Increasingly, we are faced with a catastrophically low level of housing and communal services. What should an ordinary person do when the housing and communal services sector does not fulfill its obligations? Is it really useless to fight housing and communal services? Is it possible to sue housing and communal services structures? Is there any positive experience in combating arbitrariness in housing and communal services?

Let us note right away that despite the huge number of hopeless complaints and lamentations, positive experience in the fight against housing and communal services in Russia still exists. This struggle is similar to the battle between the epic Dobrynya and the many-headed monster. Only your weapon will not be a sword, but a pen. Or printer ink. Also paper, envelopes and the nearest post office. And the role of military training will be played by a careful study of legislative documents. Don't expect the fight to be easy or quick, but it will be worth it. For example, the author of the article reduces his expenses monthly by almost a third.

Where to begin

All projects must start with a schedule. Optimize your personal time, find a few minutes for daily struggle. Treat it like a hobby. First, become familiar with the structure that serves your home. This is the Management Company or Homeowners Association, who is its controlling body, what other areas and houses are served in it.

Find a report on the renovation of your home for the past year on the administration website. Finding it will not be easy, but search hard, if necessary, call the administration and demand to indicate where it is. Believe me, your amazement will know no bounds when you find out that the payment for the power of long-ago broken light bulbs in your entrance is equal to a kilowatt kettle installed on each landing. Your amazement will reach its limit when you find out how much money is spent on elevators or utility networks that have not been repaired in your memory since the year the latter came into power Secretary General Central Committee of the CPSU.

As a law-abiding consumer, you will, of course, want to know who performed virtual work with zero results. To do this, you will write an official letter to the Ministry of Regional Development, with a copy to the Housing and Communal Services Reform Development Fund, to the administration and to your local housing office. For clarity, take photographs of the depressing state of your entrance, surrounding area, elevators and attach the photographs to the letter. For scale, you can collect the signatures of other residents - this will increase the resonance.

Example text of an official letter

To the head
from XXXXX
residing at
XXXXXX I hereby inform you that information about the technical, repair and sanitary work carried out in 2010 at the address XXXXXXXX was not disclosed to the required extent on the official website of XXXXXXX on the Internet. According to paragraph 5 (d), 17 and 22 of Resolution No. 731 of September 23, 2010, I ask you to provide me with data on the following points of the “Report on the costs of maintenance and current repairs of the common property of an apartment building at address XXXX”

1. Explanation of specific types of work, deadlines for their completion and cost, as well as the organizations that performed them, with the application of approved estimates:

  • current repairs of housing stock in the amount of 146,150 rubles. 32 kopecks
  • maintenance of the local area in the amount of 414,962 rubles. 93 kop.
  • sanitary maintenance of common areas in the amount of 206,865 rubles. 79 kopecks
  • general business expenses in the amount of RUB 563,955. 55 kopecks
  • maintenance of garbage chutes in the amount of 205,634 rubles. 45 kopecks
  • maintenance of engineering equipment with a transfer of equipment and work performed in the amount of RUB 709,254. 14 kopecks
  • maintenance of elevators in the amount of RUB 520,858. 51 kopecks

2. Algorithm for calculating the power consumption of entrance lighting in the amount of 100,970 rubles 21 kopecks.

Please note that, in accordance with Resolution No. 731 of September 23, 2010, the requested information must be provided to me by sending (in writing) a postal item to the consumer. Until I receive comprehensive information, I consider it impossible to pay for services provided. If information is not received within two months, a collective letter from the residents of house XXXXXXX will be sent to the prosecutor's office of XXXXXXX.

This letter is due to the unsatisfactory quality of all the listed works, which either were not performed in 2010 or were not performed to the extent specified in the report. (Photos about the condition of the house and surrounding area in Appendix No. 1 on XXXXX sheets)

Full name

Personal experience: the results exceeded expectations

It’s a mistake to think that you can’t break a butt with a whip. The bone-deep and thoroughly corrupt structure of the housing and communal services sector is currently in a rather vulnerable position. In addition, in such a fatty broth as the cost of repairs and maintenance of housing stock, attentive prosecutor’s pikes are not averse to catching crucian carp for themselves. The author of the article, having spent several sheets of paper and several hours of time, a week later became not only the object of hatred of the staff of his housing department, but also the happy owner of new lamps and a garbage chute in his (unfortunately, only his) entrance. And this is just the beginning! Ahead lies the reconstruction of the local area, painting of the entrances and reconstruction of utility networks. Believe me, the impossible is possible!

1. Since September 2019, payments for housing and communal services have been provided to MosOblEirts LLC. How to find control over them? The receipts contain inaccurate information. The payment is not displayed in full and is credited as they please. By phone They can't explain anything indicated on the receipts, they don't answer any questions, they send them to the office and just hang up. In the personal account on the website they do not respond to requests. Today I went to the office in Mytishchi, sat in line for 4 hours, never getting a turn (they only let me off work for half a day). In line, there are victims just like me. Tell me, please, how to find control for them? This is just chaos!

Kuleshov Vitaly Viktorovich

1.1. Nina, please tell me, according to this site, you live in the city of Gryazi, Lipetsk region, and do you need help in the Moscow region?

Merny Maxim Andreevich

1.2. It doesn’t matter to whom it was transferred, you must contact the management company that serves you.

2. ONE. Do housing and communal services have the right to charge me for one payment (electricity, water) if I have not been home for exactly 4 months? The meter was stopped in June, from July to October I was not at home, because I was at work in another region! Further, I provided a certificate to the housing and communal services, but they told me that if I don’t pay for the ODN, they will sue me. I asked what kind of light ODN is, and they told me that these are general house needs, that is, the light that burns in the corridor and is divided in half and scattered throughout the apartments. ONE for water they explained to me that there is a cleaning lady, well, this is my neighbor’s mother, she is a pensioner, she wanted to clean herself, no one asked her. So, like, she takes water and washes the entrance, and these are public needs, as they explained to me again, Now what grows on the street, trees have been planted there, flowers... etc., and watering works there in the summer. To me this garden is what it is, what it is not. Why should I pay for this garden? And that these are needs for the residents and for beautifying the house (making it beautiful). Summer is over, the prices for water are the same as in summer. There is no watering in winter. The housing and communal services also explain to me that there is also cleaning of pipes with water... But there is also maintenance, for which we also pay... there in the housing and communal services in the same basement. In general, the more you go into the forest, the more firewood you need, just to rip money off people. I believe that the problem is not for the residents to water the garden and pay for it all, but for the housing and communal services, which for some reason dumped their own fees, their own “work” on us. At the same time, they themselves do nothing, sit in the basement, where they have made themselves an “office” and wait for the tenants to come to them to pay money for housing and communal services and one-room services and maintenance, where only a plumber comes once every 10 years. As long as I’ve lived, I saw him once and that’s it. And that's all they are capable of. Why should I, a tenant of my personal apartment, pay for watering some garden where they dictate to me that these are general house services? What kind of chaos is this and the housing and communal services dictate such conditions to me? But won’t we make the housing and communal services sector look bad? I live in the Astrakhan microdistrict of Babaevsky and this housing and communal services company is under the name ART INSTROY LLC. Help me with this question. I provided them with a certificate from my place of work, and they are threatening to sue me. In general, they said that I am obliged to pay, or if I don’t pay, they will sue me and they raised their voices against me!

Ryabov Kirill Alekseevich

2.1. In short, housing and communal services answered you correctly, ODN is paid regardless of your residence in the apartment.
If you do not agree with the water consumption for the one-way service station, receive calculations from the housing and communal services and pre-trial appeal to the State Housing Property Inspectorate or directly to the court.

3. ONE. Do housing and communal services have the right to charge me for one payment (electricity, water) if I have not been home for exactly 4 months? The meter was stopped in June, from July to October I was not at home, because I was at work in another region! Further, I provided a certificate to the housing and communal services, but they told me that if I don’t pay for the ODN, they will sue me. I asked what kind of light ODN was, and they told me that it was for general house needs, that is, a light that burns in the corridor and is divided in half and scattered throughout the apartments. ONE for water they explained to me that there is a cleaning lady, well, this is my neighbor’s mother, she is a pensioner, she wanted to clean herself, no one asked her. So, like, she takes water and washes the entrance, and public services are needed, as they explained to me again, Now what grows on the street, trees have been planted there, flowers... etc., and watering works there in the summer. This poisadnik tells me that he is, that he is not. Why should I pay for this garden? And that these are needs for the residents and for beautifying the house (making it beautiful). Summer is over, the prices for water are the same as in summer. There is no watering in winter. The housing and communal services also explain to me that there is also cleaning of pipes with water... In general, the more you go into the forest, the more firewood you need, just to rip money off people. I believe that the problem is not for the residents to water the garden, but for the housing and communal services, for which for some reason they dumped their fees on us. Why should I, a tenant of my personal apartment, pay for watering some garden where they dictate to me that these are general house services? What kind of chaos is this and the housing and communal services dictate such conditions to me? But won’t we make the housing and communal services sector look bad? I live in the Astrakhan microdistrict of Babaevsky and this housing and communal services company is under the name ART INSTROY LLC. Help me with this question. I provided a certificate from my place of work, they are threatening to sue me. In general, they said that I am obliged to pay, or if I don’t pay, they will sue me and they raised their voices against me!

Stopchenko Natalya Alekseevna

3.1. There is no need to be afraid of the court. They need to be afraid of the court, because the court will not exact too much. The court will raise all the provisions and check all the calculations. And he will refuse the claim in the part that was accrued illegally.
You can write a complaint in writing and demand a recalculation of the fee for public utilities. In the letter, let them write about the justification for the services they included for you.
If they send a written refusal. You yourself can appeal this refusal to court in the manner of appealing the actions of officials of the Criminal Code.

4. Despite the court decision from 2017 to reduce penalties from my income by no more than 35%, and then the decision from 2018 to reduce penalties from my income to no more than 25% due to the fact that after collection the subsistence level was not met minimum (provided certificates from the place of work and from the pension fund) 50% was collected from the place of work for three months wages. The bailiffs have 9 enforcement proceedings listed on my website: 8 at my place of residence and 1 in Kazan. 25% of all my income, according to Article 111 “on enforcement proceedings,” must be jointly distributed among all 9 cases. But in Kazan there is such a “bailiff” - Liliya Shaukatovna Zaidullina, who wants to seem “smarter” than everyone else. Firstly: in January I decided to withdraw 100% of all money from all cards (pension and salary). I lived without a livelihood for 3 months and could not pay for housing and communal services. Three months later, through the court, she began to return the money back to the card. And then again, from July to September, I decided to act differently: I made such a decision to collect only 50% of all my income in her only case. But the accounting department at the place of work was even more sophisticated: they withheld 50% of the salary and sent 25% to 8 cases to the bailiffs at the place of residence and another 25% to the only case in Kazan. After this chaos, I began to call this Zaidullina so that she would cancel the previous decision and issue a decision on joint and several penalties for all 9 proceedings. I explained to her that she should get 1/9th of it. She agreed and sent such a resolution only in October. I brought it to the accounting department and told them to recalculate it. But they refused, saying that they would only send it in October, according to the new resolution. I explained that there was a mistake and they violated Article 111 “on enforcement proceedings” and it was necessary to recalculate and return to me the illegally withheld funds. Now how can I convince them that they are wrong?

Karavaitseva Elena Alexandrovna

4.1. Only in court.

Zlatkin Alexey Mikhailovich

4.2. You need to write a complaint against them to the prosecutor's office.

Question on topic

Money was withdrawn from the Sberbank card, supposedly for debts on housing and communal services, but there were no debts and there were never any. It coincided that at that moment I was selling an apartment, there are certificates of no debt. Tell me how to competently sue a court or a bank? I understand the naivety of such an aspiration, you won’t get the money back, but this is just chaos! There was also a story with transport tax, when I paid it twice in different cities, and then everything was withdrawn from the card according to the same scheme. What to do with these scammers?

5. We live in the village of Novye Darkovichi, Bryansk region. During the 20 years of his reign, the head of the village Moskalenko A.I. with a bad reputation and criminal past, he hasn’t done anything good: drugs. Harassment, fraud in the field of housing and communal services and taxes, sale of land. Chaos, chaos and crime are cultivated by the head himself, threatening fellow villagers and suing them. Our collective appeals to the police, the prosecutor's office and the authorities, the president, led to nothing. Nearby in the village at house number 15 lives State Duma deputy Valentina Mironova, who “does not know” what the head does. Her relatives are Emelyanov, the former head of the Bryansk region, whose brother Emelya is leader of the organized crime group. His killers were given life sentences in the Moscow District Military Court this summer. The Moscow police are asking for 1 million rubles for Emelya, and he is still wanted by Interpol. Mironov is shown next to the governor on TV. A Bryansk politician, Antoshin S.S., who is now in the LDPR party, helped her with the elections. As far as I know and I assume, it was Antoshin who asked my director to intimidate me with dismissal so that I would not go to see Kuzmin.
The bullying and intimidation against me and my family has been going on for three years now: both at work and at home. Now Antoshin is running for deputy from the LDPR. This means there will be no end to the chaos and lawlessness. I worry about myself and my family. Please help our village.

