The Russian Armed Forces have a separate branch of the military, which is directly subordinate to General Staff Armed Forces Russian Federation– Strategic Missile Forces (Strategic Missile Forces).

The troops celebrate their holiday - Strategic Missile Forces Day - on December 17, according to Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1239 of December 10, 1995.

On this day in 1959, the Strategic Missile Forces were created (Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 1384-615 of December 17, 1959).

The creation and rapid development of the Strategic Missile Forces took place in the difficult post-war years, this was due to the fact that in foreign countries, in particular the United States, already had a missile system that posed a real threat to the security of our country. The basis for the production of Soviet ballistic missiles served as captured German V-2 missiles. Test launches of German missiles began in 1947, and on October 10, 1948, the first Soviet ballistic missile R-1 was launched.

Chief Marshal of the USSR Artillery Mitrofan Ivanovich Nedelin was appointed the first commander of the USSR Strategic Missile Forces.

Mitrofan Nedelin was born on November 9, 1902 in Borisoglebsk, now Voronezh region. In the Red Army since 1920. Participated in civil war. In 1941 he began his journey along the fronts of the Great Patriotic War with the rank of colonel, as commander of the 4th artillery anti-tank brigade and graduated in 1945 as commander of the artillery of the Southwestern and 3rd Ukrainian fronts.

M.I. Nedelin made a great contribution to the organizational and practical work on the creation of the Strategic Missile Forces. He directly supervised the organization of the research base of the domestic rocket industry, supervised the activities of state commissions for flight design tests of the first rocket models long range, incl. equipped with nuclear charges.

The commander's life was tragically cut short on October 24, 1960 during a test launch new rocket R-16 at the Baikonur test site, he, along with other testers, died in the line of duty.

The Strategic Missile Forces are troops of constant combat readiness. They represent the ground component of strategic nuclear forces(SNF), which, in addition to the strategic nuclear forces, have strategic and naval strategic forces, which is why the strategic nuclear forces are also called the “nuclear triad.”

Not everyone nuclear powers in the world they have their own nuclear triad, that is, air, ground, and sea components of strategic nuclear forces. Russia has it.

The Russian Federation has within its armed forces such a unique structure as the Strategic Missile Forces, for which the Military Academy trains military specialists. Peter the Great (in 2015 relocated to Balashikha near Moscow), as well as specialized training centers.

The basis of weapons Missile Forces strategic purposes are ground-based intercontinental ballistic missiles equipped with nuclear warheads.

Currently, the Strategic Missile Forces are armed with several types missile systems stationary and mobile based. The mobile-based group includes the Topol, Topol-M and Yars PGRKs. The missiles of these complexes can be launched from virtually any given point, which can be reached by a base vehicle carrying a nuclear weapon.

The day before, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced that Yars mobile missile systems had entered service with the Yoshkar-Ola Strategic Missile Forces unit.

Missile systems with “heavy” and “light” class missiles form the basis of a stationary group.

Today, serial production and delivery of missile systems and systems to the troops continues. Some success has been achieved in the creation of new missile systems, which in the future will replace the equipment currently in service. The RS-26 Rubezh (Yars-M) intercontinental ballistic missile, which is being developed by specialists from the Votkinsk plant, is close to being put into service. In the near future, a gradual replacement of heavy-class intercontinental ballistic missiles is planned; for this purpose, a project of the fifth generation RS-28 Sarmat missile is being developed, work on which is expected to be completed approximately in 2018.

It is expected that by 2020-2022, the basis of the strategic missile forces’ weapons will be complexes created over the past 10-15 years, which will have a positive impact not only on the combat capability of the Strategic Missile Forces themselves, but also on the strategic security of the state.

We should thank a very specific branch of the military for the fact that our country has not yet been occupied and disappeared from the face of the Earth - namely, the Strategic Missile Forces. It is their presence and constant combat readiness that guarantees reliable protection of the Russian Federation from aggression by any of the world powers. Every day, thousands of military personnel - soldiers and officers - take up mandatory combat duty in missile silos and mobile complexes. It would be strange if such a power, capable of destroying all life on the planet, but standing exclusively guarding the world, would remain without its own memorable date.


