The Third is brewing World War? Ordinary citizens are increasingly concerned about the development of political relations between countries. Conflict situations, thoughtful steps in foreign policy may lead to an escalation of the situation.

As a result, many are wondering whether there will be war in 2018 and how this could affect the situation in Russia. Despite the fact that the opinions of Russian and international experts differ, it is extremely important to carefully prepare for different options development of the situation.

Main factors of instability in the world

The risk of conflict will persist as long as America remains the hegemon of global geopolitics, exerting a serious influence on the economy of each country. Only the strengthening of Russia and China will help change the balance of power, due to which the Third World War will no longer be beneficial for anyone.

The opinion of international experts about whether there will be a war in Russia in 2018 or not is based on geopolitics and economics, and the leadership of countries. The situation in Russia must be taken into account, because it also determines the features of the development of world politics.

Are there preconditions for war in Russia?

The main prerequisites for development conflict situation The situation in the world is becoming unstable and precarious. It is for this reason that the years 2018-2020 should be decisive. In addition, much will depend on the strategy and policy in Russia, the USA, and China, because these countries are among the most significant.

Experts note that the cause of the global conflict may be technological clashes and the desire for leadership.

The ideal option for preventing the outbreak of the Third World War is the creation of an alliance between and Russia. This is what will change the position of the United States on the world stage, making international armed conflicts no longer possible. However, China and Russia may still quarrel with each other, as a result of which the risks of a conflict between the three large states will only increase.

And yet, will there be a war in Russia in 2018? Politicians and public figures note that Russia has every chance to prevent participation in an armed conflict. This is due to the fact that Vladimir Putin always tries to find a way out of even the most difficult situations through peaceful methods.

Russia is not interested in aggravating relations with other countries, but is trying to maintain its position in the world market. For this reason, if necessary Russian authorities will be able to prepare economically and militarily for further participation in the conflict and become winners.

The Russian authorities and President Vladimir Putin strive for a peaceful policy, but at the same time they are strengthening their military potential, preparing their military personnel for a global conflict, as a result of which the Russian Federation can be in an advantageous position with any changes in world politics.

How high are the risks of war?

Some ordinary residents of the country are confident that there will still be a war in Russia in 2018. However, politicians are confident that Russia will not fight with European Union, China, USA or Ukraine. In addition, a war on EU territory between the United States and the Russian Federation also turns out to be doubtful. The main aspects of Russian policy should be taken into account.

Concerns may stem from the deployment of American troops in Europe. At the same time, Russia is ready to respond. It should be understood that Russia is not going to attack and is only ready for certain retaliatory actions. At the same time, the response actions will not be formidable or massive.

Tensions could increase if European countries continue to support the United States, impose sanctions against Russia and agree to the stationing of dangerous weapons on their territory. For this reason European politicians should strive to reduce the tension in relations between Russia and America.

The above aspects of Russian policy make it clear that the risks of war will be minimal.

Predictions of great prophets and famous clairvoyants

It is not surprising that the opinions of Russian and international experts are considered very important, because they allow a better understanding of the situation in the country. At the same time, the predictions of the great prophets also deserve attention.

A German fortuneteller and Mühlhiazl from Bavaria, who lived in the 18th century, predicted the Third World War in 2017-2021. In this case, the global conflict should begin in the East, after which it will end in the West. The conflict will be short-lived and large-scale.

Vanga predicted serious trials for people due to their character flaws. Moreover, wars will affect numerous states. The war must begin in the East.

Michel Nostradamus predicts serious problems for residents of Europe. However, peace will still come after a military conflict.

Matrona of Moscow was sure that after 2018 there would come a turning point that would destroy hope for happiness.
So, many clairvoyants are sure that people will face serious trials.

It is not surprising that the question of whether there will be war in Russia and the world in 2018 or not, what the future will be like, is of interest to many people. The opinions of international experts and the predictions of clairvoyants lead to anxiety, but people still hope for a peaceful future.

Many Russian media full of headlines “Will there be war in Russia in 2018?” Unfortunately, this topic is so relevant that it causes serious concern among millions of our compatriots. From the mouth high-ranking officials In the West, one can increasingly hear quite aggressive military rhetoric. And these are not just words: NATO has already begun to deploy its bases and weapons in countries neighboring Russia. This state of affairs not only poses a threat to the Russian Federation, but can also provoke the outbreak of the Third World War.