Martynyuk Vitaly Vladimirovich

5.1. This appeal should not be written on this site.

6. I paid for housing and communal services through the portal "government services - GIS Housing and Communal Services", using a debit card (with my hard earned money), Sberbank rejected the payment, blocked the card, personal account, and explained this as allegedly fraudulent actions. Complete chaos. GIS Housing and Public Utilities has a virtual wallet that can be used to pay for services without commission, and Sberbank blocks these transactions as fraudulent. How does the law look at this? if he's looking at all. And how can this bank be brought to its senses, otherwise it seems that they don’t quite understand who provides services to whom and whose money they use.

Piterov Vyacheslav Nikolaevich

6.1. Vladimir, file a complaint with the bank. If your claim is not satisfied, you can file a claim in court.

7. This unfortunate 1 thousand rubles is completely incomparable with the size of the increase in fuel prices, an increase in prices due to an increase in VAT, an increase in housing and communal services tariffs. And, most importantly, with the amount of pension payments for 8 years for women and the amount of pension payments for 5 years for men, which our rulers are going to DEPRIVE of the ENTIRE population of the country. Just take a calculator and multiply your pension by 12 months. (this is per year) and multiply by 8 if you are a woman or multiply by 5 if you are a man. THIS IS THE AMOUNT THE GOVERNMENT IS PROPOSING TO TAKE FROM YOU. And in return give 12 thousand a year. That's all arithmetics! Question: HOW LONG is this chaos?

8. In 1996, he got a job at the Municipal Unitary Enterprise Housing and Communal Services GORNYATSKOYE as a carpenter and received an office room in a small-family dormitory without amenities, and worked as a carpenter for 5 years. When I left I was not told to rent out my room. And now difficulties arose when contacting the city administration and I wanted to write an application for the removal of the residential premises from the service premises. A lawyer for the city administration said that this should not be done, because the commission would make a decision not in my favor and I would be evicted without the right to be provided with another living space, that is, on the street, because I was obliged to rent out the living space upon dismissal. But according to the new documents, my room looks like a full-fledged one-room apartment and I also pay for an apartment, and I cannot prove that this is not an apartment, but a room. It was announced that if I raise this issue. Then they will definitely evict me, in short, some kind of chaos. Please tell me what to do in such a situation. With UV.Alexey.

Stepanov Albert Evgenievich

8.1. Good afternoon to you.
Dear Alexey, in this case you need to understand your situation. Indeed, you were obliged to rent out this official housing; the fact that you lived in it for several years does not mean that you have the right to it.

Question on topic

According to Art. 121-130 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation (in the new edition) on a court order that is issued by a judge SINGLE (and in Russia, specifically in the Irkutsk region, COMPLETE judicial lawlessness), a judge will execute a bribe and will create such an order upon application from housing and communal services, dacha-garage partnerships, etc. d. and they will EXTRACT money from the common people through the bailiffs. There are many facts in the Irkutsk region.
Deputy Chairman of the Irkutsk Regional Court Novokreshchenov under house arrest for bribery, etc. ...

9. For almost 2 years now, the house where we live has been raping the housing and communal services administration. Taking advantage of the situation when the former chairman of the council of the MKD experienced grief, the management quickly crushed the legitimate council and, having forged the council’s documents, cobbled together its own pocket council from the people of cleaners, a nurse, a housewife and one rogue, and now takes three times the skins, the council signs! Complete chaos! People at all levels of administration, the prosecutor’s office, the State Duma, etc. wrote, but they didn’t care! Here's the situation...

Kolkovsky Yuri Valerievich

9.1. Write a collective complaint to the prosecutor's office and ask for inspections

Contact our website lawyers for free answers to your questions. Good luck to you.

Ugryumov Evgeniy Anatolievich

9.2. Hello! It is advisable for you to contact a lawyer in person with this question, since you need to see all the documents on the case and know the essence of the case.

10. I urge lawyers to help - to clarify whether it is legal in the Ivanovo region that, according to the recently introduced tariff for the removal of solid waste (solid waste), regional. The operator charges ALL owners of residential premises, regardless of whether anyone lives in a given residential premises or whether it is empty. In response to all our questions, they tell us that everything is “legal”, the data on the supposed residents is taken from old databases, sometimes from the previous owners of the property. Tariff Department Ivanovsk. The region adopted such a standard equal to 88 rubles. 72 kopecks per person. per month, and it doesn’t matter whether anyone litters at this address at all. That is, if several premises are owned, incl. and empty ones - they send receipts for EVERYTHING, and debts are already accumulating in several places at once.. Complete chaos, because we consider it illegal - at those addresses where NOBODY lives - this service is not provided to you. But this doesn’t seem to bother anyone who came up with this “pilot” project since July of this year. The people are indignant. We consider this illegal, rallies have already begun to take place in the cities of the region about... But they continue to send receipts with debts... And then they will motivate that if you have debts, you will be denied social benefits for housing and communal services... social security...

Evgrafova Elena Alekseevna

10.1. Hello. File a complaint with the prosecutor's office. If it doesn't help. Then to court. Services not provided are not subject to payment. Recalculation is required to be made on the basis of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 upon provision of supporting documents on payment at another place of residence.
All the best.
P.S. - This is a general warning, not to anyone specific. Do not write me free questions and clarifications on the “Wall” or in personal mail. My free consultation and answers to clarifications are only here on the site.

11. The water meter is out of order. During the inspection, the water utility inspector discovered that he did not count. The owner is 84 years old, disabled 1 gr. No one has lived in this private house for more than a year, there is no water debt. The controller offers to buy a new meter and install it yourself, the next day the meter was purchased and installed. After 4 days, an application for sealing the meter was submitted, a list of documents required for sealing was received, including a water supply project. Water supply was provided to the village residents by housing and communal services personnel 15 years ago, at that time there were no projects. Vodokanal has now started making projects and is forcing all village residents to make projects for the old water supply system. In this case, the actually completed water supply system must be adjusted to the design solution. And these are new connections, moving water meters from houses to the street into wells, digging and laying pipes in wells (in short - a huge amount of work at the expense of subscribers). We refused to make a project and adjust the nature to the project. Then the head of Vodokanal threatened “if you don’t want it to be good, it will be bad” and a receipt for payment for water of 34,348 rubles arrived. Went to find out why? The head of the customer service says that these are penalties due to the fact that it was not we ourselves who announced the failure of the water meter, but the controller who discovered that it was not working.
Dear LAWYERS, help overcome this chaos! Tell me where to go and what to refer to. I can’t find a link anywhere that says there is no need to do a project on an old water supply system. And what to do with this receipt for 34,348 rubles?

Evgrafov Mikhail Vyacheslavovich

11.1. Hello. Well, no one will look for legislation on design within the framework of a correspondence consultation. To do this, you need to contact an in-person paid consultation.
As for penalties, that is only in court. You were counted according to the standard. And, apparently, over a very long period. And they have no right to count more than 6 months.
Before you do anything, be sure to consult a specialist. This will save you from many problems in the future. All the best. Thank you for choosing our site.

12. I would like to receive an answer to a question regarding housing and communal services. It is not clear why the tariffs for electricity in MOP and in apartments are different in the same building. Why is the coefficient for calculating MOS electricity 2.7? Doorways never consume as much electricity as apartments. In Kaliningrad there is complete chaos with the cost of heating and electricity MOP. The main thing is that it is impossible to achieve correct and clear explanation in any organization.

Chernetsky Igor Vyacheslavovich

12.1. The prosecutor's office, in accordance with their powers, resolves statements, complaints and other requests containing information about violations of laws.

Question on topic

In a good way! Debt for housing and communal services starting from March (not from March 1) 2015 to November (including) 2017. Statement of claim by the management company dated November 16, 2018. Between them there was a court order dated February 2, 2018, canceled by a ruling dated July 24. 2018 P.S. I recognize the debt, but not so boundless. I made calculations based on the amount of lawlessness, but I want to reduce them in terms of the statute of limitations at least. Thank you in advance. I fight slowly.

13. I bought an apartment. Moved in in the summer. From the moment of heating there was a hum. 24/7. Coming from the basement from the operation of ITP pumps. The management company reacted sluggishly. She was doing something. But the hum did not disappear. The hum lasted the entire heating season of 8 months. I had to leave home. I filed a lawsuit. The judge hesitates with his decision. Without reason. Left 2 claims without progress. After the complaint. 4 months after filing the claim. Finally I started to consider it. During this period, 4 examinations were carried out in my apartment. consumption Supervision 2nd examination 1st and last were not in compliance with the dignity. lin night time. In the meantime, the Criminal Code conducted an examination. Of course, they had the norm. It was quiet only during the examination. Then the hum resumed. They have access to the basement. When they need it. They may turn off equipment for a short period of time. At the time of your measurement. At the request of the defendant. Conduct another examination. The judge decided to conduct the examination in November. Heating starts in September. For me, litigation cannot be sustained. With the loss of my health, I somehow withstood 8 months of ruckus. And now there are still 7 months of litigation. I want to ask you. Whose rights does the court protect? And how to get rid of the lawlessness of the Criminal Code and the judge. I am 66 years old and I run around other people’s apartments. Because I can’t live in mine. Through no fault of my own. I would like to ask that we live in a rule of law state. If yes, then how to defend your rights? This was my first time facing court. I understand why they are so busy. And all management companies and housing and communal services are getting richer. And they thrive.

Cherednichenko Vladislav Alexandrovich

13.1. In this situation, there is nothing left to do but endure and wait for another examination, since there is no way to influence the court. It’s clear that all this is difficult, but there is no other way out anyway.

Karasov Sergey Petrovich

13.2. Hello! The court will only resolve the dispute regarding your claim. The court is not on the side of the plaintiff and not on the side of the defendant. In any case, the court will make a decision. Your case is not simple and depends on the results of the examination.

Zlatkin Alexey Mikhailovich

13.3. Hello, in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, you have the right to file a complaint with the prosecutor's office and the housing inspectorate.

Eliseev Vitaly Alexandrovich

13.4. Submit a complaint to the chairman of the court, attaching documents with a request to send this judge to the Supreme Court for deprivation of status, then file a petition in court and challenge him because in connection with a complaint against the judge, he she may experience feelings of resentment, which may affect the outcome of the case and discredit the high rank of the judge and cause an irreparable blow to the judiciary, there are a lot of options, I spent two hours making challenges to the chairman of the court, the result was that the judge recorded the challenges on the phone and collegially... gave them a legal assessment, the result was love and friendship with the judge.

Saraychuk Anna Anatolyevna

13.5. Good day. The court considers the dispute on its merits. Examines the evidence provided by the parties. In order to make a correct and fair decision, he needs evidence. If they are insufficient, he will reclaim them. Will order examinations if necessary. The court is not on anyone's side. Based on the evidence in the case file, he makes a decision.

13.6. Good day. The court is obliged to consider cases within the framework of the stated requirements; if an examination has already been appointed, you need to wait for its conclusion. And if the decision made by the court does not suit you, you can appeal it to a higher court.

14. GUZHA F Runzensky district of St. Petersburg. SENT THE DOCUMENTS ON THE DEBT OF Housing and Communal Services for the period from 11/01/2015 to 01/31/2017 to the Magistrates' Court. in the amount of 60 thousand 220 rubles. And the magistrate issued a court order to repay the debt jointly with the daughter. But my daughter and I have divided the payment for the apartment since November 2013. I wrote an objection to this order to the court within the established 10-day period. After all, I have my own faces. there is no debt on the account. And the horse knows about this, both about the absence of debt and about the fact that the accounts are divided. What can be shown about this incident in GUZHA, because this is complete chaos.

Gribov Yuri Vladimirovich

14.1. In accordance with Article 129 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, the judge will send a copy of the ruling to cancel the order to the housing organization

The judge cancels the court order if the debtor raises objections regarding its execution within the prescribed period. In the ruling on the cancellation of the court order, the judge explains to the claimant that the stated claim can be presented by him in the manner of claim proceedings. Copies of the court ruling to cancel the court order are sent to the parties no later than three days after the day it was issued.

Akmalov Airat Gabbasovich

14.2. Hello! In this case, you need to familiarize yourself with the legislation of the Russian Federation
Article 129. Cancellation of a court order
The judge cancels the court order if the debtor raises objections regarding its execution within the prescribed period. In the ruling on the cancellation of the court order, the judge explains to the claimant that the stated claim can be presented by him in the manner of claim proceedings. Copies of the court ruling to cancel the court order are sent to the parties no later than three days after the day it was issued.

Bazarova Svetlana Nikolaevna

14.3. Good day.
Dear Stanislav Olegovich, the court made a decision based on the Claim, you can file a complaint against them.
All the best, good luck to you.

