Yacheslav Maltsev recognized the revolution in Russia on the 5th leaf fall of 2017

Vyacheslav Maltsev appointed a revolution in Russia on November 5, 2017

ვიაჩესლავ Maltsev დანიშნა რევოლუცია რუსეთში,5 ერს, 2017

November 5, 2017

Maltsev یک انقلاب در روسیه در نوامبر 5، 2017 منصوب



ויאצ"סלב Maltsev מינה המהפכה ברוסיה ב -5 November, 2017

Vyacheslav Maltsev 5 November, 2017

Vyacheslav Maltsev esimisiwe revolution eRussia ngoNovemba 5, 2017

Vyacheslav Maltsev, 2017 5 Kasım Rusya"da bir devrim atandı

The Russian opposition has a new popular leader, his name is Vyacheslav Maltsev

Opinions have already been expressed more than once about the incapacity of the Russian opposition, or more precisely of that peculiar environment that is generally considered to be the opposition. Why peculiar? Because using methods like those of Alexei Navalny or Mikhail Khodorkovsky, you can fight for coming to power in neighboring Finland, but not in Red Square. However, none of the liberal democratic leaders promoted in the media are going to Red Square. They believe that the Putin regime (“Rashism”) will collapse on its own under the influence of their foreign partners, reports UKROP.org .

All that remains is to “wait,” as Stanislav Belkovsky, a consultant to extra-Kremlin liberals (there are also Kremlin liberals, the same Medvedev government, for example), strongly recommends. Although even he, with all his intelligence, recommends to Khodorkovsky in exceptional cases "take by the throat" Putin, his family and inner circle.

Of the unpromoted, the conqueror stands apart YouTube‘ah, where he hosts his own online talk show every day from 21.00 to 22.00, political commentator Vyacheslav Maltsev. With the classic appearance of a Russian merchant from the Volga, he “with feeling, sensibly, with insight” discusses domestic and global - and after the Russian Federation started a war with Ukraine, this is almost the same thing - topics, and also answers questions from TV viewers.

How much of the audience is already “hooked” on Maltsev can be judged by the views of his broadcasts - 60-110 thousand.

They go to Maltsev, they listen to Maltsev.

If there is any specificity in his views? Undoubtedly.

Firstly, the date of the new Russian revolution is November 5, 2017, i.e. exactly one hundred years after that most fateful event for this part of the world, which now for some has already become the “Bolshevik revolution”, and for others still warms the soul with the wording “the great October socialist revolution”.

Secondly, during the announced revolution, Malev promises the inevitable nationalization of strategic enterprises and mineral resources, as well as death penalties and prison sentences for top corrupt officials.

Maltsev reassures those who do not agree with this scenario: well, start, “we will join you.”

After 05.11.2017 Russian state will again become peaceful and prosperous, says Maltsev.

Thirdly, he calls himself and his supporters “Russian national democrats”, “enemies of Putin” (he is first on his conditional hit list) and “friends of Ukraine”.

…What is this? A satirical freak show with minimal investment, designed for exactly the same infomaniacs, only on the other side of the monitor? Or is it something more, one of the symptoms of changes coming in the kingdom of eternal Pu?

Maltsev’s opponents draw attention to the important fact that this political humorist, political prophet or, let’s say, political... columnist-inciter “moved in” on YouTube almost simultaneously with the appointment of Vyacheslav Volodin as the first deputy head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation, with whom they have long been know each other very well, which Maltsev himself does not hide, but at the same time he adds the detail that they are located different sides barricades

But who is leading whom here? Is Maltsev “broadcasting” on Volodin’s command, or, conversely, Volodin now sits every day from 21.00 to 22.00 and listens to Maltsev “scold” his policies.

Two Russians - three marches

The Ministry of Internal Affairs reported more than three hundred people were detained for “attempting to organize mass riots,” and about 100 more people were arrested on the eve of X-Day, which nationalist blogger Vyacheslav Maltsev appointed on November 5. However, as it turned out, some remained free. I spoke with one of Maltsev’s active supporters.

Since 2013, in almost all episodes of his video blog “Artpodgotovka,” Maltsev has stated that the revolution in Russia will happen on November 5, 2017, because this is “the deadline for everything to ripen.” As a result, Maltsev himself was accused of extremism in Russia, and he was forced to go abroad. But even from France, Maltsev called on his supporters to go to city centers on this day.

In his rhetoric, Maltsev exploited the nationalist idea and called himself a national democrat, but, according to real participants in the nationalist movement, his attitude towards them was very conditional. According to one of the nationalist leaders, who is now also in political exile, Yuri Gorsky, Maltsev is rather a Marxist-Leninist. According to Gorsky, he supported Maltsev’s idea when it was presented in a completely different form. The point was that Maltsev, having been elected to parliament, would impeach the current president on November 5th.

However, when Gorsky stood up with a single picket calling for impeachment on the dates indicated by Maltsev near the State Duma building, the author of the idea was indignant - apparently, even then he understood that he would not get into the State Duma.

By the way, one of the versions of Maltsev’s failed revolution is that he was initially a provocateur acting in the interests of the special services. The logic of supporters of this version is clear: nationalists are one of the most radical members of the opposition movement, and if they are identified and neutralized, the protest will become much more harmless. This is exactly what, according to supporters of the “conspiracy theory,” Maltsev and his supposed curators in the authorities were counting on. On the eve of the “Russian March” a number of supporters of the nationalist turn Russian politics was detained. According to Gorsky, some of them have nothing to do with Maltsev.

