Statuses about sunset - if you suddenly want really beautiful phrases in the status line. Remember: you can make it so that it is intended not only for you, but also for your friends.

I love sunsets. Especially to think that my past grievances are burning there

  1. If you think about it this way, our whole life consists of sunsets. Well, from sunrises, of course.
  2. You are as beautiful as a sunset. But the trouble is that I’m as pale as the dawn.
  3. Sunset again. Say goodbye to this day. You will never see him again.
  4. No sunset is even close to the same. This is how our life works.
  5. Sunset in autumn is generally a special phenomenon.
  6. Dawn gives vigor, but, on the other hand, dawn gives that peace that is so often lacking.
  7. Love every sunset. And then life will sparkle with completely different colors.
  1. Sunset will come anyway. It's only a matter of time.
  2. This is a sunset, and it is given only to you. No, don’t think so, others see him differently...
  3. Do you want to wait until dawn? Then you need to survive the sunset, and much, much more.
  4. I'm afraid to say this, but I want the sunset of my life to be as beautiful as the one we are seeing now!
  5. There will be no sunset until you stop developing.
  6. Everything was burning. Everything seemed to be lost. But in fact, it was just sunset
  7. Don't waste your life in a hurry. Just stop and look at how beautiful the sunset is...
  8. You are as beautiful as this sunset. And, by the way, just as alarming.

You don't have to see every sunset to know it exists.

Statuses about sunset hint at how quickly time flies.

  1. I have something urgent to do today: I need to watch the sunset :).
  2. The sunset, as they say, must not be missed.
  3. Sunset is almost always beautiful. But if you meet him with your loved one, he is simply incredible!
  4. Don't fight yourself. Go and watch the sunset if you want, if you really need it.
  5. It doesn’t matter how many sunsets and sunrises we meet together. What matters is what they will be like.
  6. And I love sunsets somewhere outside the city. When you need silence so badly and you get it all.

If you are in a poetic mood, set statuses about sunset in the evening.

  1. Sunset is perhaps the only time when I can take my melancholy by the hand and sit with it...
  2. Sometimes I get the impression that someone is painting these sunsets...
  3. When watching the sunset, we always hope for something. Either on the night stars, or on the morning dawn :).
  4. To see the sunrise, you don’t even have to go outside, although that’s the whole point.
  5. It will soon become completely dark. And only the sunset calms me down...
  6. The sunset should be scarlet. Otherwise, the sunset is not a sunset :).
  7. A sunset is like a wedding, just a few moments.
  8. My night will not end with dawn. Simply because it has not yet arrived. The sunset is ahead of me<3.

Nature is perfect. You feel it especially clearly at sunset.

Beautiful statuses about sunset are something that is certainly dear to your heart...

  1. The sunset burned out everything that was unpleasant inside. But outwardly I haven’t changed at all!
  2. You know that even if you don’t wait for sunset, it will definitely come to you.
  3. The sunset should be celebrated in nature. If only because you won’t see it in the central parts of a big city.
  4. There is something sad about the sunset, but still we are not here to be sad.
  5. Sunsets aren't always orange, but that doesn't mean they're not beautiful.
  6. I love sunsets without the fuss. That's when I truly rest.
  7. Every time I look at the sunset, I become more confident, because I know: everything will be fine!

Dawn is a necessary thing, but still our lives are measured by sunsets: statuses about sunset at sea.

  1. Sometimes you really want to watch the sunset on the seashore, but the sun sets on the other side: D.
  2. The sun's rays streaming across the water are especially beautiful in the evening. And only romantics will notice this!
  3. It is difficult to find a happier person than the one watching the sunset at sea.
  4. The most offensive thing is when you watch such a beautiful sunset and still think about work.
  5. We are different. You go to dinner at sunset, but I won’t go anywhere until I see the sunset :).
  6. What could be better than sunset? Yes, probably a person who will never betray...
  7. Sunset gives us time to think, even if there is no time left.
  8. The sunset should be calm. Therefore, sea, please do not storm: 3.

A little more - and it’s night

Statuses about sunset and love - when you have some special plans planned<3.

  1. Sunset doesn’t care whether it’s winter, spring or October. That's why I love him!
  2. If there is too little comfort in your life, meet the sunrises, see off the sunsets...
  3. You are a sunset man. It seems beautiful, but it ends very quickly.
  4. If you want to feel younger, go and watch the sunset:3.
  5. Let's not get dark. Sunset is memories. What do you think?
  6. It's such a sunset now. It's a pity that your hand is not in my hand...
  7. How many more sunsets like this will pass before you understand how much I love you!
  8. Let's remember everything that happened between us. It's not difficult at all.

If at some point inspiration strikes you, you should never miss this moment: statuses about sunset in the evening with meaning.

  1. I give myself completely to the sunset, or rather to its thoughts. Only for each and every one of them to be carried away by the dawn.
  2. Let's complain to the sunset about everything that happened. He won't help, but he will definitely understand.
  3. It is difficult to overestimate the beauty of the sunset. Only the soulless will not notice it at all.
  4. Let's go to the moon together. Well, before that, let’s look at the sunset...
  5. Surprisingly, when you look at the colors of the sunset, you don’t notice at all how dark it is getting dark behind you.
  6. Sunset is the time when the moon and sun can meet. That's how it is with you and me!
  7. While the earth is preparing to fall asleep, you and I will go crazy from the beauty of the sunset...

When the light gets less and less

Statuses about sunrise and sunset - do not forget that these phrases are dedicated to the sun :).

  1. Don't show anyone that you're crying. Unless it’s sunset. You can really trust him.
  2. Go your way and stop only when sunset comes. And dawn means that you need to hit the road again...
  3. If you are ready to spend time with a person not only from dusk to dawn, but also vice versa, then you truly love.
  4. The night will take everything from us. And she will start, of course, at sunset.
  5. And the night will also pass. Only for this you will have to wait for dawn.
  6. When the sun touches the horizon, sunset occurs. When people touch each other, incredible things happen.
  7. The day will pass very soon. Very soon everything will turn into sunset. Do you believe me?

And true admirers of beauty will definitely not pass by status statements about sunsets in quotes.

