The desire for wealth is one of the main goals that drive people in our time. Moreover, no one would refuse consistently high incomes, and we're talking about not only about materialists who dream only of comfort and prosperity. Even if spiritual values ​​are not alien to a person, the money issue still remains relevant.

In the material below we will not talk about how to get a job with more or less decent earnings. We will set a higher bar and try to answer the question of how to become a truly rich person without having influential connections and without having huge starting capital. Do you think it is impossible to get rich from scratch? What if you open it and not earn a million rubles? Let's see if this is true.

How realistic is it to get rich quickly in the Russian Federation?

Every day, reading news reports, every resident of our country is faced with rather gloomy economic positions and unfavorable forecasts from analysts. Impact of sanctions, depreciation of the ruble, increase in the level of tax rates- it seems that things are becoming more and more difficult for Russians financially.

Therefore, the question of whether it is even possible to get rich in Russia arises in the minds of many people. What is the probability of being among the lucky citizens who are not becoming poor as rapidly as the majority of the population, but are only increasing their level of income?

Due to the current economic situation, many areas that were previously promising are indeed becoming risky or even unprofitable. First of all, these are areas of activity related to the import and export of goods: due to the introduction and subsequent tightening of sanctions against Russia, trade with European countries and the USA has become more difficult.

On the other hand, these same problems that can ruin businessmen and deprive newcomers of enthusiasm can turn into a source of profit for more resourceful entrepreneurs. After all, if one niche becomes unprofitable, it means that another one appears - more profitable.

Eg: The introduction of sanctions, which worries many Russians so much, leads to the appearance of domestic goods or goods exported from the CIS countries on store shelves. Food, clothing, furniture, electronics - if previously some brands could not withstand competition and were inferior to Western ones, then with the cessation of supplies they simply have no rivals left. Since the prices of many goods imported from abroad have increased in price, and some products have become completely unavailable, Russian entrepreneurs there is a chance to offer consumers our own alternative. And this is just one example of how we can turn global troubles beyond our control to our benefit.

Another similar niche is related to the tourism sector. The exchange rate of the ruble against the dollar and euro has become so unfavorable that not every (even fairly wealthy) resident of our country will allow themselves to vacation abroad. In this regard, the popularity of domestic tourism is increasing, because something must satisfy the existing demand for entertainment and travel.

In addition, there are areas in which you can get rich in any economic situation - having, of course, a fresh idea and a clear business plan for its implementation. So, for example, it will be possible to make a good profit by producing and selling goods that are much lower than their market price when sold.

However, getting rich from scratch in Russia is indeed much more difficult than in many other countries - this is a fact. Here are some tips to help you “break through” in a tough competition:

  • Choose a business based on your strengths, taking into account the characteristics of temperament. If you are an introvert who quickly gets tired of communication, then an activity that requires a lot of negotiations or managing a large company is unlikely to suit you. Of course, at later stages, when income is already large, you will be able to delegate a number of responsibilities to subordinates, but you also need to somehow survive until this moment. And similarly: if you are the owner of a choleric or sanguine temperament, you should not bet on such ways to get rich, such as, for example, playing on the stock exchange, which requires large quantity monotonous analytical research.
  • Increase your level of financial literacy and treat money soberly, evaluate and weigh all risks. There are no rich spenders - and if this happens, it soon leads to bankruptcy.
  • Don't be afraid of serious proposals and major projects. Only by playing “big” can you really get a lot.
  • Your money should work, not sit in your wallet or bank account. Trying to save will not make you rich. They say that “a penny saves a ruble.” This is true, but rising inflation will “eat up” both.
  • Be a nonconformist. Listen to the advice of various business “gurus”, but follow your own path - this is the only way you will achieve your goals.

What usually prevents people from becoming rich?

Before we talk about the practical side of how to get rich from scratch in Russia, let's dig a little deeper and try to understand the psychology of wealth and poverty.

What does it mean to you to be rich? Buy a new iPhone every time the company announces the next model? Dress in expensive stores, travel and live in an elite area? All these are social aspects, but what lies behind them? What is wealth?

It is not in vain that we consider the issue from this angle. It is precisely the lack of understanding of what “being rich” is, or only a superficial idea of ​​it that does not go beyond social stereotypes, that is the reason why most people remain poor.

Let's turn to famous rich people and successful businessmen to find out more about how they feel about their material wealth. The author of popular books on business and wealth strategies, as well as the developer of the educational financial literacy board game “Cash Flow 101,” Robert Kiyosaki believes:

« Wealth- this is the amount of time you can not work while maintaining a comfortable standard of living for yourself.”

« Look rich- does not mean being rich: if you have expensive car, apartment, Vacation home, but all this was bought on credit or with your last money and you don’t have free funds that would work for you, then you are not rich, but poor.”

It is worth noting that Robert Kiyosaki is not alone in his views. Thus, Karl Marx wrote in his works:

« Wealth of the state determined by the availability of free time among its citizens.”

