Dragons love to attract the attention of others and always be in the center of events. Last year they had such an opportunity and were able to enjoy their glory to the fullest, but the Yellow Dog will moderate their ardor a little. As a result, Dragons can literally descend from heaven to earth.

For representatives of this fire sign, 2018 will not be the most stable and calm period. If it seems to the Dragons that luck and success are completely on their side, they need to prepare for a sharp and unexpected fall.

2018 is the year of the Yellow Earth Dog

Many Dragons may begin to complain about fate already in the first half of the year, accusing the Dog of unfair and biased treatment of their loved ones. But only they themselves can change the current order of things. The Mistress of the Year will simply try to convey to the Dragons the idea that in order to achieve the desired success, they must gather strength and be purposeful, without being distracted by trifles and without expecting the constant smiles of Lady Fortune.

Those Dragons who can analyze their own behavior and take the main annual message seriously will achieve success in almost all endeavors. But individuals who have not drawn up a specific plan, who will not correctly calculate their strengths, are unlikely to be among the Yellow Dog’s favorites, and life will begin to resemble a swing.

The intensity of this period will literally go off scale. Pleasant events will begin to happen in the life of the Dragons, but they are constantly replaced by problems. The stars predict that unpleasant surprises can be expected from relatives and close friends, while the Dragons will have to deal with all the consequences on their own. But they will never be able to leave a loved one alone with their problems.

The situation in the financial sector may be quite problematic. Many Dragons, from the first months of the year, will have to learn to save and rely only on the funds that were accumulated earlier.

The second half of 2018 may turn out to be a turning point, but for this the Dragons will have to start working systematically and confidently moving towards their goals. Thanks to this approach, not only will it improve financial situation, but money will literally start flowing like a river. The stars do not advise those representatives of the sign who do not know how to engage in long-term planning to despair, because in this case you can simply write for yourself every day step by step instructions and complete everything planned on time.

During vacation, Dragons need to be more careful, as there is a risk of serious injury. Therefore, you should give up extreme tourism, because a relaxing trip will give you no less pleasant moments and memories. The horoscope advises Dragons to pay attention to the countries of Northern or Western Europe.

The Yellow Dog will not greatly infringe upon the Dragons; for example, the sphere of personal relationships will be quite successful. The stars have prepared quite a lot for the representatives of this sign a large number of interesting meetings and acquaintances with unusual and bright personalities. There will be prospects not only personal growth, but new acquaintances can also help in building a successful career. There is a possibility that new turn life, will bring into it a person who will help quickly resolve complex problems.

The most important thing is that the Dragons can please the new mistress of 2018. Also now we need to learn to distinguish between imaginary and true values. All unimportant details should fade into the background, and moral standards and human relationships should come to the fore.

2018 is ideal for engaging in self-development or devoting time to studying psychology. These directions will be of interest to almost all representatives of this sign. The Stars advise Dragons to find new priorities for themselves that will help them become better. This year will not be a period of testing, but will become a new direction in the lives of individuals who in the future dream of finding complete harmony not only with themselves, but also with the world around them.

Dragon love horoscope for 2018

The Mistress of the Year will support the Dragons' desire to improve relationships with their loved one and return harmony and tranquility to the family. The stars advise representatives of this sign to show a sincere desire to settle down and spend more time with loved ones. It’s worth spending more time with your significant other, as constant absences and get-togethers with friends will lead to a series of quarrels and problems.

Those Dragons who have tied the knot a long time ago can be engaged in home improvement or make long-planned, but constantly postponed repairs.

Don’t worry that questions related to the choice of repair will lead to scandals; everything will go very smoothly and quietly. In addition, repairs will not require much effort or money; relatives themselves will volunteer to help.

Dragon parents should pay attention to the company in which their children spend time. There is a high probability that the sharply deteriorated character of a completely calm and quiet child was the result of outside influence.

Single individuals who have not yet met their soulmate will face a difficult year. Friends and relatives, as if by agreement, will constantly arrange dates and meetings with strangers, but all their efforts will be in vain.