“Dmitry Shakin, Anton Smirnov, Alexander Gruzinov and Valentin Alekseev are all prominent members of the nationalist movement,” he says. “And “thanks to” Maltsev, they can be prosecuted not just for extremism, but for forming a terrorist group.”

When asked about Maltsev’s connection with the FSB, Gorsky replied that he was not ready to throw such accusations, in addition, he personally “does not have informants from the authorities who could confirm such guesses.” He called Maltsev a “number worshiper” who decided to make a “pajama revolution.” In many ways, Gorsky is right: tens of thousands of people subscribed to the nationalist video blogger’s channel, and only a few hundred came to Manezhnaya on November 5th.

I managed to contact one of the participants in the “Maltsev revolution”; he miraculously escaped arrest and was very angry with his “leader”.

- Why are you free now?

I myself don’t believe in my “happiness”. The fact is that I participated in this story together with my close friend. I came to his house, and we accessed the Internet from one device, it was a tablet with Telegram loaded on it. We planned to destroy our device if this whole story escalated.

- And what happened in the end?

Yes, they told me about the details of the interrogation, in general, apparently, they “fired” all the correspondence, but did not know that two people participated in it.

- What exactly were you preparing?

Specifically, we were going to blow up the building of the Central Election Commission. This was supposed to happen on the night of November 4-5. Besides the two of us, about a dozen people should have approached the Central Election Commission.

- What were you trying to achieve?

We were sure that he had not 500 supporters, but at least 50 thousand, we told him (Maltsev. - A.R.) believed. I'm 22 years old, my colleague is 21, we want the 90s to come back. Then people had a choice.

- Maltsev positions himself as a nationalist, and you are nationalists?

Ha, are you kidding? My mother is Kazakh, my father is Jewish. We are for it new life. We looked at Maltsev and his pens as a means to implement our plans.

- There are civilized ways of protest...

I’ll tell you a secret: everyone who was in our movement supported Navalny. Consider, Navalny is Lenin, and Maltsev is Trotsky.

- What are you going to do now?

I'll go to my grandmother in Riga. It's scary to stay here.

Still from video

Detentions of activists of the Artpodgotovka movement banned in Russia took place this weekend throughout the country. As the FSB of the Russian Federation reported, counterintelligence officers, in cooperation with the police, stopped the activities of cells in Krasnoyarsk, Krasnodar, Kazan, Samara and Saratov.

In Moscow and the region, the first blow to activists was dealt by operatives of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, who, on the eve of the holidays, detained movement participants who were preparing to organize high-profile extremist actions on November 4–5. According to the department, members of an organization banned in Russia planned attacks on police officers and arson of administrative buildings in order to provoke mass unrest. “During the events, all members of the cell were detained. 15 Molotov cocktails were seized. The issue of initiating a criminal case against the detainees under Art. 30 and part 2 art. 205 of the Criminal Code of Russia (“Terrorist Act”),” says the FSB website. The department noted that in the interests of the investigation, information about the detained persons is not disclosed.

Already over the weekend, the Moscow police detained those “artillery preparers” who nevertheless decided to go to the protests, and, judging by the seized arsenals, the rallies were planned to be far from peaceful. The capital's headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia said that on November 5, in the central part of the city, police officers together with employees of the National Guard detained 302 people and took them to the duty stations of the departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

“During the inspection, piercing and cutting objects, traumatic weapons, brass knuckles, aerosol cans with irritating gas, flammable liquids, masks, goggles, helmets, other protective equipment, as well as paraphernalia of the Artpodgotovka organization were found on these persons,” the statement said. Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Most arrests were made for disobeying police officers and violating the rules of demonstrations. In addition, 19 people were detained for hooliganism.

Will there be a revolution in '17?


Perhaps no year has been met with such apprehensive curiosity as the next one - 2017. All over the world - because it already becomes clear to the most unobservant and skeptical: we are all on the eve of some gigantic changes. Social, political, climatic, cosmic - whatever you say, everything will be true. Tectonic shifts are about to occur, and we will find ourselves in a completely different world than we lived before. This is the general feeling.

“It won’t be long to wait…”

The overall energy of the Universe increases. Probably, A.L. was thinking about such times. Chizhevsky, when he linked the increase in solar activity with wars and revolutions.


What is history's order of the day?

Today, the contradiction between the external and internal roles of Russia has reached enormous intensity. To one degree or another, such a contradiction has existed before. Today it has become especially egregious. Historian V.E. Baghdasaryan, not without wit, called today’s Russia "oxymoronic state": patriotic rhetoric + liberal-cosmopolitan system, and the main expert on economics - “ graduate School economy”, pursuing the position of our geopolitical opponents.

Someone progressive and rational will probably say: well, there’s no point in meddling with great powers if you don’t have the strength and capabilities to do so. So you have to be a raw material appendage if you are not capable of anything else. It seems to me that this is a false choice, not a life one, but a purely mental one.

