The situation with cancer among the population is worsening every year. In men, prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed neoplasm. For early diagnosis of the disease, a blood test such as PSA is prescribed. This compound produced by the cells of the prostate organ in men is prostate specific antigen.

Examination of the patient

It is present in the bloodstream both in a healthy person and in a cancer patient - you should focus on age-specific normal values. Such an analysis as part of the prevention of malignant neoplasms of the prostate is included in the list of studies in men after 45–55 years of age.

For what purpose is PSA taken?

Since the PSA tumor marker itself is only one of many criteria necessary for the differential diagnosis of tumor formation, its values ​​are assessed in the aggregate of information.

Among the indications that guide the specialist when prescribing an analysis, it is necessary to indicate the following:

  • suspected prostate cancer;
  • persistent course of inflammatory processes in the organ;
  • tissue hyperplasia;
  • suspicion of a heart attack in the gland;
  • preventive actions;
  • control of treatment for an already known diagnosis.

Of course, if desired, a person can go to the nearest clinic that has the right to conduct such a study and undergo such an analysis independently. However, only a specialist should decipher the result and compare it with the age norm.

The difference between total PSA and free PSA

The PSA tumor marker is a special enzyme that can break down proteins. It is produced by gland cells, then moves directly into the sperm. Thanks to this, it acquires a more liquid consistency, and sperm reach their goals more freely. The enzyme enters the bloodstream either when the elements of the prostate are destroyed, or when the concentration of the compound is excessive.

As part of a laboratory study, it is necessary to determine several fractions of a specific enzyme - free, retaining its activity, and associated with some other substance that can block its properties. The sum of the volume parameters of these fractions will be shown by the content of the marker in the bloodstream - total PSA.

Almost every pathological process in an organ can lead to deviations in analysis results. For adequate differential diagnosis, a specialist needs to know not only the parameters of the common prostate-specific antigen, but also the ratio of its fractions.

Significant deviations in the analysis - 10% or more should be alarming. This situation requires additional diagnostic studies. Diagnosing a malignant neoplasm solely on the basis of tumor markers is not acceptable.

What is the PSA norm in men?

According to medical research, with age, in every man, the concentration of prostate antigen in the bloodstream gradually increases - for completely physiological reasons.

Reference values ​​for the enzyme are considered to be from 2 ng/ml to 6.5 ng/ml.

Today, experts focus on the following age criteria for PSA normal:

  1. 40–49 years – up to 2.5 ng/ml;
  2. 50 – 59 years – no more than 3.5 ng/ml;
  3. 60 – 69 years – not more than 4.5 ng/ml;
  4. 70 – 79 years – up to 6.5 ng/ml.

If the given figures in the result obtained in a man exceed the age-related normal values ​​by more than 10–15%, a mandatory comprehensive examination is required - the risk of a formed prostate neoplasm increases significantly.

In a control study, after antitumor measures have been taken, free prostate-specific antigen in an increased concentration will indicate a relapse of the pathology.

PSA: a differentiated approach to diagnosis

An examination for prostate markers helps a specialist determine whether a man has a benign neoplasm or whether the tumor is malignant.

To a greater extent, such an examination is important for men after the age of 45–55 years, when there is a high probability of the appearance of various pathologies of the main male gland.

Do not underestimate the importance of a blood test for tumor markers - early diagnosis of a focus of atypia in an organ allows for timely adequate antitumor treatment and significantly increases the chances of recovery.

It is especially important to undergo examination for those men who have a negative hereditary predisposition. In this case, antigen tracking is recommended twice a year, in combination with other studies.

It is the tracking of parameters over time that is most informative, since many external and internal factors can influence the result. Sometimes even the patient himself is not aware of them.

If the deviation occurs to a large extent, especially 2 or more times, it is not recommended to delay additional studies; we may be talking about the active phase of the pathology. But only a highly qualified specialist can tell whether it is malignant, after analyzing all the information received.

