The presence of a larva is indicated by the presence of at least some of the following signs. Especially if there is at least one of the first four.

- Do you have any addiction or bad habit? Especially if it doesn’t bring you pleasure, but you can’t live without it.
- Do you have any psycho-emotional problems? For example, depression, irritability, anger, fears, etc.
- You have debilitating dreams, whether scary, disturbing or erotic.
- In the morning you get out of bed tired and lethargic, so you have to drink coffee or resort to other doping to increase your tone.
— You are bothered by periodic pain in the back and head.
— Fingers and toes often become cold.
- Vision sometimes becomes somewhat blurry.
- Sometimes there is a painful or “sucking” sensation in the abdominal area.
- Feels cold or heaviness in the kidney area.

How to diagnose the presence of larva more accurately?


This practice is as safe and beneficial as washing dirty hands. It is worth noting that it can be carried out both for yourself and for other people. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to explain to them what exactly you are doing. The only prerequisite is the presence of a request - a request for help on their part. Otherwise, the law may work: “if they don’t ask, don’t interfere.” Without a request, you can only help blood relatives, husband or wife (boyfriend or girlfriend does not fall into this category).

- Sit comfortably, relax and imagine that you are covered with a large cloth spread around you on the floor. In case of helping another person, you need to do everything the same, only instead of yourself, imagine him covered with a cloth, etc.
- Imagine that it is soaked in any flammable liquid, for example, alcohol or gasoline. Try to feel the wet fabric and the characteristic smell.
“Imagine that you set fire to this fabric, and it burns with a blue flame from the outside, without harming you.
— The edges of the fabric slowly rise, at the end it is completely raised above the head.
- Continue to lift the edges up and close them, thereby forming a kind of container that burns inside.
- Shrink this container to the size of a hazelnut, increasing the temperature and brightness.
“Imagine that a hole has opened in the floor leading to the very center of the earth, there is enormous pressure and heat down there. Send this “hazelnut” there and close the hole.

Symptoms of liberation from larva:

If the cause of your problems was larva, the following signs will occur:

- A wave of heat or chills will pass through the body.
- Warmth will spread across your back and neck.
— Your fingers and toes will become warmer.
- There will be a feeling of warmth in the solar plexus.
- Vision will stop blurring.
“It will feel as if some weight has been lifted from your back.”
- Headaches will stop almost completely.
- There will be liberation from psycho-emotional problems.
— Getting rid of bad habits or addictions.
- Stopping bad dreams.
- Feeling good in the morning.

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Maflock is powered by low frequency. When he attaches himself to the owner, he begins to control him. He controls, of course, not your actions, but your emotions, causing you to be offended, angry, irritated even in those moments that, it would seem, should not cause such emotions in you.

We all know examples when various types of crimes were committed in a state of passion. What kind of condition is this? This is a state when a person does not control his body, when the body does not have Consciousness. After a crime, such people are asked: “why did you commit a crime?” He says: “I don’t know.” - “How did you do it?” - "I do not remember". Then a logical question arises: “Who controlled the body of this person at that moment?” Someone else, for example the astral

How to avoid the possibility

infection by such entities? Have less contact with strongly negative people. Do not condemn or blame them under any circumstances. Try to produce positive emotions by... Listen to music that has a positive effect on consciousness: classics, spiritual music, mantras.

How to get rid of maflock

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The bad reputation of this word stretches back to the beginning of history. The larva was first mentioned in ancient mythology. What does this name mean? It comes from the Latin word larva (larva). The meaning of the word is ghost or mask. The ancient Romans called larvas (or larvas) evil restless spirits who, after death, plotted intrigues on the living.

Along with larvae, ancient mythology also mentions lemurs. The word we used to call cute Madagascar animals originally meant night ghosts. Carl Linnaeus, who classified species in the 18th century and chose this name, was guided by the nocturnal lifestyle of these animals and their slow manner of movement. Before this, for several centuries in a row, Europe united larvae and lemurs into one concept - an evil ghost. Until now, in many European languages, the word “lemur” (lemur) is an analogue and translation of the Russian word “larva”. What is a lemur in the understanding of the Romans - read below.

Lemuria - holidays of the dead

The ancient Romans, noble lovers of celebrations, dedicated a separate celebration to the restless spirits of the dead. Lemuria (or Lemuralia) was celebrated in mid-May. Later, echoes of this holiday influenced the tradition of Walpurgis Night (the night of May 1st), when witches and demons gather to dance on the Great Sabbath.

Lemuralia was celebrated in order to drive away spirits from one's home. The rituals of this day were performed to protect themselves, their loved ones and their home, for example, it was necessary to walk around it barefoot at exactly midnight.

Lyarva: modern interpretation

Where do larvae come from?

Larvae are often inherited. Often there is a habit or vice in a family that travels from generation to generation. In the magical community, it is generally accepted that in this way a certain larva is passed on from relative to relative.

Lyarva grows up on negative feelings. When you constantly experience unpleasant emotions for the same reason, you thereby feed the larva. External circumstances deliberately adjust to your mood, and a vicious circle is created. With your attitude, you attract failures and unpleasant events, you become even more upset about this and feed the larva, then you attract new failures. How to get rid of larva? The only way out is to change your behavior and attitude towards certain things happening in your life. The less attention we pay to any external factor, the less it affects our life, well-being and mood.

Calculate the larva: signs in a person

  • You have some kind of bad and potentially harmful habit that has become a constant routine for you - for example, smoking or overeating. You realize that you have long grown together with her and cannot give it up so easily. If the larva has grown and penetrated deep into the energy field, this is no longer just a habit, but a vicious passion, like alcoholism or drug addiction.
  • You are in a depressed emotional state - you feel depressed, resentful, possibly angry. What is typical is that you do not make significant efforts to level out your emotional state.
  • You don't sleep well, can't fall asleep for a long time, or wake up from nightmares. The daily routine is most likely significantly disrupted.
  • You can’t get up in the morning cheerful and rested - after sleep you feel exhausted and need additional stimulants like strong tea or coffee.
  • You feel a constant malaise, which seems to do no particular harm, but nevertheless spoils your mood and limits you in some way.

If you realize that any of the above points apply to you, then it's time to make changes in your life. Insignificant at first, but numerous and regular leaks of psychophysical energy affect the quality of your life, and over time can lead to chronic diseases and undermine your health.

Lamia - "sisters" of larvae

Often, along with larvae, other harmful creatures are mentioned - lamias. The mythology of Ancient Greece mentions several women named Lamia. The story of each of them is sad - for one reason or another, the gods turned her into a snake-like monster and took away her beauty.

In a later tradition, the word lamia from the name became a common noun - this is how they began to call creatures who, entering the form of a young girl, attract naive victims and suck the energy out of them.

Sensual individuals who tend to become fixated on pleasure and sensory experiences can often be susceptible to lamia attacks. It is not for nothing that mythology depicts these creatures as female monsters who have an attractive appearance, but entail death and destruction. Incorrect implementation of sexual energy leads to personality degradation.

Getting rid of and protecting from lamia lies in changing the nature of the energy. It is worth remembering that energy can take the forms that we give it, and “melt” low-level energy into its higher forms. It was this process that Sigmund Freud called sublimation. The easiest way to process sexual energy, which largely involves physical resources, is sports. Dancing is a higher level, because in addition to physical work, there is also emotional work. More refined and spiritual natures release tension of any kind, including psychosexual, into creativity and meditation.

Expulsion of the larva

If you practice working with energies and have been able to diagnose larva, you can try to get rid of it yourself, without the help of a specialist. It all depends on what kind of magic you practice.

A good and universal method is to use visualization. You need to imagine that you are clearing your energy field and the space around you. You can imagine that your aura lights up with a quiet blue flame (blue is a calm color, it will allow you to remain relaxed and will not lead to emotional overload). In this flame, all the excess garbage that has accumulated in your biofield, including larvae, burns.

You can visualize the water element and imagine that your aura is being washed by a powerful stream of water: you are standing in the rain or under a waterfall and becoming cleaner and stronger.

If you practice working with the elements, then instead of visualization, materialize them in the process of cleansing the larvae. For example, take a swim in a natural, clean pond. To cleanse not only the body, but also the energy field, remain focused on your goal and remember that you are performing a magical ritual.

If you are used to working with fire, use it in the cleansing process. If you adhere to the Christian tradition, then the ideal option would be cleansing with a church candle. There is no special prayer for larvae, but you can pray in your own words to any Christian saint whom you deem necessary in this situation.

Protection from larva

How to strengthen your energy field? At the everyday level, any activity that affects your willpower and endurance, making you feel more confident, will help. Most often this is sports. Any interesting hobby - dancing, singing, art - also has a beneficial effect on energy.

