The Church, placing the blame for the murder of its god on the Jews, created the image of a “god-killing people.” Since the crucifixion of God was associated with his participation in the last meal (Seder), the people had an idea of ​​the ritual consumption of Christian blood by Jews. The first charge of ritual murder in England was made by a Jew in 1144, who claimed that the Jews of Europe had conspired against all Christians and vowed to sacrifice a Christian child every year.

To the image of Satan’s messenger and fanatic, a sorcerer who crucified children out of hatred for Jesus, invented by the church, they added the myth of the need for blood for Jewish holidays. These accusations forced Emperor Frederick II to assemble a council of scientists, which included converts. He decreed that if Jews are forbidden to consume the blood of animals, they will not covet human blood, for it is disgusting, contrary to nature and human relations between Jews and Christians, and it threatens Jews with death and confiscation of property.

In the article “Instead of an Apology,” the brilliant Zhabotinsky wrote: “Until now, ritual murders were almost always thrown at us by inept, clumsy hands... It is not so difficult now to find a Jewish false witness: this goodness and old times there were a lot, but now especially.”

Jewish false witness

We waited. A book by Rabbi Ariel Toaff, a professor at the Israeli Bar-Ilan University, “Bloody Passovers: The Jews of Europe and Ritual Murders” was published in Italy. He claims that Jews killed Christians in order to use the blood for secret rituals, often at Passover, since the Exodus from Egypt was a symbol of liberation from Christians. He described the beating and crucifixion of two-year-old Simon on Passover 1475 to reenact the crucifixion of Jesus. His blood was used "in witchcraft and medicinal purposes" After his body was found in a ditch near a Jewish house, all the Jews of Trent, after prolonged torture, were burned at the stake or beheaded. The Vatican canonized Simon. This, like other “innocent Jewish victims” killed by Christians, provoked pogroms. Only in the twentieth century. The Vatican was forced to cancel the veneration of Simon.

In Northern Italy, writes Toaff, blood was mixed with wine and matzo dough: “From 1100 to 1500. Several Christian children were actually crucified, and this led to reprisals against the entire Jewish community - punitive mass murders of men, women, and children. Neither in Trent in 1475, nor elsewhere in Europe in the late Middle Ages were Jews innocent victims... A small group of Ashkenazi fundamentalists... sacrificed people.” Toaff disputes historians who claim that all confessions were dictated by the executioners. Among the documents, he discovered confessions in Yiddish and believes that they expose anti-Christian literature, Jewish prayers and rituals: “There is a very strong anti-Christian tone in the Hebrew liturgy, and this cannot be invented by the judges: they did not know Ashkenazi prayers.”

In an interview with the Italian press, Toaff said that the Jews took revenge with ritual murders for massacres, forced baptism and persecution by the Crusaders starting in 1096. “These acts were instinctive, brutal and cruel, and innocent children became victims of the love of G-d and revenge. Their blood washed the altars of God, whom the Jews believed needed to be guided, sometimes impatiently pushed, to protect and punish,” Toaff writes in the book’s foreword.

People die for metal

“I will not betray truth and academic freedom, even if I am crucified. I am trying to show that Jews were rapists then, because they suffered from the violence of Christians. I'm not saying that Judaism condones murder, but there were extremists among the Ashkenazim who killed people and justified it. I proved that there was blood in Passover. Based on many sermons, I concluded that the Ashkenazi used blood; they believed in the healing power of children's blood. Among the Ashkenazi medicines were powders with blood. The rabbis allowed this, because the blood was dry. There is no confirmation of murders, but prayers, curses and hatred of Christians may have driven some kind of madman. In Germany, peddlers sold dried blood... Jews did the same. Among those interrogated in Trent was the Jew Asher, who sold dried blood. One of the witnesses said that he was tried for alchemy in Venice. I found documents about him in the archives. It's not easy to throw away all the confessions.

They present me as the new Yigal Amir. There is no need to be afraid to tell the truth... I am writing for intelligent people who know that there were different currents among the Jews. Science cannot avoid sensitive issues. If I don't write the truth, someone else will find it. After 35 years of research, I did not become an anti-Semitic idiot and did not write a book for money,” he told Haaretz.

As Jabotinsky wrote: “They (non-Jews) usually say this: “Of course, we have no doubt, you and your loved ones do not know about this. But... maybe your rabbis know? Are there many ancient religions in which the highest mysteries are known only to a few initiates? Others are even kinder, they go further, along the path of concessions, and pose the question like this: “Perhaps this is some kind of special sect? Can you guarantee that you know all the sects in the bosom of Jewry and all the secrets of each sect? So we have fanatics - whips and eunuchs - are we really responsible for them? Why should you worry so much and indiscriminately deny what, after all, perhaps exists in reality?”

By playing the race card, Toaff hoped for an understanding of the Sephardim in Italy - it did not work out. Only left-wing Jewish historian Sergio Luzzatto, an expert on the French Revolution, called his book “magnificent.” The chief rabbis of Italy stated that "the blood shed then was the blood of innocent Jews killed as a result of unjust accusations." The poor author complains that he has been driven into a corner, his old friends in Italy do not want to know him, he has been expelled from the historical journal Zohar and now he is afraid of losing his place in Bar-Ilan. His father, the former chief rabbi of Italy, whom Pope Wojtyla mentioned in his will, did not want to see him. The first 1,000 books sold in one day and a second edition has already been printed, but Toaff says he doesn't want to take royalties for the book and doesn't want to appear on television: “I don't want to incite anti-Semitism. I spent 7 years doing research with Bar-Ilan students. Perhaps the book should have been published in Israel, they would have understood me more quickly...”

“Extremists in the past led us to the Holocaust due to false accusations. I want to show that hatred and incitement are provoked by those who take advantage of it. Attacking all of Judaism is like blaming Islam for the deeds of extremists. Jews suffered due to suicide (?). It was revenge and a quest for liberation,” says Toaff.

Good strategy. Use the work of students, play along with the left, pit Ashkenazim against Sephardim, whitewash Islam and justify your book on the sly! Some anti-Semites deny the Holocaust, others rewrite the history of Israel, and still others invent the history of the Jews. And only Toaff staked out a priority: already in the twentieth century there was no Jew who proved the truth of the use of blood by Jews. Along the way, he supports the fairy tale that cost us two thousand years of persecution - about the crucifixion of Jesus by the Jews and desecrates the Name of G-d, to whom he attributes the desire for blood. And all based on confessions under torture! The Vatican, Islamists and neo-Nazis with the Orthodox will pay in full. After all, RABBI IS THE SON OF THE FORMER CHIEF RABBI OF ITALY, a professor at the HEBREW UNIVERSITY in ISRAEL, says this. What about confessions under torture that they danced with the devil and turned into ghosts?

Toaff says he wanted to break the taboo. So the average scientist writes a sensational book to improve his faded career at the expense of the safety of the Jewish people, whom he has placed on a par with the cannibals of Africa. For the sake of money and fame, become a scoundrel. Unlike the Jew Toaff, Popes Innocent IV and Gregory X rejected the blood libel. About people like Toaff, it is written - Bogdim, Malshinim, Minim and Mosrim (traitors, slanderers, heretics and informers): let them have no hope, let them perish and fall away from the Jewish people.

Translation from English:(

1.Sanhedrin 59a: "Killing a goyim is like killing a wild animal." This is fiction.
In fact, in Sanhedrin 59a: "Rabbi Meir said that a non-Jew who studies (the seven Noahide Laws) from the Torah is worthy (of respect) as a high priest."

2.Aboda Zara 26b: “Even the best of the goyim should be killed.” This is fiction. It talks about Jews - that a Jew who has become a goy and brings trouble to his loved one can be left to die - one can refrain from helping him when he needs it.

3. Sanhedrin 59a: “A goy who sticks his nose into the Law (Talmud) is guilty and punishable by death.”
(This is an intermediate opinion, which is refuted at the end of the argument. See 1. 1.Sanhedrin 59a)

4. Libbre David 37: "Tell the goyim something about our religious relations tantamount to killing all the Jews, because if they knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly." This is a fabrication, there is no such source. In general, there is no such book, no such quotation. There is not even such a word "Libbre" , which in itself already suggests that this is a fabrication, starting with the title of the book...

5. Libbre David 37: “If a Jew is given the floor to explain any part of the book of a rabbi, he must give only false explanations. Anyone who ever breaks this law will be killed.” This is fabrication. In general, there is neither such a book nor such a quote.

6. Yebhamoth 11b: “Sexual intercourse with a girl is permitted if the girl is 3 years old.”
(Kethuboth 11b?) Taken without context. A girl must be a virgin at marriage... Sexual intercourse before marriageable age is prohibited...

7. Schabouth Hag 6d: "Jews may make false promises as excuses." This part discusses liberation from impossible vows. It is forbidden to swear falsely...

8. Hikkoth Akum X1: “Do not save the goyim in case of danger or death.” This is taken from Maimonides Hilchot Akum (Laws of Idolators) 10:1. In reality, it applies only to real idolaters (i.e. not to modern monotheists), only where Jews have power over non-Jews, i.e. in the Messianic State. Based on the verse (Lev. 19:16), "Do not stand idly when the life of one of your fellow believers is in danger." This law, however, for many reasons, does not apply in our time.. Further note that: a) it is absolutely prohibited to cause death to idolaters, and b) to one who is involved in the murder of Jews by siding with the enemies spiritually or politically. A more severe punishment for one's own than for another's. (Adapted from the translation by R" Eliyahu Touger with commentary by Hilchot Akum, Brooklyn: Moznaim, 1990.) J.J.B. ...The reason for the severe punishment of idolaters is due to the fact that they were a danger to the society around them due to the rituals they practiced such as human sacrifice, and severe immorality, such as debauchery...These laws do not apply in modern times...David S. Maddison ( [email protected])

9. HikkothAkumX1: "Show no mercy to the goyim." ..Only if it is impossible to convince him to give up his idolatry should no mercy be shown to him..

