A pin is one of the most ancient tools used in everyday life. Its history goes back centuries, when instead of this thing they used the thorn of some plant; by the way, the safety pin is a direct descendant of the thorn; it was named so because it appeared for the first time in Europe. A little later, bone products appeared, and then metal ones. It was then that the evil eye pin began to exist.

A little history

From the first minutes of its appearance, the pin served as a fastening tool. The ancient Sumerians, Egyptians, Greeks and Romans used it on their clothes, regardless of gender.

A little later it began to serve as decoration for rich and poor. Beads, chains and ropes were strung on it. Most likely, it was at this time that the subject began to be given magical power and this happened for two reasons.

Firstly, being personal, she was with the owner in the most different situations, and such intimate details of the toilet are often given sacred meaning. Luck began to be associated with this little thing; the owners decided to wear it before important meetings.

Secondly. It was customary to “spin” all the negativity and black power, placing it in a closed ring so that it could not be released. This tool is perfect for such a case. Closed tightly on one side and having a rounded shape on the other, it was also located in places hidden from prying eyes. So everyone got pins against the evil eye.

Pin as a talisman

Over the years, people believed in the power of this amulet and began to reinforce it with words, namely conspiracies and even spells, for example:

“As the moon gains its power, so let the mace protect me from the evil eye!”

Later it was already attached to various occasions, Special attention is given to children. Every mother tries to pin it on her child in an inconspicuous place. Often this item is equipped with blue or black beads, with a white dot in the center, called the "eye of Fatima". They also slander the pin strong conspiracy, in which they believe and which has never failed. Faith in general has a magical property, often much more magical than the conspiracies themselves. But this is not the main thing, it is important to choose the right product and pin it.

How to wear and pin it correctly?

The pin must only be new; no old stock will do. If suddenly after purchase it was not needed at first and was thrown deep into a shelf, it cannot be used later. For protective and other purposes, it is better to purchase new ones each time. A previously used amulet should be sent to scrap. After all, she has already served as a shield and absorbed negative energy. If the amulet is old, the accumulated energy will go inward. You can also clean it under clean, running water, then hold it in the sunlight during the day or sprinkle it with holy water, saying:

“Wash away with holy water all nasty thoughts addressed to your servant (name). May God’s protection be with us.”

You should also know how to wear this item:

  1. To protect against damage, it is best to purchase a silver or gold pin, this metal is stronger.
  2. The item works more productively when paired with cotton clothing; synthetics do not allow it to reach its full potential. If this is not an option, attach it first to a simple piece of cotton, and then to clothing.
  3. Pin to the inside of the clothing, at chest level.

There are several answers to how to pin a pin on your clothes or accessories:

  1. It is correct to wear a pin against the evil eye with the head down; this also includes evil thoughts and damage. If the amulet has absorbed a lot of black thoughts, it may rust. It should be cleaned and sprinkled with holy water. Some people think that it should be buried in the ground in a cemetery, but it is better to throw it in an oven or fire.
  1. The pin for good luck and money is worn with the head up. In this way, luck is pinned when solving money problems in order to become richer. Despite the main function of the item “to protect against the evil eye,” it can also be used in the cases described above. For a pin to bring money, you don’t need to wear it, you need to attach it to your inner pocket, away from human eyes.

Pin spells for all occasions

All actions are carried out for the growing month; candles must be wax and purchased in the church. Holidays, days of celebration of Krasnaya Gorka, Ivan Kupala, and Apple Spas are well suited for this.

From the evil eye and bad thoughts

It's simple and effective conspiracy on a pin against the evil eye. It must be read with the light on church candle after sunset:

“Just as a talisman has a vicious circle, so the thoughts of evil people would go around in a circle, so that nothing bad would be done to the servant of God (name). And they would not have found a way out of the vicious circle, remaining there forever. My words are firm, as I said, so it will be!”

Then, heat it on fire and pin it just above the level of the heart. For children, it is generally better to choose small products.

