On New Year's Eve, people not only celebrate and hope for the best. There are many folk traditions and beliefs that help you find out what will happen next and help you fulfill your desires. New Year's fortune telling- it's very fun and interesting. Yes, the probability of the prediction being fulfilled is high. A whole company of like-minded people who have good feelings for each other creates an excellent energetic background for the embodiment of joyful and good things, the destruction of unfavorable forecasts. Of course, it is better to guess about the secret in solitude. But the night is long, there is time for everything!

New Year's fortune telling 2019 in the company

The most desirable goals in your society are written on small pieces of paper. It is better to choose something global and valuable. For example, almost everyone dreams of owning an apartment (or expanding it), exotic countries and so on. Choose something that your friends might like and make them happy. Write everything down. Now you just need to distribute pieces of paper - wishes. You can do this as in, by placing it in a large vase and inviting everyone to choose. Can be hung on the Christmas tree.

It’s better to buy a Pig in advance and place the notes in a basket or special bag with his image. Let the animal, which will be in charge of the situation, “distribute” wishes. Everyone will be pleased. If you want everything to be fair (after all, not everyone can be lucky). Then leave one piece of paper blank. This will mean an unfavorable turn of events.

New Year's fortune telling on a pie

This is a gourmet event. You need to bake a cake or pie in advance, in which symbols - predictions - are placed. This New Year's fortune telling is similar to Chinese fortune cookies.

At night the magic cake is cut and eaten. Each guest receives his own prediction. The symbols are:

  • Coin - to win money.
  • Beans - acquisition of property.
  • A note - good luck with documents.
  • Ring - marriage ahead.
  • The ring is a new romantic acquaintance.
  • Thread is a vehicle.
  • A piece of fabric is a “carpet – an airplane”, a fulfillment of the sacred.
  • Caramel - sweet life.
  • Yagoda is a situation of temptation with an unknown outcome.

Fortune telling with New Year's glasses

Papers with wishes are glued to the bottoms of glasses or glasses. At the same time, do not seat guests. Let everyone choose their own place and “container”. After the chimes, offer to turn the glasses over and read what is written there. If the people gathered are not very close, then you can not write wishes, but glue colored pictures. Let everyone, to the extent of their “gaiety,” determine what is destined for them.

Fortune telling on New Year's Eve for the betrothed

This New Year's fortune telling is recommended not only for girls, but also for boys. After midnight, it is recommended to go for a walk (short if you don’t want to wander for a long time). If the first person you meet is a person of the opposite sex, then in the New Year 2019 you will meet your love. If it’s yours, then it’s too early to dream of a serious relationship. But that is not all. The first person of the opposite sex should be asked for their name. This is what your betrothed will be called. Do not be shy! It's New Year's Eve! Any miracle is possible! You can even meet your real betrothed at this very moment.

Serious fortune telling for the New Year

When the holiday has already passed, you can begin serious rituals that will give more accurate forecast for the coming year of the Pig. For yourself, it is recommended to write down twelve goals that arouse your greatest interest. Fold the leaves in the same way. Place all this under your pillow before going to bed. In the morning, immediately after waking up, select only one note. Read it. This wish will definitely come true!

This fortune telling is for purposeful people who are not afraid to make grandiose plans. You need to worry about wish cards in advance. To do this, pictures indicating your desires are glued onto pieces of cardboard of the same size. Left alone on New Year's Eve, take the prepared “deck” and pull out five cards one by one. This will be the order of execution of your plans in the coming year of the yellow earthen Pig. It is advisable to save the pictures so as not to forget the results of New Year's fortune-telling.

Fortune telling on chains

If using the methods described above you can tell fortunes on any New Year's Eve, then there are special rituals that are used in the year of the yellow Earth Pig. For example, this one.

