Nowadays, network marketing involving large quantity people into small business. This business has a kind of concept - to attract as many more people join the team and sell the company's products. In other words, a marketing system is a scheme for selling goods from the manufacturer, bypassing intermediaries between those who sell the product and those who have the desire to purchase it. The flow of applicants expands, the company’s income increases, and in the future you can reach new level income.

Network marketing in Russian companies

Previously, network marketing was in great demand. You can remember the time when company representatives made door-to-door visits offering their products. Many years have passed, and the system is popular among organizations.

Network marketing- a very profitable system for expanding business among entrepreneurs and dates back to the nineties. He pursues his goals by introducing new ideas and money-making schemes.

Today, there are five largest companies that many people have heard about and even used their products. Almost everyone knows a manager in one of the most popular network marketing companies in Russia. The above organizations include companies producing cosmetics, perfumes, household goods, healthy eating, who have significantly expanded their network of market influence. Such organizations include:

  • Avon;
  • Oriflame;
  • Mary Kay;
  • Amvay;
  • Faberlic.

There is also network marketing NL and many other companies. The number of network marketing companies is growing every year.

These network marketing companies in Russia have significantly expanded their horizons. They are known in many countries and are very popular both in Russia and abroad, for example, in European countries.

Rating of companies

  1. Avon.
  2. Oriflame.
  3. Faberlic.
  4. Amway.
  5. NL int.
  6. "Siberian Health".
  7. Herbalife.
  8. Mary Kay.

Basically, the statistics include those most in demand among potential buyers.

How to attract people to network marketing? More on this later.

Network Marketing: Positive and Negative Sides

A marketing system is a kind of unique process of attracting new people and potential customers to the products manufactured by the company, which will be in demand, using contact between the buyer and the manufacturer.

The organization scheme is open, since income and benefits from cooperation are received not only by those who implemented the project, but also by those who joined the ranks of those offering the product. Moreover, it is very possible to make money in this situation; it all depends on the quantity of goods sold. The downside is the fact that those working in this area also need to make a contribution to the promotion of the product, thereby realizing the initial turnover.

The pros and cons of network marketing can be identified by studying the influence of business on consumers of these goods, employees who attract new clients and organizations.

Thus, we can say with confidence that the advantages of the scheme are:

  • the opportunity to acquire income that will be unlimited;
  • no investment of funds for advertising;
  • there is no need to rent a separate room;
  • there is no need to pay for the delivery of products, there is no close connection with government organizations, there is no need to prepare documentary reports.

You can also highlight some of the advantages of working in a marketing network:

  • obtaining a permanent income (both for employees and for the company itself);
  • there is no boss who will stand over your soul with an order to complete the work within a certain time frame;
  • no age categories;
  • Having a convenient work schedule that allows you to combine work and family;
  • advanced training and development of personal qualities.

The negative aspects of network marketing include the need to create your own team to ensure full turnover, since individuals who have a talent for sales significantly improve and accelerate the development of the company. Among the factors of such work are:

  • variable earnings, since it is not always possible to sell a sufficient amount of products;
  • a sense of responsibility for others, which creates a feeling of pressure in terms of psychology;
  • sufficient moral burden among buyers, since it is necessary to communicate with potential clients.

Network Marketing on the Internet

There are many ways to sell a company’s products, but nowadays sales of goods through the global Internet are widely used, which is much more convenient than going door to door offering cosmetics and perfumes of your company. It is convenient to search for clients by sending offers about a product or a company vacancy to addresses Email. Don’t forget about pop-up messages on various sites with job offers in one or another marketing system. Online network marketing has many tools.

The target audience

Basically, advertisements for work and part-time jobs are aimed at Internet users who are not satisfied with their wages, and also because the person, due to his workload, devotes little time to his family. What follows is a profitable and attractive offer to work as part of a team of an entire system, which allows you to earn income without leaving your desktop computer, without leaving your home, without having to run to work on the other side of the city. But do not forget that working in a marketing network via the Internet implies that it is necessary to communicate with clients who can be either friendly or irritated by something, they will call and write. You need to be mentally prepared for this, since you always need to remain calm and friendly towards a potential buyer.