10. Choschen Hamm 388.15: "If it can be proven that someone gave the money of the Israelites to the goyim, a way must be found, after prudent compensation for losses, to wipe him out from the face of the earth." This refers to a Jew who caused harm and danger to the lives of his fellow men by making fictitious statements in a medieval non-Jewish court...

11. Choschen Hamm 266,1: “A Jew can have whatever he finds if it belongs to Akum (goyim). He who returns property (goyim) sins against the Law, increasing the power of the offenders. However, he deserves praise if the lost property is returned to glory name of God, that is, when Christians will praise the Jews and look at them as honest people." This statement refers to an item found on the street that, according to non-Jewish law, should not be returned, but according to Jewish law, the item must be returned. The law says that it should not be returned to a non-Jew, because according to its law this should not be done. However, in the conclusion it is added that the item must still be returned... E.S.

12. Szaaloth-Utszabot, The Book Of Jore Dia 17: “A Jew can and must swear to lies when the goyim ask whether there is anything against them in our books.” This is fiction. The word "Sehelot Uteshubot" means "Talmudic answer" - there is no such book at all. Apart from this, there is nothing at all in the Torah that could cause concern to a non-Jew. It could only be written that anyone can swear that there is nothing in Jewish law against non-Jews, since this is a true oath.

13. Baba Necia 114.6: "The Jews are human beings, and the other nations of the world are not people but beasts." Please note that the numbering is fictitious. In the Talmud there are no such numbers as 114, 6. This is probably a statement from 114b, which we will consider further. This is also a fiction, obviously deliberately translated incorrectly. This passage deals with the technical rules of bodily uncleanness, which, according to the author of the text, applies only to Jews, and not to non-Jews. In this regard, Ezekiel 34:31 says: “And ye are my sheep [referring to Israel], the sheep of my pasture, ye men [Hebrew: “adam”], and I am your God, says the Lord GOD. " From a careful midrashic reading of this biblical verse, Rabbi Simeon ben Yochai deduces that "Only "you" [i.e., Israel and not other nations] are designated by the word "adam," in the sense that only Jewish bodies and graves create uncleanness according to Numbers 19 :14: "This is the law: if a man ["adam"/adam] dies in a tent, then whoever comes into the tent...shall be unclean for seven days..." The passage is legislative, not theological. It even seems to put the Jews lower Gentiles The words “but beasts” were added by someone...they are not in the original.

14. Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D: “When the Messiah comes, each Jew will have 2800 slaves.” 1) There is no such source. However, we have found a Talmudic statement referring to afterlife with an allegory according to which there will be no hard work in the next world, because when there are many slaves, then there is no need to work - these are angels who will carry out our orders. Another Talmudic statement that has probably caused confusion is that in Messianic times each Jew will have 2,800 disciples from other nations who will want to learn from him the ways of the Torah.
2) Gemara Shabbat 32b includes consideration of the punishment for breaking certain commandments and the reward for following them. Raish Lakish says that a person who wears a tzitzi (four-cornered robe) at the time of atonement will receive 2800 servants. To do this, he quotes Zechariah 8:23, “Thus says the Lord of hosts: In those days ten men from all the nations of different languages ​​will be taken and will take hold of the half of Judah and say, We will go with you, for we have heard that God is with you.” Rashi explains why 2800. He believes that there are only 70 nations, each with 10 people - a total of 700. And since the qiqi robe has four corners, it can accommodate 2800 people in total...
3) There is no book called "Simeon Haddarsen" in the Talmud..

15. Nidrasch Talpioth, p. 225-L: "Jehovah created the Gentiles in human form so that the Jews would not have to use the services of animals. Therefore, the Gentiles are animals in human form who are condemned to serve the Jews day and night." ...The use of the term "Jehovah" is in any case an immediate indicator of falsification, because the Jews never use this term in their books. The book in question is not part of the Talmud, but was written by a Turkish Jew named Elijah ben Solomon Abraham, ha-Koen in the 18th century. David S. Maddison ( [email protected])

16. Aboda Sarah 37a: “Gentile girls from the age of 3 can be subjected to violence.”
Obviously a deliberately distorted quote. This is a technical, physiological conclusion relating to the impurity of the genital discharge, as outlined in Leviticus 15. The Talmudic source states that if the hymen were torn at this age, the tear would already be permanent (unlike a younger girl whose hymen, like the rabbis believed that it could grow together again), it is believed that she has reached that degree of physiological development in which her secretions can be included in the category of unclean discharges in accordance with the Biblical laws of purity. (The same law would apply to a Jewish girl). This, of course, is not a permission to “rape” a girl, but simply a legislative determination of her age.

17. Gad. Shas. 22: “A Jew can have a non-Jewish girlfriend, but cannot marry her.” Fiction. The source doesn't exist at all. Quite the contrary, sex with a non-Jewish woman is strictly prohibited even without marriage, see Talmud Sanhedrin 82a and Avoda Zarah 36b E.S.

18. Tosefta Aboda Zara B5: “If a goy kills a goy or a Jew, he must answer for it, but if a Jew kills a goy, he has no responsibility.” This quote appears in different options due to different sources. But it doesn’t exist, in fact, anywhere. There is no such thing in the Shulchan Aruch, and the word “kill” appears only six times in Tosefta – but not once in Avoda Zara. I.I.

19. Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 388: “It is permissible to kill an informer against Jews everywhere. It is permissible to kill him even before he has begun to inform.” ...An informer is someone who will bring harm to a Jew that he does not deserve. Gentiles have already forgotten that less than a century ago, if a Jew was caught for breaking a minor law, it could cause atrocities and massacres throughout the country - this was the reason for the ban on denunciation. Moreover, this law is not applied in practice, see Remah ibid 10. E.S.

20. Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 388: “All property of other nations belongs to Jewish nation, who thus has the right to enjoy everything without restraint." The correct statement is just the opposite: "Whoever steals, even in the smallest quantity, violates the law of theft and must return what was stolen, whether it be the money of a Jew or a non-Jew alike."

21. Tosefta Aboda Zara VIII, 5: “How to define the word robbery? A goy is forbidden to steal, rob, take women and slaves from a goy or a Jew. But a Jew is not forbidden to do all this in relation to a goy.” This Tosefta deals with laws when they are subject to the pressure of the courts of non-Jewish law in accordance with the Noahide Law. It only says that a Jew cannot be convicted and punished by a non-Jewish court, but only by a Jewish one, even if his crime was against a non-Jew. E.S. RESPONSE (2)
The prohibition of theft is also written in the Talmud in Tosefta B. Kamma, 10, that “If someone steals from a non-Jew, swears falsely and dies, then his death will not be an atonement for his sin, according to Chillul Hashem (defiling the name of G-d).” . David S. Maddison ( [email protected])

22. Seph. Jp., 92, 1: "God gave the Jews power over the property and blood of all nations." No such source exists at all, and the fabricated text is in conflict with the Jewish law stated above in (21). E.S. / David S. Maddison ( [email protected])

23. Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 156: “If a goy is in debt to a Jew, another Jew can go to the goy and, promising him money, deceive him. Thus, the goy will go bankrupt and the first Jew will take possession of his property by law.” The action scenario stated occurs when a non-Jew violates local laws regarding trespassing on a business and the Jew wants to take the non-Jew's business to another area so that his friend does not lose his business. The stated rule is exactly the opposite; it is strictly prohibited, even if done in a manner permitted by local non-Jewish law. E.S.

24. SchulchanAruch, JohreDeah, 122: “A Jew is forbidden to drink wine from a glass touched by a goy, because his touch could make the wine unclean.” The point here is that wine is a substance that in the times of the Talmud was used in the rituals of pagan idolatrous cults. Since Jews are prohibited from using anything made for the purpose of serving the idolatry, the ban on wine is not something specifically introduced by the Jews. The specific problem with wine was that apparently kosher wine could be used for idolatry by the idolater simply by swirling it in a bowl and casting incantations. Therefore, the sages decreed that Jews are allowed wine made and used only by Jews…….In modern times, kosher wine is usually produced in such a way that even if the wine is touched by non-Jews, the wine is used by Jews…….There are no similar prohibitions regarding other alcoholic drinks such as vodka and beer because they were never used in idolatry. David S. Maddison ( [email protected])

25. Nedarim 23b: "Whoever wants all his promises made during the year to become invalid, let him stand at the beginning of the year and say: All the promises that I can make during the year are canceled. Now his promises are invalid." This applies only to promises that a person makes to himself (I will no longer eat apples, etc.), and not to promises to another, Jew or non-Jew, no matter E.S./Edited DSM

Similar accusations became widespread in the Middle Ages in various Catholic countries of Europe, and later in Orthodox countries. They continued to appear in the 19th and 20th centuries, mainly under the influence of anti-Semitic and Nazi propaganda. Papal bulls and royal decrees were issued against them, which had no effect. Enlightened circles of the European public spoke unsuccessfully, severely condemning the appearance of blood libels in the civilized world.

Judaism's practices regarding blood and sacrifice

Descriptions of torture and human sacrifice in alleged ritual killings contradict many factual tenets of Judaism. First of all, the prohibition against murder is contained in the Ten Commandments of the Torah. Additionally, the use of blood (human or any other) in cooking is strictly prohibited by kashrut. Blood and any other secretions of the human body are ritually unclean(A lion. ). The blood of killed animals cannot be eaten; it must be removed from the animal’s body and buried (Lev.). According to the Book of Vayikra (Leviticus), the blood of a sacrificial animal can only be used on the altar of the Jerusalem Temple (which at the time of the attributed events had no longer existed for hundreds of years).