  1. We all love sunsets, but autumn days - not so much. But this is essentially the same thing.
  2. I love this sunset because it gives me hope for a new day. Hope that everything will be as before.
  3. Everything around is illusory, and only the sunset makes me understand that I exist.
  4. I would like to go to the sea for a week to enjoy the sunsets to the fullest!
  5. Why do they say that the sunset is on fire? - Yes, because it burns out anyway...
  6. A beautiful sunset is like flower petals right in the sky.

A status about sunset with meaning - when you want to sum up some results. They will definitely help you understand yourself!

Any heart wants spring, a cozy and gentle sunset, one, but shared silence with someone, beloved eyes now, and not once...

The sun is red at sunrise, and it is red at sunset as well. The great remain unchanged in both happiness and misfortune.

Real lovers are like sunsets and sunrises - they are more often written about than observed in person.

One sunset is not like another, the colors of the sky are not the same.

The conflagration of the sunset died down, sprinkled with the white ashes of the stars.

By the way, do you know what I noticed? In Moscow the sun sets - as if a cold samovar was taken away. In St. Petersburg, it’s like they hid Peter’s nickel behind one’s sleeve. In Odessa, it was like riding a hare on a drum... In Astrakhan, the sunset was as if they were frying red fish. In Arkhangelsk - they treated me to frozen fish, but they passed me by. In Ryazan - like a deck eaten by ants. In Riga it was as if they had put a pill under the tongue.

You can be admired as one admires the beauty of nature - sunrise, sunset, mountains, sea.

Did you think that your robot and I would leave the landfill beautifully and ride off into the sunset?

Have you ever noticed that the sunset is much more beautiful if you admire it with someone special to you?

Get up early at dawn and remember that sunset will come when you least expect it.

The sunset was pure, naive, as if it had been painted by a provincial young lady long before the first, terrible thoughts about men came into her head.

The sunset left the glass after playing.

The sunset flared and died out - every moment seemed eternal, but the transition from scarlet to ashen took no more than a few demonic moments.

What is life? This is the light of a firefly in the night. This is the breath of the buffalo when winter comes. This is a shadow falling on the grass and melting at sunset.

I really love sunset. Let's go watch the sun set, we'll just have to wait a little. What to expect? For the sun to go down.

I just love playing with fire and “burning bridges” and watching the bloody sunset.

I look at the sunset, which at this time of year lasts three hours. As if the sun, at the last minute before sunset, finally found some merit in this world and because of this now does not want to leave.

What do you think is the best thing in the world? - Mom says it's sunset. - Okay, then what is the best thing in the world made by man? - Mom says - Mona Lisa. - Look, with all due respect to your mom, buddy, a curveball is better than anything else in the world.

Sunrises and sunsets are winged in youth: And if it rains in the evening, then it’s sunny in the morning! Sunsets and sunrises Familiar signs: Spring has come and with it the time for love has come!

All you have to do is move the chair a few steps. And you look at the sunset sky again and again, if you just want to.

Everything has its sunset, only the night ends with dawn.

Both at the birth and at the end of love, people always experience confusion when left alone with each other.

"AND. Labruyère"

And you look at the sunset sky again and again, if you just want to.

Sometimes at sunset you see something unusual, which you don’t believe later when you see the same thing in a picture.

Sometimes I go for a walk at sunset, through the forest to the twilight mountains. I watch as darkness covers the world, and everything is filled with the white light of eternity.

Look at the sunset. Beautiful. The one above is a real painter.

Why can you never confuse whether the sun is rising or setting when you see it over the sea?

Previously, people admired sunsets, but now they admire kickbacks.

The most unfortunate person in the world is an atheist, he sees a sea sunset, and he has no one to thank for this beauty.

Weddings are like sunsets. Romance of the moment. Marriage is a sea into which the red sun sets.

Sunsets over the ocean are an absolutely mesmerizing sight. Today there is no wind, and the sunset looks as if a blood orange has decided to drown itself in the mirror.

The sun rises and sets regardless of the time of year, circumstances and people's mood. It lives on its own. It starts the day and ends it. In our selection you will find beautiful quotes about sunsets, and reading philosophical statements
about sunsets will inspire you to take a romantic walk during sunset.

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Sunsets are saturated with sadness. Because every time you see him off, you think: no matter how successful or unsuccessful, the day is my day, and it goes away forever.
Elchin Safarli

Don't envy someone who is strong and rich

With this short life, equal to a breath,
Treat it as if it was rented to you.
Omar Khayyam

All you have to do is move the chair a few steps.
And you look at the sunset sky again and again, if you just want to.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery


Their eyes are full of sunset,
Their hearts are full of dawn.
Joseph Alexandrovich Brodsky

Michael Jackson

Everything has its sunset, only the night ends with dawn.
Vladislav Grzegorczyk

If you look closely at a truly happy person, you will find that he is building a boat, writing a symphony, educating his son, growing double dahlias in his garden, or looking for dinosaur eggs in the Gobi Desert. He will not look for happiness like a collar button that has rolled behind the radiator. He will not pursue it as an end in itself. He will feel happy, being in love with life all twenty-four intense hours of the day.
Beran Fulf

Look at the sunset. Beautiful. The one above is a real painter.
The Truman Show

Many smart people, like you, relied on civilization: many smart Babylonians, smart Egyptians and smart Romans at the end of the Roman Empire. We live on the ruins of lost civilizations: could you tell us what is so particularly immortal about your current one?
Gilbert Chesterton

Have you ever noticed that the sunset is much more beautiful if you admire it with someone special to you?

