In the Shukshin family, squabbles have not stopped for many years: relatives cannot divide property. But few people know that Vasily Shukshin’s daughters Olga and Maria also have elder sister Kate. It turns out that Vasily Makarovich, until his death, rushed between her mother and his last wife, Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina...

Ekaterina Shukshina did not make a business using her famous name. She did not choose a public profession for herself - becoming an artist or TV presenter. For many years Katya has been engaged in literary translations from English, German and French. He lives modestly and does not claim fame laurels. And, as a rule, he remembers his famous father only in the family circle...


“I got confused in women,” Vasily Shukshin always honestly admitted in letters to his mother, whom he loved and respected more than anyone in the world. She tried to reason with him, to set him on the right path, but to no avail. The amorous Shukshin promised: “I’ll figure it out myself” - and got involved in his novels even deeper.

Once I put my mother in such a position that she almost burned out of shame. Vasya unexpectedly came to visit her in his native village in Altai. Yes, not alone. He brought a pregnant bride - if you please, they say, love and favor. All the locals came running to look at the girl. They whispered behind her back and pointed fingers. After all, they knew: in the village Vasily’s legal wife, Maria Shumskaya, was waiting.

He married her back in student years. He invited her to Moscow with him, but she didn’t go, he asked for a divorce, but she didn’t give it. Shukshin had to “lose” his passport in order to get rid of the marriage stamp.

The villagers took pity on the pregnant Vika Sofronova and did not tell her the truth - the girl left after the viewing, confident that her wedding to Vasya was just around the corner...

She learned that her father was already married much later from one researcher of his biography, says Ekaterina, who was then being carried by her fiancée Shukshina, about that situation.


Shukshin met Vika Sofronova at the House of Writers. He read his stories there, and she, a literary critic for the Moscow magazine, came to listen to the aspiring author. The listeners did not appreciate the nugget and “chopped it into cabbage.”

Mom felt unbearably sorry for the man. “She came to console him,” says Ekaterina. - Soon after this, Shukshin invited her to the premiere of his first film “There Lives Such a Guy.” An affair began, which resulted in my mother’s pregnancy.

It must be said that Victoria Sofronova was not just a Muscovite, but also the daughter of the editor-in-chief of Ogonyok, poet Anatoly Sofronov. He, of course, did not approve of the appearance simple guy from the village as the groom of his beloved daughter.

The lop-eared Altai nugget managed to end up in the family of a shady party functionary,” Ekaterina shakes her head. “Once my parents were walking not far from the editorial office where my grandfather worked. Mom suggested: “Shall we come in?” Shukshin reluctantly agreed. Grandfather accepted them, but without enthusiasm. Mom suddenly realized: I was the only one speaking, the conversation was clearly not going well. We sat for 15-20 minutes and left... We practically didn’t communicate anymore.

Victoria herself did not find everything easy to accept in Vasily.

My city mother was even offended when my father handed her a bottle of port wine to the maternity hospital. Everyone has flowers on their bedside tables, and she has flowers on you!.. Shukshin knew that in the villages women in labor are drunk with red wine, so he took care,” says Ekaterina Shukshina.


Soon after the birth of her daughter, Victoria suffered a blow that she had not expected. Rumors have reached that Vasily is cheating on her! And indeed, while Vika was pregnant, Shukshin started an affair. On the set of the film “What is it like, the sea?” he met actress Lydia Fedoseeva and, as they say, disappeared. But he had no intention of leaving either of his two beloved women. And with this began his many years of tossing between Victoria Sofronova and Lydia Fedoseeva.

It’s hard for me to understand how my mother tolerated this,” says Ekaterina. - Once, however, she kicked her father in anger - so much so that her skirt cracked along the entire seam. Do you think Shukshin left that evening? Mom was in front of him, bursting into tears, sewing up her favorite skirt!

Many years later, Victoria tried to explain to her now grown-up daughter why she tolerated Shukshin’s infidelities for several years.

You understand, he never lied to me,” she said. “I didn’t tell the truth, but I didn’t lie even once.”

“Why are you so gullible? - Shukshin once asked his mother. “Didn’t anyone deceive you?” - “And to whom, Vasya?”

Then she heard this dialogue in “Kalina Krasny”...

So Vasily Makarovich lived with two families, until life itself put everything in its place: Victoria Sofronova, tired of waiting for him to make up his mind, married a prose writer, and Lydia Fedoseeva gave birth to daughters Olga and Masha.