Secrets of the magician: how to minimize the risk of larva

The meaning of the word "magician" is a person who works with the hidden knowledge of this world. Like no one else, he is exposed to the dangers of out-of-body planes - mental, astral, energetic. He must constantly study himself and monitor his thoughts and emotions. Every day and for any reason, it is worth asking yourself clarifying questions: what I like and what I don’t like, why I feel it, why I think about it, why I do this, and so on. This will help you track the energy flows around you and understand where you draw strength from and where there is leakage. Having calculated the leak, you will understand how to deal with larvae.

If you notice that any factor that irritates you has appeared, take it as a signal of an emerging gap in your energy field. It is necessary to take action before a “hole” appears. You should purposefully downplay the importance of the factor that catches you. Think about previous situations in your life when something initially caused you a storm of emotions, and over time - only a slight smile and surprise (and why did you react so violently?). Typical examples include your first school crush or, conversely, an annoying classmate. As a rule, time erases all feelings, leaving only memories. Imagine that after a certain period, the situation that now irritates you will become just a memory. This is most often difficult to realize, but it is possible with proper concentration. Be aware of your place in the world and the insignificance of all everyday troubles on the scale of a living and conscious Universe.

Always have something in your life that you can use to distract yourself from any negative factor and where you can throw out emotions of any kind. Everyone has their own ways: some, motivated by anger, plunge headlong into work and ensure career growth, others splash out the negativity by communicating with friends. Whatever you come up with, remember balance and harmony.

Lyarva or spinelessness?

In fact, when we talk about the presence of energy larvae in a person’s life, we thus personalize his problems. In hopeless situations, the easiest way is to transfer responsibility to a mythical creature from another dimension and attribute all your troubles to him. Of course, it’s easy to rely on the fact that nothing works out not because insufficient forces were applied, but because these same forces are being eaten by a larva that has sucked onto the astral plane.

What's really going on? Typical transfer of responsibility. It is important not only to identify the larva (i.e. the problem), but also to work to eradicate it. Ritualizing the process of getting rid of gives a good flow of energy. Our mind is designed in such a way that if you didn’t just tell yourself “I’m quitting smoking,” but performed a whole ritual for this endeavor, then the likelihood of relapse is much lower. After the ceremony, you will experience an unusual elation and awe, which will allow you to emotionally rise above the ordinary.

If there is a suspicion that the integrity of the energy shell is broken and there is an entry of an entity, you need to analyze your behavior or the person who has signs of bioenergetic infection. When a destructive essence is present in the energy system, the carrier develops obsessive thoughts of suicide, a sudden craving for alcohol, tobacco, drugs, gambling, vagrancy, and promiscuity. Victims of settlement hear voices that advise them to quickly take their own lives, commit murder, or cause pain to loved ones. The settlers instill unreasonable fears in their hosts, feeding on the energy of a person when he is in a state of horror.

What areas of the aura are vulnerable?

Let's move from words to action!

If you realize that you have become a victim of sharing, there is no need to panic. Panic will only strengthen the destructive essence. Under no circumstances should you let the situation take its course. Urgently look for a specialist who will help get rid of the alien, cleanse the aura, restore energy exchange in it, and protect the energy shell! The longer the settler lives at the expense of the victim, the stronger he is. Particularly difficult cases in magical practice are symbiotes, when the energies of the host and the inhabitant are so intertwined that getting rid of the entity becomes a dangerous, unpredictable process. A special category consists of people who understand that the settler is destroying them, but still cannot decide to get rid of him. This is an important sign of the presence in a person’s aura of a destructive entity that presses for pity and seeks to use the positive qualities of the carrier against him.

Rituals for ridding people of energy settlers and cleaning auras are performed on the waning moon. Rituals are carried out in the morning and afternoon. Lunar days are an important point in determining dates for rituals. Practicing magicians prefer to perform exorcism rituals when the phases of the moon change. Energy-wise, this time is difficult, but it is fertile ground for magical actions. An important condition for effectively getting rid of settlers is the help of Higher Powers. In order for the energy of the Universe to have an effective impact, it is necessary to observe fasts during the days of cleansing the aura from destructive entities, or at best, fast. The rituals of expelling settlers must be performed on an empty stomach. It is important that not only the exorcist reads the prayers, but also the patient repeats the sacred words silently or out loud.

Chapter 1.

“With every person there are good spirits and evil ones; through good spirits a person is united with heaven, and through evil spirits with hell; these spirits are in the world of spirits, which is between heaven and hell. … When these spirits come to a person, they enter all his memory and then all his thinking; evil spirits are included in those accessories of his memory and thinking that relate to evil, and good spirits - in those accessories that relate to good.

Spirits do not at all know that they are with a person, but when they are with him, they think that everything that is in his memory and thought belongs to them; they do not see the person himself, because objects visible in the light of our sun are hidden from their sight. The Lord takes great care to ensure that spirits do not know that they are with a person; if they knew this, they would begin to talk to him, and then the evil spirits would destroy him, because the evil spirits, having united with hell, want nothing more than to destroy a person not only regarding the soul, that is, faith and love, but also relative to the body. ... That such a union of spirits with a person really exists, I know so well from continuous experience for many years that I don’t know anything more reliable. ...

I will also say what the communication of heaven with good spirits and the communication of hell with evil consist of, and then what the connection of heaven and hell with man consists of. All spirits in the world of spirits communicate with either heaven or hell; evil spirits are with hell, and good spirits are with heaven. ...

Such spirits are attached to a person as he himself is regarding his feelings or love; but good spirits are joined to him by the Lord, while evil spirits are attracted by the person himself. The spirits that are with a person change, depending on the change in his feelings. ...

If, for example, people are devoted to self-love, self-interest, vindictiveness or adultery, then they have spirits with similar properties, and these spirits, so to speak, dwell in the unkind feelings of a person; The less good spirits can keep him from evil, the more evil spirits inflame him, and the more their passions reign in him, the more they become attached to him and do not retreat from him. In this way the evil man is united with hell, and the good man with heaven.”

In other words, a person becomes dependent on his own thought process, to which the corresponding spirits join. As a result, a person falls into slavery, constantly spending his life energy on reproducing the corresponding kind of thoughts, emotions and actions. This is how obsession occurs unnoticeably.

Chapter 2.

Field Life Form Purification

In order to destroy the “shell”, it is necessary to raise the energy of the field life form to the energy level of the “shell” (this is one of the main methods). When the energy of the body reaches the level of energy of the “shell”, the latter is destroyed. Powerful energies, its components, are released, and convulsions run through the body, it is filled with heat, cold, etc. The emotional component of the “shell” is experienced anew. It is as if a person finds himself in the age period when he received this psychological clamp, and experiences it again. Having freed himself from the “shell”, a person feels completely different, becomes more efficient, etc.

The disease at the physical level goes away unnoticed after some time. For example, a tumor in the area of ​​the lungs or larynx comes out in the form of coughing up a sticky mass, constipation disappears, hemorrhoids disappear by themselves, etc.

Principles of Field Life Form Purification

Circulatory breathing

Breathing is used to provide access to the "shells" and "distortions" in the field form of human life. This breathing refers to any type of breathing that meets the following criteria.

1. Inhalation and exhalation are interconnected so that there is no pause in breathing.

2. Exhalation is spontaneous, without tension, naturally following inhalation.

3. Inhalation and exhalation must be done through the nose. In some cases, breathing through the mouth is allowed.

As a result of frequent circulatory breathing (60...80 times per minute), energy is pumped into the field life form and its circulation is enhanced. A person breathing in this way feels the flow of energy, feels where it is blocked (pain, distension) by a “shell” or distortion. Air enters the lungs in limited quantities, because it circulates, or “oscillates,” in the area of ​​the nasopharynx. This is an important feature of this breathing. You do not draw air into your lungs, but drive it into your nasopharynx through sharp sniffing movements and passive exhalation.

With this method of breathing - active inhalation, passive exhalation - the sympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system is activated, which enhances metabolic processes in the body, increases the content of red blood cells, sugar and hormones in the blood, stops the development of inflammatory processes and allergic reactions (adrenal corticoids have a powerful anti-inflammatory action), raises blood pressure, dilates the bronchi. Due to the fact that the air seems to stand still in the lungs, carbon dioxide also accumulates in the body. As a result, perspiration appears and skin pores open. These signs (energy flow, swelling in the area of ​​the clamps, perspiration) indicate that you are breathing correctly. In other words, this method of breathing activates the body to heal and strengthen itself.

During long-term cyclic exercises, and circulatory breathing is one of them (remove the motor component in running, and you will only have circulatory breathing), due to the constant volitional effort to maintain the proper intensity of the above-described breathing, the human body begins to produce natural opiates - endorphins. Acting in greater and greater quantities, they independently cause and maintain a state of ecstasy and euphoria.

Endorphins, causing sthenic emotions, additionally activate the sympathetic department of the autonomic nervous system, stimulating the body's defenses and providing it with energy.

