“Tell the world “Yes!”,” smiles Olga Skrebeiko, mother of three boys and founder of a home publishing company who calls herself a scanner.

“I have always had and still have many ideas that I want to immediately implement: I managed to be a DJ on Radio Maximum, and the director of a computer club, and the organizer of the Dozor game.”

How can you tell if you are a scanner?

“Scanners are tireless researchers. These are people with many interests who cannot settle on just one thing.

Barbara Sher writes about it this way: “You are definitely a scanner if you can say this about yourself:

  1. I can't do anything for long.
  2. I know I need to focus on one thing at a time. But on what?
  3. I quickly lose interest in things that I thought would occupy me forever.
  4. I get bored as soon as I start to understand how something is done.
  5. I hate doing something twice.
  6. It's hard for me to choose a field professional activity, what if I make a wrong choice?
  7. I think everyone comes into this world for something. Everyone has a purpose. Everyone does, but not me. I can only do something when I have many different things to do at the same time. Every now and then I give up what I started because I’m afraid of missing out on something better.”

Do you recognize yourself? You often hear from others: “When will you finally choose one thing and do it properly?

Do you scold yourself because you can’t decide, there are so many interesting projects around, and you want everything at once?

Do you give up one thing, take on another, and then come back to what you didn’t finish?

Do you want to learn how to achieve results with joy, without strict planning and schedule?

Listen to the podcast.

On the podcast:

  • human scanners (their strengths, differences and types)
  • planning mechanics for irrationals
  • how to achieve goals without the help of SMART (this is also possible!)
  • home education: how to motivate children to study
  • 2 exercises for scanners that determine the depth of interest in projects (how far you are enough in one task and what prevents you from moving on)

About Olga Skrebeiko:

  • coach, book sommelier, man of many interests
  • founder of the home publishing house "Skrebeiko"
  • author of the project “I am a scanner!”
  • happy wife and mother of 3 boys

Tired of living according to a schedule? Are you struggling to be productive and the effort is draining you?

Perhaps you are irrational and need to plan your goals and objectives differently! No work through force, because “it is necessary”, clear step by step plan and timing. And at the same time - getting the desired result.

Do you think it's impossible?

Download Ivan Pirog’s article, which changed Olga’s attitude towards planning. It will help you complete things with pleasure and joy, even if you are working on several projects at the same time.

  • If you want more than just reading an article
  • If you set goals and fail to achieve them over and over again, you blame yourself
  • If you can't find something to do that will inspire you every day
  • If you are now facing difficulties on the way to your goal and want to give up on everything -

get recordings of the Inspire Mindfulness Summit from Websarafan.

Bonus: 50% discount with code 24is7 until 23:59 07/08

Books by Barbara Sher - author of the theory of human scanners

The book “What to dream about. How to understand what you really want and how to achieve it" Barbara Sher - buy the book I Could Do Anything: If I Only Knew What It Was: How to Discover What You Really Want and How to Get It on OZON.ru quickly delivery | 978-5-00100-579-7
The book “I Refuse to Choose! How to use your interests, passions and hobbies to build the life and career of your dreams" by Barbara Sher - buy a book on OZON.ru with fast delivery | 978-5-00057-940-4


It turned out that the newly founded publishing house had already published its first book - “About Sailors and Pirates” (original spelling), author - Makariy Andreevich, six and a half years old. For the first time, it turned out to be a picture book, with several captions for the pictures. “This book will tell you about bloodthirsty pirates and noble sailors” - it was written in large block letters in the annotation on the back of the cover. Well, yes, of course, they recently defeated Treasure Island, and now they need to give vent to their impressions. But how, I wonder, does Makar know that there are annotations in the books? When reading aloud we usually skip them. Well, apparently, from the air, from time to time various adult words fly in it...

But that was not all my morning surprises.

After breakfast, Makar called his grandfather, as usual, to find out how he was doing and his health, and casually asked:

Would you like to write a review of one book? I opened a publishing house, maybe you will write reviews?

Apparently, there was a surprised pause on the other end of the line. Makar began to patiently explain:

Well, you see, a review is a story about a book so that people know whether it is good or not. You write it, and I’ll print it.

“Where, I wonder?” - I thought, involuntarily listening to the conversation.

But it turns out that my children have already come up with everything. They decided not to limit themselves to releasing a pirate series, but also to publish a handwritten magazine - as a gift for mom for Easter. And two days later I received it. The theme, of course, is also Easter, since the publication is announced as “the Orthodox magazine “Dmitry”.” (Well, how interesting! The publishing house is named after the youngest of our children, and the magazine is named after the middle son. I won’t be surprised if in a couple of days the handicraft magazine for girls “Anna”, for example, will be published...) In the magazine “ Dmitry” there were as many as four pages of A4 format, Anya’s poetic experiments and Makarushkin’s congratulations on the holiday. In the evening of the same day, the publishing house began work on a story about the adventures of junior lieutenant Aerostatov in the war. (For several weeks now, the older children have been reading war stories with enthusiasm, and, apparently, the degree of internal experiences is such that they need to be poured out on paper. And now the two of them, like Ilf and Petrov, are composing adventures.)