The role of each country, as well as any individual person, is not determined by him, but is given from above. This is destiny, a calling. There are big people, just like big countries – not by territory, but by destiny. How does a person know that he needs to become a big man, set big goals for himself, climb somewhere, suffer, maybe die along the way? Isn't it better to occupy your comfortable niche and live a quiet little life?

It could be better. But a person (like a country) who has a calling for the big will never limit itself to the small and cozy. There is no choice here, it is given from above. This is not a privilege at all, it is rather a task from above (hereinafter, the term “from above” most likely does not mean the plan of the Jewish god Jehovah, but the plan of the bright Hierarchs, in accordance with which our civilization was created on this planet. – Ed. RuAN).

In the 19th century they talked about “historical nations”, i.e. nations that have left their mark on history and played a significant role in it. This is a complete analogue of the “big people”. Nowadays, out of political correctness, they no longer say that, but silence does not mean the abolition of an object or phenomenon. Russia, of course, was conceived by the Creator as a country of great destiny - perhaps not at all sweet, even tragic, but great.

Develop as a raw material appendage of the West our country cannot: it can only degrade, which is what it has done in the last quarter of a century. Those external signs civilization and comfort, which can be observed in cities with a population of over a million, remain so gilded in the trash; this gilding comes off very easily, revealing slightly patched up ruin.

I am often reproached for not paying attention to the significant industrial and agricultural developments that are taking place. There are achievements, but they are of a restorative nature - like achievements in agriculture, which are mentioned above. Today we are not fully the “country that produces cars,” which we became under the Bolsheviks and then ceased to be. Miracle weapons and other miracles are produced on imported machines. So the work ahead is gigantic.

In short, in the coming year we will face a turn from a destructive revolution to a creative counter-revolution. “We retreated silently for a long time, it was annoying, we were waiting for a fight...” There is nowhere else to retreat.

Who will this revolution be against?

This will be a fight between Russia and its internal West on its territory. It is our internal West that wants Russia to be a raw material appendage. It's not easy to beat him. It's very difficult. The Inner West is a branch of the greater Outer West, which has opposed us for centuries.

Squeezing the inner West out of its borders is a task akin to expelling the Poles from the Kremlin during the Time of Troubles. Henchmen and supporters of the West are everywhere. They are in government agencies, they are in the media and, most importantly, they are in the minds. This is perhaps the most dangerous thing. The forces are not yet equal. But the ratio is changing - and, it seems, in our favor.

This can be seen at least by the fact that today our inner West, so-called The liberals have somehow withered. Either they have grown old and the influx of new personnel is weak, or the greater West has become less generous in feeding them materially and nourishing them ideologically, but one way or another they have visibly shrunk. Especially after the comic results that were demonstrated at parliamentary elections all kinds of “growth parties”, etc. Apparently, the fact is that the life-giving source to which they fell – liberal globalism – has become shallow and ceased to be felt as something unique and without alternative.

Today, those whom we call liberals feel like something antique. Once I happened to meet at a seminar with a prominent representative of this trend, a pretty lady whom I always liked. What a sad mess she produced! I was simply amazed: literally the same thing that was in use in the early 90s! There was something vintage in her performance, a certain antique aesthetic, like her mother’s Crimplene dress found on the mezzanine. Even the fifth anniversary of the white ribbon movement feels like the anniversary of something ancient: was it really only five years ago? And it feels like at least ten.

I have always been against hat-throwing sentiments. The true West is strong, but the authority of the internal West in Russia is declining.

However, one should not delude oneself. The inner West is also strong. The economic bloc of the Government has been and remains liberal. How long? Why? When? And how? – I don’t have an answer to all these questions: here you can fantasize a lot and in a fascinating way, but for a well-founded answer need inside information, which I don't have.

At the same time, it is, paradoxically, easier to overcome the internal West in government than the bacillus of Westernism that lives in the depths of our educated and semi-educated layer.

The historical misfortune of our people is traditional Westernism of the intelligentsia, combined with an equally traditional front. You could say “two in one”.

The Russian intelligentsia was created by the authorities, and twice: by Peter I and Stalin. It did not develop historically, did not originate in medieval monasteries, but was simply designed “by the authorities” to solve the problems of transforming the country. And both historical generations of our mental class, instead of help and good advice the authorities soon began to disparage her, the authorities, and saw down her supporting structures.

Klyuchevsky compared the historical conflict between the Russian government and the Russian intelligentsia with the struggle of an old man with his children: “managed to give birth, but failed to educate”. This is a tragic factor in our history - the conflict between power and the intellectual class - just like if a person has problems with his own head.

The West has always been the fountain of wisdom and style icon for the intelligentsia: Western science, philosophy, political economy - everything. All our guiding teachings: from Marxism to liberalism-globalism are borrowed, not our own.

It is very funny to hear how, at the Moscow Economic Forum, the Norwegian economist Erik Reinert calls on Russian economists to pay attention to their own, Russian, economic thinkers of the past and find answers to current questions in their works.

But where is it? For a long time, it seems, our “economists” will be trying to stretch onto our reality a conceptual grid formed on the basis and for the purposes of a completely different historical, spiritual, economic and psychological reality.

Teachers of countless “ecological and philological” universities, unknown and countless copywriters, “writers of newspapers”, websites and advertising booklets - all of them, in their overwhelming majority, are devoted admirers of the West, or rather, not even the West as an empirical reality (they do not know it), but some ideal image that has been sitting in the brain since the times of Repetilov and the “Frenchman from Bordeaux”.