In the ancient world, these accusations did not receive significant distribution among the broad masses. But confidence in the ritual use of human blood by Jews firmly rooted in the consciousness of Christians.

The basis for this was the Christian doctrine of the atonement by the death of Jesus for the sins of all mankind. According to Christian mythology, the crucifixion of Jesus was preceded by his shared Easter meal (Last Supper) with his disciples. It was interpreted as a sacrifice of the “lamb of God” by association with the sacrificial lamb slaughtered in the Temple, which the Torah ordered every Jewish family to eat at the evening meal on Passover in memory of the miracles performed by God during the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt.

The Gospel, which blames the execution of Jesus on the Jews, gave rise to the idea of ​​them as a “God-killing people”, and Christian belief in the miraculous properties of the “blood of Christ”, which has excited the imagination of the masses for centuries, prompted them attribute to the Jews a similar belief in the magical effect of blood not only Jesus, but also Christian saints and martyrs. Thus, the association of the crucifixion with biblical ritual and superstition merged into popular imagination in the belief that Jews need Christian blood for ritual needs for the Passover holiday.

And it is no coincidence that almost all blood libels were timed to coincide with this holiday or a time close to it. Thus, one of the earliest historically recorded blood libels (423 AD) occurred on Purim in the city of Inmestar near Antioch. Blaming local Jews for the crucifixion of a Christian boy caused the massacre of members of the Jewish community and the destruction of the Antioch synagogue.

Blood libels in the Middle Ages

The appearance of blood libels in the Middle Ages is associated with the one that arose in the 9th century. a theological polemic about the essence of the Eucharist (communion) and transsubstance (the transubstantiation of bread and wine into the body and blood of Jesus during a church service, which became official dogma in 1215 catholic church. Widespread in the 12th century. ideas about the healing and redeeming power of the blood of saints and martyrs sometimes led to rivalry between the heads of monasteries and dioceses in the discovery of the relics of local “saints”, especially children who died martyrdom"at the hands of evildoers".

The strengthening of the financial activities of Jewish moneylenders (in the 11th–13th centuries led to the deepening hatred of the Christian population towards them, and under the influence of monastic preachers, the image of a Jew as a carrier of evil, practicing black magic, a fanatic who kills children in order to use them, developed in the popular consciousness blood, the messenger of Satan.

Blood libels in late medieval Western Europe

The instigators of the first blood libel attested in Europe, at Norwich (England, 1144), claimed that the Jews of Europe had formed a conspiracy against Christendom, obliging one of the Jewish communities, determined annually by lot, to sacrifice a Christian child.

In 1144, the Jews of Norwich allegedly bought a Christian baby before Passover, subjected him to all the tortures that Jesus was subjected to, and on Good Friday crucified him “out of hatred of our Lord.”

The motif of the torture and crucifixion of Christian children by Jews in mockery of the passion of Jesus is repeated in blood libels throughout the 12th and 13th centuries. and is even reflected in the code of Spanish laws (1263). The Jews of Gloucester (1168), Bury St. Edmens (1181) and Winchester (1192) in England, Blois (France, 1171) and Zaragoza (Spain, 1182, 1250) were accused of this.

In the case of the murder of the boy Hugo from Lincoln (England, 1255), 91 Jews were tried and 18 of them were executed. In Germany, Jews were accused of hating the spiritual purity and sinlessness of a Christian child. In Discourses on Miracles (1219–23), the Cistercian monk Caesarius of Heisterbach tells of a child whose tongue was torn out by the Jews and whose body was cut into pieces because he disobeyed them and sang a song of praise to the Virgin Mary. The accusation against Jews of using Christian blood for medicinal purposes was first made in 1235 in Fulda (Germany).

In Russia, the first Christian martyr, allegedly killed by the Jews, is considered to be Saint Eustratius of Pechersk (1097).

The blood libel did not always lead to legal action. However, the disappearance of a Christian child, the discovery of the corpse of a Christian near a Jewish home, and sometimes unfounded rumors were sufficient reason to imprison one or many Jews without any evidence, subject them to torture and thus obtain testimony confirming an accusation of fanaticism against an individual Jew, an entire community, and most often, the Jewish people as a whole.

Blood libels were accompanied by pogroms and massacres, often with the destruction or expulsion of entire Jewish communities. In inciting excesses, a significant role was played by Sermons by monks and Christian priests, which kindled superstitions among ordinary people and instilled in them faith in the validity of the accusations. There are cases when Christians offered to sell their children for ritual purposes to Jews (for example, Brno, 1343).

Reaction of medieval authorities

Spiritual and secular authorities have repeatedly spoken out against the blood libels that have become widespread since the 13th century. In connection with the libel in Fulda, Emperor Frederick II of Hohenstaufen sought the opinions of church authorities and learned Jewish apostates. He stated that if the accusation was proven, then all the Jews of the empire would be executed, otherwise the accusation would be dropped publicly. A charter published as a result of the investigation (1236) declared the Jews acquitted and prohibited bringing such charges against them.

The letter stated:

“Although we, in conscience, on the basis of many scriptures with which our Majesty became acquainted, considered the innocence of the above-mentioned Jews to be sufficiently proven, nevertheless, to calm both the uneducated people and the sense of justice, we, with the unanimous approval of the princes, noble and noble people , abbots and clergy, sent extraordinary envoys to all the rulers of the West, who then sent us from various states many baptized Jews versed in Jewish law. We ordered these latter, who spent a considerable time at our court, to diligently investigate in order to find the truth and tell us whether they (the Jews) have any opinion that would encourage the Jews to commit the above-mentioned crimes, which they need to carry out any other goals. Their answer was: “There is no indication in either the Old or New Testament that the Jews thirsted for human blood. On the contrary, in complete contradiction to this statement, in the Bible ... in the laws given by Moses, in the Jewish decrees, which in Hebrew are called the Talmud, it is absolutely clearly stated that they must generally beware of staining with any kind of blood.” With a very high degree of probability we can assume that those who are forbidden the blood of even permitted animals can hardly thirst for human blood.”

The Czech king Přemysl II Otakar (1254), Emperor Rudolf I of Habsburg (1277), Duke Albrecht I of Austria (1293), Czech king Wenceslas II (1300) and many others also issued orders against blood libels.

Church reaction

The Church's attitude toward accusations of ritual murder against Jews and cults of reverence for infants who were allegedly tortured by Jews has varied throughout history.

In 1235 Pope Gregory IX published the first bull against blood libel. Other popes followed suit, notably Innocent IV in 1247, Gregory X in 1272, Clement VI in 1348, Gregory XI in 1371, Martin V in 1422, Nicholas V in 1447, Sixtus V in 1475, Paul III in 1540, and later Alexander VII, Clement XIII and Clement XIV.

Pope Innocent IV, in a bull of 1247, denounced the blood libel as a base and malicious slander against the Jews, “an excuse to rob them and take away their property.” Pope Benedict XIV allowed the veneration of Andrel von Rinn as a local cult, but refused to canonize him as a saint.

The sharpest censure of the instigators of blood libels was issued in a special bull of Nicholas V (1447), which prohibited “forever and in the most strict manner all believers in Christ... to undertake anything similar against the Jews in general or against a specific Jew.”

The destruction of Jewish communities in Germany, accused of poisoning wells, allegedly leading to the Black Death epidemic in the mid-14th century, and a sharp decline number of Jews in Europe led to a reassessment by the urban patricians and burghers of the role of Jews in economic life cities. The benefits that Jews brought to the non-Jewish population were increasingly valued. This may explain the significant reduction in the number of blood libels in the second half of the 14th century. – first half of the 15th century. However, already in the second half of the 15th century. bullying from the outside monastic orders together with the growing unrest in church circles, it caused a new wave of persecution, one of the striking symptoms of which was the intensification and frequency of blood libels.

The most famous of these was the blood libel in Trento (northern Italy), where the corpse of a Christian boy, Simeon, was discovered in 1475. The population, incited by fanatics, put pressure on the judges, and all the Jews of the city were tortured. Some of them were broken and pleaded guilty. Despite the Bishop of Trent's condemnation of the investigative methods and the negative attitude of the church leaders, including Pope Sixtus IV himself, towards the blood libel, all the Jews of the city were killed, and Simeon was declared a saint.

Blood libels in Eastern Europe

In Eastern Europe, the first blood libels took place in the middle of the 14th century, but they became especially widespread with the increasing influence of the counter-reformation in Poland from the second half of the 16th century: Bielsk-Podlaski (1564), Rossosh (1566), Vogin (1577), Gostynin ( 1577), Lublin (1598, 1636), Sandomierz (1605, 1690), Siedlce (1617), Sochaczew (1619), Leczyca (1639), Ruzhany (1658), Tykocin (1680).

In accusations at ritual trials of the 17th century. the motive of the Jews using Christian blood in baking matzo reappears, refuted by the bull of Martin V in 1422. According to the Polish king Sigismund II Augustus, the blood libels were caused by the desire of “certain royal subjects, under fictitious pretexts, to eradicate the Jews in the royal cities.”

In 1690, the Sandomierz blood libel made a splash, which, unlike most previous blood libels, supported by the supreme Catholic clergy. With the increasing intervention of Russia, whose government supported the Orthodox Church, in the affairs of Poland in the Kingdom of Poland, the struggle between the Orthodox and Catholic Churches intensified. In the hands of the latter, the blood libel turned into a weapon of struggle, with the help of which she sought to prove her religious zeal and zeal.

Blood libels in Poland in the 18th century

In the middle of the 18th century. blood libels took place in Poznan (1736), Dunaevtsy (1748), Zhitomir (1753), Yampol (1756), Wojslowice (1761).