Thus, the richer a person is, the less he can afford to work, and vice versa - the more someone has to “work hard”, devoting his work to work. free time, the poorer he actually is. Based on this, we can compile a whole list of reasons why people live in poverty:

  • Lack of clear goals. Money is only a means to achieve what you strive for, get what you dream of, realize your plans. If you don't know what you want from life, or if your goal is simply "a lot of money", you won't succeed.
  • The habit of spending more than you receive. Due to the desire to get what they want, which, as a rule, is not necessary, people often ignore arguments common sense, “get into” debt, take out loans, and find themselves unable to save even a little or save the money they have.
  • Cult of material values. In our society, as in most others, it is customary to “meet by clothes,” but the attention of many people does not go further, but stops at this external impression. Therefore, it often happens that people actually need attention, acceptance, and support from others, and this psychological “hunger” is satisfied by shopping and unnecessary spending. For many, this trend takes on the characteristics of shopping addiction, because this approach is encouraged in advertising and the media. Just think about popular slogans like “Everyone loves you, and you love Maybelline” or look at consumer frenzies like Black Friday.
  • Reluctance to leave your comfort zone. This applies not only to the usual work that brings in any income, the usual selection in the grocery basket and favorite stores, cinemas, cafes and bars where “free” money is deposited. The reluctance to change extends to your habits and way of thinking. What you need to become rich is new knowledge, fresh ideas, useful contacts, active actions. All of this is outside your comfort zone, not inside it.
  • Lack of self-confidence. The media and politicians, advertising, movies and television series inspire us that “the system cannot be broken,” nothing can be changed, everything that could be created has already been invented by someone else, and there is nothing left for our age. Such ossified thinking is the main enemy of anyone who wants to manage their life, and not limply float with its flow, being content with little. And at the same time, hundreds of innovative inventions are patented every year, thousands pay off - no matter what. So if you really believe that all this is “not for you”, it really will be for someone else - someone who believes in himself.
  • Negative attitude towards money. A negative image of a rich person has formed in Russia. If someone has money, he is definitely a “swindler and a thief.” Fortunately, this opinion is not shared by everyone, but it is in the air and can greatly hinder your path to wealth. It is worth abandoning stereotyped thinking: “a hard worker” is not always “ good man", and a "successful businessman" is not always "dishonest."

How to get rich from scratch in Russia - ways

Now let’s look at specific ways that have already allowed many Russians to get rich from scratch. Perhaps they will help you too!


The most “lazy” way, which sometimes turns into success. Of course, the probability of becoming a lucky person with a winning ticket is very small, but it still exists.

For example, the TOP 5 winners in Russian lotteries:

  • 5th place: May 28, 2009 resident Leningrad region Albert Begrakyan won 100 million rubles.
  • 4th place: On February 6, 2014, Omsk resident Valery won 184 million rubles.
  • 3rd place: September 16, 2014 Mikhail, 45-year-old resident Nizhny Novgorod, became the owner of a fortune of 202 million rubles.
  • 2nd place: On February 29, 2016, a doctor from Novosibirsk won about 358 million rubles.
  • 1 place: On May 22, 2017, a resident of Sochi hit the jackpot in the amount of 365 million rubles, thereby setting a record for winning the lottery among our compatriots.

As you can see, miracles happen in Russia too. However, we do not recommend relying only on them, buying lottery tickets and doing nothing else.

Advice: Even if you believe in your luck, let this method be a complement to other, more active and active strategies for getting rich.


Contrary to popular belief, you can also make money from gambling. And the paradox is that only non-gamblers with an analytical mind and a cool head get good profits in this way. Those who “get excited” about the game and begin to “root” for a team or player, succumbing to emotions, as a rule, lose objectivity and make rash decisions that result in financial ruin.

In order to make money on bets, you need:

  • Have some amount of “free” money - those that remain with you after you pay all bills and loans, buy groceries and other necessary goods. Never use funds necessary for normal living for betting.
  • Choose a good bookmaker that can offer more or less favorable interest rates.
  • Study the operating principles of bookmakers, understand how analysts estimate the probability of a particular outcome, and become familiar with the basic sports betting strategies.
  • Understand at a professional level the sport chosen to earn money or have a desire to understand it. The level of an ordinary spectator will not be suitable here: in order to correctly assess the possibilities, you must meticulously study all the details before the game - right down to the health status of team members and weather conditions at the match venue.

Some also make good money from another gambling game - poker. In Russia, this method is officially banned, which does not prevent dozens of poker rooms from existing online.

Advice: If this method of getting rich does not cause you anything but mistrust, read the biography of Lika Gerasimova from Novosibirsk, who at the age of 25 was recognized as the best female poker professional in Russia.


A more popular way to get rich from scratch is to trade in the markets of currencies, stocks, and securities. Such transactions can be concluded not only by trained traders, but also by anyone with access to the Internet.

Trading on the stock exchange can bring good income, but it can also result in financial losses. To succeed, you need:

  • As with making money on bets, have a certain amount of “free” money. Its size is not of fundamental importance - in case of successful trading, you can increase your starting capital many times over.
  • Have a good, and most importantly, reliable broker who will act as an intermediary between you and the exchange.
  • Have an analytical mind, a good understanding of economic processes - both global and local levels.
  • Learn market trading strategies and follow a pre-made plan. This will help you stay calm and act based on cold calculation, rather than passion, greed or fear of losing money.
  • Constantly increase the level of your own erudition and take a keen interest in events happening in the world. This “baggage” will help you better predict market trends.