Take gold chains (or gold-colored jewelry). They should be thin. In principle, one will do, just a long one. They throw it into a crystal vase and shake it, thinking about a wish to themselves. Then you need to remove the chains. Look. If they are tied in knots, then count their number. Here are the results:

  • There are no nodes - it will not be fulfilled.
  • One – there is a high probability of execution.
  • Two - there is a chance, but unexpectedly the execution may fail.
  • Three - it will definitely come true.
  • More than three is vanity.
  • If you didn’t make a guess, then the prediction is as follows:
  • No knots - calmness, even melancholy.
  • One – life is bright, but there will be difficulties.
  • Two nodes - you will be lucky in your personal life, but there will be troubles at work.
  • Three - everything is great! I'll be lucky all year. Try to make more plans. Everything is being realized.
  • Four - serious trouble awaits.
  • Five – fun all year, a lot of money.
  • More – vanity and confusion.

Special fortune telling for the year of the Pig

Our ancestors were very close to living nature, especially to domestic animals. There were even special fortune telling for livestock.

Fortune telling by a pig's tail

In Rus' there was such fortune-telling. When they slaughtered a pig for the Christmas table, young people always kept the tail for themselves. It was divided according to the number of participants, and then everyone stuck their piece between the floorboards. They called the dog and saw whose piece he would choose. If part of the ponytail belonged to a guy, it was believed that he would definitely get married. For the girl, this meant marriage in the new year.

Of course, now it’s not easy to find a pig’s tail. But you can prepare a piglet in advance from scrap materials by making a tail out of twine. Then divide the twine among the fortune tellers and place the pieces around the room. If there is no dog, cat or other pet, you can blindfold one of those guests who are already married or in a relationship, because... According to the rules, only those who do not currently have a partner can guess. Whoever finds a piece of twine will have a romantic story in the New Year.

Fortune telling for the future using a pig

In the old days, they used to guess like this: they would go into a barn and see how the pig would behave.

If the animal began to scratch its right side, this promised a successful year in all respects. If the pig scratched its left side, it promised failure, a lot of small troubles that would require a lot of effort to eliminate.

If the pig continued to lie serenely in its place, New Year didn't promise special problems, but success came only to those who made efforts.

Now the barn is almost exotic, but there are still several modern versions of this fortune-telling. The first is to type “pig” or “piglet” into a search engine in the video section and see what the animal will do there. The second option is to go to a petting zoo on December 31 or January 1, where there is a pig, and observe the behavior of the animal.

Fortune telling by pig figures

Prepare in advance 6 or 8 piglets cut out of thick paper. Half the piglets should be happy, half should be sad. This fortune telling is suitable for both a company and one person.

It is necessary to put all the piglets in some kind of bowl or container. Then think of three questions, the answer to which will be yes or no. Then mentally or out loud ask a question to the bowl of piglets and eyes closed pull the pig. If the pig is happy, the answer is yes. If the pig is sad, alas, the answer is no.

This is such an interesting fortune telling. We wish you good predictions, happy holidays, and do not forget correctly!

But fortune telling on the eve of the New Year is not as often as at Christmas time or at baptism. This tradition originated relatively recently. Why not? Why not on such a bright (despite the fact that it is night) holiday. Light in mood, in attitude, in spiritual disposition.

It is very difficult to separate fortune telling before the New Year, during New Year's Eve and in the morning. This is very conditional. For example, telling fortunes on a mirror, although a little scary, is traditional. And this can be done both after the New Year’s Eve and directly on New Year’s Eve. Still, it’s more interesting at night.

1. On the mirror. Sit in front of the mirror, place a decanter in front of the mirror and two candles on either side of the decanter. What then? But this is a matter of luck. But you'll see something...

2. According to the book. Fortune telling from a book is very exciting, but it is, however, all-season. You need to put it on a closed book left hand and ask out loud what you want to know. Then open the book and read the line that your eye falls on. And then you interpret this line, which requires some effort, knowledge and imagination. For New Year's fortune-telling, take the appropriate book - you shouldn't ask telephone directories about your plans for the future.

