Riddles for preschool and younger children school age“Winter-winter” with answers.

Belousova Alla Aleksandrovna – teacher of history and social studies, Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 19”, Orenburg

Riddles "Winter-Winter" are intended for children of preschool and primary school age.

Goal and tasks: formation of children's knowledge about winter phenomena nature; development of curiosity and interest in the world around us; development logical thinking, attention, speech in children.
Solving contributes to the development of analysis, generalization, and develops the ability to independently draw conclusions.
This material can be used by teachers primary classes, educators, teachers of additional education in classes to familiarize themselves with the outside world, at festive events held in winter.

1.Everything around is white and white,
And the road was covered with snow.
In the morning I see from the window
Comes to visit us (winter)

2. Decorating for the New Year
We are her needles.
Let's dance together
Near our (Christmas trees)

3. He holds the staff in his hands
Felt boots on feet.
Beard and red nose-
This (Santa Claus)

4. We are all waiting for this holiday
Looking forward to December.
All the people rejoice
Let's meet in friendship (New Year)

5. The cold weather has arrived
We build castles out of ice.
Fuzzes are falling from the sky -
These are white (snowflakes)

6. Laughter can be heard already in the morning,
There are all the kids in the yard.
You can go to the skating rink
If you took (skates)

Powdered the paths
I decorated the windows.
Gave joy to children

And I went for a sledding ride.

Branches painted white
I'll decorate
I'll throw the silver
On your roof.
Warm in spring
The winds will come
And they will drive me away
From the yard.

Snow on the fields
Ice on the rivers
The blizzard is walking,
When does this happen?

Guess who
Gray-haired housewife?
Shaked the featherbeds
- Above the world of fluff.

Who isn't afraid in the cold?
Left without a feather bed
And shakes it to the ground
Flying fluff.

At least myself
- Both snow and ice,
and he leaves shedding tears.

I have a lot to do
- I am a white blanket
I cover the whole earth,
I remove the ice from the river,
White fields, houses,
And my name is...

It's getting cold.
The water turned into ice.
Long-eared gray bunny
Turned into a white bunny.
The bear stopped roaring:
Fell into hibernation
There's a bear in the forest.
Who's to say, who knows
When does this happen?

Not a bucket
No hand, no arms,
And it will whitewash
All the roofs are around.

The tablecloth is white
Dressed the whole world.

After autumn came.
And made snowdrifts.

I wasn't sick
And she put on a white shroud.

I won't tolerate heat:
I'll spin the snowstorms
I will whiten all the glades,
I'll decorate the fir trees,
I'll sweep the house with snow,
Because I...

Appeared after autumn
I'm on the calendar.
I'm the most best holiday to you
I'll give it to you for joy!
And I cover the ground with white snow
She wrapped it up herself.
Guys, guess what?
Well, who am I? ...

I swept everything around
Arriving from the kingdom of blizzards.
Autumn, best friend,
I sent it south.
I'm frosty and white
And she came to you for a long time.

She just knocks
A snowball at our window,
We take the sled
And run up the hill!

The birds have already flown south,
Frosts and snowstorms arrived.
The trees stand in silver,
We are building a fort in the yard.

Frost flashed. And we are glad
Mother's pranks...

It is snowing,
Under white wool
The streets and houses disappeared.
All the guys are happy about the snow
- Come back to us
I've arrived...

In this cold season
We love to ride
We're from the hills.
And for walks
By ski
You won't find a better season.

Unexpected snowstorm
They flew in with a terrible howl.
Autumn ran away in fear,
And she became the housewife.

Opened her snowy arms,
The trees were all dressed in dresses.
The weather is cold.
What time of year is this?

It's been snowing for a month now,
We'll celebrate the New Year soon,
All nature is in snow hibernation.
Tell me the time of year.

Auntie is cool
White and gray
Carrying the cold in a bag,
The snow is shaking on the ground,
It sweeps up snowdrifts,
Covers the ground with a carpet.

The frost is freezing,
The ice is freezing
The blizzard is walking,
When does this happen?

Covered in white snow
Meadow and forest all around.
And, having calmed down, the river became
Bound by ice.

The roof is covered with fur,
White smoke overhead
The yard is covered in snow, the houses are white.
At night she came to us...

He will come with silent steps,
Invisibly the cold dies
And, covering everything around with snow,
Suddenly it hurts all of our ears:
Why are you in such cold weather?
Have you poked your nose out of the house?

He's busy all the time
He can't go in vain.
He goes and paints it white
Everything he sees along the way.

Bel, but not sugar,
There are no legs, but he walks.

Without wings, but flies
Without roots, but growing.

Fluffy carpet
Not fabric with your hands,
Not sewn with silks,
In the sun, in the month
Shines like silver

A white swarm curled and curled,
He sat down on the ground and became a mountain.

Warms in winter
Smoldering in the spring
Dies in the summer
Comes to life in autumn.

Bely Tikhon
Shot from the sky
Where does it run?
Covers it with a carpet.

I'm like a grain of sand,
And I cover the earth;
I'm from the water
And I fly from the air;
I lie like fluff in the fields
And I shine like a diamond
At sun rays.

There's a mountain in the yard,
And at home with water.

There was a blanket lying
Soft, white,
The earth was warm.
The wind blew
The blanket was bent.
The sun is hot
The blanket began to leak.

He flies in a white flock
And sparkles on the fly.
He melts like a cool star
On the palm and in the mouth.

I'll look out the window,
There is a white cloth lying.
It lies all winter
And in the spring he will run away.

He is fluffy, silver,
But don't touch him with your hand:
It will become a little bit clean,
How can you catch it in the palm of your hand?

What kind of stars are they through?
On the coat and on the scarf,
All through, cut-out,
Will you take it - water in your hand?

Village in white velvet -
And fences and trees.
And when the wind attacks,
This velvet will fall off.

No hands, no ax
The bridge was built.

fall from the sky in winter
And they circle above the ground
Light fluffs,

I spin, I growl,
I don't want to know anyone.