There are different types of circulatory breathing, which differently change the intensity and shape of the flow of energy circulating in the field life form. This in turn leads to the activation of certain mental clamps. Therefore, different types of circulatory breathing bring specific effects. Breathing can be changed according to the following parameters: increase or decrease the volume of inhalation, vary the speed of inhalation, inhale air into the lower, middle or upper part of the lungs, breathe through the nose or mouth (breathing through the mouth is ineffective due to the low absorption of energy that is absorbed in the nasal canals) .

The filling of the lungs may change - upper or lower parts. If you feel the “shell” coming out of the head or upper body, then breathing from the tops of your lungs will make the process easier; if the exit begins in the legs or lower body, then breathe with your stomach. It is important to note the following - proper circulatory breathing does not cause hyperventilation and does not flush carbon dioxide from the body. It pumps you up with energy. Arms, legs, the whole body begins to “hum.” This is an important sign that you are breathing correctly.


The main purpose of completely relaxing the body is to remind you that the breath helps increase the flow of energy in the body, and you can either relax into it and allow it to heal you, or become stiff, which will cause even more tension. Relaxation of the body when breathing occurs by itself due to the fact that you get tired of maintaining the rhythm of breathing (fatigue of the brain structures responsible for maintaining breathing causes widespread inhibition in the cerebral cortex, which leads to relaxation and immersion in a kind of hypnotic state).

But active inhalation, stimulating the sympathetic department of the autonomic nervous system, allows you to constantly maintain a high concentration of attention, which is especially important for complete muscle relaxation and concentration on emerging emotions and sensations.

When the body is relaxed, tight areas become more aware. Remember - the area of ​​the body that does not “want” to relax is stuffed with energy, forming a “sink”. In complete relaxation, it is much easier to feel the flow of energy in the field form of life. Immediately at the very moment the “shell” comes out, relaxation helps because the energy formed by the mental clamp is released and, not restrained by muscle tension, freely leaves the body.

Tetany is a contraction (twitching) of muscles during the exit of the “shell” from the body. During field cleansing, this most often occurs in the hands and facial muscles (especially the mouth), as well as in other parts of the body where there was an energy block. In order to reduce tetany or avoid it altogether, it is necessary not to focus on it, but, on the contrary, to relax and experience the unpleasant sensation as very pleasant.

Body position

Practitioners of the method of purifying the field form of life are recommended to take a supine position, do not cross their legs, and palms up. But we must remember that the field form of life, representing a spatial formation in which energy circulates, will better “wash out” “emotional garbage” and other suppressions from individual areas when its form changes, and the energy flow increases due to this. For example, when there is strong fear or sadness, it is better to curl up in a ball.

It is important to know the following: once you are in a comfortable position, do not move or scratch again during the cleansing session. Instead of moving or scratching, you have the opportunity to experience the feeling of wanting to do it. This is one of the best ways to quickly activate the energy of suppression and easily remove it.

Concentration of attention

During a cleansing session, you need to focus on the sensations in your body. When they come out, the “shells” can cause any sensation: it can be localized pain, tickling, a cat howling on the street, a memory of something, etc. Therefore, pay your attention to any sensation that arises at the moment.

So, when you have any sensations, you focus your attention on them and examine every detail that you feel. Focus on it until it disappears. Perceive the unpleasant aspect of the sensation as very pleasant.

The hypnotic state that arises due to the fatigue of the center maintaining the required level of circular breathing makes it possible to better “grasp” all the details of activated suppressions. And the constant activation of the sympathetic department of the autonomic nervous system, again by circulatory breathing, allows you to constantly maintain a high concentration of attention to completely relax the muscles and focus on the emotions and sensations that arise and better remove them.

Repressed emotions are arranged in “layers.” Each layer of suppression is formed at a certain time in your life. So when a suppressed layer of energy comes out, it usually activates another suppressed layer underneath it. As a result of this, you can move from one sensation to another, because layers of suppression are formed from various suppressed emotions and sensations.

Understand the main thing - every time during a cleansing session something begins to “distract attention,” this means that suppressed energy appears, which draws your attention to itself, demanding concentration on it and feeling it in all details at that very moment.


The essence of this principle is that every person is constantly in a state of ecstasy, no matter what he feels. The Katha Upanishad says: The root cause is the Atman, the Purusha, which created man, constantly enjoys its creation, no matter what a person feels - bad or good. But the body and mind divide all sensations into useful - pleasant and harmful - unpleasant. Harmful and unpleasant sensations cause “shells” in the field form of life - suppression.

Positive emotions (ecstasy is the strongest of them) affect the hypothalamus (after all, it is associated with the formation of emotions), which contains structures that regulate the functions of all levels of the autonomic nervous system. Let us recall that the autonomic nervous system ensures the regulation of the endocrine glands - thyroid, pancreas, genitals, adrenal glands, etc.; functions of internal organs - heart, liver, kidneys, etc.; blood vessels, mucous membranes, muscles, etc. This is the healing effect of ecstasy on the physical body.

Now you have to transform everything negative that will be “washed out” by circulatory breathing from the depths of the field life form (in other words, the subconscious), into positive. In other words, you will again experience fear, anger, etc., not being frightened or angry, but admiring their strength and brightness. You must experience them positively, rejoicing and glorifying. To put this into practice, there are several methods.

Be grateful

Every person has a feeling of gratitude for existence, for being here, for the opportunity to feel everything. But most people are limited in their sense of gratitude and acknowledge gratitude only for certain things. But in reality, all you have is the present moment. So be grateful for every detail of it!

Adequate comparison

If you compare a paper cup with a beautiful crystal glass, it will seem like garbage to you. But if you compare it with itself, it turns out to be a normal means to pour water into it. If your hands have a cramp and you compare it with the usual feeling in your hands, then the cramp will turn out to be a painful and unpleasant thing. But if the cramp is compared with itself, then it will seem like a sweet feeling of energy in the hands. The same can be said about pain. Don't compare it to anything, but enjoy the feeling of intense manifestation of energy.

Recognition of benefit

Knowing what is happening to you during a cleansing session creates a feeling of gratitude.


The sensations that arise in your body should arouse your interest and fascination with energy overflows. In some cases, this is quite enough for cleansing.

Love for everything, delight and admiration for everything

Love every moment of your life. If you love everything that exists simply because it exists, then you will have a crystal clear field life form. Admire every little thing and you'll be cleansing in no time. To drive away something means to stop cleansing and create a new psychological clamp - to form a “sink”.

As a result of applying the principle of ecstasy, you will be freed from mental tensions and will be clean of “shells”, which means you will be healthier and more energetic. The glorification of life in all cases causes an increase in the tone of the physical body, and laughter is a sign of successful cleansing.


When conducting a cleansing session, completely trust the cleansing process. What may come out of you: fears, horrors and much more, has such a strong impact that you want to stop it all, not relive it, and therefore keep it within yourself. This cannot be allowed to happen. All this evil spirits that interfere with your life and destroy your body must be thrown out. Basically you will experience two processes of shells coming out.

The first has the form of catharsis and response, which consists of twitching, trembling, coughing, gasping for breath, gagging, screaming, etc., which means increased activity of the sympathetic department of the autonomic nervous system. The second is that deep tensions manifest themselves in the form of prolonged contractions and prolonged spasms. The body expends a huge amount of its own energy to maintain such muscle tension and, freed from it, functions much more easily.

You may have doubts. Doubts are the same psychological pressure that leads to the formation of a “sink”. If you doubt this cleansing technique, then you will not succeed. The entire previous theoretical part is intended to dispel your doubts and instill faith in success and unconditional recovery. Act with unshakable faith in success, fully trust the process of self-healing using the natural mechanisms described, and you will succeed. Remember, this technique only works effectively when you completely trust it and act boldly.

The healing potential of music

Various forms of sound exposure have been used for centuries as a powerful means of altering consciousness. Monotonous drumming and chants were the main instrument of shamans in various parts of the world (here, fatigue of the auditory analyzer and subsequent inhibition in the cerebral cortex are used, which causes a hypnotic state). Various drum rhythms have, according to laboratory data, a strong effect on brain activity.

In many spiritual traditions, methods of sound influence have been carefully developed, causing not only a state of trance, but also having a targeted influence on its course. This primarily includes Tibetan polyphonic singing, sacred chants of various Sufi orders, and the ancient art of Kada Yoga (the method of unity through sound).

It has long been known about the specific connection between certain sound vibrations and chakras. By systematically using this knowledge, one can influence the state of consciousness in the desired and predictable direction. Here are some examples of this use of music.

Good music has special value in non-ordinary states of consciousness. It helps to discover old forgotten psychological pressures and express them, strengthen and deepen the process, and also gives meaning to the experience, making it more meaningful. A continuous musical “flow” creates a carrier wave that helps a person move through the difficulties of the experience, overcome psychological defenses, humble himself and free himself. Specially selected music helps to activate hidden aggression, physical pain, sexual (there are a lot of psychological pressures on this basis) or sensual sensations, etc.