Marketing "Oriflame"

Many people don’t work according to this concept famous company Oriflame, which offers its employees decent wages, despite the fact that you need to be on the Internet and communicate with people, plus sometimes order products of their brand from a catalog. You can reach the required level by being a participant in the Oriflame Network Marketing program, but do not forget that you will not be able to receive big money right away, since you need to develop a client base and regular customers. You should actively attract new employees and clients.

Oriflame network marketing also extends to the company's employees themselves. Also, when an employee orders a product, he is awarded points as a percentage of the order amount, and the more points in the account, the higher the likelihood of moving to a new level.

Network marketing NL works according to a similar system. The company produces natural products for beauty and health.

How to attract clients in network marketing

In order to invite as much as possible more clients to cooperate, you must first decide on the target audience, whose needs should be based on when offering your services. How to attract people to network marketing? It is necessary to draw certain boundaries in relation to the buyer on whom you need to focus.

Key points when choosing a clientele

How to attract people to network marketing? The target audience must be formed by:

  • semi;
  • age;
  • place of work;
  • hobbies and hobbies;
  • possible problems with skin and appearance.

Basic information should be provided in advance possible problems contingent of people on whom it is worth focusing. Then you can determine in which communities, in social networks and so on, look for people to promote the product. It is worth creating a group of an appropriate nature, putting the most suitable photo on home page. Regularly updating the range of products and promotions is also necessary to attract as many people as possible who will be interested in shopping online. And most importantly: the page should not contain a direct call from a company employee to purchase products from him; it must be done hidden and unobtrusively.

Next comes another one the most important facts successful work- this is an offer of your product. You can record a video for sale, which will also work to your advantage and interest a considerable number of people. It is also worth creating all the conditions so that a large flow of people passes through the employee’s page.

How to attract partners

Attracting partners in a marketing network refers to how to invite new employees to the team. Just as in attracting clients, you can interest new employees through the global Internet, which includes many vacancies, communities, public pages, bulletin boards offering vacancies with decent earnings, including newspapers. The point is to convey information about yourself and cooperation with the company. This type of job offer is called Push Marketing. There is also such a thing as Pull Marketing, which is the opposite proposition and requires much more effort. Once you learn how these methods work, you won't have to worry about how to attract network marketing partners.

Work online and offline

How to attract people to network marketing? You can work both online and live. In the offline version, an employee communicates directly with customers, for example, in an office or restaurant. The second option involves working in network marketing on the Internet, namely through social networks, such as:

  • "Skype";
  • "In contact with";
  • "Odnoklassniki" and others.

As a percentage, at the beginning of your career you need to spend 80% of your time working offline and only 20% online. Such indicators will bear fruit within two to three months of working at such a rhythm, which will provide an opportunity to earn about a thousand dollars. After your income exceeds this figure, you can begin to devote equal time to online and offline earnings. The situation will take a different turn after earnings exceed five thousand dollars, since after that you will need to devote 20% of your time offline and 80% online. But to move to a new level, it is necessary to create a situation where, in order to attract customers, only ten percent will be devoted to communicating with customers directly, that is, face to face, conducting live product presentations, and so on.

24 hour rule

How to attract people to network marketing in other ways, what features and unspoken rules exist? There is a so-called twenty-four-hour rule, when an employee, during each communication with a potential partner, draws a portrait of his interlocutor in his head, imagines a picture of subsequent cooperation, asks questions about the topic of work, asks about what is of the greatest value to the future employee, what priorities he has before sets what his goals and desires are. For an employee who knows his job and already has working skills, this will not be difficult, since at the very first meeting you can understand whether you will be able to work well with your interlocutor.

