Option 1. Unique and indescribably beautiful nature in autumn. Despite the fact that rain and fog are quite common, there are also clear, quiet days for a walk in the nearest forest. Sit down and admire golden robe of the forest, listen to the singing of birds, watch the birds fly away. Somewhere in the distance thunder roared. Drop by drop it began to rain. Hiding under a tree, he looked around. How beautiful it is all around I like autumn nature. The air is so fresh! I don't want to go home at all.

Option 2. Human and nature are closely related to each other. Nature creates all the conditions for human life, which is why it is so important to live in harmony with it. Beautiful landscapes of nature fill a person’s soul with delight, only this beauty is truly mesmerizing. Man's interest in nature is limitless; how many secrets and mysteries the forests and seas contain. There's a lot we don't know yet about nature. To enjoy the beauty of nature, you don’t need to travel far, just go to a park or forest. Nature is especially beautiful in the fall, when you want to sit on benches and absorb all its beauty and enjoy it. It is then that you feel how your soul is filled with new colors, how it is saturated with the beauty of the world around you. At these moments you realize how closely people are connected with nature.

Our world was created by God, and everything in it is indescribably beautiful. Everything has its place and its order in this world, for the Lord Almighty is the God of order, not disorder. Each Living being has its purpose or role of existence in this world. Everything that exists brings to the world its unique fragrance, a vibration determined from Above. One complements everything, and everything complements one, and everything cannot be complete (integral) without one, and one without everything. This is the Will of God, and this is the principle of Unity and Beauty of this world. In a meadow, flowers alone cannot be the completion of beauty without the moth, grass, trees, animals, birdsong and beautiful clouds in the sky. A flowing stream cannot be fully beautiful without the croaking of frogs, nearby willow trees and the shining Sun high in the sky. Everything in our world is diverse, beautiful, and everything that exists is in harmony with each other and breathes in the same rhythm with the breath of God. Nature is God's gift to this world and it contains many hidden secrets and great miracles. In nature, God's Will always speaks. Nature does not depart from its nature. She always shows her Fidelity to God - in Service to the world, in contrast to man. God is the Word (primordial sound or primary vibration), and everything came from the Word. God has holy name. This means that all nature in the Universe, and also on our planet Earth, has a Divine origin (origin), and it is Blessed.

In the age of ignorance and passion, man has lost the ability to hear with the Heart. We do not hear what our conscience, the “neighbor” person, the flower and the Will of God tell us. Our everyday life drags us into a routine and our attention is drawn to an unimportant (temporary) momentary hobby. We do not find time to pay attention to the real, the Eternal and to look at the beauty that surrounds us. Many of us have forgotten when we last time admired the Blessed nature: white clouds, tall trees and the starry sky. We have forgotten the smell of freshly cut grass and do not pay attention to the butterfly flying nearby. We don’t listen to the rustling of leaves or the wind saying something. Indeed, in the golden age (satya yuga), people understood the silent language of silence, and they had the ability to hear everything that exists. How distant stars talk to each other, and how angels communicate with God. Like a flower with its aroma invites bees and butterflies to drink the nectar.

What nature gives us

Blessed nature always gives us its gentle gentle breath, filling or complementing us with itself. This is how God arranged it and this is His Will, where it is common for every living being to give themselves for the common Good.

In our time, to a greater extent, humanity has moved away from its nature, and it is not able to complement and spiritualize its environment, as it does Live nature. A person is in the incompleteness of his Life. He has lost his closeness with nature. He has closed his eyes, his Heart, and by doing so he does not fulfill the Will of the Almighty. A person does not realize the importance of closeness with nature and does not understand what it can: heal our body and Soul, fill vitality and inspire life, console and caress, enlighten and give wise advice, and much more.

Our ancestors did not blindly worship Holy Nature and its elements. They knew the use and benefits of this. Worship does not mean being in slavery, it means showing respect, reverence, attention, thanksgiving, etc. We must reconsider our relationship with nature and restore a close relationship with it.

Intimacy only happens with trust and openness. First of all, we need to turn our gaze to nature and stand before it one on one (heart to heart), carefully observing (contemplating) what is happening. With the experience of communicating with nature, relationships will appear.

Nature will never offend us, humiliate us, or offend us, unlike an ignorant person. It is easier to build a relationship with her than with a person, because she is pure, complete and Holy Blessed. Nature will help us, by its example, to gain spiritual resilience (state) and become a truly prudent person. In these friendly relationships, at some point pure, true intimacy will happen, and an energy-informational exchange with nature will occur. Blessed nature will fill us with itself to the depths of our souls and the secret habitats of the Living God, and we will fill nature with ourselves. At this moment we become like nature, the world and God. This is the nature of Life of everything that exists.