Expert opinion

According to some reputable political scientists, the most difficult period for Russia will be the period from 2018 to 2020. This is explained by the fact that the leading economies of the world, namely the American and Chinese, will experience another technological revolution. Industrial growth will force Chinese and Western governments to look for new sources of industrial raw materials and markets. Competing parties will begin a fierce struggle over the distribution of capital, which will inevitably cause conflicts that could well result in a full-scale war.
The danger of such an outcome will persist as long as the United States maintains its claim to world hegemony. The strengthening of the positions of Russia and China in the international arena will change the balance of power in a certain way, but against this background there may arise new danger– the confrontation between the Kremlin and the Celestial Empire, however, it is too early to talk about this.

Conflict in Ukraine and the Middle East

Today, the most likely flashpoint for World War III is Iraq and Syria, where for several years the United States continues to fuel armed confrontation between the legal government and opposition forces, destabilizing the situation throughout the Middle East region. A striking example of this is Iran and Syria. In addition, Washington does not abandon the active use of “color revolution” technology, which led to civil war in Donbass and, as a result, a significant deterioration in relations between Russia and Ukraine. The first signs of destabilization are already observed today in Belarus and Kazakhstan. We should not exclude the possibility that the conflict could flare up on the territory of Russia itself - in Tatarstan or Chechnya. The US remains in the zone of influence Latin America, where the Washington administration is trying with all its might to assert its total hegemony.

Harbingers of the start of World War III

Leading political scientists and analysts agree that all world wars were preceded by certain factors, which include:

  1. deterioration or complete cessation of diplomatic cooperation between previously friendly countries;
  2. severance of international economic, scientific and cultural ties;
  3. growing conflicts in civil society related to the geopolitical situation in the world.

Is war with Russia inevitable?

Returning to the opinion of leading domestic experts, we can emphasize their confidence that anti-Russian rhetoric American politicians is nothing more than the ideological basis of the Third World War. According to analysts, the conflict is necessary for the United States in order to maintain its world primacy and prevent such internal processes as:

  • reduction of budget expenditures;
  • decline in living standards;
  • depreciation of the dollar.

Many internal problems and a crisis in foreign policy provoke aggression of the American leadership towards a number of Middle Eastern and Eurasian states. All this is fully confirmed by the political strategy of the new US President Donald Trump. His numerous statements that it is necessary to speak with the governments of China, Syria and Russia exclusively from a position of strength indicate his future intentions very clearly.

According to the statements of the famous military expert Valentin Vasilescu, the United States cannot afford to change its previous geopolitical course, as this could threaten the loss of its dominant status in the world. After the failed plan to weaken Russia through the conflict in Donbass and economic sanctions, Washington will try to heat up the Kremlin’s relations with the Baltic and Scandinavian countries. To this end, hysteria continues to be whipped up today over the alleged “Russian aggression” towards Latvia, Norway, Finland, Sweden and Denmark. Alarm signals about possible conflict Moscow with states Northern Europe were observed at the last meeting of delegations of the Scandinavian countries, at which their heads declared our country a “threat” to the preservation of peace and stability on the European continent.

The listed factors indicate that Russia’s diplomatic relations with America and the countries of the European Union remain extremely tense.

Today, psychics from around the world share their forecasts about the future of Russia, however, the most detailed vision of upcoming events belongs to the famous Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga. The famous soothsayer said that a world war would begin in the Middle East, as a result of which a significant part of the world's population would die. However, Vanga predicted a not so sad fate for Russia. Russia will be able to survive the global confrontation, after which it will experience rapid economic growth and leadership on the world stage.

In our turbulent times, when loud statements appear every day powerful of the world This is about building up military potential, tension with neighboring countries, when crises, terrorist attacks, local conflicts have already become almost the norm, people ask themselves the question: will there be a full-scale third world war?

Now truth is mixed with fiction, good with evil, science with metaphysics. This has led to the fact that even skeptics-atheists begin to listen, although not always openly, to various prophecies.

Here we would like to structure existing predictions, opinions, forecasts on the topic of the third world war. And then invite readers to draw their own conclusions.

World behind the scenes

Millionaire, unofficial sponsor of “color revolutions”, a man with the cunning and intelligence of the devil himself, George Soros, who, thanks to his intuition, made a fortune through speculation on the stock exchanges, reported on the inevitability of revenge between East and West.

He means China along with “its secret and obvious ally - Russia” and Japan with South Korea– US allies, as well as all NATO countries.

“Then the world will stand on the threshold of a new nuclear war» .