A powerful ritual to protect against damage

This ritual is performed in a wooden bath or sauna. The action takes place in the evening or at night. There should be only one shirt on the body without ties, or even better, wrap yourself in a white sheet without patterns. Place two vessels with water, one hot and the other cold, and place a candle between them. Take turns dipping the pin into the vessels, igniting it over the fire, while saying:

“The metal of my amulet is strong, it is not afraid of anything, it will withstand everything and remain unharmed. Not a single evil thought will pass through him, not a single unkind glance will remain on him. My protector, washed in water and heated by fire, will endure everything. And my speeches are firm, they are gaining power every day, like a growing month! Amen".

Conspiracies from envious husbands

Hexes can be used for different purposes, for example for and. To avoid the bad eye of envious husbands, the following words should be read over him while sleeping:

“Just as the sun drives away the stars, so the evil thoughts of my envious women would disappear without having time to think. And what comes to pass will be captivated in a vicious circle. As the clasp is fastened, so my conspiracy is unbreakable. Amen".

Then pin the amulet on the floor of his clothes. You can read such a conspiracy for your own protection. Then you should perform the ritual after ordering, alone, with a burning candle.

Ritual for the husband on the road (from temptations)

Place wax in any small hole, saying:

“As this hole closes, so the heart of my beloved, the servant of God (name) will be closed to everyone except his lawful wife. Just as energy is closed under wax, so would the thoughts of my husband, the servant of God (name), be closed, and he would have no reason to look at other women on the road, think about them, desire them. My speeches are strong and will not open, like a castle. Amen".

This kind of enchanted protection should be hung exclusively with the head down in the area of ​​the heart, on the thing that the husband will wear most often when away.


Each spell or amulet is a power that protects you for a certain time and that you can control. But for this “work”, faith is important, providing protection from bad words and intentions. If you lose a pin, you must definitely go to church and pray for your happiness, health and say the following spell:

“Just as my amulet was lost, so will all the bad thoughts and wishes of people that it absorbed be lost with it. Amen!".

Signs and superstitions have evolved over centuries. To protect themselves from damage, the evil eye, and unkind words, people once began pinning small metal objects, which later took on the shape of a pin.

It is believed that its shape with a rounded end is capable of collecting all the negativity coming from the outside: dark energy is locked in the head of the pin and loses its strength over time.

Whether to believe in it or not is everyone’s business, but more and more often you can meet those who have no doubt that the pin has the properties of a talisman. Most often it is pinned on the clothes of the sick, newborns and newlyweds, because they need a talisman like no one else.

When choosing such a thing, it is important to pay attention to the metal from which the pin is made. Silver amulets have double magical power. Women especially love silver products. Superstitious people are convinced that such pins increase intuition and help avoid conflict situations, and are also able to neutralize slander, the evil eye and damage.

How and where to wear this item correctly

  • For young children, the amulet is pinned to the T-shirt from the wrong side so that it is located below, in the abdomen.
  • A pin-brooch is placed in a prominent place - it is believed that it is capable of attracting the glances of ill-wishers and envious people, diverting attention from the owner of the accessory.
  • Hidden under clothes - protects everything internal organs owner.
  • It is correct to pin the “protector” upside down - this way the collected evil energy can go into the ground.
  • To protect newborns, it is recommended to pin 3 pins on the stroller before going for a walk, while reading the words of the guardian angel prayer.
  • For pregnant women, it is better to stab a protective amulet in the area solar plexus, and the pin clasp must be turned away from the heart in the opposite direction.
  • Before the wedding, the bride pins two crossed pins on the hem of her wedding dress: extra caution on this day will not hurt her.

To protect your house or apartment, a pin should be attached to the curtain on the window side. It is also recommended to insert a pin with the point up above front door: This will return negative energy to the person who sent it to you or your loved ones.

The benefits and harms of the found amulet

  • If you find a so-called amulet on the street and it is turned towards you with the head of a pin, the omen promises you happiness and luck. Be sure to grab a pin for yourself.
  • The sharp end of the found amulet, turned towards you, informs that someone is plotting against you - such a pin can bring resentment, quarrels, and misunderstandings into your family. Avoid such a find.
  • Finding a rusty or bent pin is considered a bad omen. For the young unmarried girls such a find could result in celibacy.
  • A new, pure and shiny “protector” foreshadows the appearance of a reliable and faithful friend in your life.
  • If a pregnant woman finds a pin, then she will have a son.
  • Trouble on a ship is foreshadowed by a pin found on board the ship.
  • If you found a pin in the house (it doesn’t matter whether it was open or closed) - perhaps they planted it on you and at the same time caused damage to your house. Such a find should be alarming experienced housewives. In this case, carefully take the find with a sheet of paper or a napkin and throw it into the nearest body of water.