Today, the status of this memorable day is regulated in accordance with a presidential decree establishing a list of military holidays, issued in 2006. But the history of this date is much older. It was chosen for a very specific reason - precisely on December 17, but back in 1959, the Rocket Forces, which had a strategic purpose, were first created.

Over the past years, they have repeatedly:

  • reformed;
  • resubordinated;
  • merged with other branches of the military and separated with them.

However, the tasks facing the Strategic Missile Forces did not change.

The first holiday of the Strategic Missile Forces (not to be confused with the Day of Artillery and Missile Forces) was established in 1995 by presidential decree dated December 10th. And the Decree of 2006 canceled the previous one, downgrading the status of the holiday to an ordinary memorable date, since the Strategic Missile Forces turned out of armed forces to the branch of the army. However, such a decrease did not affect the scale of the celebration.


  • those who sit at the launch consoles;
  • all military personnel ensuring the combat readiness of the Strategic Missile Forces;
  • civilian specialists;
  • support staff;
  • scientists from their own research institutes, available in the structure of the Strategic Missile Forces, higher educational institutions, factories that produce equipment for this type of troops, training grounds, etc.

This date is celebrated not only by those who served or are currently working in the Missile Forces, but also by civilian and military retirees who were involved in the Strategic Missile Forces in the past.

The scale of the event is evidenced by the fact of the annual reception in the Kremlin, organized on December 17. In all military units and branches of the military, ceremonial formations and meetings are held, awards are presented and new ranks are conferred. There are also traditions associated with the church - many divisional churches are given icons of St. Elijah of Murom, who is the heavenly patron of the Strategic Missile Forces.

Traditionally in winter, December 17, Russians celebrate their professional holiday - Strategic Missile Forces Day. This date dates back to the last century. In 1959, by resolution of the Presidium of the CPSU Central Committee, the new position Commander-in-Chief of the Strategic Missile Forces. The first person to head this structure was Hero Soviet Union Mitrofan Nedelin, chief marshal of artillery. The formation of a new unit of this kind was a necessary measure. Arsenal Expansion rocket- nuclear weapons in the world contributed to the development of the defense industry of those years.
Later, by decree of the President of Russia of December 10, 1995, this day was declared professional holiday. And already in 2006, this date was confirmed by the head of the Russian Federation.
The Strategic Missile Forces are today a separate branch of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. They perform an important function in ensuring the defense of the state. Therefore, their professional day is highly respected in our country. On this significant date, highly professional military and conscript soldiers serving in the Strategic Missile Forces receive congratulations. Civil engineers and veterans of this industry, who have made a huge contribution to its development, do not go unnoticed. Every year, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu prepares official congratulations to theme day Rocketeers.
On December 17, everyone in paramilitary units and institutions gathers for special events: formations, parades, concerts. On this day, the most worthy and distinguished people are awarded new titles and medals.

What to gift

On this day, strategic missilemen receive not only congratulations, but also gifts. Like other branches of the military, they have their own emblem. This is a golden double-headed eagle, which has spread its wings and holds two arrows and silver sword. Worthy and original gift It will work if you put this memorial sign on it. This could be a T-shirt, scarf or towel. A mug, a camp flask or a lighter will look no less original with the Rocketeers emblem. You can also turn to classic variations of gifts. Elite perfume or vintage alcohol will always be in place.