Moreover, he is confident that victory will be China’s. Therefore, at a meeting of the World Bank, he recommended "make concessions to the Chinese government", “allow the yuan to become a global currency.”

By the way, the main office of the Rothschild family fund (which has long had a reputation as a lender to various obscure schemes, people in different countries, enterprises) for the first time was actually moved to another part of the world - namely from New York to Hong Kong. The gold and foreign exchange reserves and documents also moved with him. Isn't this an indirect indication of the future winner?

Mystics, prophets, clairvoyants

The question of whether a nuclear war will be worth asking those people (living or long dead) who have already proven the accuracy of their predictions in other things. For example, Aloys Irlmayer.

He made them in 1953, during the era of the decline of destroyed Germany. And how surprised were his contemporaries at his stories about his homeland, which had become rich and attractive to emigrants. As well as “It will be very warm in the world” - a hint of global warming? “People from the Balkans, Africa and the East” will come to Germany – current migrants.

He also reported that the popular German currency would depreciate sharply.

After "the Bear will invade and yellow dragon to fight Eagle from the west. The explosion will destroy Prague. After this, the rulers will finally sit down at the negotiating table.”

Aloisa Irlmayer

It is curious that the destruction of Prague by the “climate gun,” which no one even knew about in those days (1980s), was also mentioned by another clairvoyant - American Veronica Luken.

She spoke about the war between the USA and Russia (and this was in the era of disarmament, the idea of ​​brotherhood, Nobel Prize Peace to Gorbachev and other hopes for peaceful coexistence.

Luken urged not to believe this.

After the end of World War 3, people will abandon technology and licensed weapons and “begin to live a spiritual life, working with a plow on the earth.”

Veronica Luken

It is quite possible that after the nuclear winter there will be no other way out...

The earliest prophet with reliable predictions, Ursula Shipton, who lived at the beginning of the 16th century, who predicted the plague and the Spanish attack on England, said this about the 21st century:

They will attack yellow people with the strength of a bear. All because of the envy of the northern countries. The war will go from east to west. Few will survive.

The latest news about World War 3, scheduled for 2018, is full of variety. People expecting the next end of the world to come through the use of weapons mass destruction, cite psychic prophecies and examples from history to prove their beliefs. In turn, political scientists and military experts give possible forecasts of the results of the war based on the current situation in the world.

Causes of World War III

The current political situation in the world can hardly be called stable. Events in Iraq, Syria and Ukraine, regular terrorist attacks remain alarming bells for people about impending trouble.

Diplomatic conflicts between the US Russian Federation and the European Union also inspire suspicions about a possible war on a global scale. Against this background, it is also worth taking into account the low-intensity conflicts involving other countries, the rise of China and North Korea.

The only thing is that practically nothing is known about what is happening in Australia. Taking into account all the features of the current geopolitical situation, a list of the most likely reasons has been created due to which last news 2018 may be replenished with records about the beginning of World War 3:

  1. Conflict between the USA and Russia. This is the most likely reason for the outbreak of military operations on a global scale. The history of the confrontation between the two superpowers has been going on for decades. At the same time, the United States more often acts as an aggressor, wanting to weaken the enemy and gain resources at its disposal Russian state. After the “change of citizenship” of Crimea, the situation became even more tense, and ongoing sanctions are only making things worse. This is why many people expect the conflict to escalate into a full-scale war in the near future.
  2. Strengthening China. PRC on this moment can safely be called a world leader in many areas. This country is ahead of the planet in technical and economic development. It is there that the lion's share of consumer goods is produced. And the population in the territories of the communist republic is already crowded. Subsequently, this may encourage party leaders to seize new territories and establish world domination.
  3. Masons. One version of the global conspiracy theory claims that a secret Masonic organization wants to reduce the planet's population to 1 billion, nicknamed "golden". It’s easier to rule this way, and there’s less damage to the planet from humanity. World War 3 is the easiest way to cleanse the Earth of “extra” people. Fans of this theory argue only about what kind of weapon will be used: nuclear, chemical or bacteriological.
  4. Terrorists. The main danger of global terrorist organizations is not even explosions and hijackings of planes to attack skyscrapers. With proper skill, representatives of underground military formations can conduct operations of a different scale. For example, if they get their hands on more than powerful weapon. And a few targeted attacks, such as the poisoning of Skripal, could escalate the situation in the world to such an extent that it would provoke a new war.
  5. Natural disasters. Human activity has already led to climate change and the melting of Arctic glaciers. The directions of major ocean currents. This turns heavenly places into regions unsuitable for normal existence. But the most dangerous thing is volcanoes. For example, if Yellowstone, which awakens in the United States, erupts, the country will cease to exist. The resettlement of survivors could provoke World War 3 in 2018, when the latest news will be full of reports about a new catastrophe.