To use music as an accelerator for activating mental tensions, you need to learn to listen to it and relate to it in a new way. During a cleansing session, it is very important to completely surrender to the musical flow, allow it to resonate throughout the body and respond to it in a spontaneous manner. This means giving free rein to everything that arises under the influence of music: screaming, laughter, any sounds that rise to the surface, various grimaces, spinning of individual parts of the body, vibrations or bending of the whole body, etc.

At the same time, you should not try to guess the composer, evaluate the performance, etc. In other words, while listening to music, remove your analytical mind. Your job is to allow the music to spontaneously act on the psyche and body. In this case, music becomes a powerful tool for reproducing and maintaining an unusual state of consciousness. The combination of music with breathing leads to a mutual enrichment of techniques and helps to achieve amazing power.

As for the selection of music, the choice is very wide - from classical to natural sounds of nature (the sound of the wind, the voices of wolves, birdsong, insect sounds, etc.). Give preference to music that is highly artistic, little-known, and has no specific content. If it contains words, they should be in a language you do not know. The selection of music is carried out depending on what psychic clamp you want to activate and remove.

Use the music of “Time is the Wind” and fragments from “Album X” by the German composer Klaus Schulz, “Shakti” by John McLaughlin, “Isle of the Dead” by Rachmaninoff and Sufi recordings called “Islamic Mystical Brotherhood” in the first cleansing sessions.

The works of the American composer Alan Ovaniess “All Men Are Brothers”, “The Mysterious Mountain” turned out to be very effective for the middle cleansing sessions; “Poem of Ecstasy” by Scriabin, “The Rite of Spring” by Stravinsky; ballet “Romeo and Juliet” by Prokofiev (“Montagues and Capulets”, “The Crypt of Romeo and Juliet”). Ethnic samples include the Balinese Monkey Hymn and authentic recordings of African tom-toms.

In the final cleansing sessions, as you calm down, the music selection shifts toward flowing meditative passages: “Harold in Italy” by Hector Berlioz; "Revival of the Celtic Harp" by Elan Stivell; "Inside the Taj Mahal", "Inside the Great Pyramid" by Paul Horne; "Big Sur Tapestries" by Charles Lloyd; American Sufi music "Habibbiya"; music for flute from the Andes highlands (“Urubamba”), Japanese “Shakuhachi”; music for Zen and yogic meditations by Tony Scott, Tibetan polyphonic chant, various Indian ragas, Vajayans and kirtans (especially the Om Nama Shivaya chant) and other recordings of the Ganeshpuri group, as well as music by Stephen Halpern, George Jean Kelly and Brian Eno .

Personally, I use the album “Zoolook” by the French composer Jean-Michel Jarre. This is great music for activating psychological pressures. I also use music specially composed by me from these works, which in an unexpected way helps to activate psychic pressures and effectively cleanses the field form of life. If you do not find the specified music, then I can send you the recordings.

Recommendations for musical sound during a cleansing session are as follows: at the very beginning, music should provoke and activate suppressed emotional garbage, in the middle bring it to a climax - release, and then calm the person. One cleansing session can last from 15 minutes to 2...3 hours. Usually between 15...45 minutes there is a “breakthrough” of tightness, which means the success of the session and its completion. Older and more powerful psychological clamps require 2...3 hours of work. Because to activate them, much more energy is needed, which is provided by circulatory breathing.

Method of purification of the field form of human life

1. Set yourself up to admire everything you feel.

2. You will perceive all sensations as beautiful, internally glorifying them.

3. Turn on the music and take a relaxed, comfortable position, preferably lying down.

4. You begin to perform circulatory breathing easily, simply and self-regulating. You should not have the effect of “pumping up” your lungs - as a result of several quick breaths, you fill your lungs to the limit and there is nowhere to inhale further, and you make a forced long exhalation. The exhalation is spontaneous and relaxed, keeping pace with the fast, active inhalation.

5. Everything that pops up in your consciousness (fears, worries, etc.), that you sense and feel in your physical body (strong localized pain, as if a stake has been driven in), is bliss for you. You “bathe” in a boundless ocean of varied bliss, feeling and experiencing it in the smallest detail.

6. Everything you do (voluntary movements, screams, etc.) leads to the cleansing of your being from filth.

7. Finish the cleansing session only after a sufficient number of psychic clamps have been activated, “come out” to the surface and have been removed. As a result, you will feel great, internally liberated and lighter.

Practical advice

In order to master the field life form cleansing technique without unnecessary hassle, start practicing it for 5 minutes. Then gradually increase to 30 minutes. And only after you feel that you are doing well, spend more time fulfilling the conditions of point 7.

Due to the fact that each person has an incredibly large number of “shells” and other mental clamps and suppressions (“slag capacity” of the field form of life is enormous, it is many hundreds, or even thousands of times greater than that of the physical body, but it also has limit), the process of purification of a field life form lasts for several years (if you regularly practice purification sessions, every other day for 1-2 hours, then a year or even less is enough). But the beneficial effects of the above healing mechanisms on the physical body are felt much faster. Every cleansing session done correctly makes you healthier and your life better.

Important information about the method of purifying a field life form

All this happens due to the fact that during circulatory breathing the field life form is energetically denser, and a circulation of energy is felt. This has a pressing effect on mental pressures, and they manifest themselves in the form of “hard” and painful formations. As soon as the energy of the body is equalized with the energy of the psychological clamp, it “dissolves” and its release begins.

Examples of Field Life Form Purification

1. “2 months have passed since I began to cleanse the field life form, while simultaneously doing urine therapy.

I started breathing for 5 minutes, as you recommended. During the sessions, a spasm passed through the body, even the legs were jumping on the bed. The pain spread in waves throughout my body. The muscles of my right arm were tense and very painful. The joints of the shoulder, elbow and right arm were twitching. The lymph node in my neck was tense and very painful. And my lungs felt like a driven stake.

(Where there is a blockage of energy by a psychic clamp, pain and “stakes” will occur. During the release of energy blockages that form the basis of the psychic clamp, you will feel convulsions, twitching, jumping of limbs, rolling waves, and the like.)

I conducted several breathing sessions a day, bringing my breathing to 45 minutes or even more.

(If you have time and desire, this is completely acceptable. When I was releasing mental stress, I studied twice a day for 45 minutes or more, in the morning and in the evening.)

During this time, the lymph node in my neck shrank, the swelling in the right palm of my hand went away, but the pain “stuck” in the shoulder and elbow joints.”

(Additionally, you can apply diuretic compresses to the places where the pain is “stuck.” You can also fast for up to 3…7 days on urine and continue to breathe.)

2. “At the moment, I have already cleansed my liver twice, I began to feel my body, and the color of my skin has changed. I do urine therapy and drink it in the morning. I wipe myself off with courses and take baths with evaporated water.

But when I breathe “happiness”, I get happiness. Cleaning the field uniform takes about an hour. Now I just felt better, otherwise I was cramping a lot, I was crying a lot.

(Crying indicates the release of emotional tensions.)

When I stop the session, I get up as if from a deep sleep. I'll rest - it becomes easier. I start working around the house. I can’t tell you how good I feel.”

(This feeling arises from saturating the body with energy. I recommend regularly performing circulatory breathing - it powerfully charges the body.)

3. “Since childhood, I have been weak and joyless. She became mentally ill and her nervous system failed. I read the books and realized that it is necessary to clean the field life form. The soul accepted the “Breath of Happiness.”

(Some people intuitively know what they need to be healthy.)

What do I feel when I breathe? Sometimes there is terrible itching all over the body (this happened only 1 time), yawning - even if you tear your mouth apart (starts after 20 minutes of breathing), and in other cases there is aching pain in many parts of the body (on the forehead, in the left and right hypochondrium, but most of all in the hands and feet, in the chest), twitching of the left and right legs, twitching of the right hand, increased salivation, involuntary swallowing, and sometimes coughing.

(A variety of mental clamps and the phenomenon of their release from the body are described.)

Sometimes I feel a kind of transfusion of water in my body (not rumbling), sometimes a “pulsation” (such as compression-expansion) - this is observed at the tip of the nose and at the elbow of my right hand. Sometimes I feel how some organs “move”.

But most importantly, when I breathe, I feel intense cold, first in my limbs, and sometimes throughout my body, I even “shake” from it.

(Apparently, this woman caught a cold in infancy. The energy of cold penetrated into the field form and inhibited all processes associated with heat. This immediately made the person weak. In addition to circulatory breathing, it is necessary to use strong procedures that warm the body - steam room, hot baths, eat spicy food, lubricate the body with olive oil.)

I breathe for 30 minutes, the best time is from 9 to 10 pm.”

4. “I am 58 years old, height 156 cm, weight 49 kg. At the age of 12-13 (I don’t remember exactly) - dry pleurisy. In the early 60s - sinusitis. At the end of April 1970, he was hospitalized for a stomach ulcer. I swallow Vikalin and everything else. There are practically no improvements, they are being discharged...

I see that I am doing something wrong, but I don’t know what exactly. I buy your 4-volume book and see how many mistakes I have made due to my illiteracy. Your books pointed out to me the disease of my field form.