Khabarova Yadviga Gerontievna

14.4. Dear Stanislav Olegovich
Based on this fact, you can file a complaint with the prosecutor’s office regarding the violation of your rights and the actual non-execution of a previously held court decision on the division of payments for utility bills.
Since your management company divided the payment, but due to its negligence, it again collected the debt not in accordance with the court decision, but even ignored it.
Good luck and all the best to you

15. In 2014, a new board of directors of the Na Ostrovityanova HOA was elected. But with the arrival of a new manager, who was brought in by our chairman, legal and financial chaos began to occur in the HOA. And today, unfortunately, we are faced with a situation in which our board, designed to defend the joint rights and interests of the owners, is trying in any way to complicate the situation. Any undertakings of our managers boil down to the fact that money began to be systematically withdrawn from our account under the pretext of dubious work, non-existent contracts and decisions of the owners. No financial documents (contracts, defective statements, estimates) are provided. Firms are hired at the choice and desire of the manager G.B. Feklistov. As a result, the board and chairman generally stopped answering “inconvenient” questions from HOA members, stopped posting truthful financial and economic documentation on the HOA’s official website, closed the forum, and general meetings began to be held without conducting the in-person part, and absentee voting was carried out with many violations, the voting results were falsified. Annual reports became formal and raised many questions. In addition, it turned out that the house had debts (about 10,000,000 rubles) to resource-providing organizations, MOEK and Mosvodokanal. There are lawsuits going on, which our HOA is losing. Although the chairman continues to convince everyone otherwise. He simply did not show up for the last meeting on March 2, 2017. The HOA website is currently closed.
Unfortunately, over these past years, with the assistance of our managers, we have missed a lot. The house is not getting any younger. Intervention is already required in both the structure and equipment of the building. But what is happening now is the appearance of activity aimed at a temporary perspective. He greased it here, he screwed it up here. From year to year, they include the cost of roof repairs in the estimate, blame it on the poor quality work of the previous contractor, and again launder another amount of money. All types of work have warranty periods, of course, if they are not carried out by guest workers. So our HOA board quite often enters into contracts with contractors for work only on paper, transfers money under these contracts, and then cashes it out. The cost of work is inflated, money goes into the pockets of managers, and repairs are done for pennies, or even free, by workers from our garage. There is a lot of evidence of such actions. For example, a homeowners association enters into an agreement with a contractor to perform work or provide services. And the estimates that we have seen are all too high. For example: regardless of the fact that we have a contract for the maintenance of fire systems for 1,000,000 rubles, the work on pulling the fire cable was carried out by our workers from the garage, respectively, free of charge. The installation of barriers cost the house 2,400,000 rubles. This is not an adequate amount for such barriers. Their maintenance costs about 300,000 rubles. per year. + spare parts. How much did it cost to repair seams in 30 degree frost? Where is the recalculation for heat? Etc. and so on.
The owners endured all this for two years. Based on the above, in 2016, the residents of the house were forced to create an initiative group, which initially tried to obtain clarification on a number of issues and help correct them taking into account the existing comments, without resorting to drastic measures and counting on common sense board. But this was an empty phrase. Then letters of complaint were written to all authorities related to housing and communal services. And in all the answers there were recommendations to change the board and chairman. And finally, the tenure of this “wonderful” company has come to an end. Despite this, our imperishable board announced a re-election meeting in the form of in-person and absentee voting from 12/01/2016 to 12/08/2016. We learned about the list of candidates only during the voting period. New members officially announced were ignored. As a result, the initiators of the meeting confronted us with the fact of voting for the candidacies of the previous board, while excluding the in-person part of the voting, because We were not allowed into the premises indicated in the notice, citing the fact that this was the first time they had heard about it. The location of the meeting turned out to be a hoax. 06.12.2016 to mailboxes ballots were scattered on the issues put to vote, and on December 16, 2016, the voting results were already posted on the stand, according to which the old board was re-elected with stunning results. All these illegal actions of the board of Vasilenko A.L. and led to the fact that the residents of the house finally decided to re-elect the previous management, while filing a lawsuit to declare the meeting of December 1, 2016 invalid.
At the end of December 2016, a new extraordinary meeting in person and in absentia of HOA members and home owners was held. The meeting was held in compliance with all norms of housing legislation, because the organizers understood the complexity and seriousness of the moment. The voting results exceeded all expectations. They were counted by the counting commission and recorded in the protocol. Also, a registered valuable letter was sent to the board and chairman with a list of all minutes and decisions of the meeting. In particular, the decision of January 16, 2016 on the election of a new one. Chairman of the HOA “On Ostrovityanova”. Since the general meeting of MKD owners is the highest governing body of the house, the competence of which is assigned by the legislator to the most important issues, our new board has stepped up to its responsibilities. Despite the fact that there was a legal expression of will of the members of the HOA “Na Ostrovityanova” to replace the previous management, which had completely discredited itself with its recent actions, the old chairman engaged in arbitrariness and refused to give out the keys to the board room, where all the documents of the HOA were located. In this regard, after submitting documents to the 46th tax inspectorate, making changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities on February 16, 2017, and officially confirming the powers of the new chairman, it was decided, in the presence of the police, to open the door of the board room and begin work. There was also a preliminary attempt to block Sberbank accounts so that the previous management could not use them before the audit (there is a clause in the protocol). But it was Vasilenko A.L. and Feklistov G.B. They called the investigative team of the Konkovo ​​Department of Internal Affairs and insisted on sealing the board's premises (before opening the safes and cabinets), probably afraid that we might find documents incriminating them there or find information that they would like to hide. Subsequently, they repeatedly tried to enter this room using all non-traditional methods. And now they are trying to convince everyone that they really want to “work”, but there is no way to get into the board room. Do they need it? It is more important to bring the situation to complete chaos and convince residents that the new board is sabotaging their activities, preventing them from paying salaries to employees and carrying out work activities. In the meantime, all utility payments continue to be regularly deposited into the VTB Bank account. And nothing and no one prevents you from using them. We can safely conclude that this whole story with invented obstacles is a fabrication of unprecedented scale, created to cover up perhaps one of the largest scams in the history of our house!
There was no limit to surprise when, on March 3, 2017, the previous chairman of the board, A.L. Vasilenko, was again included in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities! Who, without providing any documents other than 14001, and some application sent by email, without having any basis for submitting documents (his powers were terminated), registered again without hindrance. As the head of the department later said, in a statement from Vasilenko A.L. it was said about the raider seizure of power by some bandits, and the unreliability of the information they provided. If the Housing Code and our charter clearly state that the highest legislative body of the HOA is the general meeting of owner-members of the HOA, then why, on the basis of some statement from an individual, is the decision of the meeting canceled by an ordinary tax inspector? Realizing the obvious absurdity of what was happening, the members of the HOA came to a reception with the leadership of Tax Inspectorate No. 46, which was unable to explain why the legally elected board found itself in such a not entirely convenient (to put it mildly) position. And this is when it is necessary to quickly conduct an audit in order to pay salaries to a huge staff of workers and security, when new information has already been entered into the Unified Center and the Pension Fund, etc. Hiding his eyes, the head of the inspection department advised us to get form 14001 again and submit documents in the second round, which we did on the same day. Even the tax inspector’s lawyer advised to file a complaint with the Main Directorate of the Federal Tax Service for clarification, because the law has been broken.
They say: “Good management eliminates bad relationships.” But that’s the way it turned out for us... Unfortunately, our tasks are different! For us it is to prevent theft, for them it is to legalize it!
On March 15, 2017, the legal representatives of the HOA again came to the 46th Tax Inspectorate in order to again receive the Unified State Register of Legal Entities registration sheet. And there was no limit to the indignation! Refused! On what basis? Again a trip to the authorities. At first, in confusion, it spoke about some undelivered documents, then it spoke about a corporate dispute, then it turned out that Vasilenko A.L. wrote that he was the injured party and needed protection. And this is a person against whom there are three lawsuits in the court of the Cheryomushkinsky district, two statements in the prosecutor’s office, five or six statements in the Konkovo ​​police department and already several administrative cases from the Moscow Housing Inspectorate. It turns out that Vasilenko A.L. is a constant deception. and government is not a deliberate course of action, but already a property of character. Therefore, breaking the law has become a habit for them, and is not an obstacle to achieving their goals, and we have provided them with the material base. Tax Inspectorate No. 46 directly helped experienced fraudsters once again feel their impunity and permissiveness. By their decision, employees of tax inspectorate No. 46 and our careless, power-hungry managers blocked the activities of the HOA for an indefinite period of time, until the end of the trial, since there was a vacuum of power, or rather the presence of dual power. The accounts are blocked, the board is sealed by the police, the salary debt to the service personnel is already about 2,000,000 rubles. year to date. And this is all thanks to the efforts of G.B. Feklistov. and boards. Vasilenko is in no hurry to pay. Debts are growing. Lawlessness continues!
If state Vasilenko A.L. I don't agree with the decision general meeting, then let him go to court and present documents confirming his case. The new board for its part, everything Required documents submitted to the GUIS and the Moscow Housing Inspectorate, as required by law.
Voting ballots and protocols were previously not official documents, which was used by fraudsters in the housing sector. Previously, people were also prosecuted for forgery of these documents, but it was necessary to prove that the forgery of documents was aimed at illegally making a profit. Now, falsification of protocols and ballots is punishable based on the fact that the act has been committed, regardless of the material consequences. Therefore, issued by Vasilenko A.L. 14001 is not legal. The minutes of the meeting he provided to the notary Nikonova S.A. are unauthorized, like many of the minutes signed by him, as evidenced by letters from the Moscow Housing Inspectorate.
At the moment, the manager is trying to get into the board room by any means. Not disdaining any means, he forced our garage workers to cut off the locks from the hatches located on the technical floor above the board using a grinder. Thus, he brought them under the article, because the police arrested them. But through the efforts of our residents and an honest admission of the manager’s compulsory order, they were released. Despite the fact that it was these two workers who actually did the repairs for free new apartment Feklistova G.B., they could end up in places not so remote. This is how business is done in our HOA with the hands of powerless people who are absolutely dependent on the current situation... How much more time will it take for the old board to understand that what is fake is never durable! HOA “Na Ostrovityanova”, which accumulates considerable cash flows (about 40,000,000 per year), has become an object for various types of abuse and fraud. And that's a fact!
And we are to blame... With our indifference, indifference, indifference to life at home, we disbanded such types, gave them the opportunity, regardless of our opinion, to act at their own discretion, while using our material resources. All this created fertile ground for various types of fraud. Today Chairman Vasilenko happily continues his activities. Despite Article 170 of the Criminal Code on submitting false information to the registration authorities, he opens new bank accounts and asks not to delay payment of utility bills...

Okulova Irina Vladimirovna

15.1. The owners of an apartment building have the right to bring to the general meeting of the house the issue of entering from the management company and choosing another organization serving you, as well as to appeal controversial issues judicially. It all depends on the residents and owners.

16. Life has made me interested in laws, in particular regarding housing and communal services. I began to attend court as a listener on these issues. But now at two trials a bailiff (who is present at the hearing) comes into the courtroom and I have the feeling that they are afraid of me. And my interest has grown, since in our city there is complete chaos in management companies, supported by both the city administration and housing authorities, and even the Department of Economic Crimes. No one is interested in forged signatures in the minutes of general meetings, and no one is punished for forging them...

Filatov Evgeniy Pavlovich

16.1. Good afternoon

Probably yes, a person who just sits like that if his case is not considered and so on - raises doubts about the psyche. Health

All consultations are of a brief preliminary nature; to answer in more detail, it is necessary to study the documents, as well as clarify additional circumstances that may affect the content of the answer.

With respect to you, Evgeniy Pavlovich Filatov.

Smirnova Natalya Vladimirovna

16.2. Hello!
The bailiff can attend court hearings in order for citizens to comply with the rules of behavior in court, for example, so that those present maintain silence and order in the courtroom.

Question on topic

Back in 2017, due to the fault of the management company, almost all my household appliances burned out. Due to severe financial situation The equipment was partially repaired. All documents (originals) were given to the housing and communal services for compensation for losses. However, housing and communal services do not even think about paying compensation and the documents are not being returned. How to deal with this lawlessness, where to complain?

17. Question about housing and communal services. In the last payment we were given an expense cold water 40 cubic meters plus another 277 rubles for increasing the coefficient of 1.5. This chaos is constant. What to do and how to punish?!

Titov Andrey Valerievich

17.1. Good day! If the apartment does not have individual water meters, the calculation of an increasing factor of 1.5 is legal. Install meters and you will pay according to actual consumption.

Manin Vladimir Petrovich

17.2. If the housing and communal services do not give you any explanations, you must file a complaint with the state housing inspectorate to check and take action. Good luck.

Gribov Yuri Vladimirovich

17.3. In Saratov, for apartment-type residential buildings with all amenities, the cold water consumption standard is 9.0 cubic meters. m per month per person.
Therefore, if 4 people live in an apartment, then only 36 cubic meters
In the absence of metering devices, a multiplying factor is applied
Water meters should be installed.

Balakhtin Philip Viktorovich

17.4. Install water meters and pay the meters according to the amount of water you used without any increasing factors, now you are punishing yourself.