3. On rice. One of the most famous New Year's fortune telling is fortune telling on rice grains. You need to put a plate of rice on the table. Then raise your hand over the plate and make a wish, then take some rice from the plate and pour it onto the table. Count the grains: an even number is a positive answer, an odd number is a negative answer. You probably need to guess until midnight, then most of our fellow citizens will not be able to count grains of rice or apples.

4. In the snow. And here is the most New Year's fortune telling. Go outside directly on New Year's Eve. Fall backwards into the snow, then get up and walk away without looking back. Come back in the morning and look at your print. Different interpretations are possible: if the trace from you is deep, it will happen more than once. If it’s smooth and beautiful, life will be successful. But if your tracks are covered up, problems are possible in the new year. Well, if your print was trampled by stray dogs or drunk neighbors piled on them, then the fortune telling was unsuccessful. You can repeat “falling into the snow” on Christmas night - just choose a snowdrift away from noisy places.

5. On coffee grounds. The morning of the New Year is the most suitable time for such an interesting and mysterious activity as fortune telling on coffee grounds. Your imagination will tell you exactly how to interpret the drawings formed on the saucer coffee grounds. New Year's wax fortune telling is also fortune telling for the future. You need to melt the wax over a fire, and then try to understand what you see in the cooled wax version.

6. On the windows. For two weeks after the New Year, it is customary to tell fortunes “on luminous windows.” When it gets dark, go out into the yard and, closing your eyes, make a wish. Then open your eyes and count the number of luminous windows. Only in your own home, and not in the entire area. If you count an even number, your wish will come true; if it’s an odd number, you’ll have to wait until next year, that is, you’re unlucky this year.

It is customary to make fortunes on the New Year, if not on the first of January, on the old New Year it is a must. After all, I really want to know what will happen. Moreover, some want to know this immediately, without sitting up at night in front of mirrors and arranging intricate figures from cards or beans.

Many ancient fortune telling simpler ones also turn out to be not so simple, because they often require things that are inaccessible to modern man, such as a poker, a spindle or live chickens. But the time of high speeds and eternal haste led to the renewal of old fortune-telling and the emergence of new ones that did not require long and complex rituals. For the busiest and most impatient, this selection of simple and affordable modern conditions New Year's fortune telling.

Keyboard layout

Focus on your question and, without looking, press your finger on the keyboard (you do not need to turn on the computer for this).
You hit the letter - the first or last name of your fiancé or someone else significant to you in the new year begins with this letter.
Got to figure- it is in the date of birth of a person important to you or indicates the time of the meeting with him, or the date of events important to you, or the amount of something related to your question.
Icons on the number keys provide additional information. Exclamation mark- a big joy; "dog"– news from afar; lattice– insulation; dollar and percentage (euro)- money; brackets- secret affairs.
A gap means that this year you will not have significant events and fateful meetings.
Delete– you will have to part with someone or something forever.
Enter– your life will be stormy, bringing many new events and acquaintances.
Caps Lock– your happiness may be hindered by excessive pride or demonstrative behavior, inappropriate emotionality.
Esc– you may make a mistake, which will not be as easy to correct as you think.
Tab– you are often in too much of a hurry and may miss something important.
Shift- a new beginning is ahead important stage in life, it is likely that you will meet a person who is significant to you.
Ctrl– you will be able to usefully combine different interests.
Alt- you will have to adapt to the unusual, it is possible to travel abroad, and yours will turn out to be a foreigner or simply an unusual person.
End- some relationships will come to a logical conclusion, a final outcome, for example, a couple will get married or separate.
Home- everything will go as usual, according to the usual scenario.
Plus or minus– gains or losses, respectively.
Period and comma key- uncertainty in life.
Star– you will need new knowledge or advice from competent people.
"Window"– you will have great opportunities to realize yourself and influence others, your active work will bring significant results.
Up cursor arrow- life will improve; down– will get worse; right- you are going the right way; left– your actions are fraught with negative consequences.
If you get your finger between the keys or on other keys, guess again or interpret it your own way.