(The main thing is to learn to balance the three life principles with the help of nutrition, lifestyle, and procedures. Yes, you also need to cleanse the field form of life. But balancing the life principles is the most important thing in self-healing and treatment.)

I started with meditation. At the second session, my left arm “jumped” by 15 centimeters. Then I began to master rebirthing. How hard it was for me! Nothing was remembered. But I mastered it.

On November 2, 1996, during a rebirthing session, at the end of the session, I clearly see such a skinny, hunched gray cat walking away from my feet. I even felt scared.

On November 30, during a session, I had severe pain in my shoulder and left arm. She gritted her teeth, held on, then let go. And a few days later, at the beginning of the session (I do it in the morning after 5 o’clock), a strong sound was heard in the corner where I was lying on the bed. It was as if a bomb had exploded, I was so scared that I could not continue the session. What does this all mean?

(The energy connection has come off.)

Chapter 3.

Demons and ways to get rid of them

Italian researcher Luciano Boccone conducted a series of experiments that showed that the space around us is filled with invisible to the human eye, but real creatures. Beccone called them “critters,” that is, “creatures.”

In the desert area of ​​Arenzano, on a high hill, Boccone created his research base. He equipped it with modern equipment for recording electromagnetic and gravitational fields and various types of radiation. As soon as the instruments noted an unusual deviation in the parameters, cameras and movie cameras were automatically turned on. They recorded everything objectively.

After three years of such observations, Boccone came to the conclusion that energy forms of life exist in near-Earth space. How else can one explain that the most incredible creatures appeared on film - huge amoebas hanging in the air, mysterious winged creatures called “griffosaurs” or “neopterodactli”?.. Sometimes they were luminous quasi-human creatures, sometimes just blurry amorphous masses. Boccone suggested that energetic life is more ancient.

Boccone also came to the conclusion that these “creatures” are not just living, but also highly intelligent beings who are increasingly interfering in our lives today.

From the following we will learn what this “interference in our lives” is and how to deal with it.

1. “After reading your book “Cleansing the Body,” I decided to cleanse the field life form through circulatory breathing. Oh, what have I done?! Where did I go?!

I did everything as you teach in the method. During the session, I began to twist, bend, growl, and after the session, my hands were pulled up and they began to describe a figure above me. After a while, I calmed down and decided that the demon had left me, I was happy, my soul felt calm and light. After the second cleansing session, my hands again did strange things.

In the evening I decided to talk to the “spirit” that moved my hands. She relaxed her hands, concentrated and began to ask. The hands “talked” to me with elementary signs, listing those who could contact me, and settled on God.

(You see, at first he moved his hands, and now he started talking.)

Good people sent me to church to talk to the priest, and he immediately opened my eyes that it was a demon. At first I didn’t believe it, he sent me on a good deed - to heal people unselfishly, he extolled you - a great man, but at the same time he promised wealth, happiness, he praised me and my children.

(This is called “charm” - to charm your teeth so that you obey him, and imperceptibly lead you to destruction.)

That's what they pushed me to do.

This is how he seduces everyone, to which his heart is more inclined. And on the day when the Sons of Men become completely slaves to all this vanity and all these abominations, then he takes away, in the form of payment for pleasure, from the Sons of Men all the goodness that Mother Earth gave us in such abundance. He deprives them of breath, blood, bones, flesh, entrails, eyes and ears. The breath of the Sons of Men becomes short, intermittent and painful, it becomes fetid, like the breath of unclean animals. The blood of the Sons of Men thickens, spreading a sickening stench like water in a swamp. Their bones become deformed, become brittle, become covered with knots on the outside and decompose on the inside. Their skin becomes oily and swollen. Their insides are filled with disgusting sewage, forming rotting, fetid streams in which countless filthy worms nest. And so in the end the Son of Man loses his life due to his own mistakes...".)

Now I don’t make contact (with the demon), he torments me, pushes me to suicide, torments my soul. My only salvation is church, I go there every day, I read prayers, I have received communion once so far, but my soul has already become lighter, although my body is in a suspended state. Who are you?

(A common person.)

What forces rule you?

(The same as for all people.)

If they are dark, then keep in mind that no matter how bad I feel, I will not give up, I will fight. God is stronger than you.

(Interesting! Everything is presented in such a way that I am the demon who struck this woman.)

He will protect me, because I believed in his strength and power over everyone and over demons, no matter how evil they may be. And if you are just a person, then God will forgive you. And me too".

(This woman must fight with hunger and prayers. Lead a moral life so that other demons do not penetrate a person’s consciousness through his desires, feelings and ambitions.)

My cleansing is moving forward: for 2 winters I have been fasting for 7...12 days, almost monthly, this is already a need. Apparently, she reached a certain point where she began to throw off the creatures (and we are all covered with them and are energy food - that’s for sure).

She also wrote about how she fell in church and was painfully searching for an answer - why? I found it, read religious books bought in the church, went to confession, received communion, received unction, and did a lot of charity work (I helped myself and attracted others, it was even beyond my strength at times).

(This all points to one thing - a person is working on his character.)

And most importantly, I changed painfully, it was difficult to change myself, I thought a lot, and a lot was revealed to me. I prayed and pray incessantly. Religious commandments are so simple and natural that your whole life changes when you realize this. It turns out that it is very simple, and life goes completely differently when you understand this and change yourself.

(What did I tell you about!)

It was like this: through frequent hunger strikes and hard work, complete humility and inner peace, I was prepared for a miracle. And the following happened.

I had frequent bronchitis, then I had the flu in the winter (February) with a high fever, was hungry and drank urine (and my whole family, except my eldest son, had the flu). This was a month after the unction. I suffered terribly for 2 days. On the 3rd day I decided to breathe.

Then there were painful discharges through the larynx. It was as if someone was wielding a fiery sword.

(The higher and more powerful the energy center, the stronger the manifestations of its pathology or liberation from it.)

(This energy connection burst.)

For a long time there was a gurgling sound in the throat (and now there is, but less). After some time, the balls in my chest began to roll and began to rise to my throat with wild distension (“Lord have mercy” - silently at work), I endured it. This has disappeared, there remains some distension in the larynx, I endure it, I get rid of it. (Apply aspen and a diuretic compress.)

I fast often, especially on the 7th day after this exit. I was hungry for 5 days, remembering the “Gospel” that demons return to their clean and tidy house on the 7th day.

I understood why priests do not bless for long hunger: not everyone can endure these passions, it is very difficult to explain this to oneself.

To avoid visions, before breathing you must read “Lord, bless” or another prayer is necessary. All my visions stopped.

1. Never remove the cross.

2. Always pray morning and evening.

3. Keep the commandments.

4. Confess, receive communion.

5. Always help people.

6. Say the Jesus Prayer in all cases.

7. Keep calm inside.

8. Visit holy places.

(I advise you to listen to the practical experience of this woman and, if necessary, use it to the benefit of yourself and your loved ones.)

Further: I understood the purpose of a woman and mother - to change the fate of children, husband, loved ones, her city and country. By cleansing and praying, you change the lives of your loved ones beyond recognition. Knock and it will be opened to you. This idea can be developed ad infinitum.

Further: most of the diseases that people suffer from are caused by these entities. So much for your heart and blood pressure. I've been through this, so I know. My heart ached terribly, after leaving everything went away. People, work hard and don’t sin.

I threw all the books on magic into the trash and repented of it.”

Negative character traits: tendency to humiliate the weak, rudeness, anger, arrogance, hatred.

Sexual perversion, lust.

A selfish desire to stand out in an unconventional way. Combined with being overly impressionable, this can lead to other negative emotions and moods: anxiety, fear, hopelessness and envy.

Magic classes.

Symptoms indicating entity possession

A person is sick, melting before our eyes, no medicine helps him.

There is a feeling of severe weakness (this is a withdrawal of vital energy),

headaches are often observed (a channel in the head),

nausea to vomiting (energy is so strongly absorbed through the channel in the head that it forms a reverse flow and is expressed by vomiting),

· a lump in the throat, in the stomach (this is an indication of where, to which energy center the channel is linked),

· sometimes loss of consciousness (complete “blackout” of the body as a result of a large intake of energy),

· anger, aggressiveness (one boy strangled his sisters).

Often doctors cannot find the cause of the disease. With the expulsion of entities, or “demons,” many diseases disappear on their own or begin to be cured. The peculiarity is that negative energy can be applied to anything, even icons. I had one woman who prayed to an icon bought at the market, and she felt bad because the image of a witch was superimposed on the icon. (In order for your energy to flow somewhere, you need to create attention on your part to this subject. The act of prayer is attention, focusing on an image through which you can absorb energy.)

When expelling demons, she grunted, howled, barked like a dog... Demons can be infested if a person is not baptized, is not protected by prayer, does not keep God's commandments, is angry, envious, foul-mouthed... that is, with his emotions, thoughts, and actions he forms a certain energy field . (All real saints spent a huge amount of time in order to cleanse themselves of emotional rubbish, to align the structures of the field form of life distorted by it. I repeat once again, until a person changes his character, he is sick.)