"] Sunrises, sunsets. Everyone is neither angry nor happy.
Visit a friend's grave, make an ugly scene,
Count the loves from which I grew,
Good is not enough, but to chirp like a bird that cannot cry,
It's like no one in particular dies
And the gossip never turned out to be true, unthinkable.
Wysten Hugh Auden

And then, let's be honest: how long can you watch the sunset? And who wants the sunset to last forever? And who needs eternal warmth? Who needs a timeless scent? After all, you get used to all this and simply stop noticing. It’s good to admire the sunset for a minute, or two. And then you want something else. That's just how humans are made, Leo. How could you forget about this?
-Have I forgotten?
“That’s why we love sunset because it only happens once a day.”
Ray Bradbury

I see the blue expanse again,
There is a quiet sunset above the gazebo.
We're completely drunk with you,
We forgot the way back. There was happiness - and it ended suddenly!..
It's time for us to row back,
Only the lotus has grown around,
Lotus is everywhere on our way. We're at the oars
We leaned together as friends,
We're rowing
Exhausted... And in confusion, seagulls in the distance
They fly away from the sand spit.
Li Qingzhao

And the sunset, rumbling restlessly, burns my insides.
Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov

Spring is so sensual. The touch of the wind
The foliage languishes, and the sinner trembles.
Can't stand it? And this very night...
Smelly perspiration creeps
And envelops. Soft
The branches of the maple are swaying,
And someone's hair, and someone's look.
Everything is doomed. And I'm doomed
Draw a cool star under your skin,
And the stifling sweat of the earth, and the yellow world of sunset...
But the saw moved on the iron,
And sourness settled on the teeth.
Maria Sergeevna Petrovykh

The sun sets, the time of demons comes...
Blue Exorcist

No technology can fully capture what is created by nature. We can capture dawn, sunset, flames... But it’s all frozen. But in memory everything remains alive and breathing.
Lyudmila Viktorovna Artemyeva

Mark Levy

When a desire arises, you always want to satisfy it, that is, to feel pleasure. If a person finds a direct way to receive pleasure, then it is already difficult for him to refuse it. For example, a drug addict. He gets pleasure quickly and without unnecessary movements. He doesn’t have to work long and hard, then buy a ticket and fly somewhere to catch the thrill of a sunset on the ocean. And this is what destroys it, not chemistry. The meaning of life lies precisely in these body movements on the way to sunset.
Oleg Nikolaevich Shesterikov

Jared Leto

The whole world is covered for those who are able
Not to regret, but to feast.
Lost everything, life ended -
Too lazy to bend down and pick it up.
Roman Kruglov

Get up early at dawn and remember that sunset will come when you least expect it.
Tabor goes into the sky

Although it is close to sunset, the sun still interferes with the flower,” Ivanov noted. “Let me help him,” he added, drawing the white curtain of the window near which the flower stood.
Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet

Sunsets over the ocean are an absolutely mesmerizing sight. Today there is no wind, and the sunset looks as if a blood orange has decided to drown itself in the mirror.
Boris Akunin

Chekhov wrote in one of my favorite stories, in “Beauties,” that beauty leaves a pleasant but difficult feeling. What is the reason for this heaviness, this sadness? With its fundamental unattainability. It can never be possessed. Beauty is always not from here. This is approximately the feeling with which you look at a forest sunset over some lake: you understand that you will never get closer to this. Not only can you never do that, but you can't own it. It's always greetings from another world.
Dmitry Lvovich Bykov

Why can you never confuse whether the sun is rising or setting when you see it over the sea?
Sergei Lukyanenko

In the years stained by sunset,
Most irrefutably
Makes the Jew guilty
The fact of its existence.
Igor Mironovich Guberman

After the sun sets, there comes a moment when the color and lighting become amazingly beautiful. This effect lasts only a few seconds when the sun has just gone below the horizon, but its rays, as if ricocheting, continue to illuminate the earth.

Every sunset is beautiful in its own way.
Jared Leto

The red sun burns down
The day is dying with him,
A shadow falls on the burning city.

What is fate? Only what we have known, we have comprehended.
Only bitterness remains constant, and happiness will go away without return.
Fate does not give a single joy for free.
Hopeless sorrow is the price to pay for instant joy.
It would be better not to live, it would be better not to be born, -
This is what we often think when we see the crimson sunset.
Everything that was joy has disappeared, passed, passed away.
In the end, this life is only rich in anxiety and sorrow.
Hopes are hopeless, further life is useless,
The heart is filled with fear of foreboding and sadness about the past.
It turned out to be just an empty sound, just a hazy vision
Everything that you, madman, once called your life.
Ibn Hazm

Sometimes at sunset you see something unusual, which you don’t believe later when you see the same thing in a picture.
Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

The standard of living is the quality of life, and it is determined by our inclusion in being, and not by the level of income. You can eat simple food, walk barefoot along the seashore, listen to the cries of seagulls, admire the sunset and feel happy, or you can languish with melancholy in luxurious surroundings, drowning this melancholy with alcohol and dreaming of suicide. It seems that we have not yet come to understand this idea, and this understanding comes in the process of self-knowledge, self-transformation.
Stanislav Grof

If only I could convey this sunset over the river in colors on canvas!.. It’s a pity I can’t!
Liu Yun

There are times when God comes and knocks on your door. This is love - God knocking at your door. Through a woman, through a man, through a child, through love, through a flower, through a sunset or dawn... God can knock in a million different ways.

Where there is sunset, dawn soon comes.
Alexander Polyarny

Everything in life forms a circle -
Merge of lips, shake of hands. Sunrise follows the sunset,
Autumn drops ripe fruit.
Georgy Vladimirovich Ivanov

Everyone prefers to admire the sunset rather than the sunrise.
- I’m just too lazy to get up early.

Give free rein to all movements of the heart,
Don’t get tired of cultivating the garden of desires,
On a starry night, bliss on the silken grass:
At sunset - go to bed, at dawn - get up.
Omar Khayyam

The houses on the island did not move,
And the cold floated solemnly over the shaft.
It was winter. Unbelief Thomas
The fingers were held in her sunset by scarlet.
Boris Yulianovich Poplavsky

When you look at the sunset, I will look at it too. You and I met at sunset and I know that someday the sunset will unite us forever.
Mervyn Peak

The sunset flared and died out - every moment seemed eternal, but the transition from scarlet to ashen took no more than a few demonic moments.

Don't envy someone who is strong and rich. Sunset always follows dawn. Treat this short life, equal to a sigh, as if it was given to you on loan.