Humanity, due to its madness, interferes with nature. Modifies plant species at the genetic level, thereby desecrating Holy Blessing plant kingdom, and this has already led to disastrous consequences (the appearance of incurable diseases). Destroys the animal world, where many species are on the verge of extinction. Excessive depletion of natural resources and this affects climate change on Earth. Blessed nature must not be disturbed. Everything that exists is protected by the right to exist. This is the Will of God.

God gave us beautiful nature and ordered us to use it wisely, but He also made us responsible to it. Everything that exists has consciousness, which means that nature is alive and intelligent, just like humans. Everything in nature is interconnected. One cannot exist without everything, and everything cannot exist without one. One supports all, and all supports one. The sun gives light and warmth to everything on the planet, the ocean gives life to many aquatic inhabitants, gives life to the plant world. The plant world nourishes insects, animals and humans. The atmosphere protects all life on earth from excess heat and various radiations. This is the Will of the Almighty. That's how it is. If something is excluded from nature or one of the links is removed, this will lead to the death of everything. For example: if the Sun stops shining, or deprives the Earth of its atmosphere, then the death of all life on planet Earth will occur. Even if some small insect disappears, over time it will have a painful effect on everyone. Humanity does not understand simple truths, does not see the relationship of one with another and violates the Holy order (harmony), and this has a deplorable effect on all living beings. Take care and love God-blessed nature, and it will reward us, because it, like a dear mother, tirelessly takes care of us. In the morning, at sunrise, nature will wake us up with the singing of birds, and in the evening, at sunset, nature will rock us to sleep under the starry sky with the singing of crickets.

From this follows the conclusion:

  • nature is Blessed and has a Divine origin;
  • nature is a gift from Above and a reflection of God in this world;
  • she is pure and supports the environment with her Holy Breath;
  • nature has consciousness (soul), which means it is alive and has the right to exist like all living beings;
  • blessed nature is a humble teacher and can ennoble and humanize us with its presence; with her it is easier for us to find a common language and enter a state of peace;
  • everything in nature is interconnected, and insane human intervention in nature threatens the death of all forms of life on earth;
  • nature is protected by God and protected by law;
  • Humanity is punished for violating the order in nature.

The universe is one. Thanks to the ability to think, a person realizes responsibility for the world and himself as a part of this whole. What has nature given to man and how is he responsible for the state of the world around him?

Nature as a natural habitat

Nature is a natural habitat that does not depend on human activity.

This is a set of ecosystems, each of which is determined by the characteristics of the relief, terrain, climate, flora and fauna, precipitation levels and other natural indicators of the state of the habitat.

Man is a part of nature, its product. Thanks to the ability to think and actively influence the world around us, the role of man in nature is not limited to his place in the ecological system. Impact on the environment transforms natural factors to meet the needs of humanity and changes its natural balance, which often leads to threats and real facts the occurrence of cataclysms.

The role of man in nature

Man has an active influence on nature in different forms vital activity:

  • Development natural resources. Allows a person to solve issues of energy supply and livelihoods using raw materials.
  • Development of new territories. Development of the infrastructure of cities and settlements and expansion of the zone of human presence on different continents.
  • Development of production. Processing of raw materials and problems of waste disposal have a significant impact on the ecology of the surrounding world.

In the process of using energy, territories of everything that nature provides to modern man, the negative prognosis from the consequences of active human influence is not always sufficiently calculated. In this case, a number of problems arise that pose a threat to nature.

modern world

All the wealth of the surrounding world that nature has given to man has been mercilessly used in the history of the development of human civilization. This process is carried out especially actively these days, using industrial production technologies.

As a result of the consumer attitude towards natural resources, modern ecologists identify the following problems on a global scale.

  • Surface pollution and landscape changes. Affects the condition climatic zones, provokes disturbances in the balance of the system, the disappearance of animal species.
  • Destruction of the ozone layer. Result in exceeding permissible levels of ultraviolet radiation.
  • Changes in the state of the world's oceans. This system is a universal regulator natural phenomena. Creates a threat of imbalance in the world's ocean ecosystem.
  • Reduction of mineral resources. It entails a shortage of raw materials, on the extraction of which humanity’s life support systems depend, and provokes a change in the structure of the earth’s crust.
  • Extermination of plant and animal species. Leads to an imbalance in the ecosystem.
  • Forest reduction. Poses a threat to the atmosphere.

All problems are interconnected and ultimately lead to the threat of self-destruction of humanity.