Blessed water, incense, prayers, and a highly moral lifestyle help.

I’ll expand on this in more detail and accessibility. The very essence of man has the smell of incense. You yourself will feel this when you thoroughly cleanse your body, take urine from it and evaporate it.

And finally, prayer. Prayer is both the internal creation of a highly moral lifestyle and the attraction of Light Forces for protection.

Examples of exorcism

During the first session, Anna's apartment was flooded with whole hordes of invisible evil spirits, constantly slamming doors; Pictures were torn off the walls, glasses, plates, and jugs shook and shattered into small fragments. While two strong assistants of the exorcist held the girl in a lying position, someone's invisible hand was tearing her blouse and jeans at the seams. When she was left completely naked, bloody stripes began to appear on Anna’s body, as if someone was lashing her with a whip. The demonic entity possessed the girl so deeply that it took the exorcist a whole year to exorcise her.

2. The famous theologian and exorcist Father Candide spoke about how he cast out demons from a modest nun named Francesca. This nun once lifted herself off the floor and began to float in the air. During the flight, Francesca spoke with God and the saints. But the abbess of the monastery had doubts about what power really controlled the nun, and she called Father Candido.

John of Kronstadt took upon himself the feat of the cross as a confessor of Christ. Through his holy prayers, miracles and thousands of healings were performed. Many believers resorted to Father John during his lifetime in the hope of receiving healing from ailments. And almost always his prayer was heard.

Saint Righteous John, Presbyter and Wonderworker of Kronstadt.

First prayer

Oh, great servant of Christ, holy righteous Father John of Kronstadt, wondrous shepherd, quick helper and merciful representative!

Raising praise to the Triune God, you prayerfully cried out: “Your name is Love - do not reject me, the erring one. Your name is Strength - strengthen me, weak and falling. Your name is Light - enlighten my soul, darkened by worldly passions. Your name is Peace - pacify my restless soul. Your name is Mercy - do not cease to have mercy on me.”

Now, grateful to your intercession, the all-Russian flock prays to you, Christ-named and righteous servant of God! With your love, illumine us, sinners and weaklings, grant us the ability to bear worthy fruits of repentance and to partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ without condemnation. With your power, strengthen our faith in us, support us in prayer, heal ailments and illnesses, deliver us from misfortunes, visible and invisible enemies. With the light of your face, incite the servants and heads of the altar of Christ to perform holy deeds of pastoral work, grant education to infants, instruct youth, support old age, illuminate the shrines of churches and holy abodes. Die, most miraculous and visionary, the peoples of our country, by grace and the gift of the Holy Spirit, deliver them from internecine warfare; Gather up the squandered, convert and unite the most precious things of the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. By your grace, preserve marriage in peace and unanimity, grant success and blessings to monastics in good deeds, comfort the faint-hearted, free those suffering from unclean spirits, have mercy in the needs and circumstances of our lives, and guide us all on the path of salvation.

In Christ living, our Father John, lead us to the unevening light of eternal life, so that with you we may be worthy of eternal bliss, praising and exalting God forever and ever.

Second prayer

Oh, great wonderworker and wonderful servant of God, God-bearing Father John! Look at us and listen compassionately to our prayer, as if the Lord has vouchsafed great gifts to you, so that you may be an intercessor and a constant prayer book for us, because you are overcome by sinful passions and consumed by malice, you have neglected the commandments of God, you have not brought heartfelt repentance and tears of sighing, this For the sake of many sorrows and sorrows, you are worthy to appear.

But you, righteous father, having great boldness towards the Lord and compassion for your neighbors, beg the All-Bountiful Lord of the world to add His mercy to us and tolerate our iniquities, not to destroy us for our sin, but to mercifully grant us time for repentance.

Oh, saint of God, help us to immaculately observe the Orthodox faith and piously preserve the commandments of God, so that all iniquity may not possess us, the Truth of God will be put to shame in our untruths, but may we be honored to achieve a Christian death, painless, shameless, peaceful and partakers of the Mysteries of God.

We also pray to you, righteous father, for the hedgehog of our Holy Church to be established until the end of time, and ask for peace and abiding for our fatherland and preserve it from all evils, so that our people, preserved by God, are in unanimity of faith and in all piety and purity, in the beauty of spiritual brotherhood, sobriety and harmony testify: that God is with us! In Nemzhe we move and are, and we will remain forever.

St. Seraphim, the Wonderworker of Sarov (January 15, August 1 commemoration in church)

During his lifetime, the Holy Wonderworker Seraphim of Sarov helped everyone with advice and healing for various ailments. In prayer for the suffering, he ended his earthly journey - the brethren found him resting in his cell, kneeling before the image of the Mother of God.

Venerable Irinarch, Recluse and Wonderworker of Rostov (January 26 commemoration in church)

The Monk Irinarch took part in the salvation of his fatherland, without leaving his seclusion, with his prayer, advice and insight. He also healed the sick and demon-possessed by making them pray and fast or by placing his chains on them. The Monk Irinarchus died quietly while standing in prayer on January 13 (Old Style) 1616 at the 96th year of his life.

Saint Tikhon, Bishop of Voronezh, Zadonsk Wonderworker (commemoration in church on August 26)

Those possessed by demons received healing from the relics of this newly revealed saint of God.

Saint Lawrence, Recluse of Pechersk, Bishop of Turov (February 11 commemoration in church)

During his lifetime, Lawrence glorified himself with the gift of healing the demoniac, healing them from the evil spirits that weighed down their souls.

The Monk Macarius is a mentor at a Christian school in Alexandria. He wrote “A Sermon on the Exodus of the Soul from the Body and the Post-Death State of Man.” People pray to him for healing from demonic possession.

Interested persons can easily find prayers to these holy people on their own. Show your initiative, read the relevant literature, there is plenty of it.

Warning against practicing magic and fortune telling

The fact is that a person is inaccessible to the power of spirits and beings until he himself desires it or attracts them through appropriate behavior and thoughts.

Summoned spirits, creatures, etc. - these are information and energy formations of varying degrees of consciousness, which, for one reason or another, cannot have a physical body. And naturally, when they are given such an opportunity, they penetrate the field form of life of a fortuneteller, or a begging person, or a person performing a magical ritual (especially when protection is not put in place), suppress his personality and control the physical body and energies of this person at their own discretion .

Don't do this and don't get yourself into trouble.

Chapter 4.

Methods of protection against spoilage

What is damage

The concept of “damage” comes from the verb “to spoil”, that is, to worsen, damage, distort, do bad. Among the people, damage means illness from witchcraft and divination. There are all kinds of damage.

Most often, charmed belongings of the dead (water after washing) or other similar tricks are used for damage. You can read more about this in the relevant literature. Moreover, the main thing should be noted - the issue of damage is very serious and not so easy to solve.

The most characteristic features of damage

Damage can cause deterioration in health, even death.

Damage can cause mental illness - from a slight mental disorder to strong negative moods: melancholy, sadness, fear, anger. And this in turn can lead to schizophrenia, etc.

Damage can cause scandals in the family on a variety of grounds. For example, cause weakening and cooling of marital love, cause disgust of one of the spouses towards the other, cause hostility, etc.

Damage can make a person an alcoholic, a drug addict, a glutton, a pervert.

Damage can cause bad luck, failures in life, a streak of loss and loss.

Corruption leads to pride and self-will, exaltation of one’s ego.

Damage leads children to illness, mental retardation, unwillingness to work, and laziness in general.

Damage leads to hostility and hatred towards loved ones (friends, parents, children).

Spoilage leads to diseases in livestock and crop failure on your land.

The manifestation of the phenomenon of damage can include many other phenomena that in one way or another interfere with a person’s life and shorten its life.

Here is my retelling of one example of a sophisticated type of damage.

You can read the original in the Megapolis Express newspaper, No. 39, 1998.

“How a zombie abandoned Marina.” I. Zaitsev.

A woman came to the magician, whose husband had abandoned her with three children. The abandoned woman wanted one thing: her husband should be punished once and for all! The magician was convinced that the woman was right and began to act.

The damage was done in two stages. First, the magician in his mind, mentally, created a certain “entity” and coded it for a certain type of behavior. The second stage is the introduction of this “essence” into the consciousness of the abandoned woman’s ex-husband. In order to introduce the “essence”, it is necessary to establish a mental connection with the “object of implementation”. Establishing this connection means creating a special channel through which the “entity” will enter the consciousness of the “object” - the ex-husband.

In order for this to happen, the magician identifies himself with the “object”. He tries to think like him, move the same way, have similar desires, etc. The work of a magician is not easy, lasts a long time, is accompanied by unpleasant sensations and takes a colossal amount of strength and energy. This is especially true for those “objects” who have a stable psyche and who do not have the slightest doubt that they are right. After all, doubts are a clue for a magician, an address for the “essence,” and if it is not there, then there is no engraftment. This once again indicates that a person himself, by his thinking, makes himself vulnerable.