On the other hand, you should not lose sight of the new employee for more than twenty-four hours. At least once a day, an employee who has hired a newcomer to his team must exercise appropriate control over his work, in order to avoid mistakes by an unknowing person, which he will then have to help correct. You should monitor the actions of the person on the team for some time. Thus, by creating a client base and attracting new employees, the organization will provide itself with income and transfer skills to all those who, if desired, can achieve heights in the field of network marketing.

Without partners who register with a network company for your team, it is difficult to earn decent amounts. On average, distributors can earn from 3 to 10 thousand rubles per month from selling goods independently. But compared to those networkers who build their own structures (networks) and who earn tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars a month, this is a very small income.

Therefore, you need to look for partners in MLM and build your own structures that will bring you passive income in the future. That is, money will come to your wallet without your participation. As Robert Kiyosaki says “The poor look for work, the rich create networks”. Next, we'll look at methods you can use to find network marketing partners.

Conventionally, all methods of finding a partner can be divided into two main ones: searching for people in real life and searching for people on the Internet.

Finding partners in real life

1. Invite your acquaintances, relatives, friends . This is the easiest and least difficult way, since you are working with a warm market. After all, introducing someone from your circle to your network company is easier than persuading stranger. To do this, make a list of your acquaintances, call each of your acquaintances and say that you have started a business and would like to invite him to this company too, and arrange a meeting at which you will tell him everything, or invite him to a presentation of the company.

2. Working with a cold market – invitation to business strangers. You can look for partners on the street, or make cold calls. But this method has already become obsolete and is ineffective. Although, if you love and know how to communicate with people and are not afraid of refusals, then there is a chance to find interested candidates.

Searching for partners in an MLM company on the Internet

3. Search on social networks. Nowadays there are many social networks that people are on. You can search for people on these social networks. Either write a personal message to the person, or write announcements in groups. This needs to be done constantly. Just be careful and careful, because all these actions are similar to SPAM. According to statistics, 1-3 people out of 100 are ready to consider your proposal, well, with the rest, you will either have a wasted conversation, or they simply will not answer you, or there will be a few who will say not the kindest words to you.

4. Publish useful content for your target audience on social networks. When you start giving a lot useful information on your business topic or related topic, then your friends and followers on social networks begin to follow you. Many will begin to trust you and then want to communicate with you personally. Via Skype or by phone. Then you can invite the person to check out your business.

Now the most relevant social network is Instagram. It has many tools for running a business. Subscribe to my Instagram, where I regularly publish useful content:

5. Blogging, newsletters. Good way. But the downside is that you will have to create a blog, write articles, record videos (since after watching the video more people are ready to respond to your offer), create your own newsletter. Most best service for mailing in Runet - this is . You need to create a newsletter, filling it with useful letters (articles, videos on specific topic). People will subscribe to your newsletter and read articles.

Over time, they will trust you more and more, and some people will also want to start the same business that you are doing (this is about 3%). So they will contact you. To attract people to your mailing list, you need to use a blog to which people will come from search engines (if you have useful articles on your blog, the more there are, the more people will come from search engines), and the more people who come, the more they will be able to subscribe to the mailing list.

Or you can attract people to the mailing list using targeted advertising on social networks, directing the flow of people to the funnel site with your offer (this is a separate page where a mailing form is inserted and it says what the person will receive (such and such information, content), by subscribing to the newsletter)

6. YouTube / YouTube. This is good service. Where you can create your own channel and constantly upload your videos. People will watch them and may eventually become interested in what you have to offer. To help them find you, place yours in the video description. real contacts: links to pages on social networks, a link to your blog or newsletter.

I want to be more specific right away: in this article I will describe the psychology of attracting new employees to an MLM business, as well as working with existing distributors. So, how to attract people to an MLM company and increase employee productivity?

If you are the owner of an MLM company, or a recruit who already has his own network (i.e. attracted distributors), then you have probably encountered situations where your mentees say that certain promotion methods do not work. There is no point in being angry with your employees who are not producing the expected income. But it makes sense to influence them in such a way as to get the desired result - profit and attracting new recruits.

