Exfoliate, exfoliate, exfoliate! One of the many mantras we hear offered as the perfect solution to achieving glowing and youthful skin. Others rely on coconut or argan oil, or even on a famous brand with unknown ingredients or soap. Most women, especially those over 60 years of age, are concerned about the onset of not the most pleasant changes in appearance and, of course, want to have “younger” skin, which is what advertising tells them every day.

But it would be great if instead of “skin looks younger,” we could focus on having “healthy skin” at any age. Here are some skin care tips for women over 60 that will help you achieve healthy skin and feel your best!

Don't try to look "younger"

One of those who writes about the true meaning of beauty after 60 is Cindy Joseph, fashion model and makeup expert. Cindy talks a lot about the importance of using natural products to help older women look and feel good. And with expensive and (often) ineffective chemical treatments, many women over 60 try to make their skin “look younger.” But you need to take courage and say goodbye to the old-fashioned rule, following which all women should try to look “younger”. Instead, let's appreciate the beauty, character and integrity that grace our faces. We live beautiful and unique lives and we should be proud of the way we look, smile, etc. We are who we are, even at 60! With this attitude, there are only a few practical things that can be done!

Stay out of the sun

Impact of direct sun rays is one of the leading causes of wrinkled, blotchy skin. Try to limit sun exposure, wear hats and use sunscreen. The damage caused by solar radiation is not immediately noticeable, appearing gradually later in life, so it is never “too late” to take the necessary sun protection measures. Additionally, avoiding direct sunlight and wearing sunscreen will reduce your risk of developing skin cancer.

Wash your face before going to bed

Dry skin is one of the main concerns for women over 60 because as we age, the skin tends to become drier due to a decline in the production of the sebaceous glands. The lack of oil produced by the skin itself must be constantly replenished in order to retain moisture. Since washing your face actually removes moisture from the surface of the skin, it is recommended to reduce the frequency of this cleansing routine. Instead of washing your face multiple times a day, it's best to simply wash your face once in the evening with an oil-based cleanser. In the morning, instead of traditional washing, you just need to splash it on your face. cold water to feel rested. Thus, one of the best ways Reduce dry skin - Wash your face every night before bed without using soap (soap will strip away your skin's natural oils, which are essential to keep your skin healthy). And drink plenty of water!

Regular moisturizing

No less relevant advice than washing your face in the evening. Even if you didn't get into the habit of regularly moisturizing your face when you were younger, now is the time to get into it. It is better to do this 2 times a day, giving preference to serum for more complete and deep penetration of water and nutrients with vitamins into all layers of the skin. This treatment will replenish moisture loss and help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Quit smoking

There is no point in describing all the negative effects of smoking on your body. One thing to note is that if you smoke, you probably have more wrinkles than non-smokers your age. So there is an additional incentive to quit.

Don't sit in the bathroom for too long

A hot bath is a great way to relax and unwind, but if you stay in the bath for too long, your skin can, paradoxically, dry out. If you like to take long, leisurely baths, it is better to use special bath oils or foam. And when you get out of the bathroom, it is useful to apply moisturizer to wet skin.

Use natural products

Many skin care products are crammed with chemicals and substitutes for natural ingredients. Much better results will come from using natural skin care products that contain herbs or even coconut or olive oil. Natural ingredients in the kitchen can also help you achieve healthy skin.

Give your skin the nutrition it needs

In addition to the usual advice about a balanced diet with plenty of vegetables, you can name a number of specific products that serve as the key to naturally glowing skin. This is dark chocolate (more than 70% cocoa), Coconut oil and red pepper.

So, instead of looking for anti-aging treatments, a woman over 60 can look great and feel better by accepting who she is.

Facial skin care after 60 years requires more scrupulous attention than before. After 60 years, skin dehydration begins, cells lose collagen, firmness and elasticity disappear, and the irreversible aging process begins. But don’t despair, because all this can be predicted and slowed down.

You need to remember that there are several behind the skin.