The magician encoded the “essence” for the man’s guilt complex towards his abandoned family, but this man did not have this complex and therefore the “essence” did not take root in his mind. The magician is tired of maintaining vital energy in the “essence”. At the same time, he lost weight to 40 kg. You can imagine how much a mental phantom you create can absorb life energy!

The victory was won by the fact that the implanted “entity” had its gender changed. The “feminine essence” took root - the man received a female consciousness. Having penetrated into consciousness, the “entity” began its destructive work.

In just six months, the “feminine essence” changed the man’s sexual orientation - he became a homosexual. His new girlfriend drove him away, and his friends, who had forgiven him for his abandoned wife, could not come to terms with his changed preferences. Now this man is a pitiful, lonely creature, tormented by many complexes.

Many will ask the question: how can we find out whether our body or the body of our loved ones is affected by evil spirits, damage or not?

I will list the signs indicating the presence of damage.

If the pupils of the eyes move counterclockwise or one pupil is larger than the other, this is a sign of obsession.

If something in the house lifts you into the air, this indicates the presence of bad forces.

If a person sees a bad dream and feels that he has been damaged, then so it is.

The sight of graves and dead people in dreams indicates damage from there.

If, when you read this list, one of the sentences affected you (for example, a fear arose when reading that someone was standing behind you), this is a true indication of this very type of damage!

How to get rid of damage yourself

Here are some proven tips on how to get rid of damage yourself.

Those who are not baptized must be baptized. A baptized person is protected by the Christian egregor and guardian angel. Wear blessed crosses on your body.

Start getting rid of damage by reading morning and evening prayers. Attend church at least twice a month. Bless the room where you live.

Check pillows and featherbeds for unusual items. Burn any found items away from your home. At the same time, smoke from the fire should not go towards your home and it is not recommended to get caught in the smoke yourself. When burning, recite the Lord's Prayer.

During Christian fasting, it is advisable to fast for 1...3 weeks. For patients with schizophrenia, epilepsy and cerebral palsy, place a compress of heated narrated water on the head every night.

Take regular baths with medicated water (pour a glass of medicated water into the bath in a cross shape). Before taking a bath, drink a glass of laced water. While taking a bath, read prayers or conspiracies against evil spirits or damage.

To speed up getting rid of spoilage, knowledgeable people recommend making a tincture of weeping plant, Chernobyl or thistle (put 100 g of any of the above plants in a jar and pour 0.5 liters of vodka. Infuse for ten days in a warm, dark place, strain and take 1 teaspoon each three times a day with a glass of infused water).

You can speak the water yourself. To do this, take water into a 3-liter glass bottle (preferably from Wednesday to Thursday, so that the first drop falls into the jar), place it near the icon, light a candle or lamp and read “Our Father”, “Virgin Mother of God” three times ", "May God rise again", an incantatory prayer to Cyprian.

Always keep the spoken water covered.

During treatment for demons and damage, limit the circle of people entering your home. Especially avoid those who smell bad.

How to protect yourself from damage

Under no circumstances should you dig up ancient burials or collect stone women and other idols from the steppes. From all this comes the most severe damage.

When buying a new item somewhere, remember that before you put it on yourself, you need to pass a knife around it three times, and hats, trousers, socks, ties, etc. you need to cross yourself three times with a knife.

It has been noticed that wearing a knitted woolen T-shirt in white, blue or red on the naked body protects well from damage.

Cold running water perfectly removes spoilage. The damaged patient is recommended to walk in the rapids of the river and read prayers at this time. In winter, there are ice-free places on a river or lake, polynyas. A spoiled patient is recommended to plunge into them. In this case, all safety measures must be taken.

If the damage is made for epilepsy or alcoholism, then sage and cornflowers, blessed for Easter, help well.

Euphorbia sungazer helps well against living creatures (toads, lizards, snakes, worms, caterpillars) that have entered inside a person as a result of damage. Pour 1 teaspoon of milkweed into 1 glass of cold water. Boil in an enamel bowl for 15 minutes. Strain and take on an empty stomach one hour before meals. It is advisable to drink in two doses. First, 100 g, and after 30 minutes, drink the rest of the decoction.

If, while visiting a church, a person begins to be overcome by witches or sorcerers, one must immediately read the prayer “Cherubic Song”.

A little-known method of protection against damage

You should know that fur clothing can protect against damage.

Clothes made from the fur of aquatic animals - beaver, nutria, otter, fur seal and seal - have a cleansing effect on the person wearing them. After all, the native element of these animals is water, which washes away and absorbs various types of harmful energies. A thing made from such fur will take on any bad influence directed at you, protect you from damage, the evil eye, ward off a love spell, and it is possible that it will be able to help during an attack by an energy vampire.

A very important warning: you should never buy privately made dog or cat products! Even with a rabbit, you should be careful if you buy it on the market from a private owner.

Very often, people involved in such a business do not monitor the conditions under which the animal is slaughtered, whether it dies in pain or painlessly. Moreover: it is believed that the skin torn from a living animal looks more beautiful... A hat made from the skin of an animal that died in pain will constantly radiate a charge of pain, fear, and anguish. Wearing such a hat guarantees you diseases associated with the cardiovascular system.

How to check fur for the presence of pathogenic information in it

There is a simple and accessible way of checking that any fur you buy must be subjected to it. Taking the item in your hands, slowly stroke it along the pile, closing your eyes and focusing on the sensations under your hand.

If there is even a slight trace of the horror of death throes in the fur material, you will definitely feel it. It will respond, if not with injections in the palm or the inside of the hand, then with a quite tangible feeling of melancholy, anxiety, and discomfort in the heart area.

How to clean and restore the properties of fur

Let's move on to faux fur clothing. The main property of such clothing is to instantly accept, draw out and retain for a long time any induced negative and positive energy impact. Moreover, the radiation of this effect of fur on the owner of the thing is no less strong than if it were direct...

Let's talk about a way to prevent the accumulation of a negative energy charge in a faux fur item.

Put on a faux fur item you just bought and new and ask one of your family members or friends in whose goodwill you are absolutely sure to charge the item positively. To do this, you need the chosen person to gently stroke the pile with both hands several times, while thinking something good and pleasant about you. A positive emotional attitude will “settle” and become fixed on the hairs of the fur, in its structure, creating a shell of a positive attitude towards you. Now a negative attitude will be repelled from the fur, and a positive one will be attracted and strengthen the goodness that was previously applied to the fur. This means that he will accumulate everything positive - with every good thought or feeling directed towards you. And it will not react to negative emotions, since their presence in the initially specified program is excluded.

Examples of successful removal of damage

1. “A pensioner is writing to you. I happened to experience what people call damage. It got to the point where I wanted to die, to commit suicide. I walked bald for two years. My legs weren’t walking well - I was walking and walking and suddenly I fell down like a stone. The doctors didn’t find anything, all the tests and pictures were good.

(Damage is the impact on the field form of human life by an alien destructive program. If doctors learn to diagnose information and energy changes, then they will understand such a human condition.)

Then I met two kind souls on my life’s path, who helped me. Then I came across Bragg’s book “The Miracle of Fasting,” and in December 1991 I fasted for 14 days. In the summer of 1992, I had already started going into the forest, but I still couldn’t climb over the snags. In 1993, I walked normally, that is, like everyone else: barely uphill, downhill quite briskly. But since I read your books and did a colon cleanse, the one that is considered tough (with the help of a diuretic), I began to be reborn. Lightness appeared, I could only dream about it. Everything began to change in 1991, and now I generally look at many things differently.”

(This indicates positive changes in the person's character.)

2. “I’m 33 years old. The most important thing is that I disturbed someone in this world (my husband). His brother died, and I could not attend the funeral - small children, after the second birth my right leg was sprained.

My ex-husband and brother’s wife simply ordered a prayer for the repose of the dead man and at the same time for me (I had to turn to fortune telling). I was very sick with pneumonia, I was in psychiatry twice - I felt very bad. Almost almost died.

And even my doctor had no hope that I would survive. It was only thanks to God and the children that I remained alive.

To find the answer, I turned to God and at the same time, purely intuitively, I fasted for 2 days every two weeks. Then she went through the difficult path of repentance before God - she made a vow. And the terrible state that arose after this - my heart beat strongly for a whole week - but the pain began to decrease. After undergoing acupuncture, I felt that I was me, and everything that happened in the past was not with me.

I fasted for 15 days. It came out wrong - my stomach hurt a lot.

In 1993, I went hungry for 34 days - everything went well. The body has cleansed itself. But mental and physical exacerbations followed. The mental pain went away on the 15th day of fasting.

(Fasting helps fight spoilage. This can be seen in this example.)

Now I’m pleased to see myself in the mirror and I see the meaning of life in something else. I move much easier now (since childhood I was weak and limped on one leg).”