What else is the amulet useful for?

It is not recommended to give a pin as a gift: this can lead to a quarrel. It will be better if the recipient “pays” you a symbolic price for such a gift, even just one penny. You cannot give your amulet - a pin - to another person. If you still need to do this, lightly prick the person you are giving it to.

There is a superstition that a bent pin should be thrown into a river or lake to make a wish. According to the sign, if it is immersed with bubbles, the wish will certainly come true, and if the water becomes cloudy, this is a sign of trouble.

  • Pins stuck above the front door in the shape of a cross protect the house from harm.
  • According to the superstition, a bride whose pin attached to the hem of her dress fell lost her happiness along with her. The newlywed's best friend can attract good luck if she removes a pin from the hem of her wedding dress after the wedding.
  • A pin that was used during a funeral procession should be thrown away.

If you do not want to wear an ordinary pin, but you are afraid of damage and the evil eye, it is recommended to decorate an ordinary amulet under a brooch, decorating it with rhinestones and beads. This will serve as a bright addition to your clothes and protect you from other people’s negative energy. Examples of decor can be found freely available on the Internet.

You should not go to psychics, magicians and fortune-tellers for help if you find black or open pins in your home, located under the carpet, behind the bed, on the sofa. Remove such a find without touching it with bare hands, and burn it. Then be sure to go to church and reconsider your worldview.

  • Do not tell anyone about where your amulet is, and especially do not give it into the wrong hands.
  • Black pins, even those purchased by you personally, can cause harm to their owner. It is recommended to decorate talismans of this color with bright details.

Many people believe that with the help of conspiracies you can attract wealth, luck, and prosperity. There are certain rules for this:

1. To attract money and good luck, you need to take a new pin, disinfect it with an alcohol solution and, holding it in your hands, say: “I call for luck, I conjure with blood.” Then you need to prick your finger so that a drop of blood comes out. Fasten the amulet charged with positive energy into your clothes, and in moments when you especially need luck and good fortune, rub the pin.

2. There is another conspiracy to attract finance. Lower the gold-colored pin for a few seconds into blessed water. Then push it through the fake banknotes so that the pin can be fastened. The charged amulet must lie next to real banknotes all night so that the positive energy of the amulet is transferred to the money.

4. Conspiracy against the evil eye. Buy a candle in a church shop and light it at midnight. Hold the eye of the pin over a burning candle while reciting the spell. Then drip drops of wax onto the small ear. Use the cooled pin as a talisman.

Write your opinion

You can treat the evil eye as a superstition, but life proves the opposite. Every person can easily become an object of the evil eye and envy. The evil eye is aimed at a person negative energy. Such an impact on the biofield of another person is unintentional. People themselves sometimes have no idea what they are doing, but thoughts and words are material!

Slander, words of envy or excessive admiration - all this negatively affects both the physical and psychological state of the person affected by the evil eye. The sources of the evil eye are negative emotions: envy, anger, selfishness and selfishness. The evil eye is a common, simple negative effect, so anyone can easily protect themselves and their loved ones from it. Amulets and amulets are very helpful for protection against the evil eye.


Evil eye pins

The simplest and effective method protection is to wear a pin against the evil eye. Pins against the evil eye have been known to mankind for a long time. The Sumerians even had ordinary pins on clothes in the 3rd-4th millennia BC. It has been noticed that the head of a pin catches all the negativity coming towards a person, and the oval shape of the pin “locks” the negativity, holding it.

Thus, the pin provides excellent protection and is a good amulet. It is generally accepted that such a protective pin should not be given or shown to anyone, otherwise it will lose some of its power.

How to wear an evil eye pin correctly?

The most important thing is that the safety pin should not be visible. It must be worn on the wrong side of clothing. Do not carry in a purse or purse, but on clothes. Usually a pin is pinned to the bottom of the blouse, with reverse side the lapel of a jacket, on the inside of the hem of clothing, i.e. where no one will notice it and at the same time, so that it does not unfasten and prick.

