The Fatherland is the land where the soul is captive.

And why does the Motherland only call you to the barricades? At least once I would invite her to dinner.

My homeland is where there is freedom!

In the Russian hinterland, in the midst of devastation, at poor windows, like at the royal gates, old women sat on the rubble and sang quietly, looking at the sunset. No wheezing radio, no light, no eternal chickens diving in the dust... Only songs remained for them... instead of milk rivers and earth...

For one, the homeland is the country where he was born, for another - where he took place.

When I'm abroad, I miss my homeland, and when I return, I'm horrified by the state.

Moral aphorisms about the Motherland

Vietnamese passenger (at the entrance to the Rodina cinema, with a strong accent, gently): - Yes, Rodina? Azerbaijani driver (with a strong accent, arrogantly): - Whose?

Without true love for humanity, there is no true love for the motherland.

Important moralizing aphorisms about the Motherland

Motherland is like... You have to love her just for what she is. Our mothers sometimes get sick, and different things can happen in the country.

The weather, like the homeland, is not chosen.

I don't think anyone can be delighted when they are thrown out of their home. Even those who leave on their own. But no matter how you leave it, home never ceases to be home. No matter how you live in it - good or bad -. And I don’t understand at all why they expect me, and others even demand, that I smear his gate with tar.

Patriotism does not mean at all that you are in the Motherland, patriotism is when the Motherland is in you.

Are you Norwegian? - By birth. In my heart I am a citizen of the Universe!

The homeland is not where it is better, but where... where it is more painful.

Today the Motherland is where the ass is warm, and you know this better than me.

Patriots always talk about their readiness to die for the fatherland, and never about their readiness to kill for the fatherland.

Don’t confuse politics and the Motherland... Politics is a disgusting monstrosity... And the Motherland is forests, fields and mountains... And only we cause it so much...

Many-wise moralizing aphorisms about the Motherland

A teacher friend told me. Now preparations are underway for the celebration of the next Victory Day. And so she taught a history lesson with a military-patriotic slant, told about the Nazis, about how people died, children, how children helped adults in factories, worked in the rear, etc. and at the end of the lesson she asked: - Children! Could you do this - help defend our Motherland?! And in response... deathly silence. And one voice for the whole class: - Why? After all, if war starts, you can go to another country! In general, we have lost a generation...

A patriot is a person serving his homeland, and the homeland is, first of all, the people.

Why is it that a simple Russian landscape, why a walk in the summer in Russia, in the village through the fields, through the forest, in the evening across the steppe, sometimes brought me into such a state that I lay down on the ground in some kind of exhaustion from the influx of love for nature, from those inexplicably sweet and the intoxicating sensations that the forest, steppe, river, distant village, modest church brought to me, in a word, everything that makes up the wretched Russian, native landscape.

Fatherland: a human invention that allows us to hate our neighbors and still make a virtue out of it.

The easier and more freely a people lives in the world, the more they love their homeland.

Relatable moralizing aphorisms about the Motherland

If a Russian tells you that he does not love his Motherland, do not believe him, he is not Russian.

He tells me: “I’ll leave!” Russia is not that country... I looked at him and answered: - Or maybe the wrong people live in it!

Nowhere does it say what to do during the singing of the anthem - stand, lie down or crawl. We must love our homeland.

Even in thoughts, it is sometimes pleasant, in the crowd of these hectic days, to find yourself in heaven, on your native land. To return to childhood again, to play carefree with friends. There to see a living father and a young mother. I wish I could stay there longer - a hundred years. A tear rolled down. The grandson shakes his hand: Are you crying, grandfather?

Let the homeland reveal itself as the common mother of citizens; let the benefits they enjoy in their homeland make it dear to them; let the government leave them a sufficient share in the public administration to make them feel that they are at home; and let the laws be in their eyes only a guarantee for general freedom.

White Rus' you are mine! White fog over the meadow. White ice on the lake. And clouds over the Bug white flight. Baskets of white-white mushrooms, white-white shoulders of birches, white-white drops of transparent dew with a blue reflection. White Rus' you are mine! There are bushes of white bird cherry trees, a white icy spring, a solemn cry of a bison over Belovezhskaya Pushcha. Summer, summer in white daisies, white lightning of May rains, pure, pure souls of your brave, free people. White Rus' you are mine!

I, of course, despise my fatherland from head to toe - but it annoys me if a foreigner shares this feeling with me.

Take a handful of earth, feel it in your hands. We are all made of earth, it is our mother, it is ourselves. If an ordinary civilian and a soldier love their land equally, there is no difference between them. And love for the Motherland does not mean at all that we should die on the field of pain, but in order to do something for the sake of our country, we need to fight! And not everyone is given such a chance.

Only in Russia can laughter be heard from an overturned car!

Homeland is where you were born, you need to live where you feel good.

