Barcelona is such a characteristic and attractive city that interest in it never fades all year round. But many travelers agree that the most wonderful time to visit it is mid-spring, when nature blooms in lush colors. So, how does the April weather change in the Catalan capital during this period? What type of holiday awaits her guests? You will learn about this and much more from our article on the Tour Calendar.

Weather in Barcelona in April

If March sometimes still gave reasons to doubt that it was spring, then in April there is no longer any reason not to believe it. This month brings warmer days, with temperatures jumping a notch higher. Their uniform increase is not typical for the local climate, so it is quite difficult to trace any pattern in this regard. But in general, it can be stated that in the first two weeks, by the middle of the day, the mercury rises to approximately +16°C..+17°C, and after this, it “reaches” levels of +19..+20°C in the shade . Of course, it is necessary to take into account that year to year does not change, and minor discrepancies with the given values ​​are quite likely. Thus, in April 2014, extremes of +21..+22°C were often recorded, in 2012, over the last 5 days, a cold snap to +11..+14°C was observed, and in 2002, the entire country was subjected to severe hurricane with snow and piercing icy winds. But fortunately, such disasters are out of the ordinary cases that occur extremely rarely. The weather forecast for this month still has more positive than negative aspects. In addition to temperatures, these include an increase daylight hours, and with it the duration of sunshine, foreshadowing the imminent onset of summer.

The level of insolation is not yet high, so there will be no need to worry about burns. A transparent blue sky, such as in “magical” landscapes, does not happen very often. Despite the fact that meteorological reports indicate an impressive number of clear days, this month is characterized by partly cloudy weather. However, this fact does not have a negative effect on the appearance of the city. On the contrary, during the time of lush flowering it is incredibly beautiful. It’s easy to verify this, because they are moderately warm weather allow you to devote your leisure time to leisurely walks through parks and squares, which are a real oasis of silence, broken only by iridescent bird trills and the monotonous hum of bees, intensified for the seasonal pollen collection. In the evenings, the dank dampness continues to bother me, so it won’t be possible to hide my jackets on the far shelves. It will also not be possible to do this because the contrast with daytime thermometer readings is about 7-10 degrees Celsius. At times, increasing gusts of wind blowing from the side can spoil the mood Mediterranean Sea, so a scarf may come in handy for particularly chilly individuals. As for precipitation, its probability is slightly higher than in March - around 8-9 “wet” days, and therefore an umbrella should always be at hand.

As such, the beach season is closed in April, because the water for diving is still icy. But the atmosphere on the beaches is slowly coming to life. Firstly, more and more foreigners yearning for warmth are arriving in Barcelona, ​​and secondly, entrepreneurs working in the tourism industry are already dynamically preparing for a huge influx of guests. April also produces a formula for excellent weather for cultural and educational recreation. The absence of intense tourist “traffic” and the gentle sunshine help you to come into close contact with the cultural heritage of the city and feel its unique flavor. For those who plan their trip in recent weeks, the celebration of Catholic Easter will be a unique experience.

Beach holiday

Of course, it’s too early to think about taking water procedures in mid-spring. The water in the Mediterranean Sea warms up very slowly. Earliest start swimming season falls in the third ten days of May, and in April, if you are not keen on winter swimming, the most you can do is get your feet wet. The water temperature at the beginning of the month fluctuates around +14°C, and by the second week it barely reaches +15°C. However, there are brave souls who prefer the open spaces of the sea to the shore. These are professionals in the field of windsurfing and kiteboarding. In the off-season, when the winds are free, quite good conditions. In summer they are much worse. The main habitat of marine “reckless” species is the beaches of Barceloneta and Mar Bella. They conquer the waves, of course, in special wetsuits that retain the heat of the human body and prevent it from cooling. But if you're not an athlete, still pack some swimwear in your suitcase, as some days are surprisingly clear and quiet - in other words, ideal for getting a light and safe tan. The sun does not shine at full strength, only slightly hot - what is needed for people who are afraid of burns and have problems with the thyroid gland.

What to do if it’s too cold for sunbathing? You can take a walk along the coast, saturating your lungs with healing air containing iodine and various healthy salts, go on a mini-cruise on a speedboat, have a picnic under the rustling of the incoming waves, or sit down at a chiringuito table (the so-called beach-type cafe) to drink a cup of hot coffee. or a glass of something intoxicating. By the way, such establishments open their doors this month.

