Andrey Averin is a famous Russian humorist, known to viewers as the author of numerous comic miniatures. Currently, his name is firmly associated with the Russian comedy show Comedy Club Moscow Style. But what was his path to the stage? Few will probably be able to answer this question. After all, a talented comedian appeared as if out of nowhere. Today we will try to look behind the screen and lift the veil of secrecy a little. What was the life of a famous showman like before collaborating with the Comedy Club project? How did his fate develop, and what was his path to the big stage? We will present the answers to these questions in this article.

About the party - Andrey Averin and Zurab Matua

Childhood of Andrey Averin

The future famous showman was born in a small town called Boksitogorsk (Leningrad region). Very little is known about his childhood and adolescence. The only reliable fact is his passion various types sports While still a schoolboy, Andrei began playing in the handball and football sections. Soon chess was added to them. It is very noteworthy that Averin has achieved very impressive success in this industry. In his interviews, Andrei to this day proudly notes that he is the chess champion of Boksitogorsk.

However, subsequently his fate was quite far from the world of sports. After graduating from school, Andrei Averin entered the institute, where he began to study as a test engineer. His specialty was the aerospace field, perhaps that is why the young artist was always so passionately drawn to the stars.

Andrey Averin's career on stage

WITH early years Andrei Averin was a passionate fan of practical jokes. His jokes were a great success, and the ability to joke well became one of his distinctive features. Despite the very impressive dimensions of his figure, Andrei was never afraid public speaking. That’s why he started appearing on stage quite early. Unlike most other residents of Comedy, Averin never played in KVN. His path to the Moscow stage lay through the Comedy Club Peter Style. It is here still in student years he met Zurab Matua and other famous showmen. The young artist’s performances were very successful and very soon the artist was offered to move to Moscow. Averin, without hesitation, accepted the offer.

Today Andrey is known as a permanent resident of the Comedy Club. On the Moscow stage he often performs together with other popular comedians - Timur Batrutdinov, Garik Martirosyan, Alexander Revva. However, the artist’s greatest popularity was brought by his collaboration with Zurab Matua and Dmitry Sorokin. Together they write humorous remakes of famous songs, with which they subsequently appear on stage.

Andrey Averin - Lev Leshchenko

In 2011, Averin began to increasingly appear in Russian clubs as a musical performer. His track “Loot Conquers Evil” began to be frequently broadcast on various radio stations. In 2012, Andrey took part in the recording of a more serious composition, “Endorphin,” created together with rapper Kravets.

Personal life of Andrei Averin and new figure

Andrey Averin is married. His chosen one's name is Victoria. Together the couple is raising a little daughter. According to some of the showman's friends, it was the birth of the child that forced the artist to reconsider some views on life and on himself personally. The comedian began to monitor his diet and pay great attention to healthy eating.

The end result exceeded all expectations - in just eight months, Averin lost almost 32 kilograms. As the comedian himself notes, the only delicacy he still allows himself is the pies that his wife Vika makes.

The question of how Averin from Comedy Club lost weight interests many TV viewers. This article talks about how Andrei Averin lost weight. There is a lot of interesting information here.

Stars not only in the distant skies, but also on the delightful stage, beckon with the changes taking place in their lives. Television series are made about their personalities, conflicts of fate, labyrinths of passionate and sad events.

Recently, his fans were shocked by his dramatic changes, which completely changed the image of Andrei Averin, a participant in the Comedy Club show program.

It was interesting what he did. Usually, artists or their image makers develop grandiose versions of their PR fame, sometimes preparing for their implementation for a long time, calculating various ways to most accurately hit the target. Averin from “Comedy Club” simply decided to change the principles of his diet, interest in the show’s resident jumped immediately, and in the TV show itself too.

Averin before and after losing weight are different, at least within the framework of the show, personalities. Before his drastic change, not everyone was interested in him and not everyone liked him. Fat, with a large belly, like those of chronic beer drinkers, a slightly swollen face - such a person is more likely to repel than attract. But alcoholics, criminals and men, about whom they usually say “eternal losers” with a sigh, have to be played by someone. Andrei played, and quite well, but even this did not help him become more popular than his other collaborators on the television project.

Obviously, this criterion prompted him to make such serious changes in his appearance. In 2012, eight months of work on changing my diet and its principles did not pass without a trace: more than thirty kilograms of fat were given over to an invisible enemy. The next year was marked by a loss of about twenty kilograms.