Of course, this is all just another game, which will most likely end quickly and be replaced by something else, no less exciting. But in itself it’s wonderful that it arose, isn’t it? For me, this means that the reading development of older children is moving into some new quality. Quite by accident, they discovered that a person writes because he wants to express in words what fills his soul. And we decided to try it. But, it turns out, we still need to somehow do it so that it would be interesting for others to read, and now they are trying to comprehend the “cuisine” creative process. They experiment with a word, a plot, a font, a picture in the same way as they do home experiments and concerts or make homemade soap. Now they are very actively trying themselves in various “adult” roles, and I am very glad that one of the ways adult life‒ working on texts, entering the world of thoughts and feelings of another person - turned out to be so important for them that their own children's home publishing house was born.

My name is Olga, my husband’s is Sasha. We have been together for ten years, and during these years we have lived in three cities, two countries, given birth to three sons (all in different cities) and worked together in different things. Now we have a Home Publishing House skrebeyko.ru.

Our boys help us in all matters. Sasha, the eldest son, he is seven years old, at first put company stamps on envelopes and boxes. Nikita (he’s four) helped lay envelopes on the floor so the paint could dry. It was a year ago. Now Sanka is doing her best to help us complete orders. He opens the computer, looks at what needs to be put in, collects it himself, checks it together - and packs it up. And even the youngest, Mikhail, meets the courier with me, helps me carry the parcels across the floor to the courier, and bring the necessary papers. And all this - with delight!

Our boys are home - San went to the garden for at most a month, Nick and Mikh - never. Sashka didn’t go to school either. We thought about joining the Bittner school, but, due to various circumstances, we never did. And somehow we, parents, stopped being scared that our child was an unschooler. Why?

  • Firstly, his studies and activities make sense - he doesn’t just learn to count, he understands why mathematics is needed at all.
  • Secondly, he quickly grasps everything that interests him. Under this sauce I find hooligan copybooks - and so he writes out the letters. Or Zubaku reads it - and we laugh together.
  • Thirdly, in his life there is a place for both sports and the School of Excellence and Entrepreneurship - he is busy.
  • Fourthly, at the online Olympiads from the wonderful project uchi.ru, he scores no less points than the kids from schools.
  • Fifthly, he has time to play and have fun with his brothers and his favorite Lego constructor.
  • Sixthly, working together with us instills responsibility and discipline in him. She and her dad are discussing deadlines for delivering the order - and it’s important for Sanka to plan her activities in order to be on time. Otherwise there will be no more orders. One day, my son set his alarm clock for 7 a.m. so he could finish printing the envelopes before his father left. There was also a defect in his activities - and he knows the price of this.

We believe it is very important to raise men to be men. That is why my husband teaches classes to boys from 5 to 14 years old at the School of Excellence and Entrepreneurship. There are guys passing by full course– from the origin of ideas to the production of a product, its packaging and sale. Once a month, the guys go to fairs and sell what they make with their own hands. Work with different materials– wood, ceramics, make toys and mugs. I don’t even know what they will surprise us with at the next fair. Sanka goes with his dad to almost all classes, sometimes they take Nikita with them. One day Nikita asked to go with them. And there are boys 10-14 years old. Sasha says: “You will be bored, we are still talking, planning.” But Nikita insisted, sat quietly, listened, and did not interfere. And so Sasha talks with the guys: “What do we need to invest in the cost of the goods? Materials - yes. And what else?". They are silent, they don’t know. And then a voice from the corner - “Work!” Our Nikita knows!

When we lived in Crimea, the boys had chores and responsibilities. Nikita fed the dog Mirta twice a day, Sanya walked her and fed the chickens. Now that we live in an apartment, the boys wash their dishes every time immediately after eating, Sanka takes out the trash and buys bread and milk.

And so we see that it is in life itself, in full participation in the affairs of parents, in overcoming difficulties that the best learning is found.

Do you manage to involve children in adult activities? At home or at work? What do you think can be invented, if not? family business to introduce children to adult activities? And is it necessary? After all, many parents tell their children: “Your task is to study well, but you still have time to work hard.” Is this a help or a disservice?

Unschooling is a teaching method that affirms the priority of activities chosen by the child independently, which includes not only the study of academic subjects, but also learning through play, creativity, Everyday life, travel, communication, etc.

Unschooling is characterized by a refusal to consistently learn school curriculum, while in fact he does not deny the presence of textbooks, or the help of a mentor other than parents (teacher, coach, master), or attending collective classes. Its only radical difference is precisely that at each moment in time it is the child who makes the decision about what exactly to do, where, with whom and for how long.

Alexander and Olga Skrebeiko took a risk a year and a half ago and started “making dreams come true” - they borrowed a million rubles and released a product that had never existed before, but which turned out to be needed by many people. And all without leaving home.