Statements on the topic that something does not work have no basis and you understand this. To you, but not to the distributor, who has already invited friends, worked on cold calls, and distributed leaflets - but received no results. In such a situation, it is necessary to understand his situation, and then it becomes clear that the recruit is really on the verge of disappointment in your company or in network marketing as such.

How to proceed? Until your employee understands that the problem is not in advertising, but in his personal working methods, nothing will change. Your task here is to make him understand this. But how? In no case directly directly, saying something like: “What does advertising have to do with it? It’s you who isn’t working, not advertising!” Even if such a statement is fair, you will not achieve the desired result. Therefore, first find arguments that will serve as tools for you in working with such a distributor.

Example:“Advertising (cold calls, leaflets, cold contacts, etc.) is not working? Think about it, if this method were not effective, would so many MLM companies use it for many years?” The answer to this question will be obvious. Further, a similar tactic should be followed: “That is, since this method is effective, in principle, then it works? And since the method still works, but it doesn’t work for you, what could be the reason?”

You need to lead the employee to the point where he himself makes an assumption, and then admits that it is he who is not using the tools correctly, and not the tools are not working properly. Next, you definitely need to reassure him, with a phrase like: “Don’t worry, we’ve all been through this! I know what to do! And you need to study the methods of operation of the tool that supposedly does not work. Tell the desperate distributor about this.

Group affiliation. How to use it. Psychology of MLM.

Now I will talk about a method that will help convince people to become your distributors. The basics of psychology say that every person has a need to classify himself into a certain category and gain recognition in his circle.

You can talk for a long time about the advantages of your company, wave graphs in front of the nose of a potential employee that will show the possibilities career growth, but he will not take it properly. For him, these are not arguments that will make him want to work with you. But belonging to a category of people who will look attractive is an argument.

The method consists of asking you to choose between categories to which your interlocutor may want to belong. At the same time, it is necessary to make him understand the obvious benefits of cooperation with you in comparison.

Example:“There are 2 categories of people: those who pay to visit gym, and those who do not pay. Which of these categories do you want to belong to?”

“There are 2 categories of people: those who create their own business and receive the profit that their employees bring, and those who themselves work for the boss and bring profit to him. Which category would you like to belong to?

Say what people want to hear. Psychology of MLM.

Now I don’t mean uncompromising flattery, which makes the ears heavy and can stick together in some places. I'm talking about the motivation with which you attract new employees.

Remember when you talked about the car you bought after you started network marketing? About your titles, awards, prizes? If yes, then cut it short: these are your achievements. An outsider may admire them, but it is not a fact that he feels capable of the same achievements. No matter how advanced you are, no one wants to listen to a lecture about this for an hour. But what do people want to hear? Where is the trick that will make an outsider want to immediately snuggle under your confident, bossy wing?

People don't want to hear about your successes, but about how you helped someone become successful. Tell us about distributors who, thanks to working with you, rose to high level. When people hear about what you have achieved, the first thing they feel is the difference between your situation and theirs. And this difference can cause frustration, boredom, but not the impulse to immediately join network marketing. Talk about those whose situation was the same as that of your potential employees, and became significantly better. Highlight your role in your distributors' growth. This will build confidence that they will be supported at any stage.

Free education

People, realizing that registration does not oblige them to cooperate, gladly attended the training. Reviews about it were not just positive, but amazing. And, note that the company and the principles of its work were mentioned only in passing. Everyone who attended the training remained in the company filled with enthusiasm, and then attracted their friends with stories about the training.

I told you this story as an example where free education played decisive role in filling the company with new employees. Subsequently, these employees, being motivated to work, gave good results.

So, do not forget that the result of your distributors' work is your result. Train and motivate them!

I wish you inspiration and confidence in what you do. This will definitely infect others!

The most common and most paradoxical question among many MLM (network marketing) partners is where to get people.