With the real West their acquaintance, at best, is an internship, or even purely tourist, or even gleaned from films and advertising and propaganda products of the same West. They don’t know, but they love. Moreover, disinterestedly. And often in conversations they passionately defend the bright image of the West, as if they were on the State Department’s payroll.

Of course, this is a small part of the people: residents of cities with a population of over a million, the so-called humanitarian intelligentsia. There are many of them in Moscow, they once went to Bolotnaya - and, I emphasize, disinterestedly. So they constitute a certain factor. Here I see the difficulty - in their naive selflessness. Due to their inescapable naivety, they may end up on the enemy’s side.


Why is this possible?

The Big West doesn’t want to let us go just like that - that’s understandable; If I were him, I wouldn’t let him go either. Flash of the so-called Russophobia (an extremely unfortunate term) is a manifestation of the fear that the protectorate threatens to slip out of hands.

However, to hold on, you need strength, and today there is not enough of it. A lot of problems have accumulated within the West itself. The point of Trump's appearance is that America needs to focus on its own affairs, which are beyond the roof.

Now we are all explaining to each other that Trump is not such a “friend of the Soviet Union” (this was the title used by Soviet agitprop). That’s right: not a friend, and in their deeds there are no such things as friends. To imagine someone as a friend is to relax and lose.

But by solving his problems, he can play into our hands. It seems that fate is giving us this chance. Just as it was once possible to carry out Stalinist industrialization in view of the global crisis, so perhaps we will be able to begin creation, since the greater West will be immersed in its own affairs due to their decisive deterioration.

Moreover. Our “uncoupling” from the West and overcoming the role of its raw materials appendage coincides with the global trend of the era. Epochs are centrifugal and centripetal. The current one that has begun is centrifugal. Manifestations of this are Brexit, the weakening of the European Union and attempts by some countries to leave it, and generally attempts to “win back.”

In fact, not back, but forward, in "New Middle Ages", which I wrote about some time ago. New types of leaders are emerging - new right-wingers, like Marine Le Pen - these are people of the New Middle Ages. The fashion for patriotism characteristic of the younger generation, interest in local history, national costumes in which people no longer appear only at carnivals - all these are phenomena of the same series.

All these, in turn, are manifestations the end of capitalism and the beginning of a new way of life. Capitalism has nowhere else to develop: it has reached its limit, consuming the entire world. But it cannot develop on its own basis, because it needs a non-capitalist periphery, and there is none left. Capitalism by nature is an extensive system, not an intensive one.

Therefore, a phase transition is now taking place - to post-capitalism, or, what is the same, to the new Middle Ages. This will be the third member of the Hegelian triad of negation of negation: capitalism was the negation of the Middle Ages, and post-capitalism will be the negation of capitalism and at the same time it will reveal many features of the Middle Ages on a new turn of the historical spiral.

Among these new-old features are the relative economic isolation of regions, borders, customs, possibly restrictions on the freedom of movement of persons and certainly of goods and money. Undoubtedly, everyone will trade with everyone, as it has been since the beginning of time. But trading does not mean mixing and turning into some kind of undivided conglomerate. You can trade while saving your face and remaining the master of your home. Whoever I want, I’ll let in, and whoever I don’t want, I won’t let in without any explanation.

What will be the most important medieval features in the future life? I see two main ones.

– Spiritual life and faith will be at the center of life. The frenzied economism of the Modern era will end.

– Production will be carried out to satisfy needs, and not for profit, as under capitalism.

The remaining qualities of the new Middle Ages will be derived from these two.

I use the term "Middle Ages" very conditional. By the way, the present, historical, Middle Ages are not at all darkness and horror, as is believed under the influence of the French enlighteners, who had to push away from traditional society in order to establish the ideals of the future French Revolution.

True Middle Ages- it was a time of intense spiritual life, inventions, vibrant art, Gothic cathedrals. By the way, perhaps, in terms of the ratio of the standard of living and the available technical power of humanity at that time, this was one of the most favorable periods of history.

It was gloomy later Middle Ages. The famous historian A. Fursov talks about this interestingly in his article "Bosch's Time".

So we, Russia, in my opinion, are very lucky. We already had the experience of the New Middle Ages - in the form Soviet life. Moreover, we, in essence, did not know real, deep, capillary-penetrating capitalism - neither before the revolution of 17, nor after the revolution of 91. It was in many ways under-capitalism: capitalism with features of feudalism.

It is no coincidence that Lenin called Russian “imperialism as the highest stage of capitalism” “military-feudal.” But we learned the experience of the New Middle Ages. And this can play into our hands and bring advantages. This is the dialectic: what is underdeveloped from the point of view of capitalism may turn out to be, on the contrary, the most advanced features from the point of view of the New Middle Ages.

Little of. The very character of our people coincides with the global trend of the era - the direction towards the New Middle Ages. We are generally extremely non-capitalist people. The idea of ​​enrichment, unlimited, ever-increasing earnings is not interesting to us.

The famous Max Weber in his “Protestant Ethics and the Spirit of Capitalism” noted that the “under-capitalist” worker, who has retained the psychology of traditional society, does not strive for unlimited earnings: having satisfied his needs, he does not strive for more earnings. In our country, this pattern applies not only to workers, but even to the capitalists themselves.