Dragons will have the opportunity to meet an interesting and unusual person in 2018, and this will happen completely by chance. But in all other respects, during this period many individuals will be faced with simply a huge number of one-day novels.

Dragon career and work horoscope for 2018

In 2018, the Dragons should not stop, especially if a long-awaited promotion appears on the horizon, otherwise they may find themselves in the last ranks of applicants for the vacancy.

Only those individuals who demonstrate their leadership skills and determination, will be able to achieve the favor and patronage of the Dog. No less important During this period, the relationships that have developed within the team will also have an impact.

In the past, Dragons enjoyed luck and good fortune, which is why they began to look down on colleagues who were not so successful, which caused antipathy towards themselves.

In 2018, it will be possible to implement all work projects only if teamwork is coordinated, so do not be afraid once again ask your colleagues how they are doing and try to establish friendly relations with everyone.

Dragon financial horoscope for 2018

This year will be quite difficult for the Dragons financially, because representatives of this sign, who are rarely thrifty, will begin to spend all their earnings on shopping or having fun with friends.

It is important to remember that the Dog does not take kindly to senseless spending of money. If the Dragons cannot restrain themselves, they will have to tighten their belts in the second half of the year. To appease the Dog, you need to demonstrate a reasonable and respectful attitude towards money. Thanks to this behavior of its wards, the totem of the year will replace anger with mercy and provide an opportunity to make a profitable investment.

Dragon financial horoscope

Dragons who work for themselves will feel more confident. Previous efforts to establish own business, will gradually begin to bear fruit and long-awaited dividends. But you shouldn’t spend all your profits at once to celebrate, because it would be much better to use the money for further business development. Thanks to this approach, Dragons will be able to end the year with a good profit or expand their living conditions, which many representatives of this sign have long dreamed of. The dog will patronize all transactions related to real estate, because the housewife of the year always appreciates coziness and home comfort, especially if they were created for a large family.

The horoscope warns Dragons against gambling. If it’s hard to give up such a hobby, it’s best to do it with your family, which will protect you from major financial losses. You should avoid playing poker or playing cards with strangers, as there may be an experienced swindler among them.

Dragon health horoscope for 2018

This area will require increased attention from Dragons in 2018. The stars warn that during this period there will be a high probability of injury. You need to be most careful when handling fire and various hot objects. Therefore, when relaxing in nature, you should not get too close to the fire, so as not to accidentally get seriously injured.

The stars give a special warning to the Dragons regarding the existing bad habits. 2018 will be the period when it is not only necessary, but also possible to give up smoking and alcohol addiction. If you do not heed this advice from the stars, there is a risk that already in the second half of the year there will be a sharp deterioration in your health and an acute exacerbation of existing chronic diseases.

It is worth remembering the benefits of correct and balanced nutrition- you need to add porridge to your diet, which will be an ideal breakfast option, fresh vegetables, lean meats.

Dragon health horoscope

Dragons are literally prescribed by the stars to be active physical exercise and playing sports. Now it's just perfect time to sign up for Gym or swimming pool. Most importantly, Dragons must Special attention focus specifically on exercises to develop endurance. The point is that this side physical development very often it remains far beyond the attention of representatives of this sign.

Horoscope for the Dragon woman for 2018

The Yellow Dog will patronize all Dragon women, so there is no need to be afraid of unpleasant gifts from fate. In general, the whole of 2018 will turn out to be a completely calm and successful period, but you will have to go through a couple of unpleasant moments.

The Dog has prepared many gifts for the Dragon women, among which will be a very interesting and memorable acquaintance with a romantic twist. In the life of the beautiful representatives of the sign, a man will appear who feels tender and strong feelings. Since the Dog is a very sociable and friendly sign, you can count on the appearance of a new and faithful friend in your life.

Horoscope for the Dragon man for 2018

Dragon men have always been able to please women, and in 2018 the stars will provide a lot of opportunities for single individuals to meet their soulmate. From the first days of the year, Dragons will enjoy increased attention from representatives of the opposite sex, which they will like.