Chapter 5.

Energy vampirism

What is vampirism and who are called vampires

A vampire- a French word that was used to describe a dead person emerging from the grave and sucking blood from sleeping people. Vampirism is the consumption of blood or vital energy by one person from another. The most common type is energy vampirism.

There are different types of energy vampires: from those who “feed” on outbursts of emotional energy to constant “consumers” of vital energy.

Let's figure out how this happens in practice and how you can get rid of it.

About psychological vampires

The most dangerous people are those who are unable to receive pleasure directly from the fact of existence. Their natural life instincts are shifted into the area of ​​hidden and malicious aggressiveness. They actually devour those whom they treat supposedly with maternal care and devotion. Self-denial, which excludes the joy of life, often becomes destructive for the one to whom it is directed.

How can we identify carriers of negative psychology? You can become suspicious when you detect signs of obsessive helpfulness or excessive talkativeness in someone. The movements of such people are disordered, unsynchronized, and outwardly they often look sloppy. These people are usually stubborn and unchanging in their judgments, they like to complain about misunderstandings on the part of others, but in reality they themselves do not love anyone, they are envious and constantly demonstrate jealous rivalry with a claim to capture. They feel internal aggressiveness and cruelty. No warm feelings emanate from them; behind their smile and false courtesy there is hidden deceit.

Negative personalities cannot stand long loneliness or silence and provoke a scandalous situation in order to “probe” their victim and force him to become dependent. If they don’t get their way, they may resort to blackmail and threats.

Negative personalities sow coldness, indifference, and suppression around them. The radiation emanating from them gives rise to a feeling of leaden heaviness, pressure in the area of ​​some vital organ in the person to whom such messages are addressed.

If you suspect that you have become the object of someone’s negative influence, then first of all you must show your will and a self-critical attitude. Stop being a victim - open, simple-minded and gullible. Victims, without knowing it, support a negative personality that draws their energy. Energy can be taken only if the victim opens himself from the inside. Hence, the negative personality builds his relationships in such a way that he provokes the victim into emotional empathy.

Any of us is capable, without fear of anything, of being close to a negative person, if we do not meet him halfway, if we do not trust him. You should close yourself off and show indifference to affection and “heart-to-heart conversations” on the part of the psychological vampire. If you are still incapable of independence and autonomy, then make a complete break, stop all contacts, meetings, correspondence, telephone conversations, etc.

How does a psychological vampire work?

One man told an interesting story about how his sister (already aged) married a certain Ivan Ivanovich. At first he made a pleasant impression: smart, sociable, witty. And then it turned out that he was an experienced intriguer and quarreled everyone in the family.

“And his look is unpleasant, heavy. After several clashes with him, he threatened me that he would “make a merry life.” And indeed, I spent several months in the hospital. My legs were literally numb. The same story happened to my grandson. And one healer helped us out, removing the damage. Only later did we find out that in his native village, where Ivan Ivanovich is from, they call him “sorcerer.”

At first, such a person seeks to win over. When this is done, he begins to energetically “milk” the victim, pushing him into quarrels in order to consume his energy.

Examples of energy vampirism

1. “I have a daughter, she is 13 years old. Every day, since the 6th grade, someone takes her energy.

At first my throat hurt a lot, then it stopped hurting. But my eyes hurt, and my vision gradually deteriorated. And now my eyes and throat hurt at the same time.

In the morning, as soon as she wakes up, she immediately feels the strength leaving her. Your throat and eyes begin to hurt. During the day you feel weak and tired. And by the evening she is all exhausted, pale and exhausted. And so every day.

(You need to pray, ask the Lord or holy people for protection. In turn, change your character.)

In October 1996, I was unemployed again, mostly at home, and sometimes I also felt a sore throat in the middle. According to my feelings, this is not even pain, but a process of discomfort, sometimes with a feeling of weakness. When I told my daughter about this, she told me that when they take energy from me, it is much easier for her.

Most of all, my daughter feels pain in her throat and eyes when she is at home in the apartment. She's better outside the house.

(Someone has started up in your house. Fumigate the apartment, consecrate it, ask the Holy Powers for protection.)

At that moment, my daughter had a feeling that the blanket was pressing on her stomach. The pain in my stomach was very severe and it was difficult to breathe. Then, after a while, she lifted the blanket, the pain gradually subsided, and it became easier to breathe.

(This is how a connection to the energy center occurs, and a person is “milked” through it.)

So much time has passed since then (about two years), but there is no progress. Everything continues like this, day after day, with small breaks of “rest,” as my daughter says.

We have our own house. Maybe we should change our place of residence? Will this help?

(Read the prayer to John of Kronstadt.)

2. “I purchased your book “Complete cleansing of the body.” I read it, and now I’m thoroughly reading and studying the purification of the “field form.” I did circulatory breathing several times. But once everything seemed to work out. My legs and arms were shaking, my face was twitching, it lasted for about 25...30 minutes, then I started reading “Our Father” to myself, stood up, and I was still shaking, then everything calmed down.

A little about my illness. In general, for some reason I always get angry over trifles and always worry, I take everything to heart. I’m thin and often cold, I always have a runny nose. I haven’t been drinking or smoking for three years now, I used to drink and smoke a lot, I live alone, without a wife, with my mother since 1980, I’m 42 years old. It seems to me that one grandmother has energetically attached herself to me. When I pass by, she always stops, talks and cries, and she looks me in the eyes, and I always avert my eyes, if I don’t leave, she will stand and talk for at least as long as I do. Maybe you can advise how to check whether she is taking my energy or not when I don’t see her, and how to remove this matter?”

(Yes, this is exactly how energy vampires behave. They try to establish contact with their victim, and through him they take away your life energy. Pray for her with all kindness, forgive her. They cannot stand it.)

3. “I was born in 1952, “Libra”, “Wind” dosha. Since February 1996 I have been studying according to your books, volume 4 “Healing Powers”. I began to understand God differently, although my parents have been singing in the church choir for 20 years (after the death of their son), and only now I, as a believer, constantly attend church. I stopped being offended by my parents - there was no more pain between my shoulder blades (as if a “stake” had been driven in).

(Resentment is foreign information that is located in the area of ​​the heart and is felt as an unpleasant foreign formation.)

In your books, thank God, everything is clear to me. I only cured my allergy (to ragweed pollen). The rest is not.

In November I decided to clean my field uniform, but my neighbor, a carpenter, sometimes knocks hard, and I can’t breathe (relax). And suddenly again a streak of failures: I can’t change my apartment, I’m having troubles at my new job. I bought your book “Complete cleansing of the body” - everything immediately became clear.

I was born with a mole above my left upper lip, and my father was a “vampire”; he had five children, and I am the eldest and the most beloved. In my life, I myself have worsened the karma of my ancestors. After graduating from the institute, a series of failures began in my life, the boss at work is again a “vampire”, out of 200 people I am an object of attention, but an irreplaceable worker (25 years old). The second husband, I lived with him for 5 years, already two years after the divorce, is also a “vampire”, and I recently found out that his first wife is a gypsy, uses “black magic”. Please, if possible, please write me the address of the person who helps people get rid of the “attachment” to the vampire. Thank you for your enormous work, you are healers of soul and body for the people, given by God. Thank you in advance."

(Sometimes a person has such a character that vampires and bad situations stick to him. It is necessary to change the character, and not look for a person. In one of the examples, it was described what such “searches” lead to.)

4. “I am writing to you about vampirism. I had heard about this before, but never read it anywhere in the scientific literature.

The fact is that my husband, whom I considered a difficult character, is an energy vampire.

(“Difficult” character is the feature with which a vampire influences a person in such a way as to provoke the release of emotional energy that he consumes.)

He has all the hallmarks of a vampire. The main feature is complete egoism, the demand for attention to oneself with complete inattention to others. He complains all day long about how hard he works, how tired he is. He doesn't really do anything, he sleeps until noon. He has no energy. He makes scandals over trifles and complains about his fate. Although he was not offended by fate. He is now retired.

(A 100% domestic vampire is described.)

I used to think that he had hidden depression, which periodically manifested itself as some kind of illness. He always has mental manifestations of the disease, but against the background of mental depression, his legs hurt, then his heart ache, then his liver. At a young age he had diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Now he either has heart pain or arthritis-arthrosis.

Conventional treatment methods are not successful.

After reading your book, I saw that with age the manifestations of vampirism became brighter. My granddaughter and I were watching a television series, but he talks loudly and does not respond to requests to shut up. Throughout his life, he came up with various ways to unsettle me.

(This is exactly the case - to direct the abilities of your mind to the most sophisticated way possible to bring others out of their mental balance.)

Either he began to abuse alcohol heavily, or he began to use obscene words in his speech. Although for the first 20 years of my life I did not hear a single such word from him. And the more I resent this, the more persistently he uses them.

And much more. A way to throw me out of balance in one way or another is the main manifestation of this disease. After the scandal, he feels calm for some time. I ask you to help me."