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Pistol round

This is usually the first round for a side. In the first round, each player has $800 at his disposal, which must be spent if you play “mix” and do not save money for the chip round with your team. Buying body armor for $650 is not always effective. If you play with friends in the lobby, then try to distribute the money so that you have at your disposal a player with armor and a more powerful pistol, a defuse kit (for the CT side) and a couple of grenades from blocking opponents. Such rounds will have a high chance of success, but team play is indispensable.
If your team lost the pistol round, then it is recommended not to spend money on the next one and do the so-called “eco-round”, which will be discussed below. For the T-side, in the pistol round, it is important to focus on planting the bomb, this will give additional growth to the team's economy, even if you lose.

Farm round (force buy)

The goal of the farm rounds is to earn the maximum possible money. As a rule, it is used after winning pistol rounds, where the enemy is expected to have problems with money and they will make an eco round. Against an eco round where the opposing team is not in equal conditions, it is more effective to buy a weapon of the submachine gun or shotgun class, which brings in 2 or even 3 times more money than pistols or rifles. The biggest “farm” of money is from killing with a knife. In the community, this is not considered a gentlemanly act, but if you are going to win, then the $1500 bonus will be a strong “boost” to the economy of your team.

Eco-round (full eco)

The task of economic rounds is to save money for the next round, for the full purchase of ammunition. As a rule, only pistols are bought at such rounds, and the rest of the money is left for the next one. In no case should you buy weapons if your team is doing an eco-round, even if you have money, such a decision will not be reasonable, because alone you are unlikely to decide the outcome of the round in your favor, and the money saved can be used in the next round for team purposes. Also, in eco-rounds, it is recommended to act in a non-standard manner, for example, quickly attack the whole team in one of the directions (T-side) or make an ambush in one of the directions (ST-side). Thanks to the numerical advantage, it is possible to exchange your ally and, with the help of the enemy’s knocked out weapon, ruin the opponent’s economy, or even take the round.

Saving a weapon in a round that is known to be lost (save)

Sometimes it is more effective to save your weapons and ammunition than to try to kill an opponent in a hopeless situation. For example, if this is your first defeat after a victory, the saved ammunition will serve you better than $1400, which you can use to buy a maximum of armor and a pistol. In such cases, it is better to take a good position and try to ruin the economy of your opponent, who will definitely come looking for you. Let us remind you that on the T-side, if you save ammunition, you will receive a personal penalty of $0, instead of +1400$, like for your dead allies.
It is also worth considering the issue of accruing money for lost rounds in a row. If you lose several rounds in a row, it is worth assessing the effectiveness of your weapon save,
Let us remind you that for each lost round in a row, $500 is added to the fee for the previous round (up to round 5).

Full round (full buy)

Typically a full purchase looks like this:
- T-side $4700(AK-47, body armor + helmet, fragmentation, smoke and two light)
- ST side $5500(M4A4, body armor + helmet, defuse kit, fragmentation, smoke and two light)
In difficult economic situations or chip rounds, an effective “full buy” can be the following set:
- T-side $3700(Galil, body armor + helmet, smoke and two lights)
- ST side $4000(FAMAS, body armor, defuse kit, smoke and two lights)
From the above figures, we conclude that the economic situation on the ST side is always slightly worse. And the defense side without sniper rifle loses a big advantage when the attacking side can do without this weapon.
It is also important to share money with allies. If your teammate has less than $3500(T)-4000(ST), it is worth purchasing a weapon and “dropping” it to your ally, which will significantly increase your team’s chances of winning the round.

What does economy mean in CS:GO? Right! This is money, or rather their earnings in this game.

Let's look at it in more detail:

If you are going to play in competitive mode, then without understanding all the principles of economics in CS:GO, you will run through most of the game with a pistol, in addition to this you will feel the full wrath of your teammates. Of course, we will only talk about the competitive mode with the game scenario - planting a bomb.

We all know that for the first round we are given only $800, and if we don’t spend it at the beginning of the round and quickly manage to kill the enemy, then we can immediately buy a MAC-10, since it costs only $1050. If the first round is for your team, then the enemy will have the next 2 economic (eco) rounds (or one if the game is an attack and a bomb was planted in the first round).

Eco round- this is a round in which the team tries to save as much of their money as possible in order to purchase full ammunition in the fourth round, and already play the device round on equal terms.

Force buy- forced purchase, i.e. spend everything you have.