Dawn was rising, giving way to us; the sunset blushed, ashamed of our dawn.
Henry Lyon Oldie

The conflagration of the sunset died down, sprinkled with the white ashes of the stars.
Alina Illarionova

And Schubert's waltzes, and the crunch of French bread.
Love, champagne, sunsets, alleys,
How delightful evening in Russia.

Soul to me the sunset sun
got rich yesterday.
I took out the gold at night,
looked. One tinsel!
Moon at dawn for the heart
threw a handful of silver.
I locked the doors the next morning
looked. One tinsel!
Juan Ramon Jimenez

I want to see the sunset. What a poetic pleasure. And the whole world meant nothing to Paris; he met the sunset with his Helen. When do you think your ultimatum will be accepted?

Any time before midnight.
- “Oh, sunset, ruler of the world. Oh sunset." "The rays of the setting sun blind the plains." "Ships make their way through the waves." "The markets are filled with a myriad of slaves." “The hammer hits the anvil.” “And the poet strings the lines to a melody.”

And as long as there are bridges on earth, there will be those who burn them.
And while the ships are leaving ports, there will be those who are waiting for them.
And while the sunset is spreading in the sky, there will be a new dawn.
And there will always be someone who is very happy with you, and those who are not.
Sasha Otradnaya

After the bright sun sets, it is impossible to see dark eyes.

Sunset is like the end of life. But where one ends, another immediately begins.
Marina Komarova

And I'm staring at the horizon, enchanted,
I have never seen the sea...
And there in heaven that's all they talk about,
What sunrises there are, what sunsets.

The most unfortunate person in the world is an atheist, he sees a sea sunset, and he has no one to thank for this beauty.
Gilbert Keith Chesterton

When the sunset spreads its wings,
The night will be warmed by the clouds in its embrace.
The darkness of the night, sprinkled with star dust,
The artist's hand will paint the dark canvas.
Then, when you wake up, the fairy tale will become reality,
And the children of the mountains will hear the voice through the centuries.

I've been reading. I read it a long time ago
since the rain started pouring down on the window.
Lost in reading completely,
I didn't hear the rain.
I peered into the lines as if they were wrinkles
thoughtfulness, and hours on end
time stood still or went backwards.
When suddenly I see, with carmine paint
they contain: sunset, sunset, sunset...
Like the threads of a necklace, the lines are torn
and the letters roll wherever they want.
I know the sun, leaving the garden,
I should have looked back again
from behind the dawn-covered fences.
Rainer Maria Rilke

Waking up in the evening on a regular day off, I want to die... but today the sunset is especially beautiful.

Everything has its sunset and only the night ends with dawn.
Eastern proverbs and sayings

While the heavens sang a lullaby to the sun, shrouding it in the red velvet of sunset, life in the Glen Mor Valley was just beginning to awaken. She fluttered from the trees, flying on the wings of owls, crawled out of holes along with their inhabitants, looking around in fear. The day was passing away, striding with broad steps towards the high mountains to the west, leaving behind a scattering of stars in the sky. Grasping their white peaks, he stole a last glance around the hilly clearing left behind.

Came, short as life,
farewell, quiet evening.
The end of everything native...
And I want to be eternal!
Bloody leaves in the garden
and mutilating my soul,
the copper of the sunset glows...
And I want to be eternal!
How beautiful this world is!
Don't blow out the candles...
Be eternal, this evening,
and may I be eternal!
Juan Ramon Jimenez

Look, my glorious Rome, what a sunset!
For a short time the sun's ray is rich in warmth,
You will fall asleep in the arms of life not forever,
And you and I will continue our escape.
Can you hear it? The horizons smell of blood...
The saddle will serve as a headboard in the field,
You rest, and tomorrow will be a whirlwind,
The sunset will remind you how pompous death is.

Don't envy someone who is strong and rich,
Sunset always follows dawn.
With this short life, equal to a sigh,
Treat it like it's rented to you!
Omar Khayyam

Slowly the day goes by
with the tread of a matador
and the smooth cloak of sunset
circles the seas and valleys.

When darkness falls like a veil,
The soul is lost in desires.
Sunset for me is a delight of pleasure,
I drink in one gulp the black passions of the moment.
Life is measured by sunrises, not sunsets.
Till Lindemann

Let every mistake teach you a great lesson: every sunset is the beginning of a very, very bright and big dawn.
Sri Chinmoy

Sunset is almost always, in all worlds, crimson, bloody, filled with molten gold, purple - there is something so pathetic, dramatic, alarming about it... a sort of magnificent funeral of the day according to all the classical canons. But a new day is born quietly and dimly. A barely noticeable gilding, a barely noticeable pinkishness - in a sea of ​​morning whiteness, gentle and light, inspires joy and hope, simply drives away the darkness and that’s it, without any pathos, pressure or tension. And - a rarely observed mystery: at sunset we are awake, owls, so to speak, and at dawn we sleep. This is probably why there are fewer optimists in this world than pessimists.

I look at the sunset, which at this time of year lasts three hours. As if the sun, at the last minute before sunset, finally found some merit in this world and because of this now does not want to leave.
Peter Heg

We are all the best just like that,
For nothing,
We are used to it, we receive without appreciating: Dawn, sunrise, Sunset by the end of the day,
That which burns with haze and heat
Above the floodplains...
Without choosing between life and dreams,
Leaves with the rainy night water
Love in the sand
What is given to us for free...
Explaining the sunset does not take away from its beauty.

And the sunsets of life can be excellent.
Harry Simanovich

The sunset spread out like a cross
Above the valleys, the peaks of dreams,
You tied the grass in a knot
And he wove a strand of my hair into them.

Hanging in the air above the avenue
Scarlet gray clouds.
I know why - silent sunset
They were painted slightly red.
Victor Tafintsev

I don't know what you would say about a day where you watched four beautiful sunsets.

The most unfortunate person in the world is an atheist, he sees a sea sunset, and he has no one to thank for this beauty.
Gilbert Keith Chesterton

Evening falls on the city lazily and sadly.
The dull gray sunset indifferently bids farewell to the day.
Everything seemed to be fine, only my heart ached anxiously.
Either it was because of the rain, or anxiety began to swell within him.
Childhood is full of worries, from the window the world is dull and sad.
You are sitting outside the window, glazed with worries, not yourself.
Summer falls, rushing into the darkness of their bedrooms,
And we breathe, like the sky, burnt autumn leaves.
Nikolay Vasilievich Alekseev

Weddings are like sunsets. Romance of the moment. Marriage is a sea into which the red sun sets.

