The journalists decided that if relatives do not care about their loved one, then they themselves should help Edita Stanislavovna. Having collected the necessary medicines and the singer’s favorite flowers, representatives of the “You Won’t Believe” program decided to help the people’s artist.

Now Piekha is in the cardiology department, but according to the singer, this is not related to heart problems. “I am in cardiology not because of heart problems, but because the hospital simply does not have a department for patients with bronchitis. Now I’m lying on the bed in a robe, all disheveled. But as soon as I get myself in order, I will definitely get in touch with my fans,” the artist admitted.

Stas Piekha confirmed that his grandmother is in the hospital with bronchitis. But the singer is not going to change his tour schedule for the sake of a sick relative. He noted that Edita Stanislavovna had nothing serious. According to him, she has a normal acute respiratory infection and therefore he is not at all worried about her.

Edita Piekha is already 80 years old, the singer admits that it is getting harder and harder for her to go on stage every time. But she cannot give up performing and continues to delight the audience. At the same time, at several concerts Piekha sang while sitting on a chair and each song was given to her with great difficulty. So maybe it’s not just ordinary bronchitis, as she’s trying to assure everyone?

Edita Piekha- Soviet and Russian pop singer, film actress. She has earned many prestigious awards and honors. In 1988 she was awarded the title of People's Artist of the USSR.

In this article we will look at the main events of Edita Piekha, as well as the most Interesting Facts from her life.

So, in front of you short biography Edita Piekha.

Biography of Edita Piekha

Edita Stanislavovna Piekha was born on July 31, 1937 in the small French town of Noyelles-sous-Lans into a Polish family. Her father Stanislav Piekha worked in a mine. When the future singer was 4 years old, her father was diagnosed with an occupational disease - dusty lungs, from which he soon died.

Edita's mother, Felicia Royal, was a housewife. The Piekh family also had a boy, Pavel, who died of tuberculosis at the age of 17.

Some time later, Felicia married Jan Golomb, with whom she later gave birth to a son, Jozef.

Childhood and youth

After the war, the whole family moves to, where Edita Piekha begins to go to school. During this period of her biography, she became seriously interested. As a result, the girl enrolled in the choir.

Having received a school certificate, Piekha successfully passed the exams at the pedagogical school, as she planned to connect her life with teaching. She had high grades in all disciplines, as a result of which she graduated from college with honors.

Edita Piekha in her youth

In 1955, Edita participated in a student competition. After winning it, she had the opportunity to get an education in the USSR in any educational institution. Ultimately, she chose Leningrad State University. Zhdanov at the Department of Psychology of the Faculty of Philosophy.

Since music has always occupied an important place in Edita Piekha’s biography, she soon began attending the Polish choir. Over time, the talented girl was invited to join the student ensemble under the direction of Alexander Bronevitsky.

Piekha's first performance on stage turned out to be a real triumph for her. The audience listened with delight to the young performer, who had a very unusual accent. After the end of the program, the audience asked for an encore performance.

In a matter of days, Edita became extremely popular in the city. She continued to participate in concerts, which negatively affected her studies. The student did not have enough time to study the subjects, which is why she switched to distance learning.


On New Year's Eve 1956, Piekha performed the song “Red Bus” on the stage of the Leningrad Conservatory. Then the ensemble “Friendship” was founded, in which Edita was a soloist. From that moment on in her creative biography a rapid rise began.

The team gained such great fame in that they eventually went on tour abroad.

Musicians have traveled to many countries, including. The ensemble only had one year to become a laureate of the World Festival of Youth and Students, taking 1st place.

Being at the peak of their popularity, the artists began performing on stage in stylish outfits and singing various jazz compositions. This led to Friendship having problems with the authorities. The musicians were criticized for their appearance and manner of performance. In addition, the censors were outraged by Edita Piekha’s accent, which “distorted the Russian language.”