Having started a family with Lydia Fedoseeva, Shukshin came to visit his eldest daughter Katya infrequently.

He wasn't much of a teacher. After all, a child is like an animal, a child’s soul unmistakably senses where they will let you go. And I knew that with my father I was allowed everything...,” admits Ekaterina.

Shukshin did not particularly raise her, but showed his love in the most convenient form for a writer - in letters to her mother:

“Vika, tell me how a girl who has reached her second year “behaves”? How was the birthday? Did she flirt with the guests? And what did you look like in your new dress?”

IN last years life, I often wrote sad messages from the hospital: “I often see Katya in my dreams. I wake up and look for her next to me. It still seems to me that she is lying on my hand. But it only happened once.”

The parents decided that Ekaterina should go to school with Shukshina, and submitted documents to restore paternity. What greatly outraged Lidiya Fedoseeva-Shukshina: in her interviews, she directly stated that it was “ cunning plan"Sofronova to claim her rights to Shukshin's inheritance...

That magnificent day is firmly etched in my memory: the sun, the courtyards “dressed in crimson and gold,” Katya describes October 2, 1974. “I come home from school, my mother greets me, and her tears don’t even fall, but flow in streams. He says in a naughty voice: “Dad died.” And I don't understand what this means...

It was important for Victoria Sofronova that her daughter, no matter what, be proud of her father.

After dad died, she hung his portrait on the wall. Her friends gasped: “You're crazy! With my husband alive!” But mom also knew how to be adamant: “Katya has a father!”

Yes, the same as the famous Maria Shukshina. By the way, Katya’s relationship with her did not work out. But they are warm friends with Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina’s eldest daughter, Olga.

We started communicating as adults,” says Katya. - I think Vasily Makarovich is happy for us...

Photo by G. Usoev,

I. Gnevasheva.

Soviet and Russian actress theater and cinema Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina was born on September 27, 1938 in St. Petersburg

The legendary actress, wife of director and screenwriter Vasily Shukshin is celebrating her birthday - she is 79 years old. Lydia Nikolaevna has a difficult relationship with her family - her daughter from her first marriage, Anastasia Voronina-Francisco and Olga Shukshina, who was born in a marriage with a famous director.

“Anechka, my granddaughter, lives with me now, with her baby. I have a good relationship with everyone in general,” she said on the air of the “You Won’t Believe!” program.

Lidia Nikolaevna’s eldest daughter from her marriage to Vyacheslav Voronin was raised in her father’s family. The girl first saw her mother when she was already five years old. The relationship between mother and daughter has always been difficult. Anastasia Voronina-Francisco has said more than once that she does not need an inheritance, she lives in the apartment that her father left her. In the 90s, the actress's eldest daughter found herself at the center of a drug scandal and went to prison.

Anastasia Voronina-Francisco with her daughter Laura

According to Anastasia, her mother came to visit her when she was serving her sentence. The death of her father came as a complete surprise to the woman. Years later, Anastasia admitted that she regrets the mistakes she made in her youth in pursuit of easy money. She has a daughter, Laura, and a grandson, Martin, who have become the main people for the woman.

“We don’t have a close relationship with my grandmother and never have. There were only communication and meetings. It's not that I'm very interested in her life. During our last meeting, we had a conflict. I turned around and left with tears in my eyes. They offended me and my family... I’m closer to the grandmother who raised me,” recalls Laura.

Married to Vasily Shukshin, two more daughters were born into the family: Maria and Olga. Lidia Nikolaevna’s eldest daughter acts in films and hosts various television projects.

(Photo: Express Newspaper)

And the younger Olga, after the birth of her son Vasily and an unsuccessful marriage, decided to go to a monastery, where she spent fifteen years. At the monastery, Olga studied her father’s works and studied various jobs: worked in the kitchen, farmstead, taught in a church orphanage. Son Vasily studied at a school at a religious community.

Olga Shukshina (Photo: still from video)

Several years ago Olga returned to worldly life, having restored peace of mind. The woman announced her claims to a share in her father’s apartment in the center of Moscow, which is estimated at several tens of millions of rubles. Shukshina announced that she wanted to sell it and use the proceeds to buy a home for her son Vasily. “Olga also asked her mother to exchange the apartment, but she dreams of opening a museum in memory of Vasily Shukshin,” writes

Lidia Nikolaevna Fedoseeva-Shukshina. Born on September 25, 1938 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1984).

