Tatyana Golikova is another woman who is famous in our country. She had been trusted with important positions before, and now she was chosen as Medvedev’s deputy.

During her life, Tatyana managed to visit everyone she is not too lazy to visit. Her career ladder included positions such as head of the Accounts Chamber and Minister of Health. Tatyana even managed to be Vladimir Vladimirovich’s assistant.

We can conclude that a woman is also capable of this versatility.

Tatiana's friends sometimes jokingly call her not Golikova, but Trudugolikova.

Well, let's find out how much this workaholic earns.

It’s interesting that I couldn’t find her income statement for 2017, even though I looked very hard. The reason for the lack of a declaration was that the laws no longer oblige Golikov to do so. But there is still data about previous years. For example, in 2016

her earnings were 15 million rubles. Years earlier - 12 million.

It seems that the earnings are not bad, but the amount increases slightly over the year. But with property things are more interesting.

As they say, we found the source of the problems.

Tatyana and her family live in a village that is considered quite elite, “Fantasy Island,” purchased 11 years ago. The amount is somewhat depressing. After all, how is it possible, having an income of 2-4 million at that time, to buy something that exceeds the amount of your salary several times? After all, she didn’t own any business, so there were simply no other sources of income.

It is worth noting that this is already a certain feature, or rather the ability of our respected officials: to buy what they could not buy in any way.

There is one more small problem.

In 2015, Tatyana Golikova indicated in her declaration a plot measuring 7,500 square meters, but a year later several thousand more were added. I understand that her income probably allows this, but did Golikova really want to buy another 20 thousand meters in addition to the 7500 she already had? What is she going to do with this land? Have you decided to get into gardening? Grow fruits and vegetables?

But that’s not all, Golikova is the owner of 2 more huge apartments. The question arises: why does this lady need so many apartments and land? plots? And with whose money was all this bought?
Well, I can explain for whose and how.

As I already said, Golikova was a minister. And in 2006, some unpleasant news happened, namely the disappearance of government money. More than 32 billion were allocated for medical institutions, namely for their construction. But for some unknown reason, these billions did not reach there, or rather, they did, but not all of them. 25 billion somehow magically disappeared. Still, magic exists, as you can see.

But you know what saddens me more? The fact that after this, such people are entrusted with even more important positions... Although it should be the other way around.

IN Lately The only talk is about politics. Moreover, the main newsmakers are not men, but women. The first ladies of America and France compete for the attention of the fashion public, the Prime Minister of Great Britain shocks the public with the choice of another daring pair of shoes, and the Vice President of Azerbaijan sets a new trend. What about the Russians? Women who decide to connect their lives with politics are obliged to look good. And fortunately, our government representatives are coping with this, if not perfectly, then with a solid four plus. We invite you to evaluate their looks and take a closer look at the jewelry they will use to complement their conservative outfits.

May 16, 2017 · Text: Alena Petrovskaya · Photo: Svetlana Kholyavchuk, Mikhail Metzel, Alexander Shcherbak, Alexey Nikolsky/press service of the President of the Russian Federation, Sergei Fadeichev, Mikhail Klimentyev/press service of the President of the Russian Federation, Stanislav Krasilnikov, Anton Novoderezhkin, Artem Korotaev, Alexey Pavlishak, Maxim Shemetov, Valery Sharifulin, Andrey Epikhin , Anna Isakova, Mikhail Japaridze, Artem Geodakyan, Donat Sorokin, Sergey Vinogradov, Mikhail Pochuev, Dmitry Astakhov, Sergey Konkov, Alexander Demyanchuk, Vladimir Smirnov, Alexander Shalgin, Pavel Bednyakov/TASS, Getty Images, PhotoXPress, Personastars

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Valentina Matvienko - Speaker of the Federation Council

Valentina Matvienko is perhaps the most famous female politician in our country

View gallery 1 of 72

We decided to move away from the standard scheme and discuss not the outfits, but the jewelry that famous female politicians choose Russian Federation. Some prefer expensive items made of gold and diamonds, while others wear something simpler. But, as it seems to us, the point is not in the cost, but in how each of the jewelry complements the image of its owner.

The spectacular blonde Tatyana Golikova relies on interesting necklaces and pendants, the authoritative Valentina Matvienko does not recognize anything other than heavy luxury (only the lazy did not discuss her collection of diamonds and pearls), and knowing the price money Elvira Nabiullina has not changed the same watch (by the way, not the most expensive) for many years.

Let's go again specific example. I don't want our campaign against seemed theoretical. Like, there are abstract swindlers who have abstract, inexplicable incomes.

The problem is very specific and has recognizable faces.

For example, Tatyana Golikova and Viktor Khristenko.

Well-known minister-wives. Golikova was responsible for healthcare in the government for many years, Khristenko was responsible for industry. Both of them were responsible for their family budget.