Advice: At first, do not invest your money in trading - this way you can avoid the losses that any beginner inevitably faces. Play on the stock exchange using a virtual account - many brokers provide this simulator for safe training.

Partnership and mediation

Another way to get rich from scratch is to be useful person for wealthier entrepreneurs. Only a few are capable of this, since they can “break through” into certain circles without having money and necessary connections, pretty hard.

However, this is possible if:

  • You have a unique project and a clear business plan for its implementation, as well as excellent persuasion abilities. In this case, you can find business partners who will finance your idea, if, of course, you manage to pitch it correctly.
  • You have rare and useful skills, for example, the gift of persuasion or the ability to flawlessly negotiate, find partners and investors, attract sponsors, etc. In this case, your skills can be profitably “sold”, but again - if you manage to interest the “right” people.

Important: This option is really not easy, and it is suitable only for very active, ambitious and talented people, but it will help you get rich from scratch.

Own business

Perhaps the most reliable way to get rich is to open a profitable business. This thorny path, as you will have to face a lot of obstacles and difficulties - from finding a profitable niche and drawing up a business plan to securing financing and formalizing the enterprise. This will require not only a lot of time and effort, but also activity, as well as constant self-education.

If you do not have a decent amount of start-up capital, you will also have to be patient while the business takes off. But you can find investors or take out money on credit (for example, if it’s decided).

As already mentioned, profitable niches also exist during a crisis. So, there is a chance to succeed by doing:

  • Trade in products and goods similar to those that are subject to sanctions bans.
  • Organization of tours around Russia.
  • Agritourism.
  • Trade in goods from China.

Important: Finding a profitable niche is the key to business profitability. Even if you are well organized, your business will not pay off if it has strong competitors who have managed to win the trust of consumers. So analyze the market and find promising areas before starting your business.


The IT sector today is one of the fastest growing ones both in Russia and in the world. Year by year they become more complicated and specifications, And software. More and more developments from the walls of scientific institutes are moving into ours daily life, making it simpler, easier and more interesting.

Engineering is a promising field that can lead talented engineers, designers and programmers to wealth. At the same time, not only and not so much knowledge is valued, but creative ideas and innovative solutions.

If you are technically minded, you can try this activity. Its big advantage is that it is partially funded by both the state and private companies: if your project is really good, it can win a grant for implementation and promotion.

Real estate

The last way to get rich that we will look at involves real estate. This is also a promising area, but it is difficult to get by without start-up capital.

If you are interested in this area, you can:

  • Take out a mortgage loan and rent out the purchased living space - then over time it will pay for itself and become your constant source of passive income.
  • Carry out profitable sales transactions (for example, buying housing in disrepair, renovating it and selling it at a higher price). They will help you achieve success in this.

Important: from February 1, 2017, every resident of Russia has the opportunity to receive a plot of land completely free of charge, on which they can implement their business project. The promotion is valid until 2035 as part of the state project for the development of the Far East.

On the Internet you can find many instructions and warnings from entrepreneurs from abroad, as well as a lot. But what can Russians who have achieved success anywhere, namely in our country, advise those who want to get rich from scratch? Let's find out.

Vsevolod Fear he started his business with very little - he saved up money and ordered a batch of chargers and USB cables for smartphones from China. He sold them in his own online store, which brought him his first earnings. Now Vsevolod is the owner of a huge online store “Sotomarket”, which sells computers and other equipment. The annual turnover of his enterprise is about four billion dollars.

In one of his interviews, Vsevolod Strakh noted: “For me, investors, turnover, money are not something to brag about. For me, it’s okay to brag about the ideas we’re moving toward or the functionality we’ve developed.”

Semyon Kibalo- a young entrepreneur who graduated from St. Petersburg Polytechnic University in 2011. It was during this period of study that his first business project was connected, which did not require a penny of investment and took off instantly. As a student, Semyon decided that it would be great to produce sweatshirts with the university emblem, as they do in the West and America. He drew a sketch and immediately received several orders. The advance payment allowed us to print the first edition, which sold like hotcakes. The enterprising student was not at a loss, created a company for the production of university sweatshirts “UniFashion” and cooperates with many universities in the country.

In one of his interviews, Semyon Kibalo said: “When I was a student, I wanted a business. But how, what should I do? It seemed to me that business was some kind of grown-up guy, and I was just a student. And somehow it happened that I wanted a sweatshirt with my university on it and couldn’t find where to buy it. Made it myself. So what? You can buy a jacket in one place and have the design printed in another place. When I put it on, I realized that others liked it. Do what you love, and it will guide you. Satisfy your own needs and the needs of those around you. And then it will start bringing in funds - as confirmation that you are moving in the right direction. And then you can attract investment and buy means of production. But money is the goal... you can burn out very quickly.”