Three cards

Take the deck regular cards and take out three in turn. They mean that in the new year your priority will be in first place, what will be in second place, and what will be in third place. We look only at the suit. Clubs– work, career; diamonds– money, property; peaks– struggle, problems; hearts- love, pleasure.

Pop-up question

Take several identical small pieces of paper, write on each one a question that concerns you about your future in the new year. The question should have an unambiguous answer, without any “or”. Then you put all the pieces of paper (without folding) into an empty cup, and pour water into it, whichever question came up first, the answer is “yes”. Other questions don't count.

Happiness under the pillow

You write your wishes on separate pieces of paper, there should be at least twelve of them, put them under your pillow before going to bed, preferably in a cloth bag, and in the morning you take out three notes at random, these three wishes must definitely come true.

A grain of truth

Make a wish or a question that can have a definite answer and take right hand a small amount of any grain or seed (rice, beans, sunflower or pumpkin seeds). Pour it onto the table and count the grains. An even number means the answer to the question is “yes”, the wish will come true, an odd number – “no”, the wish will not come true.

Pictures of the future

Take several small pictures; you can cut them out from magazines, advertising brochures, or draw them yourself. Each picture symbolizes your desired future. For example, a wad of money or a chest of coins is wealth; a beautiful house is a solution to the housing problem; a couple in love or happy parents with a child - happiness in their personal life, a car - a trip or buying a car. You choose the pictures you need and give them a symbolic meaning yourself. Then put them in identical envelopes, seal and mix the envelopes. And then, having tuned in to your future, you take out one envelope. This is how you can tell fortunes with your whole family or with friends: together prepare envelopes with pictures, put them under the Christmas tree, and then everyone will take out what they are destined for. It is possible that the collective interpretation of the future may be even more accurate.

Twelve months

To find out in which month the event you have planned will happen, take a deck of 52 cards (remove the jokers) and choose a card that will symbolize what you want. Then you put it back into the deck, and after mixing the cards well, lay them out one at a time in twelve piles, face down. Each pile will have four cards, the remaining four are extra. If the dreamed card is among the extra ones, the wish will not come true. If it is not there, look for it in the corresponding month pile: 1st – January, 2nd – February, 3rd – March and so on.

New Year's Oracle

Predictions for the New Year are written on pieces of paper, maybe humorous, but a lot so that there is enough for everyone present. All predictions are placed in a box or opaque bag. They choose an “oracle”, who is blindfolded and, pulling out a prediction, asks: “To whom?” The “Oracle” calls the name of someone present. And so on until everyone receives a prediction of their future.

Offensive New Year's holidays Not only children, but also adults are waiting with bated breath. Since ancient times, this time has been the best for performing rituals, fortune-telling for love, fate, and the fulfillment of desires. Today, in the 21st century, you can (using the New Year's fortune-telling of your ancestors) find out a little more about the coming year.

Fortune telling by wish

Everyone has made a wish at least once. Some prefer to do this while a star is falling or the chimes are striking, others prefer to do this during a celebration.

There are many ways to make your dream come true. These methods will help determine whether it will come true or not.

Option 1

Take 2 containers, fill one with water. Speak a wish to it and start pouring liquid from one to another.

Important: You cannot practice transfusions in advance. Continue manipulations for 1 minute. If a few drops appear on the floor (under the containers), the dream will come true. If you spill a lot of water, your dream will not come true in the coming year.

Option 2

Before the chimes, write down your dream on a small sheet of paper. It is not necessary to go into detail, write concisely. With the first chime, light the leaf. If it burns out before the last blow, the dream will come true. If not, you will have to postpone its implementation.

Option 3

Attention! Vanga's terrible horoscope for 2019 has been deciphered:
Trouble awaits 3 signs of the Zodiac, only one sign can become a winner and gain wealth... Fortunately, Vanga left instructions for activating and deactivating what was destined.