Entertainment and excursions

Wandering through the labyrinth of the Gothic Quarter, lined with buildings from the 11th to 15th centuries, taking the funicular to the top of Montjuïc, admiring the stunning masterpieces of the genius architect Antonio Gaudi, watching the performance of sad mimes on the Rambla - this is what every tourist tries to do when arriving in Barcelona at any time of the year.

However, there is something that is only available for a limited period of time. Only in spring can you enjoy visiting gardens and parks covered with lush greenery and fragrant flowers. They amaze with their well-groomed and splendid landscapes. Locals love to come here with whole families to have a picnic. Some relax, lying on the lawn with their favorite book, others simply communicate with each other. Some of the parks even offer free yoga and capoeira classes. In Ciutadella, for example, they ride a boat on a picturesque lake, feed the ducks and play table tennis. You can also brighten up your time with shopping, which is endless here thanks to the abundance of shops. Pay attention to locally produced clothes, they are very good quality and is sold at very reasonable prices.

Holidays and festivals

The dense series of holidays in April leaves no time for boredom. This is the beginning of an endless string of concerts, festivals and performances. The main and most anticipated event of this month is Holy Week or Semana Santa. Each of the seven days is marked by colorful processions that recall the last episodes from the earthly life of Christ, and Easter services in churches. But the most magnificent celebrations take place on the evening of Good Friday.

At the beginning of the month, the flash mob “Walk in a Hat” has been taking place in the city for the past year in a row. Anyone who wants to rekindle their love for wearing these elegant headdresses can take part in it. The action begins at the bronze statue of a giraffe, at the intersection of Diagonal Avenue and Rambla de Catalunya. Another casual but very fun April event is pillow fights, held annually in the central square of Barcelona. Hundreds of people measure their strength, fighting to the last feather. For lovers of delicious food and passionate music, a visit to the Fira de Abril flamenco festival is an absolute must. The main venue for it is the embankment. There are tents set up with all sorts of treats (seafood tapas are to die for!), with musical equipment and traditional costumes, and nearby dancers perform in their polka-dot dresses. On the 23rd, two holidays are celebrated in Spain - the day heavenly patron Catalonia, Saint San Jordi, also considered Valentine's Day, and Book Day. Books are given to men as a sign of attention, and girls are usually presented with roses.

Not only is April the greenest and most flowery month of the year, but also the capital of Catalonia is one of the ten most green cities Spain. Tourists coming to Barcelona in April will definitely remember the mimosa blooming here and there, and the trees, putting on the long-awaited green outfit, are simply pleasing to the eye.

Barcelona in April: what to do for tourists?

The swimming season in Barcelona in April is literally everywhere: beach eateries are finishing decorating for the arrival of tourists, new souvenir stalls are opening here and there, prices for tickets and hotel rooms are rising. But, unfortunately, the weather in April in Barcelona is not as high as we would like: despite the fact that the thermometer reaches 25 degrees during the day, the temperature drops too much at night (to 16 degrees), as a result of which the water does not have time to warm up.

Despite the temperature unsuitable for swimming, the beaches are not empty: here and there you can spot tourists sunbathing. It is impossible to burn under the warm April light, and the dose of ultraviolet radiation per person is exactly the norm. However, it would be a mistake to say that this temperature lasts the entire month: towards the end, the water warms up enough, and the first daredevils are already swimming in the sea to their fullest.

Don’t forget that besides the beach, the capital of Catalonia has a lot of interesting things: local attractions certainly deserve attention. Not a single tourist has ever left Barcelona without visiting the Gothic Quarter and the Old Town, and those who have never even been to Spain know about the famous Gaudi houses. By the way, not far from the most famous attractions is the Sagrada Familia Hotel, named after the monumental creation of the great architect. It provides truly luxurious service, and many tourists have already left positive reviews about it on booking. And if you decide to book a room in this hotel, then know that thanks to our website, you can get a discount of up to 50% when booking, and also cancel it for free if something goes against your initial plans.

Barcelona in April: is it worth taking warm clothes?

Definitely not. The air temperature in Barcelona in April is high enough to avoid freezing, so you can safely leave jackets and warm pants with boots at home. But you shouldn’t completely give up sweaters: windy days are here to stay, and without a jumper or sweatshirt you can easily catch a cold. You can walk in Barcelona in April 2019 in almost anything: from jeans and a sweater to a light T-shirt with shorts.

And, of course, in the capital of Catalonia there is nothing to do without sunglasses and a swimsuit: you cannot take a dip in the pool, sunbathe, or go to the water park without this essential element of clothing.