The Catholic clergy used the Frankist sect, which departed from Jewry, which, at a religious debate in 1759, openly accused “Talmudic Jews” of consuming Christian blood for ritual purposes. The Vaad of the Four Lands sent a representative to Pope Benedict XIV at the end of 1757 to petition for protection of the Jewish communities of Poland from false accusations. Cardinal Lorenz Ganganelli (later Pope Clement XIV), to whom the pope entrusted the consideration of the issue, presented the pope with a note, thanks to which the Jews were again completely justified. King Augustus III confirmed (after 1760) the ancient privileges that prohibited the blood libel against the Jews. Since then, blood libels have occurred relatively rarely in Poland.

Blood libels in the Russian Empire

Soon after the annexation of most of the territory densely populated by Jews to Russia, the first known Russian Empire trials accusing Jews of ritual murders. It took place in 1799 in the city of Senno (about 50 km southwest of Vitebsk). The case was based not on any specific evidence, but only on the rumor that Jews needed Christian blood, and on the appearance of a cross as an accuser. Due to insufficient evidence, the Jews arrested in this case were released contrary to the categorical statement of the poet and senator G. R. Derzhavin, that all Jews are guilty of “the evil shedding of Christian blood through their Talmuds.”

The Grodno blood libel (1816) prompted in 1817 the Minister of Spiritual Affairs and Public Education A. N. Golitsyn to order the provincial authorities not to accuse Jews in the future of killing Christian children without evidence (“based on a single prejudice”). However, in 1823 the Velizh case was initiated, in 1827 a trial took place in the city of Telšiai, and in 1830 a blood libel arose in Izyaslav. Confirming the termination of the Velizh case, Tsar Nicholas I still added that he was not convinced of the innocence of Jews.

The result of the decision of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to thoroughly investigate the validity of the accusation of ritual murders against Jews was a note entitled “Investigation of the murder of Jews christian babies and the consumption of their blood" (1844), the compilation of which was attributed to the lexicographer V. I. Dahl or the director of the department of spiritual affairs of foreign confessions V. V. Skripitsyn. The author of the note comes to the conclusion that the accusation of ritual murders against Jews is quite justified.

In 1852 there arose blood libel in Georgia.

The trial of Jews for the ritual murder of two Christian boys in Saratov, the investigation of which began in 1853, lasted seven years and was the only blood libel in Russia that led to the conviction of the accused. Although state council, who was engaged in reviewing the verdict, did not discuss the ritual moment associated with the process; in the Saratov region, during the trial, approximately 15 cases of abduction of Christian children arose, in which not only Jews were accused, but also “Khokhols”, German colonists and others.

In connection with the Saratov case, a special commission was established in the Department of Spiritual Affairs of Foreign Denominations in 1855 (in which semitologists-converts D. Khvolson and V. A. Levison participated) to examine the books and manuscripts taken from the defendants “in order to clarify secret dogmas of the religious fanaticism of the Jews." Her report rejected both the possibility of Jews consuming Christian blood and their abuse Christian faith or a desecration of its sacraments.

The situation in Western Europe in modern times

In Western and Central Europe, blood libels virtually ceased after the Reformation. They were even opposed worst enemies Jews Public opinion and scientific circles rejected as absurd insinuations the statement of the famous Orientalist-anti-Semite I. A. Eisenmenger, who, in a two-volume work “Jewry Unveiled” (1700) full of various attacks against Jews, defended the validity of accusing them of ritual murders. Enlightened European society was convinced that in the cultural world there was no more space blood libels. However, in 1840, the Capuchin monks, who were patronized by the French government, initiated the Damascus affair.

It caused indignation among world Jewry and heated controversy in Western European circles. Many non-Jews opposed the blood libels, but there were also those (such as some left-wing Hegelians) who associated the savage practices attributed to the Jews with the ancient cult of Moloch in Canaan. Others argued that secret Jewish sects needed Christian blood to perform their ritual.

Renewal of blood libels in modern times

A new wave of blood libels is associated with the emergence and development of modern anti-Semitic ideology in Europe. Due to blood libel in Kutaisi in 1879 A number of publications circulated in Russia accusing Jews of ritual murders. The writings of the former priest I. I. Lyutostansky were particularly vicious.

In Hungary in 1883, the sensational trial in Tiszaeslar took place; in Bohemia - Gilzner's case (1899). During the same period, attempts were made to initiate blood libel trials in Germany. In Greece, blood libels were raised one after another in the 1870s–90s.

The same slander arose in the Greek and Armenian diasporas within the Ottoman Empire. They influenced its Muslim population and led to the emergence of blood libels also among him.

At the beginning of the 20th century. Ritual processes or attempts to initiate them reappear in Europe: the Blondes case (1900) and the blood libel in Dubossary (1903). After the dissolution of the 2nd State Duma(1907) and with increasing reaction, the tsarist government inspired the Beilis affair (1911–13). The failure of the process was a political defeat for the Russian autocracy, but until the revolution of 1917, the authorities continued to contribute to the spread of rumors about Jewish ritual crimes among the masses.

Blood libels of the Nazis and their collaborators

Anti-Semitic propaganda of the Nazis in the 1930s. intensively instilled among the masses the belief that Jews committed ritual murders. The issue of the newspaper “Stuermer” dated May 1, 1934 was entirely devoted to this, and the article “Ritual murder” in the “Pocket Dictionary of German Superstitions” (vol. 7, 1935) ended with the words: “... for what purpose and for what were they used Jews blood? Similar insinuations inspired a number of blood libel trials not only in Germany (Bamberg, 1937), but also in those that fell under the influence of the Nazis (Klaipeda, Lithuania, 1936) and occupied them (Welgartice, Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, 1940).

Even there were cases of blood libel in post-war Eastern Europe (Kielce, Poland, 1946).

In December 1919, the Soviet authorities created a Commission to study materials on ritual processes (S. Dubnov, G. Sliozberg, L. Sternberg, G. Krasny-Admoni, 1881–1970, and four Russian scientists headed by Professor S. Platonov) . The volume of documents from the Grodno case (1816) prepared by her was not published. The authorities declared war on religious prejudices and superstitions, held a trial of those who convicted Beilis, and declared anti-Semitism a crime. But in the Central Asian republics and the Caucasus, blood libels arose from time to time (1921 - Sachkheri, Georgian SSR; 1923 - Tbilisi, Georgian SSR; 1926 - Chardzhou, Turkmen SSR; Akhaltsikhe, Georgian SSR; 1929 - Dagestan; 1930 - Akhalik near Samarkand, Uzbek SSR).

Blood libel in Lithuania

According to the report of Deputy Chairman of the KGB Ivashutin,

On September 10, 1958, in the city of Plunge, Lithuanian SSR, a weaver at the Linu-Audiniai factory, Jocene Paulina, 29 years old, spread a rumor among neighbors that a Jew had tried to kidnap her seven-year-old son and had allegedly kidnapped and taken the girl to his home. These rumors quickly spread at the market among the peasants. A crowd formed near the house where Iocene lives. A resident of the village who was in the crowd. Mosheva, Plungessky district, Drungelene Julia, 33 years old, claimed that she personally saw how a Jew carried a girl to his home, and dragged a second child by the hand. At the request of the mother and other citizens, Iocene’s son pointed to the house of the Jew Grolman, where the kidnapped girl was allegedly taken. Excited citizens, approximately 600 people, surrounded Grolman's house and searched the barns and basements. At the request of the crowd, police officers who arrived at the scene searched Grolman’s apartment. There was no stranger girl in the apartment. At the same time, part of the crowd inspected the apartment of the Jew Schwarzbur, stones and sticks were used to break the glass in the windows of his apartment, and shouts were heard: “Beat the Jews!” In view of the spread of rumors that the police officers were allegedly bribed by Jews and were hiding the “kidnapped”, at the suggestion of the police officers, a group of citizens was shown the police premises, but the excited crowd did not disperse.

KGB and police forces were deployed to Plunge and order was restored. 13 people were sentenced to 15 days of arrest for “petty hooliganism.” Drungelene admitted that she made up the story about the abduction of children.

Blood libel in Dagestan

A real international scandal was caused by an article published in 1960 in the Dagestan newspaper “Kommunist”, which, among other things, said: “...Jews, according to their religion, believe that they need to drink Muslim blood once a year. Some Jews buy from 5 to 10 grams. Muslim blood, which is mixed with water in a large barrel and sold as water that has come into contact with the blood of a Muslim." The authorities had to organize a retaliatory propaganda campaign abroad, fire the erring newspaper editor, and even publish a refutation.

Blood libels of the 1960s

In the 1960s frenzied anti-Israeli propaganda took on a clearly anti-Semitic character. This created the ground for the resumption of blood libels emanating from the population (Margelan, 1961, Tashkent, 1962 - Uzbek SSR; Tskaltubo, 1963, Zestafoni, 1964, Kutaisi, 1965 - Georgian SSR). Similar speeches took place in the official Soviet press and stopped only under pressure from the world community.

Blood libels in Islamic countries

In the Ottoman Empire

The blood libel was virtually unknown in the Ottoman Empire from the 16th century, when Suleiman the Magnificent issued a firman declaring that accusations against Jews of using blood were unfounded. But in the 19th century these accusations became epidemic. More than 30 incidents are known (not all of them resulted in arrests and trials) in the Asian part of the empire; in the Balkans and Greece they were even more common.