Alexander: In our youth, we considered ourselves cool entrepreneurs, we made a lot of mistakes. We realized that we didn’t have enough brains to do business the way we wanted. And I went to work in different companies to learn my wits. At some point we matured and decided to realize our dreams. Doing what “makes us tick.” Olya loved to write all the time, loved books and dreamed of something related to this. We started with her dream because it is closer and more accessible to us. Now we are slowly approaching mine.

Olga: I studied at the International Erickson University of Coaching and worked with people in personal sessions for 9 years. And I saw how open, deep questions help people change something in their lives. I really liked it all. And besides, I have always loved writing practices. I've been keeping diaries since I was probably fifteen. The suitcase with my notebooks moves with us from country to country, from city to city. And this is very cool, because I can look back ten years, see what I was thinking, what happened to me. We come up with different things that I personally, a person who is interested in writing practices, keeping diaries and diaries, really need. And since they weren’t in the form I would like, I decided to create them.

Our main engine, the product with which our company began, is a set of workbooks for adults with written practices for self-development.

This is the idea. We gathered people - trainers, coaches, successful businessmen. For example, among the authors is Ayaz Shabutdinov, the owner of the hostel chain and the Like holding company; he made a workbook for us on how to set goals. We collected twelve such authors, each of whom made workbook. These are not books. After all, when reading business books, we sometimes get to practical exercises and either skip them or abandon them without getting any benefit. Mikhail Ivanov, one of the founders of the Mann, Ivanov and Ferber publishing house, talked about such an experiment. They formed a corporate library. The manager asked the employee to read one book, where on page 57 he wrote: “If you have read this far, let’s discuss everything with you.” Not a single person came up to discuss. Therefore, the format of our workbooks is 60 sheets with a brief theory and a place for practice where you can do some exercises and answer questions. It is designed for a month of work, and the entire box of Tesoro notes, consisting of 12 notebooks, is for a year. A person receives expert support on personal development from 12 diverse authors. Tesoro notes is republished every year with new authors and different content. But the previous one remains on sale. That is, you can buy both Tesoro notes-2016 and Tesoro notes-2017. Now we are preparing for 2018.

Our product is unique. By the number of authors collected in one place, by the principle of a workbook as a workbook for an adult, and by packaging. Everything is decorated, presented with soul, with love for every leaf, on art paper. The covers were painted in watercolors in Canada, and special art paper was ordered in St. Petersburg. The notebooks are folded into unique wooden boxes that are pleasant to hold in your hands. We first thought of making Tesoro in the form of a thick book. Then we realized that a book is not a place where people are ready to write. Therefore, we chose the form of a beautiful notebook; it directly asks to be filled out. Sometimes people write to us: how beautiful the notebooks are, they don’t want to get them dirty. But it’s like eating from crystal dishes, wearing lace underwear and generally enjoying all moments of life.

We had small savings, and we borrowed the main starting capital of about a million rubles on strict terms from friends. The first edition of Tesoro notes was 500 copies, we quickly sold out, small pre-orders helped us. We consulted with marketers, they told us: “Guys, you are reaching new market, they don’t do that. We don’t know how to progress, try everything.”

By that time, we had formed a personal brand, there was a pool of people who liked what we were doing, there were subscribers who followed our life and our movements. Our twelve authors had the same devoted, interested people. Therefore, when we announced that we were planning to release Tesoro notes and that you could pre-order, and our authors did the same, buyers came to us.

Tesoronotes has achieved such success, in part, due to its low price. At focus groups, it was estimated at 5-6 thousand rubles. But it seemed to us that from the buyer’s point of view it was expensive, and we wanted it to be as more people could work with such an interesting tool. Therefore, we made a minimal markup and think that if it had cost 5 thousand, we would not have sold that much. The second Tesoro notes, due to some changes, became more expensive in cost, but due to the increased circulation, we were able to get discounts from some contractors and kept the same price - 3 thousand rubles. Based on the results of this year, we will reach an increase of approximately 40-45% of the number of the first circulation sold.

Our second big thing is Khaos planner, design diaries, for which we make leather and felt covers by hand.

They are very practical, they have many different internal blocks for planning - dotted, squared, lined, you can design a convenient diary for yourself. And what’s important is that when you’ve filled up the pieces of paper, you simply order a new inexpensive block, insert it and continue using it. The leather cover will last for many years, and it will be nice to hold it 10 years later and remember that you once wrote something down there and it has already been completed.

One of our new directions is the “Living Letters” project. It is designed for children from 7 to 10 years old. Mom buys a subscription, chooses a topic on the website, and once a week the child Mailbox a paper letter arrives. Each one reveals one interesting topic for research and reflection, and also includes a game, task or experiment. So far we have tried this project in test format, with very good results. Now we want to expand it. It will be a huge tree - menu different, different topics and directions, from entertaining to educational, including for adults. Now we are preparing for a conference, following which, if everything goes well, we will launch these “Live Letters” in 26 countries. Children will exchange experiences and send such letters to their peers, and then they will write socially interesting projects aimed at pensioners, grandparents, and the disabled.