However, the Dog does not like this behavior, so the Dragons better decide on their chosen one, otherwise, already in the second half of the year, all the advantages of this situation will result in constant quarrels and conflicts. In 2018, Dragon men will make interesting acquaintances, which in the future may develop into strong and faithful friendships.

Dragon horoscope for each month of 2018

Dragon Horoscope for January 2018

Dragons will feel the wind of change from the first month of 2018. The stars advise sticking to old connections in friendship and love, but at work you can do more active search new like-minded people.

Dragon Horoscope for February 2018

The horoscope advises Dragons to set a specific goal and work hard to achieve it. Now you need to show not only others, but also yourself the leadership qualities and makings of a responsible leader.

Dragon Horoscope for March 2018

Now you can make bold plans and set global goals, even if at first they seem impossible. To achieve everything, in March Dragons need to use a rational approach to solving problems.

Dragon Horoscope for April 2018

In April, Dragons may encounter not very pleasant situations that will knock them out of their usual rut. But don’t worry, because with a little effort you can quickly correct the situation to your benefit. The situation in the financial sector is expected to be quite stable.

Dragon Horoscope for May 2018

The stars advise you to prepare for a rather busy, active and dynamic month. But we must not forget about the need for proper rest. You shouldn’t constantly chase success and well-being, as you need to devote time to your family.

Dragon Horoscope for June 2018

This month, envious people and ill-wishers may appear next to the Dragons, so you should not share your plans and achievements with everyone. In June, single individuals can meet their soulmate, so you should not refuse invitations to parties and work trips.

Dragon Horoscope for July 2018

In July, Dragons may feel very tired, but because of this they should not refuse to work, since their professional duties must be completed on time and perfectly. The financial situation will be quite stable, but you won’t have to count on an improvement in your financial situation.

Dragon Horoscope for August 2018

This month is ideal for relaxation and travel, which Dragons have been dreaming about for quite some time. There is a high probability that lonely individuals on a trip will meet their fate.

Dragon Horoscope for September 2018

With the onset of autumn, Dragons can get a little respite, which will allow them to take care of their own health and appearance. Despite the fact that towards the end of the month these individuals will again find themselves in the cycle of events, the stars advise that they slow down a little and try to look at life from the other side.

Dragon Horoscope for October 2018

Dragons need to stop wasting their strength and talents on various trifles, since now the time is coming when they can think about missed opportunities. The horoscope advises to carefully work on the mistakes that were made earlier, and in the future try not to repeat them.

Dragon Horoscope for November 2018

This month is suitable for resolving important business issues, conducting negotiations and concluding contracts. In almost all affairs and undertakings, Dragons will be accompanied by luck and success.

Dragon Horoscope for December 2018

At the end of the year, Dragons need to take stock and complete previously started tasks and projects. It is also useful to take time own health, go in for sports, avoid overload and try to achieve harmony not only with yourself, but also with the world around you.

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The Libra horoscope for 2018 predicts a non-boring and interesting period, so they will not have much reason to worry. On February 16, the Yellow Dog will come into its own, with which Libra will not only make friends, but will also be able to realize their plans together. If sometimes the Earth Dog barks loudly, it is only to warn Libra from rash actions.

The horoscope for Libra for 2018 promises a good financial situation. Not only a stable profit is expected, but also a successful investment of finances in profitable projects. Already in March, the Dog will tell Libra where the treasure with gold coins is buried. The main thing is to find a large container for money in order to accumulate a decent amount for summer holiday and gifts for loved ones. There will be many offers, deals and important meetings.

Libra will even feel dizzy with joy, although the Dog will make sure that they do not become arrogant and fall under the influence of selfish individuals. In March and April 2018, Libra will come home with armfuls of roses from fans and admirers of their talents.

The 2018 horoscope for Libra does not advise following feelings. Otherwise, they will get thoroughly confused in love dates and miss the opportunity to create strong relationships. Lonely Libras will be able to meet a loved one if they take a closer look at their surroundings. The Dog, faithful and honest by nature, will tell them in which direction to move and with whom to communicate in order to be in the grip of a real and sincere feeling.