To receive a prophecy, you need to indicate the name given at birth and the date of birth. Vanga also added the 13th sign of the Zodiac! We advise you to keep your horoscope secret, there is a high probability of the evil eye of your actions!

Readers of our site can receive Vanga's horoscope for free>>. Access may be closed at any time.

A simple deck of 36 cards is required. Mix them, divide them into 4 equal parts, place them face down on the table. The task is to find several Aces located one after the other.

From the first part, take out cards until the Ace appears. Look at the next card behind it. If after the first there is some other card, put it and the first Ace aside. Continue browsing through the images. As a result, you may end up with 4, 3, 2 Aces or 1 (the last one):

  • in the next few months, those who got 4 identical cards will have their dream come true;
  • three Aces - wish fulfillment over the next year;
  • two Aces - the dream will probably come true, but this is not certain yet;
  • one Ace - there is no hope.

Option 4

Pour some water into a small container and say a wish on it. Leave the container on the windowsill and go to bed. In the morning the water became:

  • a little more - the wish will come true;
  • less - you'll have to wait.

There is the same amount left - you will have to make a lot of effort to achieve what you want.

New Year's fortune telling for love

One of the most extensive categories of fortune telling is for love (, feelings, the image of a future husband, the name of the intended partner). You can also use these methods of divination.

See your betrothed in the mirror

If you want to know what your spouse will look like, shortly before the chimes, place a mirror and a glass of water in your bedroom. As soon as the chimes begin to strike, light a candle in front of the mirror, raise your glass and look through it into the mirror. Tell:

Show your betrothed, tell us about the future.
Look in the mirror, perhaps you will see an image.

Fortune telling for marriage

To find out social status future spouse, you can perform the ceremony with three rings (gold, silver, copper). They all hide in a bag with any cereal. Cross out the cereal with your palm. If you don’t have a ring in your hand, you won’t get married in the next year. Found a ring:

  • gold - the husband will be rich;
  • silver - hardworking;
  • copper - you will marry a poor man.

Fortune telling on spruce branches

One of the symbols of Christmas and New Year is the tree, which is used for fortune telling. If you want to know everything about your betrothed, before the New Year, go into the forest and break a few spruce branches.

According to historical documents, they began decorating the Christmas tree at the beginning of the 17th century. Until this time, no one associated the tree with the holidays. Apples, sugar, cookies, and flowers made of colored paper were used as decorations.

There is no need to choose the most beautiful fluffy ones, take several different ones. Hide them in a shed or closet. If you live in an apartment, you can put it in the far corner of the room. During the chiming clock, you need to select one of the branches by touch, blindly.


  • fluffy, beautiful - the groom will be enviable and attractive;
  • with rough, cracked bark - the husband will be thick-skinned and rude;
  • an old, dry branch - the betrothed will be much older than you;
  • a lot of small knots - the character will not be sweet, you will quarrel often;
  • the trunk is smooth, even - the character will be flexible and affectionate.

For love

To carry out fortune telling, mix a little salt, sugar and ash in one container. Take 3 hairs from your head and 3 hairs from your loved one. Throw them into the bowl. The container should stand by your bed all night. Look at it in the morning. If all your hairs:

  • ended up on top of each other, united - you will be together this year, marriage is likely;
  • remained in the same places - the situation will not change;
  • all the hairs turned out to be further from each other than they were initially - separation is possible.

Fortune telling on New Year's Eve

The night from December 31 to January 1 is suitable for fortune telling. You can use online fortune telling, fortune telling on cards, Christmas tree decorations, dumplings. You can use almost anything you find at hand.

Fortune telling with Christmas tree toys

The constant attributes of the holiday: Christmas tree balls, stars, bells that decorate the fluffy beauty. This fortune telling is carried out on New Year's Eve or Christmas. You will need several toys. You can’t guess alone, the whole company. A prediction is written on each ball. You can get by with one word, or you can use a full-fledged big prophecy.