Don't forget that the safety pin should be on your clothes every day and the pin should be refastened when changing your wardrobe. It is necessary in the evening, at the end of each day, to examine your amulet. If the color of the needle has changed - it has darkened or turned black, then you need to get rid of the pin immediately. A blackened pin is a sign that the amulet has taken on negative energy, protecting its owner.

Corruption pins

Damage is a strong magical ritual using black magic, when they deliberately wish harm on a person. The basis of corruption is resentment, hatred, anger. Experienced magicians believe that it is easier to prevent negative influences than to remove the consequences of such influences. Is it possible to protect against damage using a regular pin? Yes, such an amulet can perfectly protect against many types of damage, which is very dangerous for a person’s energetic health!

The pin will work to protect against damage if you do the following: you need to purchase a regular safety pin. It is advisable to do this on Friday evening. This pin should be worn on the back of your clothing, attached in the area of ​​the heart chakra or closer to the solar plexus chakra. Every night you need to examine your amulet. After unfastening the pin, you need to carefully examine it. If the tip of your pin has darkened, or worse, turned black, this is a sign that

You were exposed to negativity during the day and the pin needle took it away. Having discovered this, such a pin should be held open over a candle flame, and then buried in the ground as far as possible from the house. In order not to leave yourself unprotected, you should buy yourself another pin and wear it in the same way as your old pin. Even when appearance The pin needle does not change; it must be removed from the clothes every night and left open until the morning, after which it must be pinned on the clothes again.

How to pin a pin?

An important point - how to attach pins correctly? It turns out that few people think about this and few people know how to pin a pin correctly so that it works as protection and protects against negativity.

It is important to attach the pin so that the head of the pin is facing down. It is believed that with this arrangement, all the negativity that the pin has collected goes to the ground, through the downward point of the needle.

Pin spell

You should always perform a spell in a good mood. A completely new pin is taken. Before performing the spell, you need to clean the pin. You can place it in a salt solution or dry salt for a day. After which the solution or salt should be thrown away. There are many protective spells that put on a pin.

The surest thing is to cast a spell on a candle flame. You need to take a candle (any candle will do, but a church candle is better), matches and text magical conspiracy. There are different types of magic spells; you can even come up with your own. The most important thing is the ability to concentrate, a great desire and the power of thought aimed at achieving a protective result. The power of thought must be deep, even to the point of visualization, which will help make a powerful amulet.


Personalized silver pin effect

Pins made of any metal have protective power, but silver pins have greater strength and last longer, unlike ordinary iron pins, which must be changed frequently. Silver itself has the properties to resist negativity and neutralize it. A pin made of high-quality silver may not turn black from negative influences, but it also needs to be looked after - inspected and opened every evening, as well as periodically cleaned.

A personal pin has greater power due to the fact that it works for protection this person. It’s not for nothing that in the old days, family pins with a monogram were inherited; they had the protective power of the egregor of the clan, which protected the family.

What kind of pin should it be?

It can be either the most ordinary iron pin, which will not last long, but will do an excellent job of protection, or a pin made of precious metals - gold or silver, as well as a personalized pin. If the pin is decorative, with beads, with stones, with Turkish eyes, then it is worn over clothing, like a brooch, but in this case it serves to a greater extent only to distract the evil eye. Usually such pins are pinned on children's clothes.

However, the most common safety pins, which need to be worn from the inside of clothing, are better able to cope with a more serious protective function.

If the pin comes undone, it may be the result of a negative attack and the pin urgently needs to be cleaned. If an ordinary iron pin turns black or is bent, it means that it has taken on the negative and needs to be thrown away and bought a new one. You can clean a precious pin by holding it over a candle flame in open form or open the pin and put it in salt for a day.

It is recommended to purchase pins on Friday afternoon or evening, and it is best to activate protection (put a spell on a pin) on Tuesday when the moon is waxing. The pin will also help protect your home from negative influences and will become a powerful amulet. An excellent home defense is a pin stuck above the door, head down.

It is good to attach a pin for protection to the curtains on the window side. The safety pin should not be shown to anyone, handed to anyone, or told to anyone about it. It is important to never pick up someone else's pin - it may contain negativity. We cannot know by whom or for what purpose the pin was used.