The horoscope for Libra for 2018 for Dogs predicts many pleasant surprises and news for married couples. In order to arrange your home according to highest level, you need to take care of repairs, remodeling and purchasing the necessary building materials. Those Libras who recently got married will have a family in 2018. Well, if you don’t yet have plans to add to your family, then you can go on vacation and organize a cruise in the Mediterranean. The dog is already packing his bags, so don't change your mind.

The horoscope for 2018 promises household and household chores for Libra at the beginning of summer. If you deal with them quickly, then you can fully relax. After all, in September Libra will have to fight with competitors. If you can’t deal with them yourself, then it’s better to look for influential people. But you shouldn’t be afraid, because he will always be there and help Libra solve difficult problems.

At the beginning of October and until mid-November 2018, Libra will not sit down for a minute. There will be so much work that there will be no time left for rest. This is especially true for those Libras who have opened their own business. They have to set up a new office, make repairs and look for partners. By the way, don’t forget to deposit your interest-bearing money in a reliable bank. The 2018 Libra horoscope promises decent profits already in December, which can be spent on personal needs, trips and family. It doesn’t matter which vacation destination Libra chooses, the main thing is that your household members support your proposal and go with them.

Libra will be in excellent mood and well-being at the end of 2018. It's not surprising, because you new flat, car and lover. Career growth will affect your financial situation and allow you to achieve your desired goals. The Yellow Dog will not leave Libra without a decent salary and an honorable position.

The horoscope for Libra for 2018 advises you to think first and then act. In pursuit of a career and money, you can lose a lot, so a stop along the way and a temporary break is necessary. Libra can take an example from the active Dog, who knows moderation in everything and chases only what she really needs. To maintain health, Libras should not forget about preventive measures and proper nutrition.

The 2018 horoscope for Libra recommends saving money even if there are a lot of temptations to buy something. It’s one thing to spend money on family needs, and quite another to “spend” a decent amount on entertainment. Libra needs to be more careful in commercial matters, but the Dog does not recommend opening your own business in 2018. Frequent business trips and flights on official business are possible, which will not please the household. But if Libra is emotionally restrained and reasonable, they will be able to convince relatives of the need for travel and work.

Libra love horoscope 2018

The love horoscope for Libra for 2018 promises a meeting with a new chosen one. But if you constantly think through and plan everything, then love will pass by. True feelings come from the heart, so you only need to listen to the voice of reason in emergency cases. The Dog advises Libra to rely on intuition so as not to overlook “their” person. Free Libras can meet a chosen one who uses them for his own selfish purposes.

The 2018 Libra horoscope must pacify their desires and passionate impulses. Otherwise, your loved one will consider you too frivolous and fickle. As a result, a quarrel and separation may occur. They often ride their own wave of positivity, but sometimes it’s worth considering the mood of the people around them.

Horoscope for Libra for 2018 predicts stable income which will help strengthen your relationship with your chosen one. Of course, we are not talking about commercialism here. But if Libra is hardworking and responsible, then these qualities will have a good effect on relationships and the weather in the house. Libra men are not averse to flirting on the side, which can negatively affect their communication with a regular partner. But to make amends, don’t skimp on expensive gifts and jewelry for your loved one.

Libra family horoscope for 2018

The Libra family horoscope for 2018 advises spending more time at home, with family and children. Even if you have a complete rush at work, still be attentive and sensitive to your loved ones. Then there will be fewer scandals in the family, and more pleasant surprises.

The relationship with your spouse cannot be called ideal, but quarrels and disputes on everyday grounds can be avoided. If Libra is more compliant and calm, they will be able to maintain comfort and coziness in the house. Moreover, there will be a minimum of reasons for jealousy and nit-picking on both sides. The 2018 horoscope for Libra predicts the respect and admiration of relatives who will note your diligence and generosity. Only occasionally remove the crown from your head so as not to turn into a domestic despot and tyrant.

In 2018, Libra needs to be softer and more sociable with members of their household. If elderly relatives call you asking for help and support, then do not refuse. Criticize and scold your spouse less because of minor mistakes. You yourself are far from perfect. The horoscope for Libra for 2018 promises a new addition to some families. You already thought that the Stork had forgotten about you, but here is such a miracle! Just don’t rush to tell everyone about your pregnancy ahead of time.