The men are resting
They have white caps,
Not sewn, not knitted.
(Trees in the snow)

Made from fine sheep wool.
How to walk - so to wear,
So that five and five do not freeze.

They are tossed around, rolled around,
And they drag it through the winter.
(Felt boots)

The runners are running,
I pulled my socks up.

Running along the path
Boards and legs.

Who never goes anywhere
Isn't he late?
(New Year)

In the round window
During the day the glass is broken
In the evening it was inserted.
(Ice hole)

I'm walking in the field
I fly free
I'm spinning, I'm muttering,
I don't want to know anyone.
I run along the village,
I'm sweeping up snowdrifts.

Lukerya scattered
Silver feathers,
Spun it, swept it away,
The street became white.

It flowed, it flowed -
And lay under the glass.
(Freezing river)

The horse is running
And the skin lies.
(River under ice)

Not to prison
And to the bright room
He locks the girl up.
Until spring, girl
do not open the light rooms.
(Frost and river)

Large sieve
The sieve is blue.
White fluff sows and blows
To the forests, houses, meadows.
(Sky and snow)

From the sky - a star,
In the palm of your hand - water.

I'm snowy, I'm white,
The guys made me
During the day they are always with me,
In the evening they go home.
Well, at night under the moon
I'm very sad alone.
(Snow woman)

I wasn't raised
- Made from snow.
Instead of a nose
They deftly inserted the carrot.
Eyes are coals,
Hands are bitches.
Cold, big,
Who am I?
(Snow woman)

What a ridiculous man
Made his way to us
In the twentieth century?
Carrot nose
Broom in hand
Afraid of the sun
And warmth?

I lived in the middle of the yard
Where the kids play
But from the sun's rays
I turned into a stream.

Downhill - a horse,
And up the hill there is a piece of wood.

They fly faster than the wind
And I fly three meters from them.
My flight is over.
Soft landing in a snowdrift.

There's a mountain in the yard,
And in the hut - water.

Little white dog
He looks into the gateway.

White grandfather, nothing whiter.
Old, hunchbacked,
Lies near the hut.
Lies all winter
- Nobody will pick it up.
Spring will come
- He will leave on his own.

The little pebbles hid
in furry bags,
four together
one on a pole.
(Fingers in mittens)

Village in white velvet
- And fences and trees.
And when the wind attacks,
This velvet will fall off.

Clean and clear
Like a diamond
There are no roads
He was born from his mother
And the mother gives birth.

Not prickly
Light blue
Hanged in the bushes...

And not snow, and not ice,
And with silver he will remove the trees.

I wasn't raised.
Made from snow.
Instead of a nose cleverly
Inserted a carrot.
The eyes are coals.
Hands are bitches.
Cold, big,
Who am I?
(Snow woman)

We bought a hanger
With a star on top of the head.
Hung on a hanger
Not hats, but toys!
(Christmas tree)

I come with gifts
I shine with bright lights,
Elegant, funny,
I'm in charge for the New Year!
(Christmas tree)

Who gets dressed up once a year?
(Christmas tree)

To our home on New Year's Eve
Someone will come from the forest,
All fluffy, covered in needles,
And that guest's name is...
(Christmas tree)

Prickly, green
They cut it down with an axe.
Prickly, green
He comes to our house.
(Christmas tree)

Name it guys
A month in this riddle:
His days are the shortest of all days,
Of all nights longer than night.
To the fields and meadows
It snowed until spring.
Only our month will pass,
We are celebrating the New Year.

"The end of the year and the beginning of winter!"
- That's how they asked me the riddle.
Frosts and blizzards,
And there's snow in the yard,
To visit us
Winter is coming to...

It stings your ears, it stings your nose,
Frost creeps into felt boots.
If you splash water, it will fall
Not water anymore, but ice.
Not even a bird can fly
The bird is freezing from the frost.
The sun turned towards summer.
What month is this, tell me?

He comes first in the count,
The new year will begin with it.
Open your calendar soon
Read! Written -...

The calendar starts
A month with a name...

Snow is falling in bags from the sky,
There are snowdrifts around the house.
Those are storms and blizzards
They attacked the village.
The frost is severe at night,
During the day, drops can be heard ringing.
The day has grown noticeably
Well, what month is this?

The last winter month is a pity,
The shortest one is...

The snow is prickly on the ground
The wind is blowing...

Troika, troika arrived.
The horses in that trio are white.
And the queen sits in the sleigh -
White-haired, white-faced.
How she waved her sleeve -
Everything was covered in silver.
(Winter months)

Invisible, carefully
He comes to me
And he draws like an artist
He patterns on the window.

Who whitens the clearings with white?
And writes on the walls with chalk?
Sews down feather beds,
Have you decorated all the windows?

He draws on glass
Palm trees, stars, skiffs.
They say he is a hundred years old
And he plays pranks like a little boy.

He entered - no one saw
He said no one heard.
He blew through the windows and disappeared,
And a forest grew on the windows.

So that autumn doesn't get wet,
Not soggy from water,
He turned puddles into glass,
Made the gardens snowy.

The artist draws
Landscape on glass,
But this picture
Will die in the heat.

The guest was visiting
The bridge was paved,
Without a saw
I paved the bridge without an axe.

Grandfather paved the bridge
Without an ax and without a knife.

Draws without hands
Bites without teeth.

Old man at the gate
The warmth was stolen away
Doesn't run on his own
And he doesn’t tell me to stand.

What kind of master is this?
Applied to glass
And leaves and grass
And thickets of roses?

No arms, no legs,
And he can draw.

It's not fire, it burns.

Who without logs across the rivers
Builds bridges?

Visited the hut
- I painted the whole window,
Stayed by the river
- The bridge was paved across the entire river.

Wonderful artist
I visited the window
Guess it guys
Who painted the window?

What a grandfather
Builds a house without an axe?

Everyone is afraid of him in winter
- It can hurt when he bites.
Hide your ears, cheeks, nose,
After all, on the street...