If there is no further growth, then sunset is near.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

The gray halftones of dawn are unlike the gray evening twilight, although the colors seem to be the same. At sunrise the light appears active and the darkness passive, while in the evening the growing darkness is active and the light drowsily passive.

The sunset takes with it the golden rays scattered throughout the forest, leaving a light muslin of milky-white fog on the tree branches.
Feng Jicai

The sunset was pure, naive, as if it had been painted by a provincial young lady long before the first, terrible thoughts about men came into her head.

When love begins, lovers talk about the future; when it declines, they talk about the past.
Andre Maurois

I watch the sun go down, just like each of us.
I hope the dawn will give a sign.
The best place for those who will come after us
This time.

Still on the cutting edge
The sun is burning out above the roof.
The evening chill blows.
Matsuo Basho

By the way, do you know what I noticed? In Moscow the sun sets - as if a cold samovar was taken away. In St. Petersburg, it’s like they hid Peter’s nickel behind one’s sleeve. In Odessa, it was like riding a hare on a drum... In Astrakhan, the sunset was as if they were frying red fish. In Arkhangelsk - they treated me to frozen fish, but they passed me by. In Ryazan - like a deck eaten by ants. In Riga it was as if they had put a pill under the tongue.

When dwarfs cast large shadows, it means we are at sunset.
Unknown author

And the sun set. Yellow Moon
An old witch ascended to heaven;
She looks modest and cold,
But even the twenty-first of June
She'll do it in three hours
Such pranks on another full moon,
Things you can't do in a whole day:
She has a devilish agility for this!

I continue with the mustard sunset, beautiful and cold, I am February.
Al Quotion

The heart aches at sunset, no matter how beautiful it may be.

Once again the sunset burst into flames - this is an angel in God's courtyard burning an armful of our daily complaints. And at night it burns at dawn.
Igor Guberman

I really love the sunset... Let's go watch the sun set, we just have to wait a little... What to wait for? For the sun to go down.

Most of us will not win prizes, achieve fame, or become economically or politically powerful. But most of us will be able to enjoy the sunset, the freshness of the rain, the starry night, the singing of birds... These things are in abundance in the world and are at our complete disposal.
Valerio Albisetti

From dawn to dusk, memories of you do not leave me... Why is my hand looking for yours? Were you ever mine? Tell me, tell me, tell me!!!
Married woman

A semi-desert began, where the sun in the morning is light and dry, like aged sherry, and at sunset it falls below the horizon, like a brick crimson from the heat.
Raymond Chandler

But now she felt that all her life she had been fighting with herself just so that someday, one fine day, she could sit like this and contemplate a sunset similar to the one that was now blazing in front of her.
Paulo Coelho

Iskander's formula is remarkable - faith in God is like an ear for music. It has nothing to do with morality or intelligence. This is just a feature of the worldview. Some, looking at the sunset, see the luminary around which we revolve, while others, looking at the sunset, experience some kind of poetic emotions. One does not interfere with the other at all.
But let me sympathize with the person who, when hearing music, hears a set of sounds, nothing more.

Question: what about the salvation brought by the Messiah - only for the musically gifted?
Answer: I'm afraid so. But you can learn to hear music. There is no salvation for those who do not want to be saved.
Dmitry Lvovich Bykov

I once saw the sun set forty-three times in one day!
And a little later you added:
- You know, when you’re very sad, it’s good to watch the sun go down
- So, on that day when you saw forty-three sunsets, you were very sad?
But the Little Prince did not answer.
A little prince

I don't have the slightest idea what love is. That's why I write on this topic again and again. Love is like a sunset in Lapland. It looks magical, but you can't understand why.
Ville Valo

I am still amazed by the view of the clouds and the sunset. I always make a wish when I see a rainbow or a shooting star. I saw a meteor shower. The world is full of miracles.
Michael Jackson

Live today, now, at this moment. Tomorrow, today will no longer be. Something new will come tomorrow. Maybe it will be worse, maybe it will be better. But neither this wonderful sunset, nor these clouds floating across the sky, nor this patterned shadow from the foliage on the path under your feet, nor this particular smile of a person dear to you will ever be repeated.
Oleg Roy

At that moment when you look your pain in the eye, when you take her hand and call her to drink tea together, when you tell her how beautiful the sunrise is and how unique the sunset is, when you accept your pain completely, when you no longer drive it away, when you smile at her and thank her, at that very moment you will stop suffering and be filled with bliss.
Amu Mom

The attack of summer melancholy is inevitable. It cannot be compared with the autumn blues or winter depression. No. Summer melancholy is akin to an apotheosis, a final chord that has been striving for resolution for many months, days and hours, and finally burst out, rushed and... froze, struck by its own greatness, all these aspirations accompanying the beginning of summer, the haze, the scarlet sunsets there, behind the dark silhouettes new buildings, the suffocating wind and the wind that brings coolness and peace.
Summer. It's here. Literally already. The edge of it is already visible, while still there, in the distance, glimmers the carelessly hemmed hem of a calico dress, faded, washed more than once, having absorbed heat, air, poplar fluff, sweet drops of apricot fruit, caustic cherry juice - fluttering in the wind, saying goodbye, bravely greeting the first drops of cold rain and piercing wind.
Karine Arutyunova

Look at every dawn as the beginning of your life and at every sunset as the end of it. Let each of these short lives be marked by some kind deed, some victory over oneself or acquired knowledge.
John Ruskin

He writes about sunsets, rowan trees, and birds. And through the lines you can see: scoundrel!

Who is the producer of this sunset?
Vladimir Petrovich Vishnevsky

Where there is sunset, dawn soon comes.
A Tale of Suicide

Having traveled to 53 countries, I can honestly say that the state of California truly has the most beautiful sunsets that seem to transport you to another world.
Regina Petrovna Todorenko

Sunset is just an illusion; the sun still illuminates the earth, even if it has disappeared beyond the horizon. This means that day and night are inextricably linked, they do not exist without each other, but they will never be able to meet. I wonder what it’s like to be together all the time and yet apart?