5 interesting facts about rocket scientists:

  • every day at combat posts as part of duty Strategic Missile Forces About 6 thousand people keep their watch
  • Since the beginning of the creation of the Strategic Missile Forces unit, more than 12 million people have served in it
  • in most divisional churches there is an icon of St. Elijah of Murom, who is considered heavenly patron Strategic Missile Forces
  • in 2019 the Strategic Missile Forces will celebrate its anniversary, 60 years since its creation
  • the monument to the first Commander of the Strategic Missile Forces, Chief Marshal of Artillery Mitrofan Nedelin, is located in the city of Mirny

Strategic Missile Forces Day is celebrated on December 17. The holiday was adopted on May 31, 2006 by decree of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin No. 549 “On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation,” canceling the previous decree No. 1239 of December 10, 1995 “On the establishment of Strategic Missile Forces Day and Military Space Forces Day.” Before this, the holiday was celebrated. The Missile Forces began in 1959. The next significant date for this type of troops was 1997, when the unification of the Strategic Missile Forces, the Air Defense Forces of the Russian Armed Forces and the Military Space Forces, missile and space defense troops took place. In 2001, the Space Forces separated from the Strategic Missile Forces.

Winter has come, frost has come
And the holiday of “nuclear” men,
What will protect us from the threat
And they won’t offend you without reason.

Let the formidable atom be peaceful,
Let the enemy sleep in a foreign land,
Let soldiers dream of mothers,
Let them love their homeland.

The world is calm and the rockets are sleeping,
They sleep peacefully next to our walls.
I want to end with this -
Happy Warrior's Day of the Strategic Missile Forces.

Happy Rocket Forces Day!
I wish you strength and endurance,
Health, loving families,
Calm, peaceful, bright days!

Let only happiness knock on the house,
Adversity will never happen,
And at this cheerful hour
Let everyone around you hug you!

Congratulations on the Day of Strategic Missile Forces. I wish you every day to accurately launch your ideas to the very point of success, I wish you never to lose your confidence and courage, I wish you great breakthroughs in your activities and great victories in your career. life path.

Today is Rocket Forces Day
Of particular importance
We are those who are connected with this day,
Congratulations without a doubt
We wish you to achieve your goals,
Be precise and bold
And never regret
About what has already been done!

Happy Missile Forces Day! Good luck, achievements!
Courage and accuracy to you!
Accurately and easily hit targets
Both in service and in your destiny!

The main thing is that the sky is peaceful,
So that you don't have to fight,
So that a cloud just floats in the sky,
So that the sun shines brightly there!

Strategic Missile Forces, I hasten to congratulate you,
Brave, wonderful men!
I want you to smile now,
Let there be a hundred reasons for happiness!

I want to wish you all the best today,
Let the spirit be vigorous, the body healthy,
I always want to achieve my goals,
So that you can succeed in any task easily!

I want to congratulate you on the holiday
You, rocket scientists, friends.
Importance and danger of service
Words cannot describe it.

I wish everyone health,
More peaceful, warm days,
Happiness to you and your families,
Let life become more fun.

Let the missile troops
Cutting through the clouds
Our peace is protected
If someone threatens.

To all the heroes of this service
I wish you strong friendship,
Hit the target accurately
And receive rewards!

Strategic Missile Forces! You are pride and support,
The warheads are yours!
And if you are always ready for battle,
All residents of the country sleep peacefully!

And you probably never dream of peace,
After all, you are not sleeping - such is fate.
Let the rest happen to you,
You'll switch for an hour or two!

The sky above will be peaceful,
The combat reserve will not be useful.
Today we raise our glasses,
And standing, we drink to the brave now!

Strategic purpose
Have your brave missile troops.
Well, congratulations!
We shout to you all: “Hip! Hip! Hooray!".

We wish you victories in life,
We wish you to always be healthy.
May the world be impeccable
So that only the missile forces prosper.

Rocket Forces Day today
The whole country celebrates.
Our defense is even
In big space it is strong.

Wishes of strength and health
We send our greetings to you today, soldiers.
You are our pride and our strength,
You are strategists, brave men.

To all rocket scientists today
Congratulations, fireworks!
May there be prosperity, peace, happiness
Your years are just passing.

Congratulations: 87 in verse, 16 in prose.

On the eve of the New Year's celebrations, privates and officers of the most important military forces of our country will celebrate their professional holiday -. Few people are familiar with this type of troops, but strategic missiles I only saw it at large military parades. Meanwhile, the strategic missile forces are Russia’s main defensive force.