Ultimately, the vocal group was disbanded, but Bronevitsky immediately gathered new artists. As a result, Piekha stayed in “Friendship” for many more years. In 1976, the singer decided to leave the ensemble. Soon she forms her own group, where she also becomes the leading soloist.

Changes came in the biography of Edita Piekha, which brought her even greater popularity. Almost every year her records were released, which were instantly sold out by Soviet citizens. Piekha's albums also sold successfully in other countries. An interesting fact is that only in this year she was able to give about 50 concerts in a row.

Edita was strikingly different from other Soviet performers not only in terms of vocals, but also in her behavior on stage. She behaved relaxed and often communicated with the audience, which her colleagues did not do.

Interestingly, the singer was the first who decided to hold the microphone in her hands while singing. She also made it fashionable to organize concerts on the occasion of anniversaries.

Piekha's songs could be heard from the windows of every house. The most popular compositions were “White Evening”, “How Young We Were”, “Hope”, “Tick-Tock”, “Caravel”, “City of Childhood”, “Our Neighbor” and many others.

For her biography, Edita Piekha received dozens of Soviet and foreign awards. Even in old age, she continues to go on stage and perform her hits in front of the public.

Personal life

Thanks to her attractive appearance, Edita Piekha has always had many fans. In addition, she had a sharp mind, which even more attracted representatives of the opposite sex.

In the biography of Edita Piekha there were 3 men.

Her first husband was Alexander Bronevitsky, who helped her get onto the big stage. Later they had a girl, Ilona, ​​who later became a TV presenter and singer.

Edita Piekha and Alexander Bronevitsky

After living together for 20 years, the couple decided to separate. Over time, the vocalist admits that the breakup with Alexander was hasty.

Edita's second husband was KGB captain Gennady Shestakov, with whom she lived for 7 years.

For the third time, the singer married Vladimir Polyakov, who worked in the presidential administration of the Russian Federation. Their family union lasted 12 years. An interesting fact is that the artist has repeatedly called her last 2 marriages unsuccessful.

Edita has two grandchildren - Erika Bystrova and Stanislav Piekha.

Edita Piekha with her grandchildren Erica and Stas

Today Erica is a successful designer, and Stas is a famous pop singer. In addition, the legendary singer already has great-grandchildren - Peter and Vasilisa. It is possible that in the future they will follow in the footsteps of their famous great-grandmother.

Edita Piekha today

In 2017, Edita Piekha gave an anniversary concert in honor of her 80th birthday. The singer performed many of her hits and looked very lively on stage. Many famous cultural and political figures were present at the concert.

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Edita Piekha
Piekha Edita Stanislavovna

Pop singer and actress

People's Artist USSR

Edita Piekha was born on July 31, 1937 in the mining town of Noyelles-sous-Lans in northern France. The family were emigrants from Poland. His father, a miner, died in 1941. After his father’s death, his elder brother Pavel worked in a mine for three years and died of tuberculosis. Edita studied in France and spoke two languages ​​- German and French. In 1946, together with her mother, Felicia Korolevska, her stepfather, miner Jan Golomb, and her younger brother Jozef, she left for Poland. Edita studied at the Pedagogical Lyceum in Wałbrzych, where she graduated with honors.

In 1955, young Edita came to Leningrad to study on a Komsomol ticket. There she entered the psychology department of the Faculty of Philosophy of Leningrad University. She studied Russian, joined the Polish community choir, and was later invited by the head of the conservatory student ensemble, Alexander Bronevitsky, to join the ensemble.

Her first success came in New Year's Eve 1956, when Edita Piekha performed with the vocal ensemble of students of the Leningrad Conservatory. She performed a song on Polish language"Red Bus" by Vladislav Shpilman. The ensemble and the young soloist instantly became famous. In 1956, the musical group received the name “Friendship”. Together with “Friendship” Edita Piekha performed in Poland, Czechoslovakia, Germany, Finland, East Germany, Hungary, Austria, Cuba, Honduras, Bolivia, Peru and other countries of the world.

