Autobiography is a consistent description of human life and activity. This document is required when applying for work, study, service and many other industries. Often, an autobiography tells the entire life of a person, but as an exception, it may cover a period of several years. This may be the time when he lived in another country or served in the armed forces.

The autobiography gives the employer the opportunity to get to know the newcomer. It helps to understand who the future employee is, his education, experience, hobbies, and ability to express thoughts. The employer, based on it, draws up a psychological portrait of the person. Therefore, its writing should be taken seriously.

Important rules when writing

Business writing style. It should not contain any errors. Often it is they who pay attention to them, and not the form of writing. The speech must be literate, the test must be easy to read.

It is important when writing an autobiography to adhere to chronological order. You won’t get a beautiful resume if the content in it jumps from one period of life to another.

All information that will be indicated in the autobiography must be truthful. If over time the employer is caught in deception, problems may arise, including loss of trust. This will prevent you from achieving your desired workplace.

How to write correctly

There are no clear rules in writing. Write it on an A4 sheet. When writing, they are guided by the employer’s requirements. Basically, all autobiographies consist of 8 points. These include:

  1. Title. So at the very top in the middle of the sheet the word is written with a capital letter Autobiography.
  2. Name. The full last name, first name and patronymic are written on a new line. Afterwards the date and place of birth is indicated. For example: I, Semyon Mikhailovich Ivanov, was born...
  3. Education. School years You don’t need to pay much attention; just indicating its number will be enough. But now at the university, the faculty, it is worth dwelling in more detail.
  4. Labor activity. Here you should indicate where you worked previously, the name of the company and what position you held. It is necessary to tell what responsibilities, achievements and reason for dismissal were. Don’t be shy about talking about promotions, awards and incentives. Also with positive side inventions and publications in journals will be shown.
  5. Family status. It is necessary to briefly talk about your family, spouse or children, if any.
  6. Military service. In this paragraph, men should indicate where they served and their rank.
  7. Relatives. In some cases, the employer asks to provide information about parents, brothers, and sisters. You need to write about them their year of birth, profession, place of study.
  8. Signature and date. This information is placed by the author at the bottom of the text. The date is on the left, the signature is on the right.

If you were fired from your previous job, it is worth telling truthfully and delicately about the true state of affairs. You shouldn’t write that you were treated wrongly or that you got a bad manager. There is no need to present yourself as a brawler and an uneducated person. Reason for leaving family circumstances It is worth indicating only if it exists.

Sample autobiography when hiring a teacher


I am Orekhov Anton Viktorovich, born on February 2, 1989. in the city of Kyiv. In 2007, he graduated from the Novoselovskaya secondary school of I-III degree. and entered the National University of Bioresources and Nature Management of Ukraine. In 2012 Received a master's degree in automated control of technological processes in agriculture No. KV 439 25 726.

He began his working career while still a student. In 2010, he worked as an operator at the production site of the Bakhchisarai branch of PJSC Crimean Fruit Company.

After graduating from the university, he was hired as an electrician-operator of the incubator of the Training and Experimental Breeding Poultry Farm named after. Frunze.

In 2014, he was hired as a teacher of general technical and special disciplines at the Separate Division “Pribrezhnensky Agrarian College”. At the end of 2014 transferred to the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Crimean federal university named after V.I. Vernadsky" (FGAU "KFU named after V.I. Vernadsky") Pribrezhnensky Agrarian College (branch), where I work to the present time.

I live at 296570 Ave. 60-let USSR 2/56 s. Yantarnoye, Saki district, Republic of Crimea.

Father Orekhov Viktor Yurievich - 1961. R.

Mother Orekhova Alina Nikolaevna – 1963 R.

We don't judge, non-partisan. I take an active life position. I adhere to the laws of the Russian Federation.

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Autobiography sample for a woman's job


I, Elena Vasilievna Zubkova, was born on November 19, 1958 in the village. Roshchino, Amur region, Tambov district. Russian citizen.

Higher education: from 1987 to 1992 she studied at the Crimean Order of the Badge of Honor Agricultural Institute named after. M. I. Kalinina, specialty: “Economics and organization” Agriculture" From 2003 to 2004 she studied at the Faculty of Pedagogy of the National Agrarian University in the specialty "Vocational Training".