The horoscope for 2018 recommends Libra to thoroughly renovate their apartment and buy a dacha outside the city. Especially if all this has been in your plans for a long time. Choose your interior style and new furniture together with relatives so that there are no differences in tastes. The dog does not advise buying expensive and too extravagant things for the home, because comfort and warmth do not depend on material values.

Libra health horoscope for 2018

The horoscope for Libra for 2018 recommends that you listen to your body more often. If you get sick, do not self-medicate, but immediately contact experienced specialists. Even with a cold traditional methods may be less effective than the medications and procedures prescribed by your doctor.

Years of birth of representatives of the Dragon sign: 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012.

Dragon: briefly about the sign

The dragon has natural strength and magnetism and has a passion for everything unusual and extravagant. The dragon is always full of energy and enthusiasm, so it is often difficult for household members to tolerate its excessive activity. Dragons never have enough; they constantly want more. The Dragon is an idealist who strives to realize all his ambitions, and those who dare to stand in his way can seriously suffer from the red-hot flames of all-destroying anger. The dragon does not tolerate failure; he is always confident in himself and in his superiority. The dragon always gets what he wants, even if he doesn't really need it and doesn't act wisely.

Eastern horoscope for the Dragon for 2018: the main thing

For the Dragon, 2018 is the ideal period to rethink their life values and get your finances in order.

2018 Score for Dragon: 5/10

Motto for the Dragon for 2018:"Be careful!"

Dragon Predictions for 2018

In compatibility tables eastern horoscope The sign of the Dog is opposed to the sign of the Dragon, so for the latter, 2018 promises to be tense, at least harder than 2017. However, the elemental sign - "Earth Yang", the main element of 2018, is in harmony with the stable element of the Dragon, which also belongs to the element - Earth. This combination suggests that in 2018 the Dragon will be able to confidently cope with the problems that it will face, especially if it can foresee them in advance. In 2018, the Dragon needs not only to closely monitor his finances, but also his love. Perhaps events will not develop in the direction you would like, but often you will not be able to change the situation in any way, even with additional efforts. The Dragon must understand how important useful connections and acquaintances are, since they can influence his decisions and choices. Old enemies or rivals from the past may reappear and interfere with your life plans. To get fewer bites from the Yellow Earth Dog, the Dragon must learn to be softer and tame his pride and stubborn nature. Unaccustomed to compromise, the Dragon must understand that sometimes he must show humility, otherwise he may lose much more than he will concede.

Family and love relationships

Throughout most of 2018, the Dragon will face unpleasant situations and encounters that he will regret, but it will be too late. A dragon who is married or has been living with a loved one for a long time will face numerous conflicts and disputes in the family. You may even have to live separately for a while or return to your parents. Dragons in a couple should not overly criticize their partner in order to avoid the “Boomerang effect”, which can lead to a break in the relationship. Betrayal of a loved one or loved one also possible in 2018.

Single and lonely Dragons will avoid love relationship and they will not be able to open their hearts and truly trust anyone. A single dragon may have to face unrequited love, because of which he will be very worried and suffer. It is in the Dragon's interests to lock the doors to his rich inner world and do not let in unfamiliar people and ill-wishers who like to feed themselves with other people’s energy and failures. Obviously, for marriage or the birth of children, the Year of the Dog cannot be called successful for representatives of the Dragon sign. A child born in the year of the Dog will never be able to become close to his mother or father Dragon, so it is better to wait.