We all know very well about the state of Russian healthcare. We know about the state of Russian industry. Let's now deal with family budget ministerial spouses.

We talk only about irrefutable facts.

One could write here about how Minister Golikova received the nickname “Madame Arbidol”, about how a couple of government officials are fond of gambling in a Monaco casino and throwing wads of money at a Chanel store, about how Khristenko’s 25-year-old son took a leadership position at the Chelyabinsk Pipe Rolling Plant, etc.

But (and this is important) that's all allegations of corruption. There is no evidence (and it is unlikely that there will be any), and we cannot bring Golikova and Khristenko to criminal responsibility. You can't even write a statement.

Now let’s see if it’s possible to send smart spouses to the dock under our bill - after all, this is exactly its meaning: there is no need to prove the bribes themselves, it is necessary to prove that the official’s assets are greater than his official earnings.

1. Let's start by looking at the biographies of Golikova and Khristenko. We are convinced that our spouses were not involved in business, are not involved in business, and have spent their entire lives “vegetating” in the civil service. They have been married since 2002.

2. Now we look at the “Declarator” income. Golikova, Khristenko.

3. We are even trying to find income before 2008. I can only find a reprint (the original was removed from the site due to the statute of limitations) of the Kommersant article, which talks about Khristenko’s income for 2005 and 2006

But since both Golikova and Khristenko are in the civil service, we understand that they could not receive anything significant other than a salary, and the salary then was an order of magnitude less than it is now.

Thus, we record income since 2005: 82,806,853

Now let's look at the official expenses of the Golikova-Khristenko family.

Property - Pestovo

Since 2012, Golikova has indicated objects in Pestovo as being in use. Namely:

A modest house of a ministerial family in Pestovo.

The objects are leased in the name of Khristenko. This is confirmed by certificates: a house with an area of ​​336 sq.m., a house with an area of ​​991 sq.m. and land.

Realtors estimate the cost of houses and land at $10-15 million. With an average annual rental rate of 1/20 of the cost of real estate, we get $500-$750 thousand a year.

Want a more accurate estimate? Please: here is a house for rent nearby. Although it is a little larger, it is much further from the water, and land plot 4 times less. Costs a million rubles a month . So here we are already installing the most important fact: For the last 2 years, the Golikova-Khristenko couple has been working exclusively for their house near Moscow . The official income is simply not enough for anything else.

They rent a house from the company IMTECHNOSERVICE LLC, which is registered in the offshore Yoshoirro Holdings Limited from the Marshall Islands. It can be assumed that Golikova and Khristenko bought this house, registered it offshore and rent it out to themselves for a nominal fee, so that they would not be asked questions about such wealth. This version is supported by the fact that the head of this company, Maksim Valerievich Mukhovikov, runs JIAR ACADEMY LLC, which is located at Moscow, Ostrovnoy proezd, 12/1 - right next to the townhouse of Golikova and Khristenko. At the same address: “According to Penny Lane Realty, in 2006–2007, at the “peak” of the housing market, apartments in the Fantasy Island complex were sold at prices ranging from 4.2 thousand dollars to 16 thousand dollars per square meter .

That is, for an apartment of this size, especially considering its location on the “first line” from the water, Khristenko had to pay at least $2 million .

A London fashion critic, at the request of MK, analyzed the toilets of political stars

To a girl thinking about her wardrobe, let’s say without hesitation: do it with... And who, really, should Russian women take as an example? In other countries, fashionistas are looking at the first lady, but we temporarily don’t have one: President Vladimir Putin lives as an anchorite. But we have a whole galaxy of female politicians who probably know a lot about how to present themselves advantageously, including to voters. The secular division of the MK political department asked the famous London fashion critic Lavinia LOND to analyze the images, outfits and hairstyles of our political ladies. The resulting advice may be useful not only for servants of the people, but also for mere mortals.

Tatyana Golikova: perhydrol and round bangs

Chairman of the Accounts Chamber Tatyana Golikova, while working at the Ministry of Finance, received the nickname Queen of the Budget - for her phenomenal ability to retain all budget indicators in memory. Golikova is a very impressive woman. Despite being busy with government work, she looks great and takes care of herself: in an interview with MK, she said that she loves skating and adheres to the principle of separate meals. Our fashion columnist criticizes Tatyana Alekseevna's hairstyle.

— Perhydrol and round bangs are the two most common legacies of Soviet aesthetics in appearance women. There are no social differences - they make all social classes alike!

If everything is clear with perhydrol (for many in the USSR, hydrogen peroxide was the only available hair dye), then scientists argue about the origin of round bangs. It is possible that such a hairstyle was at the end of the USSR soviet women borrowed from Brazilian TV series. Be that as it may, today it’s time to abandon these templates.