Andrey Ternovsky while still a student high school, created a video chat in just three days, calling it “Chatroulette.” By visiting the site, people were able to make a video call to a user from anywhere in the world who was also online. The interlocutor was selected according to the “roulette” principle, which gave the name to the project. Within a month, the chat became popular in Europe, and soon gained worldwide fame, making its creator rich and famous.

In an interview, Andrei Ternovsky noted: “I’m a bad businessman, I would rather make a cool service than monetize it. I would just say that my entrepreneurial spirit is not very developed. But my head is full different ideas. What I do is draw up a precise development plan and think about why I need investment. And when this understanding appears in my head, then I will turn to serious people. I'm more focused on the product itself rather than the business side of it."

Let's sum it up

Thus, wealth is not so much the presence of huge amounts of money, but the ability to consciously manage available resources: both material and intangible. Few people think about the latter, but it is they who most often lead a person to qualitative changes in life. This assumption is confirmed by dozens of examples where people won incredible sums in the lottery, and then lost them in just a couple of years, returning to where they started.

It is possible to get rich from scratch in Russia, but not everyone can do it. There will always be people “making” millions despite all the obstacles and obstacles. And at the same time, there will always be those whose income barely exceeds . Only those who change their attitude towards life can move from one class to another: learn to value their time, realize what they are striving for, what goals they are pursuing, learn to separate own desires from those imposed on him by the people around him.

If you think that an eternal lack of money is a curse and a heavy cross that you will have to drag out until the end of your days, cheer up and do at least something to improve the situation. There are many people in the world who managed to turn the tide.

Of the entire world population, only two percent of people never have problems with money. Of course, some have small pearls, while others don’t have enough for potatoes, but almost everyone is familiar with the torment over lack of money. I would like to get rich, if only to gain freedom from circumstances as much as possible.

It's encouraging that there are real people who managed to significantly improve their financial condition. This means that there are rules, the observance of which will help create a miracle. Some methods seem impossible, others seem fantastic, but positive experience makes us seriously consider the likelihood of success.

1. The simplest

You can become a wealthy person by marrying a wealthy partner. The method is popular and known for a long time, does not need explanation and is actively used by representatives of both sexes.

2. Lottery

Luck can smile on anyone, especially since rich people do not experience happiness in this way. Tempting, isn't it? The chances of getting rich are few, but they are there.

A certain fifty-year-old driver from Normandy, Alexander, won the super prize of the Loto lottery in 2010. The winning amount is €10,000,000. Lucky, he continued to work. He bought a company that was on the verge of collapse, where he worked for many years. The newly-made millionaire left his job general director, and he continued to drive the car. Alexander explained this decision by saying that he simply likes his job and cannot imagine any other life.

3. Criminal

4. Inheritance

Everything is legal, but cannot be corrected. If you have relatives who can leave you a good inheritance, you will receive it. Well, if there are none, you can relax and look for other ways to get rich.

5. Savings

In order to always have money, you need to spend less than what you earn - it’s simple. In practice, everything is even simpler: we get 20,000 rubles. – spent 20,000 rubles. They worked hard and earned 40,000 rubles, immediately bought more expensive clothes or replaced them with completely “alive” ones. household appliances to a new one. And so on. The result is the same - there is not enough money.

Saving should not be confused with stinginess, but money still loves counting. Standards of living must rise in proportion to income, but costs must be taken into account. Knowing where your money is going will help you stop making unnecessary purchases. Even if fortune smiles on you and you unexpectedly become rich by winning a million, the money will run out very soon, leaving pleasant memories and remorse if you do not save.

6. Persistent work

A wealthy old age is better than a poor one. But righteous labors will not build stone chambers, as they say wise people. You need to work, but not with an eye to the long term, but so that your income allows you to not feel the need today. Just don’t overdo it, otherwise you will reach the long-awaited maturity in a state worn out by excessive stress, and you will only enjoy expensive medications.

7. Intelligence and talent

Gifted people are not always rich, but on the path to financial independence they get the most out of it. The secret is simple: a talented person does what he loves and gets paid for it. If you have a clear inclination towards something socially useful, do not bury your talent, but try to make money from it.

Guy Laliberté's fortune today is estimated at $2.5 billion, and he started out as a shill. The circus man swallowed fire and played the accordion, entertaining the audience. In 1987, Guy Laliberte brought the group to a festival in Los Angeles, purchasing one-way tickets. The risk paid off - I liked the circus and received an invitation to Las Vegas. Now everyone is familiar with Cirque Du Soleil.

The creator of Harry Potter, JK Rowling, lived with her child on social benefits after divorcing her husband. One day she decided to tell a story about the life of wizards; most of the first book was written on a cafe table. The fairy tale had an unexpected effect, and now Joan has no financial problems, her fortune has reached $1 billion.

8. Investments

This method is suitable for those who have already been able to earn a decent amount. Money should work for you, so invest it in deposits, shares, business, etc. But be careful.

9. Business

The most reliable method, but it requires a lot of effort. If you can choose the right niche, organize a business, set a goal and put effort into achieving it, you will surely get rich.