Work and social life

IN professional field Also, don't expect great success. It is high time to abandon unnecessary and frozen projects that require a lot of time, financial investments and do not bring profit. In 2018, Dragons need to try to change their views on their profession and really evaluate their ambitions. The Year of the Dog is an ideal time to conduct various studies and develop one of the many hidden talents Dragon. In 2018, you can lose money, but at the same time gain a very dear person, and this will happen at the most unexpected moment. Financial investments can be very risky, so it is better to wait until next 2019 to invest. Now is the time to listen to the wise advice of friends and put them into practice. In 2018, the Dragon will still experience positive emotions, for example, when he goes on vacation, and it is recommended to discover new countries. We also advise Dragons to prepare in advance and thoroughly for the trip, and not to grab the first last-minute ticket they come across, in order to avoid fuss, haste and, as a result, a spoiled vacation. Unfortunately, the Dog does not get along with the Dragon in any way, so you will have to be alert and careful throughout not only the entire vacation, but throughout 2018.

Dragons, like no other sign, love to be visible and attract everyone's attention. Last year, Cockerel provided them with this opportunity to the fullest, but is determined to bring the Dragons down to earth a little. This period of life for representatives of the fire-breathing sign will not be stable: as soon as it seems to you that luck is entirely on your side, get ready for an unexpected fall.

Most likely, the Dragons will want to grumble about fate already in the first half of the year, accusing the Yellow Dog of unfair treatment and bias, but you can change the current state of affairs. The Mistress of the Year simply wants to convey the idea that in order to achieve heights you need to be more focused, purposeful and not expect constant smiles from fortune.

Dragons who are able to heed the main annual message and analyze their behavior will achieve success in many endeavors. But individuals who do not have clear plans and do not measure their strength with the desired results will be eliminated from the list of the Dog’s favorites, and their life will begin to resemble an endless swing.

  • Years of the Dragon: 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024.
  • Personal qualities: self-confidence, vanity, ambition, activity, intelligence, shockingness, wit, sociability.
  • Best professions: journalist, reporter, teacher, engineer-inventor, designer, business analyst, lawyer, politician, actor, administrator.

Forecast for the Dragon for 2018 Dogs

The intensity of 2018 will simply go off scale - good events in the life of the Dragons will constantly be replaced by those that they could do without. Most likely, you should expect unpleasant surprises from loved ones, and the consequences of their actions will fall entirely on your shoulders. You simply cannot leave a loved one in trouble.

The financial situation will be no less problematic. From the first months of winter, the Dragons will have to tighten their belts, counting on the savings of past years. If you immediately begin to work systematically, moving towards achieving high results, the second part of the year will become a turning point, and money will flow not in a thin stream, but full-flowing river. Individuals who do not have long-term planning strengths, they can simply write step-by-step instructions for themselves in a diary.

During the holidays you will need to behave with a certain amount of caution. As much as you might want to blow off some steam by jet skiing, paragliding or hitting the roads on a high-speed motorcycle, be aware of the high risk of injury. Perhaps this time it’s worth giving up the drive in favor of a quiet pastime. The stars recommend that you look towards one of the countries of Western or Northern Europe.

Acquaintances made in 2018 will help you in life and in work

It cannot be said that the Yellow Dog will infringe on the Dragons in all areas. For example, from the point of view of personal relationships, 2018 promises to be successful - interesting meetings will help to establish promising ones from the point of view career growth acquaintance. It is quite possible that new round life will bring into it a person who can solve many problems.

The main thing that Dragons need to be liked is to learn to distinguish between true and imaginary values. External tinsel should fade into the background, and human relations and moral standards should come to the fore. New Year Great for self-development and studying psychology. It's time for new priorities that will only make you better. 2018 is not just a time of testing, but a new milestone in the life of Dragons who want to live in harmony with the world and themselves in the future.

Love and relationships

The 2018 totem will support any impulse related to filling relationships with harmony. However, Dragons will have to demonstrate a sincere desire to settle down and devote time to their family. Astrologers recommend representatives of this sign who have been married for a long time to start arranging their nest and making long-desired repairs.

Don’t worry that questions related to the choice of wallpaper or laminate can become a stumbling point and cause a scandal. Everything will go without a hitch. Moreover, it will be possible to renovate the apartment with “little blood.” Relatives themselves will volunteer to help with the work, offering all possible assistance in this matter. Children can cause some unpleasant moments - pay attention to the company your child keeps. It is possible that the child’s suddenly deteriorated character is a consequence of outside influence.