Main causes of PSA failure

There is a certain list of reasons why the parameters of the prostate organ marker do not meet the standard:

  • taking medications from certain subgroups - before visiting the laboratory, this issue should be discussed with a specialist;
  • uncorrected diet - for example, vegetables containing nitrates, fruits, sauces, many foods affect the concentration of the antigen, it is recommended to take care of proper nutrition before taking the test;
  • sexual contacts on the eve of the study can also negatively affect the result - before visiting the laboratory, it is better to maintain sexual rest for 2-3 days;
  • A digital examination of the gland, carried out by a specialist during the initial examination, somewhat injures its tissue, the secretion of the enzyme is disrupted, so laboratory research the next day is extremely undesirable.

In some cases, it turns out that the antigen test corresponds to the age limit, and the focus of atypia has already begun to form. Diagnosis therefore must be confirmed by other examinations, for example, ultrasound of the organ, biopsy from the tumor site, CT.

Conditions accompanied by an increase in prostate-specific enzyme:

  • infectious or inflammatory lesion of the gland;
  • benign organ hyperplasia;
  • diffuse or local ischemia, for example, due to blockage of a large vessel delivering nutrients;
  • ejaculation on the eve of the study.

Each of the conditions requires mandatory clarification and appropriate additional examination. It is impossible to postpone visiting a specialist and carrying out treatment measures - in advanced cases, medicine is powerless, the survival prognosis is extremely low.

What to do if PSA is not normal

So, the laboratory received a blood result for prostate antigen and its value, based on the given standards, is extremely high. In this case it is necessary:

  • visit your doctor;
  • receive a list of additional laboratory and instrumental studies and complete them in a short time;
  • undergo repeated consultation with a specialist for differential diagnosis;
  • follow all recommendations of a lifestyle correction specialist;
  • retake the antigen test again - dynamically, compare the result with the previous one.

Only a specialist should make a decision on treatment tactics. If a patient doubts the qualifications of one specialist and his conclusions, it is necessary to consult another doctor, or hold a medical consultation.

It is absolutely unacceptable to leave the situation to chance - cancer can reach an advanced stage in just a few months.


Total PSA (prostate-specific antigen) is a protein that is detected in human blood and produced by prostate cells.

Only a small amount of the substance can leak into the blood. Carrying out this type of analysis is necessary to determine the development of the oncological process in the prostate gland. An increase in this type of protein indicates the initial stage of the disease.

Differences between free and PSA

If we talk about free analysis and general PSA, then they have differences that a person needs to know about immediately before taking them. The difference lies in the fact that PSA is generally 90%, while free PSA does not exceed 10%. Common tumor markers are located in close proximity to proteins secreted by the prostate gland. If we talk about free ones, then they are not connected with them in any way.

However, there is some definite connection between them, in particular psa and free are connected by the fact that they are taken into account when it is necessary to conduct an examination to determine gland disease. With their help, the doctor may suspect that oncological processes occurring in the prostate gland are beginning in the patient’s body. The presence of a cell mutation will be indicated by an increase in protein in the blood.

Before taking the PSA tumor marker, you must adhere to the rules; only in this case can you achieve effective readings.

If you have to take a test, then before it you cannot:

  • the day before the test, it is not recommended to eat fatty foods;
  • Prostate massages are prohibited before the procedure;
  • half an hour before taking the PSA test, smoking and physical activity are prohibited (you can’t even walk for a long time or climb stairs).

It is recommended to completely avoid drinking alcohol and do not be nervous. If a person leads a healthy lifestyle, then the results obtained from the test can be accurate. In no case should you neglect a simple analysis; with its help, you can identify possible prostate cancer, starting immediate treatment.

Why can the PSA norm go astray?

In some cases, it may happen that a prostate test shows elevated tumor markers, but the person does not have cancer. There are a number of factors that can affect the veracity of the data. Today, there are certain diagnostic measures and drugs that can cause a violation of the norm for prostate tumor markers.