Cost of main purchase combinations:

IMPORTANT : I do not include a false one in the table, few people use it (Although sometimes it can deceive the enemy), and I also did not include incendiary grenades. I’ll explain why - in your individual game it can be of little use; they mainly need to be used in team play, i.e. when you play with your team and use certain preparations. In an individual game, of course, you can use it, for example, throw it 30-40 seconds before the end of the round, on the only approach to the plant when playing as a defense, or to lure a player out of some kind of “dig.”

Let's go back to the table above, i.e. for a normal device round to you you must have either 5400-5700 for defense, or 4300-4700 per attack without "awp". Be sure to take into account the following point: the more rounds in a row you lose, the more money you get. Those. after a series of given rounds, having taken one round, try to take the second, otherwise your team will need to do the eco round again.

Action Team Award Personal award
Round time is over 3 250
Bomb defuse 3 500 300
Detonation of bomb 3 500
Planting a bomb 300
Losing, but the bomb was planted 800
Killing all enemies 3 250
Losing one round 1 400
Losing two rounds in a row 1 900
Losing three rounds in a row 2 400
Losing four rounds in a row 2 900
Losing 5 or more rounds in a row 3 400

Those. if you lost the first round (after spending $800), and then the second and third, considering that you didn’t buy anything in the second and third - then for the 4th round you will have $5700 with zero frags. If you play as an attacker and did NOT place a bomb in the first round, then you can safely do it in the second round force buy, even if you don’t kill anyone during these three rounds - on the 4th you will have $4300 in your piggy bank which is enough for a complete purchase, you will only have $600 for the purchase of grenades.

Having read the above - You must remember - weapon save is a very important thing. especially if you understand that there is no chance of winning the round, and you are behind one taken round after a series of losing ones. Also, do not forget that when playing as an attack - if the bomb is not installed and the round time is over - then you won't get any money- sometimes it’s more profitable to just die.

The Eco-Round("Economic-Round") most commonly referred to as an Eco or a Save-Round is a money saving strategy that lasts usually one round but may last up to 2 rounds. The Eco-Round consists of buying little to no items. When buying on an Eco-Round it is most common to see a purchase of either grenades or kevlar. The main idea is to save your money for the following round so you and your team can buy together.

Terrorist Eco-Round [edit]

Objectives of Terrorist eco-rounds are to either kill as many Counter-Terrorists as you can and best case scenario salvage their guns and/or to get the bomb planted as this yields more money for the next round.

Many of the T-side (Terrorist side) ecos (eco-rounds) are some sort of variation of bum rushes or mass distraction (decoys).

Bum Rushes are exactly what they sound like and try to use the superior number of the attackers to overwhelm fewer defenders usually through the shortest routes of exposure to gunfire/flashes/grenades.

Distraction tactics take advantage of any quick rotations by the other team due to the overwhelming commitment of personnel to attacking one area. The rotation is most effectively achieved by the use of grenades and flashes that results in the best case scenario of yielding at least one kill. The bomb holder then sneaks his way into the bombsite that has been left open or is at least guarded and tries for the bomb plant.

One last unique factor of the T-side eco is the low cost of T weapons. This can then result in partial buys consisting of many variations of Deagle , Armor no helmet, Galil, AK-47 , SMG, etc. One of the most common eco strats with purchases you will see is Deagle/Armor (the no helmet is implied) where the team depends on the high damage output and maneuverability of the Deagle to quickly bring down a defender while rushing full sprint across areas.

Counter-Terrorist Eco-Round [edit]

As Counter-Terrorist Eco-Rounds can be successful with stacks on a particular site so the Terrorists cannot take the site closest to the CT stack. If they are not at the location your team stacked then you will have to re-take the site that the terrorist have taken. Objectives of CT-side (Counter-Terrorist side) ecos are to kill Ts and salvage their weapons. Though there is always an unrealistic objective of ninja defusing (hiding from or sneaking past Ts to then defuse the bomb without anybody noticing).

Main strats of CT-side ecos involve stacking and distractions. Stacking involves both personnel and grenades/flashes. Use of smokes to conceal CT movement is common.

Unique to CT-side ecos are exit kills which are attempted after the bomb plant. Because CTs are stacking areas, Ts can slowly determine whether or not certain passages/routes are safe and get the bomb planted. This then forces any remaining CTs to rotate over to the active bombsite. Then either splitting up to cover multiple entrances or stacking one to get kills.

One more thing to note is if you are the last CT alive and the bomb is not planted, it is common to run in Rambo style to hope for a kill. This is done to quickly kill yourself as the bomb plant is something you can then control at that time and stop with your own death.