Current weather in Barcelona

Barcelona in April: the most significant events

The holidays in Barcelona in April can be counted on one hand, but each of them is truly grandiose. However, first things first.

Holy week

Spain is a Catholic country, so it is not surprising that it Special attention dedicated to Easter. This holiday is celebrated on one of the Sundays of the month, and is preceded by a holy week. This holiday takes on special significance in Catalonia: processions representing the ascent of Jesus Christ to Golgotha ​​are filled with grandeur and a sense of sublimity. In addition to solemn processions, masses are held in almost all churches on Easter.

Valentine's Day

The Catalans also have their own Valentine's Day: it is celebrated on April 23rd. On this day, the whole of Barcelona is full of hearts, and the air becomes viscous from the aromas of romance that are widespread in it.

St. George's Day

A holiday that at first can be confused with Valentine's Day: Sant Jordi Day. It was on this significant date that George defeated the dragon, and gave the rose that grew on his blood to his beloved. The tradition also applies to gifts: on Sant Jordi day it is customary to give only roses to girls, and only books to boys.

In short, April is the best month to arrange a romantic trip to Barcelona.

At this time of year you can expect 52mm atmospheric precipitation all month in Barcelona.

Brief description of weather conditions in Barcelona in April 2020

When you travel to Barcelona in April you can expect: often rain, occasionally thunderstorm, occasionally fog. Average daily temperatures range between 17℃ and 22℃. Look at the UV index, which is (6) in April and take precautions: Wear sun protective clothing and sunscreens. sunscreen SPF 30+ Wear a hat and sunglasses, and limit your time in the sun to three hours Typically, the fourth week is the hottest week in April. Barcelona experiences warm days in April. Usually the temperature hovers around 19℃ and the wind is a favorable breeze.

What time does the sun set in April in Barcelona?

Best time to go to Barcelona 2020. Check monthly temperature chart in April:

This graph shows actual saved data over the last 10 years. Basically, you can compare the temperature. This is important when deciding when to go on vacation. April is one of best months of the year in terms of weather in Barcelona. If weather is your main indicator of when to travel, April is a great time to vacation. This is a great time to wander around the area and see the main attractions. Relative humidity levels typically range from 13 (little or no discomfort) to 18 (little or no discomfort) above normal in April. The dew point is often one of the best performance how comfortable the weather conditions are for the traveler. When you travel to Barcelona remember that lower dew points feel more dry and higher dew points feel more humid. During a normal April, the dew point hovers around 10 (A little dry for some people).

Length of day and hours of sunshine

During a normal April, the length of the day gradually approaches increasing by approximately 76 minutes.
The shortest day is Tuesday - April 1st, and offers 12 hours 39 minutes of daylight, sunrise at 07:36 and sunset at 20:16. The longest day is Wednesday - April 30, from 13 hours 56 minutes of daylight, sunrise at 06:52 and sunset at 20:47. The number of hours of sunshine is important for every traveler. This month the average day lasts 13 hours.

I first visited Barcelona 12 years ago, when we flew to Spain to bask by the sea. We had a wonderful time, but it was August, the heat and the crowd of tourists did not allow us to walk around the city for a long time. When I left, I knew that I would definitely return, but I wouldn’t spend a single minute on it.

Having learned that our vacation was in April, I had no doubt - we were flying to the capital of proud Catalonia, and friends’ reviews of the weather in Barcelona in April were equally positive.

April weather

In contrast to the unstable temperatures in March, the weather in Barcelona in April confidently says that... In the first ten days of the month, daytime temperatures range between +15-17°C, dropping to +11°C at night. By the end of the month, during the day + 19-22°C.

Bright sun and clouds alternate with each other throughout the month, but Cloudy weather is rare. Throughout April there are usually 5-9 rainy days. Daylight hours increase to 14 hours.

The sea water is gradually warming up, rising from +13-14°C at the beginning of the month to +15-17°C towards the end.

The weather forecast shows that in April 2020 the weather will remain within the average statistical range: +18°C during the day, +11°C at night, partly cloudy, 5 days with precipitation, water temperature +17°C.

Weather forecast for Barcelona for April 2020.

Outerwear is no longer needed for daytime walks around the city, but in case of unforeseen surprises in the form of rain, sudden cold snap and unpleasant spring dampness that appears in the evening, in Barcelona in April Take an umbrella, a light jacket or cardigan with you. A prudently taken scarf will save you from gusts of sea wind.