Incorrect, specific results can be shown by vegetables that contain an increased amount of nitrates (watermelons, melons, tomatoes, cucumbers), or by taking chemical medications (methotrexate or cyclophosphamide). Regular ascorbic acid can increase the number of antigens in a blood test, so you need to be careful. If such factors are present, the patient may be prescribed a prostate biopsy in order to exclude or confirm such a terrible diagnosis as cancer.

Factors such as finger palpation of the prostate, recent sexual contact, and hemolysis of a blood sample can affect the accuracy of the test. In some cases, it may happen that during the test, PSA values ​​are normal, but the patient is still diagnosed with prostate cancer.

For this reason, it is recommended to confirm the diagnosis with a number of other tests so as not to make a false diagnosis. If the PSA results raise doubts among the doctor, it is recommended to conduct a number of additional studies.

These may include:

  • MRI;
  • biopsy;
  • transrectal examination;
  • ultrasound examination;

To obtain the most accurate analysis, it is recommended to decipher free and simple PSA.

Differentiated diagnostics

The greatest significance of tumor marker readings is for representatives of the stronger sex, whose age is more than 35 years. As a result of the high probability of developing oncological processes, it is recommended to be as attentive as possible to your health.

It is recommended to undergo an examination every year for the purpose of prevention, the results of which will make it possible to identify oncology if it has appeared. The presence of changes in the analysis data can indicate the development of cancer processes in the body.

If the disease can be identified at an early stage, then the doctor will have many methods of conservative treatment available. In some cases, the diagnostic course does not take more than four to five days. After this, having carried out all the necessary manipulations, you can confidently answer what nature (malignant or benign) the formation is. Regardless of the type of tumor diagnosed, it is recommended to send the patient for examination to doctors with related specialties.

In some cases, we may be talking about the presence of pathologies of a complex nature, with a genetic predisposition to prostate cancer. If the patient has people in his family with any type of cancer, it is recommended to see a doctor twice as often. The patient is recommended to undergo a biochemical blood test every six months, thanks to which the level of PSA tumor markers can be determined.

To obtain accurate information, it is recommended to monitor the dynamic change in the PSA amount. If these indicators increase upward, this indicates the presence of an active phase of pathology development. Of course, it is difficult to answer immediately whether it is benign or malignant. If changes in indicators go downward, then the patient is sent to a therapist. This action is necessary for a detailed examination.

It is recommended to calm down if the PSA level remains stable. To maintain health at the proper level, the oncologist may advise giving up all bad habits and reducing the level of exposure to negative risk factors.

It is strictly not recommended to reduce the intensity of mandatory examinations for the purpose of prevention. There are no diagnostic tools that could exclude the possibility of oncological processes developing in the body.

The only option in this situation is regular examination by a doctor, so you should not neglect it. Take care of your health now and prevent the development of cancer.

How to prevent oncology?

To ensure that the protein secreted by the prostate gland is normal and you do not worry about the possible development of cancer, men aged 46-50 years are recommended to undergo prostate diagnostics once a year. Only then will you be able to identify the disease when it is at an early stage.

  • visit doctors regularly;
  • maintain a healthy sex life (if you have a new partner, be sure to use protection);
  • treat infectious diseases;
  • monitor the hygiene of the genital organs, in particular the anus and scrotum;
  • eat right.


Any disease, especially oncology, is easier to treat at the initial stage. Only in this case can you count on a complete cure. It is recommended to visit a doctor at least once a year, undergo an examination and take tests for the purpose of prevention. Don’t neglect your health, because you only have it.

The tumor marker PSA is a specific prostate antigen, present only in men and indicating prostate cancer. It allows you to identify the development of the oncological process at the earliest stages. Blood testing for the quantitative content of the tumor marker PSA is widely used in diagnostics both to establish the stage of prostate cancer and to monitor the effectiveness of treatment.

Questions about when and to identify which diseases a study of this protein is prescribed are asked to specialists quite often. Also, all patients who are prescribed such a study are interested in the characteristics of this substance and its sensitivity. The biomolecule PSA is a tumor marker of the prostate, but the full name in medical terminology is prostate specific antigen. In structure, this substance is a glycoprotein, a complex protein consisting of a peptide and carbohydrate part and performing a large number of functions in the human body.