  • It is advisable to wash your face with water only room temperature, because hot steams the skin and promotes the penetration of microbes into the layers of the skin.
  • You need to choose the right cosmetics for facial skin care. Make sure that they suit your skin type and do not leave greasy marks or shine.
  • It is best to use tonics and lotions that can easily remove oil and impurities from the face.
  • Be sure to use it at least several times a week for deep cleansing of the face.

Homemade face masks after 60 years

It is mandatory to use face masks after 60 years of age. But before you start doing this, you need to identify a problem that needs to be eliminated. Also, you should take into account the body’s individual reactions to certain allergens, diseases and possible inflammations.

Let's find out a few recipes that will help improve the condition of facial skin after 60 years.

Yeast mask

Yeast, preferably fresh, needs to be mashed and mixed with liquid chamomile oil. A raw fresh egg, citrus fruit juice and honey are added to the mixture. Everything is mixed and applied to the face. should be warm, so don't keep it in the refrigerator.

Sour cream mask

Sour cream should be mixed with pea flour. Everything is mixed and applied to the face for 20 minutes.

Gelatin based mask

Gelatin is diluted with water and vitamin E and A are added to it, and if it is fatty, protein can be added. Everything is mixed and applied to the face until completely dry, for about 25 minutes.

Face creams for 60 years

There are many factors to consider when choosing a face cream. Firstly, the cream should moisturize the skin. To choose the right cream, you need to decide on your skin type and remember that it is dry skin that is prone to the appearance of deep wrinkles. Most often, women give preference to the following brands of creams: Lancome, L’Oreal, Nivea, Garnier, Clinique.

They are chosen because they perfectly moisturize and nourish the skin. With constant use, you can notice a tightening effect, because wrinkles will gradually smooth out.

Also, do not forget that creams can be made at home. To do this, you need to use only natural products, preferably dairy products of natural origin, without additives or chemical components.

Facial rejuvenation after 60 years

There is a myth that youth does not return. A breakthrough in medicine and cosmetology proves the opposite. Of course everyone understands that plastic surgery- this is, first of all, expensive and dangerous. But there are other methods to solve the problem of aging. You can rejuvenate your facial skin at home. To do this, you need to choose only the right mask or cream, or prepare it yourself.

If we talk about cosmetics, many women choose the Beauty Line anti-aging face mask. It smooths out wrinkles, eliminates a tired look and gets rid of dark circles under the eyes and age spots.

Also, very often the recipe for youth is quite simple. In order to quickly and efficiently rejuvenate your facial skin, it is advisable to use products that are rich in vitamin E and, of course, gelatin. Gelatin masks not only cleanse pores efficiently, eliminating fat and dirt, but also remarkably tighten the skin, making it elastic.

How to improve your complexion at 60

Many women have experienced the fact that after 60, their facial skin loses color, becomes flabby and various spots appear. You need to understand that this is influenced not only by age, but also by stress, environment and illness. But this can also be fixed at home. Even many cosmetologists recommend making face masks from products that themselves have a natural, bright color.

Products such as carrots, parsley, tomatoes, celery, cucumber, coffee, will help improve color. green tea. It is recommended to simply grate, finely chop or simply knead these products and apply to the face for 15 minutes. The effect will not be long in coming.

Facelift 60 years

Nowadays, facelifts are performed in many clinics. The lift itself is to tighten the facial skin, rid the face of excess aging skin, smooth out wrinkles, and form a new contour. At the same time, the skin on the neck is tightened.

A facelift is performed by tightening the skin. First, the skin in the area of ​​the cheeks, neck, temples is exfoliated and stretched, thereby smoothing out wrinkles. It is worth noting that such a procedure will cost an impressive amount of money.

Also, a 60-year-old facelift can be done using another, non-surgical method. This procedure is called mesolifting. It consists in introducing amino acids, vitamins and various components under the skin. Using injections, they are injected shallowly under the skin and effectively tighten it.