Painted the windows
All without asking.
But who is it?
Here's the question!
All this does...

He doesn't know how to play
And it will make you dance,
Will brighten all the people
Who is this sorcerer?

He always
Angry about something
And always, when angry,
The children blush their faces,
And makes all the old people look young.

Someone to the house
And I didn’t follow it anywhere!
But funny pictures
Appeared on the window:
Bears drink
Tea with raspberries,
Hares are riding on horseback,
Who is he?
That I didn't sleep all night
And did you draw on glass?

If the cat decides to lie down,
Where is it warmer?
Where the oven is
And covered his nose with his tail
- Waiting for us...

Old joker
Doesn't tell me to stand on the street,
It makes me want to go home.

Even though the guys have a rest,
They are sitting at home.
It's minus thirty outside the window.
I came to Sister Winter.
The pond was frozen with ice,
And the river
And he drove the cat onto the stove.

It's winter time
- It’s crackling in the yard...
(Not heat, but frost)

The wind blew and frost
Brought snow to us from the north.
Only since then
On my glass...
(Frosty pattern)

The forest has grown
All white
You can't enter it on foot,
You can't enter on horseback.
(Frosty pattern)

Everywhere turned white overnight
And there is a miracle in our apartment!
Outside the window the yard disappeared.
A magical forest grew there.
(Frosty pattern)

Santa Claus when it's dark
From forests and snowy mountains
Comes to us under the window
Draw on it...
(Frosty pattern)

He is also kind
He is also strict
Full of beard,
He's in a hurry to come to us
Now for the holiday
Who is this? ...
(Father Frost)

He rolls for us
The streets are covered in snow,
Built bridges from ice,
Who is this? ...
(Father Frost)

Whose drawings are on the window,
What's the pattern on the crystal?
Pinches everyone's nose
Winter grandfather...

He comes
On a winter evening
Light candles on the Christmas tree.
Has grown a gray beard,
Who is this? ...
(Father Frost)

It's all in gold
Everything sparkles under the moon,
Decorates the Christmas tree with beads,
And draws on glass.
He is so big
- He'll pinch you right on the nose.
Came here to us
On holiday.
Who is he, children? ...
(Father Frost)

The one with the biggest bag
He walks through the forest,
Could it be a cannibal?
- No.
Who got up early today
And carries a bag of sweets,
Maybe it's your neighbor?
- No.
Who comes on New Year's Day
And will the lights on the tree turn on?
Will the electrician turn on the light for us?
- No.
Who is this? Here's the question!
Well, of course...
(Father Frost)

Here comes some grandfather,
Dressed in a warm fur coat.
There is a sack on his shoulder,
There is a snowball in his beard.
(Father Frost)

Who are the guys on New Year's Eve?
Don't you get tired of having fun?
Who gives gifts to children?
Who to the guys in the world
Did you bring a Christmas tree from the forest?
Guess it!
(Father Frost)

Girls and boys,
Your fingers are freezing
Ears are cold, nose is chilly,
Seen close...
(Father Frost)

He is coming towards us from the forest,
He comes with a large retinue,
Walking through the snowdrifts
Touching the cap of the clouds,
Walks across the rivers
Walking through the mountains
Brings here magical
The key to our Christmas tree.
(Father Frost)

Here comes some grandfather,
And in his hands is a bouquet:
Not from leaves and flowers -
From icicles and snowballs.
(Father Frost)

He's on holiday
He hurried to us,
I captured the magic key!
Here it is - an icy key
Under the snow-covered hollow!
So that the fun does not stop,
So that the guys don't get bored,
There will be a festive tree,
Light up our Christmas tree!
(Father Frost)

In a sheepskin coat
With a red sash
And with a wonderful bag.
It's always on New Year's Eve
Goes on a hike.
To celebrate
Meet us
To make the children happy.
Who is this, that’s the question?
Well, of course...
(Father Frost)

He is our dear guest,
He has a gray beard,
He will light our Christmas tree,
He will sing songs with us.
(Father Frost)

Guess what kind of guest:
In a silver fur coat,
His nose is red, red,
Fluffy beard
He is a wizard of children,
- One two Three...
(Father Frost)

Our windows are brushed white
At night he painted.
He dressed the pole with snow,
The garden was covered in snow.
Is it to the snow?
We won't get used to it
Should we hide our nose in a fur coat?
As soon as we get out,
Let's shout:
- Hello, ...!
(Santa Claus)

He has a Christmas tree and gifts,
And he brought sweets for us.
This is kind and cheerful
Our favorite...
(Father Frost)

Not a young man
With a huge beard
Brought with me by the hand
Your granddaughter is coming to your party.
Answer the question:
Who is this? ...
(Father Frost)

What kind
Santa Claus
In your bag
Did you bring it for us?

Santa Claus stands by the Christmas tree,
Hiding a laugh in his beard.
Don't keep us tormented for too long
Untie it quickly...

Here's Santa Claus
It goes through the mountains,
And on the shoulder
He carries his bag.
He leans on a stick on the way.
Tell me, what is it called?

She doesn't need
Hot stove,
Frost and cold
- She doesn’t care at all.
Sends greetings to everyone
We also come to her
We are waiting for the holiday.
(Snow Maiden)

I am the granddaughter of Frost
And Blizzards,
I come here every year!
Snowflakes are with me - friends
The cheerful ones lead a round dance.
(Snow Maiden)

She's in silver
Dressed with pearls -
Magic granddaughter
Magic grandfather.
(Snow Maiden)

The beautiful maiden is sad:
She doesn't like spring
It's hard for her in the sun!
The poor thing is shedding tears.
(Snow Maiden)

There will be a Christmas tree in the corner
At the window on the floor.
And on the tree up to the top

What a toy
Does it shoot like a cannon?

Simple wheel
Became a twisted ribbon.

These painted chains
Children glue from paper.
(Fairy lights)

In January,
For an important holiday,
It is raining
Colored, paper.

The branches rustle faintly,
The beads are bright...