18. My name is Alexander, I am 49 years old, I have five children, three of whom are minors, 4 years old, 10 years old and 15 years old, I am disabled group 2. I ask for your advice on the topic of housing and communal services. My story of Russian horrors began on July 7, 2014, when an unknown criminal structure under the name of OJSC "OUZhK" filed a lawsuit against my family in the magistrate's court for allegedly unpaid housing and communal services. Since I pay housing and communal services on time and can document this, I turned to the residents of our apartment building to clarify the situation with the above-mentioned structure. But no one knew what kind of structure this was due to the fact that none of the residents of our apartment building and our microdistrict had contracts with this group for any services and our apartment building did not receive any services or was serviced no one. When I asked the residents of our building what was on their receipts and who they paid, people said that they paid to the settlement information center, but not a single resident had an agreement with either RIC or other companies providing services. I myself pay for housing and communal services to those companies with which I have an official agreement and which provide me with real services: heat, gas, water, electricity. energy, I heat hot water with titanium. Only PJSC Tplus Ekaterinburg and the Vodyniks refused to enter into an agreement with me, the Vodyniks without any motive whatsoever, and for Tplus it is beneath their dignity, which they officially notified me about. After all the futile attempts to find out anything about the mysterious structure of OUZHK, I began to wait for the trial, which later lasted about three months. At the trial, I learned that the structure of OJSC OUZhK exists and belongs to a very high-ranking regional official, this structure does nothing, does not enter into agreements with anyone, and only collects “money.” Not a single fact or proof of the correctness of their claims in the amount of 16,725 rubles. The above-mentioned criminal structure did not provide any contracts or onerous obligations on my part to my family’s budget. Moreover, there is no need to talk about any disclosure of activities to the owners of the residential premises of the managed building, as required by the housing complex. At the trial, representatives of this structure were constantly changing; out of 7-8 meetings, representatives were only at 3-4 court meetings. Representatives of this structure were constantly confused in their testimony; they could not answer a simple question: on what basis do they collect money from our apartment building. Some representatives said that on the basis of the general meeting of the HOA, others said that on the basis of the general meeting of the owners of the residential premises of our apartment building. But at the same time, not a single protocol of the general meeting was provided, not a single agreement or contract for services was provided by these people. It also turned out at the trial that in our microdistrict there was a super secret HOA which not a single resident of our microdistrict knew and representatives of the criminal “OUZHK” could not name either the chairman of the HOA or the address of the actual location of this HOA. Only at the end of the process did they find the chairman of the secret HOA, and miraculously were able to invite him to the last court hearing, and from that moment on, my story of Russian horrors smoothly turned into a Russian ordeal. Ultimately, the last representative provided a fake, unreadable protocol No. 29 of the HOA 4-2 dated, perhaps, December 25, 2012, for some reason certified by the criminal structure of OJSC "OUZhK", at the choice of the illegitimate chairman of the secret HOA, and on the basis of this protocol the judge accepted the decision was in favor of the criminal structure, signing the death warrant for my family budget. In general, the judge at the trial immediately took a pro-criminal position and sided with OUZHK. He was not interested in my official evidence, but simply the words of criminal representatives were unshakable evidence for him. The judge also refused to invite my witnesses. But at the last court hearing on October 22, 2014 (a very important date), a very interesting incident happened; the fake chairman of the HOA could not answer a simple question: are you the chairman of the HOA or not, and he did not know his chairman audit commission, who is not a member of the HOA, but is a member of the criminal structure “OUZHK”. The trial, fortunately, I lost, but the story did not end there. After the end of the last trial, I left the court and walked about 250 meters, turned the corner and after walking about another 50 meters, a dirty SUV blocked my way, the window rolled down and a rather frightened young man very quickly muttered a threat against my family and my children. , if suddenly I decide to further sue the above-mentioned criminal structure, I will have very big problems. At that same second, the car backed up and drove away at high speed. I was simply dumbfounded by such arrogance and stupidity. After the trial, I contacted the prosecutor’s office, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, right up to the presidential administration, and various human rights structures. In my appeals, I pointed out 100% corruption, fraud and laundering of public and government money. There was no response from human rights structures, but from all relevant government agencies. structures, the answer came something like this: “We can’t help you in any way, since theft, fraud and corruption are not a crime, but just business.” Just like that! I can confirm each of my words from the above with official documents and video recordings of trials.
The next year, in the same way, without declaring its existence, like fascist Germany, the following criminal structure under the name of GUK LLC Kamyshlov sued me in June. At the first trial, the lawyer or lawyer of the criminal structure brought only his money, no evidence, no confirmation of the validity of his claims, and nothing more. It was big news for me that a new criminal structure had appeared to collect money; I was 100% sure that our house remained in the sphere of collecting money from the criminal group “OUZhK”.
For reference: In our city of Kamyshlov, Sverdlovsk region. in ten years there have been 7-8 gangs that call themselves management companies. None of these structures concluded a single agreement with any of the owners of residential premises; I asked and demanded to conclude an agreement more than once, but it was all in vain. All structures refused to sign contracts with me. These structures collected money from residents, but did nothing and did not serve anything. I also regularly paid any demands of the gangs, but at the same time I did not receive any services. When I asked questions to the newly emerged criminal housing and communal services structures: “Where is our money, which we paid to your predecessors for capital. repairs, for maintenance and all sorts of other things, I always received the same answer - we don’t care who or what you paid there, you will pay us from scratch. And the most amazing detail is that the structures changed, but the people in management remained the same.
The structure of GUK LLC Kamyshlov lost the first trial in the magistrate’s court because it did not have time to falsify the documents. After losing, this structure appealed to a more criminalized court of higher instance - Kamyshlovsky City Court. The court scheduled a hearing for November 3, 2015, where I came with my wife and 14-year-old daughter. The judge's secretary registered us, I showed her the camera and told her that I would be filming the trial and said that my 14-year-old daughter, who already had a passport, would be present at the trial. The secretary reacted normally and a little later invited the three of us into the meeting room. Before going into the courtroom, we saw Kamyshlov, a lawyer at GUK LLC, enter the judge’s office, and while we were waiting for the invitation, the lawyer was in the judge’s office all this time, and when he left, we don’t know how the rest of the time we were waiting for the trial in the meeting room. But at some point the secretary entered the hall and said that our daughter could not be present at the trial; when asked on what grounds, we did not receive an answer. I told the secretary what is possible and what is not allowed during the trial is determined by the judge, not the secretary. The secretary left, but the bailiff came and said that we were prohibited from filming the process, although before that my camera was perceived positively. I repeated to the bailiff exactly what I told the secretary, he didn’t say anything and left, but a minute later he returned with help in the amount of five more bailiffs. Since in this case I could no longer officially do anything, we were forced under pressure and threats to leave the meeting room. We never saw the judge. My daughter managed to film the whole process of lawlessness, how we were removed from the process. The trial was lost for us. Later we received a court decision, which states that we did not even come to the court, but we have significant evidence of the judge’s lies. But after all these events, I had in my hands two court decisions on “OUZhK” and on LLC “GUK” Kamyshlov, and in them I saw a complete discrepancy with the data, these two decisions contradicted each other. Then I began to look for information on these two structures and, lo and behold, I found the first information on “OUZhK”! When the judge read out the verdict on October 22, 2014 for “OUZhK” to me, at that moment this structure in Kamyshlov was no longer legitimate according to the decision of the Kamyshlovsky City Court dated 09/11/2014. Based on this court decision, the head of Kamyshlov issued a decree dated December 17, 2014, No. 2134, on the transfer of certain addresses from OUZHK to the management of LLC GUK Kamyshlov. That's how! The head of Kamyshlov doesn’t need any decisions from the residents, or holding general meetings, or any of this; he simply took people’s property, just as he gave his own to the scammers. But that’s not all, I was interested in why this court decision dated September 11, 2014 did not have the number of the court decision on OUZHK indicated in any open official source, the case was so classified that even on the court’s Internet resource there was no information about it information. Then I decided to go to the Kamyshlovsky City Court for a copy of the court case on OUZHK. I wrote an application to the court to provide me with a copy of the case for reading and began to wait for the court’s response. When I received the answer, I couldn’t believe my eyes what was in the official letter from the court, I quote part of the answer: “-, a copy of the decision cannot be issued, since you are not a party to the case. We also inform you that, according to the materials of the civil case, the apartment building located at the address (the address of our apartment building is indicated) was not transferred to the management of OJSC "OUZhK". What fun, my family was convicted, but our house was not transferred to these scammers and the whole house 70 apartments for three years I paid money to nothing, and since this structure did not sign any contracts with anyone, it is not possible to ask them. Our authorities simply don’t give a damn about people, or about all of Russia in general. It turns out that the judges in Kamyshlov knew about the whole situation, but they themselves took up the law, since they feed from such criminal structures.
But my story doesn’t end there, in 2016 the cream. The structure of GUK Kamyshlov LLC again filed a lawsuit against my family in court, again in the summer. I understood that in a criminally illegal system justice would never prevail, but luckily for me, this structure also filed a lawsuit against the neighbors from our own entrance. A neighbor came up to me and asked for help in this matter, to be a representative at the trial, since I already had some experience in the fight against the forces of evil, albeit tragic. I agreed. In two processes running in parallel, I pulled apart all the scammers’ protections. The judge was the same as in the first trial with OUZHK, he also brazenly played along with the plaintiff, but I immediately presented him with the facts of his corruption, which scared him. But still, during the trial, he worked for “GUK” Kamyshlov, refused to call witnesses, refused to forcibly bring the fake chairman of HOA 4-2 to the trial, if the judge agreed to call my witnesses, then the subpoenas were either not sent, or were drawn up in such a way, that no witnesses came. The whole essence of the claim was that the residents of our house are obliged to pay “GUK” Kamyshlov without any election of them as a management company, without concluding agreements with the owners of residential premises. The main witness from the plaintiff, the fake chairman of HOA 4-2, never showed up at the trial; the head of “GUK” Kamyshlov himself had to be invited many times until he deigned to come for 15 minutes. But the judge did not care about the obvious violations and forgeries on the part of the plaintiff, it is still unknown where the legal address of HOA 4-2 is located, during the process it turned out that the chairman of HOA 4-2, who was declared to be the real one, was not legitimate, the real the chairman of this structure was completely different. The head of the GUK structure, Kamyshlov, when he was pressed with facts during the trial, said on camera that he has two chairmen of the HOA 4-2, one for the residents, and the second for the tax office, and that the documentation for the HOA 4-2 is kept by him, and not in HOA 4-2. After such a statement, the judge himself was shocked and within a day, he submitted a request to the Federal Tax Service twice and twice received the answer that the chairman of HOA 4-2 is a completely different person. Also, the representative and head of “GUK” Kamyshlov could not answer a simple question, on the basis of what and who chose them as the management company, on the basis of the meeting of HOA 4-2 or on the basis of the owners of the premises of the apartment building. Ultimately, this structure provided a copy of the fake minutes of the general meeting of members of the HOA 4-2, which indicated that the general meeting was 24. On 10.2014, more than 8 thousand people gathered and voted for “GUK” Kamyshlov. The chairman of the meeting was the fake chairman of the HOA 4-2. By the standards of our city, so many people don’t even gather for city holidays. No one could name the location of the meeting. But there is a very interesting detail in this whole story, at the first trial in 2014, at the last court hearing on October 22, 2014, the fake chairman perjured himself on camera and when the judge asked him a question: “Are you going to do something to resolve the problems that have arisen in your HOA?”, to which the fake chairman replied: “What can I do? I have no seal, no money, no documents on HOA 4-2 and the HOA exists only on paper and in general he was asked to be the chairman.” And on 10/24/2014 he suddenly gathered, who knows where, more than 8 thousand people for a meeting where he was the chairman, but not a single resident knew or heard about this meeting or about the homeowners association itself. In general, with God's help, I won the case for myself and for my neighbors. After the trial, the plaintiff's lawyer yelled at the judge so much that it could be heard even in the court corridor. But the story, again, did not end, the structure of the “GUK” Kamyshlov does not leave me alone, they constantly extort money through corrupt judges, I was able to fight off some of the demands, but danger is gathering over my family, I am afraid that in my absence they will throw a grenade into the apartment or, Why the hell the children will be shot or cut, or kidnapped.
Dear gentlemen, comrade lawyers, please help with advice or whatever you can, what can I do in this situation. My statements are not accepted anywhere, neither by the courts, nor by the police, nor by the Investigative Committee, nor by the prosecutor’s office. Even the president had to write through Germany so that it would get through, but this “passenger” in general does not give a damn about Russia and the people, he tried to write to him three times, twice he received replies.
I apologize for such a long story, but it didn’t work out shorter.

Kot Fedor Evgenievich

18.1. Dear gentlemen, comrade lawyers, please help with advice or whatever you can, what can I do in this situation. My statements are not accepted anywhere, neither by the courts, nor by the police, nor by the Investigative Committee, nor by the prosecutor’s office. Even the president had to write through Germany so that it would get through, but this “passenger” in general does not give a damn about Russia and the people, he tried to write to him three times, twice he received replies.
This kind of “petition” is considered by lawyers only on a paid basis.

Gavrilova Vera Gennadievna

18.2. Hello, the text is too long for a free consultation, you can contact any lawyer by paying for his services. No one will even read this question. Thank you for choosing our site, all the best, goodbye.