From 1946 to 1956 she studied at school 217 - the former Petrishula.

Since childhood, I dreamed of becoming an actress.

She studied in the drama club of the House of Cinema under the direction of M. G. Dubrovin.

In 1964 she graduated from the All-Union state institute cinematography (acting workshop of Sergei Gerasimov and Tamara Makarova).

“Thank God, what I dreamed of as a child came true - I became an actress. And I did something because I studied with wonderful teachers - Tamara Fedorovna Makarova and Sergei Apollinarievich Gerasimov. Before that, I had two courses with Olga Ivanovna Pyzhova. After graduating from the acting department of VGIK, I studied for two years at the directing department with Lev Vladimirovich Kuleshov. And, of course, meeting with Vasily Shukshin, who shaped me and corrected me as an actress and as a person. Before meeting him, I was a completely different person. This is my most important achievement, that the Lord united me with such a person!” said Lydia Nikolaevna.

She made her film debut in 1955, starring in small roles in the films “Two Captains” and “Maxim Perepelitsa”.

She first gained fame by playing main role(Tanya) in the film "Peers".

Lidiya Fedoseeva-Shukshina in the film "Peers"

Great importance Her acquaintance and subsequent relationship with Vasily Shukshin played a role in her life and career as an actress. They met on the set of the film “What is it like, the sea?”

She then played with Shukshin in the films “Stoves and Benches”, “ Strange people", "Red viburnum".

Since 1974, after the death of Vasily Shukshin, she began to bear a double surname - Fedoseeva-Shukshina.

Lidiya Fedoseeva-Shukshina in the film "Stoves and Benches"

Viewers remember her for her role as Madame Gritsatsueva in the film “12 Chairs.” Also successful were her works in the films “The Demidovs”, “We sat on the golden porch”, “Vivat, midshipmen!”, “Walking through torment”, “Our sins”.

In 1984 she became People's Artist of the RSFSR.

Lidiya Fedoseeva-Shukshina in the film "12 Chairs"

She is her own best job in cinema he considers the film “The Ballad of Januszik”.

“In 1988, I starred in the Polish film “The Ballad of Januszik”, this is the best of my works, which, unfortunately, no one knows. It was shown on television only once on a weekend in the summer, when it was hot and people were at their dachas Nobody saw her except Stas Sadalsky, because I called him and said: “I know that you love my work, don’t miss it!” And he always remembers this film. I received all the Polish awards that ever existed for this work, I was the only Russian actress there. All the wonderful Polish actresses refused to play, because the director was a communist. And I was lucky," she said.

In the 1990s and 2000s she starred in TV series.

Lidiya Fedoseeva-Shukshina in the film "Martha's Line"

In 1974-1993, Lidia Nikolaevna worked in the troupe of the Film Actor Studio Theater in Moscow.

In 1996-1997, together with Bari Alibasov, she headed the Secret & Secret magazine.

Since 2005, Lidiya Fedoseeva-Shukshina has been the president of the film festival “Vivat Cinema of Russia!”

Health of Lidiya Fedoseeva-Shukshina

The height of Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina: 163 centimeters.

Personal life of Lidia Fedoseeva-Shukshina:

First husband - Vyacheslav Voronin, actor. Married from 1959 to 1963. They had a daughter, Anastasia Vyacheslavovna Voronina-Francisco (married to the head of Angolan counterintelligence, Major General Nelson Francisco). Granddaughter - Laura Francisco, great-grandson - Martin.

Vyacheslav Voronin - the first husband of Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina

Anastasia Voronina - the eldest daughter of Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina

Second husband - writer, film director, actor, screenwriter. They lived together from 1964 to 1974.

They met on the set of the film “What is it like, the sea?” Interestingly, having learned that Vasily Shukshin would be her partner in the film, Lidiya Fedoseeva wanted to abandon filming. She even called the director and tried to persuade him to appoint another actor for this role: Vasily Shukshin had bad reputation - complex nature, frequent affairs, constant drunken sprees, scandals and fights.

Contrary to Lydia’s fears, Shukshin turned out to be a sociable and pleasant person. They began an affair. At that time Shukshin was a member of civil marriage, and Fedoseeva was married to Kyiv actor Vyacheslav Voronin, their daughter was only four years old.