And decorating the top,
It shines there, as always,
Very bright, big

Children's riddles with answers about winter, about the first snow, riddles about a snowflake, about frost, about the Snow Maiden, New Year's riddles for children .

Winter riddles in verse.

Riddles about winter and New Year


It came to us

One letter

It was strange

Instead of stamps -

Three snowflakes

And the envelope -

From pure

Not on a piece of paper

And on the white one

Soon soon

I'll come to you,

In snowstorms

And I'll spin

Snow on the ground

And the trees

And at home... -

And signed... (Winter)

The sky has frowned

(Probably not in a good mood!).

They fly, they fly

White flies!

And there are rumors

What white flies

Not only do they fly,

But they don’t even melt! (First snow)

Powdered the paths

I decorated the windows,

Gave people joy

And I went sledding... (Winter)

No bucket, no hand, no arms,

And it will whitewash all the roofs around. (Winter)

A strange star fell from the sky,

It fell on my palm and disappeared. (Snowflake)

The Invisible Artist

Walking around the city:

Will rouge everyone's cheeks,

He'll pinch everyone's nose.

And at night, while I was sleeping,

Came with a magic brush

And I drew it on the window

Sparkling leaves. (Freezing)

The beautiful maiden is sad:

She doesn't like spring

It's hard for her in the sun!

The poor thing is shedding tears... (Snow Maiden)

Who bites?

Angry!.. - covering his face with his hand,

The passer-by said dully.

Hit like that!.. - grumbled another,

Stroking my ear.

An old woman walked past with a stick,

Hiding my nose in a scarf.

She said:

Look what,

Bites like a dog... -

And I quickly covered my face

Coat Collar:

I was really angry that day...

Did you guess who? (Freezing)

The days have become shorter.

It rained at night.

And the glazier came -

The puddles were glazed. (Freezing)

So that autumn doesn't get wet,

Not soggy from water,

He turned puddles into glass,

Made the gardens snowy. (Freezing)

I'm such a fashionista that everyone


I love beads and sparkles -

any decorations.

But believe me,

great trouble

They dress me up

just once a year. (Christmas tree)

White as chalk

Flew from the sky

I spent the winter

He ran into the ground. (Snow)

This smooth road

He will live quite a bit.

How will spring pass through it -

It will all be destroyed. (Ice)

Everyone is happy about her for the New Year,

Even though her outfit is scratchy. (Christmas tree)

The twinkling of these stars can be compared

Only the white pattern that lacemakers weave. (Snowflakes)

Clinging to roofs and pipes,

Winter showed us its teeth.

But the sun tried its best in the morning -

There were no teeth marks left. (Icicle)

I'm crying from the sun -

I can't do it any other way! (Icicle)

Who's there from the roof above me?

Hangs in the cold?

Who has it in the spring

Is water dripping from your nose? (Icicle)

It was smooth


And under the sun

Under the bright -

It started leaking. (Ice)

Pyotr Sinyavsky

Mysteries of the winter courtyard

In a sheepskin coat with a red sash

And with a wonderful bag. (Father Frost)

She has all the branches

Festive colors. (Christmas tree)

She is dressed in silver with pearls -

The magical granddaughter of a magical grandfather. (Snow Maiden)

How many times will the clock strike?

If the mustache is moved? (Twelve)

Flying in the skies

And they will melt on your noses. (Snowflakes)

Two sticks, two planks.

Ride, little people! (Skis)

We drag them up the hill,

To arrange a race. (Sled)

With a broom, in a bucket hat -

Director of the winter yard. (Snowman)

Along the icy path

Steel legs run. (Skates)

Pictures on the windows

From a white cobweb. (Frost)

Riddles about winter

They are tossed around, rolled around,

And they drag it through the winter. (Felt boots)

The snow swirls along the streets,

Like the feathers of white hens.

Winter-winter friend,

Northern guest... (blizzard)

Who stays all night long

Does he sing snow songs?

The wind is a winter friend,

There will be snowdrifts... (blizzard)

It's getting colder every day,

The sun is getting weaker and weaker,

Snow is everywhere, like a fringe, -

So, it has come to us... (winter)

The forest is covered with a white blanket,

And the bear is sleeping in the den.

Snow like a white border.

Who was in charge? (winter)

Powdered the paths

I decorated the windows.

Gave joy to children

And I went for a sledding ride. (Winter)

Branches painted white

I'll decorate

I'll throw the silver

On your roof.

Warm in spring

The winds will come

And they will drive me away

From the yard. (Winter)

Snow on the fields

Ice on the rivers

The blizzard is walking,

When does this happen? (Winter)

Guess who

Gray-haired housewife?

Shaked the featherbeds

Above the world of fluff. (Winter)

Who isn't afraid in the cold?

Left without a feather bed

And shakes it to the ground

Flying fluff. (Winter)

At least myself

And snow and ice,

and leaves, tears are shed. (Winter)

I have a lot to do

I'm a white blanket

I cover the whole earth,

I remove the ice from the river,

White fields, houses,

And my name is... (Winter)

It's getting cold.

The water turned into ice.

Long-eared gray bunny

Turned into a white bunny.

The bear stopped roaring

Fell into hibernation

There's a bear in the forest.

Who's to say, who knows

When does this happen? (Winter)

Not a bucket

No hand, no arms,

And it will whitewash

All the roofs are around. (Winter)

The tablecloth is white

Dressed the whole world. (Winter)

After autumn came

And made snowdrifts. (Winter)

I wasn't sick

And she put on a white shroud. (Winter)

I won't tolerate heat:

I'll spin the snowstorms

I will whiten all the glades,

I'll decorate the fir trees,

I'll snowball the house.

Because I am... (Winter)

Appeared after autumn

I'm on the calendar.

I am the best holiday for you

I'll give it to you for joy!

And I cover the ground with white snow

She wrapped it up herself.

Guys, guess what?

Well, who am I? ... (Winter)

I swept everything around

Arriving from the kingdom of blizzards.

Autumn, best friend,

I sent it south.