19. I have a number of questions on which in the foreseeable future I intend to contact the appropriate authorities (local and Moscow scale), once again, for fear of becoming a victim of illegal activities of government agencies, on the further specified topics of conflict situations with: representatives of the law (authorities) on labor disputes and consumer rights; various organizations of the housing and communal services system, legal relatives and other violators of my rights. First of all, I am interested in legal norms concerning the boundaries of legal rights arising from the standard of living of low-income and seriously ill pensioners, in my person, including on the following questions, preliminary answers to which I now expect from you. I). Allocation of natural shares of ownership in the apartment: 1). What is the amount of the state duty and am I exempt from paying it when filing a claim and making a court decision; 2) Is it enough to submit to the court an act (or other document?) from the BTI with a note on a previously legalized, but not formalized (there was no money and no need, due to this situation) option for the current redevelopment of the apartment, since in the future there will be significant expenses for registration of similar documents in the BTI for a new version of the next redevelopment of the apartment, subject to legalization in a future court. II). Conflict relationships with my son and our “illegal” relatives (cohabitant and her mother): 1) What is the amount of the state duty and am I exempt from paying it when filing a lawsuit and making a court decision; 2). What evidence (documents) is required from me regarding the claims: a) fulfillment of children’s responsibilities to disabled parents (amount of alimony, all kinds of assistance on household and other issues, including apartment repairs); b) the procedure for my communication with my disabled grandson (born in 2004). III). Should I pay where and in what amount the state fee when I apply to the Constitutional Court with statements regarding the violations of my rights described below? IV). Legal lawlessness of representatives of the law (authority) of all levels and stripes (militia/police, prosecutor's office, justice, etc.) 1) The legality of exemption from criminal (administrative, personal) liability even for the most indisputable facts of frank and, no less, mediocre manifestations of legal lawlessness (1976-2013), in particular, on the proceedings of labor disputes and consumer protection; 2). Demanding from me impossible evidence of generally known circumstances; 3). Bias in evaluating evidence; 4). A demonstrative disregard for the evidence and testimony I provided; 5). Unreasonable refusals to accept and execute my applications, including: a) to provide evidence; b) about defiant behavior and unfounded statements (slander) of the defendants and their representatives); 6). Unreasonable release (full or partial) of my defendants from the duties of: a) properly proving their arguments; b) providing me with copies of all documents submitted by them to the court; 7). Loss, falsification and forgery of documents, including the case of deliberate lawlessness of the cassation court in considering a knowingly false copy of a court decision (2006); 8) The legality and injustice of methods of underestimating the calculation of length of service and transferred contributions from wages, affecting the size of the pension. IV). Contributions for major repairs 1). The legality, common sense and unfairness of establishing equalized tariffs for “overhaul”, which do not take into account the combination of self-evident features of two important factors: a) the incommensurability of the levels of well-being and income of different categories of payers of these contributions (oligarchs, the rich, the average income level, the poor and the very poor) ; b) a striking difference between buildings in terms of the degree of deterioration and the size of the required capital investments for the repair of specific objects: dilapidated barracks and crumbling houses (30s - 50s), old houses with an elite or simple layout (60s - 90s s), modern new buildings (2000s), including our MKD (with an unexpired 5-year warranty and different layouts in each entrance). 3) Lack of benefits for low-income and sick pensioners of different ages, including mine (b. 1955). V). The next results of the consequences of imperfection and inconsistency of legislation, indicating the arbitrariness of organizations on housing and communal services issues (including alternately created alliances of management companies with the boards of homeowners associations). 1). Unreasonable demands and impositions on residents to strictly fulfill obligations for timely and full payment of current charges for housing and communal services (other individual services) and subsequent penalties, even in obvious cases of deliberate violations of the law by organizations; 2). Overestimation of established tariffs (3 months in 2013-2014); 3). Installation of low-quality metering devices for consumed resources (water supply, electricity, heating) before putting the apartment building into operation and subsequent transfer of the premises to the Owners; 4). Replacement of low-quality meters at the expense of consumers; 5). Systematic changes in meter readings on metering devices, i.e. an additional increase in the volume of consumed resources for individual premises and, especially, for one-room accommodation; 6). Imposing and demanding universal payment for individual services (security, intercom), low-quality and, moreover, not received. 7). New examples of the arbitrariness of another management company: a) setting its own prices for services that determine the size of the tariff for the maintenance and current repairs of premises (from 01.08.16), without their prior approval at a general meeting of all owners of apartment building premises; b) deliberate inclusion in the new tariff (for housing maintenance) of an individual and, moreover, very dubious service (protection of common household property), namely, for the purpose of hiding and collecting universal payment); c) release of the security organization from obligations to compensate for the damage caused and restore common property (brick fencing of the container site) damaged by unknown persons (night arson in September 2016). IV). Insistent demands of suppliers (executors) of housing and communal services and other services: 1) unquestioningly and in full to pay the bills they present (including disputed amounts), namely, before litigation on emerging disputes; 2) shifting the burden of going to court to resolve endlessly arising conflicts onto consumers of services (resources). Thank you in advance for your promptness and completeness of comprehensive answers. Best wishes! Goodbye! Sincerely, Galina Aleksandrovna.

Evgrafov Mikhail Vyacheslavovich

19.1. Hello. Sorry, but this is too long a text, both in terms of the number of written characters and the amount of information requested. Within the framework of a free consultation, such time costs are not possible. Separate your questions and ask each one separately without emotional components.
The state duty for a non-property claim is 300 rubles. For a claim subject to assessment - depends on the size of the monetary claims, and is calculated in accordance with the requirements of Art. 333.19 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, benefits for paying state duty - in Art. 333.36 Tax Code of the Russian Federation.
All the best. Thank you for choosing our site.

20. My question is secondary to the answer of the previous lawyer on the advice to hire a lawyer. Let me explain to you, my grandmother was robbed by housing and communal services workers, bank employees and STATE bailiffs, allegedly having made a mistake in the documentation and admitting this mistake, but they do not want to correct it. The prosecutor's office was contacted, the answer was: violations were identified. But not enough to open a prosecutor's case. They promised that the money would be returned to the veteran's account, but alas, they did not return it and did not fully correct the accounting errors in the form of penalties and unreasonable increases in rent. You are right, it’s only free in a mousetrap, that is, our retired veterans are not at all protected from legal lawlessness.

Vanteeva Marina Viktorovna

20.1. And here we need to understand it specifically. What can you see during a brief consultation? Documents are needed. And the prosecutor’s office has not initiated any criminal cases for a long time. She was deprived of her rights a long time ago. The police are doing this. To figure it out, you need to see the documents and know the situation. But general phrases will not help here.

Pasechnik Ruslan Sergeevich

20.2. You are right, free is only in a mousetrap, that is, our retired veterans are not protected from legal lawlessness. - If you do not have money for a lawyer and are low-income, then contact lawyers who provide free assistance in accordance with the law “On Free legal assistance in the Russian Federation".
Lawyers do not work for free, because... We don't have salaries. Consultation, drafting documents, representation in courts are the basis of earnings.

Senkevich Valeria Alexandrovna

20.3. Hello!
If your mother falls into the category of citizens entitled to free legal assistance, it will be provided free of charge.
Article 20. Categories of citizens entitled to receive free legal assistance within the framework of the state system of free legal assistance, and cases of provision of such assistance

1. The following categories of citizens have the right to receive all types of free legal assistance provided for in Article 6 of this Federal Law within the framework of the state system of free legal assistance:
1) citizens whose average per capita family income is below the subsistence level established in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, or citizens living alone whose income is below the subsistence level (hereinafter referred to as low-income citizens);
2) disabled people of groups I and II;
3) veterans of the Great Patriotic War, Heroes of the Russian Federation, Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of Socialist Labor, Heroes of Labor of the Russian Federation;
4) disabled children, orphans, children without parental care, persons from among orphans and children without parental care, as well as their legal representatives and representatives, if they apply for free legal assistance on issues, related to ensuring and protecting the rights and legitimate interests of such children;
4.1) persons wishing to adopt a child left without parental care into their family, if they apply for free legal assistance on issues related to the placement of a child in a family;
4.2) adoptive parents, if they apply for free legal assistance on issues related to ensuring and protecting the rights and legitimate interests of adopted children;
5) elderly citizens and disabled people living in social service organizations providing social services in a stationary form;
6) minors held in institutions for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency, and minors serving sentences in places of deprivation of liberty, as well as their legal representatives and representatives, if they apply for free legal assistance on issues related to ensuring and protecting the rights and legitimate interests of such minors (except for issues related to the provision of legal assistance in criminal proceedings);
7) citizens who have the right to free legal assistance in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation of July 2, 1992 N 3185-I “On psychiatric care and guarantees of the rights of citizens during its provision”;
8) citizens recognized by the court as legally incompetent, as well as their legal representatives, if they apply for free legal assistance on issues related to ensuring and protecting the rights and legitimate interests of such citizens;
8.1) citizens affected by emergency:
a) a spouse who was in a registered marriage with the deceased on the day of death as a result of an emergency;
b) children of the deceased (deceased) as a result of an emergency;
c) parents of the deceased (died) as a result of an emergency;
d) persons who were fully supported by the deceased (died) as a result of an emergency situation or who received assistance from him, which was for them a permanent and main source of livelihood, as well as other persons recognized as dependents in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
e) citizens whose health was harmed as a result of an emergency;
f) citizens who have lost their living quarters or who have lost, in whole or in part, other property or documents as a result of an emergency;
9) citizens who have the right to receive free legal assistance within the framework of the state system of free legal assistance in accordance with other federal laws and laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
2. State legal bureaus and lawyers who are participants in the state system of free legal assistance provide legal advice in oral and written form to citizens entitled to receive free legal assistance within the framework of the state system of free legal assistance, and draw up statements, complaints, petitions for them and other legal documents in the following cases:
1) conclusion, amendment, termination, invalidation of transactions with real estate, state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it (in the event that an apartment, residential building or parts thereof are the only residential premises of a citizen and his family);
2) recognition of the right to residential premises, provision of residential premises under a social tenancy agreement, a rental agreement for specialized residential premises intended for the residence of orphans and children left without parental care, persons from among orphans and children left without parental care, termination and termination of a social tenancy agreement for residential premises, eviction from residential premises (if the apartment, residential building or parts thereof are the only residential premises of a citizen and his family), termination and termination of a rental agreement for specialized residential premises intended for the residence of orphans and children left without parental care, persons from among orphans and children left without parental care, eviction from the specified residential premises;
3) recognition and preservation of ownership of a land plot, the right of permanent (perpetual) use, as well as the right of lifelong inheritable ownership of a land plot (if on the disputed land plot or part thereof there is a residential building or part thereof, which is the only residential premises of a citizen and his family);
4) protection of consumer rights (regarding the provision of utility services);
5) refusal of the employer to conclude employment contract, violating the guarantees established Labor Code Russian Federation, reinstatement at work, recovery of earnings, including during forced absence, compensation for moral damage caused by unlawful actions (inaction) of the employer;
6) recognizing a citizen as unemployed and establishing unemployment benefits;
7) compensation for damage caused by the death of the breadwinner, injury or other damage to health associated with labor activity or with an emergency;
8) provision of social support measures, provision of public services to low-income citizens social assistance, providing subsidies for housing and utilities;
9) assignment, recalculation and collection of old-age insurance pensions, disability and survivors pensions, benefits for temporary disability, pregnancy and childbirth, unemployment, due to work injury or occupational disease, lump-sum benefits for the birth of a child, monthly benefits for child care, social benefits for funeral;
10) establishing and challenging paternity (maternity), collecting alimony;
10.1) establishment of adoption, guardianship or guardianship over orphans and children left without parental care, conclusion of an agreement on the implementation of guardianship or trusteeship over such children;
10.2) protection of the rights and legitimate interests of orphans and children without parental care, persons from among orphans and children without parental care;
11) rehabilitation of citizens who suffered from political repression;
12) limitation of legal capacity;
13) appealing against violations of the rights and freedoms of citizens in the provision of psychiatric care;
14) medical and social examination and rehabilitation of disabled people;
15) extrajudicial appeal of acts of authorities state power, local governments and officials;
16) restoration of property rights, personal non-property rights violated as a result of an emergency situation, compensation for damage caused as a result of an emergency situation.
3. State legal bureaus and lawyers who are participants in the state system of free legal assistance represent in courts, state and municipal bodies, and organizations the interests of citizens entitled to receive free legal assistance within the framework of the state system of free legal assistance if they are:
1) plaintiffs and defendants when courts consider cases on:
a) termination, invalidation of transactions with real estate, on state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it and on refusal of state registration of such rights (in the event that an apartment, residential building or parts thereof are the only residential premises of a citizen and his family );
b) recognition of the right to residential premises, the provision of residential premises under a social tenancy agreement, a rental agreement for specialized residential premises intended for the residence of orphans and children left without parental care, including those adopted into families, persons from among the children - orphans and children left without parental care, termination and termination of a social tenancy agreement for residential premises, eviction from residential premises (if an apartment, residential building or parts thereof are the only residential premises of a citizen and his family), termination and termination of a rental agreement for a specialized residential premises intended for the residence of orphans and children left without parental care, persons from among orphans and children left without parental care, eviction from the specified residential premises;
c) recognition and preservation of ownership of a land plot, the right of permanent perpetual use, as well as lifelong inheritable ownership of a land plot (if on the disputed land plot or part thereof there is a residential building or part thereof, which is the only residential premises of a citizen and his family );
2) plaintiffs (applicants) when courts consider cases:
a) on the collection of alimony;
b) for compensation for damage caused by the death of a breadwinner, injury or other damage to health associated with work or an emergency;
c) on the establishment of adoption, guardianship or trusteeship in relation to orphans and children left without parental care, on the conclusion of an agreement on the implementation of guardianship or trusteeship over such children;
d) on ensuring measures of state support for disabled children, orphans, children without parental care, persons from among orphans and children without parental care;
3) citizens in respect of whom the court is considering an application to recognize them as legally incompetent;
4) citizens who suffered from political repression - on issues related to rehabilitation;
5) citizens in respect of whom the courts are considering cases of forced hospitalization in a psychiatric hospital or extension of the period of compulsory hospitalization in a psychiatric hospital;
6) citizens affected by an emergency situation - on issues related to the restoration of property rights, personal non-property rights violated as a result of an emergency situation, compensation for damage caused as a result of an emergency situation.
4. The procedure, conditions and organizational and legal support for the implementation of the right to receive free legal assistance by citizens affected by an emergency situation within the framework of the state system of free legal assistance are regulated by this Federal Law, federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Nekrasov Vadim Yurievich

20.4. You were advised to “hire a lawyer” because, judging by the above, it is possible to get back what you overpaid only by going to court. That's why you need a lawyer.