I wrote a long time ago about such a strange observation: our entrepreneur, having earned money for a decent life, having solved his material problems, stops working and loses interest in business. He gets bored. He begins to act out, engage in some nonsense, but rarely grows his business, which he could well do. Western businessmen behave differently: they go further along the path of business.

What's the matter?

It seems to me that a Russian person simply boring money for money's sake. If this business were part of something larger and significant, then yes, then it would be interesting, but otherwise it would be boring. The Russian consciousness needs some higher authority, in the name of which everything is done. And so... it’s not captivating. Dostoevsky prophesied in “The Teenager”: a man will eat enough and ask: and then what? Westerners usually don’t ask such questions.

Our man needs an idea. Belief. Then he is capable of much. Simple enrichment is something alien and even feels sinful. Our character is spiritual. We look at the sky, even objectively being in disgust (in fact, our man does NOT need belief, but knowledge, he constantly needs new knowledge, because constant development is the natural goal of the life of Homo sapiens. – Ed. RuAN).

Anglo-Saxons look into their trough. Look through their textbooks from this angle in English for foreigners, at least the most popular - A. Hornby. What are his heroes doing? They cook onion soup, talk about insurance, design a house for themselves, and at the same time bother with the installation of a sewer system.

Just as there are people who are innately mentally predisposed to a certain way of life and activity, in the same way peoples manifest themselves best in one or another economic system, at one or another historical stage.

Anglo-Saxons remarkably tailored to capitalism: in fact, they created it - according to their spiritual standards. Already the Germans, their genetic cousins, are not so ideally adapted to capitalism.

It is characteristic that Marx and Engels based their theories about capitalism on English, and not on German material. They felt that Germany was in some ways an under-capitalist country, not ideally capitalist.

Their younger contemporary Werner Sombart wrote an essay "Traders and Heroes"– about the English and German spirit. The essay is actually propaganda, but smart person and the propaganda is clever: the difference in the mental makeup of the two neighboring peoples is captured very correctly.

What might this look like?

Apparently Russian society, our whole life of the “New Middle Ages” will stand on three main supports:

- autocracy,

– community,

- serfdom.

Of course, all these terms should not be understood literally, but as metaphor.

Let's start with autocracy. Our people are seeking over themselves an autocratic monarch, an anointed one of God, who rules them in the name and on behalf of some higher, superhuman authority. It could be God, communism or something else, but certainly higher, not from here. You can argue this way and that, but there is an indisputable fact: our people greatest success reaches when it gains such an autocrat over itself - under different names.

(The greatest successes of the people were due not simply to autocracy, but to the fact that some leaders of Rus' possessed the necessary abilities, skills and potential, including magical ones, for the high-quality execution of such complex work. In addition, they well understood and accepted the full personal responsibility assigned such a position on them. Ed. RuAN).

We Russians subconsciously want to act in the name of the highest and pretend to be ruled in the name of the highest, even if we ourselves do not realize this. By criticizing the president as a dictator, our people are actually dissatisfied with the fact that he is not sacred enough, and not with the fact that he is a dictator. A person often does not understand what exactly he lacks in life and what exactly his problem is (this is where all Freudianism grew up), and names the reasons from those that manipulators give him.

Moreover, the Russian people need to be ruled in the name of the highest. So that the ruler is truly God's anointed. The Tsar ruled in the name of God, the Politburo - in the name of the highest authority - communism. When they stopped believing in it, everything went wrong and fell apart. The disintegration fell apart, but the need remained alive.

Our people are ready to impart the properties of the monarch they so lack, even to someone who is extremely far from him - it’s like chickens huddling around an artificial chick, and birds flying after a mechanical “leader”.

Interesting observation, from recent. I was at a scientific conference. There, one elderly scientist argued quite seriously: we are ruled by special services that know everything, delve into everything and hold all the strings in their hands. He talked about it for a long time. And I understood: he, a Russian man, needs to have authority at the top superhuman who knows everything, controls everything and manages everything. That very anointed one of God - perhaps collective and unnoticeable, but certainly acting on behalf of a higher power.

It is quite likely that other nations do not require this at all; on the contrary, they are pleased that they determine their own lives, and entrust general affairs to a “hired manager.” And we need to be executors of a higher will and have power over ourselves, acting on behalf of this higher, supernatural will. Otherwise, everything somehow makes no sense. Well, I earned it - so what?

It is difficult to say what this new monarchy will look like: whether it will be a hereditary monarchy or an heir will be appointed - this will be established as things go. It is important to understand that it is precisely this way of government, to put it in the old way, that is the only one suitable for our people. Every attempt to implant Western-style democracy in non-Western societies ended in embarrassment and failure. In our country, such attempts lead to a combination of the worst sides of all forms. government structure, whatever there is in the world.

It's important to understand: I'm talking about the essence, and not about the form, name, etc. Comrade Stalin was, of course, a red monarch, acting on behalf of the Supreme. It is curious that the original Russian philosopher Konstantin Leontyev (by the way, who considered the Middle Ages the best page of European history) was sure: the Russian people obey the authorities because they consider their leaders to be the Tsar’s servants. If it weren’t for this, I would never have obeyed. If there is no king, the entire fabric of society will disintegrate. This is what happened later.