Christmas tree decorations are put into a bag and everyone participating must take out one decoration. For the prediction to come true, the ball must be hung on the Christmas tree.

This is interesting: The first glass Christmas tree decoration was made in Saxony in the 16th century. But industrial mass production of jewelry began only in mid-19th century.

New Year's fortune telling

Fortune telling on cards helps determine events of the future, past and present. You will need a deck of 36 playing cards which need to be mixed well. Take out 11 cards and turn them face down. Each of them will answer one question.

  1. What's happening in the present?
  2. What will happen in the near future?
  3. The last important event.
  4. What will happen in the distant future?
  5. What will happen on the road?
  6. News that you will soon find out.
  7. Who do you like?
  8. Who has loving feelings for you?
  9. Where will this all lead?
  10. What will you be sad about?
  11. How will the year end?

To decrypt, you can use the standard values ​​of playing cards.

New Year's fortune telling by patterns on glass

You will need a piece of glass or a mirror. Pour water on it and leave it in the cold overnight. The next morning, look at the frozen surface:

  • there are many circles on it - next year you will live in abundance, new source income;
  • spruce branches warn - you will have to work hard;
  • sharp lines, figures with many angles - there may be difficulties that will have to be dealt with;
  • human figures - luck, pleasant acquaintance.

Fortune telling for the New Year will help you find out what awaits you over the next 12 months. Such prophecies should not be taken very seriously. After all, everything in life depends on us and the future can change at any moment.

New Year is not just a holiday, but a night when we believe that dreams come true. Traditionally, this time is used to find out the near future. Organize New Year's fortune telling for 2017, and you will learn a lot of interesting things about your destiny.

Probably the most famous fortune telling is when a wish is written on a small piece of paper, then it is burned, the ashes are poured into a glass of champagne, after which the drink is drunk. This is all done simultaneously with the striking of the Chimes. In fact, there are many types of predictions, it all depends on the goals. Let's look at the most interesting and effective ones.

When is the right time for predictions?

There are days when fortune telling is considered to be the most truthful. There is also a time when, according to some beliefs, fortune telling is undesirable and even prohibited. Usually, predictions begin on December 25 and end by January 17. On some days this is prohibited. Such days include Sunday, which is associated with religious ideas, as well as Monday, which is related to the Moon and can give deceptive predictions.

It is believed that the most true fortune telling fall on Friday. It’s great if it’s also the 13th. In addition, predictions should be made on the first day of the coming year, that is, January 1. Another day when predictions are most accurate is your own birthday.

Types of fortune telling depending on the purpose of prediction

When planning to make predictions, you must first determine the goal and direction, that is, ask a question. Fortune telling is traditionally divided into several types depending on the goals.

Fortune telling for love

Using these types of fortune telling, we want to find out whether the betrothed will appear in the near future, how the relationship with him will develop and whether there will be a continuation.

On the hair

Before going to bed, take a clean comb. We slowly comb our hair, saying: “Mummer, come to me dressed up.” When you finish combing your hair, place the comb under your pillow and go to bed. At night you should dream about the one who will become your destiny. When doing this fortune telling, focus on the process and believe that the desired person will definitely appear in your dream.

On the bow

This fortune telling begins on the night before Christmas. If you have several contenders for your hand, and it’s difficult for you to choose from them, then bulbs will help. You take as many of them as there are fans. The name of the man must be written on each bulb. After that, they are placed in a container of water, whispering: “Onion, tell me who my groom is.” Now we just have to wait for the first bulb to sprout and look at the name on it.

On matches

This is a popular method of prediction, familiar to our ancestors. It helps you find out what feelings your partner has for you and is considered effective method fortune telling. We will need a new box, from which we need to remove two matches. Decide which one symbolizes a man and which one symbolizes you. Place them vertically so that they do not fall on a short distance from each other. Now you need to light the matches and see what happens to them. The prediction is based on which way the heads tilt and how.