Question on topic

I apologize if I somehow offended you. But I was confused by the payment when they talk about free. I understand you too. Your work is very necessary and honorable and I respect such people in our country. Do not be offended at me. I just often encounter lawlessness both in housing and communal services issues and in law enforcement issues. Good luck, love and peace in life. Be happy!

21. Who should I file with the prosecutor’s office for untimely social payments of 50% for housing and communal services to combat veterans? While in Astrakhan, then I want to appeal to Moscow. I'm sick of the chaos.

Kushnir Nadezhda Nikolaevna

21.1. For untimely payments, you can file a complaint with the prosecutor's office against the person who is obliged to make these payments to you, in your case this is the Ministry of Social Affairs. Development and labor. Or simply contact the prosecutor's office after the fact, they will find the culprits.

22. I have the following question: What right does ex-husband on part of the apartment that never belonged to him and who never invested a penny in it, on the inheritance in this apartment (the mother and child lived with the maternal grandmother throughout the child’s life) 1/6 of the share, since the child died of cancer at the age of 19, and got sick at 18?! Now the ex-husband and his mother are pressing on ex-wife (daughter-in-law), they threaten her that now we are selling a part and HELL will come in your life? The so-called “Dad” never paid alimony, did not participate in the upbringing and did not financially support his only son (he has no other natural children). True, he paid several times, and then at the insistence of the bailiffs, and then he stopped again. And so until his death, although he carefully, he flew annually on vacation to Antalya, Turkey, etc., etc. Six months after the death of her son, the child’s mother died and the mother, unable to bear the death of her beloved grandson and Shchlga (that’s the name of the child’s mother), was left completely alone and the apartment her mother had earned over many years, working in construction, remained the only housing and memory of untimely departed, closest people. And these grabbers, I can’t find any more words, are now actively trying to take away what is supposedly “theirs”, although they have apartments and cars, in general they don’t know grief. At first, the ex-mother-in-law tried to extort money from Olga, knowing that Olga had taken out loans in order to raise her child for the beginning of the school year... in the amount of 5 thousand monthly (they are the “owners!”), once she wrote a receipt for receipt money for 3 thousand, although I received 5 thousand in my hands. Naturally, she didn’t give the change, and Olga noticed this discrepancy, that the amount on the receipt was 3 thousand, and not 5 thousand, only when she arrived home. Then this idea failed for her, because I had already told her that she was acting illegally. At the requests of friends and cousins, the mother-in-law curses them and says, quote: we are not such fools as to refuse freebies...! And it’s true, my son needs, at all costs, to change his car, which is cooler, although he has 2 cars, apartments, in general they don’t bother living, everything is fine with them, especially since the law helps them get rich at the expense of their ex, who The loans have still not been paid off and there is no permanent job, and indeed this is a very great grief for her, from which she still cannot recover. All relatives and friends are horrified and indignant at such “legal” lawlessness. And I’ll also add: when the child was not yet 2 years old, when his “dad” let slip to his mother-in-law that he had cheated on his wife by having an affair. Olga, having heard this very frank conversation between her husband and her mother, took the child and went to her mother, and there the child lived and grew up all his adult life. He even hated his father when he arrived one day and took away from the child everything that he had given him all the time, namely: a small TV, an old computer, a cheap MTS phone and a game console, and took it all away. When I asked my mother-in-law why he did this to his son, she replied that it was all for “educational” purposes..! Just imagine what conclusion the child drew from this action of his “daddy”, and this is already at the age of 12, when the child understood everything perfectly, naturally he hated him and refused to consider him his father! Even before that, he didn’t love him, because his father didn’t help financially, he turned off the phone, not wanting to communicate with him, because... The father usually called drunk, constantly swearing at both his ex-wife and her mother. And when the child was small, before demolishing the house and getting an apartment, they got rid of the child by writing him out of this house, so that in the future the son or his mother would not lay claim to his housing! In general, we are thoroughly insured..! And now they are clinging to the child’s share, which he did not even earn, but inherited from his beloved Grandmother (on his mother’s side), who sometimes did not have enough to eat herself, and the entire meager pension was spent on paying for housing and communal services and on her grandson! So I have a question..: Is there justice in our country if the law is more often on the side of negative characters and is there justice for such unfortunate former “relatives”. Of course, it is not possible to present everything here due to the limited space here... C/u. Sergey (Olga’s only friend and close person).

Parfenov Valery Nikolaevich

22.1. In this situation, the only option for this dad not to be able to enter into an inheritance is to recognize him on the basis of paragraph 2 of Article 1117 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation as an unworthy heir
"Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Part Three)" dated November 26, 2001 N 146-FZ (as amended on July 3, 2016) (with amendments and additions, entered into force on September 1, 2016)
Civil Code of the Russian Federation Article 1117. Unworthy heirs

1. Citizens who, by their deliberate unlawful actions directed against the testator, any of his heirs or against the implementation of the last will of the testator, expressed in the will, contributed or tried to promote the vocation of themselves or other persons shall not inherit either by law or by will. to inheritance or contributed or attempted to promote an increase in the share of the inheritance due to them or other persons, if these circumstances are confirmed in court. However, citizens to whom the testator bequeathed property after they lost the right to inherit have the right to inherit this property.
Parents do not inherit by law after children in respect of whom the parents were deprived of parental rights in court and were not restored to these rights by the day the inheritance was opened.
2. At the request of an interested person, the court excludes from inheritance according to the law citizens who have maliciously evaded the fulfillment of their obligations by law to support the testator.
3. A person who does not have the right to inherit or is excluded from inheritance on the basis of this article (an unworthy heir) is obliged to return, in accordance with the rules of Chapter 60 of this Code, all property that he unjustifiably received from the inheritance.
4. The rules of this article apply to heirs who have the right to an obligatory share in the inheritance.
5. The rules of this article apply accordingly to a legacy (Article 1137). In the case where the subject of the legacy was the performance of certain work for an unworthy legatee or the provision of a certain service to him, the latter is obliged to compensate the heir who executed the legacy for the cost of the work performed for the unworthy legatee or the service provided to him.

23.2. They do not take action because these amounts were approved by the decision of the general meeting of homeowners and have legal force.
Good luck to you.

Iskenderov Emil Eldarovich

23.3. Just chaos and nothing more. They wrote to the prosecutor's office. They sent it to the administration. And adm. does not take any measures. You have the right to appeal in court the decision of the general meeting of owners of the apartment building, which made such a decision.

24. I have paid for all housing and communal services on time without delay, but the management company imposes debts in the amount of 10,000 rubles on all lines of the invoice - the invoices where they got this debt from are not known, they threaten to turn off the electricity, I pay for the electricity in full according to the meter, just like for water, why on earth is this chaos being done and is it possible to find justice for this at the Criminal Code?

Toma Anna Vyacheslavovna

24.3. Write a claim with receipts attached, the claim is written in two copies and submitted to the Criminal Code. The employee accepting the application must sign and date the application.

Question on topic

People are almost being sued for debts. Where can poor Russians complain about the lawlessness of housing and communal services? WINTER IS NOT TOO COLD. AND THEY CHARGE AS WHEN THE FREEZE IS -35 AND BELOW. THIS INCLUDES LIGHT AND WATER LOSSES. WHAT ARE THE LOSSES IF THE MOST HAVE METERS.

25. Gentlemen Lawyers. Do you have legal laws and a desire to help the President and the people in curbing the theft of money from the population and the state, the lawlessness of the Criminal Code. There are irrefutable facts of calculation of home owners according to DHW-MOP-OD-Gcalories of heat and failure to provide home owners with a report on the use of money under the housing maintenance and repair tariff. 100 percent evidence of the active work of organized crime groups in Saratov, administration-prosecutor's office-Ministry of Internal Affairs-GZHI Abramova SE-committee housing and communal services-court. The President's involvement in corruption in housing and communal services. 4 years social work chairman of the house council. Thank you.

To fight corruption, we need to consolidate facts and circumstances and build stages of action. In this case, emotions are unnecessary; documentary facts and, as a result, substantive checks are needed.

26. Every morning at 7 a.m., it drives past our house for 25 minutes and honks its horn, and no one and why everyone knows the arrival time of this garbage collection truck, and most importantly, it honks only at our house, but throughout the whole city there is no signal, which means there are people there and we are outcasts. I am 60 years old, I am on a well-deserved rest, the widow of the special risk unit number 1 is a disabled person of group 1, 2 operations and 20 chemotherapy have been done. In response to my applications, housing and communal services are receiving replies in other cities of our Motherland, there is no such lawlessness, write a letter to our president, what should I do, I want to get a full answer from you.

Beldyaeva Natalia Alexandrovna

26.1. Good day. You should write a complaint to the organization where this car operates and on whose instructions it provides services with a request to stop the noise; if this does not help, you can write a complaint to the city prosecutor's office, and then the region/region.

27. Every morning at 7 a.m., it drives past our house for 25 minutes and honks its horn, so no one knows and why everyone knows the arrival time of this garbage collection truck, and most importantly, it honks only at our house, but throughout the whole city there is no signal, which means there are people there and we are outcasts. I am 60 years old, I am on a well-deserved rest, the widow of the special risk unit number 1 is a disabled person of group 1, 2 operations and 20 chemotherapy have been done. In response to my applications, housing and communal services are receiving replies in other cities of our Motherland, there is no such lawlessness, write a letter to our president, what should I do, I want to get a full answer from you.

Kot Fedor Evgenievich

27.1. Every morning at 7 a.m. it drives past our house for 25 minutes and honks its horn, no one can do it, and who and why everyone knows the arrival time of this garbage collection truck, and most importantly, it honks only at our house
Rules traffic It is prohibited to sound a sound signal in populated areas, except to prevent a traffic accident, so write a statement to the traffic police and let them check your application, or send a message to the online electronic service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus.

28. I live in the village of Monetny, Sverdlovsk region. A neighbor flooded from above, began to threaten, the damage was great, she filed a lawsuit for compensation. They took revenge: they burned the counter. Installed a new one. The deputy head of housing and communal services took the money for the connection and the act, explaining that he would give it to the energy company himself. As a result, there are no documents for installing the meter and it is not registered. They are not accepting my new meter readings and now it is unknown how many they will count. I have been living in the village for 5 years, there is chaos all around - there is nowhere to turn. What to do?

Balakhtin Philip Viktorovich

28.1. Write a statement to the police and prosecutor's office, you can also contact the Housing Inspectorate (if the installation and sealing of the meter was carried out by the Criminal Code)

Question on topic

Help needed! Lawlessness in housing and communal services! for a room of 23 m2 payment 11 thousand rubles. and so on every month! What should I do?

29. If the head of the inquiry consciously over the course of 8 months contributed to the issuance of more than 10 decisions to refuse to initiate a criminal case under Art. 119 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which were all declared illegal and canceled by the prosecutor’s office (the prosecutor’s office established the red tape), then is the prosecutor’s office, at my request, obliged to give a request to the investigative committee for a pre-investigation check under Art. 285 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation in relation to the head of the inquiry? Perhaps there is another way? I assume that when direct appeal to the investigative committee, the latter most likely will not see any signs of composition and will refuse.

Strikun Galina Vladimirovna
Replies: 92800 | Reviews: 22611

Reply from 10/08/2016 19:52

Quote: Is the prosecutor’s office obliged, at my request, to give a request to the investigative committee for a pre-investigation check under Art. 285 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation in relation to the head of the inquiry

The prosecutor's office may not do this. Until you write a separate independent statement about bringing him to disciplinary or criminal liability. Then she will react.
Personal consultation on this issue

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Great experience practical work lawyer.

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07:45 today.
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07:44 today.
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07:40 today
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Vorobyova Natalia Alexandrovna

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Questions regarding Art. 285 resolve with the help of the prosecutor.

Vanteeva Marina Viktorovna

30.3. Of course have. Firstly, write down all these threats and contact the Chief Bailiff and the Prosecutor's Office.

The housing and communal system has been in a state of constant reform for 7 years now. There is no end in sight for them - recently the Ministry of Regional Development published the text of a bill according to which. Experts say that this is another stage in shifting responsibility for housing from the state to citizens, despite the fact that we are not able to bear this burden.