Ways to restore harmony between nature and man

The consequences of consumer attitudes towards nature are not encouraging. In this case, you need to look at man again from the position of the rational principle in nature.

The natural way to solve problems is to return everything that nature has given to man. Is this possible in the present situation?

First of all, it is necessary to change the nature of interaction with nature and move from excessive consumer-technocratic use of its resources to rational interaction.

  1. Restoration of forest areas. Through the implementation of government programs, it is possible to completely restore the green park.
  2. Recovery A program is currently being developed to solve the problem at the level of interstate integration.
  3. The energy supply to humanity must be carried out through new methods and the development of new energy sources (nuclear, solar).
  4. Joining efforts at the global level and creating principles for the rational use of natural resources.

Ecological perspective

It's hard to overestimate since it is the condition and possibility of its existence. Therefore, the only expedient solution to all problems is to change a person’s self-awareness.

Solving the problem at the global level does not only mean uniting world communities at the state level. The most important factor is the introduction of disciplines into preschool and school education in order to form a worldview on active participation in the conservation of natural resources. Only with a large-scale approach is it possible not only to save, but also to compensate for everything that nature has given to man.

Man and nature are inextricably linked. We are hugely dependent on the world around us. Not so long ago, the prevailing opinion was that man is the king of nature, its rightful owner. However, today it is clear that we are just a tiny particle in the world.

Human interaction with nature can be harmonious only when we treat its gifts with respect and care. People are one with the environment, and therefore must take responsibility for their actions and evaluate their consequences.

Man is an integral part of the world

In the process of our life, we largely depend on nature. It gives us much needed things like air, water, light, food. It depends only on us in what form we will preserve all these valuable resources for yourself and future generations. The population in all corners of the planet is developing, building its way of life and labor activity, focusing on natural conditions, climate in the place of residence. The lifestyle of people living in warm sea, very different from life in the harsh northern conditions.

Despite its seemingly quite strong ability to change natural conditions, change river beds and landscapes, humanity is still highly dependent on its environment. Disasters such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis and many others can destroy entire cities and even civilizations. Economic development and the creation of new progressive technologies is also not possible without the use of natural resources.

IN last decades It is becoming more and more obvious that nature cannot endlessly satisfy all the needs of people if they do not give anything in return. basis harmonious life there must be an awareness that man is an integral part of the world around him, and, therefore, must take care and protect it, wisely use all resources without harm to nature.

How humanity affects the Earth

From the moment a person became intelligent and gained the opportunity to use tools, his influence on the surrounding conditions and their changes began. Under the influence of our forces, many changes have occurred in environment, both positive and negative. The positive aspects of people’s influence include the creation of national parks and reserves, where many rare species It became possible to save animals and plants from extinction. Such activities make it possible to expand the biological diversity of species existing on the planet. By creating artificial irrigation systems, we help increase the area of ​​fertile soils and use them effectively.

Unfortunately, nature suffers great damage from the unreasonable and ill-considered actions of people. For example, deforestation destroys natural environment habitat of many animals and plants, leads to a decrease in oxygen production, which, in turn, inevitably causes global warming. Deserts often form in place of cleared forests, since after the disappearance of trees the top fertile layer of soil is easily eroded.

The rapid growth of the population leads to the need to use new technologies in order to provide it with food. agriculture. If previously the fertile soil was not constantly exploited, giving it some time to rest, now people are plowing up more and more areas and using them without interruption, thereby reducing fertility.

For faster growth, modern fertilizers are used, which have a negative effect on soil and water. We build a huge number of factories, but we care little about how much waste they emit into the atmosphere and how much garbage ends up in the water. IN Pacific Ocean there is a huge zone completely covered with debris floating on the surface, which inevitably leads to the extinction of many species of oceanic animals. Cities located on freshwater rivers dump sewage and industrial waste into them every day.

Thus, we not only harm nature, but also trap ourselves by reducing the amount of water suitable for drinking. The lack of fresh water is already a big problem in some areas of the planet.

If we want to learn how to have a less destructive impact on nature, we should take a few simple steps:

  • for the effective and rational use of mineral resources, it is necessary to improve methods of their extraction, reducing the amount of waste and harmful emissions;
  • use animal resources and flora needed in such quantities that it does not lead to the extinction of individual species.
  • it is necessary to widely introduce the use of alternative energy sources in everyday life and production.

For a more detailed introduction to the topic, it is recommended to view educational presentations, where all the information is presented in an accessible and understandable form. The sooner humanity begins to treat nature more carefully, the better we will be able to preserve all its beauty and wealth for our children and grandchildren.