Live in the moment, every day, as if it could end at sunset, and as soon as your head hits the pillow, rest and know that you have done your best.
Og Mandino

When we see off the sunset, we live in anticipation of the sunrise, and those in love with the sea, we live in anticipation of the land.
Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky, 194 quotes

In the years stained by sunset
Igor Mironovich Guberman

What if a man appears at the end of my youth?
- Pray that it’s not at the end of your old age!

The death of heroes is like the sunset.
Karl Marx

Days pass by in a string,
Sunsets and sunrises come one after another.
Cupbearer! There is no need to mourn the past.
Give me some wine soon, for the years are passing.
Omar Khayyam

My philosophy is to watch the sunset with a friend; my principles are to meet the dawn alone; my creativity is to spend the day with enemies.
Guy de Maupassant

Only the sky is quiet
Slipped down after a while
On the velvet of sunset
A teardrop of rain.
Mikhail Arkadyevich Svetlov

The sunset is burning, the thunderstorm has passed,
Your face shines again.
I'll look into your eyes
And there I will find my love.

Family life is like a sunset: at first it’s very beautiful, and then it’s complete darkness.

What kind of freaks are these adults: you tell them about the color of your new friend’s eyes - strange, like the reflection of a sunset on glass - what if he’s a vampire? and they tell you: who are his parents, how he studies, where he plans to enroll; and then you yourself become so definite, determinative, like geometry.

A valley, a little quiet water and a ray of sunset - the simplest things, the most ordinary, the most precious.

Every now and then, bizarrely changing shades, as is typical only of sunsets and bruises
Labyrinth Meninat

One sunset is not like another, the colors of the sky are not the same.

The sunset is beautiful when you believe in the sunrise.

I want a table with a dream view, Espresso and flambé from sunset!!! No, nothing more is needed, But however... In the palm of your hand, a star and blues with a hint of chocolate!!!
Svetlana Timakova

It was eight o'clock, the sun was setting. The stuffiness remained as before; but he greedily breathed in this stinking, dusty, city-polluted air.
Fedor Dostoevsky

There is a dog standing by the cliff
and looks at the scorching sunset.
How could she have known then?
What will happen in a year?
Christophe Steam

What is life? This is the light of a firefly in the night. This is the breath of the buffalo when winter comes. This is a shadow falling on the grass and melting at sunset.

The sunset rolled in like a crimson surf, and at night, when Martin got out of the stuffy carriage and walked along the station platform, he drank the icy air and looked at the countless and lonely winter stars. A fan of the northern lights spread menacingly and solemnly across the sky. Martin returned to the carriage, stocked with the energy of this courageous country.
Sinclair Lewis

Greeting cards, sunsets, flowers - this is not love - it's all fake. Love is never convenient, a loving person makes concessions, he trusts unconditionally. Loving hearts do not need words to have a heart-to-heart conversation. Love is the union of two friends.
Ghost Whisperer

That's why we love sunsets because they only happen once a day. No, if it lasted forever and bored us to death, that would be really sad.
Ray Bradbury

The closer to sunset, the longer the shadow of memories.
Emil Krotky

Your hair is like a sunset after a nuclear war.
Real blood

“One of the advantages of the fall of our civilization,” he smiled, “is that if you dig deep somewhere, you will stumble upon a wine cellar filled with fine wines.” This is not theft. This is archaeology.
Dan Simmons

A tear of dew. Symphony morning. Hours of passion. Conceptions gross
Rainy day. Eternal pop. City of emotions. Censored stop
Quiet evening. Wonderful jazz. Great sex. Souls ecstasy
Sunset glare. Killer rock. A cry of delight. Debauchery could
Night surface. Perky blues. Love is pure. The gateway opened.
Serge Goodman

Gray darkness came from the east. In the west, the sunset was decaying like a bloody wound.
Konstantin Paustovsky

For me, love is the engine of everything. Love in the broadest sense. Not only to the woman. To a friend, to a stranger, to a tree, to those who suffer due to inhumane inequality, to sunset and storm In general, to life. But in all these things, in the end, I see a Woman even in a storm. That's what I don't like - mosquitoes. I feel something like hatred towards them. They bite me and I have allergies.
Adriano Celentano

Utopia of sunset - the charm of passion compressed to the limit
Yukio Mishima

A corner for rent in a lonely soul with windows overlooking the sunset.
Boris Lesnyak

After several trips to Varanasi, all Indian sunsets seemed to him like the cremation of God.
Victor Pelevin

Beautiful car.
- Beautiful? Sunsets or girls can be beautiful, but this car is just a masterpiece!

Through the glass walls of the house - a windy, feverishly pink, alarming sunset.
Evgeny Zamyatin

I want to photograph a blue rhinoceros!
- Wouldn’t a pink elephant be suitable? Let's find a gray one and take a photo at sunset!
Timon and Pumbaa

The sky was already colored with evening tones, and before our eyes Paris was turning into a magical lavender-lilac city that seemed to float, rising above the ground.

I know that if I slow down and rest, I will quickly lose shape. My whole life is a reaction to a daily challenge. If I suddenly give it up, play golf, walk, watch sunsets, read novels, I will immediately become old.
Lee Kuan Yew

Women exist to save them and celebrate their beauty before racing off into the sunset - alone.
Elizabeth Gilbert

All you have to do is move the chair a few steps.
And you look at the sunset sky again and again, if you just want to...

Antoine de Saint-Exupery. A little prince

Why can you never confuse whether the sun is rising or setting when you see it over the sea?

Sergei Lukyanenko. Draft

One sunset is not like another, the colors of the sky are not the same.

Mark Levy. Meet again

Their eyes are full of sunset,
Their hearts are full of dawn.

Joseph Alexandrovich Brodsky

Have you ever noticed that the sunset is much more beautiful if you admire it with someone special to you?


Get up early at dawn and remember that sunset will come when you least expect it.