Picture moralizing aphorisms about the Motherland

If your wife cheated on you, then be glad that she cheated on you and not on your fatherland.

What is the first duty of a soldier in war? - Die for your homeland! - Wrong. The first duty of a soldier is to make sure that enemies die for their homeland!

When a Frenchman talks about his country, he will usually call it la belle France - beautiful France, an Englishman will say a few words about merry old England - merry, or kind, old England, a German will start talking about something treudeutsch - purely German. And only a Russian will begin to appeal not to an aesthetic, ethical or political ideal, but to a moral and religious ideal - Holy Rus'!

Mississippi is like a mother to me. Only I am allowed to complain about her. But beware of anyone who dares to speak ill of her in my presence, unless, of course, she is his mother too.

Even the flowers at home smell different.

I love repeating folk names! The soul becomes brighter from the words: datura grass, marsh marigold, goose onion, river hemlock. Ivan-da-Marya - marriage inflorescences, spring clear, rank, string, tartar - a red monument to the century when villages were plundered by a horde... Immortelle - eternal symbol hopes, the violet-lyubka is a slender candle. Let us drink from each name of living water, as if from a pure spring. Fields, meadows, impenetrable swamps - everything has been passed around by native rumor... As long as folk names are heard, our language lives on. And the Motherland is alive.

What's in the word "my"? After all, it does not mean what belongs to me, but what I belong to, which contains my entire being. This “that” is mine only to the extent that I belong to it. “My God” is not the God who belongs to me, but the one to whom I belong. The same applies to the expressions: “my homeland”, “my calling”, “my passion”, “my hope”.

Homeland - America? America is like... an office chair! Convenient, functional, there are handles everywhere, you can customize it to suit yourself. But it's boring. And England? England is like an old leather chair. Clumsy, heavy, worn out in some places, full of holes in others. But cozy! And a unique smell... And the former Soviet Union? Hmm... Garden bench. Hard. Splinters. It blows... But our names are carved on it...

It is important for any person to remember their homeland; the statements collected here help with this. When reading quotes about your homeland, you can react to them in different ways, the main thing is to understand your feelings on this issue.

Nowhere does it say what to do during the singing of the anthem - stand, lie down or crawl. We must love our homeland.
Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky

You cannot return to the same house from which you left. This is the result of maturity.
Dragon Age 2

We have two words: Motherland and State. We love our homeland. Therefore, the Motherland is “our mother”, and the state is “your mother!!!”

Mikhail Zadornov

It is much easier to fall in love with someone else's homeland than with your own...
Max Fry. Volunteers of Eternity

So you don't love our country?
- I live in it.
Oscar Wilde. The Picture of Dorian Grey

We only feel the charm of our native speech when we hear it under foreign skies!

George Bernard Shaw

Great quote about your homeland!

As a child, I fell asleep during history lessons at school: I was bored and not interested. Speaking about the Second World War, the teacher referred to numbers, diagrams and showed cards with arrows. And only today I realized that there were real people behind this: boys, girls younger than me, who fought for their Motherland, died for it, for us today, for our lives. Every year on May 9, my mother took me to the parade. I liked how the orders sparkled. Mom bought me balloons. Everyone was smiling. Mom gave flowers. I just couldn’t understand why they called this holiday with tears in their eyes. Now I understand everything - the Motherland is one, one for all time.

I am far from admiring everything I see around me; As a writer, I am upset... a lot of things disgust me, but I swear to you on my honor - for nothing in the world would I want to change my homeland, or have a different history than the history of our ancestors, as God gave it to us.
Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

There is such a profession - to defend the Motherland.

Russia is the best Motherland in the world! But the most awkward state.

Mikhail Zadornov

Aphorisms about the homeland are abandoned different people each of whom had their own homeland. But they were all united by similar feelings when they said quotes about their homeland.

There is always an irresistible charm in a foreign World, no matter what it is. And one’s own homeland often evokes melancholy disgust, sometimes completely unjustified.
Max Fry. Simple magical things

Did Hitler think that he would fight the Stalinist regime? Fool! A naive fool who repeated the mistake of a much more talented man - Napoleon. He had to fight not with the regime, but with the People. A people who defended not the state, but the Motherland, the Fatherland. And when our people defend the Fatherland, they can only be defeated by destroying them in principle. Without exception. This is probably our greatest secret strength. Russia is such a strange country. You can inflict a series of defeats on her, you can even win against her military company, and maybe even a whole war. But only as long as this war is waged by the state. So far, as Lenin would say, it “does not develop”... just not from imperialist to civil, but from an ordinary war to the Patriotic War.
This is the kind of war that cannot be won against Russia. At no cost.
Vladimir Medinsky. War. Myths of the USSR 1939-1945

Love for the Motherland is the first dignity of a civilized person.
Napoleon I Bonaparte

Love for the homeland begins with family.
Francis Bacon

Have you ever had a desire to leave Russia?
- This is my country, my homeland, my destiny. I don't have another one.
Leonid Parfenov

Of all the threads that connect a person with his homeland, the strongest is his native language.