For example, David Gold was born in the slums of London and nothing foreshadowed a bright future. The boy grew up in poverty and his main pleasure was playing football with friends. True, young David had a useful hobby - reading books that were often unaffordable. Then the idea of ​​exchanging books came up, and the future millionaire opened a kind of library at home. When there were a lot of books, Gold realized that he could make money from them. He borrowed some money and started buying used books, after a while his first bookstore appeared, then new books appeared on the shelves. The business turned out to be so successful that David was able to open the football magazine Star, which brought him his first million. Over the years, the business grew into a chain of bookstores, and David Gold became a respectable businessman known throughout the UK.

Motivation is the engine without which it is difficult to overcome the inevitable difficulties on the path to success. You can dream of wealth while lying on the couch, but the likelihood of waiting for your dream to come true is close to zero. Therefore, start with a completely achievable goal, for example, try to earn the first 100,000 rubles, then again and again. Over time, you will learn how to make money and make it work for you. Invest money and make a profit, spend wisely and never stop - this is the only way you will one day reach a state that will allow you to feel confident.

Hello, readers of the blog, today I want to talk and discuss a current topic, how to get rich from scratch at home, is this real or not? We can say that you and I continue to study the main topic of the blog, this and.

In this article, everyone can learn top tips on how to get rich at home without investing and from scratch, what you should pay attention to and where to start.

This is one of the first articles in the series on how to get rich quickly, I plan to write five articles, in total you will receive 25 tips on how you can make money on the Internet and more. Initially, I will introduce you to the theory and what you need to do in order to become a rich and successful person, and then we will move directly to practice and real examples of making money. All ways to earn money are relevant and real, the most important thing is that you will need to make an effort and of course there will be time costs.

The most important thing and the first thing is to understand that making money on the Internet is possible, in the section I already described where and how you can make money, and also wrote about the services and sites on which I earned and withdrew profits myself and sometimes even today I earn extra money with these tools .

In this article I will highlight the following main points:

  • investing in your work;
  • financial literacy is important or not;
  • how to get rich as a beginner and where to start.

I hope to hear a lot of criticism at the end of the article, since 80% of my friends do not believe that you can become a millionaire by working for yourself, and especially on the Internet.

This article will begin with the basics and preparation for making money, after which I will talk in detail about making money using my personal examples, let's get started.

How to get rich from scratch at home is it realistic?

Let's philosophize a little and figure out whether it's possible to become a millionaire. Do you have at least one friend who, without doing anything, became fabulously rich? In fact, I don’t have such friends either, but history shows that this is possible and happens almost every year.

Yes, this is one person out of a million, or maybe even 0.000001% out of 100!

Actually we simple people and we still think in the old fashioned way, school, university and work for an uncle, family, children, etc. We don’t try to break out of this circle, like squirrels running in circles and don’t think that our lives can go in a completely different direction and that depends primarily on us.

There are some people who have the prospects or finances to change their status and can become leaders, but we are afraid to take risks, and we continue to put our pennies under the pillow, and our knowledge in the far corner, and continue to sit at work.

But you can invest money or open your own business, take risks and make money, or lose everything and be left without funds. But there are those who bought lottery tickets all the time and instantly became a millionaire or invested in an idea that brought him a lot of money again, someone received an inheritance, etc.

If you search for one-day millionaires, you can really find a lot of them; of course, they ended their lives stupidly, as always (they got drunk, lost money, went broke, etc.).

But what should those who are not so lucky in life do? In my opinion, first of all, you need to develop a plan with points to follow.

Here's what might be included:

  • set a clear and understandable goal for implementation;
  • take responsibility for assigned tasks;
  • accept and deal with failures, never give up;
  • learn to distribute the right priorities;
  • allocate time and draw up a preliminary action plan;
  • handle criticism and disappointments calmly.

The most important thing to understand is that you can’t make money by working for someone else. big money, they simply won’t let you do this, you need to start something or plan your own. On this moment there are great prospects, the main thing is the desire and determination to deal with a certain topic.

Why are people interested in the question of how to get rich quickly from scratch?

This question interests many, since there are many examples who started from scratch and achieved high altitudes, first, let’s cite a couple of famous personalities who made such a breakthrough, and then we’ll move on to ways to get rich.

Many people know one catchphrase, which is repeated very often, is “Happiness is not in money,” and my mother likes to add another phrase “but in quantity.”

IN modern world Without money, no one needs you, you will say that this is not true, but in fact, if you think about it, it is so. No money, then go work!

Let's remember the most important innovators of businessmen who were able to earn not only a million, but even a billion.

Steve Jobs is a man who does not have complete higher education created the entire Apple corporation, he assembled his first product with a friend in the garage, the most important thing he had was the idea of ​​​​creating a high-quality product that is not on the market at the moment. At the moment, every fifth person has a product from this company.

Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerburg They came from ordinary middle-working class backgrounds, but in the end they made a breakthrough in technology and created incredible products, without which we cannot imagine our lives.

Arnold Schwarzenegger He did what he loved, bodybuilding, and eventually became famous throughout the world.

There are many such examples and they can be listed for a long time, but we are most interested in how they were able to earn their first million in practical conditions at home.