I'm frosty and white

And she came to you for a long time. (Winter)

She just knocks

A snowball at our window,

We take the sled

And run up the hill! (Winter)

The birds have already flown south,

Frosts and snowstorms arrived.

The trees stand in silver,

We are building a fort in the yard. (Winter)

Frost flashed. And we are glad

Mother's pranks... (Winter)

It is snowing,

Under white wool

The streets and houses disappeared.

All the guys are happy about the snow

Come back to us again

Winter has come)

In this cold season

We love to ride

We're from the hills.

And for walks

By ski

You won't find a better season. (Winter)

Unexpected snowstorm

They flew in with a terrible howl.

Autumn ran away in fear,

And she became the housewife. (Winter)

Opened her snowy arms,

The trees were all dressed in dresses.

The weather is cold.

What time of year is this? (Winter)

The roof is covered with fur,

White smoke overhead

The yard is covered in snow, the houses are white.

At night she came to us... (Winter)

He will come with silent steps,

Invisibly the cold dies

And, covering everything around with snow,

Suddenly it hurts all of our ears:

Why are you in such cold weather?

Have you poked your nose out of the house? (Winter)

The puddles are frozen in the yard,

The drifting snow swirls all day long,

The houses became white.

This has come to us... (Winter)

She shook her white sleeve -

And a snowball rolled... (Winter)

Village in white velvet -

And fences and trees.

And when the wind attacks,

This velvet will fall off. (Frost)

Not prickly

Light blue

Hanged on the bushes... (Hoarfrost)

And not snow, and not ice,

And with silver he will remove the trees. (Frost)

We are on a frosty day with friends

They watered the snow with a hose.

How the ice appears

So, everything is ready... (skating rink)

We are happy to overtake each other.
Look, my friend, don't fall!
Good then, easy
High-speed... (skates)

I'm rushing like a bullet, I'm forward,
The ice just creaks
And the lights flicker.
Who's carrying me? (skates)

The river is flowing - we are lying.
Ice on the river - we are running. (skates)

Two shiny steel brothers

They race around the skating rink in circles.

Only the lights flicker.

What kind of brothers? (Skates)

Anybody here can be a bird

In the winter cold, treat yourself.

There's a hut hanging on a branch,

It's called... (feeder)

On a winter day it lay down on the pond

Very slippery glass.

Calls us to play hockey

Blue strong smooth... (ice)

Hot summer on a raft

I will sail on the waves.

And in winter you don't need a raft -

The waves turned into... (ice)

Fish live warmly in winter:
The roof is thick glass. (ice)

The sorcerer froze

And lakes and streams.

I breathed cold, and now -

Not water in the stream, but... (ice)

Shines, clear like a diamond,

But there are no roads

He was born from his mother,

He gives birth to her himself. (Ice)

I'm transparent like crystal

Hard and strong, like steel. (Ice)

Warms in winter

Smoldering in the spring

Dies in the summer

Comes to life in autumn. (Ice)

No hands, no ax

The bridge was built. (Ice)

Transparent like glass
You can't put it in the window. (Ice)

No boards, no axes
The bridge across the river is ready.
The bridge is like blue glass:
Slippery, fun, light. (Ice)

Doesn't burn in fire
Doesn't sink in water. (ice)

It flowed and flowed and lay under the glass. (ice)

He was once water
But suddenly he changed his appearance.
And now on New Year's Eve
On the river we see...(ice)

In the snowdrifts near the river

Long planks are moving

They are looking for higher hills.

Name the planks! (Skis)

Running along the path
Boards and legs. (skis)

I can’t feel my legs with joy,
I'm flying down a snowy hill.
Sports have become dearer and closer to me
Who helped me with this? (skis)

Two birch horses
They carry me through the snow.
These red horses
And their names are... (skis)

They curl around the ground like a snake,

They howl pitifully in the pipe,

Spruce trees are covered with snow.

These are winter... (blizzards)

Lukerya scattered
Silver feathers,
Spun it, swept it away,
The street became white. (Blizzard)

I walk in the field, I fly in freedom,
I twist, I mutter, I don’t want to know anyone.
I run along the village, sweeping up snowdrifts. (blizzard)

Because of the high gray mountains,
From foreign lands distant
An evil witch has arrived
Scaring everyone with a wild song.
She made everything spin.
She purged everything.
It became cold. (blizzard)

Whirling with the wind, playing,

The blue sky hides

Then the drifting snow spreads

Winter... (blizzard)

Our windows are like pictures.

Who is the invisible artist?

Bouquets of roses on glass

He drew for us... (frost)

Without a brush, without paints, without a pen, does he draw flowers on a transparent handkerchief? (Freezing)

Not fire, but burning? (Freezing)

Draws without hands

Bites without teeth. (Freezing)

I will crack, and you clap your hands and dance. (Freezing)

Decorated by a sorcerer

The windows are all in people's houses.

Whose patterns? - Here's a question.

I drew them... (frost)

He breathed on the window -

It instantly became covered with ice.

Even birch branches

Covered with frost... (frost)

Who builds bridges across rivers without logs? (Freezing)

The snow turned blue from the cold,

There is white frost on the trees.

Even Bobik hides his nose

After all, outside... (frost)

No arms, no legs,
And he can draw. (Freezing)

The wind blew and frost

Brought snow to us from the north.

Only since then

On my glass... (Frosty pattern)

The forest has grown

All white

You can't enter it on foot,

You can't enter on horseback. (Frosty pattern)

Everywhere turned white overnight

And there is a miracle in our apartment!

Outside the window the yard disappeared.

A magical forest grew there. (Frosty pattern)

Santa Claus when it's dark

From forests and snowy mountains

Comes to us under the window,

Draw on it... (Frosty pattern)

The white hero lives

He scares everyone with his breath. (Freezing)

Without silver, what turns silver? (Freezing)

Your fingers don't freeze in them.

They're walking around like they're wearing little covers.