So why does such a simple everyday accessory as a safety pin have such powerful protective powers? The reason for this is the design of the pin - its special shape. The pin is a conductor capable of taking on energy - a closed circle with a double protective ring. A simple protective talisman like a pin is very effective.

Your energy may not always be strong enough to withstand negative influences, so you need to use protective pins to protect your life from the evil eye, damage and any evil. Take care of yourself and your loved ones! .

The problem of the evil eye haunts people everywhere. Every day, any of us can become a victim of an unknowingly energetic blow from an envious person, an ill-wisher, or simply a person who has such an unpleasant ability to stare. However, along with the problem, there are countless secrets that can help us protect ourselves from such a scourge. One of them is a pin.

The secret of ordinary safety pins with a clasp can become a powerful amulet and weapon in the fight against the evil eye. If you wear it properly pinned in your clothes, then no misfortunes are scary.

Before you buy yourself a pin to create a talisman out of it, you need to understand that not everyone is capable of becoming a protector.

Methods of protection using pins

Option No. 1 – child protection

As a rule, children do not interact with adults in such a way as to become victims of emotional vampirism. They become victims simple evil eye, because they are not the subject of strong envy and attempts to cause damage. Therefore, it is enough for them to wear a talisman made of simple metal; it is only important to pin it correctly.

It is better if several pins are placed in several places - in clothes, in the stroller and in the crib. Be sure to check the safety of the pins so that the fastener is of high quality, does not open during wear and does not injure your client.

The amulet must be attached in places hidden from prying eyes. Be sure to fasten it with the head down. A pin fastened with the head up holds the energy of the envious person, preventing it from going down into the ground.

  1. Unmotivated quarrels will go away.
  2. You will no longer be tormented by ailments and headaches.
  3. Older people will experience fewer health problems.

Attempts at energy replenishment among old people are a common problem, and such a talisman blocks it. In addition, you can protect small children if you have them in your home. After all, it is young children who become victims of the evil eye most often for various reasons, including their inability to block the invasion.

is a powerful amulet from all of us negative impacts, be it damage, the evil eye or a curse. But it acts this way only if it is first spoken and worn correctly.

Its action is as follows: waves of negativity directed at a person are caught by the head of the pin and fall inside it. Negative energy begins to move around the pin, repeating its shape, but cannot leave it, because the pin is closed! It is this form that provides maximum protection.

But you should adhere to the rule - never let anyone touch your amulet or hand it over even for a second.

The person who touches the pin does not necessarily have evil intentions, but the power of the amulet will be significantly weakened by someone else’s energy.

How to choose the right pin?

Almost suitable for protection against the evil eye and damage any safety pin, although many experts are sure that it is silver that has maximum strength. But a simple metal or gold pin is in no way inferior to it, the main thing is to wear it correctly, having spoken first. It happens that on a pin right away beads set, or you can attach them yourself, it is only important to understand the meaning of the colors:

  • The green bead should be worn by pregnant women or children;
  • It is better to attach the yellow one to a pin intended for a friend;
  • A red bead will help protect your loved one from damage;
  • A blue bead is placed on an amulet made for parents.

Just remember that you should never use a black bead for protection; it can enhance the effect of the evil eye, and not protect against it at all.

If you are going to make a talisman for yourself or to a loved one, use only new pin! An old one that has been lying around in your house for a long time will not work - it has already collected a lot of information and will not be able to protect against the evil eye. It is a new product that is energetically pure that can help you. It is believed that it is better to buy it on Friday late afternoon.

How to pin?

Amulet pin For it to work, you should always carry it with you. It must be attached to the inside of the clothing, at heart level. It is better if it is clothes made of cotton and linen or other natural material - it is believed that synthetics neutralize the powers of the amulet.

It doesn’t matter whether you pin it on your jacket, dress or robe, the main thing is that you always have it with you.

Attach a pin You can use it not only on clothes, it will help protect your home from the evil influences of unfriendly people or envious people. To protect your family and home from the evil eye and damage, stick a talisman into the door frame.

In order to a pin could protect you from the evil eye, you need to wear it correctly. You can only remove the amulet at night, and you need to close it and put it under your pillow.