The next most important supporting structure of Russian life was and is community.

Life organized around production cells, where one is for all, and all for one, where you are deprived of some degrees of freedom, but you will not be allowed to fall to the bottom or die. Under Soviet rule, such a community was the so-called. labor collectives. What they are and what their role is is very difficult to explain to a Western person, and even difficult to explain to today’s young people.

Once upon a time, while still a student, I worked as a translator for delegations of Western trade unionists who came to us through the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions: neither I nor even Soviet trade unionists were ever able to explain to Western people what labor collective. But it was the most important thing. Labor collective he could scold, intercede, and help in trouble. The man was not left alone with his difficulties.

This is probably due to the hard life, the cold climate, and infertile soils. The community helped to survive. Despite all the horrors of collectivization, the collective farm was also a community, and therefore a living matter. Farming in most of our territory, most likely, it is impossible.

Is a New Revolution Possible in Russia?

More details and a variety of information about events taking place in Russia, Ukraine and other countries of our beautiful planet can be obtained at Internet Conferences, constantly held on the website “Keys of Knowledge”. All Conferences are open and completely free. We invite everyone who wakes up and is interested...

Friday night REN TV showed a special investigation dedicated to the political union, which began back in 2011 on Bolotnaya Square in Moscow. Then the liberal-minded townspeople, dissatisfied with the results of the last Duma elections, unexpectedly joined quite big number ultranationalists. It is known that the date for the start of the Russian Maidan has already been set. And no one is really hiding. The activist group calls itself simply "the junta."

"5.11.17" is a digital code. This symbol can be found in residential areas of Moscow and St. Petersburg, Kursk and Volgograd, Chelyabinsk and Yekaterinburg. On trains and trains. And most importantly, in in social networks: Twitter, Facebook and other Internet platforms that have become the engine of coups d'etat around the world in the 21st century. November 5, 2017 – date new revolution, which was promised to Russia by nationalist Vyacheslav Maltsev. “I’m not calling, I’m saying: it (the revolution) will happen on November 5, 2017. Our task now is to more people agitate for PARNAS,” – Maltsev said.

Vyacheslav Maltsev and his associates supported the Ukrainian Maidan. It was then formulated main principle: Maltsev is against the “vatniks” and for a change of power in Russia. The project was called "Revolution 5-11-17". In one of the videos, Vyacheslav Maltsev showed the leader of Ukrainian nationalists Dmytro Korchinsky on Skype. What was happening was more like a master class.

“We need to bring down the Moscow regime, but I hope you can handle it. It will fall, and we will help in any way we can,” Korchinsky said. “We could cope with this through joint efforts, but you see, the situation is like this... I talk about this in every program. We hoped that the Maidan would become a springboard for the Russians who would wage war with Putin,” answered Maltsev.

A video filmed by a hidden camera was released, which captured a meeting between Kasyanov and his close associate Konstantin Merzlikin with nationalist Vyacheslav Maltsev. Maltsev insisted that the Duma elections are a secondary task, the main thing is a change of power

“The people are already ready for something else. And by 5.11 even more will be ready. What are they counting on? They really need to poison the air now, do some things that, so to speak, will please the opposition,”– said Maltsev . “If we get into the Duma, then a completely different situation will begin in the country, because this is an entry into presidential elections in the country",- Kasyanov answered.

“The people will not wait a year. I’m telling you for sure. A decision needs to be made on impeachment,”- Maltsev stated . "Well maybe, maybe"- Kasyanov agreed . “People won’t wait, and we will lose people. They will follow someone else. We definitely don’t need that,” Maltsev shared his opinion.

This is one of the first meetings between liberal Mikhail Kasyanov and nationalist Vyacheslav Maltsev. Now they are already openly speaking together at rallies: number one and number two on the PARNAS list.

Maltsev and Kasyanov gathered using pressure on Crimean Tatars through Mustafa Dzhemilev, get almost 200,000 votes from Crimeans on upcoming elections. "Important point– this is Crimea. An important point is the Crimean Tatars. It is necessary from both sides, Dima, for his part, must put pressure there, on his relatives. Well, he has a crazy friend there, and he has all these relatives... They have a leader there, Dzhemilev. And these are those who are on the ground. But it is important that both of them... So that they have complete agreement. You need to talk to him, and Dima will control the performers so that they don’t jump,” Maltsev explained. " I thought that they didn’t receive passports, but since you say that they all received passports, that’s very good,” Kasyanov was surprised.

“We need Dzhemilev to command them, and we will control them on the ground. The election commissions are completely created from their people, anything can be done there,”- Maltsev opened up prospects for Kasyanov . “Interesting, this is very interesting. I think that you can get 200 thousand votes there, that’s a lot,” - already dreamed of the leader of the PARNAS party.

The speech of another candidate from PARNAS - historian, professor Andrei Zubov - at the capital meeting was also dedicated to Crimea. He stated that under international control, after the withdrawal of Russian security forces from Crimea and the transfer of Crimea to the control of UN troops, a new referendum should be calmly prepared. Chairman of the Other Russia party Eduard Limonov believes that people talking about the annexation of Crimea cannot have electoral success. “People who talk about the annexation of Crimea by Russia cannot have any electoral success; nothing will happen to them in these elections. They don’t even have the intelligence to listen to the mood of the masses in order to understand that such statements, such a program cannot be interfered with even for elections"- said Limonov.