The PSA tumor marker is produced by the cellular structures of the prostate epithelium, then enters the liquid component of the testes. The main function of a specific protein is to dilute sperm and ensure the motor activity of sperm, therefore this antigen is always produced by the male reproductive system in certain quantities.

It is worth noting some features of this specific substance:

  1. The biomolecule is present in the body of representatives of the stronger sex in 2 forms - bound and free. The first type has diagnostic value. It is this that is identified to confirm the alleged diagnosis after the total (the total concentration of free and bound biomolecules) protein has been detected in increased quantities.
  2. In plasma, the level of antigen is significantly lower than in ejaculate, which is due to the presence of a histohematological (internal) barrier, the so-called physiological filter, located between tissue fluids and blood.
  3. Prostate specific antigen has a fairly low specificity, since its production always occurs in the male body. This feature of the tumor marker does not allow using only the test results for its level to make a diagnosis of prostate cancer. But this study gives the specialist the opportunity to identify the presence of pathological changes and select further diagnostic measures.

What is the difference between free PSA and total PSA?

In the prostate gland, a specific protein is found in 2 forms - bound and free.

Their differences lie in their relationship with other biomolecules:

  • Free PSA, the normal amount of which does not exceed 10% of the total content of this specific substance in the body, does not interact with any proteins;
  • bound PSA is able to combine with other antigens.

A tumor marker for total PSA allows you to determine the concentration of all molecules of prostate-specific antigen. This study is basic. If its results are higher than normal, the patient is recommended to undergo additional diagnostic measures that identify the free tumor marker PSA. In the case when both antigen fractions show deviations from the norm, the patient is recommended to undergo instrumental studies - MRI, CT, ultrasound.

Indications for testing for the PSA tumor marker

Such a study is carried out both to confirm the development of an oncological tumor in the prostate after the appearance of suspicious symptoms in a man, and for preventive purposes when a representative of the stronger sex reaches 45 years of age. According to age indicators, a PSA blood test is included in the screening diagnostic complex and should be performed annually.

In addition, there are a number of specific indications for testing the PSA tumor marker:

  1. Monitoring the course of the oncological process in the prostate and the effectiveness of the course of therapy. In this case, blood is donated regularly, every 3 months.
  2. The doctor suspects a prostate cancer after an ultrasound scan or other studies aimed at making a diagnosis of another disease.

Due to the fact that specific prostate antigen has different molecular forms, testing to detect free and total PSA is prescribed for different indications:

  • a test for total protein is carried out if prostate adenoma is suspected and to monitor ongoing treatment measures;
  • Tumor markers for free PSA are taken if differential diagnosis is necessary.

Worth knowing! A timely and correctly performed analysis for this tumor marker gives men a real chance of early detection of prostate cancer. That is why patients who are at risk for developing a dangerous disease, and representatives of the stronger sex over 45 years of age, are recommended to undergo such a study regularly, as part of screening diagnostics.

Preparing and conducting analysis

A blood test for the specific protein PSA is taken from a vein. First of all, the patient is identified with total protein, and then, if necessary, to clarify the diagnosis, free protein. Preparatory activities for this study are not difficult. They are basically the same as for any other blood draw from a vein.

In order for the free PSA tumor marker to show correct results, it is necessary to adhere to a number of simple standard rules:

  • If the patient had biopsy material taken from the prostate, a blood test is taken no earlier than 4 weeks after the procedure. The same period should pass after finishing the course of antibiotics;
  • It is advisable, but not necessary, to take this test on an empty stomach. But an indispensable condition is the exclusion of fatty foods from the diet on the eve of the study;
  • It is strictly not recommended to drink alcohol for several days before this diagnostic test. It is necessary to stop smoking 2-3 hours before blood sampling;
  • A couple of days before the upcoming diagnostic event, you should abstain from sex and avoid increased physical and emotional stress.