Japanese facial massage after 60 years

Everyone admires the fact that it is very difficult to find out the real age of Japanese women. Their secret lies not only in good and natural cosmetics, but also in effective massage.

Most often, this massage is called “Zogan”. It affects the skin as follows:

  • normalizes and stimulates blood circulation;
  • eliminates wrinkles;
  • gives firmness and elasticity;
  • reduces circles under the eyes, relieves fatigue;
  • eliminates double chin.

If this massage is performed at the age of 60, it will be aimed at tightening, getting rid of wrinkles and giving elasticity to the skin.

Gymnastics for the face after 60 years

Many European women are increasingly resorting to facial gymnastics. It consists of a set basic exercises, which improve the condition and appearance of the face. They can be performed in any body position. It is also recommended to do them before bed. They literally take 15 minutes, but give a great effect.

Face masks over 60 years old

Face masks should only consist of natural ingredients and products that will stimulate collagen production, improve blood flow, rejuvenate and oxygenate.

Oatmeal mask

Oatmeal should be mixed with honey. Salt and kefir are added to them. This mask will help rejuvenate the dermis and give it a fresh look.

Honey-gelatin mask

Gelatin is diluted in milk and infused for a day. Then it is mixed with honey and a drop of glycerin. Everything gets mixed up. This is a cleansing, rejuvenating and nourishing mask.

Bran mask

Lemon zest is added to the bran, a raw egg and just a little lemon juice. The mask will cleanse even the deep layers of the skin and give freshness to the face.

Facial peeling after 60 years

Facial peeling after 60 years should not be rough and harsh. To do this, you need to use soft products that contain vitamin F, because it will fight age-related changes and eliminate fatigue, blemishes, and a stale appearance of the face.

Many women use special creams for this, which prevent the aging process. For example, day face cream with cornflower and vitamin F from the Aleut series. Judging by the reviews, we can say that it promotes cell regeneration. Before use, however, check it for allergic reactions.

Another product is a gentle peeling for skin after 60 years “Gentle Peeling: Raspberry and Oatmeal” from the Taiga series. Thanks to its rich vitamin composition, peeling removes dead cells and promotes the regeneration of new ones, which is the secret of rejuvenation.

Pimples on face at age 60

If in such mature age Pimples appear on your face, first you need to check your diet. Perhaps it allergic reaction for any product or unhealthy diet. You should definitely contact a dermatologist or endocrinologist, as there is always a danger of infection. Also, acne can be a sign of disorders in the body. To get rid of acne at 60 you need to constantly maintain water balance so that the skin does not dry out and new irritations and rashes of a similar nature do not arise.

If you have acne, you need to limit all touches to your face, since you can contaminate it through touching, because there are a lot of germs on your hands. In any case, you need to establish a diet that has a beneficial effect not only on the skin of the face, but also on the body as a whole. Also, be sure to drink enough liquid (water).

Dry thin facial skin after 60 years

Dry skin after 60 years can be caused by various reasons. One of them is dry skin type and a tendency to peeling and other irritations. Also, this may be caused by the fact that by the age of 60 the skin lacks moisture and it begins to dry out automatically. Water should be taken both internally and with water compresses to ensure deep hydration.

If you have a tendency to bad habits, then you need to throw them away urgently, because they worsen the condition of your face. It is also very important to stop soaking in the bath for a long time, and after taking a bath, you must apply moisturizing or nourishing cream to your face.

When dealing with dry facial skin, you need to make various masks for it, preferably based on dairy products and components that are needed to support hydration.

Introduce more fruits and vegetables into your diet and you will immediately see a clear effect. In general, smile more and receive positive emotions, because there is nothing better than joy and smiles! Therefore, receive more and give positive emotions!

Comprehensive care for mature facial skin: video

When you are twenty, your facial skin glows with health and has a minimum of problems, although sometimes it seems to us that they are huge. At a young age, minimal skin care is enough to look great! At 20, 30 and even 40 years old, we rarely think about how we will look at 50, 60, 70+ years old. But in vain...