It was also possible to bring the “right-wingers” into PARNAS through another nationalist, Dmitry Demushkin. A permanent organizer of Russian marches, he started back in the 90s in a gang of neo-Nazis. With age, Demushkin's rhetoric became less radical, but his views remained the same. Now he is actively promoting knife fighting among nationalists and teaching sections to teenagers. In the elections in State Duma Dmitry Demushkin became a confidant of Vyacheslav Maltsev. Footage of the meeting between nationalist leader Demushkin and Maltsev in Moscow has been published. “What we can agree on right away is to support each other with information. That is, mention it every time, say something, and if you really have to be detained, then speak out, do it, say it. We did it behind the scenes, but it’s possible do more actively. Otherwise, maybe they themselves will make mistakes, they were always afraid, bulls, of Manezhnaya Square - for them this horrible dream. If 10 thousand fighters from Manezhka connected with 100 thousand from Bolotnaya, this would be the link that would start all the skirmishes in the country,”- said Demushkin.

Having agreed on interaction, they discussed the scenario of a coup d'etat as something self-evident. It all should start with the “Russian March” on November 4, 2017. “On the 4th we leave for Lyublino, on the fifth we finish and reach the Kremlin,” - Demushkin stated. The date 11/5/17 becomes a unifying symbol for all forces interested in the Russian Maidan, but Dmitry Demushkin refused to openly confirm his words. “No, I didn’t say that we would take him to the Kremlin. And the fact that he says on the 5th is still more a question for him. We didn’t even discuss this topic with him,” claims Demushkin.

However, politics still fades into the background when we're talking about about money. At the same meeting in Moscow, Demushkin unobtrusively asks Maltsev: how are Kasyanov and Khodorkovsky doing, is there any money at all for the revolution?

“I understand what he told me. Well, this is between us, I asked him: “What about Khodorkovsky? Doesn’t he understand a lot?” He says: “Yes, he doesn’t understand anything.” I say: “Does he expect to become a president here or a king here?” He answers: “Yes.” I: “How? How is this possible?" He: "He just wants to buy power." I: "And from whom?" He answered: "I don’t know, but he thinks like a businessman. You see, he believes that if he has money, then he can do anything,” Maltsev explained.

In addition to the nationalists, the Cossacks will also become the power base of the liberals from PARNAS. But these are not those hundreds of thousands of registered Cossacks carrying public service under the Russian flag, completely different. They themselves prefer to call themselves free.

Sholokhov places. It is from the work “Quiet Don” that we know how the Cossacks lived and who they were, but there is another, less well-known page of history. Stanitsa Elanskaya, a little more than 300 km from Volgograd. Here on private personal plot A monument to Wehrmacht officer Pyotr Nikolaevich Krasnov was erected. To be completely precise in the wording, then at the time when he was in the service of Hitler, his position sounded like the head of the Main Directorate of Cossack Troops under the Ministry of the Occupied Eastern Territories of the Third Reich.

Almost 10 years ago in 2007, this place became a kind of assembly point for all those who sympathize with Hitler's National Socialism. The collection is private and belongs to businessman Vladimir Melekhov. A hereditary Cossack, he built the same museum in Podolsk near Moscow. But the monument to Wehrmacht General Krasnov was erected only here, in Elanskaya. We found those who regularly come to the village of Elanskaya to visit Vladimir Melikhov. These people call themselves Orthodox fascists.

People with Wehrmacht stripes, raising their hands in a Nazi salute, call their organization "Sergiev Posad Stanitsa named after Ataman Krasnov." These same people, visiting Vladimir Melekhov in the village of Elanskaya, do not hide the swastika on their jackets and flags. One of them, for example, has crosses with curved ends on his shoulder straps, and Wehrmacht sleeve patches.

At the museum's exhibition in Podolsk there are many mannequins in the uniform of Wehrmacht Cossacks, newspaper clippings from those years openly glorifying the Nazis, awards, stripes, a portrait of the traitor Vlasov. There are photographs in which Kasyanov and Zubov carefully study the exhibits. An audio recording of a conversation between Mikhail Kasyanov, Vladimir Melikhov and Andrei Zubov has been made public. Melikhov promised the Parnasovites that the Cossacks would vote as needed.

“No, well, we were pleased to note that after our meeting you publicly said positive words about us,” - Kasyanov thanked. “I came from the Don and wrote a message where I explained about the wrong attitude towards you as a person on whom these stupid two percent are hanging. To which I found something to say to them. They shut up, although there was a lot of discussion,” - answered Melikhov.

Natalya Pelevina became the link between the new generation of neo-Nazis and old-wave liberals. She is a US citizen, now in Russia she is better known as the mistress of Mikhail Kasyanov, a video of their meetings, which quickly spread across the Internet, is still in the public domain. There is a lot of interesting information there about the elections and about Khodorkovsky’s money.

Pay attention to this humble one young man listening to Natalia Pelevina.