If you don't work on your relationships, you'll soon face a series of scandals

Dragons who are in a couple should spend as much time as possible with their partner - endless get-togethers with friends will lead to worsening misunderstandings. The result may be not just a series of protracted quarrels, but also a complete breakdown of the relationship, which you will deeply regret. Try to demonstrate to your partner that you care about him and that you enjoy his company. To do this, it will be enough to simply go on romantic picnics more often or go to the cinema at least once a week.

Those who have not yet found their soulmate will have a difficult year ahead. Relatives and friends, as if by agreement, will arrange endless blind dates for you. However, their efforts will be in vain. If you meet in 2018 interesting person, then completely randomly. Otherwise, the year promises you another series of one-day novels.

However, the Dragons are unlikely to be upset by this state of affairs. On the contrary, a series of successful dates can further raise their self-esteem, which the Yellow Dog will not ignore. The stars say that a stormy personal life in the first half of the year can abruptly give way to a period of absolute stagnation starting in the summer.


This area should become an area of ​​increased attention from the Dragons. The heavenly bodies warn you about the increased risk of injury. You should be especially careful when handling fire and hot objects, so don’t get too close to a fire in nature and don’t try to grab a pot of soup with your bare hands.

It's time to say goodbye to bad habits once and for all!

Hotel star warning concerns bad habits. 2018 will be a period in which you should quit smoking and drinking alcohol. Otherwise, by the end of the year you will notice a sharp deterioration in your health and an exacerbation of chronic ailments. Don't forget about proper nutrition– morning porridge, constant inclusion of greens, fresh vegetables and lean meat can do wonders for the body.

Active physical activity in 2018 is simply prescribed for the Dragons from above. It's time to join the gym or master one of the martial arts! The main thing for you is to do endurance exercises. This aspect of physical development often remains beyond the attention of Dragons.

Work and career

Dragons should not count on a break - in 2018, any stop in moving up the career ladder will set you back. The Dragon will win the Dog’s sympathy and support only if he can prove his determination and high level professionalism. Another important point– relationships within the work team.

In the past, Dragons were so lucky that they allowed themselves to look down on their less fortunate colleagues, which caused antipathy towards themselves. All projects in 2018 can be implemented only if there is coordinated and teamwork, so do not hesitate to once again ask your office neighbor how he is doing and the health of his children and wife.

2018 is a good year for self-development and learning foreign languages

It is better to avoid long business trips this year – they will fray your nerves enough, and there will be few results from the trip. It is useful to take the initiative by going to foreign language courses - improve your English level or learn new language to communicate with foreign partners representing promising markets. In the near future, this will help you become an indispensable specialist.

Dragons, whose professional activity related to analytics, you will need to work with special care on contracts and agreements. The stars predict the risk of mistakes that will lead to significant losses for the company. You won't get a pat on the head for such an oversight! But for those who work in the field of art, acting on the stage of a theater or on a film set, the Dog promises all kinds of help. It is possible that you will be invited to a project that will bring you fame, recognition and substantial money.


A difficult year will lead to the fact that Dragons, who are not particularly thrifty anyway, will spend every penny on shopping, get-togethers with friends and other personal pleasures. Remember that the 2018 totem is not too fond of waste! If you fail to control your spending instincts, you will have to tighten your belts in the second part of the year. Appease the Yellow Dog by demonstrating a reasonable attitude towards money. Most likely, she will change her anger to mercy and give you chances for profitable investment accumulated funds.

You should invest money in the Year of the Dog exclusively in real estate

Dragon entrepreneurs will feel more or less confident. Long efforts to establish a business will bear fruit in the form of dividends. Don’t try to spend all the profits you make to celebrate. It’s better to spend money on development in order to end the year with an enviable financial cushion or expand the living space you occupy. The Dog will provide special patronage to transactions related to real estate, because it values ​​​​comfort and coziness, especially if they are created for a large family.

The Dog will provide support and assistance to each of the Dragons. The only thing a Dog cannot help with is inspiration. And the out-of-the-box thinking Dragon will have to spend 2018 without big flight fantasies. For major successes, Dragons in the year of the Dog should look more openly at the world and get a couple of like-minded people.