How to care for facial skin after 60 years? To look great at any age, you need to discipline yourself from a young age. No matter how trivial it sounds:

  • eat right (we wrote about the healthiest foods for women here - “ 10 best products anti-aging skin»)
  • accustom yourself to do at least 10-minute exercises, ending with face fitness (sets of exercises for the face can be found on this PAGE of our website: "".)
  • ... and of course - take care of your facial skin carefully and regularly. Here you can find the most effective methods for facial care: "".

So, if you are not yet 60 years old, you can safely leave this page by looking at the “Facial Care” section, where the PhotoElf website presented the most effective ways rejuvenation+, and we will continue with women who are over 60.

After 60 years, the skin on the face and body is less well supplied with oxygen. This means that the level of oxygenation and nutrition of cells becomes lower. The content of elastin, collagen and hyaluronic acid in the skin decreases. In the sixth decade of life, the thickness of the epidermis decreases (the skin of the face becomes thinner), as a result of which networks of blood vessels can be seen with the naked eye. Wrinkles become deeper, forming deep furrows. The facial skin of a 60-year-old woman is dry and ashy... So let's not allow this to happen and start taking care of ourselves correctly!

The best anti-aging skin cosmetics

  1. Moisturizing Japanese anti-aging skin lotion Gokujyun Super Hyaluronic Acid Lotion from HadaLabo

Gokujyun Super Hyaluronic Acid Lotion from HadaLabo has deep hydration technology by containing four types of hyaluronic acid that penetrate the inner layers of the skin, leaving it soft. They also prepare the skin for subsequent care. Suitable for the skin around the eyes.

2. Firming DMAE Moisturizer from Derma E

3. Night anti-aging skin care with retinol “Comprehensive restoration” Complete Rewind from Lumene

4. Renaissance de Nuit Night intensive regenerating anti-aging skin cream.

5. Embryolisse Sérum Anti-Âge Redensifiant - anti-aging serum to restore skin elasticity

Cream for aging skin

Women aged sixty+ should use cosmetics with oxygen (because oxygen slowly passes through narrow blood vessels, literally revitalizing the skin, nourishing it with energy), as well as those that contain a number of vitamins:

  • A (stimulates the production of collagen fibers)
  • C (protects skin from free radicals)
  • E (antioxidant).

These vitamins have anti-aging and nutritional properties. In addition, retinol exfoliates horny particles on the skin, reduces age spots and wrinkles.

Cosmetic products for the care of aging skin should include argan oil and other ingredients that take care of the lipid layer of the skin (can reduce irritating dryness).

Cosmetics for mature skin

Women over 60 years of age should use cosmetics containing shea butter, cocoa, collagen and preparations with plant extracts, such as:

  • seaweed
  • evening primrose and almond (provide essential fatty acids that the skin cannot produce).

Cosmetics for mature skin should contain folic acid, kinetin and proxilan:

  • folic acid promotes skin cell regeneration, strengthens it and prevents moisture loss
  • kinetin strengthens the cells that are responsible for collagen production
  • Proxilan smoothes out already formed wrinkles (the binding properties of water and nutrients are shown).

Peeling for mature skin aged 60 years

Applying a night cream should precede a scrub, which exfoliates dead skin cells and facilitates the absorption of cosmetics into the deeper layers of the skin. For this procedure, you need to choose a gentle product in consultation with your cosmetologist. PhotoElf Magazine " Facial skin care"I really hope you have one in stock

By the way! We wrote about proper facial skin scrubbing here: - open the page and choose the one you like, taking into account your skin type (dry, oily, combination).

To increase the absorption of nutrients contained in cosmetic products, you can exfoliate with salicylic or glycolic acid. Proper care of mature skin is crucial by performing regular massage, especially the skin around the eyes and mouth, for example when applying cream.

Also, do not neglect anti-aging procedures in a beauty salon, carefully weighing all the pros and cons.