The most important questions that we ask almost every day are how to get rich without investments, how to get rich on the stock exchange, betting, sales, investments, how to eventually become a financially independent person and enjoy your work.

I already said above that you need to create a plan and understand what you are striving for, but very often we do not understand where to start when it needed to be done.

I would like to offer everyone five tips on where to start first.

The very first thing you need to understand is that you should always invest in yourself first. Our parents help us a lot with this; first they send us to school, where they tell us that we need to study in order to then go to university. After that, they help us in any way possible to enter the university and say again, if you study, you will then need to work and earn a living.

At the moment, it is never too late to start learning; at the moment there is the Internet, which has a lot of educational material and it is practically free.

For example, my brother is now learning programming language himself and English language and he’s not bad at it, so it’s not far off that he’ll get the job and salary he’s aiming for at the moment.
The only conclusion is to invest money in yourself first.

What does this mean, every person knows something best, he has talent for anything and we won’t argue with that. Stop just sitting on social networks and wasting your time on unnecessary things. It's time to take a closer look at yourself and see from the outside what you can do or what you are inclined to do at the moment.
For example, you have good knowledge in mathematics, you can apply it in a certain area and gradually expand your knowledge and skills, gradually such people become good specialists in the IT field and are gradually receiving deserved attention.

Always pay attention to what you can, I can write articles for example and created a blog to write about my passion and show that anyone can start making money with minimum amount, anyone can view the results in the section. Yes, my income is not yet a million, but I am working on it and striving for independence.

Tip #3. Correct time allocation, time management

Distributing time correctly is not as easy as it seems to many; in fact, I myself have not yet learned time management, but in the near future there will be a separate article about this, where I will tell you everything in detail and with examples.

In fact, this is an art that every person should have, but, alas, we do not give it credit of great importance and in the end we practically don’t have time to do anything. The worst thing, as for me, is that they don’t teach us this in school or higher education. educational institutions, but in my opinion this should be included in the general educational program.

Every billionaire, millionaire, executive, has detailed plan action for the whole day, it's very good and good habit which will allow you to save a lot of time during the day.

Tip #4. Increase your level of literacy in the financial world

With this advice I want to say the following, start appreciating the budget that you have, and also start saving money, stop spending on what you don’t need, invest money correctly and start making a profit from it. In the near future I will tell you how to save money and not waste it.

Let’s take my example, I started investing without capital, and now I’m already receiving income and have collected good capital, go to the section and see a real example of earnings. For myself, I chose to invest in PAMM accounts; read where to invest to generate additional income.

Tip #5. Look for and meet successful people, develop your social circle

Everything in this advice is clear and there is no need to describe it, as it seems to me. The more interesting and successful your social circle is, the faster you will understand that you need to change something in your life. By communicating with such a circle of people, they will already tell you how to get rich quickly, where to start, or where to invest money and knowledge.

Let's face it, what kind of social circle we have with you, people like us, with an average salary and minimal living requirements, but our goal is to become successful and financially independent people.

Everyone should have a goal in life and strive for it, this makes us human and opens up our potential.

How to get rich on the Internet?

Many people do not believe that making money on the Internet can become their main income, but this is a fact and this must be understood and accepted! I know many people who have achieved success and earn a good income on the Internet; for them it is a common hobby and at the same time a favorite job that brings in a good income.

In the section I wrote about ways to make a profit, I will gradually cover this topic in more detail and show real examples of making money, but in the meantime you can familiarize yourself with such articles.

If you have any suggestions or comments, write, we will look into them and discuss them in detail.

Conclusion and conclusions

In conclusion, I want to say that in order to get rich from scratch, you need to start investing in yourself first of all, in your education and in your talents. How more knowledge, the greater the prospects open to you and the faster you can earn your first money, both on the Internet and in offline business.

At this stage of my life, I have a goal, I want to become a financially independent person and do what I like and so that this work brought me pleasure and income. My main activity at this stage is making money on the Internet and investing.

Currently I invest in the following companies:

Forex brokers

Forex brokers for trading and investment with returns from 1-10% per month.

Have you ever wanted to get rich quick? This article will help you analyze several safe ways enrichment with minimal risk. In addition, we will tell you about long-term methods that will help you benefit from the amount of money you already have.


Part 1

Fast enrichment methods

    Take part in the state lottery. The lottery is not entirely risky, but a very successful method in the fight for wealth, although the chances of winning are close to zero. But someone has to win. That is why there cannot be a lottery without winning.

    • Each lottery has a different operating principle. Some offer instant wins, while others ask you to guess a combination of winning numbers that will be revealed later. Strike-the-number lotteries give the winner a smaller jackpot than lotteries that require you to guess a combination of numbers.
  1. Try trading in the over-the-counter market. Investments increase the amount of potential income and financial loss by multiplying your initial capital. In fact, transactions on the over-the-counter market are a rather risky way to make money, so it is important to analyze the available information and make a choice where and in what way to invest.

    • Most exchanges limit the amount of initial capital. Transactions in the over-the-counter market, on the other hand, give investors the chance to borrow money as collateral for investment in order to conduct transactions with all available funds.
  2. Play gambling. If you can afford to lose a certain amount of money, gambling will be the most the easy way constant large income. To minimize risk financial losses, play those gambling games in which winnings depend not only on chance, for example, a casino. There is also the option to place bets on betting and horse racing. You have the opportunity to obtain basic information and determine the approximate result of the competition.