Let's play hide and seek with the cold,

We'll hide our hands in... (Gloves)

In the round window

During the day the glass is broken

In the evening it was inserted. (Ice hole)

In the new wall

In the round window

During the day the glass is broken

Installed overnight. (Ice hole)

The fur coat is new,

There's a hole in the hem. (Ice hole)

Made from fine sheep wool.

How to walk - so to wear,

So that five and five do not freeze.


The grandmother will tie them to her granddaughter,

So that your hands don't freeze in winter.

Sisters will keep you warm -

Wool... (mittens)

There was barely a breath of winter,
They are always with you.
Two sisters will warm you up,
Their name is... (mittens)

Come on guys, who can guess:
Two fur coats are enough for ten brothers. (mittens)

Downhill - a horse,

And up the hill there is a piece of wood. (Sled)

They fly faster than the wind

And I fly three meters from them.

My flight is over.


Soft landing in a snowdrift. (Sled)

Lots of snow in the yard -

What fun for the kids!

We walk in the snow. On your feet

We all put on... (boots)

These are the miracles:

The forests have become white,

Shores of lakes and rivers.

What's happened? Snow)

What kind of miracle blanket is this?

At night everything suddenly became white.

No roads or rivers to be seen -

They were covered by fluffy... (snow)

He's busy all the time

He can't go in vain.

He goes and paints it white

Everything he sees along the way. (Snow)

Bel, but not sugar,

There are no legs, but he walks. (Snow)

Without wings, but flies

Without roots, but growing. (Snow)

Fluffy carpet

Not fabric with your hands,

Not sewn with silks,

In the sun, in the month

Shines like silver. (Snow)

A white swarm curled and curled,

He sat down on the ground and became a mountain. (Snow)

Warms in winter

Smoldering in the spring

Dies in the summer

Comes to life in autumn. (Snow)

Bely Tikhon

Shot from the sky

Where does it run?

Covers it with a carpet. (Snow)

I'm like a grain of sand,

And I cover the earth;

I'm from the water

And I fly from the air;

I lie like fluff in the fields

And I shine like a diamond

In the sun's rays. (Snow)

There's a mountain in the yard,

And at home with water. (Snow)

There was a blanket lying

Soft, white,

The earth was warm.

The wind blew

The blanket was bent.

The sun is hot

The blanket began to leak. (Snow)

He flies in a white flock

And sparkles on the fly.

He melts like a cool star

On the palm and in the mouth. (Snow)

I'll look out the window,

There is a white cloth lying.

It lies all winter

And in the spring he will run away. (Snow)

He is fluffy, silver,

But don't touch him with your hand.

It will become a little bit clean,

How can you catch it in the palm of your hand? (Snow)

White fluff lay on the roads,

On steps and thresholds.

Every person knows -

This fluff is called... (snow)

He goes - he lives,

If he lies down, he will die. (Snow)

We sculpted him cleverly.

There are eyes and a carrot nose.

A little warm - he'll cry instantly

And it will melt... (snowman)

On a winter day on a snow crust

He pushes me down the hill.

I'm glad to rush with the breeze

My cheerful... (snow scooter)

Stars are flying from the sky

And they sparkle in the sun.

Just like a ballerina dancing,

Spinning in winter... (snowflakes)

Someone is clouding me like a feather bed,

Ripped in half

Feathers fell down -

Silver... (snowflakes)

Fell out of a white cloud

And she fell into our laps.

This fluff of snow

Silver... (snowflake)

Roll through the snow -
I'll grow up.
Warm up on the fire -
I'll be lost. (snowball)

What kind of stars are winter?

Did you hide it in a cloud yourself?

Like tiny pieces of ice

These stars are... (snowflakes)

You can make a snow ball

It's not difficult at all!

We don't make pies:

To play you need... (snowballs)

Got caught on the ledge

Head hangs down

Tiny acrobat

Winter lollipop... (icicle)

The piece of ice climbed higher

I began to live under the very roof.

Little Yulka will ask:

“What’s under the roof there?” (Icicle)

No arms, no legs,

And the ropes are twisting. (Icicle)

White carrots grow in winter. (Icicle)

What grows upside down? (Icicles)

There's a mountain in the yard,

And in the hut - water. (Snowdrift)

Little white dog

He looks into the gateway. (Snowdrift)

White grandfather, nothing whiter.

Old, hunchbacked

Lies near the hut.

Lies all winter

Nobody will pick it up.

Spring will come

He will leave on his own. (Snowdrift)

Who speaks all languages? (Cold)

No arms, no legs,

And he climbs into the hut. (Cold)

Curled up around my neck,
It will hide the kids from the frost. (scarf)


1. Riddles. The biggest book. Compiled by T.M. Derevyanko, Ast - Press, M. - 2009.

2. Funny TV. Kostarev Nikolay. Rostov-on-Don, 1984

Internet resources:

1. http://ped-kopilka.ru

2. http://childline.ru

3. http://vremyazabav.ru

4. http://eti-deti.com

5. http://vashechudo.ru

Winter riddles for children.

Collected by: Efimova A.I. teacher of State Budgetary Educational Institution No. 43 Kolpino St. Petersburg

It's getting colder every day,

The sun is getting weaker and weaker,

Snow is everywhere, like a fringe, -

So, it has come to us... (winter)

The forest is covered with a white blanket,

And the bear is sleeping in the den.

Snow like a white border.

Who was in charge? (winter)

The puddles are frozen in the yard,

The drifting snow swirls all day long,

The houses became white.

This has come to us... (Winter)

These are the miracles:

The forests have become white,

Shores of lakes and rivers.

What's happened? Snow)

What kind of miracle blanket is this?

At night everything suddenly became white.

No roads or rivers to be seen -

They were covered by fluffy... (snow)

White fluff lay on the roads,

On steps and thresholds.

Every person knows -

This fluff is called... (snow)

Stars are flying from the sky

And they sparkle in the sun.

Just like a ballerina dancing,

Spinning in winter... (snowflakes)

Someone is clouding me like a feather bed,

Ripped in half

Feathers fell down -

Silver... (snowflakes)

Fell out of a white cloud

And she fell into our laps.