— Hair dyed in a monochromatic white-yellow shade, popular among officials since the time of Furtseva, serves as a signal to the electorate “I am one of you!” You can trust me!” - says Lavinia. In the last 25 years, another indispensable attribute has been added to straw hair color: round bangs. The bangs must be thinned out and, most importantly, pulled out and curled with a round brush. Ideally, it should stand like a crescent.

Many people believe that such bangs make you look younger. Unfortunately, it is not. Quite the contrary, it refers to the 80s, and it seems that the woman is stuck there forever. A more natural hair color and differently cut and styled hair would completely change the picture.

Judging by the photographs in the editorial archive, Tatyana Golikova herself wants to come up with something new and is experimenting with hairstyles.

Valentina Matvienko: always in bright colors

The head of the Federation Council, Valentina Matvienko, is known for her commitment to bright, unusual color combinations. Purple neckerchiefs with mustard-yellow jackets, pink with light green ones... We thought this was a departure from the strict canons of the classical style, but Lavinia approves of this choice.

— Blue, pink, yellow dresses and suits pleasantly distinguish Matvienko from the black and gray mass Russian women“of a certain age,” she says. — With age, a person’s appearance loses contrast and becomes less striking than in his youth. Now is the time to start wearing bright colors and statement jewelry. The only thing you need to pay attention to is that the jewelry should not be overtly jewelry - it is better to avoid gold, sparkling stones and pearls so as not to resemble peacocks. Large ones look much more advantageous, but enough simple decorations, such as the matching turquoise set on the dress or the prominent royal blue buttons on the blue jacket.

Elvira Nabiullina: don’t wear black and white!

It turns out that the comic children's game about “don't wear black and white” may well be a guide to action for fashionistas: it is better not to combine these two colors, just like black and red. Who knows, maybe this is also a legacy Soviet era. Remember the beginning of the second episode of the popularly beloved epic “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears”? The heroine of Vera Alentova leaves the house in a gray suit, red shoes, with a red bag and red gloves. Is this not the image that inspires the head of the Ministry? economic development?

— Elvira Nabiullina, unlike Valentina Matvienko, prefers “classic” and “business” color combinations. In Russia, these are traditionally considered black, grey, white and red,” comments Lavinia. — The basis is always black, in which Elvira Nabiullina can be seen in 80% of cases. Sometimes it is diluted with white or red, although basic rules color combinations say: red and black do not go together. This combination only looks good on Carmen.

Black is a very difficult color to wear and doesn’t go well with anything. Black doesn't match bright colors, light colors and especially pastel colors. The combination of black with blue, green, pink and other colors looks outdated and unfashionable. And the combination of black and red is especially unattractive, because it hints that the woman was trying to “match” the colors.

Yulia Tymoshenko: lace back and white shoes

If Russian political ladies gravitate towards Soviet aesthetics, then Maidan valkyrie Yulia Tymoshenko looks completely different. At one time, she made a splash in the Verkhovna Rada by appearing in a dress with transparent black lace all over the back. The Ukrainian press conducted a small investigation in 2005 and found out: Tymoshenko very often wears clothes, shoes and bags from the famous luxury brand Louis Vuitton. And he wears them in whole sets, just as they are presented in the catalogue. It would seem like an unmistakable move - but even here there were some subtleties.

— Yulia Tymoshenko is undoubtedly very beautiful woman. And she loves clothes and jewelry,” comments Lavinia. — Unlike most women in politics, she almost never wears black and gray. You can often see a creamy, almost White color. And if light clothes look good in warm and solar time year, white shoes should still be avoided, especially in a business atmosphere. In the photo with Angela Merkel, Tymoshenko’s outfit looks rather strange, largely because of the shoes. Gray or beige suede shoes could tone down the outfit and make the look more formal.

But even this one elegant woman, like Yulia Tymoshenko, sometimes there is a program failure, manifested in the excessive embellishment inherent in many women in the post-Soviet space. Here we use our native guipure, frills and bows, lace, flounces and the combination of black and white, which is considered elegant and classic.

No, better suits and Louis Vuitton dresses, diluted with accessories more formal than white platform shoes. A braid, a pretty face, an abundance of ruffles, tight styles and high heels... “Eyes like the sky, blue, // Smile, flaxen curls” - an image that can really get incredibly boring.

Yulia Navalnaya: claim to first lady

Perhaps not a single wife of a Russian leader since Tsarist times has tried to become a style icon - with the possible exception of Raisa Gorbacheva. But potential first lady Yulia Navalnaya may well aspire to this role (oppositionist Alexei Navalny said that he wanted to be president!). It is noticeable that she takes great care in choosing clothes not only for herself, but also for her husband and children if the family appears in public. Here, for example, are photographs of a family voting in the mayoral elections last September: at least now for the cover! And studio photographs of the couple often decorate Alexey’s blog, adding pleasant variety to the fight against corruption. Lavinia, however, advises Navalnaya not to varnish her image ahead of time.