Mechanics of Eco"ing [edit]

The first thing to understand about eco"ing is Counter-Strike"s money system. Because of how the game works, the first round (pistol round) of a side is very important. What happens in the pistol round usually affects the next couple rounds. A bomb plant would yield more money collectively so if Ts get the bomb planted then lose the round, there could be sufficient money to partial buy (previously mentioned Deagle/Armor or other combination) even on the very next round (commonly called surprise buy) . CTs are not afforded this luxury as often because of the higher cost of their weapons, although surprise buying is not completely unheard of from the CT side.

In higher play, every team member gives a short message of how much money they have either through in-game text or voice to let the leader decide whether or not they are eco"ing or not. This then adds another layer to money management that affects eco"ing and that is the balancing of everyone"s budget. Because of the money from kills, not everyone will have the same amount of money even if they are all buying the exact same things. This could then allow someone who could afford two guns to buy a gun for somebody who has the least amount of money on the team.

Another dynamic is the cost of the AWP. This sniper rifle is one of the most commonly used weapons in the game and is available on both sides, which means the cost is the same to both teams. Eco rounds are sometimes managed to allow the purchase of an AWP by one or more of your team members.

Economy in cs go is a key and very important factor. Without knowing some basic economic calculations, winning will be very difficult and almost impossible. In this article we will tell you about calculating the economy in cs go and teach you how to manage your money correctly. Let's figure out what an eco round is in cs go and how to get the maximum benefit from it.

Basics of economics in cs go

In Counter-Strike: Global Offensive you you get money for the following actions:

  • Killing an enemy
  • Winning the round
  • Losing the round
  • Planting a bomb
  • Detonation of bomb
  • Bomb defusing

The situation when you you won't get it money at the beginning of a new round:

  • If you committed suicide
  • If you, playing for the Terrorists side, are still alive when the round time ends.
  • The fine for killing a teammate is $300

Now let's talk about everything in order, for killing an enemy from different weapons, You'll get different quantities money: ultrasound - 600$ ; AK-47 or M4a1-s (M4A4) - 300$ ; AWP - 100$ ; Shotgun - 900$ ; Knife - 1500$ .
Initial amount of money in pistol round 800$ , the maximum amount of money is 16.000$ . It is important to understand that when playing as T or CT, the economy will be different.

Calculation of the economy in CS GO for Terrorists:

  • Installing a bomb +$300 to the installer
  • Winning a round without a planted bomb +$3250
  • Bomb explosion +$3500
  • Lost round, with a +800$ bomb for the whole team.

Calculation of the CS GO economy for Counter-Terrorists:

  • Bomb demining: $3500 + $300 for defusing the deminer
  • Round time has expired, or win without planting a bomb +$3250

Economics in pistol and eco rounds

Pistol rounds are 2 rounds in the game - 1 at the start and the 2nd after changing sides, do not confuse them with eco rounds. In the pistol rounds, both teams have the same amount of money - $800 each. It is very important to use them wisely, because the team that wins the pistol round strengthens its economy and has a high chance of gaining an advantage of 2-3 rounds in advance.

Many players make the mistake of buying armor in a pistol round. Almost any pistol, with the exception of long-distance, kills with 1 round to the head, so it is better to buy several grenades that will help you hold back the onslaught of enemies, or go to the bomb installation site yourself.

What is an eco round in cs go

When one of the teams, after a loss, does not have money for a full buy (purchase), it must save money for the next round, and in the economic round either not buy anything or buy something inexpensive, it all depends on how much money you have .

You can get the maximum benefit from an eco round in cs go if you spend $500, for example, buying a P250 and a grenade, and the five of you very quickly push some point on the map. If you fail, you will not lose anything, and if you kill someone, you will pay back $300 for the gun. Such rounds are often won; the opponent simply does not expect such a turn of events.

A full standard purchase of Terrorists (AK-47, armor + helmet, 4 grenades) costs - 4700$ .
A full standard purchase of Counter-Terrorists (M4A1-s or M4A4, armor + helmet, 4 grains and a sapper kit) will cost 5500$ .

How to properly share and save weapons

There are often situations when you have a lot of money, but your teammate only has enough for armor and grenades. At such moments, you need to share weapons with teammates (give Drop), because if they remain with a pistol, then your chances of winning the round will be less.

At the beginning of the round, open TAB and look at the amount of money your comrades have, if there is an opportunity to give a couple of drops so that the team has a full buy - go for it.

Save weapons- means to preserve it. If you see that the round is hopelessly lost, and you have a good gun or armor + helmet, then it would be best to go to where the probability of meeting the enemy will be the smallest and just wait for the next round.

We hope that this guide to the economy in cs go was useful for you and will help you conquer new heights and receive higher ranks.