Undeclared war

Last November residents of a multi-storey building on the street. Cape Chumak (Vladivostok) They went on a hunger strike and picketed on the road after they were left without hot water and heating for 2 weeks. It turned out that the residents of more than 100 apartments were in good condition, but the apartment did not transfer money to suppliers. Many families with small children live in this house. Mothers with babies in their arms spoke on local TV channels about how they could not constantly heat water for their children and treat colds.

The same problem happened in Chelyabinsk. All summer 2011 more than 10 multi-storey buildings were left without hot water. The reason for this is the debts of management companies to resource suppliers. At the same time, residents pay utility bills regularly. One of the most unscrupulous companies owes over 32 million rubles to Chelyabinsk Heating Networks alone. Courts and proceedings are still ongoing.

A large-scale scandal continues in St. Petersburg for the second year already. At the end of 2010, residents of 7 thousand houses received 13 receipts for the year. The management company explained this by the fact that in the region there is very Cold winter, heat was supplied in an increased volume, so residents are required to pay the costs. Thousands of citizens collected 500 million rubles for this cause.

I, a survivor of the blockade, was asked to pay about 2 thousand rubles. As a result, I received a letter in which I was warned about the termination of compensation for utility bills due to rent debts,” says St. Petersburg resident Svetlana Nepomnyashchikh. Although all my receipts were paid.

Svetlana Nepomnyashchikh went to court and won the case.

However, many continue to receive receipts with the “debt”, and some even accrue penalties on it. What is the calculation of the Criminal Code? The fact is that it is difficult for people to understand the intricacies of financial fraud and it is easier for them to pay than to go to court.

In 2010, more than 5 million rubles were transferred to the account of the Nadezhda HOA (Primorsky Territory), intended for major repairs apartment buildings No. 17 on the street. Lomonosova and No. 3 on the street. Leninskaya in the village Yaroslavsky. During the audit, the prosecutor's office "revealed facts of unlawful use of funds." That is, out of 5 million, about 3 million were stolen? Assigned? Taken to ? It's in a small village.

Imagine how much can be stolen if there are hundreds of houses under management. In the Saratov region, the management company, which manages 937 apartment buildings (more than 150 thousand people live in them), . Those who refused to pay the inflated tariff were threatened with disconnection.

I didn’t even notice this increase - by 20 rubles, or something. And when I saw the amount of “income” of the management company, I was horrified and wanted to complain, says one of their residents.

In the Volgograd region, the Criminal Code should have. The residents carefully collected the money. And then 1.1 million rubles. disappeared somewhere. The prosecutor's office is now looking into this case.

In Tolyatti, 116 residential buildings were left without heating at the beginning of winter due to the fault of the management of management companies. They were unable to ensure the receipt of a certificate of readiness of houses to receive heat on time due to overdue debts to energy companies. In particular, only one LLC has a debt of 16.9 million rubles. And it doesn’t blow your mustache!

In Rybinsk (Yaroslavl region), almost no management companies transferred payers’ money to heat supply organizations on time during the last heating season. In Tver it’s about the same story. And the management companies are not afraid of anything at all! The calculation is simple - no one dares to turn off the heat in winter. Meanwhile, you can spend money, receive income, and pay later.

What's the result?

Robberies in the housing and communal services sector have reached such proportions that the Prosecutor General's Office decided to create a special interdepartmental group to monitor the safety of budget funds in the housing and communal services sector. After all, in just 7 months of 2011, this department identified 14 thousand violations - “facts of theft of funds using fictitious shell companies, carrying out financial transactions for cashing out funds and withdrawing them abroad, transferring funds to the accounts of affiliated commercial structures.” The damage to the country's treasury is more than 6 billion rubles. We can say that the state budget is lucky - they will now look after it and save it. How much money did the utility workers take from our pockets? There are no official estimates, even approximate ones. It seems that much more money was stolen from the population in housing and communal services than government money.

Where is the power?

Based on the results, it seems that someone specially came up with it in order to remove the concern for this area from the state and shift it onto the shoulders of the population.

At the same time, people have been accustomed for decades to paying money to those who provide them with services. For electricity - to electric networks, for gas - to gas companies, for water and heat - to the housing office. But the evil intent of the creators of this reform introduced intermediary, so-called, schemes into this scheme, understandable to millions of people, to deceive and profit from ordinary honest Russians. And so the rotten economy also became corrupt. At one meeting on housing and communal services, even the president was in Arkhangelsk region.

I don’t understand what’s going on there at all... Is there a government in the Arkhangelsk region or not, is it capable of dealing with these problems or does it need to be changed? - asked the president.

We discovered that the large management company “Our Home - Arkhangelsk” during its existence did not transfer more than 44 million rubles, received from the regional budget in the form of compensation for the costs of paying for heating and hot water supply for beneficiaries, to the supplier, - Alexey Mikhailov told us , Senior Prosecutor of the Department for Supervision of the Execution of Federal Legislation of the Regional Prosecutor's Office. - The money just ended up in the management company.

As it turned out, the company “Our House - Arkhangelsk” was sold to a person whom no one can now find. To avoid responsibility, Management Company began to share and is trying to re-register in parts in other regions. As a result, 150 residential buildings with comfortable amenities, in which more than 15 thousand people live, were transferred to new dubious companies that already had debts.

Residents of houses managed by the Svyazkabelstroy-2 company also found themselves in an unpleasant situation. Two criminal cases have already been initiated against this company. But the company managed to re-register in Vologda.

Experts say that such a nightmare cannot happen without the complicity of the authorities. But this is not the only problem.

Management fraud schemes
The receipt includes “Major repairs” as a separate line, although the column “Payment for maintenance and repair of residential premises” already includes fees for current and major repairs of common property in an apartment building.
The common property of the house, walls for advertising posters, are rented out without the consent of the residents. The contract contains a lower price than existing market prices for similar objects real estate. And the management of the management company receives the difference.
A common house heat or water meter is installed in the house, but the management company collects payments according to tariffs per 1 m2 (this can be explained by the fact that the meter is not yet sealed, etc.), and pays resource supply organizations according to meter readings. The difference is in your pocket.
When installing an intercom, you can choose to pay for service - for each breakdown or a subscription fee, regardless of the quality of the intercom. The first is more profitable for residents, but the management company chooses the second, receiving a kickback from the company that installed the intercom.
In new houses, they don’t turn on the elevator or open the garbage chute, but they still charge for them.
The money collected by the management company from residents is spent on the purchase of stationery and fuels and lubricants in inflated amounts - the entire city could be supplied with pens, and the country could be traveled around the country on gasoline (this can be proven by a thorough audit of the activities of the management company).
Penalties for late payments for utility services are set higher than prescribed by law.
Repairs in the house are carried out according to inflated estimates. Sometimes it happens that the contract is drawn up, but the work is not carried out at all.
Household electricity metering devices are installed not in the house, but at transformer substations, in electricity metering panels. Residents also pay for everything that was connected to the electrical wire before it entered the house.
We thank Yu. V. Tishukov, specialist in housing and communal disputes, head of the Regional Law Center, for his assistance in preparing the material.

Why is everything bad

1. No one is responsible for anything

In our country, we do not have one specific ministry or organization that would be responsible for reforming the housing and communal services sector. To one degree or another, this problem is dealt with by the Ministry of Regional Development, the Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry of Energy, the Housing and Communal Services Reform Fund, the Federal Tariff Service, etc. Responsibility is blurred between many structures, says Svetlana Razvorotneva, member of the Public Chamber, head of the Commission on Local Self-Government and Housing and Communal Policy .

2. You can always buy the right solution from your people

Often, the current private management companies grew out of municipal ones, which were taken over in time, practically for free, by people who have friendly or family relations with the local authorities. And no matter how poorly this management company later works, the regulatory authorities cannot make any claims against it. And how can this be done if the director of the management company takes a steam bath with the mayor on Saturdays? But if a new, more honest housing company tries to operate in this city, it will be tormented by inspections and forced to curtail its activities,” comments Dmitry Gordeev, expert at the Institute of Urban EconomicsA. - But management companies should work for residents, apartment owners. But they focus not on the consumer, but on their own appetites.

And their appetites, even according to official data, are enormous. Every 3 months, according to head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 10 billion rubles are transferred to offshore companies. from those that we pay for “utilities”. That’s 40 billion rubles a year! This is the same money that could become our new pipes and renovated entrances.

3. Laws against people and for officials

The majority sees the face of power precisely in the window of the structure where they come to pay for their “utilities”. No matter what question a person turns to there, he will always be humiliated and wrong. The laws are so confusing that it is impossible to understand their intricacies. It is impossible to find truth and justice in this area.

Who benefits from it?

This state of affairs is beneficial to the state, or rather to the officials who “milk” us on its behalf. This is paradoxical, but true.

The content of the housing and communal services reform can be characterized very simply: the state renounces all responsibility for the situation in the housing and communal services sector. After all, people received full ownership of not only houses and apartments, but also all the problems associated with their previous barbaric exploitation, he believes Anna Ochkina, head of the Center for Social Analysis, Institute of Globalization and Social Movements.

It was precisely the reluctance to carry this burden that forced us to abandon the idea of ​​reforming the housing and communal services. He proposed creating OJSC Russian Utility Systems, which was supposed to lease housing and communal services facilities and free the consumer from worrying about the infrastructure - just pay, dear, and that’s it! But Chubais couldn’t either - the system was too “worn”. You have to invest too much in it, and wait too long for the return.

What to do

The state is obliged to take part of the responsibility into its own hands again. Petty officials must fear the hand of power. Over there in Moscow, in one fell swoop, he fired a dozen heads of the DEZ for not coping with their tasks. Numerous scandals indicate that people are not ready to take responsibility for their dilapidated economy. And the further you go, the steeper this knot of rusted pipes, officials and bribe-takers becomes.

, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Housing Policy and Housing and Public Utilities:

Elect a “young” pensioner from among the homeowners to replace him. Such people have free time, desire and energy to delve into everything, so as not to overpay and have order in the house. It is imperative to find out who owns the basement and attic, and return them to common ownership. The HOA can make money from this by renting out common real estate and cover expenses. To prevent the management organization (MA) from deceiving you regarding payments for the maintenance and repair of housing, ask what work you are paying for. According to the reporting documents of the management office, it may turn out that windows in the entrances are washed once a week, and staircases three times a day. Remember that with any question you can contact the housing inspectorate; if they don’t help, you can contact the court and the prosecutor’s office.

Your opinion

SMS voting

Who is to blame for housing and communal services problems?

Send an SMS with the following content to number 2151: “Aif space number.”

Authorities - Aif 31

Management companies and homeowners associations - Aif 32

Resource supply organizations - Aif 33

Another variant - Aif 34(Here you can write your comment on this issue.)

SMS is paid. The average cost of an SMS is 3.5 rubles. (more detailsHere).

Messages will be accepted until 12:00 on February 13.


Does everyone know the news about the removal of our governor?
But the euphoria will quickly pass, I believe, and nothing will change. So it all started too long ago in the form of a creeping occupation by swindlers and...

And I want to talk about our occupied village.

And the fact that it is really occupied - here is a receipt for January 2016 in a modest three-ruble note of 64 square meters and with economical use of water through meters.
Attentive readers will immediately pay attention to the line “Heating” - 4467 rubles! It’s like an apartment in a village beyond the Arctic Circle. Immediately the question is: why is this so?! And everything is simple to the point of primitiveness. Until June 2008, we had a municipal institution for managing housing and communal services.
I would like to remember with a kind word our “bankrupt” municipality. Since it was a municipal structure, it was under close control. And as paradoxical as it sounds, the leaders of that municipality perceived the criticism correctly. I remember that activists organized a gathering of residents in the village and put forward a number of demands to improve the functioning of housing and communal services. And the municipal leaders began repairing the seams, although this was in the area of ​​major repairs. Then, in the early 2000s, the money “dangling” in the accounts was difficult to cut, the pumps had not yet been adjusted... And municipal unitary enterprises did not use schemes for transferring funds to the accounts of affiliated companies! So they had to spend even slightly extra money on such major repairs
But in March 2008, elections were held for a new head of the district, who at the time of the elections was listed as an asset of the “ruling party” - the secretary of the political council. The new head of the district had a ready-made Zavolzhskaya Management Company as an asset. MUP was declared bankrupt. And Zavolzhskaya Management Company LLC was planted in half of the Yaroslavl district and began to manage the housing stock of five large villages and a dozen small ones. And it unfolded with all its might.
It is necessary to see the “growth rate”. Unfortunately, there was no receipt for the three-room apartment for January 2008. But let’s analyze it one by one. Let’s compare only two lines – “Content” and “Heating”, because Previously, there were water standards, but after 2012, almost everyone installed water meters. And therefore, it is better to carry out the analysis on two lines of receipts - “Maintenance” and “Heating”. In January 2008, this amount was 48 square meters for a modest apartment was 1,792 rubles. After the quick steps of the private management company, by January 2016, the amount of two lines of the receipt (“Heating” and “Maintenance”) was already 4,395 rubles. Growth by 2.45 times!
And I remember that there were restrictions on the growth of tariffs, limits were set from 7 to 11% during the year. And if over 8 years we take the average growth allowed by law to be 9%, then over 8 years there should be no increase in heating and housing maintenance by 2.45 times! But private traders did not care about all the restrictions.
Remember, the government announced a reform before 2000 (for the sake of residents and apartment owners, of course) “to create a competitive environment in the public utilities sector.” The whole result is visible in our receipt from what is essentially a private management company, no matter how hard this company tries to prove that it has several founders! This private owner was slightly disguised, took the administration of one of the villages as co-founders, and another figure from the ruling party rules the administration!
As the first major rent increases began, residents began to complain. We naively believed that since people paid attention to our complaints before, we should now heed our pleas.
So, since 2009, several meetings have been held, then 5 complaints were filed with various government agencies! I wrote a number of articles in regional newspapers. Once they even wrote an open letter to Governor Vakhrukov. But if the then governor was indifferent even to the shareholders of 20 “frozen” houses, for which he was removed, then Governor Vakhrukov certainly did not pay attention to our complaint.
In all this time, only once did they feel sorry for the residents; they supposedly froze the tariffs for six months, and simply delayed the next increase by 6 months!