  • If the match symbolizing a man deviates to another feminine side, then this indicates a negative attitude.
  • If the match remains standing vertically, then the man’s attitude towards the woman is indifferent.
  • If the male match leans towards the female, then this means sympathy.
  • It is considered a particularly good sign if both matches lean towards each other, this indicates reciprocity and good attitude paired with.

Christmas tree predictions

We will need a Christmas tree decorated for the New Year 2017, according to which we will do fortune telling. You will also need an assistant who will blindfold you and lead you to the tree. You make a wish and take toys from the tree, after which you determine by color what will happen in the near future.

  • Green – waiting next year new love, but whether it will become real will not be clear immediately, but closer to the end of the year.
  • Black - love is expected to be unhappy, perhaps unrequited.
  • Shades of pink and red predict strong passion.
  • White - no significant changes are expected on the love front next year.
  • Purple or blue - feelings in a couple begin to cool, it is likely that the relationship will decline.
  • Gold or silver - there is a meeting with a wealthy gentleman.

Guessing wishes

We all want our wishes to come true, and even more we want to know in advance whether they will come true. In this case, several types of fortune telling are used.

On paper

In order to find out what wishes will come true next year, take 12 pieces of paper. We write a wish on each of them, and then go to bed. As soon as you wake up, take three pieces of paper and read what wishes are written on them - they will certainly come true.

On grain or stones

Place a cup of grains in front of you or pour them into a bag. We make a wish and take a handful of grains, trying not to spill them. After this, you need to count the number of grains you took. If the wish comes true, then you should have an even number of grains in your hand. They use the same principle to tell fortunes using small stones.

A cat will help with fortune telling

Have a pet? Great. We make a wish, and then call the cat. Let's see which paw will cross the threshold first. If it’s right, then your wish will definitely come true.

Fortune telling

Perhaps you want to learn not about some specific events and desires, but about your destiny. In this case also use different kinds predictions.

Looking at the water

Take a transparent decanter and pour it into clean water. We place three candles around the decanter, and behind it a mirror. Now you need to concentrate, turn off unnecessary thoughts and look carefully into the mirror across the water. The images you see will tell about your destiny. It is better to perform it in the dark, the best time is midnight.

According to frosty patterns

Winter is a good time for such fortune telling. Take glass or mirror and pour it over clean water and put it out in the cold overnight. If you can’t take it outside, a freezer will do. When patterns appear on the glass, we begin to interpret the symbols that you will see on the surface.

  • Triangles mean luck, success in the future, fate will be favorable to you.
  • Squares predict difficulties.
  • Circles - prosperity, a comfortable life, complete happiness.
  • Patterns reminiscent of Christmas trees - fate predicts hard work for you.

Predictions from the book

This type of fortune telling has been known for a long time; it is successfully used for various predictions, including fate. You can try this fortune telling on New Year's Eve 2017. Let's take the book. The most suitable is classic literature or poetry. We ask a question or make a wish. We name the page and line. Open and read the phrase that is written.

There is another option, when you name only the line at the top, and open the page at random. In this case, fate itself tells you where to open the book.

Modern methods of fortune telling

With the development of technology, new prediction methods have emerged.

On the phone

In order to organize fortune telling for 2017, you will need a phone. Make a wish while looking at the dial or screen. It is important to concentrate and turn off extraneous thoughts. Now all you have to do is wait a little while for someone to call. If the first call came from a man, then the answer is positive, that is, the wish will certainly come true. It’s very convenient to tell fortunes on New Year’s Day, since there are a lot of calls, so you won’t have to wait long.

On the windows

Go outside in the evening or at night, go to a multi-story building. Turn your back to him and make a wish or question. Now you need to turn to the house and count how many windows are lit. An even number of windows indicates a positive answer.

Fortune telling is not only a convenient way to find out fate or the likelihood of a wish coming true, but also simply an opportunity to have fun. Some divination methods are done alone, while others can be done in the company of good friends. The main thing is a positive attitude and confidence that all good things will come true.