Labor activity: from 1983 to 1996 she worked as a senior economist for labor and wages at the collective farm named after. Lenin, Dzhankoy district of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea; from 1996 to 1999 – senior accountant of the Pribrezhnensky state farm-technical school; since 2001 – teacher of economic disciplines at the EP NUBIP “Pribrezhnensky Agrarian College”.


I have two adult children.

Place of residence: 296563, Republic of Crimea, Sovetsky district, village. Lokhovka, st. Dostluk, 4, apt. 18.

Not convicted.

Member of the United Russia party.

“___” July 2014 Zubkova Elena Vasilievna _________________

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Autobiography sample writing for a man's job


I, Umid Dzhaferovich Narkisov, was born in 1960 in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

In 1967, he went to the first grade of secondary school No. 77. While studying at school, he simultaneously completed courses as a mechanic - mechanic.

In 1977 he received a certificate of secondary education. The next year, he got a job as a car repair mechanic in the transport production department of Glavtashkentstroy.

From November 1978 to December 1980 there was military service in the Leningrad Military District HF 63261.

From 1981 to 1983, he took a special course for bus drivers followed by an internship. After completing the courses in 1987, he worked as a driver.

From 1988 to 1989 he worked as a traveling photographer.

From 1989 to 1995 he worked as a workshop manager at the Aziz cooperative.

From 1995 to 1997, TED worked as a shop foreman at the cooperative.

The next stage in my life was in 1997 moving to the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Simferopol district, Shkolnoye village, st. Irgat Kadyr, 10, where I currently live with my family. This is where my social activities began. For many years he took an active part in the development of his village. On this moment I'm trying to solve one of the important issues of our village - junctions of convenient access roads to the settlement. I also show great initiative in adjusting the project highway Kharkov - Simferopol - Sevastopol on the territory of Shkolnoye village, favorable for residents of the settlement.

Wife - Narkisova Susanna Lenorovna, born in 1970, works as a sales consultant at SFDP Market Plaza.

Son – Ernest Narkisov, born in 1991, student.

Daughter: Elnara Narkisova, born in 1993, student.

Non-partisan; no criminal record. I live at the address: Crimea, Simferopol district, Shkolnoye village, st. Irgat Kadyr, 10.

Autobiography – detailed description life path person, as well as the document required to present in case of obtaining citizenship, getting a job, or applying to other government and educational institutions. An autobiography is compiled on a regular A4 sheet, life events are described in chronological order.

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Important! Prove that you are the one who can increase labor productivity, establish relationships with the employer, get used to the team, and do the work efficiently and on time.

Main points

  1. For an employer, an autobiography is, first of all, a document, so it must have a name that is written at the top, in the middle of the sheet.
  2. Author's details (full full name in capital letters).
  3. Place of birth date.
  4. Data on existing education indicating the name of the institution, period of study, specialty.
  5. Data about labor activity, length of service from all places of work in chronological order.
  6. Family status.
  7. Information about the family (briefly), composition: parents, children, wife (husband), also their full name, date and place of birth, residential address of each relative. Data about relatives is recorded in order 1,2,3. etc.
  8. A signature and the date of its preparation are placed in the lower right corner of the sheet. Additionally, in the documents you can indicate your existing professional achievements, awards, orders, medals, as well as your registration address, passport details, and telephone number.

The form of drawing up the document is arbitrary. All information is presented in the first person, in narrative form and in the chronological order of all events.

Sample of writing an autobiography for work


I, Ivanov Petr Sergeevich, born May 17, 1983, place of birth - Moscow. In 1991 I went to school No. 317 in Moscow. Finished 11 grades and received secondary education. In 2004, having passed the entrance exams, he was enrolled in the 1st year of Moscow State University in the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. In 2009, I finished my studies at the university and received a diploma.

From the same year, he was hired as a physics teacher at school No. 8 in Moscow.

Marital status: single.

Family composition. Father, Sergey Pavlovich Ivanov, born in 1951, deputy director for educational work at school No. 317.

Mother, Ivanova Anastasia Viktorovna, born in 1952, housewife.

Brother, Yuri Sergeevich Ivanov, student of class 10 “B” at school No. 317 in Moscow. I and my close relatives have no criminal record and have not been brought to trial. There are no relatives and friends in the CIS countries.

Don't exaggerate when writing your autobiography, but don't be modest either. Don’t be nervous, don’t get into arguments with your manager, answer questions clearly, to the point, without lying or much pomposity. Explain delicately the reason for leaving your previous job.