Nobody wants to grow old, but, nevertheless, nothing has power over time. Therefore, no matter how hard a woman takes care of herself, and no matter how good her genetics are, after sixty years wrinkles will still appear on her skin.

But age is not a reason not to take care of your skin. On the contrary, you should pay more attention to it than before, because you can look amazing even after 60 years. The main thing is to know what skin care should be like at this age.

After sixty years, metabolic processes slow down, and elastin and collagen are produced very poorly. As a result, the skin becomes drier, the complexion deteriorates, elasticity is lost, swelling, allergies and other troubles occur.

To improve the situation, you should take care of proper skin care. In this matter, you need to listen to the advice of experts. This is what cosmetologists recommend for those over 60.

  • It is important that your skin care includes adequate nutrition. Use nourishing masks and creams, special serums with the same effect. It is also necessary to maintain the lipid balance of the skin. To correct the shape of the face, it is worth using drugs that have a lifting effect.
  • For mature skin, you need to use either pharmacy cosmetics or luxury cosmetics. Most products from the mass market are not able to fight the deep signs of aging, so you should not skimp on your beauty. In addition, luxury products are produced taking into account all the latest cosmetic developments, so you can rest assured of their effectiveness.
  • Choose hypoallergenic products. Mature skin can sometimes react unpredictably to one or another component.
  • Your skin care routine should include serums. They are able to enhance the effect of creams thanks to the active substances in the composition that are able to penetrate deeply into the skin.
  • Try to visit a cosmetologist regularly. You can resort to procedures such as laser resurfacing, lifting, and mesotherapy. In addition, if skin problems cannot be solved using standard methods, it makes sense to consider the services of a plastic surgeon.

Also, experts do not recommend using products based on petroleum jelly and oil with a mineral base, as they cause the skin to breathe poorly. Also, at this age, you should not use masks that contain fruit acids, as they dry out the skin greatly.

Successful cosmetics

There are many products designed to care for mature skin. Among them there are both expensive creams and more budget options. In accordance with customer reviews, the creams listed below can be identified as the best.

  • Anti-aging Ginseng cream from the manufacturer "Nevskaya Cosmetics". Domestic cream, which is very cheap. But its effectiveness lies in the fact that it is made on the basis of natural ingredients that qualitatively nourish the skin and revitalize its cells. The product nourishes all layers of the skin and moisturizes dry areas. With its regular use, you can significantly smooth out wrinkles.
  • Roc Complete Lift. This innovative product, which recently appeared in the world of cosmetology. Its main advantage is high efficiency with very average price. The cream has a double effect. Firstly, it produces a powerful lifting effect, and secondly, it promotes the production of elastin, thanks to which the skin acquires a beautiful and healthy appearance.
  • Lierac Arkeskin. The product is designed for those whose aging is associated with hormonal imbalances. The aging process is caused by a lack of the hormone estrogen. The cream helps normalize hormonal levels and restore the skin.
  • Avon Replenishing Cream. This cream is notable for the fact that it can be used for any skin type. Based on natural ingredients and completely safe to use. Restores the skin well, moisturizes it not only at the surface level, but also at deeper layers. It contains numerous vitamins and minerals that perfectly nourish the skin.
  • Vichy cream. The therapeutic anti-aging series from the famous French manufacturer Vichy deserves attention. This cream is a quick-acting product and is considered one of the best anti-aging products. The composition smoothes wrinkles, moisturizes the skin and restores collagen in skin cells.
  • Yves Rocher. A French-made cream based on natural ingredients, including various herbal decoctions and Provençal herbs. Cosmetics work on the principle of living skin balm.
  • Clean line. Very inexpensive domestic products, which, nevertheless, work no worse than foreign-made products. Quite a high-quality option, offering a whole range of products for mature skin with double action.
  • Olay 45+. The drug is from an American manufacturer, the price of which justifies the quality. Cosmetics treat the skin and fight aging, in particular, the most neglected areas. The product eliminates wrinkles and restores collagen synthesis.
  • Aroma Israel. Israeli-made cosmetics are considered one of the best in the world, because they are based on healing ingredients Dead Sea, which not only rejuvenate, but also treat the skin from the inside.
  • Faberlic. Faberlic cream is very effective remedy in the fight against aging. It contains a special anti-aging serum that nourishes the skin from the inside, revitalizing it and saturating it with vitamins.