With the program “Songs of the Peoples of the World”, young musicians of the ensemble “Friendship” won the gold medal and the title of laureate of the VI World Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow. In 1976, Piekha organized her own ensemble, whose musical director was Grigory Kleimits. For the first time the group performed at All-Russian competition performers of Soviet songs in Sochi in 1976 and was awarded an honorary diploma.

At the IX World Festival of Youth and Students in Sofia, at the political song competition, Edita Piekha performed the song “Huge Sky,” for which she was awarded three gold medals. In 1988, the singer was awarded the title of People's Artist of the USSR. During her creative career, Piekha recorded about 20 giant discs at the Melodiya company, which sold millions of copies. She also recorded records in France, Cuba, the GDR, and Poland. The singer toured a lot, was the first Soviet pop artist to perform in Bolivia, Honduras, Afghanistan, and successfully performed on the stage of the Olympia Hall in Paris. She also starred in several feature films and documentaries.

In 2007, the famous singer celebrated her 70th birthday and 50 years on the stage with grandiose concerts at the Oktyabrsky Concert Hall and on Palace Square in St. Petersburg, and Edita Piekha gave her anniversary concert in 2012 at the State Kremlin Palace. Today People's Artist of the USSR, winner large quantity various awards and prizes - she occasionally pleases fans with her singing. Lives in his own house near St. Petersburg.

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In her youth, Edita Piekha was called the “tavern singer,” now she is nothing less than a legend, an era, a golden page in the history of Soviet and Russian stage. The first posters with the artist’s name appeared in 1957, but even in the 21st century, the “Russian” delights fans with concerts, as if following the composition “You can’t tell the song - goodbye” she performs.

Childhood and youth

Edita Stanislavovna was born in 1937 into a family of Polish emigrants who came to the French town of Noyelles-sous-Lans in search of work. Mother Felicia Royal took care of the housework. Father Stanislav Piekha was a miner. The profession ruined both him and his brother Pavel. The eldest died from silicosis caused by coal dust, the youngest from tuberculosis.

The mother remarried Jan Golomb and gave birth to a son, Jozef. After the war, the family returned to Poland. Here Edita became interested in choral singing, graduated from school and graduated from the Pedagogical Lyceum with honors. In 1955, the girl won a competition for the right to study in the Soviet Union and ended up in Leningrad.

The singer’s popularity only increased from this. At this time, albums with her songs are regularly published. Edita's discography consists of over four dozen mini-records, solo albums, and CDs. Recordings were released in France, Germany, Poland, Hungary and other countries.

In the late 60s, cinema appeared in Piekha’s life. As an actress, fans saw her in the films “The Fate of a Resident,” “The Intern,” and “Diamonds for the Dictatorship of the Proletariat.” It was rumored that the series “A Star Born” was the story of a series of events from Edita’s biography, but she herself dispelled the rumors. Only the beginning coincided, and the rest was the imagination of the scriptwriters and directors. And the songs that sounded in the film were performed by both, and.

Personal life

The stage star makes no secret of her personal life. Edita was married three times, but claims that she never met the one.

In marriage to Alexander Bronevitsky, a daughter, Ilona, ​​was born, who later became a radio presenter, actress and singer. The couple separated because the husband, according to Piekha, was interested primarily in music, and secondarily, too, and she, like every woman, wanted attention.

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Edita Piekha and Alexander Bronevitsky

Grandson Stas Piekha is the third generation of the family to devote his life to art, a popular performer, winner of many awards, and businessman. Together with the model he is raising his son Peter. The boy's parents separated in 2016, but the divorce has not yet been filed.

Granddaughter Erika Bystrova, an interior designer, made Edita a great-grandmother before her brother, giving birth to her daughter Vasilisa in 2013.

The artist lived with her second husband, captain of the State Security Committee Gennady Shestakov, for 7 years. The third was Vladimir Polyakov, an employee of the Russian Presidential Administration. The singer openly called both unions with “men who don’t know how to love” a mistake.