There may also be other reasons that will drag the whole world into bloody battles. But no one can say for sure whether this will happen. Experts also have difficulty predicting possible scenarios development of the conflict. But basically two options prevail.

On the one hand, people are afraid of repeating the history of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on a global scale. The use of nuclear or bacteriological weapons can lead to the extinction of humanity.

Heads of state also understand this. Therefore, it is assumed that World War 3 will be a war of technology and small elite formations without global destruction.

Why 2018

Linking a new great war for a particular year is largely based on events that occur with the participation of Russia. Famous prophets and military experts had a hand in this, deciding to think out loud about a possible repeat of the events of 1939:

  1. Prophets. Vanga predicted World War 3 more accurately than others. She argues that a planetary confrontation between great powers will grow from a conflict in a small Asian country (presumably Syria). Nostradamus tied the start of the war to the coming of the Antichrist. Pavel Globa limited himself to warning that a catastrophe can be avoided if one does not fight on Iranian territory.
  2. Military analysts. According to experts, the United States still maintains military superiority on all fronts. But rearmament should end by 2018 Russian army. Even now, the blitzkrieg to capture Moscow, previously undertaken by Hitler, is considered almost impossible to be carried out by the combined forces of NATO. According to experts, losses in the first day alone will exceed 70% of all attacking military units. After 2018, the combat potential of the Russian army will become an order of magnitude higher, which will make war impossible.

There are no other reasons to look for the latest news in 2018 about the beginning of World War 3.

Why won't war come?

No one can accurately predict the start date of World War III. Moreover, there are a number of experts who claim that it is impossible. This opinion is based solely on knowledge of the internal political and economic “cuisine” of possible parties to the world conflict:

  1. Russia. After Putin's re-election, the country's course is unlikely to change. At the moment, the head of state is focused on solving internal problems. First of all, the country’s policy is aimed at overcoming the crisis and reducing dependence on other states. It is not profitable for Russia to start a war now.
  2. China. The communist state has not yet reached the desired level of development and clear superiority over other countries. Therefore, it is too early for the Chinese to start a military confrontation with the world. It is also worth considering that it is now easier for this country to achieve its political goals with the help of economic threats.
  3. USA. A number of events in recent years have weakened the country both economically and politically. On the one side, big war would help solve these problems. But Trump, following Putin’s example, turned his attention mainly to solving internal problems.
  4. EU. Europe at the moment is a seething cauldron, far from the unity it promotes. Each country is trying to solve the backlog last years problems and is more worried about gas supplies than about the beginning of World War 3. It is also worth considering that the overall military potential of Europe is small and is usually practically not taken into account when forecasting for full-scale conflicts.

The world community has now turned to solving pressing internal problems. And it is not profitable for states to solve political goals military force. Therefore, it is too early to stock up on canned food and dig bomb shelters.

Reading time ≈ 6 minutes

The media are devoting more and more news to the possibility of the outbreak of World War 3 in 2018. The latest news is devoted to the buildup of North Korea's nuclear power, the conflict in Syria between the United States, Russia, Iran and Israel. The hysteria is fueled by the media. For example, journalists from the state TV channel Rossiya 24 have compiled a list of products that will need to be taken with them to a bomb shelter if the Third World War breaks out.


The conflict on the Korean Peninsula began in the middle of the last century, when the DPRK invaded South Korea and the United States intervened to ensure its defense. Over the next few years, the United States garrisoned South Korea, imported nuclear weapons, and conducted military exercises with it. Over time, the DPRK developed its own nuclear program and began working on its implementation.

The main goals of this program:

  • strengthen the country's position in the international arena;
  • by sending missiles towards the United States and other possible adversaries, to deter them from invading their territory.

The situation on the Korean peninsula escalated in 2017, when the DPRK carried out several missile and nuclear tests. The UN Security Council imposed tough sanctions against Pyongyang in response. North Korea's main adversaries, America and the Republic of Korea, have expressed a desire to increase pressure on the country.

Russia and China, in turn, are more inclined toward a peaceful, step-by-step process that would include North Korea refusing new tests and suspending U.S. and allied military exercises in the region.