Ilya Nikolaevich Shevelev

Homeland is where you feel free.
Abu-l-Faraj ibn Harun (Gregory Bar-Ebrey)

Life is for the Motherland, honor is for no one!
Midshipmen, forward!

Homeland is where you feel good.
Indian proverbs and sayings

A person cannot live without a homeland, just as a person cannot live without a heart.
Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky

We hope that every statement you read about your homeland has had a positive impact on your life.

Motherland and humanity, fatherland and foreign lands
Patriotism is one of the deepest feelings, consolidated by centuries and millennia of isolated fatherlands.

We are full of feeling national pride, and that is why we especially hate our slave past...

What could be more tragic than a man who, out of pure love for humanity, while remaining misunderstood by his contemporaries, commits the most comical extravagances?

...In a decent person, patriotism is nothing more than the desire to work for the benefit of his country, and comes from nothing other than the desire to do good - as much as possible and as much better as possible.

Love goodness, and then you will necessarily be useful to your fatherland, without thinking or trying to be useful to it.

The greatest feats of virtue were performed out of love for the fatherland.
Parents, children, relatives, and family are dear to us, but love for all of them includes love for the homeland.
Ancient aphorism

We need our homeland to be more valuable to us than ourselves.
Ancient aphorism

Always focus your thoughts on the benefits of your homeland. Afterwards - for the benefit of relatives, and then for your own benefit.

You may not love sibling, if he is a bad person, it is impossible not to love the fatherland, no matter what it is: it is only necessary that this love should not be a dead contentment with what is, but a living desire for improvement.

The historical significance of every Russian great man is measured by his services to his homeland, his human dignity by the strength of his patriotism.

The highest and most beautiful thing in human nature is love for native land, a feeling of freedom and independence under the protection of domestic laws.

They love their homeland not because it is great, but because it is their own.
I prefer to castigate my homeland, I prefer to upset it, I prefer to humiliate it, just so as not to deceive it.

First of all, you owe your homeland, as well as your friends, the truth.

Love for our own good produces in us love for the fatherland, and personal pride produces national pride, which serves as the support of patriotism.

Love for the homeland begins with family.

Love for mother and devotion to her is the first school of collectivism; and if a person leaves this school illiterate, he will not master in the future high school citizenship - devotion to the interests of the Motherland.

...The best way to instill in children love for the fatherland is for their fathers to have this love.

Love for the fatherland must come from love for humanity, like the particular from the general. To love your homeland means to ardently desire to see in it the realization of the ideal of humanity and, to the best of your ability, to promote this.

Living, active patriotism is precisely distinguished by the fact that it excludes any international hostility, and a person, inspired by such patriotism, is ready to work for all mankind, if only he can be useful to him.

Love for the fatherland is compatible with love for the whole world.

Without true love for humanity, there is no true love for the motherland.

The moral duty of a true patriot is to serve the people in humanity and humanity in the people.

Love for the homeland knows no bounds.

He who does not love his own people will not love strangers.
Ossetian aphorism

The more national we are, the more we will be Europeans (all people).

To hate internationalism is to not know and not sense national strength.

In recent times, patriotism consisted of praising everything good that exists in the fatherland; Nowadays this is no longer enough to be a patriot. Nowadays, to the praise of everything good, there has been added an inexorable censure and persecution of everything bad that we still have.

... Attacks ... on the shortcomings and vices of the nationality are not a crime, but a merit, there is true patriotism.

Patriotism should not blind us; love for the fatherland is an action of clear reason, and not blind passion.

The smoke of the fatherland is brighter than the fire of a foreign land.
Ancient aphorism

There is nothing worse than wandering in foreign lands.

If you are the odd one out at home, will you become one of the strangers?
Kyrgyz proverb

If you haven’t been to a foreign land, you won’t fully appreciate your country.
Turkmen proverb

A person who has not experienced a foreign land does not know the value of a person.
Turkish proverb

In a foreign land, the homeland is valued even more.
Afghan proverb

The most precious thing for a person in a foreign land is his homeland.
Arabic proverb

You can leave your home, but not your homeland.
Azerbaijani proverb

Those who do not live in their homeland do not know the taste of life.
Ossetian proverb

Anyone who has been to a foreign land becomes kinder.
Persian proverb

People who leave their fatherland for foreign lands are not respected in a foreign land, but are shunned in their homeland.

Who, having left the Fatherland, will be able to escape from himself?

He who lives everywhere lives nowhere.

The people with whom we enter into mutually pleasant communication are what I call homeland.