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Edita Piekha, her grandson Stas Piekha and great-grandchildren Vasilina and Peter

Edita Piekha is synonymous with elegance and individual style. The prominent artist (height 173 cm) has not liked the color black since childhood. Having started performing, she turned to Vyacheslav Zaitsev for a stage costume. The couturier came up with her famous flying romantic image with oriental colors.

Later, fashion designer Irina Tantsurina took care of the singer’s outfits. A separate pavilion has been built for dresses at Edita Stanislavovna’s house, in a village near St. Petersburg. Gifts from fans, souvenirs, and awards are also stored there.

Stas Piekha belongs to that category of show business stars who try to protect their personal lives from the attention of fans and the curious glances of the general public. Therefore, it is not surprising that information about the singer’s wedding appeared in the media twice. For the first time they started talking about a secret marriage in the summer of 2013 - then the chosen one of the stage star was known to be “the charming blonde Natalya.” Only after some time did the situation become clear, because Stas Piekha and his future wife (at that time information about the wedding still turned out to be premature) - twenty-six-year-old model and DJ Natalya Gorchakova - were carefully hidden from prying eyes.

Natalya Gorchakova - model and DJ

Apparently, there was a blessing from above for this musical family. There is no other way to explain why all its members sang always and at all times. Grandmother Edita Stanislavovna appeared on the stage in the early 70s of the last century. A young, extraordinarily beautiful and elegant singer, a mysterious foreigner with a clear Polish accent, immediately won the hearts of millions of fans.

Edita Piekha married Alexander Alexandrovich Bronevitsky, composer, conductor, prominent musical figure, creator of the country's first VIA "Friendship". In this marriage, which later broke up (according to one version, due to the husband’s jealousy of his attractive wife), a daughter, Ilona Bronevitskaya, was born. Edita Stanislavovna always dreamed of a son to name him after her father, who died early. But since a daughter was born, and there were no more children in the family, her dream did not come true.

Ilona inherited her mother's singing talent. She entered the scene early and quickly gained popularity. She later married Petras Gerulis, a jazz musician and theater director. The marriage produced a son, who was named Stanislav, thanks to the wishes of his grandmother. Finally, her dream came true; a boy was born in their family!

When Stas was only one year old, his parents divorced. Ilona married a second time, again to the musician Yuri Bystrov. His daughter Erica was born from him. This is the only person in the family who did not follow in the footsteps of their ancestors. She did not devote her life to music, but is engaged in design.

The singer's childhood

Stas Piekha was born in Soviet Leningrad. His biography began on August 13, 1980. His mother was then completely absorbed in performances and personal life. Therefore, the son was often left without maternal attention. In one of Malakhov’s programs, Stas even stated that he lived in orphanage! This fact shocked the country at the time. This is a little strange, with living parents! But the grandmother hastened to refute this fact, and Ilona embarrassedly explained this by a catastrophic lack of time and a lot of entertainment.

In one of her songs, “I Don’t Remember Dad,” Ilona Bronevitskaya quite plausibly portrayed her son’s childhood. Although the song was a joke, there is a large share of truth in it. He grew up alone, and learned a lot in life through his own experiences.

The boy's musical abilities showed up early. Grandma began to take him on stage with her early. At the age of seven, he entered the Choir School, where he studied piano and vocals.

After studying at high school Stas was not faced with the question of choosing a profession. He entered the Gnessin School in the pop-jazz department. However, the young man was soon expelled due to frequent absences from classes. But Stas was able to obtain a degree as a hairdresser and stylist at a Spanish school. For some time he made money from this particular craft, and also performed at various evenings, performing songs.

The beginning of a creative career

When Stas was 24 years old, his grandmother advised him to try his hand at the popular show “Star Factory”. And this attempt ended in success! He won third place. Then the singer’s first hit appeared - Viktor Drobysh’s song “One Star”.