Remember that the amulet must be regularly cleansed of accumulated negative energy. To do this, you need to remove it and wash it in holy water, only be sure to pour it on it, that is, so that the water is running. For the same purposes, pure spring or well water. After you washed the pin, it should be left open for a day somewhere in the sun. If the amulet turns black or rusts, it means that they tried to jinx you. Then you need to remove it and bury it in the ground so that the negative energy goes there.

Traditionally, the pin is attached to the inside of the garment. head down. But now there are many new methods that are believed to have different effects. For example, you can attach it with the tip up so that the evil eye directed at the wearer of the amulet will prick.

Some people want to protect children from the evil eye with a pin and pin it on their clothes. It helps, but it's not worth it attach an amulet to clothes at all small child- He might get hurt. To protect infants, this amulet is usually attached to the head of a stroller or crib, point down. In this case, you need to attach the pin as high as possible so that the baby does not accidentally reach it and injure himself.

Protect the child You can also protect yourself from envious people and ill-wishers using a regular pin. To do this, she is charmed and attached in exactly the same way as in the case of an adult. Children should only attach the pin to inside of clothes, and it is better to choose a small product that will not interfere with the child when active games and with which he will not be able to inject himself strongly.

When it's time to wash things, you shouldn't do it together with the amulet. It is better to remove the pin and cleanse it of negativity with water, and then re-say the protective words and attach it to your clothes. Also repeat the plot worth every time you attach the amulet to new clothes. The following words need to be said:

“A sharp pin will pierce, prick, everything evil, bad, drive away, drive away the dashing and bad from (child’s name)! The pin is sharp, protect and protect (name) every day from damage and the evil eye, from any infection! Anytime and anywhere! Amen".

In order for the amulet to work correctly and protect you from all bad influences, you need to properly care for it. If you are using as an amulet the simplest metal pin, change it every three months. But if the amulet has become dark or bent, bury it in the ground, and the sooner you do this, the better.

If you prefer to wear item made of silver or gold, remember that it needs to be cleaned. This will help get rid of accumulated negativity. This is best done on a new moon. Remove the pin, free it from the beads, if any, rinse both them and the amulet itself under running water, and then place the amulet in a glass of spring water and leave it there for three days. Add silver items to the glass - any, it can be rings or earrings, coins or a spoon. After the specified time has passed, remove the amulet and sprinkle it with coarse salt. Leave it like that for another night. In the morning bury salt in the ground or, as a last resort, flush it down the toilet.

A gold pin cannot turn black, but if it is bent (this also applies to products made from other metals), it is sure sign attempts to damage you. Then you need to bury the amulet in the ground and not regret it, even if it is made of gold. You need to bury it as deeply as possible, you can spit over your left shoulder before doing this.

Since ancient times, the pin has been used and how amulet against the evil eye at weddings, because so many people look at the young, and among them may be someone who is jealous or wishes harm. In addition, someone can accidentally jinx it without meaning to, but only while admiring the beauty of the bride. Therefore, it is worth attaching the amulet to the hem of the newlywed’s dress, from the inside, of course. To be sure, you can make a few invisible blue stitches nearby - it is believed that this can also ward off the evil eye.

The groom also needs to attach a pin at heart level, head down. It is attached to the shirt with inside. In addition, another ancient way to protect newlyweds is crossed pins. In this case they must be gold. Such an amulet is also attached from the inside - at the level of the groom’s heart and to the hem of the wedding dress.

There is a belief that with the help of a pin, a new mother-in-law can protect a young family from quarrels and scandals.

To do this, you need to pin a pin on your right breast at the moment when the newlyweds go to get married, and when going back, pin it in left side. After the newlyweds arrive and get ready to celebrate the wedding, you need pin to the hem daughters.

It is especially important to use such a talisman at a wedding for pregnant brides, because in this case she finds herself under the gun of dozens of pairs of eyes, and protection is necessary. If after the holiday it is noticed that the amulet has turned black or bent, you should definitely bury it, thereby neutralizing the negativity collected by it. Remember that even your closest relatives and friends can cast the evil eye, and you don’t need to blame them for it - most likely, they don’t do it intentionally.