This fluff of snow

Silver... (snowflake)

What kind of stars are winter?

Did you hide it in a cloud yourself?

Like tiny pieces of ice

These stars are... (snowflakes)

Our windows are like pictures.

Who is the invisible artist?

Bouquets of roses on glass

He drew for us... (frost)

Decorated by a sorcerer

The windows are all in people's houses.

Whose patterns? - Here's a question.

I drew them... (frost)

He breathed on the window -

It instantly became covered with ice.

Even birch branches

Covered with frost... (frost)

The snow turned blue from the cold,

There is white frost on the trees.

Even Bobik hides his nose

After all, outside... (frost)

The snow swirls along the streets,

Like the feathers of white hens.

Winter-winter friend,

Northern guest... (blizzard)

Who stays all night long

Does he sing snow songs?

The wind is a winter friend,

There will be snowdrifts... (blizzard)

They curl around the ground like a snake,

They howl pitifully in the pipe,

Spruce trees are covered with snow.

These are winter... (blizzards)

Sweeps the paths in the park,

Collects snow into snowdrifts.

Who is this stranger?

Did you guess it? (Snow drift)

On a winter day it lay down on the pond

Very slippery glass.

Calls us to play hockey

Blue strong smooth... (ice)

Hot summer on a raft

I will sail on the waves.

And in winter you don't need a raft -

The waves turned into... (ice)

The sorcerer froze

And lakes and streams.

I breathed cold, and now -

Not water in the stream, but... (ice)

You can make a snow ball

It's not difficult at all!

We don't make pies:

To play you need... (snowballs)

The grandmother will tie them to her granddaughter,

So that your hands don't freeze in winter.

Sisters will keep you warm -

Wool... (mittens)

Your fingers don't freeze in them.

They're walking around like they're wearing little covers.

Let's play hide and seek with the cold,

We'll hide our hands in... (gloves)

Lots of snow in the yard -

What fun for the kids!

We walk in the snow. On your feet

We all put on... (boots)

Got caught on the ledge

Head hangs down

Tiny acrobat

Winter lollipop... (icicle)

The piece of ice climbed higher

I began to live under the very roof.

Little Yulka will ask:

“What’s under the roof there?” (Icicle)

We sculpted him cleverly.

There are eyes and a carrot nose.

A little warm - he'll cry instantly

And it will melt... (snowman)

Anybody here can be a bird

In the winter cold, treat yourself.

There's a hut hanging on a branch,

It's called... (feeder)

On a winter day on a snow crust

He pushes me down the hill.

I'm glad to rush with the breeze

My cheerful... (snow scooter)

In the snowdrifts near the river

Long planks are moving

They are looking for higher hills.

Name the planks! (Skis)

We are on a frosty day with friends

They watered the snow with a hose.

How the ice appears

So, everything is ready... (skating rink)

Two shiny steel brothers

They race around the skating rink in circles.

Only the lights flicker.

What kind of brothers? (Skates)

Name it guys
A month in this riddle:
His days are the shortest of all days,
Of all nights longer than night.
To the fields and meadows
It snowed until spring.
Only our month will pass,
We are celebrating the New Year. (December)

It stings your ears, it stings your nose,
Frost creeps into felt boots.
If you splash water, it will fall
Not water anymore, but ice.
Not even a bird can fly
The bird is freezing from the frost.
The sun turned towards summer.
What month is this? (January)

He comes first in the count,
The new year will begin with it.
Open your calendar soon
Read! Written – …(January)

The calendar starts
Month named...(January)

After Brother January
It's my turn to serve.
Two friends help me:
Blizzard and blizzard (February)

The last winter month is a pity,
The shortest one is… (February)

The snow is prickly on the ground
The wind blows in... (February)

No bucket, no brush, no arms,
And it will whitewash all the roofs around. (winter)

Snow on the fields, ice on the rivers,
The blizzard is walking. When does this happen? (in winter)

It's getting cold.
The water turned into ice.
Long-eared gray bunny
Turned into a white bunny.
The bear stopped roaring:
A bear hibernated in the forest.
Who's to say, who knows
When does this happen? (in winter)

She just knocks
A snowball at our window,
We take the sled
And run up the hill! (winter)

Frost flashed. And we are glad
Mother's pranks...(winter)

Powdered the paths
I decorated the windows.
Gave joy to children
And I went for a sledding ride. (winter)

I have a lot to do - I'm a white blanket
I cover the whole earth, I remove the rivers from ice,
I whitewash fields, houses, and my name is... (winter)

In the white frost of birch.
Hedgehogs sleep, bears sleep.
But although the frost came,
Bullfinches are burning at dawn.
It will be a bright New Year
Wonderful Christmas holiday.
Dressed in a warm fur coat

Who whitens the glades with white
And writes on the walls with chalk,
Sews down feather beds,
Have you decorated all the windows? (winter)

After autumn came.
And made snowdrifts. (winter)

It is snowing,
Under white wool
The streets and houses disappeared.
All the guys are happy about the snow -
Again...(winter) has come to us

It's been snowing for a month now,
We'll celebrate the New Year soon,
All nature is in snow hibernation.
Tell me the time of year. (winter)

Opened her snowy arms,
The trees were all dressed in dresses.
The weather is cold.
What time of year is this? (winter)

Appeared after autumn
I'm on the calendar.
I am the best holiday for you
I'll give it to you for joy!
And I cover the ground with white snow
She wrapped it up herself.
Guys, guess what?
Well, who am I? …(winter)

The tablecloth is white
Covered the entire field (snow)

He flies in a white flock
And sparkles on the fly.
He melts like a cool star
On the palm and in the mouth. (snow)

I'll look out the window,
There is a white cloth lying.
It lies all winter
And in the spring he will run away. (snow)

On trees, on bushes
Flowers are falling from the sky.
White, fluffy,
Just not fragrant ones. (snow)