Alla Pugacheva, Larisa Dolina, Nikolai Baskov, thanks to their diets, already became the main characters of news sites and bloggers’ discussions on the Internet. Their stories about miraculous transformations from a fat duck into a slender swan filled printed materials. Bright photographs on glossy covers reported: popular stars are known not only for presenting their Creative skills in excellent quality, but also with strong actions.

Andrei Averin’s weight loss is not due to diets, but to the transition to a special, more healthy type of nutrition. Some sources report that his positive example influenced another member of the Comedy Club. This circumstance further aggravated the curiosity of fans and, naturally, journalists. They tried with all their might to find out how Averin from the Comedy Club lost weight. The period for such global weight loss is very short. Many, looking at Andrei Averin, positively assessed the changed and attractive actor.

This is how a completely logical version emerged: Andrei Averin used the services of specialists from the Center for Aesthetic Medicine, headed by nutritionist Margarita Koroleva, according to whom professionals from her clinic are able to improve appearance the patient who contacted them, and improve his health. But this hypothesis was rejected, since Andrei Averin is not at the highest level of his career, and therefore material resources he has limited. He probably would not have been able to receive treatment there, and even follow individual recommendations.

In order not to torment the curious, Andrei Averin decided to do enough frank interview, in which he outlined the main priorities of his proper nutrition which he continues to strictly observe.

Firstly, the comedian has done away with the most harmful foods for the body: buns, pies, pancakes, a huge amount of everything sweet. He also realized that there was no need to be friends with “fast food” at all, which is why hamburgers, pasties and French fries became outsiders. The period when you can eat the desired food was also reasonably limited. The hour hands, pointing to eighteen o'clock, served as a sign: the moment had come to forget about food until tomorrow.

Another important axiom that determines the food consumption regime is eating in small portions and at least six times daily.

Andrei Averin reinforced correct nutrition for health physical activity: an ordinary bicycle still serves the artist today. One secret helped him overcome himself and not break down without passing the test. Andrei Averin did not experience the pangs of a hungry man asking for fried potatoes, a luxurious cake with an abundance of creamy mass, as well as fatty and juicy pork. He replaced these harmful products to natural ones, mainly protein ones.

He also did not forget about proper fluid intake. A couple of liters of water daily is the credo of his current diet. In order not to suffer from a natural lack of useful minerals and vitamins, he often resorts to vegetables and fruits. Obviously, there are no special discoveries in the updated diet of proper nutrition: everything is already in books on dietetics. Probably, the motivation and inner strength of the artist were the main addition to the truths that were once written down.

Protein components predominate in Andrei Averin’s diet, that is, he mainly consumes fish, kefir, and cottage cheese. Carbohydrates and fats are ignored and allowed only in small quantities. If Andrey drinks kefir, then it should have a low fat content (zero or one percent).

Most Russians do not have time to monitor their diet; they can barely afford coffee or tea in the morning. But in the evening - dinner to the full: almost all the contents of your favorite refrigerator are swept away. And if the family is large, then food supplies may clearly not be enough. In general, they eat rarely, but much more than is necessary at one time.

As a result of their irresponsible actions, the body is forced to remain in a hungry state for a long period. In order to somehow compensate for the painful wait about this, he stores up, and not with something useful, but by accumulating fat under the skin. A special hormone helps him. Together they get a negative result for a person: a disgusting figure. In order to create worthy resistance to them, a person, like Andrei Averin, must consciously switch to, and then get used to, a fractional type of nutrition. Simultaneously with the decrease subcutaneous fat Years of accumulation of slag deposits and toxins are removed from the body. Metabolism with fractional nutrition certainly improves. After eating food, a person will not yawn, and he will not have the desire to lie on his favorite bed at all.

Even if you eat healthy food frequently, you need to monitor the amount you eat. Two hundred or five hundred grams of porridge, of course, are of considerable importance.

By eating everything and in large doses, you definitely won’t be able to lose weight like Andrei Averin.

Overeating while following a fractional diet is prohibited. To do this, you need to add the required amount, determined by the diet standards, or move the plate away as soon as you feel full.

You shouldn't be lazy about breakfast.

It's better to wake up early and prepare a dish of proteins and vegetables. Lunch time should be spent eating hot food. Light dinner Preferably before 18:00. And, of course, organizing small but healthy snacks.

  • Showman and comedian of the stand-up comedy genre. Resident of the Comedy Club.
  • Born in Boksitogorsk Leningrad region. As a child, he played chess, football, handball and dreamed of becoming a professional athlete.

    In his native Boksitogorsk, Andrei Averin was a chess champion.