When Lydia announced her relationship with Shukshin and asked for a divorce, the Voronin family took this with hostility. They did everything to separate the “traitor” from her daughter forever. Nastya was taken in by Vyacheslav’s mother and forbade Lydia to come to her. Separation from her daughter became a real tragedy for Fedoseeva, and when she heard Nastya’s voice in the telephone receiver, declaring that she did not have a mother, it was as if something broke inside Lydia. Over time, she weaned herself from thinking about her daughter. I could never forgive her for these words. Even many years later, when she was called to the police in a case of drug trafficking, in which Anastasia Voronina was accused, Lidiya Fedoseeva replied that she did not have such a daughter. WITH old family she broke it off forever.

Despite new novel, part with your common-law wife Vasily Shukshin was in no hurry to marry Victoria Sofronova, who was also pregnant. The following year, Victoria gave birth to a daughter, Catherine. And Vasily Shukshin lived with two women alternately: with Victoria and Lydia.

Victoria Sofronova eventually kicked her common-law husband out of the house - then Vasily Shukshin and Lydia Fedoseeva got married.

In 1967, their daughter Maria was born, and in 1968, their daughter Olga.

Together they played in the films “Stoves and Benches” (1972) and “Kalina Krasnaya” (1973). Vasily Shukshin wrote the scripts and became the director himself. In 1974, Shukshin passed away.

The third husband is Mikhail Agranovich, a cinematographer, with whom she was married from 1975 to 1984.

From 1984 to 1988 she was married to Marek Mierzejewski, a Polish artist.

In the 1990s, she had a relationship with a showman; they lived in a civil marriage for several years.

They were one of the most scandalous couples in Russian show business. The union of the widow of a famous director and the odious producer of the Na-na group seemed to many to be a misalliance; secular gossips were perplexed as to what united such different people. She was also against her mother’s relationship with Bari Karimovich. youngest daughter Fedoseeva-Shukshina Olga. However, Alibasov himself spoke about Lydia Nikolaevna exclusively in a positive way and more than once admitted that he had never had such spiritual intimacy with any woman.

“Lida and I were together for four years. An unimaginably long time for me. My main misfortune is that no matter how much I love a woman, I lose interest in her after a few months. And for Lida I still have the warmest and most tender feelings. Ask why we didn't get married? This topic was discussed more than once. And even the “Na-Nai”, who adored Lida, hinted: what else do you need, Bari?! But it didn’t work out. The reason for this was my obsession with work. Reproaches began that we rarely see each other, that I pay little attention. However, there was no gap as such,” said Alibasov.

Filmography of Lidia Fedoseeva-Shukshina:

1955 - Two captains - assistant to V. Zhukov
1955 - Maxim Perepelitsa - laboratory assistant
1957 - To the Black Sea - Nastya, combine operator
1959 - Katya-Katyusha
1959 - Peers - Tanya
1961 - Save Our Souls
1961 - People of my valley
1964 - What is it like, the sea? - Nastya
1969 - Strange people - Lidia Nikolaevna
1971 - Dauria - matchmaker
1972 - Stove-benches - Nyura
1973 - Red viburnum - Lyuba Baikalova
1974 - Birds over the city
1974 - If you want to be happy
1975 - They fought for their homeland - Glasha
1976 - Our Debts - Katerina
1976 - Tryn-grass - Lydia
1976 - 12 chairs - Madame Gritsatsueva
1976 - Gypsy happiness - Anyuta
1976 - Non-transferable key - Emma Pavlovna, chemistry teacher
1977 - Walking through torment - Matryona
1977 - Our Debts - Katerina
1977 - Call me into the bright distance - Pear
1978 - Trouble - Zinaida, Kuligin’s wife
1979 - The wife left - Tatyana
1979 - Little tragedies - an elderly lady
1980 - You never dreamed... - Vera, Roman’s mother
1980 - Peter's youth - matchmaker
1980 - From the life of vacationers - Oksana
1980 - Useless - Marina
1981 - Driver for one flight - Sofya Makarovna Tishanova
1981 - Before last straw blood
1981 - Other games and fun - Khudyakova
1981 - Which would you choose? - Marina's mother
1982 - Idealist - Nadezhda
1982 - You can’t forbid living beautifully
1982 - The Limit of Desires - Zoya Sergeevna
1983 - Burn, burn clearly... - Ustinovna
1983 - Demidovs - Anna Ioannovna
1983 - Quarantine - circus cashier
1983 - Bribe - Olovyannikova
1983 - Talisman - Nina Georgievna
1984 - Bouquet of mimosa and other flowers - Ekaterina Terentyevna Bubnova
1984 - Dead Souls - a lady, just nice
1986 - Along the main street with an orchestra - Lida Muravina
1987 - And live tomorrow - Martynova
1987 - Kreutzer Sonata - Lisa's mother
1987 - The queen sat on the golden porch
1988 - Branch - Vera Platonovna Saburova
1988 - Ballad of Januszik (Ballada o Januszku, Poland) - mother
1988 - Treasure - Ksenia Nikolaevna
1988 - Let me die, Lord - Lydia Nikolaevea
1988 - The investigation is conducted by the Experts. Without a knife and brass knuckles - Sofya Rashidovna Narzoeva
1989 - Don't Leave - Queen Flora
1989 - Love with privileges (another title - “City Details”)
1990 - Beast - dubbing
1990 - Eternal Husband - Zakhlebinina
1990 - Hat - Zinaida Ivanovna Kukushkina
1991 - Faithful Ruslan - Styura
1991 - Vivat, midshipmen! - Countess Chernysheva
1992 - One in a Million - Maria Fedorovna
1992 - Manuscript
1993 - Personal life of the Queen - Lucy, wife of the Russian Ambassador
1993 - Ferry "Anna Karenina"
1994 - Countess Sheremeteva - Catherine II
1994 - St. Petersburg secrets - General Amalia von Spilts
1996 - Scientific section of pilots - Anna Vilhelmovna
1997 - Schizophrenia
1998 - Prince Yuri Dolgoruky - Euphrosyne, Kuchka’s sister
1998 - The denouement of the St. Petersburg mysteries - Amalia von Spilts
2000 - New Year in November - Velichko
2001 - Perfect couple- Maria Pankratovna
2002 - Marriage of convenience - Aunt Marina
2002 - Russians in the City of Angels
2002 - Evenings on a farm near Dikanka - Catherine II
2004 - Thieves and prostitutes. Prize - flight into space - Tina Modotti in old age
2004 - Dasha Vasilyeva 2 - Violetta Pavlovskaya
2004 - Parallel to love - grandmother
2005 - Women's intuition - Eleanor
2005 - Matchmaking
2006 - Dad of all trades - mother-in-law
2006 - Park of the Soviet period - Elizaveta Petrovna Ivanova
2008 - Start over. Marta - Marya Ivanovna
2008 - Candle from the Holy Sepulcher
2009 - Terrorist Ivanova - Alevtina Petrovna Blinova, judge
2009 - Mother’s Heart - Ekaterina Petrovna
2010 - Marry a millionaire - Nina Petrovna
2010 - Leaning Tower of Pisa- Olga's mother
2013 - Sex, coffee, cigarettes
2014 - Martha's Line - Marta Galanchik

Vyachaslav Voronin in the film “Wedding in Malinovka”

Vasily Shukshin - life with a legend

The actress met Vasily Shukshin on the set of the film “What is it like, the sea?” It was then rumored about the artist that he abused alcohol. And in the first time of their life together, Vasily Makarovich could really afford drunken sprees. But after the birth of his daughters Olga and Maria, he completely stopped drinking alcohol. True, by that time his health was already seriously compromised. It was Shukshin who became for Lydia Nikolaevna the love of her life.

Vasily Makarovich died of a myocardial infarction on the set of the film “They Fought for the Motherland.” The loss of her husband became a huge grief for Fedoseeva. She even thought about taking her own life. Until now, she remembers Shukshin with constant warmth and tenderness. To this day, Lidia Nikolaevna protects the creative heritage of the legendary director and writer, keeps his personal belongings and book manuscripts.

Mikhail Agranovich - it’s difficult to be the husband of Shukshin’s widow

The first year of widowhood was not easy for the actress. Nothing could console the sorrow that settled in her heart. Fedoseeva-Shukshina plunged into prayer and depression. She even almost went to a monastery, and only the thought of her little daughters stopped her from this step. The actress peered at each man, trying to find the features of Vasily Makarovich in them. And very soon she found a new chosen one. It was the famous cameraman Mikhail Agranovich.

Life in this marriage was not easy for both spouses. Fedoseeva-Shukshina was accused of defaming the memory of a popularly beloved writer, artist and director. A year has barely passed since his death, and the widow has already hastened to arrange her personal life. Agranovich also received reproaches. Gossips claimed that he was trying to become famous and build his career on the name of the great Shukshin. The marriage of the actress and cameraman lasted nine years, and then the couple separated.