Dragons by nature are self-sufficient and independent. But in 2018 you still preference should be given to teamwork. A team should be created not only in professional matters, but also in personal matters. Make as many friends as possible, communicate openly with everyone who piques your interest and, of course, be inspired by everything you learn from your new acquaintances.

The Dragon horoscope 2018 promises a happy period when you want to charm and take everyone around you under your “wing.” In the professional sphere, Aries-Dragon will surpass his colleagues and even his boss, bombarding them with ideas and innovations. In 2018, feel free to implement what you have planned. In his personal life, Aries-Dragon needs to take the initiative. And try to be more gentle with your chosen one.

The Dragon horoscope 2018 promises a wonderful time when everyone around you adore, respect, call you by your patronymic and invite you to visit. In 2018, no one will dare even look askance in your direction. In his personal life, Taurus-Dragon, on the contrary, should be more serious and stricter. Otherwise, the chosen one will sit on your neck and demand the impossible.

The horoscope for the Dragon for 2018 promises a delightful period for Gemini, when you can relax in the Canaries and actively work in your office. Before Gemini-Dragons even have time to look back, they will earn a lot of money, find new partners and drive off to the sea with their chosen one. Everyone around will be delighted by the optimism and confidence of Gemini-Dragons. Just control the emotions and words that are directed at your friends.

In 2018, Cancer-Dragon himself will be surprised at how talented and in demand he is by his environment. By the way, the Dog promises you real triumph and honor from famous people. Cancer-Dragon will attract to its side those with whom it was not intended to say hello before. Well, an almost ideal period is expected in love. After all, you will fall in love with a person who has had a real feeling for you for a long time.

The horoscope for the Dragon for 2018 predicts for Leo not just good, but greatest period in life. You will finally get what you dreamed of - a position, a high salary and happy marriage. Leo-Dragon will charm even his competitors, and annoying fans themselves will make offers to him. The Dog does not advise Leo-Dragon to neglect the support of relatives. After all, a lot depends on them in 2018.

In 2018, the Virgo-Dragon will proudly spread its wings and fly towards its dreams. By the way, get ready not only for a new and promising job, but also for a meeting with your “soulmate.” The Yellow Dog will introduce the Dragon Maiden to a man about whom the whole neighborhood is crazy. Well, then he’ll throw in some money for the honeymoon. Moreover, my financial situation allows for large purchases and a luxury hotel.

The horoscope for the Dragon for 2018 predicts a lot of pleasant events and news for Libra, both from friends and relatives. Your sentimentality will be appreciated, so don't be shy about tears of joy and happiness. Libra-Dragons will help solve problems for everyone who turns to them with a request. In 2018, the Dog will take you to best salon beauty in order to appear before the chosen one in a new and charming image.

The horoscope for the Dragon for 2018 predicts an almost magical period for Scorpio when you can dream and compose. If your head is spinning creative ideas, then Scorpio-Dragon urgently needs to put them into work. Everything will work out well with finances in 2018, because there is a wealthy and generous admirer nearby.

In 2018, Sagittarius-Dragon will show excessive frivolity, which runs counter to many grandiose plans. Keep in mind that competitors want to see a serious and wise opponent. In amorous affairs, you need to become faithful and compliant with your loved one, and not create scandals by breaking dishes.

In 2018, Capricorn-Dragon will have to admit to himself what he passionately desires and what he strives for. Well, if your thoughts are good and pure, then go for it. The dog will support you in everything and even help you organize a meeting with the right people. If Capricorn-Dragon has a family, then it doesn’t hurt to create a common business with your spouse. After all, there is no such thing as extra money.

Pisces-Dragons in 2018 will begin to listen to their intuition, and will also develop a plan to eliminate competitors. Even an Earth Dog will be surprised by your talents and thoughtfulness. Just don’t use fiery arrows or aggression, otherwise even reliable partners will run away. In love, Pisces-Dragons can get into such a commotion that they themselves grab their heads. In 2018, you need to act carefully so as not to lose your loved one.