Tabor goes into the sky

The sun sets, the time of demons comes...

Blue Exorcist

The most unfortunate person in the world is an atheist, he sees a sea sunset, and he has no one to thank for this beauty.

Sunsets over the ocean are an absolutely mesmerizing sight. Today there is no wind, and the sunset looks as if a blood orange has decided to drown itself in the mirror.

Boris Akunin. Falcon and Swallow

Every sunset is beautiful in its own way.

Jared Leto

... every now and then bizarrely changing shades, as is typical only for sunsets and bruises...

Max Fry. Labyrinth of Menin

I look at the sunset, which at this time of year lasts three hours. As if the sun, at the last minute before sunset, finally found some merit in this world and because of this now does not want to leave.

Peter Heg. Smilla and her sense of snow

The heart aches at sunset, no matter how beautiful it may be.

...after the sun sets, there comes a moment when the color and lighting become amazingly beautiful. This effect lasts only a few seconds when the sun has just gone below the horizon, but its rays, as if ricocheting, continue to illuminate the earth.

Robert James Waller. Bridges of Madison County

And I'm staring at the horizon, enchanted,
I have never seen the sea...
And there in heaven that's all they talk about,
What sunrises, what sunsets...

Ezekiel 25:17 I have never seen the sea

The sunset flared and died out - every moment seemed eternal, but the transition from scarlet to ashen took no more than a few demonic moments.

Mervyn Peak. Gormenghast. Book 1. Titus Groan

The conflagration of the sunset died down, sprinkled with the white ashes of the stars.

Alina Illarionova. Blades of the North

The sunset left the glass playing enough,
And it suddenly became noticeably colder.

Boris Yulianovich Poplavsky

Sunsets are saturated with sadness. Because every time you see him off, you think: no matter how successful or unsuccessful, the day is my day, and it goes away forever.

Elchin Safarli. I'll come back

When you look at the sunset, I will look at it too. You and I met at sunset and I know that someday the sunset will unite us forever.


When darkness falls like a veil,
The soul is lost in desires.
Sunset for me is a delight of pleasure,
I drink in one gulp the black passions of the moment.

Till Lindemann. On a quiet night. Lyrics

Weddings are like sunsets. Romance of the moment. Marriage is a sea into which the red sun sets.

Bride Trap

After the rain, I like to look at the sunset, a huge sunset with many shades - it seems that there, behind the sunset, I truly live, and this me, sitting by the window after a downpour, is just an unfortunate double, a worthless parallel, the devil knows who he is. .

Boris Borisovich Red

I've been reading. I read it a long time ago
since the rain started pouring down on the window.
Lost in reading completely,
I didn't hear the rain. I peered into the lines as if they were wrinkles
thoughtfulness, and hours on end
time stood still or went backwards.
When suddenly I see, with carmine paint
they contain: sunset, sunset, sunset... Like the threads of a necklace, the lines are torn
and the letters roll wherever they want.
I know the sun, leaving the garden,
I should have looked back again
from behind the dawn-covered fences.

Rainer Maria Rilke

The sunset left the glass after playing.

I want to see the sunset. What a poetic pleasure. And the whole world meant nothing to Paris; he met the sunset with his Helen. When do you think your ultimatum will be accepted?
- Any time before midnight.
- “Oh, sunset, ruler of the world. Oh sunset." "The rays of the setting sun blind the plains." "Ships make their way through the waves." "The markets are filled with a myriad of slaves." “The hammer hits the anvil.” “And the poet strings the lines to a melody.”

On Her Majesty's Secret Service

Sunset is like the end of life. But where one ends, another immediately begins.

Marina Komarova. Shards of the sea and gods

Evening falls on the city lazily and sadly.
The dull gray sunset indifferently bids farewell to the day.
Everything seemed to be fine, only my heart ached anxiously.
Either it was because of the rain, or anxiety began to swell within him. Childhood is full of worries, from the window the world is dull and sad.
You are sitting outside the window, glazed with worries, not yourself.
Summer falls, rushing into the darkness of their bedrooms,
And we breathe, like the sky, burnt autumn leaves.

Movie about Alekseev

The sunset takes with it the golden rays scattered throughout the forest, leaving a light muslin of milky-white fog on the tree branches.

Feng Jicai. Flight of the soul

The sun is red at sunrise, and it is red at sunset as well. The great remain unchanged in both happiness and misfortune.

Real lovers are like sunsets and sunrises - they are more often written about than observed in person.

Any heart wants spring, a cozy and gentle sunset, one, but shared silence with someone, beloved eyes now, and not once...

By the way, do you know what I noticed? In Moscow the sun sets - as if a cold samovar was taken away. In St. Petersburg, it’s like they hid Peter’s nickel behind one’s sleeve. In Odessa, it was like riding a hare on a drum... In Astrakhan, the sunset was as if they were frying red fish. In Arkhangelsk - they treated me to frozen fish, but they passed me by. In Ryazan - like a deck eaten by ants. In Riga it was as if they had put a pill under the tongue.

See also - quotes about the night

Everything has its sunset, only the night ends with dawn.

The gray halftones of dawn are unlike the gray evening twilight, although the colors seem to be the same. At sunrise the light appears active and the darkness passive, while in the evening the growing darkness is active and the light drowsily passive.

The sunset was pure, naive, as if it had been painted by a provincial young lady long before the first, terrible thoughts about men came into her head.

... And the sunset, thundering restlessly, burns my insides.

Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov. Morphine

What is life? This is the light of a firefly in the night. This is the breath of the buffalo when winter comes. This is a shadow falling on the grass and melting at sunset.

I really love sunset. Let's go watch the sun set, we'll just have to wait a little. What to expect? For the sun to go down.

I just love playing with fire and “burning bridges” and watching the bloody sunset.

Hanging in the air above the avenue
Scarlet gray clouds.
I know why - silent sunset
They were painted slightly red.

Victor Tafintsev

Came, short as life,
farewell, quiet evening.
The end of everything native...
And I want to be eternal! Bloody leaves in the garden
and mutilating my soul,
the copper of the sunset glows...
And I want to be eternal! How beautiful this world is!
Don't blow out the candles...
Be eternal, this evening,
and may I be eternal!