Strategic Missile Forces Day 2015: What date is this year?

Few people know what date the Strategic Missile Forces celebrate their Day: this year, as in all previous years, they will celebrate their professional holiday on December 17, and for the twentieth time in modern history. In 1995, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, Rocket Scientists Day was set on this date for a reason. It was on this day back in 1959 that these troops were formed.

It is generally accepted that border guards guard the country’s security, but this is only at first glance. Modern development nuclear weapons and long-range missiles require countermeasures in terms of defense - the Strategic Missile Forces (Strategic Missile Forces) have become just such a shield for Russia. It is difficult to underestimate the work of these “invisible” ones; they are the ones who ensure security, being in constant combat readiness.

Congratulations on the Day of Strategic Missile Forces 2015

Celebrating the Day of Strategic Missile Forces

For strategic missileers, they are typically military, but with an emphasis on power, protection and vigilance. Below there are several options for congratulations in verse and prose on the Day of Strategic Missile Forces 2015.

Congratulations in verse

To make it easier for us on your holiday,
We put everything into one verse.
All to you, valiant rocket scientist:
Calm combat duty,
Warmth in the house, order in parts,
And positive changes
And human happiness -
All you need on the day of the Strategic Missile Forces!

I wish you obedient missiles,
And nuclear will, and forces,
Deployments, but not boring ones,
And may the god of war love you.
So that the goals are clearly amenable,
So that Topol-M obeys,
So that the rear is always reliable,
Happy home, love fervor!

Like rockets reaching for the sky,
So I wish you to win!
On the day of the missile forces - love to try,
Those who are next to you again.
I sincerely wish you good luck,
And let your dreams come true,
Joy - to the point of dizziness,
Go towards your goals every moment!

You are a stately and formidable rocket scientist,
You are the dream of many girls!
In wind, rain, hot and frosty days
You guard the gates of heaven.
And for your work we wish you
Be successful everywhere and always,
People like you and I know for sure:
Our native country sleeps peacefully!

Soldiers, officers - rocket troops!
Let melancholy leave you like a rocket now,
Flowers and congratulations from all the people,
May this holiday be a reward for you!
We wish you to live beautifully, hit the target right away,
And with combat readiness to stand for happiness,
May peace, harmony and love always reign in families,
Russia will not forget people like you guys!

Congratulations in prose

Happy Strategic Missile Forces Day

Nuclear weapons undoubtedly pose a terrible threat, but everything is fine and they will not cause harm as long as you, the Strategic Missile Forces, stand at your post and guard our country! On Strategic Missile Forces Day, we congratulate you, wish you happiness, peace, long years and good health!

On the Day of Strategic Missile Forces, it is probably best to wish you, a brave warrior and guardian of your native borders, a peaceful, calm and happy life, in which every day good weather, no matter what the event is good, and no matter what the dream is, it will definitely come true!

Nuclear-tipped missiles are serious weapons. As soon as they sent it into flight, it is already at the goal, and the goal, in fact, is no longer in the world... Let this happen only in theory, because peace is so dear to all of us! I congratulate you on Strategic Missile Forces Day and wish you to serve with dignity and live happily!

Today we congratulate the lords of rockets, but not those that fly into space, because today is Strategic Missile Forces Day! With all our hearts, we want to wish you success in your service, good luck in your personal life, good health, long years and the favor of Fate, so that battles happen only during exercises!

To you, our faithful defender, on Strategic Missile Forces Day, we sing congratulations and praises, wishing you with all our hearts glorious, slightly intoxicated happiness and brilliant days of service until your retirement! With military men like you, we will not be lost, which means there will be spring and peace on our land every year!

Congratulations on the Day of Strategic Missile Forces

Strategic Missile Forces Day 2015 is a significant date. Congratulating you on the Day of Strategic Missile Forces 2015, a professional holiday, we must not forget that they do not stop monitoring the security of our country for a minute.

Video "Happy Strategic Missile Forces Day"