The swimming season opens, but in April the beaches already come to life. This is the ideal time for tanning: the sun is not yet as active as in May, and the light south-east, east and south winds increase its effect on the skin.

Local residents and tourists stroll along the shore, breathing in the healing sea air, sunbathing under the gentle April sun, and relaxing in beach cafes with a cup of coffee or a glass of French champagne.

Parks and squares ring with iridescent bird trills. The spring air is filled with the aroma of flowers and sea freshness. April Barcelona is comfortable for relaxation and romantic…


The trip experience will be incomplete without excursions. Tourists are increasingly booking excursions via the Internet. This is more convenient for several reasons. Can:

  • take your time to read the description and reviews and choose what you like;
  • do not fuss and do not waste precious time in Prague searching and purchasing excursions;
  • buy in advance from home and pay by card;
  • There is more choice online than at any agency or travel kiosk, and prices are 15-20% lower, because... no agency fee.

There are many options - from the simplest for €20 (ideal for the first acquaintance with the city) or for €35 to a trip to the mountains (€45) or even a trip to the city of Figueres (€70).

The most popular excursions in 2020:

  • - see and learn;
  • - experience the national cuisine of Spain;
  • - for those with family;
  • - to see what cannot be unseen.

Dulce Cataluña

Explaining why the Catalan beauty Barcelona is so good is not so easy. It can be littered, infested with pickpockets, and its famous Rambla boulevard is absolutely tourist kitsch, and even for omnivorous tourists. The city is a mystery, it is not clear what it takes, but the secret of Barcelona is love, which arises beyond logic.

We landed in the morning and there were 10 days ahead. Getting to the city is not difficult - we took the Aeroexpress from the airport in 25 minutes to the central square “Plaça de Catalunya”, paying only €3.80 for tickets. We could have gone by bus, they depart more often, but we managed to catch the train and accidentally saved a couple of euros. If you have to travel by bus, be aware that they run every 10-12 minutes, and at night bus number 106 runs. A taxi to the city will cost approximately €30.

If your budget allows, you can rent a car at the airport, but do not forget to take out insurance and pay attention to the fact that The car will be handed over with a full tank (it will also need to be returned fully fueled), and overnight parking in the city costs €10-25.

Warm welcome

Leaving our city, we quietly cursed, splashed through puddles and slid on the melted snow. The travel bags contained light clothes and light shoes. Could all this really be useful in a few hours? The weather was a pleasant surprise: bright blue sky and joyful sun, fragrant mimosa bushes and youthful green grass on the lawns.

Spring was in full swing, warm and endlessly optimistic - the thermometer was +20 and not a single cloud. True, after a couple of days we had to open our umbrellas, but the April rain was calm and warm like spring, ended in an hour, the sky cleared again, and the aromas of flowers filled the washed-up squares and parks.

The nights in early April are still cool - the temperature is 10-15 degrees, but with sunrise the air quickly warms up, and During the day you can already walk around the year in a light jacket or an open raincoat. On the seashore we observed visiting “walruses” who decided to plunge their pale carcasses into the waters of the Mediterranean Sea, but there was no desire to follow their example - the sea had not yet warmed up, and only adventurers decided to swim at a water temperature of 15 degrees.

The beaches begin to slowly come to life in April. Bring swimwear with you just in case- you are unlikely to risk swimming in the sea, but, according to reviews, at the end of April the days are often so warm that you can already sunbathe.

If you are here at the beginning of the month, nothing will stop you from getting enough sea air for walks or a boat ride, organizing a picnic or sitting at a table in a chiringuito with a cup of coffee.

Where to stay?

The choice of hotel depends on your plans in Barcelona. If you are attracted to sea activities, check into an inexpensive suburban hotel. But don’t be tempted by the cheapness - if your Barcelona tour is designed to explore the city, you will have to spend time and money on daily travel to the center. For walks along the embankment, hotels near Poble Nou are suitable, where you can stay for €70-80. I do not recommend staying in Barceloneta- This is an unsafe area inhabited by emigrants.

We stayed in the Eixample area. It is quiet and comfortable, but not the cheapest area.

To immerse yourself in the true atmosphere of the city, choose Barri Gotik or El Raval.

Barcelona has quite a few inexpensive but good ones. We propose to get acquainted with the most popular and cozy of them in a selection on the topic of where to stay in the Catalan capital.

Walking in spring Barcelona

The most convenient way to get to know the city is by taking a ride on a train that departs from the main square. You will be able to get off and continue the tour on the next bus.