Folk mask recipes

Alone folk remedies it is difficult to cope with serious signs of aging, but as one of the components of complex therapy masks homemade- this is a worthy solution. The masks presented below have the best anti-aging effect.


Gelatin is natural collagen. It qualitatively rejuvenates the skin and restores its tone. You need to pour gelatin powder with water at room temperature and leave for 20-40 minutes. The gelatin is then heated in a water bath to dissolve. If your skin is oily, add egg white to the mixture; if dry, add a few drops of liquid vitamins E and A.

It is also worth adding about 9 ml of aloe juice and the same amount of either. Apply the mask in several layers, keep it on for 25 minutes. It is advisable to relax your facial muscles. The mask must dry. Remove it from bottom to top.


This cream mask effectively fights wrinkles, softens and moisturizes the skin. To prepare it, mix a teaspoon of beeswax and 50 grams of softened butter. Add a few drops to the mixture olive oil and an ampoule of liquid. Additionally, you need to chop a little parsley, nettle, jasmine and rose petals so that you end up with a spoonful of this mixture.

Now mix all the ingredients and lubricate the skin with the resulting mixture in a thick layer. Leave on for half an hour, then rinse off. The mask should be done once every two days for a course of 12 procedures, then take a break for a month.


This anti-aging mask is not called royal for nothing, because Elizabeth the Second herself used it. You need to mix 50 grams of pea flour and sour cream. Instead of pea flour, you can use powdered lentils or green peas. Mix the ingredients thoroughly, apply to the face and leave for at least 20 minutes.

The Empress also loved to apply dark color on her face. pea porridge With vegetable oil and sour cream, which with constant use gives very good results.


To prepare this mask, you need to mix a spoonful of linden blossom, currant leaves, yarrow and plantain herbs. You need to chop all these plants and pour boiling water over them. Let it brew for an hour. Then you need to take out the steamed herbal lump and apply it to the skin of your neck and face for 20 minutes. Rinse with contrast water.


To prepare, you need to mash a piece of banana into a puree, add a teaspoon of some nourishing cream. Mix the ingredients and add 3 drops of oil and lemon juice. Apply the prepared composition to the skin and hold for 20 minutes. To rinse off, it is recommended to use a decoction of some medicinal herbs.


If according to your passport you are already a grandmother, you do not have to look like that. And yeast can be used not only for baking, but also to rejuvenate your skin. You need to mix fresh yeast with either chamomile oil, one egg, a small spoon of honey, and lemon or other citrus juice. The ingredients must be warm.

After you prepare the composition, use it immediately. Apply to the skin in several layers along massage lines. It is recommended to apply the composition not only to the skin, but also to the neck and décolleté area. You need to keep the mask on for half an hour, and use the cream after washing it off.

From pumpkin

To prepare this mask, you need to mix sour cream with pumpkin puree in a 1:2 ratio, add an ampoule of vitamin A in liquid form. The mask starts restoration processes and lipid metabolism in skin cells.


For this mask you will need to mix honey, an ampoule of vitamin E and a few drops essential oil rosewood. The composition not only rejuvenates the skin, but also provides deep nutrition.

Years are not a reason to stop taking care of yourself. With proper skin care and self-love, you can remain attractive at any age.

Youth is not eternal - this is a fact, but is it worth being upset about this if there is now such a choice of effective cosmetics for mature skin? Find out which nourishing and anti-aging formulations will help effectively fight the signs of aging on the face and behind short term significantly refresh and improve your appearance.