Juan Ramon Jimenez

All you have to do is move the chair a few steps. And you look at the sunset sky again and again, if you just want to.

Both at the birth and at the end of love, people always experience confusion when left alone with each other.

"AND. Labruyère"

Sometimes I go for a walk at sunset, through the forest to the twilight mountains. I watch as darkness covers the world, and everything is filled with the white light of eternity.

Look at the sunset. Beautiful. The one above is a real painter.

Previously, people admired sunsets, but now they admire kickbacks.

Oh, how amazing are these magical, shimmering shades of yellow and red, violet and purple, gentle and strict, crying and enchanting, warm and soft, beloved and mirror sunsets! They say that only on earth can such a miracle of the world be seen, and it blooms when God lies down in his cradle. And at this moment, quotes and aphorisms of the sages begin to curl with the colors of the evening sunset. Only with the birth of sunset does a quote appear, and it flies into the open spaces, filling mountains with wisdom.

About sunset: aphorisms and quotes

Let's look at a few examples. Here are smart, gentle, philosophical aphorisms and quotes about sunset:

  • Every heart dreams of cozy and gentle sunsets, of spring and flowers, of beloved eyes in silence, and not once, but now.
  • I admire you because you are the most magnificent beauty of nature - sunsets and sunrises, seas and mountains.
  • What is life? This is the light of fireflies in the silence of the night. This is the breath of animals in winter. These are shadows enveloping the grass and melting at sunset.
  • All sunsets are the birth of big and bright sunrises.
  • Sunsets over the seas and oceans are an indescribable and fascinating sight. Today it is quiet and windless, and looks like a blood orange that has decided to drown itself in the mirror.
  • Playing with fire is my destiny, in which I burn bridges and watch the bloody sunset.
  • I go for a walk at sunset, through the twilight mountains and forests. I see how the world is enveloped in darkness, and then everything is filled with eternal life.
  • True love is sunrises and sunsets. They write about it more often than they can see it in person.
  • Life begins counting down with every sunrise, not sunset.
  • No matter how beautiful the sunset, your heart always groans at it.
  • For some reason, in uninhabited cities you want to whisper and watch the lonely sunset.
  • The scarlet sunset, impulsively rumbled, burned out my feelings.
  • The sunset flared up and went out, and every moment of it was eternal, but the transformation from scarlet to ashen color took only a few magical seconds.
  • The sunset passed, leaving the glass to fade, and it immediately became quieter and colder.
  • Their eyes are filled with sunset, and their hearts with dawn.
  • Wherever you move your chair, but again admire the sunset sky, just look up.

Quotes about sunset in English

There are many sunsets, as well as people. Every person loves to look at the fantastic evening skies. All countries of the world, in different dialects, have their own sunsets bursting with beauty. And let's read quotes about sunset with English translation:

  1. At dawn, when you wake up, remember that sunset will come next, which you are not expecting at all. At dawn, when you wake up, remember that an order will follow, which you do not expect at all (from the film “The Camp Goes to the Sky”).
  2. Each sunset is unique and beautiful in its own way. Each sunset is unique and beautiful in its own way (Jared Leto).
  3. Everything in the world ends with sunset, only every night comes to life with dawn. Everything in the world ends in decline, only every night comes to life with dawn (Vladislav Grzegorczyk).
  4. It’s a pity that I won’t be able to convey this marvelous sunset over the lake. I wish I could! could pass this marvelous sunset over the lake. And I would like to! (Liu Yong).
  5. Sunsets are sometimes sad, because while watching them you realize that this one is beautiful or is leaving me forever. Sunsets are sometimes sad, because, seeing them off, you realize that this wonderful or bad day is leaving me forever (Elchin Safarli).
  6. We look at the sunset that united us, and with it we will remain forever. We look at the sunset that united us, and with it we will remain forever (Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak).
  7. When you see off the sunset with your loved one, it is beautiful and precious. When you walk off with your loved one, it is beautiful and expensive (Bones).
  8. They change shades in weird ways, like sunsets and bruises. They change shades quaintly, as it happens with sunsets and bruises (Max Fry).
  9. None of the sunsets will ever be like the others, because the colors of the sky are multicolored and unique. None of the sunsets will ever be similar to others, because the colors of the sky are multicolored and unique

Some more quotes about sunset

And of course, one cannot exclude the sun from the beautiful pictures of sunsets. It is this that gives such colors to the clouds on the horizon that the soul sings. Therefore, we have selected quotes about sunset that mention the great luminary.

  • When the sun sets or rises, one can never be confused by such exciting landscapes.
  • When the sun sets, the demons are called to retribution.
  • Marriage is an ocean in which the bright sun bathes. A wedding is a romantic plot of sunrises and sunsets.
  • The sunset is created so beautiful and inevitable that we think every day about the meaning of our purpose in the Universe.
  • There are times of the year when the sun sets for three long hours. The sun seemed to have lost sleep and decided to admire the new, wonderful beauty of this world.
  • The sunsets over the ocean are mesmerizing. In calm weather, the disk of the sun above the water mirror looks like two red tangerines that extend to each other the elements of water and air.
  • While the sky lulled the sun into the red glow of sunset, the Glen Mor Valley was just awakening. Invisible life flew on the wings of eagle owls, looking around, emerging from hiding. The day hurried away, striding widely to the west, towards the sharp peaks of the mountains. He left behind only a scattering of stars.
  • Sunsets are never the same. In Moscow it was as if a cold samovar had been taken out. In Odessa, it was like a bunny being rolled on a drum... In Ryazan, it was like a deck eaten up by an anthill. In Astrakhan, it’s like a red fish being fried on coals. In Arkhangelsk, it was as if they wanted to treat you to fish, but they slipped past. In Riga, the sun is like a pill dissolving under the tongue. In St. Petersburg - how they stuck Peter's coin up his sleeve.

We hope you enjoyed the sunset and sun quotes. Read them to your family and friends, friends and acquaintances. Bring the beautiful thoughts of philosophers into the world, and it will become warmer.