Decoding the result: indicators of norms and deviations in men

In people of different ages, the normal value of prostate specific antigen varies. The norm of the PSA tumor marker in men, measured in ng/ml, is higher the older the person is.

For different age categories, the normal PSA tumor marker may be as follows (ideal values ​​are indicated in parentheses):

  • 39-49 years old – 0.5–1.0 (2.6);
  • 51-59 years old – 0.6–1.5 (3.4);
  • 60-69 years old – 0.9–3.2 (4.6);
  • 70 and older – 0.9-3.1 (6.7).

In men under 40 years of age who are not at risk for developing this disease, there is no need for such a study. They can be tested for the PSA tumor marker only when the corresponding symptoms appear.

When an oncological process begins in the prostate gland, the rate of a specific protein increases. Moreover, the concentration of the biomolecule increases in direct proportion to the growth of the cancer tumor.

The interpretation of the PSA tumor marker for prostate cancer may be as follows:

  • values ​​above 4, but less than 10 indicate the beginning of a mutation in the epithelial cells of the prostate gland, therefore representatives of the stronger sex with such indicators are prescribed additional studies to clarify which prostate cancer is developing;
  • PSA range from 10 to 20 ng/ml - in 50% of cases indicate activation of the tumor process in the prostate;
  • a concentration of a biomolecule exceeding 40 ng/ml allows a specialist to confirm the appearance of metastases in other organs.

Important! Despite the fact that an increased PSA concentration may indicate the development of an oncological process, this marker cannot be called exclusively cancer-specific. It will be possible to say for sure that a malignant neoplasm is developing in the prostate area only after obtaining the results of additional studies.

What are the reasons for an increase or decrease in the PSA tumor marker?

The level of this specific biomolecule can increase not only in case of malignant lesions of the prostate gland, but also in pathological processes that do not have oncology.

Most often, the tumor marker PSA is found in the blood in large quantities in the following diseases:

  • inflammatory processes in the prostate gland;
  • infectious lesion of the genitourinary system;
  • benign prostate tumor;
  • surgical intervention;
  • injury.

A decreased PSA tumor marker indicates that the treatment course prescribed to the patient had the expected positive effect and the neoplasm localized in the prostate area has been destroyed.

Distortion of results, what could cause this?

If, according to the results of the study, the PSA tumor marker is higher than normal, then you should not immediately panic. First of all, it is necessary to carry out histological diagnosis. Examination under a microscope of biopsy material taken from the prostate will confirm or refute the oncological lesion that was shown by the initial analysis of the PSA tumor marker.

Many men ask urologists the question of why the results of this study may be distorted in a healthy person.

As experts note, false indicators appear if the blood sampling procedure was influenced by some external factors:

  • when preparing for the study, the patient violated the rules recommended by the doctor;
  • the blood was drawn at an inappropriate time;
  • the man did not stop taking medications listed in the list of unacceptable medications.

Also, palpation or massage of the prostate and sex lead to distortion of indicators and obtaining a false positive result.

May indicate the possible presence of prostate cancer. Although with chronic prostatitis or adenoma, the level of PSA protein may also be elevated. In any case, the doctor must prescribe a PSA. Decoding the name of the PSA tumor marker itself explains its essence.

Prostate cells produce PSA, from where it enters the blood.

When examining the level of this protein in the blood, the main thing is timely diagnosis of oncology. Detection of elevated levels of prostate-specific antigen can confirm or deny the presence of prostate cancer.

The prostate gland itself is located under the bladder, and it contains the initial part of the urethra. If the gland is inflamed, a painful process is observed in it, it compresses the urethra and difficulty urinating occurs. This may be a sign of both prostate adenoma and chronic prostatitis. Direct examination of the prostate is carried out by palpating it through the rectum.

Decoding the name of the PSA tumor marker itself explains its essence. To diagnose oncology at an early stage, in the presence of the above symptoms, PSA is prescribed. The level of antigen in the blood determines a particular disease. Since the protein produced by the prostate enters the blood only in very small doses, its increased content should in any case be alarming. A history of trauma or infection of the prostate gland will show a slightly different level of PSA in the blood than if chronic prostatitis, and even more so cancer, is detected.