Prove that you really quit for a good reason, you weren’t subject to penalties or fines, you didn’t miss work, you also lead healthy image life, bad habits you don’t have one, you’re not registered with a psychiatrist or narcologist. Today you no longer meet people based on your “clothes”; the employer cares about facts and your valuable personal qualities. Compose your autobiography, taking into account all the important points, your chances of getting hired will be much greater.

Autobiography is short story about yourself, which allows you to find out general information about a person. It is used in many situations: when applying for a job, entering a university, etc. In this article we will tell you how to correctly format this information in order to make a positive impression about yourself.

○ What is an autobiography?

An autobiography is a document that states detailed information about a person, written by him with his own hand. In other words, this short biography, which provides basic information about your studies and work activities.

○ Basic rules for writing an autobiography.

So that your autobiography helps you get the job or place you want as much as possible. educational institution, it is important to consider the subtleties of document drafting. Let's see what exactly you need to pay attention to.

Contents of the autobiography.

The law does not establish a strict form for drawing up this document. On the one hand, this gives a certain freedom, allowing you to write in any form, but on the other hand, it complicates writing an autobiography - after all, not everyone knows what facts need to be indicated and how exactly to do it.

Here is the minimum information you must include in the document:

  • Full name.
  • Date of birth and/or age.
  • Place of birth and/or residence (if not the same).
  • Education received: you must indicate both basic and special education, including advanced training courses.
  • Labor activity: where, during what period and by whom they worked, reasons for changing jobs.
  • Marital status and brief information about seven closest members (husband/wife, parents, children).
  • Hobbies, achievements, awards, etc.

You can add any points at your discretion, but you must keep in mind that the information should be presented in a concise form. An essay written on several pages is unlikely to evoke positive emotions among employers.

Filling procedure.

When writing an autobiography, you need to adhere to chronological order. Also, do not forget that this official document, therefore information should be presented in concise sentences.

Follow this order:

  1. At the top of the document, the title is written in the middle, after which there is no period, and the next sentence begins with a new paragraph.
  2. An autobiography is written in the first person, singular. It begins with the pronoun “I”, after which a comma is placed and the full name is written.
  3. The date and place of birth are indicated, you can write the occupation of the parents (born into a family of doctors, teachers, etc.).
  4. Below is information about the education received, starting from school. The name is written educational institution, on the contrary, years of study and assigned qualifications. Don't forget to list all courses, trainings and seminars you attended in title/date format.
  5. Work experience (if any): starts from the first place of work, indicating the period of stay at this place and brief description their responsibilities. Other places of work are also indicated, each starting on a new line.
  6. Scientific works, publications and other achievements indicating the name and year of implementation.
  7. Additional responsibilities (if any). For example, indicate that you successfully performed the duties of your manager while he was on vacation (sick leave), write what you were able to achieve during this period.
  8. Hobbies, especially if they involve professional activity and there are achievements on it.
  9. Information about personal life: Family status, presence/number of children, occupation of husband/wife.

The information must be clearly divided into information blocks, each of which begins with a red line. At the end, an indentation is made downwards, on the left is the date (the date of the year in numbers, the month in words), on the right is the signature of the author of the document.

○ Autobiography for work.

The general principle of drawing up a document when applying for a job is standard. But here the following points should be emphasized:

  • Write down the personal qualities that are required for the job you are applying for - this will not only save time when processing the document, but will also allow you to be assessed as objectively as possible as a candidate.
  • Pay attention to the projects you have worked on - this will show your ability to work in a team.
  • Describe your education, but focus on your professional success.
  • Reflect your wishes for work: form of work activity (for example, if you like to work independently, write about it), desired size wages, the possibility of business trips, etc.

Examples of autobiography.

Since there is no established form for drawing up a document, you can use the attached example as a sample. All other autobiographies can be written in a similar way, the only difference will be what to emphasize: everyone’s achievements and professional experience are different.

How to write an autobiography for a student?

The general rules for drawing up a document are the same as when applying for a job. But since professional achievements in this case is not available, emphasis should be placed on the knowledge accumulated during training ( successful completion practices, participation in seminars at different levels, completion of additional courses, possession foreign languages etc.).

How to write to a person who is looking for a job for the first time?

If you do not have professional experience, you need to put maximum emphasis on your personal qualities that are suitable for the job you want to get. It should be borne in mind that if you can present everything in a favorable light, this will characterize you in a special way and lack of experience will not be an obstacle to hiring.