Features of this wave of accusations:

  1. They always came from the Christian population, and were often exaggerated by the Christian, especially the Greek-language press.
  2. Often (as in the Damascus case) it was the intervention of foreign diplomats that forced the local authorities to move forward with the case. In many cases, it was French diplomats who intervened; in Rhodes in the same 1840 it was the intervention of the English consul.
  3. As a rule, the Ottoman authorities treated the Jews kindly and were not inclined to allow matters to proceed without outside interference.
  4. If the Jewish community found itself in danger, as a rule, it was helped by the active intervention of British, sometimes Prussian or Austrian diplomats. In Rhodes, pressure from the local English consul forced the authorities to open a case, but later the intervention of the British Foreign Office forced it to be closed.

Both the role of the press and the intervention of foreign diplomats were new phenomena in the Ottoman Empire; they did not play a significant role until the 19th century. In Morocco or Iran, where Western influence was weaker and there were no local Christians, although the attitude towards Jews was poor, the blood libel never arose. Some sources mention blood libels in Iran, but mostly in the northwest, and mostly the accusations came from Armenians.

By the beginning of the 20th century, the accusation migrated from Greek newspapers to Arab ones, first in Egypt, and then throughout Arab world, and has since gained popularity and become a commonplace in the Arab worldview. And so it is to this day.

In 1801, a blood libel and pogrom occurred in the Kurdish city of Miyandoab.

In Arab countries

In connection with propaganda against the State of Israel in the 1950s and 60s. in Arab countries, translations of German and French anti-Semitic literature into Arabic. Books containing a blood libel were published in Egypt (for example: “Secrets of Zionism”, 1957; “Human sacrifice in the Talmud”, 1962; “The Vatican and the Jews”, 1964).

In media sponsored by Arab and Muslim sources, as well as on related Internet sites, Jews have been repeatedly accused of ritual murder. Books with similar content are being published.

  • October 21, 2002, Arabic-language newspaper published in London Al-Hayat reported that this book is being published for the eighth time and an edition is being prepared in English, French and Italian.
  • In 2001, an Egyptian film studio released a film called "Horseless Horseman", partly based on Tlass's book. In 1991, at a UN meeting, a Syrian delegate referred to this book.
  • On December 20, 2005, a discussion among Iranian political analysts was broadcast on Iranian television's Jaam-e Jam 2 channel. Via English channel Tehran Times Dr. Hasan Khanizadeh, author of the book “The History of the Jews,” spoke out, where he accused the Jews of two terrible crimes of the 19th century in Europe:

In 1883, about 150 French schoolchildren were brutally murdered in a Paris suburb before a Jewish holiday. Passover. Later research showed that they were killed by Jews and their blood was taken... A similar incident took place in London when many English schoolchildren were killed by Jewish rabbis..."

This kind of writing also appeared in Greece, Italy, Spain and some Latin American countries.

Some Arab writers condemn the blood libel. The Egyptian newspaper Al-Ahram published a series of articles by Osam Al-Baz, a senior adviser to Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. Among other things, Osam Al-Baz explains the history of the blood libel. He said Arabs and Muslims were never anti-Semitic, but admitted that some Arab writers and media outlets attack Jews "based on racist assumptions and myths created in Europe." He urged people not to fall for “myths” such as the blood libel.

The Jewish fight against the blood libel

Even Jewish scholars of the Middle Ages (mainly in public debates), and later the Vaad of the Four Lands and the Lithuanian Vaad in the 17th–18th centuries. fought the blood libel. Their absurdity was demonstrated by Menashshe ben Israel in his Latin work “Vindiciae Judaeorum” (“In Defense of the Jews,” 1656) addressed to the English Parliament. The same goal in the 19th century. persecuted I. B. Levinzon in “Ephesus Damim” (“No Blood”, 1837; in Russian translation “The Sword of Damocles”, 1883), apostates D. A. Khvolson (“On some medieval accusations against Jews”, 1861) and P S. Kassel (“Symbolism of Blood”, 1882), Christian Hebraists G. L. Strack, F. Delitzsch and many others.

Cases of accusations of murders declared ritualistic

Since the 1st century AD. e. and up to the present day, many cases of murders declared ritual and associated judicial reprisals against Jews have been recorded. Below are some of them.

Year City, country) Description Victims name Accusers Consequences
1st century AD e. Jerusalem (Israel), Greece The Greek author Apion claimed that Jews sacrificed Greeks in the Second Temple. - Apion -
415 Constantinople (Byzantine Empire) Socrates of Constantinople wrote that Jews tie children to the cross and flog them to death. - Socrates Scholastic -
1144 Norwich (England) Passover holiday, the first accusation of ritual murder against Jews in Europe. The boy was found dead in a well, and the Jews of Norwich were accused of committing ritual murder. This created a new cult, with William elevated to the rank of martyr and crowds of pilgrims bringing donations to the local church. William from Norwich - In 1189, Jewish deputies attending the coronation of Richard the Lionheart were attacked by a mob. Then a wave of pogroms broke out in London and throughout England. Later, in 1290, Jews were expelled from England without the right to return until 1655
1171 Blois (France) Jewish population accused of ritual murders - - Execution by burning of 31 Jews (according to some estimates, 40).
1250 Belgium The earliest accusation of ritual murder against Jews is recorded in Bonum Universale de Apibus ii. 29, § 23. Also accused of using Christian blood in rituals. - Preacher Thomas of Cantimpre (from the monastery near Cambray) wrote: “It is quite obvious that Jews in all provinces annually cast lots to see which city community will send Christian blood to the rest of the communities.” / Nicholas Donin -
1255 England The boy's body, covered in mud, was found on August 29 in a pit or well belonging to a Jew named Kopin (or Koppin). Having received assurances of immunity from Judge John of Lexington, Copin is said to have testified that the boy had been crucified by the Jews who had assembled at Lincoln for that purpose. Eight-year-old boy Hugh, Beatrice's son Court and King of England Five weeks later, in early October, King Henry III of England reneged on the promise made by Judge John of Lexington and Copin was executed. At the same time, 91 Jews were captured, taken to London and 18 of them were executed. The rest were pardoned at the request of the Franciscans (Jacobs, Jewish Ideals, pp. 192-224).
1267 Pforzheim (Germany) A fisherman discovered the girl's body. Jews were accused of the murder. The accusation was based on the testimony of the daughter of a “bad” woman who, according to her, sold this child to the Jews. There was no judicial investigation, and it is likely that the said “bad woman” was the murderer. This incident is described in the Nuremberg “memory book” about synagogue poems - Sigmund Sahlfeld, Das Martyrologium des Nürnberger Memorbuches(1898), pp. 15, 128-130). Unidentified 7 year old girl German court -
1270 Weissenburg (Alsace) In Weißenburg, Jews were accused of hanging a child by the leg (the child's body was found in the Loter River) and draining his blood through severed arteries. Unknown child - -
1286 Oberwesel (Germany) A “supernatural miracle” occurs in the city of Oberwesel, testifying against the Jews. The child’s body allegedly floated up the Rhine River all the way to the city of Bacharach, “emitting radiance” and “spreading healing energy.” Emperor Rudolf I, to whom the Jews turned for help, publicly decreed that actions against the Jews were illegal and that Werner's corpse should be burned and the ashes scattered to the wind. 11 year old boy Werner - The Jews of Oberwesel and surrounding areas were subjected to severe repression in the years 1286-1289
about 1400 Bern (Switzerland) In the chronicle of Konrad Justinger from 1423 it is mentioned that in Bern in 1294 Jews tortured and killed a boy. The historical impossibility of this widely circulated story was argued by Jacob Stammer, a Berne pastor in 1888. Boy Rudolph Konrad Justinger, chronicler -
1462 Rinn, Tyrol (Austria) According to authorities, a boy named Adreas Ochsner (also known as Andrel von Rinn) was bought by Jewish traders and then brutally murdered in a nearby forest, his blood carefully collected in vessels. Andrel von Rinn (Adreas Ochsner) - By the beginning of the 17th century, this story of bleeding was elevated to a local cult. An inscription on the church of Rinna, dated 1575, was distorted with extravagant details such as that the money paid for the boy to his godfather turned into leaves and that a lily bloomed on his grave. The cult continued until the Bishop of Innsbruck officially banned it in 1994.
1475 Trento (Italy) After the disappearance of a two-year-old boy, his father indicated that he had been kidnapped and killed by local Jews. Two year old boy Simon. - Fifteen local Jews were sentenced to death and burned. Simon was elevated to the rank of saint by Pope Sixtus V in 1588 (although there was no official canonization ceremony). Simon was decanonized and his cult abolished in 1965 as slanderous and contrary to the Catholic Church's position on the Blood Libel.
1491 Spain A group of Jews was accused of murdering a four-year-old boy (according to the case materials, the boy was killed by two Jews and three former Jews (who converted to Christianity)) Christopher of Toledo, also known as Christopher of LaGuardia or "The Holy Child of LaGuardia" - A total of eight people were executed in this case. James Reston writes that all this was staged by the Spanish Inquisition as a reason for the expulsion of Jews from Spain, Christopher was canonized by Pope Pius VII in 1805. Later, this canon was canceled, although it is now readily used as an argument in favor of the veracity of the accusations.
1494 Trnava (Hungary) (Hungarian: Nagyszombat, today's name is Trnava, Slovakia Under torture, absolutely ridiculous, even impossible, testimony was obtained from women and children who, being accused, preferred death as a way out of torture and agreed to confirm everything that was demanded of them. They even said that Jewish men menstruated and that they had to drink Christian blood as a means of relief. - - The accused were executed
1529 Bazin (Hungary) (Bösing, today's name Pezinok, Slovakia) A nine-year-old boy died from loss of blood, suffering terrible agony. Unknown child Count Wolf of Bazin Thirty Jews confessed to the crime and were publicly burned. The truth was later revealed when this child was found alive and unharmed in Vienna. He was kidnapped by his accuser, Count Wolf from Bazin, who in this way got rid of his Jewish creditors in Bazin.
1690 Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth The Russian Orthodox Church] elevated a six-year-old boy from the village of Zverki to the rank of saint. According to his life, the boy was kidnapped from his home during the Jewish holiday of Passover, when his parents were not at home. Shutko, a Jew from Bialystok, was accused of bringing the child to Bialystok, where he was stabbed with sharp objects and the blood was collected for nine days, then the child's body was taken back to Zverki and thrown into a field there. The child was canonized in 1820. Gabriel of Bialystok - Nowadays, his relics are the subject of veneration by pilgrims. On July 27, 1997, All Saints' Day, Belarusian television showed a film confirming the veracity of this story. The revival of this cult in Belarus was qualified in an international report on human rights and religious freedoms as a dangerous manifestation of anti-Semitism
1823-1835 Velizh (now Smolensk region) Velizh case: the Jews of the city are accused of the ritual murder of a three-year-old boy; later false witnesses mentioned several more victims. More than 40 people were arrested. Boy Fyodor Ivanov and other children Court of the Russian Empire The accused were acquitted and released after a total of nine years in prison; four of them died during this time. False witnesses were given up as soldiers or exiled to Siberia.
1840 Damascus (Syria) In February 1840, the abbot of the Franciscan monastery in Damascus, a French citizen, Father Thomas, disappeared. The suggestion that this was the work of Jews came from the French consul; Sherif Pasha, the Egyptian governor of Syria, wanting to please him, arrested 13 people: a hairdresser and several notables. Under torture, some of them confessed to the ritual murder. Damascus affair Father Thomas and his servant - -
1840 Rhodes Blood libel of Rhodes: Jews from the Ottoman-ruled island of Rhodes were accused of murdering a Greek Christian boy. Unknown boy The slanderous accusation was supported by the local governor and European consuls in Rhodes. Several Jews were arrested and tortured, and the entire Jewish part of the island was blocked for 12 days. An investigation by the Ottoman governor showed the innocence of the Jews
1852-1853 Saratov Yushkevicher, Shliferman and Yurlov were accused of ritual murder of two boys. Feofan Sherstobitov, 10 years old, Mikhail Maslov, 11 years old The official Volokhov, who was soon replaced by an investigator specially sent from St. Petersburg, is the court adviser Durnovo Yushkevicher, Shlifferman and Yurlov were sent to hard labor in the mines, the first two for twenty years each, and Yurlov for 18. The case was classified as criminal, charges of ritual murder were dropped.
1878 Sachkhere (Georgia) In April 1878, in the city of Sachkhere in Georgia, a Georgian girl disappeared and was later found dead. A group of 9 Jews from a neighboring village were accused of the murder. The trial took place in the district court in Kutaisi, thanks to which the story became known as the “Kutaisi case”. In the indictment and then in the speeches of the prosecutor, the murder was not classified as ritual, although it was indicated that the accused were Jews. The defendants were defended by lawyers L. Kupernik and P. Alexandrov. Sarra Modebadze Court of Georgia On March 13, 1879, the accused Jews were acquitted.
1882 Tiszaeslar (Hungary) Blood libel in Tisaeslar: the Jews of the village were accused of the ritual murder of a fourteen-year-old Christian girl Esther Solymosi, 14 year old Christian girl - This incident was one of the main reasons for the rise of anti-Semitism in the country. As a result, the accused were acquitted.
1899 Bohemia Hilsner case: homeless Jew Leopold Hulsner was accused of murdering a nineteen-year-old Christian girl Anezhka Gruzova Court of Bohemia Hilsner was sentenced to death. Later, another unsolved murder was pinned on him, also of a Christian woman. In 1901 he was sentenced to life imprisonment. The famous Czech philosopher and sociologist, future President of Czechoslovakia, Professor Tomas Masaryk led the defense of Hilsner. He was later criticized for this by the Czech media. In March 1918, Hilsner was pardoned by the Austrian Emperor Charles I. However, he was not acquitted.
1910 Shiraz (Iran) Pogrom in Shiraz: a Jew was accused of murdering a Muslim girl. Unknown girl - The local Jewish community was subjected to a pogrom, resulting in 12 deaths and about 50 injuries.
1911 Kyiv, (Ukraine, Russia) Beilis case: Kiev brick factory clerk Mendel Beilis was accused of murdering a Christian boy by bleeding from punctures in the body. 13-year-old student of the Kiev-Sophia Theological School Andrey Yushchinsky Court of the Russian Empire In 1913 he was acquitted by a jury.
1946 Kielce (Poland) The pogrom in the Polish city of Kielce in 1946 against Holocaust survivors was sparked by accusations of ritual murder against local Jews. - - The number of victims is about 40.