And so, in April 2014, we submitted a complaint with 540 signatures to the Presidential Representative for Yaroslavl region.
The main thing in the collective complaint was the following. Maintenance tariffs are the highest in the region. But heating is generally beyond the bounds... Higher than in Yaroslavl itself, as much as 2 times! It’s as if our village is the pole of cold of the Yaroslavl region.
It is clear that in cities it is impossible to track actual consumption residential building amount of heat. But it’s a completely different matter in Lesnaya Polyana. A village of 3.5 thousand inhabitants. There are 35 houses in the village: 8 administrative buildings, 27 residential buildings. At the entrance to the village there are heat communications, there is a heat meter for the entire village! Therefore, at the end of the heating season, the management company already knows how much was actually paid for this resource, and how much money was collected for heating from all residents. So it's easy to count. And heat is a resource! You can take advance payment according to the standards. But it should be borne in mind that management companies are not resellers of heat (or other resources), and only calculations for resources are made through them!
It seems that our complaint was paid attention to, and the complaint was forwarded all the way to the investigative authorities. And in June 2014 we received a response from the Department of Economic Security and Anti-Corruption of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Yaroslavl Region. The letter states that the actions of the managers of Zavolzhskaya Management Company LLC show signs of a crime under Art. 201 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (abuse of power), that the case was sent according to the jurisdiction... to the Yaroslavl Department of Internal Affairs, or more simply to the police department... The police department has been silent for two years!!!
After 2 years, we contacted the reception again, and we were given a second answer that, in parallel with the police, the management of Zavolzhskaya Management Company LLC was inspected by the housing inspectorate. In the second response from the housing inspection there is only advice about the rights of each resident in relation to the management company and good wishes that the residents of each house demand a report from... But not a word about why officials look so kindly at the fact that Zavolzhskaya Management Company LLC » has not made heat recalculations for 8 years. And after reading the three-page answer, a question was on the tip of my tongue for the officials - and you, dear ones, sitting in your bureaucratic chairs at the expense of our taxes, why the hell are you, if, according to your words, each of the 1050 apartment owners must send a written request to the company... And having not received an answer, go to court, then wander around the courts, and even if the court’s decision is positive, then go to the bailiffs. Well, dear (in terms of salaries from the budget) officials, what do you need?
There was only one indirect result of the complaints. One day they gathered the elders of the houses, gave each one a piece of paper, and here is the report. And the pieces of paper have two columns, the first one is “Collected” for the house, such and such an amount, and the second column is “Spent”, and exactly the same amount is fully listed as spent on the maintenance of the house. And what was spent on, what work was carried out specifically - silence.
In fact, for 2 years there has been no result in our complaint to the president’s reception... We are again collecting signatures for the appeal so that the regional prosecutor’s office intervenes in the too long check by the police department...

But this is not all our troubles.
In the Yaroslavl region there are brave people who even take aim at energy workers. The prosecutor's offices of the Rybinsk, Tutaevsky and Leninsky districts of Yaroslavl filed claims that one-time electricity charges should not be billed to residents of these areas! General house needs include lighting of entrances, including part of the cost of maintaining housing. We reached the Supreme Court and succeeded. In three districts ODN is not charged for electricity. But in our Yaroslavl district they began to exhibit it when the legal battles in those three districts had just begun!
Residents began to write letters to power engineers, asking them to stop issuing ODN. They started not paying for this line in receipts. We received threatening warnings from the energy supply organization that for this the brave souls would have their entire apartment’s power supply cut off. The brave souls gave in and paid!
But I would especially like to emphasize the “honesty” of energy workers. In front of you is an account where there are such numbers. The volume of supply to the home is 834 kW, to apartments (mkd premises) – 6325 kW, and to single-unit buildings – 2015 kW. That is, our 20 light bulbs in 4 entrances of a five-story building and 4 intercoms consumed only 3 times less than 60 refrigerators, 60 washing machines and 60 computers, and even a lot of other electrical equipment in 60 apartments in the building! And how is it that with 103 kW of my personal consumption, I have to pay ONE more for 23 kW for one light bulb on the floor and an intercom for 15 apartments in the entrance?!
In order to disguise such an absurdity, where everyone will see, in addition to the illegality of ODN, also signs of... (what, you can guess), the power engineers have changed the format of the account since April 2016, where the ratio of general apartment consumption to the total total of this same ODN is no longer visible, according to the version of the energy workers.
Well, it’s a no-brainer that non-payments are hidden behind ODN, which power engineers do not want to collect in court and shift the debts of defaulters onto those who pay in good faith!!
And let us note that all the bosses and deputies from the ruling party do not seem to see what is happening in our Lesnaya Polyana. And the Antimonopoly Committee is not helping.
Not enough, apparently, for residents of the monstrous housing and communal services tariffs, you also have ONE!

But something almost funny happens with landline phones. Why do I remember the backstory? In 1998, 200 people contributed money to install telephones. At that time, the amount was equivalent to 570 dollars (4 thousand rubles divided by 7, everything happened before the default). With this money, work began - new cables were laid throughout the village, telephones were connected. Then the actual privatization of telephone networks began, and we learned the “good news” that foreigners had become shareholders of the Yaroslavl company. No one remembered our $570 contribution from each person; there was no time for that. We deposited money, and our deposits...were actually sold to foreigners. Then communication tariffs went up. And residents of Lesnaya Polyana began to write applications for the suspension of contracts for the use of landline telephone network services. And well, for services not provided... at first bills came for 36 rubles a month, then they became completely outrageous... bills already came for 76 rubles a month. What is it like?! The service is not provided, but the bill continues. And again, antimonopoly officials are silent. And the most offensive thing is that the entire landline telephone network in Lesnaya Polyana is equipped at the expense of the residents!
That is how we live. In one collection (North-Western Front) of articles-memoirs about the Great Patriotic War, I read about the following indicative fact: during the liberation of the city, a detachment of intelligence officers removed the notice “Complaints from Russians are not accepted” on the building of the German commandant’s office.
Maybe similar notices should be hung on all Yaroslavl administrative buildings, we need to be more honest. And then we’ve been writing complaints for 8 years, but there’s no result. And with an “honest” announcement about complaints there will be direct savings on paper and postage costs. Yes, and we will calm down, since complaints are not accepted, we will engage in other, partisan, more effective actions. And wait for release.
By the way, one leftist group conducted a survey of residents of Lesnaya Polyana about their attitude towards protest actions. The result is amazing - 80% are ready to support protest actions! At first I didn’t believe one of the survey organizers, but then I saw that the survey result was even posted on the party’s website. You know, they pestered the residents...
But the saddest thing is different. Our agricultural machinery in Lesnaya Polyana in Soviet times was the best in Russia, 1150 workers! She built a village, a recreation center, a kindergarten school, shopping mall. It doesn’t exist now, trade and small various buy and sell on the territory of former agricultural machinery. Agricultural production was also destroyed in the neighboring village of Kuznechikha, where previously there was a thriving farm - the Mikhailovskoye agricultural enterprise. The lands were sold off, the farms were empty. Well, just like in the occupied territories during the Great Patriotic War. And all the promises about increasing agricultural production are nothing more than promises, because all the main and non-main players in our Yaroslavl pseudo-economy have their money abroad. And here the figures are being fed by the native population.
It’s disgusting that everyone continues to pretend that everything is as it should be: we eat ersatz bread, ersatz sausage and everything else, wear quickly wearing rags made of synthetic fibers, stare at ersatz culture on screens, or live in a virtual life on the Internet.. .
Only by analyzing everything as a whole do I begin to understand why modern youth are being infected gaming addiction, pulled into social media Internet. It’s still the same ersatz life for young people, when in the budgets after cuts and crackdowns and after feeding a million-strong army of officials there is no money for normal education, culture, mass sports and tourism, there is no money to create jobs for young people.
As for the Yaroslavl officials, I voice the main conclusion - they are doing everything right, they are bringing the revolutionary situation closer with all their might. Dig Yaroslavl moles, dig deeper...

How we fight lawlessness in housing and communal services.
I live in a small town on the banks of the Volga. Our work situation is tolerable, there is work, but the pay is several times less than in big cities. Why people are paid pennies is a separate conversation. The republican leadership tried to figure it out somehow, but they left everything as it was. Those who do not want to put up with poverty find work in neighboring Kazan and swing back and forth every day, like a pendulum. The rest somehow make ends meet, but many have not paid rent for years.

Non-payments are growing, and several years ago housing and communal services officials decided to fight this matter. In June, the hot water was turned off for scheduled monthly maintenance, and a month later it was turned on, but not for everyone. Houses in which there were many non-payments were left without hot water. People got worried and started going to the authorities, but there was no point. Some people were allowed to circle around, some people were told that the water had been turned off because of debts. Go ahead and make your neighbors pay. And when they pay, then we’ll turn on the water.

The housing and communal services authorities offered to pay for their neighbors to the most persistent ones. In the end, after the New Year, it seems that they did so. The debts were distributed among conscientious payers, and that was the end of the matter. But at that moment the city authorities stubbornly resisted. July has passed, August has passed, September is in the yard, and we walk around unwashed or heat water on the stove. They wrote a collective complaint to Kazan, but the bags take a very long time, and the laundry gets dirty much faster... And then I finally got to the phone.

All the management is hiding behind the secretaries, and there is no point in telling the secretary what I think about her boss. I called the editor-in-chief of a local newspaper and was surprised that she didn’t have a secretary. We talked heart to heart for about twenty minutes. She said that it was useless to talk with this man, the head of the city executive committee. He simply doesn’t hear anyone but himself. THEN I said: “Print my proposal - turn off the hot water to all three bosses who keep us unwashed. Let them scratch themselves too. The situation with non-payments is difficult, and they, as responsible persons, have no right to use hot water. Let them walk dirty along with everyone else!" Here the editor-in-chief’s sincerity disappeared somewhere, and she quickly said goodbye to me.

And I, inspired by the new idea, began calling secretaries again with my proposal. But the bosses, as it turned out, all lived in cottages, and some even in another city, and it was almost impossible to turn off their hot water. Then I called the city hotline, we still have one, and suggested putting the issue to a vote of the City Council. If there is a resolution, then they, my dears, will not get away with it. The woman on the other end of the line hesitated a little, but promised to convey my proposal. It looks like she was also unwashed.

Another two weeks passed, and our unwashed activists called republican television. The city TV crews flatly refused, but they agreed, even surprisingly. I just went out to the store, and there was a crowd... Well, I made my proposal, being sure that they would cut it out. He called all three bosses by name and said that they have no right to use hot water while there are SUCH non-payments in the city. And, lo and behold, they SHOWED!!! Starting from the next day, people I didn’t know and didn’t know at all began shaking hands with me right on the street and asking me about the most essential things, about hot water.

The guys at work told me that I was no longer a tenant. Understand, they say, as you know... But YEARS have passed and so far, pah, pah, pah, thank God. Chekhovsky Belikov is still alive inside us: “No matter what happens!” Another story about our own house was shown on another republican channel, and a week later our taps finally began to gurgle. I think our complaint reached the big republican authorities, and the television people were simply given the go-ahead. Such is our Russian mentality. You always want to believe in a good King.

And these bosses, who remained pure in body, but not in soul, were removed by our mayor, a tough guy, far away from sin, a disgrace. They probably went for a promotion. Where should we put them, dear ones? What else can they do? But this victory, I think, is temporary. Housing and communal services bosses with large salaries do not sleep day and night. They are thinking about how to rob, take away, bite off a larger piece from a common person, so that they, their children, their grandchildren, and if it works out, then their great-grandchildren will have enough for a comfortable life.

For example, this year the heating network for December counted me three times more than usual. And not only for me, but for the whole house, the whole city, Kazan and, I suspect, the whole country. They probably thought that in January everyone would be drunk and wouldn’t understand! Nothing like that, our house is united, we figured out what was what. Now the prosecutor's office is busy, maybe there will be a trial, or maybe the bosses will pay off. Don't know. It's a shame I've already paid, you fool. They say that in Lipetsk those who paid had to run to the courts to get the money back. And those who did not pay, all was forgiven. Well, well, nothing can be done. That's why it's the Country of Fools!