Stas was lucky in this project. He had long dreamed of singing with singer Valeria, and this dream came true! They sang the song “Let It Go” together. The young singer also sang 20 duets with different artists. Of course, the most memorable of them is a duet with the popular rock singer Ken Hensley.

Stas Piekha during his participation in the show “Star Factory 4”

Thanks to his victory, Stas got the opportunity to record his own disc and shoot a video. He also got a motor scooter as part of his load.

After the release of the album entitled “One Star,” Stas Piekha gained incredible popularity in the country. There was an unprecedented rise in his creative biography. Several songs from this album were personal, original songs of Stas. Some of them belong to Viktor Drobysh. The singer recorded the song “City of Childhood” together with his grandmother, who played a big role in his life. Ilona refused to sing it.

The song “You're Sad” also became popular. She could often be heard on the radio and television screens. The singer also became a laureate of the Song of the Year festival.

The peak of the singer's popularity

In 2008, Stas's second album was released. It was fundamentally different from the first disc. The singer improvised a lot. It’s interesting that Victoria Smirnova, whom he was dating at the time, starred in the video for the song “About You” from this disc. However, the girl never became his wife.

Stas performed a song from the album “She’s Not Yours” with famous singer Grigory Leps. This brought unprecedented popularity. As a result, Stas received the Golden Gramophone, God of the Air and Muz-TV awards.

Soon Stas and his grandmother began to represent the Moscow Jewelry Factory. They also starred in a television commercial for cough medicine. In 2008, Stas was offered to host the music show “Cosmopolitan. Video version" on the TNT channel.

Interestingly, during the filming of the video for the song “Green Whirlpool,” the singer actually descended in diving gear to a depth of 3 meters!

In 2011, Stas was invited to the show “The Voice” as a mentor. After that, he was invited to take part in the Ukrainian adaptation of the English show “Popstar to Operastar”. There he performed together with Tamara Smirnova. The following year, the singer participated in the popular Russian show"Two stars". There he performed songs together with Maria Kozhevnikova. Unfortunately, they were far from winning places. But the following year, Stas successfully became a mentor in the show “Our Way Out.” His team took second place!

In 2013, the singer participated in the show “Hit”. The song “Soul” performed by him took second place. In 2017, Stas became a member of the jury in the children's vocal project “You are Super!”, which was broadcast on the NTV channel.

An interesting fact, somewhat far from the world of music. In 2012, Stas became a confidant of Russian presidential candidate Vladimir Putin. In 2015, Stas was prohibited from entering the territory of Ukraine. This was explained by his approval of the seizure of Crimea.

Among other things, the gifted young man writes poetry. Two collections of his poems have already been published. One in 2008, the other eight years later.

Stas actively takes part in voice acting for cartoons. Among them: “Rescuers in Australia”, “Aristocats”, “The Princess and the Frog”, etc. He also starred in the series “My great family”, in several documentaries (“The Piekha Era”, “The X-Files of Show Business”, “ Incredible stories love" etc.)

Stas Piekha and his personal life: “married bachelor”?

It was with the singer’s secret marriage that some journalists associated his refusal to participate in the next season of the popular TV show “The Bachelor.” Stas Piekha himself explained his reluctance to act in film by the possible negative imprint that such an act could leave on his life. “...this disgrace will remain for life. And I weighed in the balance that I would probably regret taking part in this show all my life,” the singer noted in an interview.

Personal life

Stas Piekha usually keeps some facts of his biography and, in particular, his personal life secret. Many fans are interested in who his wife is and look for photos on the Internet.

Despite the fact that Stas Piekha actively uses social networks, on his pages it is difficult to find information regarding his biography and personal life. There is no information about his wife, children, or photos of them.

However, there is information that on the Star Factory project Stas met a charming participant Victoria Smirnova. She was the cousin of singer Timati. An affair with an attractive blonde ended sadly. She went to study in England and invited him with her. However, the singer did not want to change his performance schedule. Apparently, his career was more important to him at that time than love.