    Resell houses. Home flipping involves the process of buying a home at a low price, renovating it, and selling it immediately. You profit from repair work. The most important thing in this matter is speed. Most investors try to renovate and list their home for sale within six months. The only problem with this scheme is that you must have starting capital.

    • Ideally, investors should buy run-down houses in a good area. Thus, they will be able to purchase a house at the minimum price and sell it at the maximum rate.
    • Due to the past foreclosure crisis, demand for home purchases increased in 2013. This is why the real estate market has expanded its activities. Home resale is at its peak right now.
  3. Create a viral video on YouTube. YouTube videos are very easy and cheap to create (most popular videos were made using iPhones). Once your video becomes popular, it can generate income for you. The best way to create a viral video is to provide content that is unique and appealing to your audience.

    • Common themes for viral videos: animals doing interesting and funny things; athletes performing incredible stunts; people saying/doing funny or strange things. The most important thing is to create short video, since long videos will not be able to attract people's attention and will not become popular among a wide audience.

    Part 2

    Easy ways to earn extra money
    1. Recycle scrap metal. If you have unnecessary metal objects that are lying around the house or garage, take it to a scrap metal collection point to get some for it. a small amount. Look for unwanted items made of steel, brass, aluminum and iron.

      • Typically, such items include old car parts, toasters, plumbing fixtures, Christmas lights, tin cans and old musical instruments.
      • Different scrap metal collection points have different prices. Some locations only accept certain metals, so shop around for the best option.
    2. Sell ​​plasma. If you are in good health, you are eligible to donate plasma, the colorless liquid in your blood, and receive additional income. Contact your local donor center or Red Cross.

      • Reimbursement for plasma donation varies by plasma donation center, but typically the price ranges from $20 to $30 per visit. First-time donors may receive additional rewards.
      • Keep in mind that donating plasma takes time. This is especially true for the first visit to the donor center, since you will have to do a complete examination of the body before the procedure.
    3. Donate sperm. Healthy men aged 18-35 years are eligible to donate sperm. This method can bring in up to $1,000 per month.

      • Please remember that sperm donation is purely an elective procedure. Be prepared for questions and thorough examinations. Some sperm banks select candidates based on height, hair color, eye color, ethnicity and certain medical conditions.
    4. Do chores around the house. Babysitting, walking the dog, and cleaning the house are great ways to make money the shortest possible time. Qualified nannies are in greatest demand. Contact friends, family and neighbors to see if they need the services listed above.

    5. Donate things you don't use. If you've recently bought things you don't need and they're in good condition, return them to the store where you purchased them. This great way permanent income.

      • Please note that each store has its own return policy. You may have to return items with price tags and/or a receipt. Some stores offer credit but not cash.
    6. Resell tickets. The resale process involves purchasing concert tickets or sport's event and their resale at an inflated price. This way you can make a profit. You must be careful. Selling tickets at a nominal price is considered an acceptable activity, but scalping is illegal in some states. Make sure your state is doing well.

      • Ticket resale only works for events for which all tickets have been sold. Otherwise, you will have to sell the ticket at a nominal or reduced price.

Sooner or later, many begin to think about how to get rich from scratch in Russia. Everyone needs a financially secure life, but not everyone knows how to get there. Especially in the case when there is no money to start.

But before you do anything, you need to know what you want to achieve, whether you are ready for difficulties, new knowledge, diligence and losses.

First steps

Before asking yourself how to get rich from scratch in Russia, you should ask yourself other questions. What do I want from life? How to achieve this? What do I like to do and what am I best at? As you know, it is better to make money in a business that you are passionate about.

It is worth developing an action plan in order to move towards the fulfillment of your desires with confident steps. After all, our brain must know why we need to do this or that action, what it will lead to. Otherwise, you will not have the motivation, drive and understanding of what to do.

It is also worth working on your daily routine. You must be productive, take new steps every day to achieve material well-being.

Why do you need big money?

Motivation plays the biggest role in achieving success. You must really want to be rich, love money, be able to increase it, and not engage in consumption and spend it thoughtlessly.

There are plenty of examples of how to quickly get rich from scratch in Russia, but they do not mean millionaire status for the rest of your life. There are people who had the chance to change everything when they won the lottery, received an inheritance or found a treasure. But many of them returned to their previous material well-being in a short period of time. And all because they did not know how to use money. They simply spent it. They had a poor man's mentality. And, most likely, they did not have big goals in life for which they needed to earn money and increase their income.

So think about your priorities, desires, goals and motivations. They play a key role. Remember that acting is not enough, you need to think a lot, develop strategies, plans. Your goals should be worthy and push you to take action, make decisions, and reach new heights. They should inspire you, get you up early in the morning and give you high spirits.

A clear action plan

If you have decided on your desires and goals and are convinced that you really want to be financially secure and rich, then you have to do something fundamental. It is necessary to develop a clear, detailed plan for upcoming actions. Every step should be thought out and lead you to achieve your goals.