Face cream after 40 years - rating

During this period of life, every woman who takes care of herself responsibly has a mandatory There are anti-aging cosmetics. What are the best face creams after 40 years? Cosmetologists advise choosing products that contain active substances such as peptides, elastin, collagen, and retinoids. These cosmetic components give the skin good nutrition, improve blood circulation, reducing the number of wrinkles. Women at this age should pay attention to the following creams:

  1. Vichy Liftactive Retinol is a retinoid, which is part of this pharmaceutical product, helps fight pigmentation and visually significantly reduces the number of wrinkles.
  2. Avon Nutra Effects - the cream contains ceramides that activate the skin's production of its own collagen.
  3. Black Pearl 46+ - the composition of this budget cream also contains components necessary for effective anti-aging care.

Face cream after 50 years - rating

At this age, the production of elastin and collagen fibers in the skin significantly slows down, so its elasticity decreases significantly, it becomes thinner, and becomes drier. At this stage, a woman needs effective anti-wrinkle cosmetics that will give a lifting effect, refresh the face and help control the manifestation of age-related pigmentation. The rating of face creams after 50 years includes the following cosmetics products:

  1. L'Oreal Luxury Nutrition - it contains natural oils that can saturate cells with missing microelements and produce an excellent rejuvenating effect.
  2. Belita Mesocomplex - this anti-aging product from a Belarusian manufacturer has many good reviews thanks to hyaluronic acid, which enriches its composition.
  3. Cream-lifting Bark - has a good nourishing and moisturizing effect.

Face cream after 60 years - rating

What are the features of the self-care process during this period? Such mature skin will require more effective, and therefore more expensive, products. It should be borne in mind that even the most effective anti-aging cosmetics after 60 years will not smooth out all wrinkles, but thanks to the use of such creams, the face will look much more well-groomed:

  1. Vichy Ideal Skin Slip - its composition will help cells regenerate during night sleep.
  2. Oley Regenerist - this anti-aging product gives a good lifting effect due to the content of hyaluronic acid, collagen and peptide, which stimulates regenerative processes in the dermis.
  3. Kanebo Sensei - this cream can additionally saturate the skin with collagen; when using it, many women noted as a result a tightening of the oval of the face and a reduction in wrinkles.

Cosmetics for men after 30 years

Today, among the male population, there is a clear tendency to use appropriate personal care products in adulthood. A special feature of cosmetics for men over 30 years of age is its lighter texture so that it can better penetrate the skin, because this skin of strong men is denser than that of women. You can start anti-aging care with the following products:

  • Tony Moly Regencia is a light emulsion with regenerating components from a well-known Korean manufacturer that can be used immediately after shaving.
  • Health & Beauty - an effective cream that restores and at the same time protects the skin.

Cosmetics for men over 40 years old

At this age, wrinkles already clearly appear on a man’s face, and the skin can no longer quickly regenerate after frequent shaving and becomes drier. Cosmetics for men over 40 years of age should contain effective ingredients that can launch recovery processes. This category of anti-aging products includes:

  • Shiseido Men cream;
  • anti-aging cosmetics Clarins Men Line Control;
  • Premier for Men - an effective night restorative cream, etc.

How to choose anti-aging cosmetics

What should you pay attention to in order to choose effective care for mature skin? You shouldn’t rely only on other people’s reviews or believe all the advertising slogans from catalogues—evaluate the facts: what ingredients are included in a particular product. For this reason, you should not expect that an effective cream will be inexpensive. An anti-aging product must contain active ingredients that can penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin and produce changes there, and the production of such a product is always expensive.

Also, you should not hope that all the problems of mature and aging skin will be solved by only one, even the best anti-aging face cream - you should always remember about systemic care: proper cleansing, exfoliation, and only then - moisturizing, nourishing and protecting. For effective care, it is good to use serums - they are better absorbed by the skin and transport beneficial substances into its deeper layers. It is better to choose an eye cream with a lifting effect, because the thin skin in this area is always very susceptible to age-related changes.