan +29°C +30°C
Nusa Dua +29°C +30°C
Sanur +28°C +30°C
Tanah Lot +28°C +29°C
Ubud +26°C +29°C
Uluwatu +29°C +30°C
Candidasa +27°C +30°C


The Maldives in April is considered one of the best exotic destinations. Here you have everything for a luxurious holiday and even more: peace and quiet, beautiful nature, clean beaches, high-quality hotels.

Cost of tours (on-line) at the moment! Only real offers! All prices for holidays in April are here:

You will be very lucky with your holiday in April! Tour prices are falling this month. There are many last-minute tours, various special offers and early booking promotions for the summer. At the same time, in European countries Spring is already warm, and summer continues in exotic areas. There are so many interesting things you can see! For example, in Catholic Spain and Italy, April usually coincides with the Easter celebration. At this time of year, colorful carnivals take place in Athens, the World Irish Dance Championships in Belfast, and the famous April fairs in Seville, Spain. Every year, on April 21, in the capital of Italy, on the day of the city of Rome, impromptu gladiator fights take place, and in the capital of Malta, Valletta, there is a real knightly parade.

Exotic holiday in April 2016

If you have never seen cherry blossoms, then go to Japan. April is the time for this plant to bloom, and in 2016, this will happen in the second half of the month. In South Africa, during this period the rainy season ends and natural parks begin to receive visitors. The bravest ones can test themselves with diving. Scuba diving at this time is also popular in another part of the planet - on the Red Sea, where it is in full swing the Velvet season. For exotic lovers, we also recommend going on vacation in April to China, to the island of Hainan. They're waiting for you there amazing beauty landscapes, learn the secrets of “Butterfly Gorge” and “Monkey Island”.

Beach holiday or active?

If you decide to relax with your children, then a trip to Tunisia or Morroco would be an ideal holiday in April - the weather there is excellent at this time for beach lovers. On the Canary Islands you will see unique natural beauty - tropical impenetrable forests and amazingly beautiful frozen magmas of volcanoes. Fans of active recreation can still go skiing in Sweden in the resort of Åre in April. Hurry up! The season will end soon!
Holidays and festivals of the world

This month, almost all over the world, April Fool's Day, Bird Festivals, Dance Festivals and, separately, rock and roll, snowdrop, and jazz festivals are celebrated. National and public holidays and festivals will greet you in Cyprus, Finland, Bulgaria, Israel, Great Britain, Italy, Portugal, Egypt, Slovenia, the Netherlands, Sweden, Vietnam. Some Catholic countries celebrate Walpurgis Night. If you go to Turkey at this time, be sure to attend the celebrations on the occasion of the local Children's Day, if you go to Iceland, then the Girls' Day, and in Mexico the Children's Day is celebrated. One of the unusual celebrations is the South Korean tree planting festival.

In Thailand, in the second month of spring, they meet the local New Year Where to go on vacation needs to be planned in advance, because... An influx of tourists from neighboring countries is expected.

And yet: where to relax in April?

You can choose a tour in our search system, not only for April, but also for other months of the year. We have a large list of offers, and all of them are from the best tour operators. To select, you need to: determine the country where you would like to go, the exact date of departure, for how long you need to book the tour, what hotel you would like to stay in, and also indicate the options for diet, accommodation and some other conditions.