It is necessary to plan the things to be done, the daily routine that will contribute to the ability to do everything, costs and income. You need to act according to a prepared system, so the results will appear much faster.

You don't know what to do to make decent money

It often happens that people don’t even have an idea of ​​how to quickly get rich from scratch in Russia. There are different methods nowadays. And to follow them, you don’t even need large funds to start.

We noted that it is best to try to make money on what you are passionate about. But if you don’t know what to do, you have no interests, but just a desire to be financially secure, then you should find out how others make money and try to follow their path.

Examples of successful people who started from scratch: Internet projects

Our topic is dedicated to how to get rich from scratch in Russia, and not in another country. Therefore, our compatriots will be examples.

In Russia, Internet projects are developing rapidly. But it is worth admitting that many ideas are borrowed from foreign geniuses. The project is no exception, but is an excellent example of how you can get rich from scratch in Russia. Its founder launched this site in 2006 and initially treated it as a hobby.

However, his hobby grew into a large social network, which made its creator one of

Pavel Durov, one of the founders of the VKontakte website, is another example of how to get rich from scratch in Russia. His project also started in 2006 and became the most popular social network in RuNet. Together with his team, he managed to notice in time a great chance to be realized through the creation social network and choose this direction, which made him a billionaire.

As you know, Pavel Durov moved away from this project. However, this does not stop him. He created another one - the Telegram messenger, which is also gaining momentum, although such services already exist. Take Viber, for example.

To earn big money and have a successful business, you don’t have to come up with brilliant ideas. It’s enough to look around and notice what is emerging and in demand abroad. After all, it is there that, as a rule, progressive ideas worth a million are born.

How to get rich from scratch: powerful ways to get rich

As already noted, sometimes it’s worth looking around, studying other people’s successful experiences in order to create your own project and make money from it. Therefore, here are a few more ways to become rich.

Trade. It would seem that there is something unusual about it. What if your product is unique, and in addition to it you also offer the same unique services? This is exactly the path that the well-known woman who became a millionaire took. It sells GPS navigators for agricultural machinery.

Thanks to her perseverance, she surpassed the performance of the company for which she worked before creating a similar project. And the push to own business the salary she received became undeservedly small.

“Life Button” is Dmitry Yurchenko’s project, which made him successful and rich. This product is a medical alarm with a call for help. If its owner becomes ill, he can easily report it. By pressing a button or when a fall occurs, a signal is sent to the call center.

Workers call an ambulance, give advice, call neighbors. This device is in demand among those who are worried about their loved ones who remain at home unattended. It is unique, useful and socially oriented. It also made Dmitry Yurchenko a dollar millionaire.

How to get rich quickly from scratch: the secrets of Oleg Tinkov

In fact, there is no secret. Oleg Tinkov started small - resale of various goods. He bought and sold a wide variety of products: cosmetics, alcohol, electronics and equipment. Initially, he walked around with a small amount of goods and offered them, or buyers themselves came to him. Later he opened the TechnoShock and MusicShock chain of stores. When he got bored with this business, he sold it.

Oleg Tinkov started the dumpling business. He managed to successfully develop it and sell it to Abramovich for tens of millions of dollars. His next projects are a brewing company and a restaurant chain. Now such an enterprising businessman is known as the owner of the Tinkoff Credit Systems bank. He is an example of how to gradually but surely increase your income, starting with a small business.

How to get rich from scratch without leaving home

Thanks to the Internet, you can build your business anywhere and even decide how to get rich from scratch at home, that is, where it is so cozy and warm, where loved ones are always nearby. There are a lot of reviews about this from homebodies. AND best ways for those who want to run their own business in comfortable conditions, the following:

  • your online store;
  • infotainment website, blog, channel;
  • provision of services (manicure, pedicure, massage, hairdressing services, stylist services, repair and maintenance of equipment, sewing, hand-made).

It is also possible to make money from programming, copywriting, design (as a freelancer), however, in order to solve the question of how to quickly get rich from scratch in Russia, these are not the best ways.

Still, it’s worth working for yourself. When you're an employee, you get a fixed salary, which is unlikely to make you richer.


If you have a desire to become rich and you want to fulfill it, then you will have to work hard. Only a few become millionaires without any effort. These are heirs, lottery winners and other lucky ones. But you shouldn't envy them. Only a few of them know how to manage money. Most of them will waste it thoughtlessly. Only a few will be able to increase them and remain financially prosperous for the rest of their lives.

If you want to be rich, work hard! First mentally. Decide what you want from life, draw up a plan for your actions, work without feeling sorry for yourself or backing away. Study successful startups, the principles and thinking of the rich, and their biographies. Start thinking differently, living at a different pace, don’t be lazy, open up new horizons. If you have an idea to invent something that doesn’t exist yet, that could become useful and in demand, invent and patent your brainchild. It can make you rich.

Remember, motivation is essential for development. Therefore, dream, wish, be inspired, please yourself with your achievements and in no case think that you cannot become rich without having anything. You can always start small or you can attract investors. Everything is in your hands - act!