From the bag of heaven
Suddenly flour began to fall!
Everything around falls asleep -
Forest, fields, houses and meadow...
And as soon as you take
And you will gain that torment...
You look, and she’s gone!
Only a wet trail remained.
What kind of strange torment is this?!
We won't see the pie. (snow)

He was a black cloud at first,
He lay down in white fluff on the forest.
Covered the whole earth with a blanket,
And in the spring it completely disappeared. (snow)

There was a blanket lying
Soft, white
The sun is hot -
The blanket leaked (snow)

Blanket white
Not made by hand.
It was not woven or cut -
It fell from the sky to the ground. (snow)

He is fluffy, silver,
But don't touch him with your hand:
It will become a little bit clean,
How can you catch it in the palm of your hand? (snow)

White as chalk
Came from the sky.
I spent the winter
He ran into the ground. (snow)

From the sky - a star,
In the palm of your hand - with water. (snowflake)

What kind of star is this?
On the coat and on the scarf -
All through, cut-out,
Will you take it - water in your hand? (snowflake)

Her house is on a white cloud,
But she is afraid of the sun's ray.
Silver fluff,

Carved, lace
Spinning in the air.
And how it sits on the palm of your hand,
So right away - water. (snowflake)

The stars are spinning
There's a little in the air
Sat down and melted
On my palm. (snowflakes)

In winter - a star,
In spring - water. (snowflake)

I lived in the middle of the yard
Where the kids play
But from the sun's rays
I turned into a stream. (snowman)

They rolled a ball in the yard,
He's wearing an old hat.
The nose was attached, and instantly
It turned out...(snowman)

He is made of snow alone,
His nose is made of carrots.
A little warm, she'll cry instantly
And it will melt... (snowman)

I wasn't raised.
Made from snow.
Instead of a nose cleverly
Inserted a carrot.
Eyes are coals.
Hands are bitches.
Cold, big,
Who am I? (snow woman)

Not snow, not ice, but will remove trees with silver. (frost)

Doesn't burn in fire
Doesn't sink in water. (ice)

Transparent like glass
But you can’t put it in the window. (ice)

He was once water
But suddenly he changed his appearance.
And now on New Year's Eve
On the river we see...(ice)

Without hands, without eyes,
And he can draw. (frost)

He entered - no one saw
He said - no one heard.
He blew through the windows and disappeared,
And a forest grew on the windows. (frost)

Everyone is afraid of him in winter
- It can hurt when he bites.
Hide your ears, cheeks, nose,
After all, outside...(frost)

Whose drawings are on the window,
What's the pattern on the crystal?
Pinches everyone's nose
Winter grandfather...(frost)

Draws without hands, bites without teeth. (frost)

Invisible, carefully
He comes to me
And he draws like an artist
He patterns on the window. (frost)

Grabbed the cheeks, the tip of the nose,
I painted all the windows without asking.
But who is it? Here's the question!
All this does... (frost)

I visited the hut -
I painted the whole window,
Stayed by the river -
The entire river was paved with a bridge. (frost)

Someone came to the house
And I didn’t follow it anywhere!
But funny pictures
Appeared on the window:
The bears drink tea with raspberries,
Hares are riding on horseback,
Who is he that didn’t sleep at night?
And did you draw on glass? (frost)

He doesn't know how to play
And it will make you dance,
Will brighten all the people
Who is this sorcerer? (frost)

The wind blew and frost
Brought snow to us from the north.
Only since then
On my glass...(frosty pattern)

What grows upside down? (icicle)

I live under the very roof,
It's scary to even look down.
I could live higher
If only there were roofs there. (icicle)

She grows upside down
It grows not in summer, but in winter.
But the sun will bake her,
She will cry and die. (icicle)

Got caught on the ledge
The head hangs down.
Tiny acrobat
Winter lollipop – ...(icicle)

The snow swirls along the streets,
Like the feathers of white hens.
Winter-winter friend,
Northern guest...(blizzard)

I walk in the field, I fly in freedom,
I twist, I mutter, I don’t want to know anyone.
I run along the village, sweeping up snowdrifts. (blizzard)

Lukerya scattered
Silver feathers,
Spun it, swept it away,
The street became white. (blizzard)

Troika, troika has arrived,
The horses in that trio are white,
And the queen sits in the sleigh
White-haired, white-faced,
How she waved her sleeve -
Covered everything with silver. (winter months)

Running along the path
Boards and legs. (skis)

I can’t feel my legs with joy,
I'm flying down a snowy hill.
Sports have become dearer and closer to me
Who helped me with this? (skis)

Two birch horses
They carry me through the snow.
These red horses
And their names are... (skis)

We are happy to overtake each other.
Look, my friend, don't fall!
Good then, easy
Speed ​​skates...(skates)

I'm rushing like a bullet, I'm forward,
The ice just creaks
And the lights flicker.
Who's carrying me? (skates)

The river is flowing - we are lying.
Ice on the river - we are running. (skates)

A horse downhill, a piece of wood uphill (sleigh)

Oh, it's snowing!
I'm bringing out my friend horse.
For the rope-rein
I lead my horse through the yard,
I'm flying down the hill on it,
And I drag him back. (sled)

I ride it
Until evening time,
But my horse is lazy
Carries only from the mountain,
And always up the hill
I walk on my own
And his horse
I drive by the rope (sleigh)

They stood all summer
Winter was expected.
The time has come -
We rushed down the mountain. (sleigh)

I took two oak blocks,
Two iron skids.
I filled the bars with slats.
Give me snow! Ready...(sleigh)

There was barely a breath of winter,
They are always with you.
Two sisters will warm you up,
Their name is...(mittens)

Come on guys, who can guess:
Two fur coats are enough for ten brothers. (mittens)

Curled up around my neck,
It will hide the kids from the frost. (scarf)

Apples on the branches in winter!
Collect them quickly!
And suddenly the apples flew up,
After all, this is ... (bullfinches)

Red-breasted, black-winged,
Loves to peck grains
With the first snow on the mountain ash
He will appear again.)finch)