Marek Mierzejewski – the ardor of an artist

Fedoseeva-Shukshina was invited to star in the Polish serial film “The Ballad of Januszka”. There the actress met the artist Marek Mierzejewski, who became her fourth official husband. He was 16 years younger than his chosen one, but the age difference did not become an obstacle to sincere feelings. “Marek moved to Moscow for me. He had golden hands kind heart. It’s a pity, I couldn’t find a job I liked here - I went back to Poland. And I decided not to get married again,” the actress later recalled.

Bari Alibasov - wedding years later

Fedoseeva-Shukshina met music producer back in 1995. At the Kinotavr festival their places were nearby, and they immediately became interested in each other. Their mutual affection lasted for many years. “My main misfortune is that no matter how much I love a woman, I lose interest in her after a few months. And I still have the warmest and most tender feelings for Lida,” admitted Bari Karimovich. They got married last year and seemed like a truly happy couple. When Alibasov was hospitalized with severe chemical poisoning, his wife did not leave his bedside. Until now, fans of the star couple are waiting with hope and faith for favorable news about the health of Bari Karimovich. I would like to believe that fate will give the actress and producer many more years of happy family life.

Lidiya Shukshina is a native Leningrader who even survived the blockade. Also in school years she began filming films, soon met Vasily Shukshin and became his wife. In his films, Lydia received complete equality, and even today famous writer and the actor is no longer there, it will always be in her heart. Lydia Shukshina's children were born in happy marriage, and they are not only from Vasily Makarovich, but also have a daughter from Vyacheslav Voronin. The girl’s name from her first marriage is Nastenka.

Children of Lidia Shukshina - photo

Lydia met Vyacheslav Voronin in Lvov when filming was taking place there, he studied at VGIK, and Lida was still learning the basics acting. The moment she found out she was pregnant, the man proposed to her. From her first husband she had a wonderful daughter. Lydia Shukshina and her first husband had no more children.

In the photo: The first husband of Lidia Shukshina

The family lived in Kyiv, but simply dreamed of moving to Moscow, because this is where all the fellow students had already begun to build a career, and Lydia wanted to be famous actress. The husband did not support his wife’s zeal, which is why the family broke up.

In the photo: Lidia Shukshina with her first husband Vyacheslav Voronin

Shukshina's biography is interesting and multifaceted. They sent their daughter to her grandmother in Leningrad, dad did not stop communicating and constantly went there. Soon Lydia Shukshina began an affair with Vasily, this marked the end of her previous relationship, and her personal life changed dramatically.

In the photo: Lydia and Vasily Shukshin

The girl stayed with her father, but most often lived with his relatives in Zherdevka, and saw her mother very rarely; in childhood she did not know what a mother’s true love is. When Nastenka grew up, she got married and gave birth to a daughter, Laura. Her fate was quite difficult, she even had to go to prison for transporting drugs.

On the picture: Eldest daughter Lidia Shukshina Nastya

Lidia Shukshina’s youngest children, Maria and Olga, were the same age, and after their birth, Vasily Shukshin proposed to Lida. The sisters did not live together, and subsequently their fates were completely different.

In the photo: Lydia Shukshina with her second husband Vasily and daughters

Maria went to study foreign languages, but then she completely devoted herself to acting and became a TV presenter. Lydia and Vasily Shukshin had an open relationship with their children, but they were unable to establish mutual understanding between the sisters.

In the photo: Lidiya Shukshina with her daughters and granddaughter

The children of Vasily Shukshin and Lydia Shukshina are already adults today, and their grandmother has grandchildren whose names are no less legendary.

In the photo: Shukshina’s daughter Maria with children

Lidia Shukshina and her children constantly had conversations about continuing their profession with their father. Olga entered VGIK and starred in various films, but later moved to the Literary Institute and became a writer. The woman managed to be a minister of the church, but realized that it was not hers and returned to worldly life. Age passed, and she wanted to find herself as soon as possible. Photos of Lidia Shukshina's children are absolutely everywhere.

In the photo: Daughter of Lydia Shukshina Olga

Lydia Shukshina and her children lived quite peacefully, but not so long ago there was a conflict with Olga, since her son Vasily showed himself from a rather bad side and the grandmother did not intend to see this from the grandson whom she raised and raised.

Today Lydia Shukshina lives in the capital, she is no longer filming. People's Artist received a huge number of well-deserved awards, which it would be impossible to list them all. The main activity is work in the Shukshin memory fund, this is the main thing that she is trying to establish and structure.