- Since everything is public and political life“Yulia takes place at rallies, demonstrations and protest marches; in photographs she is usually dressed in simple casual things: jeans, sneakers or ballet flats, jackets or down jackets,” says our critic. “And this style suits her very well and, most importantly, corresponds to her current status.”

However, with the growing popularity of Alexei Navalny and his family, Yulia began to take part in staged photo shoots for the press, mainly in the style of women’s gloss. And the staged photographs themselves, and the publications publishing them, and especially Navalnaya’s outfits, do little to match the image of the wife of an unofficial oppositionist. Why should a woman representing the Fighter Against the Regime brand be photographed for glossy publications? Especially in elegant dresses, stiletto heels and an abundance of makeup on the face. The times of Jackie Kennedy are over, and Julia no longer has the official status of the president’s wife. Unstaged photographs without glamor for business and political publications would probably be more appropriate.

Irina Prokhorova: beauty is in the soul!

The first ones public performance Irina Prokhorova, leader of the “Civil Platform”, sister of the oligarch Mikhail Prokhorov, caused a real storm of delight among the intelligentsia. In Irina Dmitrievna they saw a person from their environment: a literary critic, a graduate of the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University... It seems that Prokhorova is trying to maintain this image in everything.

— If Yulia Tymoshenko chose to maximize femininity and beauty, then Irina Prokhorova goes exactly the opposite way. Formal jackets male type, shirts and blouses with a turn-down collar, short haircut and discreet “solid” colors in clothes. There are no accessories, no cosmetics and not the slightest attempt to decorate oneself. This is the same principled position as the choice to decorate yourself with all available means. Irina Prokhorova is targeting the “old intelligentsia,” and this target audience is accustomed to contrasting the external with the internal. The traditional paradigm of the Soviet intelligentsia: spirituality, education and eternal values ​​instead of “false values” - success and everything “superficial”, external.

Connoisseurs of Tolstoy's work will certainly remember here the textbook image of Princess Marya with her radiant eyes. But Lavinia recalls another, no less textbook quote:

— As you know, “you can be a smart person and think about the beauty of your nails.” Perhaps Irina Prokhorova should still attach some slight significance to the superficial, so as not to resemble the heroine of the film “ Love affair at work" Softer lines, more interesting colors, simple decorations would add humanity rather than femininity to the image, which is always a big plus for any politician.

Lately there has been nothing but talk about politics. Moreover, the main newsmakers are not men, but women. The first ladies of America and France compete for the attention of the fashion public, the Prime Minister of Great Britain shocks the public with the choice of another daring pair of shoes, and the Vice President of Azerbaijan sets a new trend. What about the Russians? Women who decide to connect their lives with politics are obliged to look good. And fortunately, our government representatives are coping with this, if not perfectly, then with a solid four plus. We invite you to evaluate their looks and take a closer look at the jewelry they will use to complement their conservative outfits.

May 16, 2017 · Text: Alena Petrovskaya · Photo: Svetlana Kholyavchuk, Mikhail Metzel, Alexander Shcherbak, Alexey Nikolsky/press service of the President of the Russian Federation, Sergei Fadeichev, Mikhail Klimentyev/press service of the President of the Russian Federation, Stanislav Krasilnikov, Anton Novoderezhkin, Artem Korotaev, Alexey Pavlishak, Maxim Shemetov, Valery Sharifulin, Andrey Epikhin , Anna Isakova, Mikhail Japaridze, Artem Geodakyan, Donat Sorokin, Sergey Vinogradov, Mikhail Pochuev, Dmitry Astakhov, Sergey Konkov, Alexander Demyanchuk, Vladimir Smirnov, Alexander Shalgin, Pavel Bednyakov/TASS, Getty Images, PhotoXPress, Personastars

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Valentina Matvienko - Speaker of the Federation Council

Valentina Matvienko is perhaps the most famous female politician in our country

View gallery 1 of 72

We decided to move away from the standard scheme and discuss not the outfits, but the jewelry that famous female politicians of the Russian Federation choose. Some prefer expensive items made of gold and diamonds, while others wear something simpler. But, as it seems to us, the point is not in the cost, but in how each of the jewelry complements the image of its owner.

The spectacular blonde Tatyana Golikova relies on interesting necklaces and pendants, the authoritative Valentina Matvienko does not recognize anything other than heavy luxury (only the lazy did not discuss her collection of diamonds and pearls), and Elvira Nabiullina, who knows the value of money, does not change the same watch (by the way , not the most expensive) for many years.