Today it is possible to talk about some detente of the situation and a warming in relations between the DPRK and South Korea and the United States. This is supported by North Korea's participation in Olympic Games. A meeting is planned at the end of April top level with the President of the Republic of Korea Moon Jae-in, and then the leader of the United States, Donald Trump. This meeting is written about in the latest news.

Probably, World War 3 in 2018, even if it happens, will not be unleashed on the Korean Peninsula.

The DPRK and the USA could start a war

Israel and Iran

As another potential reason for the outbreak of World War 3 in 2018, recent news points to the conflict between Iran and Israel. The latter considers Iran's nuclear program a threat to its security. Israel's traditional ally is the United States, Iran's is Russia.

So far, things have not come to an open confrontation, except for recent exchanges of “courtesy”:

  • the Israeli army shot down an Iranian drone in territory bordering Syria;
  • Israel hits Syrian base;
  • Syria shot down an Israeli F-16.

However, Israel is actively developing air defense missile defense systems of various ranges. Iran, on the other hand, is increasing its defensive potential year after year, and is likely producing and stockpiling chemical and biological weapons. In 2015, the so-called Iran agreement was concluded, prohibiting the country from conducting activities that could be considered military. The document is also aimed at reducing the country's nuclear complex, stopping its financing and reducing stockpiles of nuclear materials.

However, Tehran is probably still secretly working on creating nuclear weapons, thereby increasing tension in the region.

Israel and Iran are currently on the brink of war

Conflict in Syria

Before the world could exhale about the easing of tension on the Korean Peninsula, another crisis erupted in Syria. On April 11, 2018, American leader Donald Trump said on Twitter that the United States would begin bombing Syria in response to the use of chemical weapons in the city of Duma, which was controlled by the rebels that day.

It is unknown whether a chemical attack actually took place or not. Some media claim that 70 people died, others – 100, and still others, including the Syrian government, say that there were no casualties and that there was no chemical attack at all.

The fact remains that White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said that “Trump blames Syria and Russia for this attack.” The US President threatened to start a bombing campaign, and Russia, in turn, promised to shoot down absolutely all missiles that were launched into the territory of the Middle Eastern country. Meanwhile, Syrian troops seized Douma, saying they did so largely thanks to Russian military police.

However, by the end of the day, Trump changed his rhetoric and, in the same tweet, proposed stopping the arms race and working on restoring the Russian economy, which had suffered from sanctions imposed earlier by the United States. By the way, America can also provide assistance in economic recovery.

Syria could cause war between Russia and the United States

TO military operation America is likely to be joined by other countries, in particular France and the UK. British Prime Minister Theresa May has demanded more evidence of a chemical attack before her country joins a possible military strike. However, she has already given the order to send a submarine fleet to the shores of Syria. A likely strike on the country could be delivered from a military base located on the territory of Cyprus.

French President Emmanuel Macron also announced his readiness to participate in the operation, but only on the condition that the strike would be carried out on those Assad facilities that are associated with chemical weapons.

According to experts, if the United States or any other country strikes Syria, this could be equated to a declaration of war on Russia, since there is a peace treaty between these two countries. The regional conflict could escalate into an open confrontation between Moscow and Washington, in which, however, neither side is interested.

Perhaps this happened due to the attacks that he plans to carry out international coalition led by America.

Naval base in Tartus

Economic confrontation

Increasing military tension around military conflicts relegates economic confrontation to the background. However, we should not forget about the following economic threats:

  1. Confrontation between China and the USA. At the very beginning of April, America published a list of thousands of goods produced in the Middle Kingdom against which duties could be imposed. The reason was a violation of intellectual rights to goods from the United States. The main reason may be the Americans' attempt to overcome the trade deficit with China, which could lose up to $50 billion every year if tariffs are introduced.
  2. Another April confrontation that could cause a big blow to the economy was the imposition of US sanctions against Russian businessmen and some companies. What answer Russia will give is still unknown. The US Treasury Department announced a few days ago that it would introduce a ban on working with Russian government debt. However, the introduction of sanctions has already collapsed the shares of the largest companies and the ruble. The implementation of many projects with EU countries is under threat.

Military, economic global confrontation, open demonstration of military power, international blackmail - this is what they are afraid of ordinary people last news.

The Third World War in 2018 in their minds can become a reality from some ephemeral image. One wrong step or carelessly thrown word can lead to it. Never before in the 21st century have countries come so close to the possibility of starting a nuclear war. We can only hope that reason will prevail and people will be able to maintain peace.