This enzyme, PSA, helps liquefy sperm, which in turn activates sperm motility.

The normal level of PSA in the blood is up to 4 nanograms per 1 milliliter. But this prostate-specific antigen level varies depending on age. The level of enzyme production changes in men on average every ten years. For a 50-60 year old man, this norm can be 2.5-3.5 ng/ml. And for a man over 70 years old, the PSA content exceeds the established average norm. That is why blood tests for enzyme levels () should be carried out regularly.

Age compliance with the norm is not yet an indicator of health. It is important how much this average norm is exceeded, whether this is due only to age, or there are other reasons. After all, middle-aged men, that is, after the threshold of forty, are most susceptible to prostate cancer.

If a significant upward deviation of PSA from the norm is detected, a more detailed examination should be carried out for clinical signs of certain diseases.

Enlargement and hardening of the prostate gland itself, associated with a significant increase in the level of PSA in the blood, necessitates the appointment of a prostate biopsy test, especially if the PSA level exceeds 10 ng/ml.

What affects PSA levels

Today, medical science suggests a decrease in the norm of the PSA tumor marker. Setting the age-average norm at 3 ng/ml will make it possible to diagnose the possible development of a malignant prostate tumor at an even earlier stage, which will invariably lead to the prevention of serious cancer. This is also due to the fact that oncology has become significantly “younger” in recent decades, and, first of all, this applies to men. Therefore, the average norm of PSA content in the blood may turn out to be incorrect and allow one to draw erroneous conclusions, missing a timely diagnosis of oncology.

Or, on the contrary, you can get a positive diagnosis in the absence of cancer in cases where, on the eve of a laboratory blood test, the prostate was subjected to massage or physiotherapy. It may also be a false result if there is a history of a heart attack or ischemic heart disease (). These diseases also began to appear at an earlier age in men, and their presence and impact on PSA levels in the blood cannot be ignored.

In addition, it affects the level of PSA in the blood and the use of certain medications. This should definitely be taken into account when testing blood, since compliance with the PSA norm during drug therapy can give an erroneous result and prevent the detection of a tumor. A doctor prescribing a blood test for the PSA tumor marker must take into account the patient’s intake of medications that affect changes in protein levels and reduce its norm.

Allows you to perform general and free PSA tumor markers. A test for total PSA is most often prescribed, but in some cases a determination of free PSA in the blood is required.

Blood testing for the PSA tumor marker must be done strictly on an empty stomach. should be adhered to - you should not eat salty, spicy foods, as well as coffee, alcohol, and strong tea. Sexual intercourse should be avoided a week before the scheduled test. After rectal palpation of the prostate by a urologist, you can donate blood for PSA no earlier than two weeks later.

– prostate specific antigen, in its structure is a two-component protein (glycoprotein). It is secreted by the epithelial cells of the prostate gland and enters the seminal fluid as part of its juice. Its main function is to dilute sperm to ensure functional sperm motility.

In the blood there are:

  • total PSA;
  • free PSA;
  • bound PSA.

The sum of bound and free equals the total PSA. The free form normally accounts for about 20% of total PSA.

The diagnostic value is mainly the total PSA level, the value of which increases depending on the growth of the prostate.

The method is the most specific for identifying prostate cancer. Prescribed for existing urination disorders, especially at night (nocturia).

Used in conjunction with digital examination and ultrasound.

Note:PSA level determination is prescribed after irritation of the prostate gland by digital examination and also after the use of rectal suppositories no earlier than a week after these procedures. Since they can distort the reliable result.

An even longer period must be maintained after:

  • prostate biopsy techniques;
  • removal (resection) of the prostate;
  • mechanical massage.

Important: both total and free PSA must be donated and determined from one collected “portion” of blood, using one method. The analysis needs to be done in only one laboratory.

Blood is collected in the morning, before meals. The elbow vein is used to collect blood.