For some of these cases, as well as their consequences, see the articles:

Cases of blood libel today

In Russia

The accusation included traditional theses, such as “the entire democratic world of today is under the financial and political control of world Jewry - and we do not want our Russia to be among such unfree countries.” The requirement was published in open letter to the Prosecutor General in the conservative right-wing newspaper Rus Pravoslavnaya. This group consisted of members of the LDPR, Communist Party and the Rodina party, with more than 500 signatures, due to which the appeal became known as the “Letter of the Five Hundred”. Among the signatories were editors of nationalist newspapers and journalists. Subsequently, the letter was withdrawn by the deputies, but, having gained fame, it was supplemented by numerous signatures of those who wished to join the appeal. As a result, the letter was soon called the “letter of 5000”, and later the “letter of 15000”.

The modern position of Christian churches

At present, the Catholic Church unconditionally accepts such accusations against Jews blood libel, in connection with which the cult of Simon of Trent was abolished by the Second Vatican Council.

In 1991, Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Alexy II, speaking at a meeting with a group of American rabbis, said:

During the notorious trial of Beilis, the experts of our Church - Professor of the Kyiv Theological Academy Archpriest Alexander Glagolev and Professor of the St. Petersburg Theological Academy Ivan Troitsky firmly defended Beilis and resolutely spoke out against accusing Jews of ritual murders.

Doctor of Sciences, Professor of the Department of Philosophy of Religion and Religious Studies of the Faculty of Philosophy of St. Petersburg State University Sergei Firsov notes that “the Orthodox Russian Church itself, not represented Holy Synod, nor in the person of its theologians who studied the Old Testament, Talmud, Kabbalah, as well as the history of the Jewish religion, has never expressed its support for the idea of ​​​​the existence of ritual murders among Jews.”

Saints Gabriel of Bialystok and Eustratius of Pechersk were elevated to the rank of martyr as victims of ritual murders. The famous ecumenist, priest Alexander Men, argued that “not a single official resolution Orthodox Church did not support ritual slander against Jewry” and expressed the conviction that these saints would be decanonized.

Book of Toaff

In 2006, Ariel Toaff, a professor at the Israeli Bar-Ilan University specializing in medieval Jewish history, a Jew by nationality and the son of the chief rabbi of Rome, published the book “Bloody Passover. Jews of Europe and ritual murders" ( Pasque di sangue. Ebrei d'Europa e omicidi rituali), which claims that ritual murders in Medieval Italy may have been carried out by a Jewish sect. According to him, " There were extremist groups within the Ashkenazi community of that time that were capable of committing such acts and justifying them».

Representatives of the rabbinate and the Catholic Church condemned Toaff's book, arguing that he did not bring anything new to science, but simply interpreted long-known documents and confessions that were extorted from the accused by force. According to critics, the fact that Toaff's hypothesis is based on testimony obtained under torture nullifies all his further constructions. In Israel, Toaff's book caused extreme outrage and was discussed in the Knesset. Toaffe himself subsequently argued that his conclusions were misunderstood, and he only argued that the Inquisition materials did not allow the claim that all such trials were falsified.

Cultural influence

The phenomenon is mentioned in works of art:

  • Geoffrey Chaucer: The Canterbury Tales
  • V. Vysotsky: “Anti-Semites”

see also


  • Josephus Flavius, Apion
  • Katsis L.F. Blood libel and Russian thought: Historical and theological study of the Beilis case. - M.: Bridges of Culture / Gesharim, 2006. - 496 p.

This is just a small part of the atrocities of the Jews;

In the 15th century

33) In 1401 in Swabia, the people rebelled over the killing by the Jews of two Christian children bought from some woman - they locked all the Jews with her in the synagogue and burned them alive there. (Maemos, l. 33).

34) In 1407 in Krakow, under King Jagiell, the people were outraged at the death of a child by the Jews, killed many Jews, devastated and burned their houses and drove everyone out of the city. (Dlugosh, book X; Gembicki, chapter 7).

35) In 1420, several Jews were executed in Venice for someone killed in Good Friday baby. (Book of criminal proceedings against Jews for the murder of Christians).

36) In 1420, in Vienna, under Frederick, 300 Jews were burned for killing three children. (Maemos).

37) In 1454, several Jews were executed in Vienna for killing a child, taking out the heart, burning it into powder and drinking it in wine. This case is all the more remarkable because our schismatics, the kind of child-killers, did the same thing, but they did not drink the powder themselves, but doped others with it in order to attract others to their brotherhood through these spells.

38) In 1456 in Ancona, the baptized Rabbi Emanuel announced that a Jewish doctor who was there cut off the head of a Christian boy who served him and carefully collected the blood.

39) He testified about another similar case, where the Jews crucified a boy, pricked him and collected the blood in vessels.

40) In 1486 in Regensburg, six corpses of Christian babies were found in a Jewish cellar; During the investigation, a stone was immediately discovered, coated with clay, under which traces of blood were found on the stone, because the children were killed on it. (Eisenm. T. II, p. 222).

41) In 1475 in Triente, in Tyrol.

42) In 1486 in Vratislavl (Breslavl).

43) In 1494 in Brandenburg, Jews were executed and some were burned for killing Christian babies.