One of the famous networkers said - people are like dust. They are everywhere!

The main cause of problems in MLM (network marketing)

Of course, in MLM (network marketing) there is a problem of “recruitment”. The objective reason is, unfortunately, inadequate distribution, which led to the discrediting of the business.

The reason is significant, existing, but not fatal. A bad haircut, poor-quality filling, rotten fish, etc. are not a reason to stop going to the hairdresser, dentist, or store for the rest of your life. Now the network business has your face. If you want to change people's attitude towards business, do it ethically.

Who needs MLM (network marketing)

A subjective reason is of no use to anyone. This is certainly your personal delusion. Today, there are thousands of MLM (network marketing) companies around the world, and their number is growing every day.

While you are torturing yourself with thoughts that no one needs this, every day tens, hundreds, thousands of people come to different network companies, including those who have never worked in MLM (network marketing).

The network principle is used not only by companies that claim to be part of multi-level marketing, but also by companies that we usually consider traditional. I mean companies cellular communication, grocery stores, super and hypermarkets, restaurants, cafes, snack bars, banks, Insurance companies, stores of branded and non-branded clothing, shoes, etc.

Why do the owners of these establishments create networks?

Because networks are extremely profitable. Yes, these networks have their own peculiarity. They employ hired workers to serve clients. But hired workers don't earn money big money, do not work in these institutions until retirement; only a few of them have prospects for career growth. The owners of the networks are among the top richest people.

Think about it and honestly answer the question of whether you want to be an employee or a business owner.

So, in MLM (network marketing), each of us becomes a business owner. Some take it responsibly and gain financial freedom, while others, as always, are mediocre and fail. Where are you going? Which door? To mediocrities or happy successful entrepreneurs?

Of course, you will have to make up your mind and work a little to overcome inertia, laziness, fears, and misconceptions. But it's worth it.

How to overcome misconceptions in MLM (network marketing)?

To do this you need:

1. Formulate your own goal.

It is important for you to know exactly why you will be swimming against the current. To make this breakthrough, you need powerful motivation. Ask yourself what will motivate you to get up every day, make a plan to work and move, despite the sea of ​​negativity that you will, of course, have to face.

2. Make a list.

3. Have a clear idea of ​​the qualities required in your potential partners.

In MLM (network marketing), it is customary to persuade everyone with whom those who call themselves networkers meet, in order to find those who are ready to register, that is, make their first purchase. In this case, you must understand that you will be persuading people to spend money. Someone will refuse, someone will do it once and remove you from their contact list forever.

But, excuse me, network trade means shops, cafes, etc. What does this have to do with what you and I do? None. We are not involved in trading. We are engaged in network business.

We have a clear task - to build a partner group and teach our partners to do the same.

If you are clear about what you will be doing, you will not have to mislead people who will begin to think that you want them to buy and you will make money from it. This is what half-educated networkers do, so they sit without money and only scare away those who come into contact with them from MLM (network marketing).

In MLM (network marketing), you will never ALONE do as much as your TEAM will do.

You will never sell enough of your company's product to purchase good car, apartments, building a house, traveling and other attributes of a comfortable, prosperous life.

And if your team has 1000, 2000, 10,000 partners, you will become rich. A thousand active partners in the team means more than three million rubles in monthly income.

Think about this and answer the question again: what will you do in MLM (network marketing), talk about a product or build an affiliate group? And will you?

In MLM (network marketing) there are many people who are afraid of big money and very few of them admit it. In our business you have to overcome this fear too. But believe me, together with your Team you will overcome this.

All you have to do is find such a TEAM in
MLM (network marketing)

So, your task is to make a list. Add into it all the people you know, whom you remember, even if you don’t know their names, phone numbers, etc. it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that the person is somehow reflected on your list.

Add to the list every day.

It can include not only your acquaintances, but also acquaintances of your acquaintances, people with whom you crossed paths in transport, a cafe, a store, anywhere. The list, like a living organism, must live, breathe, grow.