    But he became Andrey Averin professional comedian. On the stage " comedy club“He performs together with Alexander Revva, Timur Batrutdinov, Pavel Volya, Mikhail Galustyan, Garik Martirosyan, etc. In addition, Andreits Averin is a member of the Lips group. Andrei Averin writes texts and skits not only for himself, but also for other participants in the show. Among his friends at the Comedy Club are Sergei Bessmertny, Zurab Matua and Dmitry Lyusek Sorokin.

  • Personal life of Andrei Averin / Andrei Averin

  • The main news discussed about Andrei Averin is that he managed to lose 31 kilograms in eight months. According to Andrey, this was not achieved through grueling training in gym, but only through nutritional adjustments.

    The showman reduced the amount of flour and sweets in his diet and refused to eat at night, the last meal being until six in the evening.

    In addition, he divided his daily food intake so that he ate every two hours, but little by little. As a result, there was no feeling of hunger, but the result was obvious. In addition, Andrei Averin rides a bicycle and skateboard and thus stays fit.

  • Andrey Averin is not married. He dreams of meeting a decent, modest girl to start a family. He does not like vulgarity and vulgarity in women.
  • In fact, the recipe is very simple, you just need to seriously limit the amount of food consumed. Averin himself did not eat after six in the evening, did not consume baked goods or flour products. The artist could not refuse sweets, because this is the main food for his brain. If you belong to this category of people, eat mostly dark chocolate, but in the morning. The thing is that the fast carbohydrates present in it will be used up just as quickly during the day.
  • Another secret of how Andrei Averin lost weight is fractional nutrition. So, the artist strongly recommends that everyone eat small portions, but often (approximately every two hours). According to experts, this is how our metabolism accelerates, which, in turn, contributes to weight loss. In addition, preference should be given to healthy foods. For example, if you cannot cope with the feeling of hunger, it is more advisable to snack on fruit or cottage cheese with berries rather than a sandwich with sausage.

According to the comedian himself, he simply revised his diet. He gave up flour, sweets, and baked goods. The artist also decided that he should not eat in the evening. This was, according to him, the most difficult thing about this principle of nutrition. The artist was able to overcome his love - the nightly eating of tasty, but fatty and high-calorie dishes. But this was one of his favorite habits - eating at night and in huge portions.

Rules for losing weight from Andrey Averin

  • For lovers white bread you will have to give it up in favor of whole grain or bran;
  • It is best to steam, stew or boil dishes, and eat fried food only occasionally.

Just as Andrei Averin lost weight, every person can fight excess weight by adhering to these simple rules and not forgetting about his secrets, which he shared with all his fans.

Andrey Averin's diet: menu

For those who are interested in what diet Andrei Averin was on, the comedian himself kindly spoke about his menu, which he often uses:

  • We eat in the morning healthy porridge from oatmeal or buckwheat;
  • After 2-3 hours we eat a pack low-fat cottage cheese;
  • We have lunch with stewed rice chicken meat, as well as vegetable soup;
  • We snack on a piece of grilled fish;
  • At 6 o'clock in the evening we eat a portion of boiled meat.

It was thanks to this diet that Comedy Club resident Andrei Averin quickly lost extra pounds: it contains nourishing, but low-calorie dishes, so fasting is completely excluded.

Andrey Averin's diet recipes

Chicken Rice Recipe:

  • Rub chicken thighs and drumsticks with adjika and salt, fry them in a frying pan over olive oil, then add the chopped onion and fry for another 5 minutes all together;
  • We cut the tomatoes, add them to the other ingredients along with a glass of rice and pour water into it;
  • After 5 minutes, reduce the heat and simmer;
  • 3 minutes before readiness, add salt.

Vegetable soup recipe:

  • Pour 2 liters of water into a saucepan with peeled and chopped celery roots and cook until half of the liquid has evaporated;
  • Add carrots, potatoes and onion, salt and pepper;
  • At the end, sprinkle with herbs.

Boiled beef recipe:

  • Place the washed meat in a pan, add water and bring to a boil, then throw in chopped celery, carrots, Bay leaf, thyme and onions;
  • Cook over low heat for 2 hours.

Down with bad habits that lead to weight gain

Andrei Averin claims that from the diet of everyone losing weight it is necessary to exclude harmful foods and dishes that interfere with the long-awaited goal. “At first it’s not easy,” the showman shares, “you always want to eat something unhealthy and fried, but over time the body gets used to healthy food and is satisfied with small portions.”