The incident at Triente is described in full detail. The three-year-old child Simeon was killed on Thursday Holy Week, and the inhabitants worshiped him as a martyr. The Jew Tovius brought it to school; Then they covered his mouth, held him by the arms and legs, cut out a piece from his right cheek, stabbed him all over his body with large needles, and, having collected his blood, immediately put it in unleavened bread. The Jews cursed at the child, calling him Jesus Christ, and threw the corpse into the water. The parents found the corpse and reported this to the authorities (John of Salis and citizen Brixen), who forced the Jews through torture to become conscious of all the details of this crime. People went to worship the baby's grave, and the martyr soon acquired the name of the righteous. Subsequently, Pope Sixtus IV opposed this and even forbade the persecution of the Triente Jews, because it is likely that the Jews managed to persuade people close to the pope in their favor; This incident was depicted in Frankfurt in a painting that existed back in 1700, with a detailed inscription, as eyewitness Eisenmenger says.

44) In 1492, the Jews were expelled from Spain on similar charges.

In the 16th century

45) In 1502 in Prague, a Jew was burned at the stake for killing a baby and bleeding him. (Gagel, l. 122).

46) In 1509, in Bossingen (in Hungary), the Jews tortured a child they had stolen from a charioteer, and, having stabbed him all over his body, drew blood, and threw the corpse outside the city. The perpetrators confessed under torture and were executed. (Eisenm. T. II, p. 222).

47) In 1510, the Jews were expelled from England on the same charges.

48) Around the same time in Danzig, a Jew stole the son of a tradesman.

49) In Glozava, under King Augustus, the six-year-old boy Donemat and the seven-year-old girl Dorotta were tortured by the Jews.

50) In Rava, two Jews stole a child from a shoemaker and took his life, for which they were executed.

51) In 1540, in the Principality of Neuburg, the Jews brutally tortured a Christian baby, who lived for another three days. The matter was discovered by the fact that a Jewish boy, playing with others on the street, said: “This puppy howled for three days and died by force.” Strangers heard this; and therefore, when the mutilated corpse was found in the forest by a shepherd dog and the people came running, they already knew who to take on. The blood of this martyr was found, by the way, in another city, in Posingen. (Eisenm. T. II, p. 223).

52 and 53) In 1566, in Narva and Belsk, the Jews were suspected of the same crime and managed to obtain a special order from the Polish king Sigismund, by which this suspicion was refuted as absurd, and the king would henceforth leave such cases to his own court.

54) In 1569 in Łenczyce (in Poland), in the Volovsky monastery, the Jews tortured two babies.

55) In 1570, the Jews were expelled from the Margraviate of Brandenburg for scolding the Holy Mysteries.

56.) In 1571, the Jews in Germany flayed the skin of one Christian, named Bragadin, and martyred him. (Eisenm. T. II, p. 219).

57) In 1574 in Lithuania, in the town of Pone, the Jews tortured one baby;

58) In 1589 in Vilna, on the outskirts - five;

59) In 1589 in Tarnov, in Globitsy, one - for which the perpetrators were executed by death.

60, 61 and 62) In 1590, in Olszowska Wola (in Poland), near Szydlowiec, in Kurozwaki and Peterkow, the Jews tortured three children.

63) In 1593, a woman there sold three children she had stolen to the Jews.

64) In Krasnostavtsy, a student or school student was tortured in this way.

65). In 1597, in Szydlowiec, the Jews sprinkled their school with the blood of a child they had tortured, which is recorded in the court books. This is in accordance with the Jewish ritual of anointing the doors in their houses with the blood of the Passover lamb, as well as with the above-mentioned testimony about this subject by the Jewish non-commissioned officer Savitsky and the testimony of Pikulsky that Jews anoint the doors of a Christian’s house with this blood. It is also true that they not only eat the unleavened bread with blood and the sweet pies made for the holiday of Purim, but also willingly treat Christians.

66, 67 and 68) In 1598, in Lublin, Kola and Kutna (in Poland), three babies were tortured by the Jews, about which there is a printed record; The decree of the Lublin tribunal is especially remarkable. Baby Albert was found in the forest near the village of Vozniki, stabbed and cut up. The Jews were exposed, but stubbornly locked themselves up; under torture, all five people, interrogated separately, testified the same thing, confessing everything, and publicly repeated their testimony in court, and in the presence of Jews specially called for this. This was also for Easter. The Jew Yachim testified that he did not participate in the murder, but accidentally saw the blood of a baby in a pot, and even tasted it, dipping his finger, believing that it was honey. Marko, the rich tenant with whom Jachim lived, and Mark’s wife did not tell him to tell anyone what he had seen, but did not reveal to him the secret of what this blood was needed for; Yachim, however, had long heard from other Jews that they definitely needed blood.

Aaron confessed that he, along with Isaac, stole the baby while transporting malt and handed it over to Zelman, who stabbed him, collected the blood and hired a worker, Nastasya, to take the corpse into the forest. Aaron subsequently repeated his testimony several times, no longer renouncing his words - but did not repent, but showed ossified fanaticism, even when he learned of the death sentence.

Isaac also confessed, showed all the petty circumstances, in agreement with Aaron, and added a disgusting, detailed picture of the torture and death of the martyr. According to him, the blood was distributed and used in unleavened bread.

Moshko, from Medzerzhits, showed exactly the same thing and explained the reason why the Jews do not bury tortured babies, saying that this is contrary to their faith; it should be thrown out, not buried. This rule is fully consistent with what was said about this subject above, about the testimony of the baptized Rabbi Serafinovich.

The worker Nastasya, a Christian, confessed to everything without torture; She added that the Jewish woman who owned it told her, while carrying out the corpse with her, that if it were buried, all the Jews would die. The culprits were executed.

In the 17th century

69) In 1601, in Chagraha (in Poland), Jews killed a girl.

70) In 1606 in Lublin, a boy.

71) In 1607 in Zvolyn (in Poland) a boy was found disfigured in the water with his limbs cut off.

72) In 1610, in Stashev (in Poland), the Jew Shmul stole a baby and sold him to Shchidlowets, where the Jews were captured at the very time they were torturing their victim. The Jews are quartered, and the body of the baby is laid in a caplid, with the inscription: Filius Joharinis Koval et Susannae Nierychotovskiae, civium Staszowiensium, cujus vox sanguinis vindectum clamat ut Judei nominis Christiani hostes pellantur Stasovie; - That is: the son of Ivan Koval and Suzanna Nerikhotovskaya, citizens of the Stashevskys, whose voice of bloody vengeance calls for the expulsion of the Jews, enemies of the Christian name, from Stashev.

73) In 1616, April 24, in Vilna, the Jew Brodavka killed the baby Jan, the son of the peasant landowner Olesnitsky.

74) In 1617, in Seltsy, near Lukov, a baby tortured by the Jews was found and laid in a collegium in Lublin.

75) In 1626. In Sochaczew, several Christian children were kidnapped and killed by the Jews.

76) In 1628, in Sendomir, the Jews tortured two children of a pharmacist.

77) In 1636, a decree of the Lublin tribunal followed in a similar case: the Jews invited, under some pretext, a Carmelite laik (novice) and, suddenly rushing at him, drained a lot of blood from him and, threatening him with death, obliged him with a terrible oath not to discover what had happened. But as a result of this violence, the novice fell desperately ill, confessed everything to the abbot, and he himself soon died, having, however, taken an oath of the truth of his testimony. On this basis the Jews were executed.

78) In the Kalisz province, in the city of Lenchitsy, in the Bernardine Church, there is still the corpse of a baby tortured by the Jews. Descendants of the perpetrators for a long time They were obliged to carry around the city, every year on the day of the crime, a picture depicting the Jews who participated in it and who were executed. Subsequently, this custom was adopted, and instead, a monetary penalty was imposed on the Jews in favor of the monastery.

79) In 1639, a child was tortured to death by the Jews in Komosice.

80) In 1639, a similar incident happened in Łęczycy, the original documents of which were recently preserved, and an extract was made from them: the peasant Mendyk was seduced by the Jews and sold the child of the peasant Mikhalkovich to Rabbi Meyer. Having gathered at night, the Jews tortured the child in exactly the same way as happened in all similar cases: they stabbed him all over his body and bled from him, and returned the corpse to the same peasant Mendyk. A reproach of conscience forced this man to denounce himself and the Jews; Moreover, he testified that he had previously sold them two more guys. Mendyk confirmed the same under oath and during double torture by fire, and at the execution site, before execution. Thus Mendyk was quartered for consciousness; and the Jews, who stubbornly did not confess to anything, were acquitted by the highest court. This was one of the first and most wonderful lessons for Christians not to confess and not to convict the Jews of such a terrible crime.

81) In 1648, in Ivanishki, the Jews tortured and stabbed a child, and filled the wounds with wax.

82) In 1650, March 21st, in Kadena a Jew was wheeled for killing a child by inflicting eight wounds on him and cutting off his fingers. (Eisenm. T. II, p. 223).

In 1649, the Jews tortured and killed babies:

83) In Khvostov;

84) In Kiy, near Pinchova;

85) In Negoslovice, near Vatsanov;

86) In Secimin;

87) In Opatov - and the guilty were executed,

88) In 1655 the same thing happened in Breznica, near Sendomierz, where the tenant Tsiko was accused,

89) In Ostrov, near Lublin,

90) In the Sling.

91) In 1660, in Tunguch (Germany), the Jews slaughtered a Christian child on Easter, for which up to 45 people were burned. (Eisenm. T. II, p. 223).

92) In 1669, near Metz (in France), the Jew Levi stole a child, who was found dead in the forest; the culprit was burned. The details of this case are described in. little book: Abrege du proces fait; aux Juifs de Mets, 1670.