You know, in our body, new cells appear and die every day. And nothing. We are alive. The same will happen with your list. It will change until your business becomes something you are proud of.

I hope that everything I wrote for you will help you get started in MLM (network marketing). There will certainly be a result. If you hit a nail with a hammer, it will eventually become hammered.

Today network marketing changed a lot. And if earlier some methods and techniques unconditionally attracted new people to the company, today they have simply lost their power.

To continue to develop and increase number of company employees, you need to adapt to modern tendencies and apply trending chips. This is what I want to talk to you about today. In this article I will tell you 11 secrets attracting partners V modern network marketing.

Push-and Pull marketing

Push marketing- This public awareness about the company's activities. Through various information channels ( Internet resources, advertisements in newspapers, etc.) you try to convey information about yourself and your work to as many people as possible in order to attract new employees.

Pull marketing- reverse system work, which requires careful preparation. As a result, people themselves are interested in working for you. We’ll talk further about how to set this up.

Work Online and Offline

The first type of work is more common and traditional. In this case, you physically communicate with clients, hold meetings in an office or restaurant, and give presentations.

Work offline- This work via the Internet(Skype, social networks, etc.)

At the beginning of their activities, they should devote 80% of their working time to offline work and 20% to online work. In practice, it has been proven that this approach allows you to earn $1000 in 2-3 months.

After your earnings have exceeded this figure, devote the same amount of time to online and offline work.

When you reach a salary of $5,000, the situation is the opposite of the initial one - 20% of the time - offline work, 80% - online.

But aerobatics considered to be the stage when a networker devotes only 10% of his working time to communicating with clients face to face, conducting live presentations, etc. The most savvy networkers (in most cases) use almost all of their time for online work.

24 hour rule

Every time I talk to a prospect MLM-partner, I paint a picture of our subsequent cooperation. I study him, ask questions about his work, his priorities, goals, desires.

It's so simple that you can't even imagine. Often from the very first meeting it is easy to understand whether you will work well with this person or not. So use your imagination and create a TV series of your collaboration in your head.

On the other hand, do not let a newbie go for more than 24 hours. At least once a day you should inquire about the successes of your subordinate and monitor his work. This approach has been justified for decades and brings clear results.

When I came to MLM, being an ordinary electric gas welder and athlete, I decided that I should present myself properly. He took out an old suit from the closet, the one he wore to school, bought a thin fashionable tie for it and began to walk around in it.

After that, I heard rumors that sometimes clients asked my neighbors: “Do you know who this guy is? Alexander Klass? What is he like?

They answered: “Yes, he is successful and serious man. Has a higher education.” Although, in fact, no higher education I haven’t, and I didn’t do well at school. I just had to change my image and wear a suit every day.

Moreover, they began to respect my opinion and trust me. And as you must understand, this could not but affect my development.


In network business telephone sales- one of the most important things. Therefore, if you had to contact a new person, immediately check their skills.

What is called “without leaving the cash register”, invite your potential partner to call at least 10 people from your phone book and make these people an offer of cooperation. Even based on his reaction (often in such cases people try to deflect) you can understand whether you should waste time on this person or not.

Important point. If you have received contacts, do not rush to call them until you have read the following.

99.9% of potential partners (from whom you received your treasured contacts) are against you mentioning their names when offering a job. But you will have to somehow explain to the person where you got his phone number from. Therefore, I offer you the following solution to the problem.

You say that there are a lot of people among your partners and you don’t remember who exactly recommended you to call this number. Sort of like an “invisible partner”. Perhaps you will be sent (which happens extremely rarely). Then obviously this is not the person you should be working with.

Of course, we haven’t looked at all 11 methods of attracting partners. We will talk in more detail about the remaining 5 in the next publication.

But don’t waste time and start putting the information you’ve already read into practice. And don’t forget to comment on this post and offer your tips to convince customers.

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