His name is Nikolai, he is known in nationalist circles under the pseudonym Bear. In 2012, he was released from a colony, where he was serving a sentence for participating in a neo-Nazi gang. Now an activist of the nationalist community FirstLine Moscow. By the way, Serial killer, neo-Nazi Alexey Voevodin, who received a life sentence for murdering foreign citizens, came to court exclusively wearing a T-shirt with the proud inscription FirstLine Moscow.

The ideological leader and founder of FirstLine Moscow, Yuri Ionov, has been fighting successfully in the Ukrainian national battalion “Azov” for a long time.

The consolidation of radical nationalists by Mikhail Kasyanov in the PARNAS party is not only alarming, it truly frightens many real liberals. Politician Ilya Yashin explained to fellow party members that nationalists and anti-Semites like Maltsev simply have no place in PARNAS.

An interesting transformation occurred, for example, with political activist and liberal intellectual Mark Halperin: instead of calling for legality and justice, he proposes preparing for a massacre. He stated that it was necessary to go out into the streets and fight with the riot police and the National Guard. This is called a coup d'état, this is exactly what we are talking about. No clear economic or political program, but only a call to the barricades. Journalists REN TV they asked Maltsev why he was calling people to Red Square, and whether he was ready to answer for blood. "We are ready to answer for everything"– answered Maltsev.

Nationalists promise a revolution in Russia in November 2017.

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The REN TV channel showed a special investigation dedicated to the political union, which began back in 2011 on Bolotnaya Square in Moscow.

Let us remember that at that time a fairly large number of ultranationalists unexpectedly joined the liberal-minded townspeople, dissatisfied with the results of the last Duma elections.

The report says that the date for the start of the Russian Maidan has already been set. And no one is really hiding. The activist group calls itself simply "the junta."

Nationalist Vyacheslav Maltsev promised a revolution in November 2017. "5.11.17" is a digital code. This symbol can be found in residential areas of Moscow and St. Petersburg, Kursk and Volgograd, Chelyabinsk and Yekaterinburg. On trains and trains. And most importantly, on social networks: Twitter, Facebook and other Internet platforms, which in the 21st century have become the engine of coups d'etat around the world.

“I’m not calling, I’m saying: it (the revolution) will happen on November 5, 2017. Our task now is to agitate as many people as possible for PARNAS,” - Maltsev said.

According to RenTV, Vyacheslav Maltsev and his associates supported the Ukrainian Maidan. At the same time, the main principle was formulated: Maltsev is against the “vatniks” and for a change of power in Russia. The project was called "Revolution 5-11-17". In one of the videos, Vyacheslav Maltsev showed the leader of Ukrainian nationalists Dmytro Korchinsky on Skype.

Korchinsky noted that “the Moscow regime needs to be brought down, but I hope you can cope with this. It will fall, and we will help in any way we can.”

“We could cope with this through joint efforts, but you see, the situation is like this... I talk about this in every program. We hoped that the Maidan would become a springboard for the Russians who would wage war with Putin,” Maltsev explained.

The channel released a video shot with a hidden camera, which captured a meeting between Kasyanov and his close ally Konstantin Merzlikin with nationalist Vyacheslav Maltsev. Maltsev insisted that the Duma elections are a secondary task, the main thing is a change of power

“The people are already ready for something else. And by 5.11 they will be even more ready. What are they counting on? They really need to poison the air now, do some things that, so to speak, will please the opposition,” said Maltsev. “If we get into the Duma, then a completely different situation will begin in the country, because this is the entry into the presidential elections in the country,” Kasyanov answered.

“The people will not wait a year. I’m telling you for sure. A decision needs to be made on impeachment,” Maltsev said. “Well, maybe, maybe,” Kasyanov agreed. “People won’t wait, and we will lose people. They will follow someone else. We definitely don’t need this,” Maltsev shared his opinion.

Let us note that this is one of the first meetings between liberal Mikhail Kasyanov and nationalist Vyacheslav Maltsev. Now they are already openly speaking together at rallies: number one and number two on the PARNAS list.

In fact, Maltsev and Kasyanov were going to use pressure on the Crimean Tatars through Mustafa Dzhemilev to get almost 200,000 votes from Crimeans in the upcoming elections.

“We need Dzhemilev to command them, and we will control them on the ground. The election commissions are completely created from their people, anything can be done there,” Maltsev opened up prospects for Kasyanov. “It’s interesting, it’s very interesting. I think that you can get 200 thousand votes there, that’s a lot,” the leader of the PARNAS party was already dreaming.

The speech of another candidate from PARNAS - historian, professor Andrei Zubov - at the capital meeting was also dedicated to Crimea. He stated that under international control, after the withdrawal of Russian security forces from Crimea and the transfer of Crimea to the control of UN troops, a new referendum should be calmly prepared.

The parties discussed the scenario of a coup d'etat. Everything should begin with the “Russian March” on November 4, 2017. “We leave on the 4th for Lyublino, on the fifth we finish, we reach the Kremlin,” the liberals said.

Let us note that Mikhail Kasyanov’s consolidation of radical nationalists in the PARNAS party is not only alarming, it truly frightens many real liberals. Politician Ilya Yashin explained to fellow party members that nationalists simply have no place in PARNAS.

At the same time, there is no clear economic or political program, but only a call to the barricades. REN TV journalists asked Maltsev why he was calling people to Red Square, and whether he was ready to answer for blood. "We are ready to answer for everything"- answered Maltsev.