I feel at home anywhere in the world where there are clouds, birds and human tears.

When you protect your homeland, you become a man.
Uzbek proverb

Defense of the Motherland is defense of one’s dignity.

Every person loves his small homeland, because so many bright memories are associated with it. Your father’s house, in which the smell of baking, an atmosphere of kindness, comfort and love reigns, always lifts your spirits when you go there. But even if your home is no longer there, you still have the opportunity to walk along familiar streets and visit friends. People have had warm feelings for their home for a long time, so today there are many proverbs and catchphrases O native land. That's what we'll talk about today.

Why does your native land play such an important role in life?

IN hometown a person grows up, makes his first friends, goes to kindergarten and school. All important events, which are associated with growing up and the formation of personality, occur within the walls of one’s home or educational institution. That is why a person has such an attachment to his small homeland. If a teenager, after graduating from school, goes to college in another city, and after studying remains to live there, this does not mean that his small homeland has begun to occupy less space in his soul.

Often people, in pursuit of success, money and luxury, change their small cozy cities to megacities. This is not to say that this is bad, because it has always been like this. Neither time nor distance can destroy a warm attachment to one’s native place. People who, by the will of fate or by at will They cannot often visit their father’s house, they live in the hope of a speedy meeting. Folklore is rich in proverbs about the native land. Which ones are the most common?

The most about our native land

People unconsciously use phraseological units, sayings and proverbs in their speech. You can often hear popular sayings about your small homeland. Here are the top most popular proverbs about our native land:

  1. A person has one mother, and he has one homeland.
  2. The native land is a paradise for the heart.
  3. There is no son without a homeland.
  4. And a speck of dust from our native land is gold.
  5. In your home, the walls also help.

These proverbs were not taken out of the context of any work. collected in these phrases. In Russia, like nowhere else, a sense of love for one’s native land and one’s own home is developed.

After all, many Europeans do not have their own apartments; they rent them and, if necessary, can easily change them. We have a different mentality. Our compatriots love the walls of their home incredibly much, and part with them only in cases of extreme necessity.

Proverb: the native land is a paradise for the heart

In our country, every adult has an attachment to his homeland. This trend has been going on for many centuries. Famous writers, poets and artists have always looked for inspiration not in Russian nature in general, namely in their native land. They say that the sun shines brighter here and the air is cleaner.

The native land is a paradise for the heart, this saying is learned by heart in childhood. We have already said a lot that a person has warm feelings for his homeland. But maybe it is precisely due to the fact that in our language there are so many proverbs about our native land that a person learns from childhood to respect this place. After all, the power of suggestion is a powerful thing. Especially if you start imposing this or that thought from infancy.

One way or another, our compatriots love their homeland; it is here that people find solitude and peace. Perhaps that is why the proverb uses the allegory of heaven.

Proverb: A man has one mother, he has one homeland

In Rus', parents have been revered since ancient times. The mother was especially valued, because she gives birth, raises, cares for children and always wishes them happiness. It is impossible to replace this person with anyone. The same is true with the homeland. If you were not born in big city, and in a small village, she will accept you and educate you. Nature will allow you to climb trees, and will not mind you being able to pick mushrooms and berries in the forest, or fish in the river. Big city can give a child a lot of impressions of a different nature: museums, theaters, cinema - all this is part of his small homeland.

But no matter what the native land is, a person will still have one, just as the native land always warms the soul and brings back the best memories.

Analogues of proverbs in other languages

In our country they value their native land, but what about things in other countries? Well, actually, where and how. There are peoples in whose language there are proverbs about the homeland and native land, and there are those in which they do not. For example, in England and America you rarely come across sayings about your homeland. And the Tatars mention their homeland many times in their folklore. Some of the most popular proverbs in free translation:

  1. Praise the foreign land, live in your homeland.
  2. He who has a homeland has a language.
  3. The birth mother is one, and the Motherland is one.

The same is true in the Bashkir language. Here they love and honor their homeland. This is how these feelings were expressed in folk art:

  1. The native side is a cradle, the foreign side is a leaky trough.
  2. If you value knowledge about the country, you will lose your head; if you do not value knowledge about the land, you will lose your future.

Is one’s native land always loved?

People honor their homeland, whatever it may be. Here you can remember a good analogy with parents. After all, as you know, they are not chosen, and no matter what they are, children will still love, appreciate, respect, and take care of them. After all, fate will not give them others anyway. Proverbs about the native land are more common in Russian than in any other language. This means that our compatriots love their land more than residents of neighboring countries. For many Russian poets, the theme of their small homeland occupies a key place in their work.

Many talented people: writers, scientists and poets, immigrated abroad due to the fact that they had no development in their native country. However, six months later these same people will write that they cannot live without their homeland. There is some kind of mythical connection that neither time nor distance destroys.