Wives of Stas Piekha

For the second time, the media reported that Stas Piekha and his chosen one registered their relationship in the fall of 2014. The Internet and periodicals published the news that the secret ceremony took place in Spain, where Natalya Gorchakova permanently lived with her child together with the singer, Peter. Remaining committed to the rule of not talking about his personal life, the singer did not tell fans the details of this event, and did not publicly post photographs from the wedding. Only his star grandmother, Edita Piekha, casually mentioned the past event.

Dad and son

The birth of Stas Piekha's first child was shrouded in no less a veil of secrecy than the wedding that took place. The child was born in the spring of 2014, but only a few months later information about this joyful event in the life of the singer and his lover became available to the general public. When Stas Piekha and Natalya Gorchakova said “Yes” to each other at the wedding ceremony, little Petya was already seven months old.

Stas Piekha and his career: is family a hindrance?

Unfortunately, the singer’s family happiness turned out to be fleeting. After three years of relationship, Stas Piekha and his wife separated. As the singer himself said, he was prompted to make such a decision by his unpreparedness for a serious relationship and the inability to combine family life with show business. And, choosing between home and career, he decided to focus on the latter. According to the artist, despite the separation, Stas Piekha maintained friendly relations with his wife and son, and also takes part in raising the child and helps Natalya Gochakova and her son financially.

Stas Piekha and his son on a walk

It is worth noting that the singer made such a statement in response to numerous attacks and accusations of abandoning his family. And at the beginning of this year, an event occurred that served as a reason for fans of the singer’s work to reflect on the possible reunion of the artist and his family. On Children's Day, Stas Piekha, his ex-wife and little Peter appeared in public together.

Stas Piekha, Natalya Gorchakova and little Peter during a walk together

Photos of young people walking around with their son shopping center, Natalya Gorchakova herself posted on Instagram.

Wife and son of Stas Piekha: whole life on Instagram

Natalya Gorchakova likes to post photos with her son on Instagram

It is worth noting that ex-wife Stasa Piekha regularly pleases fans of the singer’s work and her followers on Instagram (and the thirty-year-old model and DJ currently has about sixty thousand of them) with new photographs of Peter, without failing to accompany each photo short story about her love and tender affection for the baby (however, the girl posts her own photographs no less actively, and even became the author of an ambiguous hashtag, which not only gained popularity among Instagram users, but also became one of the topics for the Vesti story on channel "Russia 24"). Having looked at the latest photographs showing the already grown-up Peter, fans of the singer’s work suggested that Stas Piekha and his son are very similar. However, the artist himself claimed that the child is a copy of the mother.

Stas Piekha and his separation from his wife: unformed divorce

In a recent interview, the singer briefly hinted about his new relationship, but, remaining true to himself, did not name his passion. However, some fans of his talent did not believe in the veracity of what was said. Not least because of the story of the protracted process of divorce. After all, even to this day the spouses have not filed for divorce. Without wanting to expand too much on this topic, Stas Piekha explains the absence official document about the divorce from Natalya Gorchakova due to lack of free time to attend court hearings and reluctance to deal with issues of dividing joint real estate.

And she insisted on his admission to the Glinka Choir School. Stas also bears his current surname thanks to his grandmother: Edita Stanislavovna did not want the Piekh family to be interrupted, and insisted on making changes to her grandson’s documents.

Among the singer’s famous compositions are the hits “Where Will I Be,” “She’s Not Yours” (in a duet with Grigory Leps), “Me and You” (in a duet with Slava), “You’re Sad” (in a duet with Valeria) and others. His songs were not only loved by listeners, but also received recognition from the jury of Russian music festivals. Stas Piekha also appeared in the cinema. However, in most cases it was participation in documentaries. And besides, the role of himself in the television series “My Fair Nanny”

Natalya Gorchakova is a Russian fashion model and DJ. Born on January 26, 1987 in Leningrad (currently St. Petersburg). Graduated from St. Petersburg state institute culture. The girl met Stas Piekha at a party in 2010