The old city - the Gothic Quarter - has never been rebuilt since the Middle Ages, so some of the buildings here are seven hundred years old. In the center of the Gothic Quarter - the famous Cathedral. The old town is a pretty hectic place, be careful not to lose your wallet.

Barcelona is a paradise for architects. We flew to Spain to take a closer look at the mysterious building - the Sagrada Familia Cathedral. Gaudi built the cathedral for 43 years, but the building continues to be completed today, 150 years later. The characters with whom the temple is densely populated inside and outside are endlessly amazing, but to consider them in the midst tourist season extremely difficult due to crowds of tourists. An excursion in April is another matter, when you can spend hours discovering more and more precious details of this miracle.

Be sure to set aside a day for.

And you must see Palau Güell, otherwise your acquaintance with Barcelona will not be complete. , also add it to your list, it is the only one in the world. The apartments in this house are open-plan, the wavy façade is decorated with forged balconies resembling snails, the ingenious Gaudi built the attic from stylized fish skeletons, and this fantastic structure is crowned with a roof consisting of the likeness of hallucinogenic mushrooms.

Barcelona residents do not like “La pedrera” (that’s how the name sounds in Spanish), but the house is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. A ticket to the Quarry costs €16 plus €4 for the Russian translation of the tour.

Eating and shopping in Barcelona

Restaurants on Rambla Boulevard await tourists; Barcelona residents don’t come here often, since the food in these establishments is expensive and often tasteless. But there are restaurants in the side streets where they will offer you Menu del dia - set lunch for €10-15. Liven up your meal with sangria, which costs no more than €10 a litre.

In the evening you can relax in the Lauria bar (Roger de Llúria, 2). Authentic paella for €15 with wine de la casa for €9 will make you feel like Catalans. For seafood lovers there is the La Paradeta chain, a favorite among locals. Restaurant Sagardi (Carrer de l'Argenteria, 60) offers excellent tapas and cider from a barrel. The black paella at Elche Restaurant (Vilà I Vilà, 71), painted with cuttlefish ink, is very good. You can have a delicious breakfast in Barcelona in any cafe for just €3. Order Pan Con Tomate, which is what all Spaniards eat in the morning.

Of course, you'll want to update your wardrobe in Spanish stores. Works in Barcelona excellent commercial network El Corte Inglés. Take a ride to La Roca Village, the outlet village is half an hour's drive away. You won't go to sales, but you'll be able to choose clothes with peace of mind. Barcelona is a huge modern city, you don't have to wander around looking for boutiques, they are at every turn.

Entertainment in April

April Barcelona in 2020 promises a relaxing holiday. Easter, which next year falls at the end of March, will already be noisy, and the next Barcelona's city festival Sant Jordi is celebrated on April 23. On this day, Barcelona is strewn with red roses - men give flowers to women, and they present books to their chosen ones.

A lovely tradition is associated with the legend of the victorious George, who killed the dragon. From the blood of the unfortunate reptile they sprouted Red roses, and now at the end of April dragons walk the streets.

Take a photo as a keepsake and give someone flowers and books. At midnight in the central square there will be a “Battle with the Dragon”, however, its outcome is already predetermined: George will win again and next year the ladies will again accept flowers from the knights in love.

If the purpose of your trip to Catalonia is cultural and excursion holiday, then Barcelona in April is exactly what you need. The fact is that the city is not yet ready to open beach season, but it’s already warm outside, the sun is shining brightly, and no natural disasters interfere with sightseeing, museum trips, and shopping.

Air in daytime hours warming up up to +18°C, and at night it gets cold up to +11°C. At the same time, there are fluctuations throughout the month: cold temperatures down to +10°C during the day and temperatures rising to +22… +25°C. You can already do without outerwear, but in case of surprises it is better to take a light jacket with you. Water in Mediterranean Sea continues to heat up, and its temperature is on average +17°C.

The weather in Barcelona in April holds mostly clear, as throughout the year. Cloudy days are not uncommon, but cloudy days are practically not typical for this period. The length of daylight hours increases to almost 14 hours, and the average daily number of sunny hours is 9.8 hours.

Precipitation levels are relatively stable throughout the spring. The April norm is 45 mm, usually this month falls around five rainy days. Relative humidity air decreases compared to March and amounts to 69% .

The weather in April is characterized by a slight decrease in wind strength, which already does not cause any particular inconvenience. average speed gusts - 3.4 m/s. Winds prevail southwestern direction, the wind often blows from the east, southeast and south.