Rules for preparing a patient for a PSA blood test

The last meal should be at least 12 hours before blood sampling. You can only drink plain water; you should not drink any other drinks, especially those containing caffeine. Alcohol is strictly contraindicated.

Two days before the study, the patient must follow a diet excluding fried, smoked, fatty, and too salty foods. If possible, you should avoid eating meat products. Boiled vegetables and acid-neutral fruits are recommended for consumption. You can prepare lean vegetable soups and porridges.

For several days you should refrain from engaging in sports activities or heavy physical work; riding a bicycle is not recommended. You should also avoid sexual activity.

Total PSA is a tissue prostatic protein that is part of the contents of the excretory secretion of the prostate. In medicine it is a marker of tumor diseases.

In what cases is an analysis prescribed to determine total PSA values:

  • diagnostics ;
  • control of adenoma treatment;
  • diagnosis, especially detection of a tumor at an early stage;
  • control over the treatment process of already diagnosed malignant neoplasm of the prostate gland.

In what cases are increased total PSA values ​​determined:

  • at all stages of development of prostate adenoma;
  • after surgery for removal of prostate adenoma;
  • after the fact of ejaculation that occurred on the eve of the analysis;
  • in case of problems with potency;
  • for various forms of urination disorders;
  • after cycling for a long time, especially on bumpy roads.

Note: if PSA (total) values ​​exceed 30 ng/ml, then this fact should be regarded as a case of a possible developing oncological process.

In advanced stages of cancer, with existing metastasis, total PSA levels can reach 1000 ng/ml or higher.

Free Prostate Specific Antigen PSA Assay

Free prostate specific antigen forms part of total PSA and is also a product of the physiological activity of the prostate gland.

Note:the older you are, the higher the rate of this antigen.

In any case, its level should not go beyond 4 ng/ml.

The data of this marker must be determined for signs of prostate cancer.

In addition to the free PSA indicator itself, in urological and andrological practice, the determination of the percentage of free PSA to total PSA is used. The value is determined in percentage equivalent.

The numbers of this ratio become especially important if the total PSA value is already above normal, but does not rise to critically dangerous values ​​and is in the range of 4.0–10.0 ng/ml.

In this case, if the ratio of free PSA/total PSA does not rise above 15%, the presence of a benign growth can be assumed. If, in the process of dynamic monitoring of the level of this indicator, a gradual increase is noted, then conclusions can be drawn about the possible malignancy of the process, as well as the small effect of both conservative and surgical measures.

If, against the background of the treatment, the level of the ratio decreases, then conclusions can be drawn about the beneficial effects of the treatment process.

A free PSA value of less than 0.93 ng/ml.

In what cases is the concentration of free PSA increased:

  • with existing prostate adenoma at different stages of the disease;
  • inflammatory and proliferative processes of prostate tissue (prostatitis);
  • malignant pathology of the prostate gland;
  • early stages of the postoperative period during surgical treatment of the pancreas;
  • ejaculation (ejaculation) several hours before the test.

In prostate cancer, the level of free PSA is much lower than in benign hyperplastic processes and inflammatory diseases.

The “free PSA/total PSA” ratio has prognostic significance:

  • if the indicator is less than 15%, then it indicates serious problems and is unfavorable in prognostic terms;
  • if the indicator is within 15-70%, then the prognosis is favorable.

The state of health in most cases depends on the person himself. To determine the developing malignant process in the early stages, it is necessary to undergo periodic preventive examinations.

That is why men, after reaching the age of 50, and in some cases even earlier (with existing prostate pathology), need to take a PSA test at least once a year.

If you detect test results that are outside the normal range, you should see an andrologist, urologist, or oncologist and undergo a full examination in order to early diagnose a possible disease.

Note:Not in all cases where analysis numbers go beyond the norm, there is a pathological process.

Detection of a malignant disease at an early stage makes it possible to recover from it in almost 100% of cases.

You will receive more detailed information about the method of blood testing for PSA and other tumor markers, as well as the effectiveness of these tests, by watching the video review:

Lotin Alexander, medical columnist