93) In 1665, on May 12th, Jews in Vienna martyred a woman who was found cut into pieces in a lake. Since similar atrocities were repeated subsequently, the Jews were expelled by the emperor in 1701 from Vienna. (Eisenm.-T. II, p. 220).

In 1689 there were similar incidents and the perpetrators were punished:

94) In Zhulkovo;

95) In Lemberg (Lviv);

96) In Tsekhanov;

97) In Drogobetsk. The judges who gathered in this last place on this case were all poisoned.

98). In the Minsk province, near Slutsk, in the Holy Trinity Monastery, the relics of the baby Gabriel, tortured by the Jews in 1690, rest. The inscription tells all the details of this incident; the crime was committed in Bialystok, the corpse was found in thick bread, with the usual signs in these cases. The dogs barked and discovered the body of the baby, who was later recognized as a local saint. In honor of him, prayer songs were composed, known as the troparion and kontakion. The Jew, Joke's tenant, was the main murderer. There are no monuments left about the judicial proceedings in this case due to the fires.

99) In 1694, a child was killed by the Jews in Vladimir in Volyn.

100) The same thing happened in 1697 in Novo Mesto, near Rava, and

101) In Vilna, where several Jews were executed for the martyrdom of infants. In 1698:

102) In the Brest voivodeship, in Zabludov;

103) In Kodna, near Zamosc;

104) In Sendomir;

105) In Rozhany, and

106) In Slonim - Jews tortured seven children; and in Brody they poisoned Bishop Tsesheika.

107) In Tsekhanov and Belaya, in 1699, the Jews were executed in the square in front of the synagogue, because, having drunk young man, a Christian, they bled him and killed him.

In the 18th century

108, 109 and 110) In 1705 in Grodno, Tseymeylev and Rzheshov, the Jews tortured three Christian children for Easter.

15th-century engraving depicting a diagram of the Jewish ritual murder of the Christian child Simon Trent. The artist was not too lazy to sign the name of each Jew and depict shameful marks - round yellow patches.

One of the most pernicious and persistent anti-Semitic myths is the alleged ritual murder of Christian babies by Jews in order to mix their blood with Passover matzah. This accusation is all the more wild and absurd, since in the Torah a Jew is generally forbidden to eat anything with blood!

Every Jew has almost certainly encountered a “blood libel” at least once in his life. Still would! After all, this is the favorite topic of all nationalist-hurray-patriots, fascists-Nazis, and anti-Semites. Neither aggressive radical Islamic preachers, nor dense Catholic, Orthodox and any other priests disdain it.

Why, priests - even deputies of various Dumas raise this topic in all seriousness. And cartoonists generally pray to her: from the ultra-liberal European press to the Arab media. The blood of innocent babies is a favorite theme for illustrating anti-Israeli articles, reports, notes and comments...

anti-Israeli cartoon from a Syrian newspaper

For the first time such an accusation was made long before the emergence of Christianity - during the reign of the Syrian king Antiochus IV (163 BC). It was based on the delusional story of a certain unknown boy who managed to escape from the Jews who kidnapped him and held him captive for a whole year, so that they could sacrifice him and drink his blood on Easter. What he said is very reminiscent of eyewitness accounts of witches' sabbaths, satanic mysteries and similar nightmares, as if coming from the pen of another Lovecraft, Edgar Poe or Gogol.

It is interesting that exactly the same accusations were in use during the time of the Roman emperors, only they applied... to Christians (!), since the Romans - so far - did not see the difference between the first Christians and Jews. So the “fiery preachers” did not come up with anything new.

As mentioned above, this had its continuation. The historian Thomas of Monmouth, in his “Biography and Miracles of St. William of Norwich” (1173), initiated accusations of Jewish ritual murders during the Middle Ages. This book, among other things, describes the terrible murder of nine-year-old Englishman William from Norwich (Norfolk), which happened on Easter 1144. By the time the historian’s work was published, the boy had already been canonized as a holy martyr, allegedly stolen by the Jews and sacrificed by them. As if this were not enough, the story was replete with voluptuous and sadistic descriptions of the terrible and shameful torture that the Jews subjected William to in mockery of the torment of Jesus Christ. After the death of the tortured child, the Jews collected all his blood and mixed it into dough, from which they baked matzo. A certain Theobald reported all this to the authorities. After this, almost all the Jews of the city were killed, only a few managed to escape.

The news quickly spread throughout Europe, everywhere accompanied by spontaneous pogroms and expulsions of Jews. Even papal decrees, categorically denying the very possibility of human sacrifice among Jews, did not help.

Papal bull of 1164. State Historical Museum. Moscow, Russia

Here are quotes from them: “... and so that no one dares to reproach Jews for consuming Christian blood for ritual purposes...”. And further: “and whoever takes upon himself the courage, having become familiar with the contents of this decree, to oppose him, then let him pay... with excommunication”. Pope Innocent IV, bull of September 25, 1259.

“And he who nevertheless dares to denigrate the Jews for committing bloody atrocities will have to be considered in disfavor of Almighty God and his apostles Peter and Paul.”. Pope Martin V (1417-1431) in a bull of February 20, 1422.

But the tragedy was repeated again and again; from century to century, Jews died in riots and riots at the hands of a raging crowd.

In general, anti-Semitism as such and anti-Semitic sentiments were the norm in medieval Europe. The Jews were sincerely considered the fiends of hell, capable of any evil, since they once raised their hand against the “son of God.” They were held responsible for the earthquake in Rome (1020), epidemics of plague and smallpox, and famine; Accusations of Jews of poisoning wells and springs spread widely and with intricate variations.

As for the “blood libel” specifically, the stories of the ritual murder of Christian children by Jews were not all the same. Basically there were two types: English (so to speak, “classical”) and German.

The English type is characterized by the story of the abduction and murder of a child by Jews. The child symbolized purity, he seemed to personify Christ and served as a sacrifice for the Jews for Easter. TO English type include cases of blood libel in Gloucester (1160), Pantoise (1179), London (1181), Brasne (1192), Norwich (1235), Fulda (1235), again in London (1244), Paris (1244), Valreas (1247) and Lincoln (1255).

If in the English version the Jews kidnapped the child, then the German version is characterized by the fact that the woman sold the child to the Jews. Sometimes a mother or stepmother sold a son, and sometimes a mistress sold a servant. Also, in the stories of the “German type,” attention was focused not on ridiculing the suffering of the Savior, but on the fact that the Jews needed Christian blood. It was assumed that they used it for witchcraft purposes or for preparing poisons. The German type includes cases in Pforzheim (1261), Mainz (1279), Munich (1285), Oberwesel (1286), Bern (1287) and Krems (1293) ...

Jewish pogrom in Frankfurt am Main (German engraving, 1624)

Some variations on the "blood libel" theme arose from 1215, when the church adopted the doctrine of the Eucharist: henceforth the wafer and wine for communion were considered the flesh and blood of Christ, in accordance with his own words at the Last Supper. New rumors immediately appeared: Jews allegedly steal (option: they persuade weak-minded parishioners or their Christian debtors to do this) church wafers, and with their unclean witchcraft they draw out the blood of Christ from them, which, of course, is added to matzo, and so on... Needless to say, many hundreds of thousands of Jews were massacred on the basis of such absurd and absurd accusations.

The bloody legend and specific accusations against the Jews always came not from the crowd, not from ordinary people. Only a pogrom arose spontaneously, as a result of the preaching of one or another half- or completely insane monk, as was the case, for example, in 1146 in Mainz, where the sermon of a certain Rudolf inspired the Christian population to commit a monstrous pogrom. Cardinal Ganganelli (future Pope Clement XIV, then assistant to the Holy Inquisition) writes that this monk considered it his duty “to excite the Christian people and preach to them supposedly just revenge against the Jews thirsting for Christian blood. And although at the same time he was so enraged that he himself should have been subjected to tests of loyalty to the word of Christ, his preaching was a success. The Mainz population, excited by this monk, carried out a terrible bloody massacre of Jews.”.

However, the crowd could rage, scream and rage as much as they wanted, but the authorities could not allow people to lynch Jews. Why? Because everything had to look legal: accusation - trial - confiscation of property - execution. Moreover, the trial in 99% of cases was a pure formality: without exception, all “confessions” to the murders of Jews were extracted under torture.

What is this all for? The casket simply opens: here keyword"confiscation of property." It was for the sake of robbery that all these terrible crimes were conceived and organized.

Let us turn to the chronicles of those years: “The Bishop of Trois-Château, the Constable of Valencia and some other nobles and powers of the said province took advantage of the occasion in Valreas to confiscate the property of the Jews...”(1271).

anti-Semitic leaflet from the Third Reich, outlining the history of the blood libel

“It often happens that the fathers of these children themselves or other Christians, opponents of the Jews, secretly hide the children in order to find fault with the Jews, to receive a certain amount of money from them...”(1301)

“...and all this in order to force the Jews to give a ransom for themselves, to rob their property and fortune, and to throw stones at them, many Christians are inventing... various scary fables, and then they themselves are afraid of them..."(1422)

We also find confirmation that the blood libel in many cases was only a cover for the robbery of Jews in the summary memo of Cardinal Ganganelli. He cites the text of a letter from the Doge of Venice to the ruler of Padua dated April 22, 1475: “We are convinced that this rumor about the murder of a boy is fictitious and made up for certain purposes... the rumor that Jews killed a Christian boy is without any basis and was only a way to squeeze money out of these unfortunate people.”.

The myth of bloody sacrifices, like the black Phoenix bird, is constantly reborn from oblivion, disturbing minds and calling for massacres. Our century was no exception. It still exists, and is not going to disappear, in anti-Semitic brochures and leaflets issued in Russia, Germany, America and a number of Arab states.